HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0763 r. I I ""'" ., . , / I"', ,"', 1, 5: ~2' i.\';' 'I j.lJ.' "J I. ,I,ll" I J :'j '.. .". ,.', !' " I, I I;" ,'[ r "'[I. . 'I j '.'lr,.l\ J ';J,I t. .1' Ii. 1"\ I . ' , ,I j"1 I' I 1 ,; , " ,.. (i I' I I' l' ~H " "!-~l" I ~"h",,,=,~ ~'1."!';~~:~" ,.r..,_.~=m,,~ll'~"'-L' ::.._.I",,,:~,:.;.~_~~~~~~~~~~~~= :1.U~... ~_" ~~- J i\ \' l'IT~t~~,N~ENro~ :lilJe thl': ,,' >ith" / Cda7'~~ ~ '. ':: ;~ '/ ':1, ~ ,,', r '\, \It I~, ~9~ 'JlBTWEEN I, I I i" hi: \ . "\ \,' .ivaPI8.i."C~f,..l1 ( a,Uow). I,' . '!,1 ---04\ 'I' I ,,~f th~~ount70fr- ~~I~t-J'llr~ . '\',,\;.' . \..n<\s,tat~ ~f. . .Flft~i,~" \,' \'1 · , \>'~t~ ~f ~.~,.~:an; ~('~'\'~l\ \, " ',' -.:....._ \' I llra.\ ~ll~a .~~ CArt'7. \ I \ ,\ 'f ",~ I 'i : ' , 11.\" . \ ". "\' .. "",' '. '\ ' . ' 'iofth~tou.atyof+_~'a...J.u.a.1" ,\~, " .odStat~of--"---:-", " . ~OdA& '\ \. Parl~ofth'le~adpan. .'WITNESsdl\ltbat the I~d patL~of the firet patt, for aad.1A ~DI~~ralioD 0' th.l~ l, nt" d oJ 1 Ai". ....... .otbe.r . , . \ .", \,., ". ,\ .' , ,'II".. ,'" " I \ . I ,', "f~l\labie' ~OIl~14er~ tll0~8 . \ , "\ 't;lol\art, to her I III h~ad'pai~t~erec~if' w~ereo.fll hete~,. ac,koow;ledae4t ha....I-.; Itanied, batsalned, toicl Uld tranlfened, alld, bT' thcse ,tuenla do_. ":"rrlant, ,barpln. .ell anll tr.Dafer Ullto the 'Ilid' par~ '01 th~ ~I" ~. " .\', .... '....'. ~,.'....\_~....'. ""', ~..\.."\ ',"'- ,& 'pan aaol her~~~~lr".nd "ilgDaJoi~v~;, ',il~at mt~ parcel'of l&IId!ilna &lid belo.lAthe ~at1.of' " " S.t.\~~\1e p and Statoof_'.. F].ori'c1a" \'" . ~ore'p:ltticulatIYdeICTibcc!'alifol\ow.:,~".,. " . , '" ":'" ., ,'" , _~~".._,:.~..~_.:.,-....-,-.__._..~t..J.~ .2t__~_lJ.L.~!'.JJ.-,-ed'~~t_.!t~~kiot t.tw..:/Io>>kJ,na,' ~bd.l~~B~OJ) 1~ ._;~::~.._-.~8ingL.tl.a.rLo.t'tQ~ut,.o.f.;:'ha..~ ()~ Sa ot1olL9:t, TwP9 36', ~~\:I<h.. ~A,~I: , ' " . . .,'.: ., ~. 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' ',' ~ 'ADd ~henidpUt:-;.J:..:.~f the firlt pttt do""'-:"'" ~\'eDlnt with tile nid pan,.,.",:.. oftbe !~cond paruhat 811' .18 _laWi'uIl7.eued'of ~. ': laid pt~misu, th~i llieiaro Jtce ,ftom ai1!DC\i,lQbt~aCU aDdthaL.~~llugood' dgbtan~ IU/lulaothorit; tOlell,the ..m";~~d Ih'e $lId, par~ of the firli p~~t ~o~' heiebf fuUywutant tJie ;title. to n,d land~' an.~'tll ,4elcn,d .the i~lIICliainlf tbe ~;,M claiml, of. ali puaolllwholllSOCVcr. ,iN .Wl.T1H:SS WllE~E:F, tb~, aai~~art+;."~1 tlH -liNt ~'Jia..,IL...,. .hm.u.II.