HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0787 \ .' , 'j , . I '. .'j ., " .' 'I i 1 I'.' "I" " ' I I f I' ....' . I i I I "T I ,. # rl; . . 1'..\ r ~, ,.' . I ",' . .." i I'" I: ',' I I ~.1 -.. . '" a ~ u..tai ................L--"-O II .. "......,: ,."......,',~"',_&IL,,. '" J."',.'l-,!...,~I~,.~""..~,I:_,',,',.~,. ~,~.,.,',.,~I......,~~,I___,,,.,;._,.'.,..,_.~,,.,i,,"I,,_,,'..~,'..,~...,..; ",,'. -'Of.1 ........-". '::t ,-. ~~~ .'...............--..,'t.J ~~_. ',='->u;......._;~"...,~...:, ,b. __c". '.,.~..,',.~ ,_ ,'_~~ -'"..,-~"'..~~,.-~':;07-~~~~,r,r-9'::~.._-,.,:;.~r;~E'~,~-='"'='"__ ~1'...,-'.~~1'i"'f~...---:c~-.~.""'...,}.":.'!......,~..,,,..,,..,.:--"'!'Y-. :.."'r-:::-'~."."7-x'.,,~~":',,=':"-__~~~"::~~.~ ~. -t-., : ' "\l1S IHP~~.,;~U,.; ~1~.;. .I,a~'h '~" . .~r~A: '" 'I · .. ~ ;~!6, ~T)v~~'~i · !. ",; ,: " ,\'1 ~:', 'If. J. MC~TRAt JJ1I)IIU:dE'lko~UaT~Y.1U:."1t~~'r . . ,\ .",n \. . I, \ , ".' .' ,I "I' IF' ,\,', '" I' ", ,I . ol~h" CO\tA1:1of,...,-.~.!D.'-rLu01e :, I ' aDd S'-te\o'~,- , loX;id.,', , l., PU~ 0,' ~.lIrtt ~t"aDd I I: ~_..i_~_~.mr~. OJ!EAR ~""I~.T.TAll ~.HOIfOW~Y~,~ t,n~nt8' 1n .'99.on ~t th._" D18tr1otl ~1 ", II CO~:b1a . , ',' , . ,I .', t '\ '. '. ' "., , . ..... ~', , '''''~''''''''''''''',f \ '. ...~--,~~ ":, . i '~of ~ eecoDdpaftt ' WiTNE'$SETI~,l:b.i the ~iH"~LA.L'~f the,iu.t'~'or.ndln waild~r~~~' ~el~'~'-:-;;'" T*n, Doliara and. o'thor .. " .' '\ , I",", .. ~ \ " ., .\ ' """ II' \".-. ,'. ',', \ ,", . \ \ " \' Yal~.),g~Ji.~4.r~t1\on ." \ ' .'\ ' :,,>>e~ to, thell"ln h',Dd'pai~ th, rtcelpt~b~' it li~eh,1 atlplo.,I~dle,,"' tl' '. ..... \ . .-- \ . \ . ~ ....nted..bartaineo, told and ttl.luler~ed. and b, the.. p~e~t. db-. -;-aravt. bar~' lell and uaD.fer aD~o the laid parl.4l.llUl. o~ the ~COI!4 p~rt "DL-~'~elr. '&Dei assip. 'orne~, ~I ;b.de;wD par(~1 oiland l,il1, '.nd bein. ia the ~~t;'of;;l.'t.- 'l~lo.i~,-'-_---.~' '--~~\ St~l~ of', F,).or1k \: ' \ "< more ~~i~larIY,' de~e'r~~ ~'~'IoWl; ';, .\, ' , , , ' ., .\~-~~'''hh_~~~.~-_ID.'-_l!YtiQ1....~J!.lX.._l~l...~,Jt!:!en'~(U~~d 'E1jIhLt'.e ) '. ' ot'tbe 'Sub.. , .' " \. \ ' -. . . ". ~ . '. . \. -' . ~. '. \ ". -. '. '. -.r~.-:,._..',_:,......,.."t~n.9_~_~1_ Fee" p!:9.R!r'tl": as, ~eU,~dtd l~J~la~ 8oC?k 4. Pa8e,64 ~-",:~~~-~...._,-,~~:.:..1M.W-,.!t~~x.J.'J~~.I.....,9.XOept1~ a etr1.R._91..., t1r~~.t';ti ve, S 25) " ".