HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0770 I I I" " , :~~~~;->.._'FI;,_<:C_: l' , I II . '.1, ,',~; <' " ~_~:~,_f~ ~,~'I " r ' _. _ :~. '~~"';~B~ I 4:u.ea-c',t ' >', .'i~,~~~::.~.~. ; "r-~4.",~;'~:;..~.;..)rMM".U,~~'~'~~==~===I"""Pl--"""7"~I.,.~-'---''''. -t~ - ~ '-r .,-~, '- ,', ',' ~,l,.,!1~,~T . ' " ," ,...-.. ,,", . .,... , . . i - - " i ' . ~ ... / - . - 1 "'. _ \ _ - ., -..,' 1 _.' ,; _ - " . 1 _', ' _ .' -,' - . '. : - ~ - :.. - - - . ~. - : ,,\ ~. . , , ; fHfS.NDE~il"UREo, Malle th~.J..i-l4thJ.,-7~,..,-~da1 of~\, ~ft~lIIha," I .~~. l,9z..4,. BETWJi:Et;'f \. , I ! 0-1.--:--+ ",i i.. ~_QM.8h~. ~~btl c. Ob~l)lo'lm b18 wife , . , \ I' I , , >} \ l'"Of~~ Coun;,9;':~\St~'L~~1~:::'~" " 'Dastat~ of....... \ i. ,"lorl~.\ I \ \' ", pa~t"~8\ ;f;)f the, fi.' rit put,...ci .' '.LL\_;_~ I ,.' .,~-:-...'_~k "1 ,~: , r~~.( __ ,:\\, I"" II., \ ~~ '. "; \' of th~,GoUntrof I St.' IuoS,e , ~-,...."";:"~dISt.t. of Florid!- i \. , I," P.~t-Z... 0; the ~coDd ~ I' \\?TNESSETH, tli.! ~be nlha~~ of1the ti"~ ~rt, f~r'a'u~ Iii con'ider.tio~ o,rt~e.um of . 'One ~ C .1..OQ:) ~l~ar and.\ I'; '\;' I \' \..:9..t~,_" .,'Y.aluable JQODIlI,ldernt1oJi ,'I'" ." Doll.r~~' them In b.ndpald, the recelpt;whenof If, hereb~ ~dcn.ow~dged.\ '. 'I \ I I" " ,_ , ' , '\ .' ' ' .' ",' bai.: ~nted. ~.rg'i.ned, s~1d and t~an"errti1, .~d b)' tbtle ~rescnts do~ .....grant; I>arraln, .cil' aJid - tr~n.rcr anto the 11111 part....l..... of tbe' ~colui' . pin' .nd. ,hili'heirs -:n~ 'aul~:f~~e~er, a\lt~.t',ct;;aiD~~~"':ofiand IYi~8 ,andb~l~g In th"~~~~( , \$~~ ~~l. " 'II' ~_ and ~t~teOI"",,---C~+._:~_Dl~re ~.rtieularly ~c<<ribed ... rol1o":~, ". , ' ,__ . . " '. 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T()G~THt-:k~\l1j.lIlbf len.onienii. bmditalllellt', '!le! .ppu,rttnallCu, ;wil~uer1priYilege,' righI:, title, jllterUt .nd ~state,d?wer and rigbt of. dower. : ,reycrs'~ remalDder aDd e~se~nl tliento belo?iUlg or In sny,,:,se .ppen'ID;lDi,:' T(J, HA V'~ AND, '1'0 liOLD~h~ ~e JIl fee suo.ple forner, , " , ' An4,the ~i!1 part,,"&- ~r the &nt P"rtdo.......-,..... coycnanl:,.,ith the nid p'art_~ ' '. of il1e ICco~cl part tha'~J'~--':,,':'a..full, ~iz~d qf ~be', " ' '. ' , ~. - . - - . .' . '. '. ' '",' , .', .' . Mid prc~ise.. tli.t tbey ..:e rr~e li~m~li Incil~br.ncc.aild Ib.t..,~-.AAl'~ rig~~ and i.~ful' alltb~rilJ' to ICn~ ,the. ,"Illt; .rid the ~d part 181, Of' " '.-' '. ".,. . ",.- " ' '. '. ,0' ,,'" <. ' '. ,~~ '~, - :,~. ,".' , .'- . ',' ,; .' .'~ . - '., ,',:" ~ the fiAt p.rt ao~ hercb,fully w~ttlie title to:Ric!'~.ncl;aDd'.i1!>4elez\d tile nme agalut"tbe l&wfol cI.im. of-aU pcnoll.~bomJoeYer, . . > . ~ _ '., t '.. .,: . :. ' ..', .' . "'. ,,' _ 'I.'. '. _...." .' . IN \VITNESS WHEREOF, the .aid p,j.