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", . ~N WiTNES~ WJlER~OF,.the ~d parL~ of die 6rll ,~, ba..-4 _ herellDto ICttJ:l.i~ h"IIL.!Uld H,aL. the ~1ud leu ~e wrjlte~:' . , , -_.-,-, .'. ~,'~~.~.':~r;~:~~;~~ ~~,~~,.::,...~~,.~,=:._,:-, :-.--.:-,..-~,-'l. ." .',f,L. illhl~l.V' . . , .' ,.. -, -,.._'-.,.-.--'--'":--:-.. :_::.sL.__._~-:....._.._....::-"._.,-(SEAL) , _._o1..t".p~r.r~o~ .... ' '_....n___ .nn' .:.... ..... h --.. . }.finD 1 Bill i"" 1 Rookwood, Tenn. ' . .', ':.' ._..~._.~.....n.-.!l.~-_...__.~~...~l~""_,",-:__.__.:..c_(si^l.) __. .. .. '.-- -.- -.---. n.. ..__._.:._.. .~_ _._~..~ .._........___ .__~._ _ h... ........._.- ".STATE of,:._.fimluae-e ,.~.....-:.~ I ' CQUNT~OF Hoop, ~ '. .:-:-_.~~~~,-_:j.. '~ '. ; ,t HEREB~ CERTIFY,Thal ~ll tbi._~e,th . .' dayof~, .April ~ D, lUbe-fore ~e pcnQna1l1awear~d $.X..1}~lling81ey ,and ~1~eY.1nH1e B1~~1ngeley___~ .. '.., , .' . -... .. ~ "'. . tome "now~ ,to~ ~e PC~'OD_' described InaJid wh~ exe-C1Ited the f,?recolD. co~~;.nce to lrank, , Banker ~~' L~'ia.., . ~-'---~--- 0, '~d H~er.liyil~I..D<lwled.;i the,~ecutioD I:hueof'lobe the1~ _~free act: ,~ . . -' Indde-ed' for theuln an'd puwo,eather<ip ',me-Dtion.edj .~d the said Ul'8-U. Y\Y\1'11~l1P8~1'1 '" ,." ' ..' 'f 'f'h 'd" ).1..13l111n0'81e'" , ',' ,.,' ,,' ,',.... 'd:" '.. f"e "" e- ate Ul --~~-----'---~=-~-c----~----_._--------___O!l . kparate-.n pnY~te- e-umtn'l!on, blce-n an:<l made-by and ,be-fore- me-, and St{'uatdy and apart from htr said ,hl1Jb~nd, did atkno...le-dlle- ,Ihat the- made, hetle-If a pari, 1,0 the- uid Ilte-d of, (:of\vt)'ance, for the- purpose- 01 re-nounc,nll, re-lonquISlllng and c,onve-Ylnll all hu n~ht, "tIe- lind 'nlue-st....he-the-r of down or of ,se-parate- property, statutory or ,'e-quilahle-,in and 10 the- lands the-rein:ducribe-d, aud that"he euwt<<$ tajd dec'd fre-dy and yolulltallly.nd "!ilhuutu1 eontlraint, fcu, 'fprehcn$iOlll Dr cunipulsloD ,of or, from hu 'll:'dhwband., " " ,.' ' , '. , ", ' ' ..,' '. "" WITNESS ~,.ignalure aDd of!itial_lat Ronk"l'Iot 'I'Anri_ I,,'the ~ti of noon'. ~d St.l:e of (SF.i\L) I On thl. ,1& da1 of !lay. , ", ,/ file-dfor record. and ,brio. duly .ckao'lrJe-dee-d .nd prona,.-I hnenc,orded the aame ~ p'~ __f9.\111t(",~",-c' '. ,,' . , IN WliNE~, WfiE"\F.,I hue hn~ Ht my hand .nd .ffixed the .ul 01 the Clreuit Cou.ft .ef-the Fifteenth Judicial Cinuit ohaJ4'St&te; laud tor uid County.. " " " " .' . I . . , ". ' I :. " ' ", ,'. .'P.C.31dred " Clerk. '~M,~~<-' , I . , . , ~ D, In.L. a~1.1~'e1~~ J. 171 ofBOC'~ .04 "' , thlt 1aIltnllDe~t wu }a th. public record, 'of 'saJd By D.C. . r " , . ._---------_.~..- l,