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0503-0349 REVISION 2-3-06
i 07/20/20,a 09:44 7724920590 � TOMAC OF FLORIDA PAGE 01 By OFFICE USE DATE FILED: - . 3 • o ZD ' RENZSION FE , as , PERMIT #: 0503 - 03 � 9 RECEIPT ST. LUCIE COUNTY NT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PUILDINGJ& ZONING 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE T FIERCE, FLORIDA 34982.5652 FILE Copy p I FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION 1• LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: Sod{ I 2. DETAILED DES REVISIONS: ZS ai� 3. CONTRACTOR IN ST. OF FL REG/CERT BUSIMS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PRONE (DAYTIME): 4• ARCHIT/ENGINEER.: NAME:' a ADDRESS: CITY. - PHONE (DAYTIME): 12/19/02 0 'TONS OF PROJECT TIOM, ST. LUCIE COUNTY CERT #: I $ c _ Il'L• ' � S ( STATE F,�:ZIP:�c�_3 FA�CR "1 2� I � c rIN i 112 . m 3� STATEZIp: �. FA X# 1 •'�J? C'S� j ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION : REVIEWE FOR 00 _ REVI 6Y DATE LAN PER MUST BE KEPT ON JO OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE cy Building Code Compliance Division Receipt 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1148 Date: 03 February 2006 Receipt #: 0000032803 Job Address: 5047 AIA Permit Number: SLC- 0503-0349 Received By: serranob ! Amount: $25.00 Paid With: CK Credit Card Number: Check Number: 8844 Paid By: TOMAC OF FLORIDA Sign: 2 Iflonda jiunaing Lme unime Page I of 2 ®r r Overview Proddcl Searcg r'Organizatio.' Product Search Application User: Public User - Not Associated with Organization - Application P Date Submitted: Code Version: Product Manuftttaw. Addmsfflhone /eman: Technical Represeutativa: Bruce Jasewic Technical Rqresmtativa AddremiThondermfl: 1978 Stanhome Way Orlando, FL 32804 bjasewic@windoodnc.com Quality Assurance Representative: QuafiV Assurance Representative Addrcas/PhoW,maik Evaluation Method- Bruce Jasewic 1978 Stanhome Way Orlando, FL 3280)4 ')';jLf bjascwic@windo .Copy ExteriorDoors Certification Mwk or Listing Referenced Standards from the Florida Building Section Standard Year Code: ANSVXX09W—MA 199-7 101/IS2 1A Certification Agency: Quality Assurance Entity: Validation Entity: Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications, Inc. Bruce Asowic http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr detl.asp?IPT=5482&RV=O&fin=ROSrch 12116/2005 I— noncia _Bmlcling code Unime Page 2 of 2 Evaluation/Test Reports Uploaded: Installation Documents Uploaded: Product Approval Method: Application Status: Date Validated: Date Approved: Date Certified to the 2004 Code: Page: =Go' bjasewic@windoorinc.com windoorinc.com PTID 5482 I 6000 Series SOD Non Impact Rev A S-S.pdf PTID 5482 I 6000NON1MPCERT.pdf PTID 5482 I 8000 Series SGD Non Impact Rev A S-S.pdf PTID 5482 I 8000NONWCERT.pdf Method 1 Option A Approved 10/21/2005 11/08/2005 Page 111 App/Seq # Product Model # or Name Model Description Limits of Use at ror use In HVHZ. Max size: 302" x 240" x 120" For max. allowable 2.1 Series 6000 Al. SGD Non -impact glazing types, and design ressure capacities see uploaded installation drawings. Not or use In HVFIZ. Max size: 303" x 240" x 120" 5482.2 sties 8000 Al. Sliding Non -Impact For max. allowable lazing types, and design Glass poor pressure capacities see uploaded installation rawings. r .-.�_��.•-r-,'_'r -- .:�fF. _ -ter: •: ._ �_`.... _. - = ;.,-a.- .:.�_'x'="`� Saaurcd Copyright and Disclaimer ; 02000 The State of Florida. All fights reserved. /Ytl i Y6RIFY� hq://www.floridabt l&ng.org/pr/pr detI.opM=5482&RV=O&f n ROSrch 12/16/2005 GENERAL W TESL ' 1) THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN IS DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED TO COMPLY WITH THE 2004 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. 2) ALL SUBSTRATES AND OPENINGS TO BE DESIGNED AND ANCHORED TO PROPERLY TRANSFER ALL LOADS TO STRUCTURE, ALL SUBSTRATES AND OPENINGS ARE RESPONSIBILITY OF ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. 3) IMPACT PROTECTIVE SYSTEM IS a O IR D ON T1415 PROD ACT IN AREAS WITH IMPACT REQUIREMENTS. 4) SEE APPROVED CONMURATION TABLE ON THIS SHEEP. 5) SEE APPROVED DESIGN PRESSURE CHARTS ON SHEET 20. APPROVED CONFIGURATION TABLE OX0 OXXO XXXX PX XP PXX PXXP PXXXXP ismXX OXx. OXXX XXXp XXXxXX OXXXXO. PXXX XX P PXXXXXXP XO. OXXX xXXXXXXX OxXXXXXO PXXXX XXXXP PXXXXXXXXP ALL APPROVED CONFIGURATIONS CAN ALSO BE DONE IN 90' do 13T CONFIGURATIONS ALL POCKET do CORNER DOORS CAN BE DONE AS AN INSIDE OR OUTSIDE. ALL APPROVED CONFIGURATIONS CAN BE DONE AS A STANDARD OR REVERSED STACK UNIT. TABLE OF CONTENTS DRAWING NUMBER DESCRIPTION ELEVATIONS & GENERAt NOTES I11 iAY ILL ATER MAIS 1 N SS EnTiONS de A 16 — 19 VE CAL CRP SECTIONS 20 DESIGN PR S RE CHARTS 239 1/4^ O.A. WIDTH 52 1 /4" MAX. D.L.O. 'Al" o' "C" a ADR' s O X x X o- or $ N Qw or 60DD OXXX gI .ASS DOOR "01" PANEL (FIXED) 0 61 5/16' X 116 5/15" "AI" PANEL (ACTIVE) A 62 1/16' X 118 5/16" C" PANEL (ACTIVE) - 61 3/8" X 118 5/16" AOR` PANEL (ACTIVE) - 61 1/8' X 118 5/16" WEEP HOLE 1" X 3/i6" TYP. 240" NOMINAL WIDTH 52 1/4- MAX. O.L.O. - - - "84R"- 0 - - 'El" - X -Al" - jX 0 "SO"- 0 0 13 13 � D WEEP HOLE 1- X 3/16" TYP. 8000. OXXO %IDING GLASS DOOR "80R" PANEL (FIXED) = 61 5/16" X 118-5/16- "F7" PANEL (ACTIVE)- = 62 1/15" X 118-5/16" A1" PANEL (ACTIVE) = 61 5/16" X 118-5/16- '80" PANEL (FIXED) = 61 5/16" X 118-5/16" rMpk ZIP, LNUMA 1 ir•+�r•+�i+ iE7[EfiLf iL�fiff `Lk iEJ�L7 tL j . - 1f � IllACI I i �WEEPCLE 1" X 3/16' TIP. 6000 PXXXX EOCKEj SLIDING .ASMASR ODOR 'CNI" PANEL (ACTIVE) - 61 3/8" X 118 5/16' 'C(l)" PANEL (A - 61 3/8' X 118 5/16' "C12)" PANEL (ACTIVE) = 51 3/8' X 118 5/15" 'ACR" PANEL (ACTIVE) - 61 1/8" X 118 5/16" 303" TESTED WIDTH --- 240" TESTED WIDTH 52 1/4' MAX. D.L.O. iif 3 = P X X X ' X H C(1)' "C(2)" C(3)" GO" 0 ►J 24D" TESTED WIDTH 52 1/4' MAX. D.L.O. 90' too 13 13 13 13 o a X X X X "FO" 'El' AO' "AIR" 0 WEEP HOLE 1" X 3/16" TYP. 6000 FXXXX/aiXXX 90' POCKET SLIDING GLe5S DOOR "C(1}" PANEL (ACTIVE 62 7/tfi" X 1IS 5/16" 'C(2)" PANEL ACTIVE = 52 7/i6" X 118 5/16" "C(3)" PANEL JACTIVE 62 7/16" X 110 5/16" "GO" PANEL (A = 64 7/16" X 118 5/16" "FO" PANEL (AE) a 63 3/32" X 118 5/16" "E1' PANEL (ACTIVE) 61 3/32" X 118 5/16' AO" PANEL (ACi1VE) = Bt 3/32" X 118 5/16' "AIR" PANEL (ACTIVE) 61 3/32" X 118 5/16' FL 32SM —1 bi I j 90 DEGREE 4 TRACK ELEVATION Flodda`a. L No. 41323 oon ��� BB 09/14 05 I+reduet Tecnnolp�. CeryartNvn .�.`� NTS WIND0093 IYiW IG19f4 L1L tart. 17 76 1f90 La rk. F A-w.. 32e 6 ^� 7 . ON DATE BY Wlel.r CU Rf FllhWb 327Bi raaE umrtr�. d wun�t.u.n No. ems n,." .w.ea.�a. ro ,era,.,o A -4 OF 20 i Y lf — 303' TESTED WIDTH 240' TESTED WIDTH 52 1/4' MAX. D.L.O. — )01 Mi 1; 1 mQaFJ 0 X X "CO)" it� 10, BODO PXXXX/XXXX 135• POCKET SLIMING GLASS DOOR P► AN VIEW owam eax�moa in outm m>nax eat SY4 REV9M 240" TESTED VADTH 52 1/4" MAX. D.L.O. 135' r=- X )0 X 3 3 13 3 0 a X X X X •�« "EI" AO' AIR" 0 WEEP HOLE 1" X 3/16, TYP. "C 1 ' PANEL (ACTIVE) - 62 11/16" X 118 5/16" "C 2 " PANEL ACTIVE) = 62 11/16' X 118 5/16" 'C(3)" PANEL ACTIV£) = 62 11/15' X 115 5/16" 'IO' PANEL (ACTIVE) 63 11/16" X 118 5/16' 'HO" PANEL (ACTIVE) m 62 3/8" X 118 5/16' 'El" PANEL (ACTIVE) = 61 3/8" X 118 5/16" "AO" PANEL (ACTIVE}. = 61 3/8" X 115 5/16" AIR" PANEL (ACTIVE) a 61 3/8" X 118 5/16" r�owm to P-1.4 ucm+m atew.aU4 r". .w.c FL 32804 NTS WIND0093 A r"5 OF 20 5' TYP. --j �- 1 12" MAX. cla G" TYP. --I 17, _ TYP -'- (SEE NOTE 7) SIFS RQQQ QXXX REINFORCED SLIDING . ASS DOOR ` (SEE INSTALLATION NOTFS) B 1_ �- 18" MAX. TYP • T m 0 io 18" MAX. TYP 6' TYP. --� MASONRY SCREW ANCHOR (SEE NOTE 7) _� F_ fi" TYP. --I �— 6- TYP. 1 r 6" IYP. 1 INSTAI I ATIQd NOTES• 1) SHIM AS REQUIRED AT EACH SEf OF INSTALLATION ANCHORS USING LOAD BEARING SHIMS FROM FRONT EDGE TO BACK EDGE TO FULLY SUPPORT FRAME, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TO BE 1/4'. USE SHIMS WHERE SPACE GREATER THAN 1/16" IS PRESENT. 2) USE BACKER ROD AND SEALANT BETWEEN SHIM LOCATIONS. 3) ON 2 TRACK FRAME TWO (2) ANCHORS ARE REQUIRED AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATION SHOWN. ON 3 TRACK FRAME THREE (3) ANCHORS ANCHORS ARE REQUIRED AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATION SHOWN. ON 4 TRACK 3, 4, 5 Qc 6) FRAME FOUR (4) ANCHORS ARE REQUIRED AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATKIN SHOWN. POCKET DOOR HOOK STRIPS REQUIRE ONE (1) ANCHOR AT - --- - -EACH-ANCHOR - LOCATION- SHOWN-4) CONCRETE OR MASONRY SUBSTRATE WHERE ONE BY, NON-STRUCTURAL, WOOD BUCKING IS EMPLOYED, USE 1/4" DIAMETER ELCO CRETE-FLEX 554 TYPE MASONRY SCREW ANCHORS OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 1 1/4- WITH A MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE OF 2 1/2' INTO CONCRETE OR MASONRY. 5) WOOD FRAME SUBSTRATE, USE 114 WOOD SCREWS OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 1 1/2' INTO WOOD FRAMING. 6) WOOD BACKED STEEL STUD FRAMING, USE #14 WOOD SCREW OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 1 1/2- INTO WOOD BACKING. 7) THE SILL IS ATTACHED TO THE MASONRY SLAB WITH 1 /4' OIA. ELCO CRETE-FLEX SS4 TYPE MASONRY SCREW ANCHORS OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 1 1/4- INTO SLAB. 8) THE HOOK STRIP IS ATTACHED TO THE MASONRY SUBSTRATE WITH 1/4" ELCO CRETE-FLEX MASONRY SCREWS OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE MINIMUM OF 1 1/4' WITH A MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE OF 2 1/2" INTO CONCRETE' OR MASO ITY.- G) THE HOOK STRIP 15 ATTACHED TO THE WOOD FRAMED SUBSTRATE WITH #14 WOOD SCREWS OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO.ACHIEVE MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 1 1/2- INTO WOOD FRAMING. 10) THE HOOK STRIP IS ATTACHED TO THE WOOD BACKED STEEL STUD FRAMING WITH #14 WOOD SCREW OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 1 1/2- INTO WOOD BACKING. INSTALLATION ANCHORS (SEE NOTES 3, 4. 