HomeMy WebLinkAbout1902-0589 BUILDING PLAN PAGE 38-57L EXISTING WALL CONSTRUCTION PROVIDE 3/8" DIA. BOLT THROUGH OVERHEAD DOOR GUIDE RAIL ABOVE TOP WHEEL (TACK WELD THROUGH RAIL). ENSURE DOOR CANNOT LIFT. CAL TRACK SSEMBLY JAMB BRACKETS PROVIDE CAULK MATERIAL AT PERIMETER OF OVERHEAD DOOR NOTE: OTHER OPTIONS ARE VIABLE IF THEY CAUSE AT LEAST A 2 MINUTE DELAY AND ENSURE DETECTION OF ANY BREACH. r TENANT TO PROVIDE I 1 SHROUDED HIGH SECURITY f PADLOCK AT OVERHEAD \ DOOR SLIDE LOCK. �I-=r \ I -- OPTIONAL: BOLT AN L BRACKET INTO THE FLOOR AND SCREW INTO OVERHEAD DOOR TO PREVENT FROM MOVING / I Y 1 OVERHEAD IN ACTIVE SECTIONAL DOOR SECTION -TYP. 1" = 1'-0" EXTERIOR ----NEW HOUSING FOR OVERHEAD COILING DOOR WITH DOUBLE JAMB TRACK. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS Nz INSTRUCTIONS. ® � I o 0 - HOUSING & FRAME FOR NEW 0 0 I HIGH-SPEED RAPID FABRIC 0 c DOOR. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS ® INSTRUCTIONS IrD l�� -, � -4 of r i CUSTOM INTERIOR MOUNTED ROLL UP AND RAPID FABRIC DOOR WITH DOUBLE TRACK FRAMING. PER MANUF. RECOMMENDATIONS. ADDITIONAL FRAMING AND CONNECTIONS BY DOOR INSTALLER INTERIOR ALUMINUM BREAK METAL RETURN OVER JAMB. PROVIDE AT EXPOSED INSULATION, TYP. HOUSING & FRAME FOR - - NEW RAPID FABRIC DOOR. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS °L. F- EXTERIOR MOUNTED - RAPID FABRIC DOOR FRAME,CONT. OQUA ISIN as eoa U z wuo z v E z g o •— /1 r w a m .� - v LIJ ~ 2 m `o IL Of 3 < w z 3 w �rn O w �� EXISTING WALL CONSTRUCTION a 0 -I Issuances PERMITS: 02/27/2019 EXISTING INTERIOR OVERHEAD DOOR r ASSEMBLY NOINTERIOR RAPID FABRIC OVERHEAD SECTIONAL TRACK DOOR SECTION AT EXISTING 1"=1'0., Revisions No. Date Description Z�W W O �' U` Q � O 6` Uc Q Qi UL �~ V♦ J �L pF O C V L V L U W J W r.AR9,58, -33 puG —*— t/4 If this document is sealed and signed in a or electronic format and is received from: other than the sealing professional identif the document, you must contact the seali professional in writing to validate aulhenti the document, The sealing professional the seal and signature and shall not be li< any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic sei signature has not been validated in this n Job Number 83460 Drawn By P App/d By S Sheet Title i4 WALL SECTION AND DETAILS Sheet Number AU Gn Gn 7 LAVATORY ELEVATION - TYP. A2.0 1/2" =1'-0" 34' 11 A5:1 \ / O EN �? OPEN r HB-1 n W m 0 108 09 OFFICE BLOCK ELEVATION EAST A1.0 1/4" =1'-0" AA6 AA5 STAINLESS STEEL SINK - RE: PLUMBING SS-2 PL-2 STANDARD FLUSH BOX CABINETRY (VERIFY W/ ARCHITECT AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGER) VB-1 PT - TP -_ A-1 RESTROOM ELEVATION -TYP A2.0 VB-1 N a 0 F_ 4 U a 1/2" = T-0" 2 5.1 FUTURE MI( PL-8 (ALL SIDES) PL-8 (INTERIOR) El- CJ 7 A5.1 - hl- 7F q F F L-�'_] F 3 'REAKROOM CASEWORK ELEVATION A2.0 12 NOTE: SURROUNDING AREA AND A5.1 CONTEXT MAY VARY PER PROJECT SEE PLAN FOR OPENING DIMENSION L EQ TV ELEVATION 30'-0" MAX. TYP. HB-1 LL LL 4 r` F'v'1 5'-0" 0 0 zTATION MANAGER VIEWING WINDOW q 1/2" = V-0" 1/2" =1'-0" PT-1 VB-1 A2.0 OPEN OFF J A2 0 ELEVATION X ELEVATION 1/2" = V-0" 1/2" =1'-0" CABINET LEGEND 1. ALL SHELVES ARE ADJUSTABLE, EXCEPT WHERE NOTED 2. PROVIDE EQUAL SIZED FILLER PANELS AT CABINET ELEVATIONS. MAXIMUM 611. 3. PROVIDE FINISH BASE AT ALL BASE CABINETS TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL BASE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. PROVIDE SEALANT AT BOTTOM, TOP AND ENDS OF BACKSPLASH. 5. LAMINATE ADHESIVES USED TO FABRICATE ON -SITE AND SHOP -APPLIED C OMPOSITE WOOD AND AGRIFIBER ASSEMBLIES MUST NOT CONTAIN ADDED UREA -FORMALDEHYDE RESINS. 6. ALL INTERIOR SURFACES AND SHELVES TO RECEIVE WHITE MELAMINE FINISH. 7. SEE MATERIAL SCHEDULE FOR MILLWORK FINISHES WXXXX NOTATION EXAMPLE WIDTH (INCHES) PULL TYP. HEIGHT (INCHES) LOCK W3630 v BACKSPASH WALL CABINETS (12" DEEP) -Q LOCK o WIDTH (INCHES) PULLS TYP. N � \_ - B36 BXX BASE CABINETS (24" DEEP ) COORDINATE HEIGHT WITH OWNER'S EQUIPMENT - MODIFY CABINET HEIGHT LOCK ACCORDINGLY CABINET TYPES B BASE CABINET C CUBICLE STORAGE W WALL CABINET OR SHELVES K KNEESPACE DRAWERS SIB SINK BASE CABINET X CORNER UNIT DB DRAWER BASE CABINET T TALL STORAGE CABINET 1. PROVIDE ALL CABINETS CONSTRUCTION FROM COMPOSITE WOOD AND/OR AGRIFIBER PRODUCTS WITH NO ADDED UREA -FORMALDEHYDE RESINS. (SEE SPECIFICATIONS) 2. COMPOSITE WOOD AND AGRIFIBER PRODUCTS ARE DEFINED AS PARTICLE BOARD, MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD (MDF), PLYWOOD, WHEAT BOARD, STRAWBOARD, PANEL SUBSTRATES AND DOOR CORES. 3. LAMINATE ADHESIVES USED TO FABRICATE ON -SITE AND SHOP APPLIED COMPOSITE WOOD AND AGRIFIBER ASSEMBLIES MUST NOT CONTAIN ADDED UREA-FORMALDAHYDE RESINS. (SEE SPECIFICATIONS). 4. ALL UPPER CABINETS SHALL HAVE ADJUSTABLE SHELVES. 5. ALL INTERIOR SURFACES AND SHELVES TO RECEIVE WHITE MELAMINE FINISH (ALL SIDES) (CABINETS WITH DOORS ONLY). 6. SEE ELEVATIONS FOR MILLWORK FINISHES. 