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(," '\ " _,~,__';;u.__...,:,,-__~~~......._.__~~~.....~~_:";-,...,i.\~!~~~b-al:.f...~t~~242 of t.~_;~Y.l.)dl\'i81on 'Q:( S,otion '\, ,\;, ~ ,. . ' ," . . \ -, . '. . " ' . . ~_......_..~._....."':'1~!LJ.J..Q:~:.!~Yma,h!P'7~~1r..~-:!1~J.~~th_~1'Rw.~ For-j;y t40l :t118t.. ma~. by, " _..,~_u_...:,_._._.~.._.~~~ ~~t~Q....-L~~p'~ ~ th8~.gLr.~J..cL~m ~l~~ 'R~~.lr. n~... fl)', ~tg. .2,'3 --;.'..:.,-...~.~:-_.9:f....st.._;"!-.wu......c.Q-~.,;~~.I.C.o.r~.i!\1 01'1 b~o~lta 'iI1l1g. t.1:U~O~.Q . ',mo,re, or b~ '- ~ ' ., i . .'- ...... _~___~_:'"'~;-'""7-:.""".._'~_:__~___",:~._~r_. "~--~..~---=-'~--':':--~r-":",~" .~_.......;~ .".......:...:.___.,",.,~.n~~.Q9-,..L.::J.i~.ll~,... :..~_',!~ ~,"..._, ,...:-;_-'--.-__.,...,....._ -r:'~~- ..".-..'--~ . ~, , " ."""-~.~~- U' ..',X Cn . , ',,:'0 \ ' 1\ .,\ .. ~ ,;. ,'.,' .: - . . 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'. - ..:....' , '- -.,..,-.; -.:- -', " :". j. - '. ~. :" ". ~ ,"., .. -' ^?d the &aldpaz~ 9f, th'e iiratp.;t do_::,::,:,_,~nll~ni wllh th,e uldpart~",_:_ ~fdie Itcond JlartthaL,tohe~7,-_I.wfu\l7Ici:ied 01 lb. . -'.... . " . -. '. ..' ". .'. ialdprcmi$CI:,Ij,.ttj,tt.~e Iret Irom "lIincu;"bra,q'ct. ~ad tha!j;he~C,~'riil,1tan!lI..wrlil.uthori!y 'li>' RlIl:he ~m!; a.adthe,'~id ~ ;oi . ", "... . . ".' '. '" . "'. . ...' - ,. . '. '. '. .' . . . .'. ....' ,'. ','., ...'. .,,': :.','.." '. ,the fir'$l part do~ herebY. fully wainn(jhe tItle to uid..Iand, .nd will dt.ftnd tbe'um~ agaldl1l:be41!'flil daiai. of .11 pertoni"holQl9Oyer,' , . ';, - . _"_ '.' -' h--: -: '.' '-, ~. ':. -,.,' _~,"'" ..' IN WI1:N ESS W~ER'EOF.tbe aai~ p~ of th,efint 'par'tha~ bereun\o ~t ,': 'Uleir "11I4 aild ~e day an'd '1UJ' '~Tewrillen;:, . .=:::';='~~~i~~~:~~:~~~t.."..'.:.:,.'.',..,:..~.'.'.',..<:.,..'..,~.-,....,~,..,..,:,:.:,,',...,.,..,:.._:,..,..,'-.-.~,-,'-_.~,.,~_~~,-.....-,.,..,...t'.'..,. . . =-C;-~~lliL~.-~:~~~.In~(SEAL) m , ...,..... ", . ._..~....':"'_..Zar,~....1...._~~~.aeJl.::....-=--:...:'-...:..(SE^L) .-....._..'~I..., _. r I. t I ~. '1; ~ , [ ~ . ~ J I .q " ~Tt-tE OF.~._.~.JiQr.id&.:.~~_-,-~..-.:---____' t COUNTY~F__.,:.S,t.....J.:u.a14 " ,', ',,' J, . , . - . . . : I IIE'REny 'ctR:Tln; Thaton.t.hi._..:.:..._....2.7.t~.:.~~70f , l.tay. per$0llall7 ~pm~.d_._._Jlartln1L., 1;'ed8r8I11n'~nl1 X'ai-"I'1J. h4eri.n' -::-' .p -\. D'.I~ before~. ' i K 'to me known t~ be the ptr$Oo_L dmribcd in.nd ."'1>0 txect;ted the fore~oinlS con"e7an~e to.~tl. 3. RnBlal" '-~.~_ ....._..__...._.:_~___ .ncl~vtta\ly ~.~knowleditd t.heutC1ltion therrof,to be their 'free- .ct ' . . . .' '~ddeed fQr ~b~ ':'Iea, and p;:r~Ostllbmi~ menli()ned;: .nd the'aid_-::~IUL....I.a..~w~ .. . , ; , the wife of.lhe l3id~_.._...J"l1r11n..Jl.&.~.e.d~.aa.i1......:..c...~~-.-_~-;r'''_~_'_~'_c____,,_..__''-':''--'-___Oll, . itpa,.te .and, private euminatioll. tllktn ane! ma,fe 1'7 and bdorenle, and 'stf.arallly and .parl from. hu ui.\ n~lb.n.t, did acknowl,edj(e that .he made bencH a parly 10 Ihe uid.lI<td of, 'ConH)'anCt. lor Ibe \1~rpoH or renouncinj(, rchnQui)h,nl! an.l convtyinl! '.aU hn f1;:hr,111Ie and ;nl...-.I, "helhu of dowuor 01 $e\1aralt properly, Ila'ulor, ore'lulla"le.in an,! I? 'Ihe .lan.1s. tbtrein .Jucrabc4,:alld Ihal $!'e ueculcd laid deed freely.nd volunlaroll',and without anJ"toaa.lraint., fcar,l9prtlttnaion or ,compulllon 01 or from "erlald Iiu.t.and.' '., " ',;' ',' ."; ;' ~ '. '.' , . - . " '. __. ~ .'. . ' - '. - . .' I . . ,WITNESS 'my sign'IUff- .~d offici.tat',1 .t___:..'.il'O:rt F~e'rQIII _-:.,.. In theCoun.t1 of Slo; .t:'O~' , '~~__ 'a.a, d State Of--I~fP-' __..~___.__the day .nd 7ur la~t.,:fOrt.tai~ ", ' " , .', 'E.~. ~anderson .,.. ., I' . u. :P. ~eai . . :' ll-ti"-~'Y'b11~--.---._..._._~~-(SEAL) . .' , , . ' -- ~Co~t~~10~' .Jrr;~t:y o,~4f~ont:." '" STATE OF FLORI A } COUNTY OF ST, Ll\IE: " 'j <~ ,On this 27th da,. of lraY '" , , -\.D, 19R-. .t..2.:.~'c1~k..2..-m.,th~ lnllrum~~tw.. filf'd for rtcor.d. .nd being dul7 acknowledged ."d proven; 1 have recorded the ,lame on P'i~ 208 of Boolr' 64- County,' . _In the publiC; recorda of Hid , I , , ~-"''''''--'TNWITN ESS WH EREOF,I have h'trtunlo Ict my hind' and afliud tb'e Jut oflbe 'Circuit COllno1lhe FiftCtDth 1u'dicial Cirtult'of laid St.te.ln ana for Mid Coun 17, J ' ;. qt. c;t. .iea1' l /. \ '\~ ~~~:! ".____ctet~ (; /Y1-Cl:, .~ ,'. '. ~'~~)j . ti: c. f ' '1 , ','