5 do 6) I A IGWM 090CM TO YA071 10Ri W J=L W%7/mlgLfl /rlafo, 32M A I- __6 OF 20 8' TYP — 12" MAX. TYP INSTALLATION ANCHOR (SEE NOTES 3, 4, 5 de 6, SHT. 6) �-^ 6" T(P " 1 I t IJ-F � T io ip P n X X X X 'CNI" "C(1}' 'C(2)" "AOR" HOOK STRIP _ -- - --- -- - - -- ANCHORS (SEE _ NOTES 8, 9 do L.. Z" MAX. TYP �- 1DOOR rT (._ 2EBIES 80001D PXXXX GLASSN A3RM POCKET - -- 6" TYP MASONRY SCREW ANCHOR. 6" TYp (SEE INSTALLATION NOTES SHEET 5) fi TYP —It' 18" MAX,. TYP (SEE NOTE 7, SHT. 6) INSTALLATION ANCHOR (SEE NOTES 3, 5 6, 6) 5" � II— 4. de SHf. P Y TT P tl% % X�( X X J !fi 10 , [ i' 10, ifl 'CNI" "C(1)" "C(2)" AOR" HOOK STRIP ANCHORS (SEE SERIES 8000 PXXXX NON -REINFORCED POCKET NOTES 8, 8 k SLIDING CLASS DOOR 10, SHT. 6) (SEE INSTALLATION NOTES SHEET 6) 1 � VT, � D OOl 177E STANHOAIE WAY W1111J 1B" MAX TYP H-rp 6" TYP-4 T 1 �-- - wo- O4 ORL.ANOO,FL32RW INCORPORATED n••�+uauum, 7A 0 SERIES 11000 SCO �5 0 X 10 0 PANELS�NON-IMP TRACK POCKET DOOR ANCHORING l MASONRY SCREW ANCHOR (SEE NOTE 7, SHT. 6) Erk s Nk FlviWa P. E. No. 41323 "'° R' $$ 09/14/05 ��� • OLMOM m UM NaiztuN¢ taR a/u a 4 Pmdual T Com mDan 1150 Lauhoa. l v� 6+d1� 6 ��.`_ NTS IND0093 r ,,," SYY pEYC1DN Glf DY Park, FlarWa" 3271m �r2 C.eMM..0 7A.uom.uoa Na 6551 1 Fb— WF=SM ro ,armum A 7 OF 20 I-( 6" 7YP -{ 12" MAX TYP INSTALLATION ANCHOR (SE; 6" Typ -J 90' �-- 12' MAX TYP 6" TYP i i I N07ES 3, 4, 5 & 6, SHT. 6 F� 6" TYP I i � >7 ro X 10, "C(2)" 'C(3}' "GO" N HOOK STRIP ANCHORS (SEE �( NOTES e. 9 & - 10. SHT. -6) 12" MAX - - - — - - - - - TYP 1 6" TYP X X X X � � � 70. "EI" m. AIR" N 6" TYP P 1' �.� 6" iYP f �•- 12' MAX. TYP SERIES 6000 PXXXX/XXXX REINFORCED POG�ET o0• U LOIN ' Cd-A.cca DOOR • � �-- 12" MAX. •TYP 6' Typ �-- MASONRY SCREW ANCHOR -- 6" Typ (SEE NOTE 7. SHT 5) {--�- 18" MAX. Typ (SEE INSTALLATION NOTES SHEET 0) INSTALLATION ANCHOR (SEE w NOTES 3. 4. 5 & 6. SHT. 6} 18" MAX. TYP 8' Typ -; n 10,1" l' 8" IYP 8. Typ P r X X X X { X �{ X { X X {� P 1° 'El' AO" "AIR" m HOOK STRIP .ANCHORS (SEE NOTES B. 9 & 1' i ! )01 1 P i T -6.TV �---�- 18' MAX. TYP 6" TYP 6" TYP .18" MAX. TYP 6" TYP -i ��]� 171E STANHOI.M W:1Y MASONRY SCREW ANCHOR (SEE NOTE 7, SHT. 8) 8000 PXXXX/XXXX NON -REINFORCED W SLIDING QSS DOOR VW ooi ORL{NDO. FT.32MM lNCOlLPORA'l= �uaumSEIES a t�v d r"ine a,ar lurm I (SEE INSTALLATION NOTES SHEET 6) (o(t8( SERIES 800 SGD 50 X 100 PANELS NON -IMP Erse S. Mohan 90 DEGREE ANCHORING Flarlda P. E No. 413M Pau%= ft ow Be am 09/14 05 Product Te&jwla9➢ Carpomttan aw= m mew ID mm mmm Cc a/r at 1150 LOWalona Ava., Suits 6 � T � � NTS � „y/IN00093 srY aEv6raN VMtor Part, Florida 32782 '•"�. FBPE aa C.rulleda CF AuUm&an Na. a6al r.masay. r.. wraaw. 8 OF 20 CAM 6' TYP {-- 12" MAX TYP • INSTAI.lATION ANCHOR (SEE fi" TYP 1 NOTES 3, 4, 5 do 8, SHT. 6) �-- 12" MAX TYP 6" Typ fi" iYP r ^, x X x x x x x X Al T C(1)" "C(2)" "C(3}` "GO" "FO" 'El' AO' AIR" HOOK STRIPIL N ANCHORS (SEE - - NOTES 819& - - - - - - -- -,( --( - -- 10, S8) HT � 1Z"Typ 6" TYP 12TMP ,{ m -j- l Is. 1" �-4 ,- 6" TYP MASONRY SCREW ANCHOR SERIES 8000 PXXXX/XXXX REINFORCED POCKET 135' SLIDING GLASS DOOR (SEE NOTE 7, SHi. 6) (SEE WALLATION NOTES SHEET 6) INSTALLATION ANCHOR SEE 6" - f -- 6" TYP �----f - 18" MAX. TYP 135, NOTES 3. 4, 5 k B, SHT. B) t 8" MAX. TYP -f ----� T L--+ 6" TYP -� T )0 6" TYP m � � �x � X �x m C(1)• "C(2)" "C(3)" "Go" HOOK STRIP ANCHORS (SEE NOTES 8. 9 & a. 10, SHT. 6) '10, 6" TYp of X X X X � � � " "EI" '11d' "AIR" �--� (-- 6" TYP �`- 18" MAX. TYP 6" iYP - H }^ 6" Typ • i8" MAX. TYP -�- —� 6" 1YP --, k �.,�0� 1978SfANHO:.LERAY f9n 08!jZ00, FL 32934 MASONRY SCREW ANCHOR SERIES Boon PXXXX/XXXX NON -REINFORCED POGICET 135• SIDING LA%- = ���7T'-g w.`untyavt' v .a(SEE NOTE 7, SHT 6) (SEE INSTAtlATION NOTES SHEET(SEE NOTES SHEET e)� O LgjSERIES 8000 BCD 5'O X 10'0 PANELS NON-1 Tr- I NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $ 9 10 11 1 13 14 15 TE 17 18 19 20- 21 22 2 25 26 27 28 29 0 3 32 34 5 6 7 38 39 0 7 42 4 46 BILL OF MATERIAL BILL OF MATERIAL PART DESCRIEJION NO. ART DESCRIPTION SO 3 R E SILL P B EY A6063-T5 4 141 OLYMPUS DUMMY HANDLE SET 1 TRACK ME SILL INSERT KEYMARK A6 6 - 5 SIKA 552 ET GLAZE 30218 6063-T6 33 51NK000D OP & BO 0.187 X 0.350 ' F502181 TRACK FRAME JAMB BY KEY MARK A5063-T6 W 1 X O. 0 069 4 C Y A D - 51 COR ER STl NS L 0.1 .1 FSD 1 4 TRACK I INS B K 6063-T6 PANE ILE FINSEAL 0.187 X 0.220 0 4 TRACK FR E D A60 - 6 SILL ASSY. SCREW #8 X 1 4 PH TYPE F SS FSD20 0 4 TRACK FRAME JAMB OOK ATTACHMENT SCREW FSD2173 POC ET I BY KEYMARK A6063- 6 55 OLLER INSTALL. SCREWS 8 X 5 8 X 5 8 P TYPE SS SD 301 506 - 6 AN ASS LY SCE E S DOD 0 STRIP V R B K MARK 60 -Tfi 7 FRAME ASSE B Y CR - X 8 H TYPE F S5 FH 4 I D ON BY KEYMARK Afi063- 6 58 CORNER STILE RT SCR X 2 F.H. SMS TYPE A SS FHQ2fi26 1 2 SILL R SER ADD ON BY KEYMARK A 063-T611/4" 59_ _ — _ __-. DIA. ELCO CRETE- FLEX SS4 TYPE MASONRY SCREW-W/i- 1/4"-MIN.- EMBEDMENT- & -2 1/2"-MIN. EDGE DISTANCE - FIi0281 SILL RISER ADO ON bT KLYMARR A Uba-lb!_ 25._ _ 2 SILL RISER -AD -O --- -- - 4 - - - _ FS1882 FRAME HEAD INSERT _ 502725 STILE AM N BY - 60 4 INSTALLATION OD SCREW W 1 1 2 MIN EMBED. 86 TO & BOTTOM RA K A _ 61 NOT US D S H 01971 B _ 62 SILICONECAULK FS1883 FRAM J B Y K MA K A606 -T P7569AM 780 HIGH X 1.50 X T25 dUAL FINNED DU AD 02491 PANEL INT E - 64 FS01884 2 TRACK FRAME S AN Y A 6 - FH021 FEMALE BUTT STILE Y A K A606 -65 LSD] 9 5 TRACK FRAME SILL INSERT - FH C E STI g _ 66 FS01846 2 AC F E HFAd BY K MARK fi0 - 026 0' CORN STILE CLIP Y K A K A605 -T5 6 F 1 4 TR K RA JA K K A606 - 6 I 5 1 5' CORNER STILE g _ 0 877 9 16HORIZONTAL GLASS& OP - 006 OZ 13 ' 0 ER STILE CL P BY K MAR 60 - 69 FS01878 9 1 VERTICAL GLASS STOP BY M - H0 976 1 HO I ONTAL GLASS STOP Y K A606 -T 70 LOCK STILE ®B STILEFIN SEAL 0.187 X 0.140 FHD1875 R CAL GLASS STOP BY ABG6 - 71 FS02629 Y MA K A663-Ofi FHO'18 Y K A5063- 5 _ 10795TANHAME WAY W 00t 01:1 aNuo. F1 steal ]1VCORP+7RATF�] I mcy7HM'� avr Lndnew ` SERIES 5000 Scn s'o X IWO PANELS NON -IMP IO 16 ►Os BILL OF MATERIALS Erie 5 Hh "n ^ Nnjrh W=09 14 05 flnritle P. E. tk. 41723 —sw T�1�, Qorpwollort �aesac mac atr oa ttso touberto JGn sun. a rnoa r�..m Nis ININD0093 MTE SY Wtntcru .r Flaanoikown�ia averI rmZ 4c"ALs3p F. .unzaau A "10 OF 20 F Q 80 FH02641 REINFORCING Y K MA K ABU63-T F502643 ROLLKUP 19BB-9000 Y TEMP R GLASS NSB 16- - GLASS SETTING BLOCK 1 1 3 16 FU Y ED GLASS TP876 INTERLOCK BUMPER _BF041 AFFLES PAN L H G ADJUSTMENT- PLUGS N PA UIDE 998E G NG T 1 4 X 3 B 1 14 QLYMPUS HAD S 24 DUEL POINT MORT SE LOCK & KEEPER SET swam wuao a +o qua am SY4 REN9QR 2X WOOD BY BACKER ROD do SEALANT—' BY OTHERS (SEE NOTE 2, SHEET 6) SECTION EE 1/4` MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES 1 do 2. SHEET 6) 1 1/2` MIN. EMBEDMENT 20 go. STE FRAMING 8 0THERS� WOOD BY 1/4` MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES T do 2, SHEET 6) EXTERIOR 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES 1 & 2. SHEET 6) MASONRY/CONCRETE BY OTHERS 67 2 1/2"IMINIMUM r 20 69 5 38 EDGE DISTANCE i �Q 30 4 35 52 17 26 4+ y � 59 e or J8 �r 57 • ° 18 48 BACKER ROD do SEALANT BY OTHERS (SEE NOTE 2. SHEET 6) 1 1/4" MIN. EMBEDMENT EXTERIOR SECTION HH EXTERIOR BACKER ROD & SEALANT BY OTHERS $EC710N GG (SEE NOTE 2, SHEET 6) I 2X WOOD 9Y SAC (SE 20 g< BY WOOD SY SACKE (SEE NOTE 2, SHEET 6) SECTION K f/CONCRETE HS MIN. TANCE V. f Lw i 6) EXTE MASONRY/CC BY 1 1/4" MIN. EMBEDMENT 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES 1 do 2. SHEET 6) 2X 4 — BY 1 1/2" MIN.ME 2 EMBEDMENT BACKER ROD do SEALANT BY OTHERS EXTERIOR 1/4' MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES 1 6c 2, SHEET 6) 1 1/4" MIN. EMBEDMENT MASONRY/CONCRETE 57 a BY OTHERS 20 q i O 28 30 69 A 48 46 17 a • • 59 3B o 44 a - — — -- — sw 35. ' w 36 i 39 • 2 1/2' MIN. EDGE DISTANCE EXTERIOR • " - 7 SECTION L 19 52 B BACKER ROD do SEALANT 45 BY OTHERS (SEE NOTE 2, SHEET 6) EXTERIOR 2X WOOD BY P, 20 gm STEEL FRAMING BY OTHERS WOOD BACKINI BY OTHER! 1 1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT EXTERIOR SECTION T im IN. R 1. SMEL SIG HERS 'HERS GIANT T 6) EXTERIOR 1 1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES 1 & 2, SHEET 6) — 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES 1 & 2, SHEET 6) Q EXTERIOR 20 go. STEEL FRAMING BY OTHERS 1�WOOD BACKING BY OTHERS BACKER ROD & SEALANT BY OTHERS (SEE NOTE 2, SHEET 6) SECTION W 2X WOOD FRAMING BY OTHERS I 1 1 1 /2" MIN. 1 ' EMBEDMENT SECTION X BACKER ROD & SEALANT BY OTHERS (SEE NOTES 2, SHEET 6) 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES 1 & 2, SHEET 6) 57 B9 48 ZO MASONRY/CONCRETE 30 — — 4� BY OTHERS -- - 6 39 — 2B 46 17 I4 35 ° v a o v e� av ° 59 38 19 ° 52 v v v° e� EXTERIOR °4 2 1/2" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE v 1 1/4" MIN. EMBEDMENT ,SECTION Y BACKER ROD & SEALANT BY OTHERS (SEE NOTE 2, SHEET 6) 2X WOOD FRAMING - BY OTHERS MASONRY/CONCRETE 59 BY OTHERS 2 1/2" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE BACKER ROD do SEALANT BY 0THERS-1--,, Q p v a Q Q r (SEE NOTE 2, SHEET 6) �1 -2 p 1 1/4" MIN. a o EMBEDMENT BACKER ROD do SEALANT BY OTHERS 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTE 2, SHEET 6) (SEE NOTES i do 2, SHEET 6) GC Inm 38 WOOD BACKING BY OTHERS SECTION KK 20 Bo• STEEL FRAMING - EXTERIOR 27 29 34 35 36 39 8Y OTHERS BACKER ROD do SEALANT BY OTHER FIXED (SEE NOTE 2. SHEET 6) EXTERIOR 41 r v 1 1/4' MIN. EMBEDMENT' p v v a v o C I V 4 4 4 v o c 59 MASONRY/CONCI BY OTHERS 2 1/2" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE SECTION JJ sr EXTERIOR 1 1/2" MIN. j EMBEDMENT I 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES 1 & 2, SHEET 6) - 49 16 - 56 - - SECTION LL 34 35 36 39 1 1/2" MIN. l:fl EMBEDMENT ifiLJ- 7/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES 1 & 2, SHEET 6) MASONRY OR CONCRETE BY OTHERS 2X WOC 59 2 1/2' MIN. EDGE DISTANCE Q 4 4 V 4 04 4 EM/ 4- MIN ENT o BACKER ROD & SEALANT BY OTHERS 3 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTE 2. (SEE NOTES 1 & 2. SHEET 8) SHEET fi) BACKER ROD — - & SEALANT 49 Be BY OTHERS (SESNO� ) 43 48 18 EXTERIOR SECTION B FIXED PANEL t Q v �Iz 2 1 /2' MIN. © a �• EDGE DISTANCE 20 ga. STE WOOD En BACKER ROD &- BY (SEE NOTE 2. S 1 1/4' MIN. EMBEDMENT i ' MIN. MENT 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES 1 & 2. SHEET 6) CTM C 1 1/2' MIN EMBEDMENT 1/4.' MAX. SHIM SPACE 5EE NOTES 1 & 2. SHEET 6) BACKER ROD & SEALANT BY OTHERS (SEE NOTE 2. SHEET 6). EXTERIOR 2 1/2" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE 2X WOOD FRAMING BY OTHERS MASONRY/CONCRETE BY OTHERS 2 1/2' MIN. EDGE DISTANCE BACKER ROD do SEALANT BY OTHERS 59 (SEE NOTE 2. SHEET 6) n Q Q 1 1/4" MIN. 4 EMBEDMENT 4 d a o4 1/4" MAX. SHIM o 11 r (SEE NOTES 1 & 2, SHEET 6) EXTERIOR Vj MOVING PANEL 4 I -4 c n)v P BY OTHERS SE ION E 20 STEEL FRAMING BY OTHERS BACKER ROD do SEALANT BY OTHERS (SEE NOTE 2. SHEET 6) 1 1/4- MIN. EMBEDMENT EXTERIOR L% 16 J SECTION G 1 1/2' MIN. EMBEDMENT 1/4" MAX. SHIM (SEE NOTES 1 do 2. SHEET 6) 7 WOOD BACKING BY OTHERS 1 1/2' MIN. EMBEDMENT 1/4' MAX. SHIM f _q_(SEE NOTES 1 do J 2. SHEET 6) 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES 1 & 2, SHEET 6) PERIMETERS SFALAI 1 1 /2' MIN. BY OTHE EMBEDMENT (SEE NOTE 20 ga. STEEL FRAMING �� I Ir � 1 1/2" ADD ON FIN 8Y OTHERS WOOD BACKING `/ BY OTHERS SECTION z PERIMETERS \\\-BACKER TRACK POCKET JAMB SHOWBY CAN BE A 2 TRACK OR CKER ROD SEALANT (SEE 4 TRACK POCKET JAMB BY OTHERS (SEE NOTE 2, SHEET 6) 1 1 /2' MIN. EMBEDMENT 2X WOOD FRAMING BY OTHERS _ SECTION AA 2 TRACK POCKET JAMB SHOWN. CAN BE A 3 TRACK OR 4 TRACK POCKET JAMB 5/3" ADD OP L 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES 1 do 2. SHEET 6) BACKER ROD SEALANT BY OTHERS (SEE NOTE 2. SHEET 6) ANCHOR 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE (SEE NOTES 1 & 2. SHEET 6) MASONRY/CONCRETE 8Y OTHERS D 57 AS REQUIRED • 4 � D n 20 a � 59 7 r �D 2 1/2' MIN. • ANCHOR EDGE DISTANCE . e 1 1/4" MIN. 7 6 EMBEDMENT IEOUIRED BACKER ROD SEALANT BY OTHERS (SEE NOTES 1 & 2. SHEET 6) SECTION Y 4 TRACK POCKET JAMB SHOWN, CAN BE A 2 TRACK OR 3 TRACK POCKET JAMB OPTIONAL FLANGE CONFIGURKnON 1) APPLY GENEROUS AMOUNT OF SEALANT, BY OTHERS, TO BACK OF FIN & FLANGE BEFORE SETTING FRAME IN OPENING. 2) NO ANCHORS SHALL BE PLACED THRU ADD ON FIN & FLANGE. iv • drl NON - REINFORCED UNIM DESIGN PRESSURE. TABLE REINFORCED UNITS DESIGN PRESSURE TABLE POSITIVE NEGATIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE PANEL SIZES 1 12' SILL RISER 2114' SILL RISER 3" SILL RISER 3112" SILL RISER ALL SILL RISERS PANEL SIZES 1 12' SILL RISER 2114" SILL RISER 3" SILL RISER 31/2" SILL RISER ALL SILL RISERS 30 X B0 35 50 70 86 468 30 X 80 35 50 70 88 -210 36 X 80 35 50 70 66 -145 36 X 80 35 50 74 86 -176 42X80 35 50 70 BB -131 42X80 35 50 70 86 447 48 X 80 35 50 70 86 -121 A8 X 80 35 60 70 86 436 BOX 80 35 50 70 • 88 -108 60 X 80 35 50 70 Be 424 30 X 84 35 50 70 86 -157 30 X 84 35 50 70 86 -209 36 X 84 35 50 70 86 -136 36 X 84 35 50 70 86 -170 42 X 84 35 SO 70 8fi -122 42 X 84 35 50 70 86 -138 44 X 35 50 70 86 -113 46 X84 35 50 7D 86 425 6OX84 35 50 70 83 -100 60 X 54 35 50 70 86 417 30 X98 35 50, 70 _ ____8$ -133 -- ---30X9S----- -- 35 --- 50 - ------ 70 - - 8b--- 478- 36 X 96 35 50 70 86 -115 38 X 98 35 51) 70 66 -154 42X98 35 50 70 86 403 42X96 35 50 70 58 -1t9 48 X96 35 50 70 76 -94 48 XO6 35 50 70 66 404 Boxes 35 BD 68 all -82 Boxes 35 50 70 60 -99 30 X 108 35 50 70 66 416 30 X 103 35 50 70 86 -t55 _35 X 10B 35 BO 70 83 -100 36 X 108 35 50 70 88 433 42 X 10B 35 50 70 74 -89 42 X 108 35 50 70 86 40B 48 X 108 35 - 50 67 67 -80 48 X 103 35 5D 70 B6 9 60 X 108 35 50 58 56 -69 60 X 10S 35 50 70 81 -54 30 X 120 35 5D 70 SB -103 30 X 120 35 50 70 - 86 -137 36 X 120 35 50 70 74 -Be 35 X 120 35 50 70 BB 415 42 X 120 35 50 85 6 78 42 X 120 35 50 70 BB -101 48 X 1Z0 35 50 59 59 70 46 X 120 35 50 70 81 -81 60 X 120 35 50 BO 50 80 60 X 120 35 50 70 70 180 1978 S'FARI15 IE TAY WinDoor ORLiNpO F1 328tLi 324CORP00=� Fc N}A Oy16� 6pW. [ttl Um SERIES BODO SG0 0 X 10 0 PANELS NON— MP t'O11 tos DESIGN PRESSURE CHARTS flcrEdc P. E, Ne.413.3 BB 1 09/14/05 A uwam rNwGtabR m rulOr ramor¢ mR n Product Tadmakay caraomuwr o{v. 1 ESfl lauhono ., Su11r 8 .` WitM0093 yyy REVt�Crl ay Wlntx Pork Florida 32708 rova wunms..t AWhpk�tbn eo. eesE rrrurt aawoti r+rA"an rn.r AC7j9.Al1d ra /ar.Axa,mu A ZO OF 20 a z �n - -o i m 0 �y�� rnw o m z r -- ``� �n n.y 8 �DCi i•r_vz t, �m�C-, N Ia) wp3 Z . O 0--1!1.1 NOTES 44 '" T � Y 3.f C�'tt � � •tC 60' MAX. 3 4' 2' .A N 3 4' . .::: 2 °'`-:'.' .:`:..:.::: . ;:'�- • .,: :;FL... SLAB GRADE: � . TYP. PICKET RAIL DETAIL SCALEi 1/2'=1' EXT, EDGE OF SLAB N Z f N T � N r � , r PLAN N � �--1/2'--� 1/2' ro 4' NOTES N0 1. TOP CAP 2 5/8' X 1 1/2' =Cl e 0 < 2. POST 2' SQ TUBE 1/8' WALL, 6061-T6 ALUM. Z? 3. POSTS ARE SURFACED MOUNTED TO SLAB PER DETAIL 3ti 4. PICKETS 3/4' X 3/4' X .0625 WALL THICKNESS z 5. BOTTOM CHANNEL IS 2' X3/4' X 1/8' <_ 6. RAILS TO BE ELECTRICSTATICALLY PRIMED WITH ZINC CHROMATE m: EPDXY PRIMER AND TOP COATED WITH IMRON EPDXY PAINT. ti 7. RAILS TO BE WELDED TOGETHER AND SPLICED WHERE NECESSARY m N WITH ALUMINUM OR SST FASTENERS. wco 8. ALL ALUMINUM IS 6063-T52 ALLOY UNLESS NOTED ❑THERWISE. ro m 9. ALL TOP AND BOTTOM RAILES SHALL TERMINATE WITH RESTRAINED �N J Z?E C❑NNECTI❑NS. rLln qi� � Nc N O 'D m CD ni SECTION TYP, BASE PLATE DETAIL SCALE: 2'=1' 1, BASE PLATE SHALL BE 4' X 5' X 1/4' 6061-T6 2. FASTERNERS SHALL BE 'CRETE-FLEX' SS4 410 STAINLESS STEEL MASONRY SCREWS 1/4'X2 1/4' SILVER STALGARD (2' MIN. EMBEDMENT) A' u Exterior Research & Design, L.L.C. Building Science and nvel®�e Consultants, Certificate of Authorization #9503 j February 21, 2005 Paul Riesebieter Soprema, Inc. 310 Quadral Drive Wadsworth, OH 44281 RE: Atlantic View Condominiums — Ft, Pierce, FL Design Pressure Calculations & System Attachment Analysis ERD Project #2500-AVC-FPF Dear Paul: ,We are in receipt of documents; from your office, received on January 14, 2005, outlining the design parameters for the above'noted project and have spoken with Chris Long of TRA on today's date. This letter serves to document wind design pressures for roof cladding at the upper roof only in accordance with ASCE 7i-98' based on the building parameters provided, and establish attachment requirements for the proposed Soprema roof assembly to meet said pressures. Note: The Project Information Form indicates the project is not eligible for a wind warranty rider. 1. DESIGN PRESSURES: The following parameters are set forth in the referenced documents. Design Parameter Value Source Max. Roof Height: 181 ft From PIF Parapet Height: > 3 ft From PIF Building Exposure: C From PIF Category: II Assumed Importance Factor: 1.0 Assumed Wind Speed: 140 mph From ASCE 7-98 map Designing for: Roof Cladding Tributary Area: < 10 ft2 Area per fastener Int. Pressure Coeff: 0.18 Assumed Assumptions: a. Non -Critical structure, Category II Building -> I = 1.00 b. Enclosed Building b GCpi = +0.18 c. The building is not located atop any significant hill, ridge o 6f4%7 , JAdEtPR0*SED WORK d. No load combinations apply (Kd = 1.0) ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS e. There are no overhangs. , REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT f. The building is not designated as an EHPA. MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, Main Office: 2412 7" Ave W • Suite' 101 • Seattle, WA 98119 • Voice (206) 467-0054 • Fax (206) 467-5840 Laboratory: 600 W. Nickerson St • Seattle, WA 98119 . Voice (206) 298-3620 . Fax (206) 298-3130 ERD East: 2 Mattoon Road • Waterbury, CT 06708 • Voice (203) 596-7884 9 Fax (203) 596-7058 r, ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Rpcultc. Paul Riesebieter, Soprema, Inc. Re: Atlantic View Condominiums February 21, 2005 Page 2 of 3 Table 1: Design Pressures, ASCE 7-98 Pressure Zone Design Pressures (psf) - Roof Cladding Upper Roof Zone 1 (field): -113.4 Zone 2 (perimeters): -177.9 Zone 3 (corners): See Zone 2* Zone 2/3 Dimension: Min. 10.5 ft Notes: 1. Perimeter and corner pressure zones are those within the lesser of 40% of the height or 10% of the minimum building width, but not less than 3 feet, and not less the Soprema requirements. 2. *It is reported that a parapet wall > 3 ft exists on the upper roof. ASCE 7-98 specifies treatment of Zone 3 as Zone 2 if such a wall exists. If no such wall exists, reevaluation is required. 2. PROPOSED ROOF SYSTEM: It is understood the following assembly is under consideration: • Roof Deck: Existing lightweight insulating concrete cast over existing concrete deck • Base Membrane: Soprafix[F] mechanically attached with Tri-Fix Fasteners • Cap Membrane: Sopralpne Flam 180 FR GR, heat welded. 3. PERFORMANCE DATA: LABORATORY TESTING: The proposed roof system has been tested for wind uplift resistance in accordance with FM Standard 4470 / TAS 114(J). Review of data yields a base membrane attachment value of 214 Ibf per fastener. Applying a 2 to 1 margin of safety provides a laboratory design value of 107 Ibf per fastener. FIELD TESTING: Protech Products field report dated 01/01/05 documents withdrawal resistance testing of the Tri-Fix Fasteners installed in the existing roof deck at the upper roof. Statistical analysis of the data in accordance with TAS 105 yields a Minimum Characteristic Resistance Force (MCRF) of 182 Ibf. The existing deck at the upper roof is suitable to receive the Tri-Fix Fasteners while maintaining the above noted design value (107 Ibf). 4. ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS": Table 2 provides minimum base membrane attachment requirements to meet the design pressures in Table 1. Attachment is based on a design value of 107 Ibf per fastener. THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO 1 Determined in accordance with procedures published in FBC RAS 117 COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, Main Office: 2412 7th Ave W • Suite 101 • Seattle, WA 98119 • Voice (206) 467-0054 • Fax (206) 467-5840 ERD East: 2 Mattoon Road • Waterbury, CT 06708 • Voice (203) 596-7884 • Fax (203) 596-7058 Laboratory: 600 W. Nickerson St • Seattle, WA 98119 • Voice (206) 298-3620 • Fax (206) 298-3130 ERD. Certificate of Authorization #9503 Paul Riesebieter, Soprema, Inc. Re: Atlantic View Condominiums February 21, 2005 Page 3 of 3 Table 2: Attachment Requirements Soprafix[F] with Tri-Fix Fasteners Pressure Zone: Attachment — Upper Roof Zone 1 (Field) Max. 8-inch o.c. in a 5-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. in one center row Zone 2 (Perimeters): Max. 7-inch o.c. in a 5-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in two, equally spaced, staggered center rows Zone 3 (Corners): See Zone 2* *It is reported that a parapet wall > 3 ft exists on the upper roof. ASCE 7-98 specifies treatment of Zone 3 as Zone 2 if such a wall exists. If no such wall exists, reevaluation is required i S. COMMENTS: A. The information herein relates solely to the upper roof at the project. ERD's scope excludes any work at the lower roof. B, The analysis herein relates solely the new roof cladding to be installed atop the existing roof deck. ERD does not purport to address wind loading or adequacy of the existing LWIC or structural concrete roof decks, perimeter edge terminations, flashings or rooftop equipment. C. Tri-Fix Fasteners shall be installed in strict accordance with published installation instructions, using the correct angle of installation for each of the three nails. D. The laps in the Soprafix[F] base membrane, as well as the cover -strips in center rows, shall be heat -welded in accordance with Soprema installation instructions, fully encapsulating the fasteners within the lap or beneath the cover strip. 6. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed roof system outlined in Section Z, when attached in accordance with Section 4, meets the wind load requirements of FBC Chapter 16 / ASCE 7-98, provided the applicable comments in Section 5 are fulfilled. Please contact our office with any questions. Sincerely, Robert Nieminen, P.E. Florida Reg. No. 59166 General Manager, ERD East THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES- c.c. . Chris Long, The Roof Authority - Todd Rauktis, Roofing Technologies, Inc. 1 ASCE 7-98, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, American Society of Civil Engineers, ©2000 Main Office: 2412 71h Ave W • Suite 101 • Seattle, WA 98119 • Voice (206) 467-0054 • Fax (206) 467-5840 ERD East: 2 Mattoon Road • Waterbury, CT 06708 • Voice (203) 596-7884 • Fax (203) 596-7058 Laboratory: 600 W. Nickerson St • Seattle, WA 98119 • Voice (206) 298-3620 • Fax (206) 298-3130 M 1 A M FD MLAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA m METRO-DADE N AGLER BUILDING Soprema Roofing and Waterproofing, Inc. 310 Quadral Drive Wadsworth ,OH 44281 BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE METRO -DARE FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1603 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130-1563 (305) 375-2901 FAX (305) 375-2908 CONTRACTOR LICENSING SECTION (305) 375-2527 FAX (305) 375 2558 CONTRACTOR ENFORCEMENT DIVISION (305) 375-2966 FAX (305) 375-2909 PRODUCT CONTROL DIVISION Your application for Notice of Acceptance (NOA) of. (305) 375-2902 FAX (305) 372-6339 Soprema Tri-Fixx Fastener under Chapter 8 of the Code of Miami -Dade County governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely, described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This NOA shall not be'valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to secure this product or material at any time from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, BCCO may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined by BCCO that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. The expense of such testing will be incurred by the manufacturer. ACCEPTANCE NO.: "01-0116.08 EXPIRES: 03/01/2006 Raul Rodriguez Chief Product Control Division THIS IS THE COVERSHEET. SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW CONIlVIITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Miami -Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above. krtlo- 4-" Francisco J. Quintana, R.A. Director Miami -Dade County APPROVED: 03/01/2001 THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK Building Code Compliance Office ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY HE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, 11s04500011pe2000kVftnp WSXnotice aa mpu= cover pajpadot Internet mail address: postmaster©baildingcodeonline.com (IS Homepage: http://www.baildingcodeonline.com r- a � SOPREMA, INC. ROOFING SYSTEM APPROVAL Cate&=: (Roofing Sub -Category: !Roofing Fastener Material: Steel Acceptance No. 01-0116.08 Approval Date: March 1.2001 Expiration Date: March 1.2006 TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT i Product Dimensions Test Product Specifications Description Tri-Fix Fastener 3" diameter plate with PA 114 Galvanized stress plate with three fastener dimensions of PA 117 distending legs for membrane attachment to 3.5" length lightweight concrete, cementitious wood 0.148 dia: Shank fiber and gypsum roof decks. 0.313 dia' Head EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Agency/Identifier Name Report Date Factory Mutual Research Standard 4470 . J.I.4D6A7.AM 04/26/99 Corporation PA,114, Appendix E i Exterior Research & PA 117 #2714.05.98-1 05/15/98 Design, LLC. TYPICAL PROPERTIES. Withdrawal Resistance Perfgrmance - PA 117(A) - Static Load (with 2 to 1 margin of safety applied)' Fastener Deck Type 3-Day Cure Obl)' 28-Day Cure Qbn Tri-Fix Min. 200-psi cellular lwc 52 140 Min. 300-psi cellular lwc 82 173 Min. 180-psi aggregate Iwo 63 122 Cementitious wood fiber 137 Poured gypsum 205 THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. Page 2 Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner ' SOPREMA, INC. Acceptance No. 01-0116.08 Withdrawal Resistance Performance - PA 117(A) - Pulsating Load (with 2 to 1 margin of safety applied) Fastener Deck Type Withdrawal (lbf) Tri; Fix Min. 200-psi cellular Iwc 115 Min. 300-psi cellular Iwc 140 Min. 180-psi aggregate lwc 100 Cementitious wood fiber 105 Poured gypsum 155 Base Sheet Rupture Performance - PA 117(B), Tri-Fix Plate (with 2 to 1 margin of safety applied) Base Sheet Value Sopra-G 109.4 Modified Sopra-G 105.6 I Soprafix Membrane 221.5 Soprafixx Membrane 312.5 i 1. A 2 to 1 margin of safety has been applied to test results providing the above noted design values. APPROVED APPLICATIONS: Tradename: Tri-Fix . I I Compatible Plate(s): Trig Fix Plate. Application: Mechanical attachment of roof coverboards (noted above) or base sheets / base membranes in minimum two ply, modified bitumen roof systems. See specific Roof System Product Control Notice Of Acceptance for fastener density and approved attachment patterns. Each nail must be placed through the punch marks indicated every 120°. Each nail must be driven at an angle between 45' and 60' from the horizontal plane of the deck substrate. the head of each nail must be flush to the nail"ramp concentric ring. The nail must be driven by the N DECK 3.5 Soprema multiple strike impact nail driver. No substitution shall be allowed. Deck: Cellular or Aggregate Lightweight Insulating Concrete, Cementitious Wood Fiber, Poured Gypsum _ THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS •,� REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS TFi�ll "e 3 MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner SOPREMA, INC. I I1 t. '.Lip Acceptance No. 01-0116.08 Mv 12W 1 ETCH=MA GEIOPi FOR LOCATION OF FASTENER I 21w .125" L7W'I 70" !LATE O MADE FROM 26 GAGE( 16131 )) GALVALIIlIOE MATEIHAL SHALL SAVE A IS TO SO tL41 YIELD STRENGTH 1, Q Q LWC, CWF OR GYPSUM SUBSTRATE THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARYIN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. Page 4 - il� -- --- - I D Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner SOPREMA, INC. Acceptance No. 01-0116.08 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE STANDARD CONDPITONS 1 Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and the original submitted documentation, including test supporting data, engineering documents, are no older than eight (8) years. 2 Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name, city, state, and the following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. 3 Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if: a) There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes; b) The product is no! longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved; c) If the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installation of the product; d) The engineer who; originally prepared, signed and sealed the required documentation initially submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. 4 Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing of a revision application with appropriate fee) and granted by this office. 5 Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a) Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process; b) Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes. 6 The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance;is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. 7 A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at all times. The copies need not be resealed by the engineer. 8 Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal of Acceptance. 9 This Acceptance contains pages 1 through 5. END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY. FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, Page 5 Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner M I A M NDADE BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE (BCCO) PRODUCT CONTROL DIVISION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) Soprema, Inc. 310 Qnadral Drive Wadsworth, OH 44281 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1603 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130-1563 (305) 375-2901 FAX (305) 315-2908 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by the BCCO and accepted by the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used. in Miami Dade County and otherareas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The BCCO (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by BCCO that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Soprema Modified Bitumen Roofing Systems Over Lightweight Insulating Concrete Decks LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. , INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall beavailable for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA consists of pages 1 through 16. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Frank Zuloaga, RRC THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK NOA No.: 01-0116.12 ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS ARE Date: 02/22/06 Approval Date: 04/24/03 REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT Page 1 of 16 MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. 4 i ROOFING ASSEMBLY APPROVAL Category Roofing Sub -Category: i 07525 Modified Bitumen i Materials SBS Deck e: Lightweight Insulating Concrete Maximum Design Pressure ! -112.5 psf. TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT: TABLE 1 Test Product Produe Dimen'sions Specification Description Sopra-G 39" x 99' (3 sq.) ASTM D 4601 Fiberglass reinforced oxidized asphalt base sheet for bonding or mechanically attaching to substrate. Modified Sopra-G' 39" x-99' (3 sq.) ASTM D 4601 Fiberglass reinforced oxidized asphalt -base sheet for Sopraglass 100 j 39" x 66' (2 sq.) ASTM D 4601 bonding or mechanically attaching to substrate. Fiberglass reinforced oxidized asphalt base sheet for I Ibonding or mechanically attaching to substrate. Soprabase 3911x 99, (3 sq.) ASTM D 6164 Oxidized asphalt; polyester reinforced base sheets. Primarily used as a mechanically attached anchor Sopra 4897 39" x 33' (1 sq.) ASTM D 4897 sheet. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. Asphalt coated, glass fiber venting base sheet. Sopra IV 36" x 180' (5 sq.) ASTM D 2178 Type IV, fiberglass reinforced, smooth surfaced Sopra VI Elastophene Elastophene FR Elastophene HR FR Elastophene PS Elastophene Flam 36" x 186' (5 sq.) 39" x 49'; (1 % sq.) 39" x 49, (1 Y. sq.) type IV ASTM D 2178 type VI ASTM D 6163 ASTM D 6163 39" x 49' (1 % sq.) ASTM D 6163 39" x 49' (1 % sq.) t39" x 33' (1 sq.) ASTM D 6163 ASTM D 6163 plysheet. Sopra IV is used in multi ply systems and complies with ASTM and UL standards. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. Type VI, fiberglass reinforced, smooth surfaced plysheet. Sopra VI is used in multi -ply systems and complies with ASTM and UL standards. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. Fiberglass reinforced SBS modified bitumen membrane sanded on both sides, used as a base and top ply. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. Fiberglass reinforced SBS modified bitumen membrane sanded on both sides, used as a base sheet for UL. Class 'A' systems. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. Fiberglass scrim reinforced SBS modified bitumen membrane sanded on both sides, used as a base sheet for U.L. Class'A' systems. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. Glass reinforced SBS modified bitumen membrane with thermofusible plastic film for torch bonding to the top side; applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. Fiberglass reinfoced SBS modified bitumen membrane' covered on both sides with a thermofusible plastic film. Applied by torch. NOA No.: 01-0116.12 Expiration Date: 02/21/06 Approval Date: 04/24/03 Page 2 of 16 Product Elastophene 180 Dimensions 39" x;49' (1'/z sq.) Elastophene 180 PS 39" g 48' (1 % sq-.) Elastophene GR Elastophene FR GR Elastophene Flam GR, FR GR FR+GR Sopralene 180,250 or 350 Soprafix [S], [F] and P9 Soprafix [S] Sopralene Flam 180. or 250 Sopralene 180,250 or 350 GR Sopralene Flam 180, 250 or 350 GR, FR OR FR+GR Sopralast Sopralene Stick or Flam Stick BPS Main Stick Colphene 1000 or 1500 39" ,x 33' (1 sq.) i 39":x 33' (1 sq.) I •39'� x 33' (1 sq.) 39'1 x 33' (1 sq.) 39" x 26' (3/. sq.) i 39" x 33' (1 sqj 39" x 33' (1 sq.) I 39" x 32' (1 sq.) 39" x 26' ('/. sq.) 39" x 26' (3/. sq.) 39" 'x 26' (%s sq.) various 39" x 33' (1 sq.) 39" x 33' (1 sq.) 39" x 33' (1 sq.) 39" x 132' (4 sq.) 39" x 66' (2.1 sq.) Test Product Specification Description ASTM D 6164 Non -woven polyester reinforced SBS modified bitumen membrane sanded on both sides, used primarily as a base ply. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. ASTM D 6164 Polyester reinforced SBS. modified bitumen membrane with thermofiisible plastic film for torch bonding to the topside, used as a base sheet. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. ASTM D 6163 Fiberglass reinforced SBS . modified bitumen membrane surfaced with colored granules. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. ASTM D 6163 Fiberglass reinforced SBS modified bitumen membrane surfaced with colored granules. Top ply membrane formulated for Class W. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. ASTM D 6163 Fiberglass reinforced modified bitumen membrane surfaced with colored granules. Applied by torch. ASTM D 6164 Non -woven polyester reinforced SBS modified bitumen membrane saved on both sides, used primarily as a base ply. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. ASTM D 6164 Non -woven polyester reinforced SBS modified bitumen membrane with plastic film on both sides, used primarily as a base ply. Applied by mechanical attachment. Designed for attachment of heat welded cap membranes. ASTM D 6164 Non -woven polyester reinforced. SBS modified bitumen membrane with plastic film on both sides, used primarily as a base ply. Applied by mechanical attachment. Designed for attachment of self adhered cap membranes. ASTM D 6164 Non -woven polyester reinforced SBS modified bitumen membrane, both sides covered with thermofusib. le plastic film, primarily used as a base ply. Applied by torch. ASTM D 6164 Non -woven polyester reinforced SBS modified bitumen membrane smhced with colored granules. Applied in hot asphalt or cold applied adhesive. ASTM D 6164 Non -woven polyester reinforced SBS modified bitumen mambrane surfaced with colored granules. Applied by torch. ASTM D 6298 .Fiberglass reinforced modified bitumen waterproof sheeting faced with aluminum, copper or stainless steel foil. ASTM D 6164 Self adhered, film surfaced, polyester reinforced waterproofing membrane. ASTM D 6163 Self adhered, film surfaced, glassmat/glass grid reinforced waterproofing membrane. ASTM D 1970 Self adhered, non -reinforced waterproofing membranes'(Teel and Stickq used as a vapor barrier. NOA No.: 01-0116.12 Y Expiration Date: 02/22/06 Approval Date: 04/24/03 Page 3 of 16 Product Dimensions Colphene FR GR 39" x 33! (1 sq.) Colphene HR FR GR 39" x 33' (1 sq.) Sopratape 606 5" wide Sopramastic 200 17 oz. pouch or 10.4 oz cartridge Mastocol 500 and 600 I APPROVED INSULATIONS: Test . Product Specification Description ASTM D 6163 Self adhered, granule surfaced, fiberglass reinforced waterproofing membranes ('Peel and Stick). ASTM D 6163 Self adhered, granule surfaced, fiberglass scrim reinforced waterproofing membranes (Peel and Stick). Bituminous tape for sealing of side and head laps. Caulking compound ASTM D 41 Asphalt primers. TABLE 2 Product Name Product Description Manufacturer (With Current NOA) ACFoam 11 Polyisocyanurate foam insulation Atlas Energy Products ACFoam Composite Gypsum High Density. Wood Fiberboard Perlite Insulation Dens Deck ENRGY-2, r ENRGY 2 Plus,. Composite, Fesco Foam APPROVED FASTENERS: Fastener Product, Number Name ' 1. Tri Fix Fastening System 2. Soprafix [X]-ELF#15 3. Soprema Plates 4. - Twin Loc-Nails O Y Composite polyisocyanurate insulation board Gypsum board Wood fiber insulation board Perlite insulation board Water resistant gypsum board Polyisocyanurate foam insulation Composite Insulation board TABLE 3 Atlas Energy Products generic generic generic G-P Gypsum Corp. Johns Manville Johns Manville Product Manufacturer Description Dimensions (With Current NOA) Fastening- system for base sheet 3" diameter Soprema, Inc. attachemen to lightweight plate with concrete, gypsum or cementitious various length wood fiber decks. fasteners Fasteners for membrane Soprema, Inc. attachment to steel or concrete decks. Metal or plastic stress plates for 3" diameter Soprema, Inc. use with Soprema Fasteners. Base ply fastening systems for ES Products, Inc. lightweight concrete decks NOA No.: 01-0116.12 Expiration Date: 02/22/06 Approval Date: 04/24/03 Page 4 of 16 APPROVED FASTENERS: TABLE 3 Fastener Product Product Manufacturer Number Name,' Description Dimensions (With Current NOA) .5. FM-30, FM-45, FM-60, 'Base ply fastening systems for ES Products, Inc. FM-90 Fasteners lightweight concrete decks 6. Olympic CR Base Ply Base ply fastening assembly Olympic Mfg. Group, Fasteners Inc. 7. Base-Lok Fasteners Base sheet fastener for 1.75" long Simplex Nails lighweight concrete, cwf and with 3" dia. i gypsum decks head 8. Turbo Tube-Lok Base sheet fastener for 1.75" long Simplex Nails Fasteners lighweight concrete, cwf and with 2" dia. gypsum decks ` head 9. SFS Base-Lok Fasteners Base sheet fastener for 1.75" long SFS Stadler, Inc. lighweight concrete, cwf and with 3" dia. gypsum decks head EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Agencv/Identifler Name Report Date Factory Mutual Research J.I.OPA2.AM Wind Uplift Classification 11.29.89 Corporation J.I.2P2A7.AM Wind Uplift Classification 11.29'.89 J.I. 1 W8A1.AM Wind Uplift Classification 07.15.93 JI 1Z3A6.AM Wind Uplift Classification 04.27.95 JI 152ALAM Wind Uplift Classification 11.28.84 JI 2DOAO.AM Wind Uplift Classification 08.15.97 J.I.3001334 Wind Uplift Classification 01.25.00 J.13009814 'Class 4470 09.06.02 Dynatech Engineering,Corp. 10.94.27 Wind Uplift 10.27.94 2491-04.95 Wind Uplift 01.04.95 Exterior Research & Design, 2003.02.97-1 Wind Uplift 02.15.97 LLC. 2003-2.04.97-1 Wind Uplift 04.15.97 2002.07.97-1 Wind Uplift 08.15.91 