- -. . .' ,'.'... . -' _'-_ 'J'. "':"':._:.-.~..:._~__..:...tJ..!.t.J_I1-!rJAth _9_~r':"~d tp.9JZi t~!~e~rem.!ljeeter!Ls1d~and !1ne ot' . ,. .' . l' . '," . .' " . .' . _ ., .". _ , ~:~.':"'~:~:_~~...~._-".'e~ol:!~",9::_f,~ .ea!.lJJ?,~~.:.~.~80rjJ?J~A...,C!on.t1~~8 tothe'Flo~1~Ea8~Ooast. ;~_:--~,:,,,,,",~-_.RaUr.oid.....hi1Lj.,e,n.tihH....t.o.Q1..:J~~~'>>.,.jUL,eXIDJi~~re l"p':';'hav.i~: ' ~ . . . .', . .. .. .' . '*' ",. " -.." - - .' .," '. 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'!,d' 'PPutl,e.:nancu;:wjtb eYer)' pri.i1~'lle, .r;ll~t, 1:IIIe, Interest .n~ e"~te, d~wtt .nd rillltt ~fdowcr. ' rU'CUlOll, t(lnamder aod eue,lI\collbcreto bclon&lDlIOr ID lIoy\ul,e .pP<t1aJnlDlI; TO IIAVK.ANU TO JlOI.D the lame II) fee ..mple forcy~r. " -. , . . '. - . ,~ ' , ADd Ihuiid "art':-"-~LL!ie lir.tPartd~L_ COven,aDt W'jlh. ~Ile .aid par~e..,i?fthuee<)Dd:p~rt.that-~hel~ A.~""""~._!a~iUJI7Iei%td?f tb,' llf' ',. ' , ' . '. ' . ' '. ,,' .,., ..',. .... , . . ',' ,-. ,Uld premi$ui lhatthey ~eJ~tt! from .illDCUIJ!,bran,cCk .nd tba~~..e>Od rt.iht aDd, lawful .uthorj~1 to, wt' the .ame; 'a:nd~he 'laid.p.rt.J.ea. o! 'tbetir~t par~ ,do:........_.hmb1 fully ~ar~aJlt the' tit~e ~o hilt IJDd., and win~f~"ci the,h~ .tai~lt tbe Ia.fut claim. of.U Per.on'1!'ho~v.er.... ,. iN \V!TN ESS W 11 E.REO F,the "i~ p.'rt i es ehbe lint pal1'b.!~ -h'rtlUlto '~i th e1 r J-aud~aDd aeL "h~ 4.Y 'Dd 1~,a~,.ewri;teQ. ,~ .b ,,' Signed,aeal~d:'Dd. delinredia our preItDc~: , . -~.,.."....,..,"-.,. .,.,.,....,R.,. .".,Ko.b~ard,..-_.._-_...:...,..,..-.;-._~.... ~_..:,...:.~:,.:,.l{ti}'Wtt'tl{.t.,...K9J~:~'g~t4;..'. ,.J.;r.:tA.',__~:_..:",..c~.:....:-:.;:.'-, a 00, ,. " J._C.'_""7~:~__ _................-:..... . ". . . , ,',W B, v";"'''+''Qv. '... "('SEA,L':') . --..-'7..~...~..."~_t.~--~.~-':'.._--,----,- , ; -..-..-,..~~:~!~-l!~~~.!:!l.l-:~..:.___~.-_:_..__(S~AL) . '~., .". .... '..:-"-'.. h. ...... ............. ~'..'.. .....:.......-...-...;..--........-.....:...70...... ST^TEOF..::.....:..:noRiD~.,.__".. ~~_~-;___ }" 1 . ,'. ". . COUNTVOF_.S'l~.~.urCI~, . , ..-:..~____ ' , I JlEREDV CERTIFY, That on thit_. '28th:~--.~d~Y ot.