HomeMy WebLinkAbout1902-0589 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF SWIMMING POOL PLANS (2)• 1 FI,ORIDADWA[rrMENroF For Department Use Only:. Amount Fee Re"u :Date - Check N l,(� EIVr� I. �q°q SP#. FEE REC 4) �O � MF# . - �ctia���o� STATE OF FLORIDA 00o DEPART ENT OF HEALTH APPLIC�t`�"I N FOR APPRQVAL OF SWIMMING POOL PLANS This form is to be completed and submitted with plans and specifications in six copies along with. the appropriate fee'. New Constriction ® Revision ❑_ Modification ❑— 1. Name of Project CASTLE PINES PGA VILLAGE . +' Address of Pool City PORT ST.LUCIE County ST. LUCIE 2. Name of Owner RESERVE HOMES LTD., L.P. Phone Number (561)4684703 Mailing Address 9700 RESERVE BLVD. City PORT ST. LUG State FL Zip 34986 3. Pool Type: Conventional ❑ Spa 0 Wading Special Purpose ❑ Water Recreation Attraction❑ Indoor ❑ Outdoor ® Transient ❑ Non4ransient® 4. No. of Units Served:436 No. of Stories Dist�nce of Farthest Unit from Pool: Elevator Yes❑ No❑_ 5. Number of Sanitary' Facilities: Water Closetsi Urinals Lavatories i Dressing Rooms Male 1 I 2 1 Distance From Female 5 I 1 Pool: 170' _ 6. Method of Waste Water Disposal: STORM SEWER I 7. Pool Volume in Gallons:3290GALLON Bathing. Load: 15 Water Source: PRIVATE P.U.D. 8. Dimensions: Width: 14' Length: 14'Area: 154 SFPeri leter. 44 LF.Depth: Max. V-6" Min. .3 �u ShapeROUND 9. Type Construction Material: Shelf GUNITE � Finish EXP. AGGR. Cofort-IGHT 10. Equipment Make and Model: _ (A) Recirculation Pump:PUREX TRITON WF 12 Flow 00 GPM At 80 TDH3 HP (B) Filter:NAUTILUS FNS60D.E. Area 60 Sq. Ft Flow Capacity 120 GPM (C) Disinfection Equipmw tRAINBOW a00- X Capacity 8.05 fl GPD or ® PPD (D) pH Adjustment Feeder.N/A Capacity (GPD) (E) Test M TALYOR DH 914. 3/98 (Obsoletes Sep 90 edition) The design engineer certifies to the preparation of the engineering documents and agrees to furnish certified operating permit applications upon completion of the project and is authorizer to; represent the applicant in the engineering features including monitoring of construction. These plans, specifications and. related documents are approved and accepted by the pwnerlbs wwr's representative. Y Date V ate Signature and seat Engineer registered under Florida Sig' re: Omer/Owners Representative Statutes Typed Name and Florida registration number . "Typed Name and Title of Above DAVID FAERMAN P.E. LICENSE#47646 ROBERT VAIL Phone Number. (954)772-4940 Phone Number 561 8-4703 Address: 5755 POWERLINE ROAD. Street Address: 9700 RESERVE BLVD. Street FT.LAUDERDALE FL 33309 PORT ST.LUCIE ' FL "34986 City State Zip City- State Zip These plans for the proposed construction cited in the foregoing application are hereby approved under authority of Chapters 381 and 514. Florida Statutes, with the following proviso(s): 1. Provide an equalizer valve that fits the Bermuda skimmer.. 3. Specify the radius of curve for the edge of the stairs. Identify the center of curve. 4" diameter line causes flow velocity to exceed 3 fps, and is thus not acceptable. Construction on this project shall be commenced within one year from the date of approval of this application otherwise six (6) months approval extension shall be obtained from the Department prior to commencing construction. This approval is for the functional aspects of this project and is based on the*dbrmation and data supplied by the applicant or.his agent There may be other local permits. requkernents or regulations that must be met prior to the construction of this facility. Only those applications, plans and specifications that have been stamped with the Department's approval number are included in this approval. Any changes to these applications, plans or specifications may render this approval null and void. hD y .... . . . i h'.a.. TE OF FLORIDA F75Dept. of Health Approval Stamp and Date . SP I Environmental Engineering STRUCTURAL DESIGN NET COVERED�Y By 4 - 1999 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Print flame Jeb Bush 'iGAN O Governor FAY 9 Mr. David Faerman, P.E. 5755 Powerline Road Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Dear Mr. Faerman: Effective November 4, 1999, the plans for the to the following provisos: 1. Provide an equalizer valve that fits the E 2. Provide an erosion feeder capable of fe 3. Specify the radius of curve for the edge 4. Contractor shall note discrepancy in siz on Sheet 1 (4" diameter) and the piping 4° diameter line causes flow velocity to The review of the engineering features of this al supervision, and I certify that those engineering Statutes, and Chapter 64E-9, Florida Administr Robert G. Brooks, M.D. Secretary November 4, 1999 St. Lucie County Castle Pines @ PGA Village Spa Pool Port St. Lucie referenced pool are approved under Serial No. SP-15825, subject .rmuda skimmer. OK A 5 SPW rl E�O _ %UOTEO A5 PAC - ding 6 ppm into 110 GPM recirculation flow rate. _ v5 g FAAy if the stairs. Identify the center of curve. K3�oca4vg M�4- �$ g of the main drain line between the piping plan chematic on Sheet 4 (6° diameter). The Kceed 3 fps, and is thus not acceptable. Leo'r., ovt P 'ICE ation has been conducted by me or under my responsible Tres satisfy the applicable requirements of Chapter 514, Florida Code. The application indicates that you have contracted to monitor the pool construction to ensure compliance with the approved documents. Upon completion, your cert fication along with that of the pool contractor, electrical contractor or inspector, and pool owner, will be necessary fo application for an operating permit. Four (4) fully executed copies of DH Form 916 are to be submitted to this office long with the required $125.00 fee (made payable to the Dept. of Health) for final inspection. By copy of this letter, the applicant is advised that unauthorized operation and use of the pool without a valid State operating ermit is a violation of Chapter 514, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 64E-9 of the Florida Administrative Code, and may subject the wner to appropriate legal action. Approval is given to this project on the basis of information furnished to the department. There may be county, municipal, or other local regulations or restrictions) to be complied with by you and we recommend that appropriate local agencies be consulted before starting construction. Upon receipt of the approved materials, one set shall be forwarded to the owner, and one set shall be forwarded to the contractor for keeping on the construction site,. Thank you for your cooperation. RFF:ce c: St. Lucie County Env. Health Reserve Homes, Ltd., L.P. Sincerely, 4-1� .1 Robert F. Fos er, P.E. Regional Engineer En ironmental Engineering 400 W. Robinsoxi St., Suite S-532.Orlando, FL 32801