2716.05.98-1 Wind Uplift 05.11.98 2738:10.00-1 Wind Uplift 10.20.02 2109.08.02 Wind Uplift 08.06.02 TTS / Warnock Hersey ASTM D 5147 Physical 05.27.93 Property Testing IRT of S. Florida, Inc. 990028 TAS 114 09.30.99 NOA No.: 014116.12 Expiration Date: 02/22/06 Approval Date: 04/24/03 Page 5 of 16 APPROVED ASSEMBLIES: Deck Type 4I: Lightweight Concrete, Insulated, New Construction or Reroof Deck Description: Cellular or Aggregate Lightweight Concrete, 300 psi. min System Type A: Anchoi sheet mechanically fastened; one or more layers of insulation adhered with approved asphalt. All General and System Limitations apply. One or more layers of any of the following insulations. Base Insulation Layer ! Insulation Fasteners Fastener AC Foam A ENRGY 2, PSI 25 Minimum 1.4" thick Base or Top Insulation Layer Toprox Minimum 1" thick (Table 3) Density/fe N/A N/A Insulation Fasteners Fastener (Table 3) Density/fe N/A N/A Top Insulation Layer Insulation Fasteners Fastener (Table 3) Density/fe BP High Strength, FM-90 ,Traffic Top/High Density, GAFTEMP High Density, Roof Insulation Board, High Density Fiberboard, Fiber Base HD1, HD6, Structodek Minimum %" thick N/A N/A GAFT EMP Permalite, Fesco Board Minimum %" thick N/A N/A Dens Deck Minimum W thick N/A N/A Fireguard, type X gypsum Minimum 5/8" thick N/A N/A Note: Apply optional top layer of insulation shall be adhered with approved hot asphalt within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-4.0 lbs/100 fe. Please refer to Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for insulation attachment. Insulations listed as the base layer shall only be used as the base layer with a second layer of approved top layer insulation installed as the final membrane substrate. Composite; insulation boards used as a top layer shall be installed with . the polylsocyanurate face down. Anchor Sheet: One ply of Sopra-G, Modified Sopra-G, Sopraglass 100, Sopmvent,- Sopra 4897, Soprabase, GAFGLAS #75 or GAFGLAS Stratavent fastened to the deck as described below: o NOA No.: 01-0116.12 N&WK Efflradwm Expiration Date: 02/22/06 Approval Date: 04/24/03 ' Page 6 of 16 Fastening #1: Attach anchor sheet using Olympic CR Base Ply Fasteners or ES FM-90 spaced 7" o.c. in a 4" lap and 7" o.c. in two staggered rows in the center of the sheet. (meets -52.5 psf— See General Limitation V.) Fastening #2: Attach anchor sheet using Simplex or SFS Stadler Base-Lok fasteners spaced 9" o.c. in a 4" lap and 12" o.c. in two staggeredxows in the center of the sheet. (meets -52.5 psf - See General Limhadon #7.) Fastening #3: Attach anchor sheet using Simplex Turbo Tube-Lok fasteners spaced 9" o.c. in a 4" lap and 12" o.c. in two staggered rows in the center of the sheet. (meets -45 psf - See General Limitation #9.) Base Sheet: (Optional) One or more plies of Sopra-G, Modified Sopra-G, Sopraglass 100, Sopra-IV, Sopra-VI, Soprabase, GAFGLAS #75 JM Glasbase, JM Glasply IV or Glasply Premier adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 2040 lbsJsq. Ply Sheet: (Optional, required if no base sheet used) One ply of Elastophene Flam, Elastophene Flam 2.2, Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) Flam, or Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) SP heat welded or One ply of Elastophene Sanded, Elastophene 180 Sanded, Elastophene PS, Elastophene 180 PS, Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) PS, or Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) Sanded or one or more plies of ASTM D 2178 Type IV or VI ply sheets :adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20401bsJsq. Membrane: ! Elastophene Flam, Elastophene 180 Flam, Elastophene SP, Elastophene Flam GR, Elastophene Flam FR GR, FR+GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Flaw GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Flaw FR GR, FR+GR or Sopralast 50 TV Alu heat welded or Elastophene Sanded, Elastophene 180 Sanded, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Sanded, Elastophene FR GP, Elastophene GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) GR, or Sopralene (180, 250, 350) FR GR adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 2040 lbsJsq. Surfacing: (Optional) Install one of the following: 1. Gravel or slag at 400 Is. or 300 lbs./sq., respectively, adhered with approved asphalt at an application rate of 60 lbsJsq. 2. Karnak 97 aluminum roof coating applied at an application rate of 1 %2 galJsq. Maximum Design Pressure: See Fastening Requirements above NOA No.: 01-0116.12 Expiration Date: 02/22/06 Approval Date: 004/03 Page 7 of 16 Deck Type 4: Lightweight Concrete, New Construction or Reroof Deck Description: Cellular. or Aggregate Lightweight Concrete, 250 psi. min. System Type E(1): Base sheet mechanically fastened. All General and System Limitations apply. Base Sheet: One ply of Sopra-G, Modified Sopra-G, Sopraglass 100, Sopravent, Sopra 4897, Soprabase, GAFGLAS #75 or GAFGLAS Stratavent fastened to the deck as described below: Fastening #1: Attach anchor sheet using Olympic CR Base. Ply Fasteners or ES FM-90 spaced 7" o.c. in a 4" lap and 7' o.c. in two staggered rows in the center of the sheet. (meets,' 52.Spsf—SeeGeneralLimitation#7.) Fastening #2: Attach anchor sheet using Simplex or SFS Stadler Base-Lok fasteners spaced 9" o.c. in a 4" lap and 12" o.c. in two staggered rows in the center of the sheet. (meets —52.5 psf— See General Limitation V.) Fastening #3: Attach anchor sheet using Simplex Turbo Tube-Lok fasteners spaced 9" o.c. in a 4" lap and 12" o.c. in two staggered rows in the center of the sheet (meets —45 psf- See General Limitation #9.) Ply Sheet: One ply of Elastophene Sanded, Elastophene 180 Sanded, Elastophene PS, Elas*hene 180 PS, Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) PS, or Sopraleng (180, 250 or, .350) Sanded one or more plies of ASTM D 2178 Type IV or VI ply sheets adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-40 lbsJsq. Membrane: Elastophene Flam, Elastophene 180 Flam, Elastophene SP, Elastophene Flam GR, Elastophene Flam FR GR, FR+GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Flam GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Flam FR GR, FR+GR, or Sopralast 50 TV Alu heat welded or Elastophene Sanded, Elastophene 180 Sanded, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Sanded, Elastophene FR GR, Elastophene GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) GR, or Sopralene (180, 250, 350) FR GR adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-401bsJsq. Surfacing: (Optional) Install one of the following: 1. Gravel or slag at 400 lbs. or 3001bs./sq., respectively, adhered with approved asphalt at an application rate of 60 lbs./sq. 2. Karnak 97 aluminum roof coating applied at an application rate of 1% galJsq. Maximum Design Pressure: See Fastening Requirements above AML o , NOA No.: 01-0116.12 Expiration Date: 02/22/06 Approval Date: 04/24/03 Page 8 of 16 Deck Type 4: Lightweight Concrete, New Construction or Reroof Deck Description: Cellular Concrete, LLC. Lightweight Insulating Concrete, 300 psi. min System Type E(2): Base sheet mechanically fastened. All General and System Limitations apply. Deck: Minimum 22 ga., type BV steel decking attached to support spaced at 5' o.c. maximum using 3/8" puddle welds with washer (every bottom flute). Steel deck side laps are attached three Traxx 1 #10 evenly spaced between supports or structural concrete deck Base Sheet: One ply of Soprafix [S], Soprafix [F], Soprafix [X] .or Soprafix [H] fastened to the deck as described below: Note: Soprafix [H] is for use with a self -adhered cap membrane. Fastening #1: Attach base sheet using Tri-Fixx Fasteners spaced 9" o.c. in a 5" lap. The side lap fastener row is encapsulated in the heat welded lap. (meets —45 psf —See General Limitation #7.) Fastening #2: Attach base sheet using Tri-Fixx Fasteners spaced 8" o.c. in a 5" lap and 8" o.c. in one center rows.. The side lap fastener row is encapsulated in the heat welded lap and the center row is stripped -in with a 8" wide strip of torch applied membrane. (meets —75 psf—See General Limftation #7.) f Ply Sheet: (Optional) One ply of Elastophene Flam, Elastophene Flam 22, Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) Flam, or. Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) SP heat welded. i Membrane: Elastophene Flam, Elastophene 180 Flam, Elastophene SP, Elastophene Flaw GR, Elastophene Flam FR GR, FR+GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Flam GR, Sopralcne (180, 250, 350) Flam FR GR, FR+G or Sopralast 50 TV Alu heat welded or Colphene FR GR or Colphene HR FR GR self adhered. Surfacing: (Optional) Install one of the following: i 1. Gravel or slag at 400 lbs., or 300 lbsJsq., respectively, adhered with approved asphalt at an application rate of 601bsJsq. 2. Karnak 97 aluminum roof coating applied at an application rate of 1 %s galJsq. Maximum Design Pressure: See Fastening Requirements above o NOA No.: 01-0116.12 Expiration Date: 02/22/06 Approval Date: 04/24/03 Page 9 of 16 Deck Type 4: Lightweight Concrete, New Construction or Reroof Deck Description: Cellular Concrete, LLC. Lightweight Insulating Concrete, 300 psi. min System Type E(3): Base sheet mechanically fastened. All General and System Limitation apply. Deck: Lightweight Concrete shall be cast over the following substrate: Minimum 18 ga., type 3N steel decking attached to minimum %a" thick, W14 x 43 purlims with an 8" wide top flange spaced maximum 9 ft. o.c. using %." puddle welds or Buildex Traxx 5 fasteners spaced 8" o.c. (every bottom flute). Two welds or screws per attachment point, spaced 4" apart. Steel deck side laps are attached 24" o.c. or Structural Concrete deck. Base Sheet: One ply of Soprafix M membrane or Sopralene 250 Flaw fastened through the lightweight concrete to the deck using SFS Stadler. #15 Extra Load Fasteners HD and 10 mm round plates spaced 16" o.c. in a 5" wide lap and 16" o.c. in one center row' The side lap fastener row is encapsulated in the torched/heat fused lap and the center row is stripped -in with and 8" wide strip of heat welded membrane. Ply Sheet: (Optional) One ply of Elastophene Flam, Elastophene Flarn 2.2, Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) Flam, or Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) SP heat welded. Membrane: Elastophene Flam, Elastophene 190 Flam, Elastophene SP, Elastophene Flam GR, Elastophene Flam FR GR, FR+GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Flam GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Flam FR GR, FR+GR, or Sopralast 50 TV Alu heat welded. I ' Surfacing: (Optional) Install one of the following: 'l.