~~11, reuon~1l1~pp<atcL_JL....B~ ~Q,Vn'l"tl'A7 A~;' ,1..,011 ~ Vt'tlfoap.tr8~" ___ '. 't~ ~e knol.;nto' \)1: thePcrlOD~ de~ribed in' and_boo uecut,~>d :th,e ~eloini e~~,~j.an~ t~,:_.,.. H~h, " , '. A. D.I~ before qae , , iI.Obear and Wi1l1am H~" , ':".;---:-.....~_---'-.fIo+10.~ --~-~-- . ,.lDd ~.,.craIlY'.ckao..ledledtb extcution ther~ol.to be the1'1" free ,.et . 'Dd deej f~~ t~ usu and purposes the~ein .mentioned; .ndtbe 'uiL-....l.8z~~ Vnllil'l"tra.y' > . - , . ,> . ~ . 'lh'e ...ire ~llhe~3id_~__rL_~:..j(O~lr.n....:..~____ . ..,-~..._._~-.:..,...---_':.~~:-_.,._.:__ciD . 'tparaieand IlTi~'att mmin31;ori lahn an,J Jna," Ly an,t t.clor,e me. an,1 uparaltly and .parl: from her u,d h~sb.n,J, -d.d .ekno....led;(t .Ihal .he made hcrul! ~'parly 10 Ihe u~1 I 'tt,1 o~ C"D\.tyance, lor tl'e I'u,!",,, oI'rtn"u'ncinll~ rclm'lu"llIng anu con_.eyinll .lIhu' righi, title and inltrest, ,.,htlher of ,dower or 01 Ul,arate prop<rly; su'tutory, or t'lu.t.!oie.in anoJ to,th~ land. It.e.ein l1eKnbed, 'Dd lhu .he exceUled..id deed freely aDd Yoluolarll,y'lod Wilboul jLD1 conSlrainl, leai', appreheolloD or Coinpuluori'.ol or from her ,,,'d h~SLaod. ' . , .' " ...'.. '., , . " .:, ' '. " ..' " ~ WITSESS my;.ign.lure alld o/iici&! ,teal ~t.,..- , , , '. ~_..+ - . , 'P'......ri d" _Dd Stale ol___~~_ F().~, Pi "roe' , ,.. ,In the '(:OtInty 0'-:----- st. X~lo1e' , ,--:theda'l!1d' year Ia.i .forOlaid. " ! ,. _. '- -- "- ,,'. '-"-~---_.- __..___._..aupert li.-.Ko.b::Le~a~ ....J.rL-.(SE..\L) . lio~a17 holle, ~'ate ot 'Flor1da ' , l(y'oo_iBa:1on ,exp1r_~ Deoember 19. 1921 no'. , '" ..;'...P.,S.al,~" STATE OF FlORIDA }" COUNTY OF 'sT,tliCfE, / " , ... On thi.16th da10f K.&.y ,I, -A.D. J9Z-R..;..~.:c1O<~tlii.lnuruinent waa . ' filtd fOT record, .nd beine duly arkDo.!edied .nd prottn,1 h',n recorded the lame "oiI p"L.-17ti ':-Qf BOQle 64 "In the ~ublic record. '0' nid (OUDIY".' , : ,', ' , . _ , ' '. , ' , i. . . _ _ _ ,_ '_ _ _ _ " _ _ ,.,' .' :IN \\'ITNESS WHEREOF,' N~ herrunto let m1 ~and aDd .ffia,ed ,I: he tnl of tbe Circuit Cour!: 0' tbeFillccnlh ]udicUT Circ'uh of ..id Slate,in .od 'or'laid (OUDly" " " ,I ) -i)~ P.. C.. Eld1"~d Cltrk, ,\:J " \ Ct. Ct;?al,. ,<~. ",,i" " . .) · \ ..... ' ;,,:.:.~' '~, .j;. .l 'I I.... D.C. ~~----! ,i ,"1, ,t , t .., ~.o;....~..,..,._~=--__. _ - - _ _ ~r !