~ ~t1ie 6nt part baU_ hereunto act thfllir hucUland tuUL t!l-e d" and,~ aiic;ve _riltea. . . . " , ,..... , '.".. ~ '. ,~ . - . , - , ' '. " . " ,.' . - ~' '.' ' " . , ,':" . , .".". '. Signed, suted sod delivered In OUr prtlCnce: , . ~' . r . , . " '. _' .~:'..~ '.... ..' M&...L.....!J'.rO...__ .~~___..::.._,~._~.. ....:.... ......:_._..~_..: ~...... ~" "','. ,: '.;. .' , _...: '. .. J.', ll._J)aY1ao.n. ...l.r... --~....:.. :....-..-_.,. :.....',__ ..~,....' -.-------~~A..-.A......Qb..1.t.bOlgL_~_.~_::..~(S'u.i..j . ~ ill. . . ' ,,' ,..~ ..~:' :,'::=~,',",:.' :.':: .:~::':':.-...~~::=.==:.:'~~~,:...~..~:.~~:: ~,=~ ': .~:._..:-.. ._..,~~hal. ~.a,.....Ch1.h~_:___~...._......,.(ShL) STATE"OF_-:-.-,~~~.-:---.--.-_l, .8. CO~NTY OF S~. Luo..1t.;_~~__ J ". J HEREBY CERTfFY, Tb,.t on thl. 14th ,d.y of_ I . < , .~oember ~ D.I9l!.~ bdore~. ' , '. ~ , " ,Ai. A..a.:....QA1aholm and EtQ,lC..CllUbolm. b1s _11', . ; ~. ,peraonally appeared . . " , .:. '.,' . ''''-:,' '.":', ' .. . to mekno*n to ~1he peraon~ dueribed In' and wbo uccute~'tbe 'or~'ltOiDg eonn,.lIceto. '...,. f 'Te~:deJ".' ':,' '. .' . ','.' '----_ " and Myer.lly acboJl'lcdged th. u~eutlo~ tbereof 1:0 be the 1r , , .. '-. , '. . "-' " ' . and 4e~d'for Ihe. use. andP\l~~.t~erei~mcnt~<!ned; a.nd tile ..id~_~thel' G. ~h1s~, . . , '- " " . . . ~.. . the'wile ~f thelaid___..:.:.~.:..~..,__gh1l}lolm . ,:_~"...-~-__'::'-.-:--_~_on .fscp:lrate .nd'printe cx.aminuk>n' 'taken alld made by and be/me me, and separudy and apart from her ui<l husband. did .(knowledge that, .he madf . he rl:f II a. party to. the laid. ll<<d of Conyeyanc~, for th.. purpose of renouncing; reltnqui,h,nlf and conveyinll all..lIu ri~ht, title and int~rfSt. ...heth,.r of dowet or ofstparale proptrl)',l!alutory or'equ,u1,r...in and 10 Ihe lands thriein duer'l>ed, aod lb.t .he eltCcuted nld 'deed frerlyalid yohmw,dy and wjtbout any conltrainl,fcar; 'PPrtbenliop , or COmpuls,iop of or from hu, said bUlban4-" ,,;.,: ," . '. , ' ',,' " ' ',' :,:'. . "" \, , .WITNESS 1!J1' ,ignati!re .nd Qffidal 1C.,1.t:.-:.....:._.,Ft .~le.ro4t, free act In o,e C~l)' 01 stL; Luqle,. ud State of " , Flo~1t\e:' .'\ ~th.. d.y and year .lut a:f~r~"id, - , . [' '. tK " . .~CleJ'lt.~.,:Seal', . STATE O~fl..ORIDA, !} COUNTY OF'iT, LUCIE llth/ -,_._..L......C.~._~~.....::....._-'_..~_(SI;AL) , CleZ'lt,~Ciro\l1~ ~Cou.~\.-,;,-. . ....,.~,,-'C,c~= Bj Ada L.' l'yre t 1). ,C. ' " , 1 '~ ./ .!a, of ~y .... D,I~' iti 206 n'clocir t. ..., tbis iDllrul1lCDt, wu , t09 of Boolr..64 " la the public records of nld , On thi. filed for record. and being dul, IIcknowledged and provco, J have recorded the la'TIe OD p.... Count,. . f' , . ,.. . . ' , - IN WJTNES.s..WJJEREOY,ll1hc li:reunto Ht mi band snd affixed the .ul of the Cirellit CQ,it of the FifieeDth JodleW' Circuit of said State, in aD~" 'clOiHid CoUIII" . . ; \ . ~~~f ". a,rJr. _D,C. . ,~' '. ;~/:' 'J , .) ...~")o l' . C,t. Ct.se~ ,J . '\ :~ , ," i,'{