+' Gravel or slag at 4001bs. or 3001bsJsq., respectively, adhered with approved asphalt at an application rate of 60 lbs./sq. 2 Karnak 97 aluminum roof coating applied at an application rate of 1% gaUsq. Maximum Design Pressure: -112.5 psf (See General Limitation #7) NOA No.: 01-0116.12 Expiration Date: OU22/06 .Approval Date: 04/24/03 Page 10 of 16 Deck Type 4: Lightweight Concrete, New Construction or Reroof Deck Description: Elastizel Range H lightweight Insulating Concrete, 300 psi. min System Type E(4): Base sheet mechanically fastened. All General and System Limitations apply. Deck: Structural Concrete deck or Min. 22 ga., Type B steel decking over'/," thick steel supports spaced max-5 ft o.c. attached 6" o.c. using min. 5/8" diameter puddle welds with washers or Traxx/5 fasteners. Deck side laps are atttached 15" o.c. using Traxx/1 fasteners. Deck is covered with a Elastizel Range If lightweight concrete pour consisting of a 1/8" slurry coat, minimum 2" thick Holey Board and a minimum 3" thick top coat. Base Sheet: One ply of Soprafix [S], Soprafix [F], Soprafix M or Soprafix [M fastened to the deck as described below: Note: Soprafix VM is for use with a self -adhered cap membrane. Fastening. Attach base sheet using Tri-Fixx Fasteners spaced 8" o.c. in a 5" lap and 8" o.c. in one center row. The side lap fastener row is encapsulated in the heat welded lap and the center row is stripped -in with a 6" wide strip of heat.welded membrane. PlySheet: tional One 1 of Elastophene Fl Elastophene Flam 2.2 Sopralene (180 , (OP � ) ply ��P � �P � , 250 or 350) Flam, or Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) SP heat welded. Membrane: Elastophene Flam, Elastophene 180 Flam, Elastophene SP, Elastophene Flam GR,. Elastophene Flam FR GR, FR+GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Flam GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Flam FR GR, FR+GR or Sopralast 50 TV Alu torch applied or ' Colphene FR GR or Colphene HR FR GR self adhered. Surfacing: (Optional) Install one of the following: 1. Gravel or slag at 400 lbs. or 300 lbsJsq., respectively, adhered with approved asphalt at an application rate of 601bsJsq. 2. Karnak 97 aluminum roof coating applied at an application rate of 1 %z galJsq. Maximum Design Pressure: -112.5 psf (See General Limitation #7) NOA No.: 01-0116.12 Expiration Date: 02/22/06 Approval Date: 04/24/03 Nw Page 11 of 16 Deck Type 4: Lightweight Concrete, New Construction or Reroof Deck Description: Cellular or Aggregate Lightweight Concrete, 300 psi. min. System Type E(5): Base sheet mechanically fastened. All General and System Limitations apply. Base Sheet: One ply of Soprafix [S], Soprafix [F], Soprafix M or Soprafix [H] fastened to the deck as described below: Note: Soprafix [H] is for use with a self -adhered cap membrane. Fastening: Attach base sheet using Tri-Fixx Fasteners spaced 10" o.c. in a 5" lap. The side lap fastener row is encapsulated in the heat welded lap. Ply Sheet: (Optional) One ply of Elastophene Flam, Elastophene Flam 2.2, Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) Flam, or Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) SP heat welded Membrane: Elastophene Flam, Elastophene 180 Flam, Elastophene SP,-Elastophene Flam GR, Elastophene Flam FR GR, FR+GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Flam'G% Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Flam FR GR, FR+GR, or Sopralast 50 TV Alu torch applied or Colphene FR OR or Colphene HR FR GR self adhered Surfacing: (Optional) Install one of the following. L . Gravel or slag at 400 lbs. or 300 lbsJsq., respectively, adhered with approved asphalt at an application rate of 601bs./sq. 2. Karnak 97 aluminum roof coating applied at an application rate of 1 %z galJsq. Maximum Design Pressure: -45 psf (See General Limitation #7) NOA No.: 01-0116.12 Expiration Date: 02/22/06 Approval Date: 04/24/03 Page 12 of 16 Deck Type 4: Lightweight Concrete, New Construction or Reroof Deck Description: Cellular or Aggregate Lightweight Concrete, 300 psi. min. System Type E(6): Base sheet mechanically fastened. All General and System Limitations apply. Base Sheet:. _ One ply'of Sopra-G, Soprabase, GAFGLAS #75 or.GAFGLAS Stratavent, Flek-l- Glas Base, All weather/Empire, Parabase Plus or Vapor Chan fastened to the deck as described below: Fastening: Attach base sheet using ES Products Twin Loc Nails spaced 9" o.c. in a 4" lap and 9" o.c. in two staggered rows in the center of the sheet. Ply Sheet: ;(Optional) - One ply of Elastophene Flam, Elastophene Flaw 2.2, Sopralene 180, 250 or 350) Flam, or Sopmlene (180, 250 or 350) SP heat welded. Or . One ply of Elastophene Sanded, Elastophene 180 Sanded, Elastophene PS, Elastophene l80 PS, Sopndene (180, 250 or 350) PS, or Sopmlcne (180, 250 or 350) Sanded one or more plies of ASTM D 2178 Type IV or VI ply sheets adhered in a frill mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 2040 lbsJsq. . Membrane: Elastophene Flam, Elastophene 180 Flam, Elastophene SP, Elastophene Flam Granule, Elastophene Flaw FR GR, FR+GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Flam GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Flam FR GR, FR+GR, or Sopralast 50 TV Alu heat welded or Elastophene Sanded, Elastophene 180 Sanded, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) Sanded, Elastophene FR GR, Elastophene GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) GR, or Sopralene (180, 250, 350) FR GR adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-40 lbsJsq. Surfacing: (Optional) Install one of the following: 1- Gravel or slag at 400 lbs. or 300 lbsJsq., respectively, adhered with approved asphalt at an application rate of 60 lbs./sq. - . 2.. Karnak 97 aluminum roof coating applied at an application rate -of 1'/z galJsq. Maximum Design,' " -60 psf (See General Limitation #7) NOA No.: 01-0116.12 Expiration Date: 02/22/06 Approval Date: 04/24/03' Page 13 of 16 1 Deck Type 4: Lightweight Concrete, New Construction or Reroof Deck Description: Cellular or Aggregate Lightweight Concrete, 300 psi. min. System Type E(7): ' Base sheet mechanically fastened. All General and System Liimitations apply. Base Sheet: One ply of Soprabase or Vapor Chan fastened to the deck as described below. Fastening. Attach base sheet using ES Products Twin Loc-nails spaced 9" o.c. in a 4" lap and 9" o c. in two 'staggered rows in the center of the sheet. Ply Sheet: One;ply of Elastophene Sanded, Elastophene 180 Sanded, Elastophene PS, Elastophene 180 PS, Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) PS, or Sopralene (180, 250 or 350) Sanded one or more plies of ASTM D 2178 Type IV or VI ply sheets adhered in a. full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-401bsJsq. Membrane: Elastophene Sanded, Elastophene 180 Sanded, Sopralene (180, 250; 350) Sanded, Elastophene FR GR, Elastophene GR, Sopralene (180, 250, 350) GR, or Sopralene (180, 250, 350) FR GR adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20401bsJsq. Surfacing: ((?ptional) Install one of the following: 1. Gravel or slag at 400 lbs. or 3001bsJsq., respectively, adhered with approved asphalt at an application rate of 60 lbsJsq. 2' Karnak 97 aluminum roof coating applied at an application rate of 1 %Z gal✓sq. Maximum Design Pressure: -15 psf (See General Limitation #7) o NOA No.: 01-0116.12 Expiration Date: 02/22/06 Approval Date: 04/24/03 Page 14 of'16 LIGHTWEIGHT INSULATING CONCRETE SYSTEM LmTATIONS: 1. 'If mechanical attachment to the structural deck through the lightweight insulating concrete is proposed, a field withdrawal resistance testing shall be performed to determine fastener patterns and density. All testing and fastening design shall be in compliance with Testing Application Standard TAS 105 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 117, calculations shall be signed and sealed by a Florida Registered Engineer; Architect, or Registered Roof Consultant. 2. For steel deck application where specific deck construction is not referenced: The deck shall be a minimum 22 gage attached with 5/8" puddle welds with weld washers at every flute with maximum deck spans of 5 A. o.c. 3. For systems where specific lightweight insulating concrete is not referenced, the minimum design mix shall be a minimum of 300 psi. i I o NOA No.: _01-0116.12 MWkism Expiration Date: 02/22/06 Approval Date: 04/24/03 Page 15 of 16 I I GENERAL LEwTATIoNs: P1 3. 4. R1 6. 7. 