HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0797 - ----.-_.. --~._.._~...-.-._~ "._--..... ._~. ,,",~~'-- :. ;~,; ': " ,j"'-,,-" ,.' ("~,!, , j186.,..~~~. 1 I " \' ' ' ~ ". , ..~.~ '..-, - ~ .. J ,~ , I , f I, ; , 'I' \1 t' , . ~ 'I '.. t' .1 '1. "j l ,I ,\ 'i 'I '''. '\ ,', I \ ' , '" j" . I ,. I, .' , . .-w-".' ','~ ' ,~'.~,""'" '"..,."..,..'!Mett..Mll",U.,1ft._~PIollh../4_,'..lU_...._ ":. :::::' ';;::, r', '\ ';~:S:~:::::::~:::=~'~';i;~;')t~C-T~.,~r.~~~;-~~',' .~'=~~;;;~.~7'3rX.==-~~4:~;:~::;~~~;~~ " Ct . ,\' ,-",:.,,; ,~~~~la K~~: ~ he'rbu;"'ban4J.',W. .~n&.I" \', t \.,. "I~' , I.: '. I: ,\ :01 \he CoUIlt1 o( st..' LU.ft.1S lIl,d St1teof~ Flq:rlda ~~Of th'e'6,-st ~~rt)au~:,: ;' \' ' I " '\" 'I' " " \ " ,\, \ ' , \ I, " , t' \ '..1.-~.' , .1. 'wi E:q\' , _.....:. 1 ort~e COIHI;; 0LL-.-...:~:i-..:, tUa~. " ,lid S,tateof-r-"" . ' 'lQr~d a \ . \' ,,~ of the ~CO~d,~~ WITNE~SETli; t~a~I:lIl~'~ld part1t.L of the 6Ul ~~ fo'-~Dd In cODside~.t~Il\Of th..~ ~f One l>oilar and other '~a~a ,.is ,~'~.ldlr~~101l8 " , ",!Hh to ~IIt'I~'liab'.t paid, t.bt rKelt>t\:'hettofl~her!b~;atkl!owled,ged,\ \ .' .' .'. - ~ '. . -' :. . . \ .. . ..', . \ .... , \ ; II~ grante~ ~rgai~~cl. aolci ~~d tran'~fcrte4. &lid b1;1:~~~ ~r~lCalsdO-_'-:lI.1'~atl ba~pIn, ~U,pn4:uatl.rer .Ullto the 'l,a\d P~ofth'l' "CoII'4' part au4-~~_. ~ira lUId....lallS (or~ttr..n .b.t c.c:rtai~''pl.!eel 'of Ilfdl~iti. ICld bcill, ~ the C~it,Ilt1.of St..L-;Uob " lUId,State, of~..:..D.Qr.1d a " " more parti(UJar~ de'c~i~ ~ foIIoWl:~_ . . ...:.- '"-'_'_ -:-. ,'. , '.' '. _ .. '. -'. " -,.\ . '.. .' '.- -. ~ ~- :---- ~..~,~_._,__....i_-:-~~.' '. -:--'-1..r.ol.~1x:.J.6.J.;.c.D.f dl,()Ok 'l'w.A:..w~..oz~era..~tinn to . ~_....;_;..:':....~.~_.~~;..:,,;,,~..._..,._:....l~..nt.I'..Q.'dl.tt~~~.r(U~ t,o' ,illat. 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'. . _._-~.' .,' .;..... .~..__..,;-:----.,;._.."t.-......:.;.~.._-;.........-:---...........__._.;;-~---..--...-...-.~---:"~-_._~--:'~-_.-_...~.~...-:-"-_...~-~---:-----~_.~..;._....-. ___. .~ . T~GF,TH ER\\ith ;all the tentmenis.' he;e.di;"menl' 'a!,d,' 'appu,rl.nan<~... ,,:itbeY'C!1' pi-!.i1ege. rightl-"li1lr, iQluell ~ndellll(e.'do,.~r' and righto{ dower. . revtr.l<,>n; ,rcm".ndcr aDd euelUcal'lhclCto I>elonglDlr" or tD .ailY""',e apptrtalDing: TO. 11" V E AN 0 .Tv 110.1.0 the. lame iJl fee .itQple 'forner. '. .' ' . .' :' .', .: ' '..' "'. .~. ,', 4." . '... . . \ I.' . . " ._': . .... _." . c.' '. . " And. thee, ~aid par.t.J.~a of the finl p~rt, do-:- COyellant with Ute .~id ,PtIflI.~_.bf \he ICcon~part tl1~,":-~,....:_..,:--:~la'ltfo1I1 .ei~ed 0' the -.aid preriuse~ that tile, art free frounlllncumbrancc. ~ad iha~hey hav~Ood (i'ghl &Ad la~fu1.uth~ritJ' to ~U the ..me~and the ..id part......!!\" . A" .' , . '.,' '-. ... ...'''--': :'" :..... .' _' .. -'..) '. '. . '.:' '.' _:. '. . ,,- ... .' . ' . " .... . . . . .' ,. '__"' - - . ,.th;le Iiratpart 'dO_, - heieb,,'. fuUY,~airant/thetit~e to' ..i~ la.nd, ~4, w,lI def.#M,the. .ame, .~ajlilt ~e la~f"'d~miOfal1.petlO, a. .