~kt-br~~ hanL..lnd~~~ ~eda1 andyeu a~,Ye ~ni'lle\!o' Signed,: aeale.d aDd ~1i\'ered In our ,tCleace: _....;.,",....,.........4,...:i1I.....,.~lo.1!fa,r.d"..____.:~, ,....,~.. ..----...-.'7 '''---''7'' -..-.. __,..:.., ..: , ,...~~~~,_,~, .J~.~"JJ.~~.~.........~......_....~,__...'..~.h__.. ' ~...:_.,_'",....1D~i~.L.c.atte.:':~~~~(~EAL) . "'1' , , .,'...'.'.'.'...., " (.% , " . " __..n'_'.....;_.~____...,..__'...,-:-..:_.,.:.....__....:__~____,~_..:.(SE^L) ; l, if '5TA;": OF~~:""..n.Qr.14L ' " . , ..~,." } COU'N:r~ OF~,~_~~~'~h~~__~< .' . .:i lIEREnY~ERtIF)', ThatoD,tbia-:-,_,_.-12th~..:--d.Y o{'J.faY, pe~lonally ~'p~mcL~.___:~_.~!6aretE" Cotte~~ .l&W1d9.!!l.~__~...:__. ' .. ...~ a. .A. D.19L bdo~'m.:' .' '---~------ , '.- . '.. . . " to me,k,n'<>,woIO be the' pct'soa-:-'ducribc4' in ~cI wlip ex.ecutedthe f~t~~oillg _conv~ya~ce to-Mr. _ ~ i:!P& i.' Q.:r:~ ___.l.~';"'__""";_"7--:'_~' . ~dd uytrany .cka~..lcdgfd the Ut~tiOD ~ercof .to,..~4\ her fre'e act and deed for Ibe utehnd PUJ1>?lelc, tbu~ln mentioned. and the uid':-":",..~-::-___. ' . . . . ' , . .- '.. ,..' ',. ' fl'.' . . , . . , tbe wile 01 If" ..id,:_.....:...:...___.....:.....'.:..____,-'-.~__.:..__'___-~--.-....:,~------~---~-,_.......::..--__onil ~parate' and p,h-ate ~iamin~tion taken 311'\ made l.y and belore OIe,and upuatdy and a!>art Irom her said hlllband, did a.ckn"..,lt,I~~'lhlll,h~ maole henell l party 10 the aai<f 1J..,j '01 ,Com'eyance, for Ihe"pllrp<>5f 01 tenouncinll.:r~hnqui.hinll .nd convryinlf all h.r ti~ht, litle and inl~f<"I, "htlher 01 dower or olscparate 'Property, stalulor, or <'1\III.Iole,' in and 10 !,he' bnd, therein .iue,ibed, ~lItl!at .abe u.eeuted ,aid deed Ire~17 and \'oluntarily a.tld wilhout any coatltawl. lear, aPJ?,ehcni>on Ot compulsion ,01 or horn her. .ald hUlba~ld.. ;' ~ . _' .' ' . . In ,the CQulil:)' Of..:....Ji~..:. Tnfti A _~I! day and Tear bu aforuaid. '---'{;:'\.' .,' ....-.--....-..A..-J;t..'~.~~.'..__--'-~_._-:.;:,(SE,AL) . 1fOt&!'Tiubl1~ tor,theStale-:ot'1o'1orid-..' at. Lax:ge.KT OOln!:lhsicnexp1ree Deo. 19~ 1~28io ..' .} < , t!~~n~;~ re~ord. and bc}ag duly ~c~no~jedied an~ ptOYCII, t b;ue recotded tbe lime 011 paae,15 :: ~ot Doolc.-..~L_in ~~e. public tecordl 0'. nid, . :. . .' , . _. I . l~ WTT~ESS'WIIEREOF. J have hueuato let my hand &nd IfliJlCd tIle .eal 01 tile Citeuit COUtl of the Filteenth Judicia! Circuit of uid State,ln and for: aid Counly. I '. i . " ,-;,.,e,~ P. C. EldreL Clulr. b,4fl1\ ~,', HXAU.d4~li~. , O~ ,0 ,.' , ,.Ii 'fF . D. C;, :1 I. . .' .' .. . , II