8. FJ Fire classification is not part of this acceptance, refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings, of this product. Insulation may be installed in multiple layers. The first layer shall be attached in compliance with Product Control Approval guidelines. All other layers shall be adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-40 lbs./sq., or mechanically attached using the fastening pattern of the top layer All standard panel sizes -are acceptable for mechanical attachment. When applied in approved asphalt; panel size shall be 4' x 4' maximum. An overlay and/or recovery board insulation panel is required on all applications over closed cell foam insulations when the base sheet is fully mopped. If no recovery board is used the base sheet shall be applied using spot mopping with approved asphalt, 12" diameter circles, 24" o.c.; or strip mopped 8" ribbons in three rows, one.at each sidelap and one down the center of the sheet allowing a continuous area of ventilation. Encircling of the strips is not acceptable. A 6" break shall be placed every 12' in.each ribbon to allow cross ventilation. Asphalt application of either system shall be at a minimum rate .of 12 lbs./sq. Note: Spot attached systems shall be limited to a maximum design pressure of 45 psf. Fastener spacing for insulation attachment is based on a Minimum Characteristic Force (F) value of 275 lbf., as tested in compliance with Testing Application Standard TAS 105. If the fastener value, as field-tested, are below 2751bf. insulation attachment shall not be acceptable. Fastener spacing for mechanical attachment of anchor/base sheet or membrane attachment is based on a minimum fastener resistance value in conjunction with the maximum design value listed within a specific system. Should the fastener resistance be less than that required, as determined by the Building Official, a revised fastener spacing, prepared, signed and sealed by a Florida registered Professional Engineer, Registered Architect, or Registered Roof Consultant may be submitted. Said revised fastener spacing shall utilize the withdrawal resistance value taken from Testing Application Standards TAS 105 and calculations in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. Perimeter and comer areas shall comply with the enhanced uplift pressure requirements of these areas. Fastener .densities shall be increased for both insulation and base sheet as calculated in . compliance withRoofing Application Standard RAS 117. Calculations prepared, signed and sealed by a Florida registered Professional Engineer, Registered Architect, or Registered Roof Consultant (When this limitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Limitation #9 will not be applicable.) All attachment and sizing of perimeter nailers, metal profile, and/or flashing termination designs shall conform with Roofing Application Standard RAS 111 and applicable wind load requirements. The maximum designed pressure limitation listed shall be applicable to all roof pressure zones (i.e. field, perimeters, and comers). Neither rational analysis, nor extrapolation shall be permitted for enhanced fastening at enhanced pressure zones (i.e. perimeters, extended comers and comers). (When this limitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Limitation #7 will not be applicable.) END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No.: 01-0116.12 Expiration Date: 02/22/06 'Approval Date: 04/24/03 Page 16 of 16 M I A M 1•0 MIAMI-DARE COUNTY, FLORIDA _ METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE (BCCO) 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE,1603 PRODUCT CONTROL DIVISION MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130-1563 1 (305) 375-2901 FAX (305) 375-2908 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) WinDoor, Inc. 2000 Diversified Way Orlando, FL 32804 j SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Miami -Dade County Product Control Division and accepted by the Board of Rules and Appeals (DORA) to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Division (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. BORA reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Division that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Series "8000" Aluminum Sliding Glass Door APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. WINDOO21, titled "Series 8000 Sliding Glass Door -Large Missile", sheets 1 through 3 of 3, prepared by Product Technology Corp., dated 9/16/02, signed and sealed by Rene Quiroga, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval.date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Division. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement � "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the, expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA- ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA consists of this page 1 as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Theodore Berman, P.E. NOA No 02-1003.09 Expiration Date: January 23, 2008 Approval Date: January 23, 2003 Page 1 .. . WinDoor. Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED (For File ONLY. Not part of NOA) A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. 2. Drawing No. WIND0021, titled "Series 8000 Sliding Glass Door -Large Missile", sheets 1 through 3 of 3, prepared by Product Technology Corp., dated 9/16/02, signed and sealed by Rene Quiroga, RE B. TESTS 1. Test reports on 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 20294 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Small Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test, per FBC 2411.3.2.1 and TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum sliding glass door, prepared by Certified Testing Laboratories, Test Report No. CTLA- 927W dated 7/26/02, signed and sealed by Ramesh Patel, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor Calculations and structural analysis, prepared by Product Technology Corp., dated 11/18/02 with revision on 12/12/02, signed and sealed by Rene Quiroga, P.E. D. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Proposed Action No. 01-1204.01, issued to E.I. DuPont DeNemours for their Sentry Glass Plus, approved on 1/17/02 and expiring on 1/14/07. E. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of confonnance and no financial interest, dated 11/24/02, signed and sealed by Rene Quiroga, P.E. F. OTHER 1. Letter from consultant stating that the product is in compliance with the Florida Building Code (FBC). Theodore Berman, P.E. Deputy Director, Product Control Division NOA No 02-1003.08 Expiration Date: January 23, 2008 Approval Date: January 23, 2003 E-1 FRAME WIDTH TESTED = 191-3/16' C,D&E'er �-- ANCHOR LOCATION (TYP,) 6' MAX. 12' ❑,C, MAX. (TYP. @ HEAD EXTERIOR ELEVATION & SILL) DESIGN PRESSURE CAPACITY POS. = 80.OPSF NEG. = -100.0 PSF 0 FRAME HEIGHT TESTED 120' GENERAL N❑TESi 1) 2 ANCHORS REQUIRED AT EACH L❑CATI❑N SHOWN. 2) PRODUCT IS APPROVED FOR USE WHERE LARGE MISSLE IMPACT RESISTANCE IS REQ'D. IMPACT PR❑TECTIVE SYSTEM IS NOT REQ'D. aor.r:,.xu: WINDOOR INC. 2000 DIVERSIFIED WAY ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 y *Mj' SERIES 8000 SLIDING GLASS DOOR -LARGE MISSLE 10 ELEVATION \1� dO" RENE QUIROGA, PE, oiw BH " ° 9/16/Oe eaatioa STRUCTUAL N.T.S. in- "m'D 47946 1 sv Lma" IftTb nvro m raor am w as% m,aa<r m w. am a WORD "m nam, am rmic o W-43% rag m rm-d SHIM AS- REQ'D (SEE NOTES 1/4' ON SHEET 3) MAX. SHIM SPACE-, 1-3/8' MIN, EMBEDMENT XT RI SECTI❑N C SEE TYP. GLAZING DETAIL I 1=1/4' MIN, EMBE-D-M-E—N-T �--- C01 NCRETE ,BY OTHERS j , TWO BY FRAMING BY OTHERS r#10 WOOD SCREW (TYP,) / I 3.500 6.550 I III, I CONCRETE -BY OTHERS ONE BY WOOD - r1-1/4' MIN, BUCK BY OTHER I EMBEDMENT 1.250 1--1/4' MAX, SHIM SPACE u . ' 9/16' LAMINATED IMPACT GLASS C❑NSISTING OF 1/4' HEAT STRENGTHENED, .090 SENTRY GLASS PLUS & I 1/4' HEAT STRENGTHENED iKVINYL SPLINE SECTION D EXIEEM Lil-3,5003 -1-- d 2.2501 3; 100 W d'e 4:4. ;a d-4 a d'd d it/1P� d . d . d d d —� SECTION A 3/16' DIA. (3-1/2' SILL RISER) TAPCON (TYP.) - 3/16' DIA. TAPCON (TYP,) SHIM AS REQ'D 1/4' MAX, (SEE NOTES ON SHIM SPACE a e SHEET 3) 20 GA. TWO e e ° BY STEEL SHIM AS REQ'D FRAMING BY (SEE NOTES ON� OTHERS SHEET 3) EXTERIOR #10 SELF TAPPING SMS CTYP.) -3/16' DIA. APCON (TYP.) ' GLASS SECTI❑N K BITE •-GLAZING BEAD -- SIKA 221SF er" aria "ter' URATHANE 4,250 SEALANT 1-1/4' MIN.d'd d: d•.d d d a d . _ WINDOOR INC. EMBEDMENT A d d'd d -2000 -DIVERSIFIED WAY ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 CONDOOR-LARGE CRETE HERS uv ssnz SEC ION8000 SLIDING GLASS MISSILE BY ❑TSEC I❑N B 'ti�� Dm`QRQM GU020GA•.P.E. O1` BB 9/16/02 (4-1/4' SILL RISER) / G�� rSCLoo STRUCTUAL = N.T.S. WINDMI ti ira as 47946 '% ursce nets, e OF 8 1Oi10 n �Cr 101COc' mw, r• tatty tK, ena c was nwc Haar iH' � M rlratr ►YI N aws #10 SELF 20 GA. TWO BY 1-3/8' MIN. TAPPING STEEL FRAMIN EMBEDMENT SMS (TYP.) BY OTHERS 1/4' MAX. Iq� SHIM SPACE SHIM SPACE Rig: .�Ellf M_ SHIM AS REQ'D—j 1 f "'—#10 WOOD (SEE NOTES) SCREW (TYP.) FX— TERi❑B 2 BY WOODFRAMING SHIM AS REQ'D, SECTION E BY OTHERS (SEE NOTES) CH J❑MINALI C❑NFIG. QL UANTITIES CALL SIZE @ HEAD & SILL @ EAC JAMB 6068 OX, X0, XX 12 12 8068 OX, XO, XX 16 12 9068 OXO, XXX 18 12 12068 OXO, XXX 24 12 12068 OXXO, XXXX 24 12 16068 XX❑ XXX 6080 ❑X, XO, XX 12 18 8080 OX, XO, XX 16 18 9080 OX❑, XXX 18 18 12080 OX❑, XXX 24 18 12080 LDXXO, XXXXI 24 18 80100 ❑X, XO, XX 16 18 90100 ❑XO, XXX 18 18 120100r pXO, XXX 24 18 120100, ❑XX❑, XXXX 24 18 SECTION E 2.300 REINFORCING CTYP.) 1.500 REINFORCIN <TYR) EXTERI❑R❑R SECTION G NOTESt I. WHERE USING ANCHOR QUANTITIES AS STATED ON THE ABOVE CHART, APPROVED INSTALLATIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS, A) CONCRETE OR MASONRY SUBSTRATE WHERE ONE BY NON—STRUCTUAL WOOD BUCKING IS EMPLOYED, USING 3/16' DIA. TAPCON TYPE CONCRETE SCREW ANCHORS OF SUFFICIEN LEGNTH TO ACHIEVE MIN. EMBEDMENT OF 1-1/4' INTO CONCRETE OR MASONRY, B) WOOD FRAME SUBSTRATE, USE #10 WOOD SCREWS OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE MIN. EMBEDMENT OF 1-3/8' INTO WOOD FRAMING, C> STEEL STUD SUBSTRATE, USE #10 SELF TAPPING SMS. 2. QUANTITY OF ANCHORS ARE CALCULATED NOT TO EXCEED THE AS TESTED SPACING, 3. MAX, ALLOWABLE SHIM SPACE TO BE 1/4' USE LOAD BEARING SHIM, AS REQ'D. AT EACH ANCHOR. 4, APPLICABLE TEST REPORT, CTLA-927W, SIGNED AND SEALED BY RAMESH PATEL, RE, 5. DADE CERTIFICATION NUMBER, 02-0429-03, 3.500—�— 1 1/4' MIN. EMBEDMENT 2.299 1/4' MAX. SHIM SPACE e •e 4 4 3/16' DIA. TAPCON (TYP,) SHIM AS REQ'D, (SEE NOTES) 1 X WnO❑D BUCK SECTION H BY OTHERS SECTION J 0NDSNW200IVVERRIPIEDAY ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 SERIES 8000 SLIDING GLASS DMR-LARGE MISSILE I -- ---RENE QUIRMA, P.E. — BB D- �9/16/t Q2 USTRCUANDN.T.S. n ac'o cv.urnn aan 3 OF 3 room 7mMw ! 7v L m/p OR- am L w= MIL rim am sww tl up -Om law /f-am