~h~!ll~Y,r,. , '. ' " IN WITNESS WJ~EREOF, .tb~ w4 p~( I:he 6,'t'pactha.D.,_.llerelllllo 1ft theU-:- IWIctJ...d ~caL..~eda1 &ad ycar.b9~e'wtitleD. . " _..~. .:.' ..~~,:::~~~~~~~I,~~~~;~~:'~ii;i.~=~~S;:_~~,:.,:_..:,_,..,-~-'_:':"~"'--~-'l . __...., ..... , . - '- ~rtle ..R1ppA'"'' .__,... _. ...__._. ..:_..,...._~ 'no.. ._ .' -........ .. .. . - -_. ...... -. ..~ . ~ "'-.- '. . .. -. -.- . .... _ -~ ... .-... _ -~ -.... . .-- ~... -~.. ._........... .--'.' . .;._---:...._. ... ..--'...- .... ~._. .;,L....:..,~..:...___;,~lla..~ J(i "g. '.'O:.,"",-:;.~,:.~('SI,::~L) , : ".. y , ,'1.,-.( ._.....,..;...,.._............11.... A "g ~_..:.._..,._,....._.._(SEAH,.. , . , STATE Ot>-:-_~2!.ot1.da' , . . '. ". CQUNTY OF_~~_..Jit.~_ ~Q~e' ., --~ . } . IHEREI~Y C.E~.I!FY, Tbat OD thi...12tA day of II . d Ai-1>"'e'll>. V1-I1D' and her, \oo".e'''', anA persona 'I appcar~ ,_.:..,..' __..)11_. -_ Qi--8 ___ __ _ """ )(__11 -J!8.y , }, J ~ W_K~nB, "", D.19&- b~~ore ~e:' to me kno....n to be the JlCuoa~ ducribed In and "'ho uecuted the f~relo,ilag conwcyanee t~~:-:_.. :s:.. 011 9' a1-g1a ,,' r _alld 'fCYcrally acklll1Jl'kdged the' u~cutiOD tbe~-of ~be1he!s free ad aad deedfor'lbe us~..nd purpos~' thtreinmentio~td;.aJ)d I:be .~id...',...t.~illL.1U.D&.-,-~, ,..,.. . , , ' the wii, (I{ Ih~ u.id....:._...:.... . ,'. . J,. 'II.' Kipg , . ' . ~___,_~_._._.__~_-'-_on . .~parat~ arid pr;yale e~~mi~!li,61l. taken .'",1 made Ly 'Ond t,tlore me,an<t'.e",,,'dy andaparl Irom hrr,u,c) h..sband, dl<1 acknowleJge I:hat .he ~de herself a parly to'~he u,d (ltt.f or Coo.eyanCt. for the \,u'I'(", "I renouilC"'ll' rehnqu"!llnlC an,1 C()n>c~ing "II h\r righl., title and inlerest. whuher of. dower or of i~parile properly,l1at\llMY oreQu1ul,le, in anJ 10 'Ihe lan,t. ,I.treln ,Ics",bed. and that .he executed Jaid deed fteelY,and yolunutlly and wllhout .a)' cooatrame, lear. llpprehenslon or' wIllJ,ol.lOn 01 or Iron: her uiJ husband. . , r ' ',. ' " -- - \VITSESS 01; signature.and'officiAl .~a1.~L.....fi.L~~. ... , .. ( "., , . . all~Slate of r'lor.1~ ,the daTand )'tlf ,last ,aforuajd. st~~ ID !he COuatyof ~ '1_, p. :)'Jlj ST^n;OF 'FlORJf)A' } COWin Of ST. LUCIE' -~ l << l' 11't la _.Hip-p-_n._....,h-'-.__:~_."-__( SE,~ L) N()t~r1 illO,;;>iocioI"'State e~ 1"la. at Lar-ge My oomm1ssion explreeKay,let. 1~29 ,) ./ t ~. I . V, ,kV ".o.oa L n_ On this da10f __.. _.\. D; 19l~ .............."o.c1OC:___!IL, tbl, IlIstruni~nt w.. , - - ~ \. . >' - I J I. . fil~d for record, and ~illg dulyackoo...ledged .nd prOYCD, I ban recorded the .ame 011 pag~_,of Boo1L..2.!.._ln the public record. of said C(lUnlY", ' . , ., , , IN "\'JTSESS WJlERIWF, I haYC'hm~oto aCt tny hand and .ffi~hueaJ of the Circuit Court ~f t~e FiltuDih Judicial Circuit of said Stat~~'iu aad for said County,. I,',' '~. . I ' , 'J . :l ; " . P: Gi E~"'4 ~__Ck'k. 'n - L' .. .1- '{6 .'9 ~~^-oD.:" _ Ct. Ct. Oj181 ,~ ,'v -.::1 ,;" , f ,- , , ~T>;Q'. , _ " ,. , , , ',.-' I, . l, I i ."~~'-r '-.: A " ':\1 "t \ I , . 'I I \ , , U' ,. ,I : \' , , i " , ,\ \ . 1 \ , , I '1 '. '." .' ~ 'f '~ " '1 . i:- -1 t '.f] : --- . j . --; , -, ,.' I , .