7. ALL DRAWERS SHALL HAVE GUIDES WITH NYLON ROLLERS, ALL HINGES, PULLS, GUIDES, AND RELATED HARDWARE SHALL BE COMMERCIAL GRADE. HARDWARE HARDWARE: DESCRIPTION: ADJUSTABLE SHELF SUPPORTS KNAPE &VOGT 332ANO W/ANACHROME FINISH COUNTER BRACE MOUNTING SANYMETAL 4035 OR EQUAL BRACKETS SHELF BRACKET DOUG MOCKETT SWS2, 18" X 18" W/ DIAGONAL BRACES, INTEGRAL MOUNTING HOLES, AND MATTE BLACK FINISH SHELF AND BRACKET DESCRIPTION: STANDARDS: STANDARDS KNAPE & VOGT 85ANO, DOUBLE SLOTTED STEEL (16 GA) BRACKETS KNAPE & VOGT 185ANO, DOUBLE SLOTTED, 2" LESS THAN SHELF DEPTH CABLE ACCESS GROMMETS DOUG MOCKET FLIP TOP SERIES INTERIOR ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES 1. REFER TO ENLARGED FINISH PLAN AND FINISH SCHEDULE FOR MATERIAL SELECTIONS AND LOCATIONS 2. REFER TO PLUMBING PLAN AND SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION INFORMATION 3. INTERIOR FINISHES TO FOLLOW MOST CURRENT DELIVERY STATION DESIGN GUIDANCE (2018), REVISION 9 - JANUARY 6TH, 2018 KEYNOTES NUMBER NOTE A01 BOLLARDS, TYP. (G.C, TO PAINT P-9) A07 TIME CLOCK WI BULLETIN BOARDS A47 SIGNAGE BY TENANT NOTE: FINISH SCHEDULE LOCATED ON SHEET A2.2 NOTE: ACCESSORIES SCHEDULE LOCATED ON SHEET A2.0 IIII IIII II CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ I I I I I I I I I I A47 IL - - A47 HB-1 PT-1 o 6 G0.04 00 G0.04 \ \ / \ A07 - - --' - A07 / \ Z Z W W W W 0 o7I I I 7 V / 104 I 103 102A / 1028 / - - A01 A01 9 OFFICE BLOCK ELEVATION NORTH A1,0 1/4" = V-0" PT-1 VB-1 CLO U a z alp w w � ` z E ��- w w o ro V' I_ F- a> N N LLj A■ S mo c> c9 C- r7 01 d w z O CIO ro �-2rn � � U � C1 a- �0 a co Issuances PERMITS: 02/2712019 Revisions No. Date Description Z UJ, O J 0) UL0 Q Q� �U W w �♦/^� V♦ J W O� U~ o0 �O ILL LU J W 0 r Seal �E (I F ( U �P••''ouc •S'� A. ;O +:� �. ;. AR98585 :. (j1J. sT� If this document is sealed and signed in a digital or electronic format and is received from someone - other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity of .. the document. The sealing professional disclaims the seal and signature and shall not be liable for any liability associated with it where the „ authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manner. .f, Job Number 83460006 Drawn By NDE App/d By SOW Sheet Title FILEOP INTERIOR F ELEVATIONS Sheet Number AU J ROUNDED CONCRETE TOP 1/2" CROWN 6" DIA, CONCRETE FILLED STEEL PIPE - PAINT SAFETY YELLOW 1" CANT ON CONCRETE EXPANSION FILLER EXISTING ASPHALT PAVING STEEL PIPE SLEEVE dl f CONCRETE FOOTING ud m 10" X 10" X 1/4" THICK PLATE WELDED ALL AROUND SITE PROTECTIVE BOLLARD DETAIL TYP. A2.0 Tl = T-0" NOTE: BOLLARDS SHALL BE EQUAL TO HEARTLAND ENGINEERED PRODUCTS B6HD - 6" HEAVY DUTY SCHEDULE 40 PIPE BOLLARD, ANCHOR TO CONCRETE SLAB WITH MANUFACTURER PROVIDED ANCHORS 4'-0" TALL X 6" DIA. SURFACE MOUNTED BOLLARD (YELLOW PAINTED) 0 LU w �o' 1/2" SOLID SURFACE COUNTERTOP AND 4" BACKSPLASH (SS-2) - 1/2" SOLID SURFACE APRON (SS-2) REMOVABLE 3/4" PLASTIC N LAMINATE GUARD (PL-1). PROVIDE INTERMEDIATE SUPPORT AS REQUIRED WITH'Z' CLIPS 1/2" SOLID St COUNTERTC BACKSPLASI EQ EQ W TENANT PRC '/ \\ TRASH CAN 0 g SURFACE MOUNTED BOLLARD x A2.0 w? SEE WALL TYPE ,xw z 4 X 4 C.T. aW � c— SCHIENE AE100 w SCHLUTER STRIP ID z o �% — z� w- — — — — — — — — — — — — g CORNER GUARD (TYP.) U Z C a� h J CL w¢ CLW L m J w a CORNER GUARD (TYP.) a� w� wW m m� g = CORNER EDGE DETAIL A2.0 1 1 1/2" = V-0" p0i CONTINUOUS METAL BOTTOM TRACK CFMF BOX HEADER (WHEN REQUIRED) TOP OF RECESS ` 8,-4 21/2" INSULATED METAL STUD W/ 5/8" GYP. BOARD ON FINISH FACE ( WHEN INDICATED ON PLAN) 55" (OR 70") FLAT SCREEN TV MONITOR WI MOUNTING KIT INSTALLED BY G.C. - HOLD 3" MIN. SPACING ON ALL FOUR SIDES OR VENTILATION BOTTOM OF RECESS 4.8„ CFMF BOX SILL (WHEN REQUIRED) CONTINUOUS METAL TOP TRACK CONTINUOUS SEALANT AT INTERSECTION POINTS UNDERMOUNT SINK. RE: PLUMBING DRAWINGS STAINLESS STEEL COUNTER 6" BRACES (PAINTED BLACK) AT z EACH END AND MIDDLE (OR 4'-0" O.C.). SECURE TO WALL W/ LAG BOLTS AND PROVIDE WOOD -- - BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED SINK ECTAIL CONTINUOUS SEALANT AT INTERSECTION POINTS 12" CUTOUT IN COUNTERTOP 14" CUTOUT IN PLYWOOD. CENTER HOLE BETWEEN SINKS AND FRONT -TO -BACK. CHAMFER COUNTERTOP EDGE 1/4", PAINT PLYWOOD EDGE PT-8 STAINLESS STEEL COUNTER BRACES (PAINTED BLACK) AT EACH END AND MIDDLE (OR 4'-0" D.C.). SECURE TO WALL W/ LAG BOLTS AND PROVIDE WOOD — BLOCKING WHERE REQUIRED LAVAI DRY COUNTER TRASHCAN 1 O 1" , 1'-0" ALUMINUM TRACK FULL SEE WALL WIDTH OF OPENING TYPE ,e 1 -- 2" H.M. DRYWALL FRAME -.--- -- -- 1/4" TEMPERED GLASS SLIDING PANELS W/ POLISHED EDGES /JAMB DEPTH ALUMINUM TRACK SOTOP OFT CKI kG PLASTIC TE N R — PLASTIC LAMINATE COUNTER W/(2) li LAYERS 3/4" INDUSTRIAL BOARD CONCEALED COUNTERTOP SUPPORT 1 VARIES II VARIES BRACKET, BRACKET, VERTICAL LEG SAME LENGTH REFER TO PLAN EFER TO PLAN AS HORIZONTAL, PAINT EXPOSED BRACKET TO MATCH ADJACENT MAT'L COLOR. MAXIMUM T-6" O.C. PICK-UP (REFER TO SHEET G0.03 FOR SIGNAGE DIRECTORY TOP OF CMU ` - 104,_0,. PAINT FLOOR AND EALLS W/ REINFORCED CMU PARTITION EPDXY COATING WALL - RE: STRUCTURAL HD CASE GRATE WI SEDIMENT TRAP AND SEALANT AT BASE OF WALL DRAIN - RE: PLUMBING 1'-0" EXISTING CONCRETE FLOOR 1-0 11 SLOPE SLOPS I ROUGH FLOOR -- �L - 14 PER 1 — 174 PEfta _ - 100'_0„ a — 0 Z-0 t,7 t 'J� 0, ts 0°0 0°0 LcJ� ,, �'ooC%off �oo_c 00 oQ „moo oQ �11 IIII 1111-III %II 1 n n =1 1 11 11=111�,1n 1 I n=1 I 111=111=;11—n 111 1 n 111-1 n=1 DETAIL A2.0 NEW REINFORCED CONCRETE FLOOR - RE:STRUCTUI Ilf"�iISr1 TOP OF CMU - 104,_0„ -- REINFORCED CMU PARTITION 4'-0" TALL X 6" DIA. SURFACE WALL - RE: STRUCTURAL MOUNTED BOLLARD SEALANT AT BASE OF WALL - PAINT FLOOR AND EALLS W/ EPDXY COATING CONCRETE1" HIGH EXISTING CONCRETE 1 0 HUMP WIBEVELED EDGES AND FLOOR 1' 0" EPDXY FINISH SLOP E / SLOP '� -� ROUGH FLOOR 11, PEl{ / � � 114 PER-t`= _. a I 100,-0" e -�- T , - — -� 1 nr�� n���—/�°L1_/1�1°ll�li1�l�LL�- HD GRATE SAND TRAP - RE: PLUMBING REFER TO WALL TYPE U A5.0 REFER TO CEILING PLAN FILL IN PANEL TIGHT TO CEILING DESIGNATED FINISH ON WOOD w PANEL SUBSTRATE (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE - SEE FINISH >', \ SCHEDULE) ADJUSTABLE MELAMINE SHELF HARDWARET.B.D. �— VERIFY LIGHTING IF SCHEDULED SCRIBE TO WALL AND PROVIDE w CONTINUOUS SEALANT AT JOINT COUNTER TOP: REFER TO INT. FINISH SCHED. FOR (DESIGNATED FINISH ON 3/4" M.D.F. W/ BLOCKING SHOWN) DESIGNATED FINISH ON WOOD PANEL SUBSTRATE (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE - SEE FINISH SCHEDULE) _ ADJUSTABLE TRAY o I� RESILIENT BASE: u REFER TO INTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE / 2x BLOCKING PER CASEWORK MFR. REFER TO SCRUBBER DUMP DETAI A2, 0 NEW REINFORCED CONCRETE FLOOR - RE:STRUCTURAL REFER TO CEILING PLAN Imo- FLOATING SHELF WITH CONCEALED SUPPORT BRACKETS (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE - SEE FINISH SCHEDULE) SCRIBE TO WALL AND PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SEALANT AT JOINT COUNTERTOP: REFERTOINT. FINISH SCHED. FOR ( DESIGNATED FINISH ON 3/4" M.D.F. W/ BLOCKING SHOWN) r� 06 2000.02 ADJUSTABLE TRAY I� II u REFER TO INTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE 2x BLOCKING PER CASEWORK MFR. TYP. CASEWORK A5.0 TING SHELF V = T-0" 2_1" (UNLESS INDICATED II iI �I oil r LUw i o O z J 1 z - FINISH FLOOR Ell I - - CONTINUOUS WOOD BLOCKING - ---REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR BACKSPLASH LOCATIONS, IF ANY IS RWISE) NOTED. — COUNTERTOP (UNL OTED OTHERWISESiRENSiO - LAMINATE BACKER SHEET AT ALL UNFINISHED WOOD — 3" GROMMET -VERIFY LOCATION AND QUANTITY WITH OWNER AFTER COUNTERTOP INSTALLATION - -- CONCEALED COUNTERTOP SUPPORT BRACKET, VERTICAL LEG SAME LENGTH AS HORIZONTAL. PAINT EXPOSED BRACKET TO MATCH ADJACENT MAT'L COLOR, MAXIMUM 3'-6" O.C. WORKSURFACE SINK BASE CABINET A5.0 CONCEALEC ...... EXISTING - STUD WALL WALL FINIS REFER TO I SCHEDULE FLOATING SHELF W/ COUNTERTOP, (UNLESS NOTE OTHERWISE - SEE FINISH SCHEDULE) SINK WITH 1/8" OVERHANG INSTALLATION DETAIL - REFER TO PLUMBING COUNTER TOP EDGE TO RETURN ON FRONT AND EXPOSED SIDES PLASTIC LAMINATE APRON FRONT (AND RETURN SIDE WHERE OCCURS, SEE ELEVATIONS AND FINISH SCHEDULE) REMOVABLE SLOPED PLASTIC LAMINATE PANEL WITH KEKU CLIPS AT EACH END OF PANEL VANITY SUPPORT BRACKETS END PANEL AT OPEN END BEYOND (WHERE OCCURS, SEE ELEVATIONS) BRACKET - DETAIL W U a z Z uj w Z M CO CD w s> U Lu A� ~ 2 2 ° Y/ x 0n L� cr V ¢ w w Z Xrn oLU m' w 7 i% M ^ o 00 ra �.i d �m Issuances PERMITS: 02/27/2019 Revisions No. Date Description ZW LU O � J � U� 0 U QV 0LJL W fY U W CO � J Oa Ux CD 'T W ILL v Uj ss� mi W --0-*. AR98585 :'-f JA5.1 3" =1'-0" _l LOOSE PVC CAP If this document is sealed and signed in a digital 3/4" PLYWOOD SCREWED TO 2 X 4 or electronic format and is received from someom BLOCKING (PAINT TO MATCH WALL) other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing METAL STRAP -TYP. OF 2 professional in writing to validate authenticity of the document. The sealing professional disclaims _ the seal and signature and shall not be liable for OWNER FURNISHED LABEL STATING: any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or THIS TUBE CONTAINS CITY -APPROVED signature has not been validated in this manner. DRAWINGS AND OCCUPANCY PERMIT. CONTENTS ARE NOT TO BE REMOVED Job Number 83460006 WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE MANAGER. THANK YOU. Drawn By BDH App/d By SOW 6" DIA. PVC TUBE Sheet Title FIXED PVC CAP! NOTE: j L UPON COMPLETION OF PROJECT, G.Q. INTERIOR AND SHALL RUN NEW SET OF AS -BUILT DRAWINGS (ARCH, STIR, MECH, ELEC, EXTERIOR PLUMB) AND PLACE THEM IN THE PI ANS HDLDER IIICT A II Q PLANS HOLDER A2.0 Sheet Number A5ml II ADJACENT WALL I (WHERE OCCURS) I I I 3" UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED I 081116.01 SEE PLANS AND I SCHEDULE FOR DOOR I I M 2iNFORMATION ZD ElfM z Lu W N. W C0 NOTES: 1. HEAD DETAIL IS SIMILAR 2. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT WALL CONFIGURATIONS aINTERIOR ALUMII - -- DOUBLE LUZ FRAME DETAIL (FULL PERIMETER) 09 2116.25 1 1/2" = V-0" "" LL UP DOOR :ELTRACK _EL JAMB TENSION ROLL -UP DOOR DPLIER 1 1/2" = V-0" JAMB HEAD vn r� 0 Irn BOLTED TO FLOOR L4 x L4 x 5.1/6- - - METAL/FABRIC PANEL REFER TO DOOR SCHEDULE OVERHEAD ROLLING DOOR - DETAIL � a w Cn JAMB 'ERHEAD SEE WALL EXTERIOR MOUNTED RAPID - FABRIC DOOR AND HOUSING. INSTALL PER MFR. INSTRUCTIONS PREFINISHED BRAKE FORMED - METAL JAMB COVER. MATCH EXISTING BUILDING COLOR TAPCON FASTENERS REPAIR WALLAS REQUIRED AT CUT P.T. WOOD BLOCKING AS REQ'D - OVERHEAD COILING DOOR DETAIL OVERHEAD COILING DOOR ASSEMBLY ^"_RHEAD LING DOOR tCK iEMBLY 1 1/2" = V-0" SECTIONAL DOOR SYSTEM )NAL M 1 1/2" = T-0" JOCK DOOR STEEL JAMB DETAIL 1 1/2" = V-0" CASED OPENING 3� LISLE - T JAMB IT ERIMETER) I IERIOR CASED FRAME - JAMB 1 1l2. , T-0" 2" HOLLOW METAL FRAME SEE PLANS AND SCHEDULE FOR J DOOR INFORMATION JAMB w rn - USE DOUBLE STUD AT JAMB SEALANT (FULL PERIMET ) PIVOTED HING BEYOND A NOTES: 1. HEAD DETAIL IS SIMILAR 2. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT WALL CONFIGURATIONS INTERIOR HOLLOW METAL -DOUBLE ACTING DOOR FRAME 1 1/2" = P-0" SEE PLANS AND SCHEDULE FOR DOOR INFORMATION J 3 w uj ALUMINUM DOOR AND FRAME SEALANT (FULL PERIMETER) SEE N \LL - f BULLNOSE TYF SEE PLANS AND SCHEDULE FOR DOOR INFORMATION ALUMINUM DOOR AND FRAME SEALANT `" ', (FULL PERIMETER) &L)R ALUMINUM FRAME JAMB 1 1/2" = T-0" II II II ADJACENT WALL I I I I (WHERE OCCURS) I 3" (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) 2 HOLLOW METAL FRAME (STOP) I ' I II II 1/4" GLAZING INSIDE OF ROOM SEALANT (FULL PERIMETER) OUTSIDE OF ROOM - HOLLOW METAL FRAME NOTES: 1. HEAD DETAIL IS SIMILAR 2. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT WALL CONFIGURATIONS 3. COORDINATE GLASS LOCATION AT WINDOW SHADES INTERIOR WINDOW HOLLOW METAL FRAME 1 1/2" = V-0" DOOR TYPES J 3 W d w SEALANT (FULL PEF SEALANT (FULL PEF J 9 a- W uw) SEALANT (FULL PEf ' I " II II ADJACENT WALL (WHERE OCCURS) I 3" (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) 211 I I I SEE PLANS AND SCHEDULE FOR II II DOOR INFORMATION - - - HOLLOW METAL FRAME NOTES: DOOR SCHEDULE ROOM MARK NAME WIDTH DOOR HEIGHT F TYPE I MATERIAL Door Finish FRAME TYPE MATERIAL Finish RATING HDW DETAILSID HEAD JAMB COMMENTS , n n.. W ` 01 ® �� a U W LU Z w W V ~ = U Z cn C) a w v E q a N c rn m e 0 a w Zo Q M � c g -7 # M CD °D BREAKROOM i*102A BREAKROOM 6'-0" T-0" D5 HM PT 4 F1 HM PT-4 NR TI-14 1/A6.0 1/A6.0 i*1028 BREAKROOM 6'-0" T-0" D5 HM PT-4 F1 HM PT-0 NR TI-14 1/A6.0 11A6.0 -_ CONFERENCE ROOM 1*111 CONFERENCE ROOM 3'-0" T-0" D3 SCWD ST-1 F2 HM PT-4 NR TI.8 1/A6.0 1/A6.0nn+. CONTEMPLATION i*103 CONTEMPLATION 3'-0" T-0" D3 HM PT 4 F2 HM PT-4 NR TI-BA 1/A6.0 1IA6.0 ELECTRICAL 110 ELECTRICAL 3'-0" 7'-0" D3 HM PT-4 F1 HM PT 4 NR TI-20 EXISTING EXISTING REPLACE HARDWARE WITH NEW, RECORE AS REQLu UIRED i*116 ELECTRICAL 5'-0" 7'-0" D3 HM PT-0 AHM PT-4 NR TI.20 EXISTING EXISTING REPLACE HARDWARE WITH NEW, RECORE AS REQUIRED 1. HEAD DETAIL IS SIMILAR 2. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT WALL HR OFFICE CONFIGURATIONS Issuances i*115 HROFFICE T-0" T-0" 153 IHM PT-4 F2 HM PT-4 NR TI-7A %6.0 1/A6.0 PERMITS: 02/27/2019 JANITOR 109 JANITOR T-O" T-0" ID3 HM PT-4 F1 IHM I PT-4 INR TI-9 VA6.0 1/A6.0 Revisions JANITOR CLOSET No. Date Description i*117 JANITOR CLOSET 3'-0" T-0" lb3 IHM PT-4 F1 HM PT-4 NR TI-9 EXISTING EXISTING OR HOLLOW METAL FRAME 1 1/2" = V-0" MU I HtK'S 1*104 MOTHER'S 3-0" T-0" D3 HM PT4 F1 HM PT-4 NR TI-16 1/A6.0 VA6.0 A OFFICE i*113 OFFICE Y-O" T-0" ID3 SCW-ID ST-1 F2 IHM JPT4 INR TI-7A 1/A6.0 1/A6.0 5/8" PLYWOOD OPEN OFFICE HOLLOW METAL FRAME 1*112 OPEN OFFICE 3'-0" 7'-0" D3 IHM PT4 F2 IHM PT-4 NR TI-11 1/A6A 1/A6.0 SEE PLANS AND STATION MANAGER r� SCHEDULE FOR i*114 STATION MANAGER 3'-0" T-0" D3 SCWD ST-1 F2 HM PT-4 NR TI-7 1/A6.0 1/A6.0 M DOOR W INFORMATION z STORAGE or i*108 STORAGE 3'-0" T-0" D3 HM PT 4 F1 HM PT-4 NR TI-12 1/A6.0 1/A6.0 Q v TRAINING i*107 TRAINING T-0" T-0" D5 HM PT-4 F2 HIM PT-4 NR TI-4 VA6.0 1/A6A II 11 VESTIBULE Z W II I i*100 VESTLU IBULE 6'-0" T-0" D1 ALUM MATCH F1 ALUM MATCH NR TI-33 1/A6.0 1/A8.0 J 11 I 3" (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) EXISTING EXISTING O rn N107 VESTIBULE 3'-0" T-0" D1 ALUM EXISTING EXISTING ALUM EXISTING NR 2 EXISTING EXISTING REPLACE HARDWARE WITH NEW, O U M ADJACENT WALL RECORE AS REQUIRED, CARD READER .I (WHERE OCCURS) r ' Q W I I I I NOTES: WAREHOUSE V♦ LU U 1. HEAD DETAIL IS SIMILAR 100 WAREHOUSE 8'-10" 10'-0" G3 STL MATCH EXISTING EXISTING MATCH NR 10A 8/A6.0 81A6.0 ASECTIONALPANEL ECTIONAL PANEL AND LU I 2. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT WALL EXISTING EXISTING E WITH NEW, NEW EDGE OF W_ CONFIGURATIONS ELER PACKAGE 0- 101 WAREHOUSE 8'-10" 10'-0" G3 STL MATCH EXISTING EXISTING MATCH NR 10A 8/A6.0 8/A6.0 ECTIONAL PANEL AND J O EXISTING EXISTING E WITH NEW, NEW EDGE OFCD ELER PACKAGE � OW OR HOLLOW METAL FRAME 102 WAREHOUSE 8'-10" 10'-0" G& STL MATCH F1 STL MATCH NR 10A 8/A6.0 81A6.0 1 1/2" = V-0" EXISTING EXISTING UM 103 WAREHOUSE V-10" 10'-0" G3 STL MATCH EXISTING EXISTING MATCH NR 10A 8/A6.0 8/A6A ECTIONAL PANEL AND W `�EXISTING EXISTING E WITH NEW, NEW DOCK 5/8" PLYWOOD LEVELER PACKAGE HOLLOW METAL 104 WAREHOUSE 10'-0" 10'-0" G3 STL MATCH EXISTING EXISTING MATCH NR 10A 8IA6.0 8/A6.0 REPLACE SECTIONAL PANEL AND FRAME EXISTING EXISTING HARDWARE WITH NEW, NEW DOCK J LEVELER PACKAGE UU SEE PLANS AND 201A WAREHOUSE 12'-0" 12'-0" G1/G2 STL - F1 STL NR - 7/A6.0 & 121A6.0 & HI -SPEED FABRIC AND ROLL -UP SCHEDULE FOR 2/A4.0 2/A4.0 OVERHEAD COMBO, REFER TO SHEET Q DOOR A4.0 FOR DETAILS INFORMATION 202A WAREHOUSE 12'-0" 12'-0" G1/G2 STL - F1 STL - NR 71A6.0 & 12/A6.0 & HI -SPEED FABRIC AND ROLL -UP 2/A4.0 2/A4.0 OVERHEAD COMBO, REFER TO SHEET A4.0 FOR DETAILS 300 WAREHOUSE 12'-0" 12'-0" G11G2 STL - F1 STL NR 7IA6.0 & 12/A6.0 & HI -SPEED FABRIC AND ROLL -UP 2/A4.0 2/A4.0 OVERHEAD COMBO, REFER TO SHEET A4.0 FOR DETAILS SEALANT 301 WAREHOUSE 12'-0" 12-0" G1/G2 STL - F1 STL - NR - 7/A6.0 & 12/A6.0 & HIAR SPED FABRIC AND ROLL -UP (FULL PERIMETER) 2/A4.0 2IA4.0 AD COMBO, REFER TO SHEET 5/8" PLYWOOD R DETAILS E201 WAREHOUSE 3'-0" T-0" D3 HM INT. SIDE F1 EXISTING MATCH NR 4 EXISTING EXISTING E HARDWARE AND DOOR PANEL Seal �� F HOLLOW METAL P-10 EXISTING EW, RECORE AS REQUIRED `P''�OU G� FRAME N105 WAREHOUSE 3'-0" T-0" EXISTIN EXISTING INT. SIDE EXISTING EXISTING MATCH NR 46 EXISTING EXISTING E HARDWARE AND DOOR PANEL �� SEE PLANS AND G P-10 EXISTING EW, RECORE AS REQUIRED, :O SCHEDULE FORDOOR EADER ' COINFORMATION S302 WAREHOUSE 6'-0" T-0" D3 HM MATCH FI HM MATCH NR 4B EXISTING EXISTING E HARDWARE AND DOOR PANEL `. AR88585EXISTING EXISTING W, RECORE AS REQUIRED, EADER NOTE: THE LETTER "i*" PLACED INFRONT OF DOOR NUMBERING IS ONLY USED TO DIFFERENCIATE INTERIOR DOORS FROM EXTERIOR. C� DO NOT INCLUDE THE LETTER "i*" FOR DOOR OR ROOM NUMBER SIGNAGE. SEE WALL TYPE TERIOR HOLLOW METAL FRAME t SUNEUUL E SCHEDULE E SCHEDUL5 E SCHEDUL 5„ EE SCHEDUL 6" m i w , W w , w/ W W J M � W W I x x x x x _ x W W z w \ w- Wvwi " t Lu uWi 4 m r w th c� 6„ i L m c 0 D1 1/4" TEMPERED D2 PROVIDE D3 1/4" TEMPERED D4 1/4" TEMPERED D5 GLASS VISION KICKPLATES GLASS VISION GLASS VISION PANEL WHERE NOTED PANEL PANEL IN HARDWARE PROVIDE KICKPLATES SCHEDULE WHERE NOTED IN HARDWARE SCHEDULE NOTE: DOORS SHOWN AS A SCHEMATIC GRAPHIC PRESENTATION TO PORTRAY DOOR STYLE AND TYPE ecc erurni u e G1 1 1/2" = V-0" ecc cr+ucni n c [CPA W J w U w w crr crwpnt u F G3 FRAME TYPES F1 F2 1, If this document is sealed and signed in a digital or electronic format and is received from someone other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity of the document. The sealing professional disclaims 2„ the seal and signature and shall not be liable for any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manner. Job Number 83460006 Drawn By NDE App/d By SDW Sheet Title L. DOOR SCHEDULE AND DETAILS AU J SIT: . D®ORS: BREAKROOM - NON -RATED PARTITION DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, PASSAGE FUNCTION 6 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4.1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 2 PUSH PLATE 70C US32D RO 2 PULL PLATE 11OX70C US32D RO 2 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 2 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 2 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 2 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 2 SILENCER 608 RO SET: TI.15 DOORS: BREAKROOM SWING DOOR DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, SWING 3 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 PUSH PLATE 70C US32D RO 1 PULL PLATE 11OX70C US32D RO 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE 4BE 30" X V LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO SET: TI.16 DOORS:RESTROOM DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, PRIVACY FUNCTION 3 HINGE TB2714 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 PRIVACY SET 281OU65LP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 KICKPLATE K105010" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO 1 COAT HOOK 790 US26D RO 1 GASKETING S88D PE NOTES: ARMOR PLATE @ UNISEX ONLY. SET: TI•16A DOORS: NEW MOTHERS ROOM DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, PRIVACY FUNCTION 3 HINGE TB2714 4-1/2"X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 PRIVACY SET 281OU65 LP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 KICKPLATE K105010" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOORSTOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO 1 COAT HOOK 790 US26D RO 1 GASKETING S88D PE SET: TI-17 DOORS: TRUCKERS CAGE DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR EGRESS HINGES BY GATE MANUFACTURER 1 EXIT DEVICE 55 70 887612V ETP US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REGIPA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 GATE PLATE KIT GTPL X GTSTKBKT X GTPLGRD DX 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-C1500/QCC1500P MK 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QCCXX/CXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) MK 1 DOOR LOOP TSB-C SU 2 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR SUPPLIED BY GATE MANUFACTURER 1 KEEDEX BOX K-BX711150 - KX NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL. ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD READERS AND DOOR POSITION SWITCH TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. CARD READER TO SHUNT EGRESS ALARM. GATE PLATE KIT INCLUDES PLATE (ADJUSTABLE FROM 32" TO 52" WIDE), STRIKE LATCH RECEIVER BRACKET, AND GATE LATCH PROTECTOR. FENCE MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE STEEL PLATE TO BLOCK ACCESS TO INTERIOR DOOR HARDWARE FROM UNSECURE SIDE. PLATE SHALL EXTEND 12" ABOVE AND BELOW AND TO BOTH SIDES OF DOOR HARDWARE, FENCING MANUFACTURER TO PROVIDE STEEL PLATE ADJACENT TO GATE DOOR AND KEEDEX BOX FOR EXIT DEVICE TRIM. KEEDEX BOX TO BE MOUNTED 40" AFF TO CENTER OF BOX, FACE FLUSH WITH PUSH SIDE OF GATE. FENCING MANUFACTURER TO COORDINATE CLOSER MOUNTING SURFACE. SET. TI.18 DOORS: EMPLOYEE RESOURCE CENTER DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, PASSAGE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION MODEL FINISH MANUFACTURER 3 HINGE TB2714 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" U826D MK 1 PASSAGE SET 281OU15LP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE K1050 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 -- RO SET: TI.19 DOORS: AM CARE WAITING FROM WAREHOUSE DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, CLASSROOM FUNCTION 4 HINGE TB2714 5" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 CLASSROOM LOCK 28 7010G37 LP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500H REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 1 DOORSTOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO SET: TI.20 DOORS: ELECTRICAL SWITCH ROOM DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR EGRESS 3 HINGE TB2714 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE 70-8804 ETP US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REGIPA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE 4BE 30" X 2" LDW U332D RO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO SET: TI.21 DOORS: DEMARC ROOM DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION 2 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T483786 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3786 QC8 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US260 MK 1 FAIL SECURE ELECTRIC LOCK RX 70 8271-12V LNP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REGIPA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 1 GASKETING S88D PE 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QCC1500/QC-C1500P MK 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QCCXXICXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) MK 1 POWER SUPPLY BPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR SU 1 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: THRESHOLD REQUIRED IF BLDG IS NOT DRIED IN. ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL. ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD READER, DOOR POSITION SWITCH, AND POWER SUPPLY TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. SET: TI.22 DOORS: RECRUITMENT AND STAFFING TELECOM ROOMS DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION 3 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 STOREROOM LOCK 28 7010G04 LP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOORSTOP 441 US26D RO 1 GASKETING S88D PE SET: TI.7 DOORS: OFFICE DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR 3 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 OFFICE LOCK 28 7010G05 LP US26D SA 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO 1 COAT HOOK 790 US26D RO NOTES: GASKETING AT RATED OPENING. CLOSER AT RATED OPENING AND FIRST AID WAITING. SET: TiaA DOORS: COMMAND CENTER DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3786 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 OFFICE LOCK 28 7010G05 LP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE (PUSH SIDE) K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 ARMOR PLATE (PULL SIDE) K1050 4BE 30" X V LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO SET: TI.8 DOORS: CONFERENCE ROOM DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, PASSAGE FUNCTION 3 HINGE T82714 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 PASSAGE SET 281OU15LP US26D SA 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO SET: TI.8A DOORS: CONTEMPLATION ROOM DESCRIPTION: SINGLE INTERIOR DOOR, PASSAGE FUNCTION 3 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4 1/2" X 4 1/2" US26D MK 1 PASSAGE SET 281OU15LP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE K1050 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 1 KICK PLATE - PULL SIDE K105010" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO SET: TI.9 DOORS: JANITOR DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION CQTY DESCRIPTION MODEL FINISH MANUFACTURER 3 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4-1/2"X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 STOREROOM LOCK 28 7010G04 LP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER W/ HOLD OPEN ARM 7500H APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 1 GASKETING S88D PE 3 SILENCER 608 RO NOTES: GASKETING AT RATED OPENINGS, OMIT HOLD OPEN ARM ON CLOSER AT RATED OPENINGS. SET: TI.10 DOORS: OF ROOM, MCS ROOM DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION 2 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3786 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3786 QC8 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" U826D MK 1 FAIL SECURE ELECTRIC LOCK RX 70 8271-12V LNP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 KICK PLATE K105010" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 41 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-C1500/QC-C1500P MK 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-CXX/CXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) MK 1 POWER SUPPLY BPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR SU 1 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL. ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD READER, DOOR POSITION SWITCH, AND POWER SUPPLY TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. SET: TI.11 DOORS: OPEN OFFICE ENTRY, STAFFING AGENCY ENTRY DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION 2 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4133786 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3786 QC8 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 FAIL SECURE ELECTRIC LOCK RX 70 8271-12V LNP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REGIPA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE K1050 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 1 KICK PLATE - PUSH SIDE K105010" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-C1500/QC-C1500P MK 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-CXX/CXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) MK 1 POWER SUPPLY BPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR SU 1 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL. ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD READER, DOOR POSITION SWITCH, AND POWER SUPPLY TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. SET: TI.12 DOORS: STORAGE ROOM AM CARE, OPEN OFFICE DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION 3 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 STOREROOM LOCK 28 7010G04 LP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 DOORSTOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO SET: TI.12A DOORS: HR STORAGE DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION 3 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 STOREROOM LOCK 28 7010G04 LP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REGIPA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 KICK PLATE K105010" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOORSTOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 - RO SET: TI.13 DOORS: BREAKROOM - RATED PARTITION DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR EGRESS DOOR -DOUBLE OPENING 6 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 2 EXIT DEVICE, PASSAGE 12 MD8615 ETP US32D SA 2 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 2 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 2 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 2 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 1 GASKETING S88D PE NOTES: GASKETING AT RATED OPENING. SET: TI.13A DOORS: LOCKER ROOM TO WAREHOUSE - EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, PASSAGE FUNCTION 6 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 2 EXIT DEVICE, EXIT ONLY MD8610 US32D SA 2 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 2 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 2 SILENCER 608 RO SET: TI.1 DOORS: SINGLE LEAF, TURNSTILE BYPASS - ACCESS CONTROLLED DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR EGRESS DOOR 9TY DESCRIPTION MODEL FINISH MANUFACTURER 2 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4133786 NRP 4-112" X 0/2" US260 MK 1 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3786 QC8 4-1/2" X 0/2" US26D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE 55 70 8976 ETP 12V US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE -PUSH SIDE 4BE 30" X 2" LOW US32D RO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-C1500/QC-C1500P MK 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-CXX/CXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) MK 2 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL. ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD READER AND DOOR POSITION SWITCH TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. CARD READER EGRESS WILL SHUNT BLDG ALARM AS AN ACCESS CONTROLLED REQUEST TO EXIT SWITCH. LOCK POWER SHALL BE PROVII BY THE SECURITY CONTRACTOR. SET: TI.1A DOORS: SINGLE LEAF, TURNSTILE BYPASS - EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR EGRESS DOOR 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3786 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 MORTISE EXIT DEVICE, EXIT ONLY 8910 US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO NOTES: EXIT ONLY, SET: TI.18 DOORS: SINGLE LEAF, GURNEY DOOR (IN EXCESS OF 36" WIDE) DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR 4 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3786 NRP 5" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 MORTISE EXIT DEVICE, EXIT ONLY 8910 US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO NOTES: EXIT ONLY, SET: TI.2 DOORS: DAY ONE TRAINING TO STAFFING DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR- WOOD - INSTITUTION FUNCTION LOCK 2 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4133786 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3786 QC8 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 ELECTRIFIED MORTISE LOCK RX 70 8272-12V LNP 626 SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 1 GASKETING S88D PE 1 EMERGENCY EXIT BUTTON PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-C1500/QCC1500P MK 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QCCXX/CXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) MK 1 POWER SUPPLY BPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR 2 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL CARD REQUIRED THROUGH BOTH DIRECTIONS OF TRAVEL. CARD READERS, DOOR POSITION SWITCH, AND POWER SUPPLY TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. THIS OPENING IS NOT EGRESS COMPLIANT. SET: TI.2A DOORS: EGRESS CORRIDOR ENTRY DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR EGRESS DOOR 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3786 NRP 4-1/2" X 4.1/2" US26D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE - KEYED LEVER TRIM 70.8804 ETP US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO SET: TI.2B DOORS: "PICK-UP" DOOR FROM WAREHOUSE DESCRIPTION: ACCESS CONTROLLED INTERIOR EGRESS DOOR 2 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4133786 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T483786 QC8 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE 55 70 8976 ETP US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US320 RO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-C15001QC-C1500P MK 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-CXXICXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) MK 2 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL. ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD READER AND DOOR POSITION SWITCH TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. CARD READER EGRESS WILL SHUNT BLDG ALARM AS AN ACCESS CONTROLLED REQUEST TO EXIT SWITCH. SET: TI.3 DOORS: IT TEAM ROOM DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION 1 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4A3786 QC8 6" X4-1/2" US26D MK 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T483786 NRP 5" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 FAIL SECURE ELECTRIC LOCK RX 70 8271-12V LNP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOORSTOP 441 US26D RO 1 GASKETING S88D PE 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-C1500/QC-C1500P MK 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-CXX/CXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) - MK 1 POWER SUPPLY BPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR SU 1 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL. ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD READER, DOOR POSITION SWITCH, AND POWER SUPPLY TO BE PROVII BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. SET: TI.4 DOORS: TRAINING ROOM, CAREER CHOICE CLASSROOM - NO ACCESS CONTROLS DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR 3 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE, PASSAGE 12 8915 ETP US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 1 GASKETING S88D PE 3 SILENCER 608 - RO SET: TI.5 DOORS: WAREHOUSE TO RECRUITMENT OFFICE EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY, DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR EGRESS DOOR 3 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 MORTISE EXIT DEVICE 8910 US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER PR7500 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO 1 SIGN "EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY -ALARM WILL SOUND" - NOTES: NO HARDWARE SHALL BE PROVIDED ON WAREHOUSE SIDE OF THE DOOR. SET: TI.6 DOORS: AM CARE WAITING TO AM CARE CORRIDOR DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR FIL 4 HINGE TB2714 NRP 5" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 PUSH PLATE 70C US32D RO 1 PULL PLATE 11OX70C US32D RO 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500H REGIPA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO I 0 W w LO w � z M E Lu Tc U W N m m L) N F c cm 12 2 L) a w Z Of col rn a wCO � M Issuances PERMITS: 02/27/2019 Revisions No. Date Description Z W w O J f ULr) � o v Um Oct Q LL Uj YW Cl) J�Of Oy o0 �O LIL LLJ *ft.,Vo s_ J W 0 X � s 5 C;O r- AR98585 A f If this document is sealed and signed in a digital or electronic format and is received from someone other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity of the document. The sealing professional disclaims the seal and signature and shall not be liable for any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manner. Job Number 83460006 Drawn By NDE App/d By SOW Sheet Title INTERIOR DOOR HARDWARE Sheet Number ATO Y J 0 s� y a� ow Q� `ci z w� y o- w= co �a w zw 2 y Q� `¢ aLU zo o w¢ z� z�w j I- y w3 tig a w$ a by za oe c� o_ u� m Q y w� a �^ wpq �w LU w w� U U w 8� II SET: I.30 DOORS: SINGLE LEAF, EGRESS CORRIDOR SWING DOOR DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR EGRESS 3 HINGE T82714 NRP 4-1/2" X 4.1/2" US26D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE, PASSAGE 12 8915 ETP US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOORSTOP 441 US26D RO 1 ELECTROMAGNETIC HOLDER 998 (TIE INTO BLDG FIRE ALARM SYSTEM) 689 RF 1 GASKETING S88D - PE SET: TI.31 DOORS: TURNSTILE DESCRIPTION: TANDEM FULL -HEIGHT TURNSTILE, FAIL SECURE 1 HARDWARE BY OTHERS HARDWARE BY DOOR SUPPLIER SET: I.32 DOORS: MAIN EMPLOYEE ENTRY VESTIBULE WITH AUTO OPERATOR - NON -LATCHING DESCRIPTION: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT 4 PIVOT SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY 2 PUSH BARS BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY SA 2 DOOR PULL BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY 1 OPERATOR DOOR SWITCH 502 - NO 1 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 X 7788 VERIFY NO 1 BLADE STOP 6891 VERIFY NO 1 DOOR OPERATOR 6060 VERIFY NO 1 THRESHOLD BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 2 SWEEP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 ASTRAGAL SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 SWITCH POST 500 NO NOTES: ALWAYS FREE EGRESS AND ENTRY. WIDE STILES AND TOP RAIL REQUIRED. SET: TI.33 DOORS: MAIN EMPLOYEE ENTRY VESTIBULE - NON -LATCHING DESCRIPTION: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT 4 PIVOT SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY 2 PUSH BARS BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY SA 2 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 X 7788 VERIFY NO 2 DOOR PULL BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY - 2 BLADE STOP 6891 VERIFY NO 1 THRESHOLD BY DOOR MANUFACTURER i SET WEATHERSTRIP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 2 SWEEP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER NOTES: ALWAYS FREE EGRESS AND ENTRY. WIDE STILES AND TOP RAIL REQUIRED. S I.34 DOORS: SMOKER VESTIBULE DESCRIPTION: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT 2 PIVOT SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY 1 PUSH BARS BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY SA 1 DOOR PULL BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY 1 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 X 7788 VERIFY NO 1 BLADE STOP 6891 VERIFY NO 1 THRESHOLD BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 2 SWEEP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 ASTRAGAL SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER NOTES: ALWAYS FREE EGRESS AND ENTRY. WIDE STILES AND TOP RAIL REQUIRED. SET: TI.23 I DOORS: MDF ROOM DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION (FAIL SECURE) 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T483786 NRP 5" X 4-1/2" US260 MK 1 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3786 QC8 5" X 4-112" US26D MK 1 FAIL SECURE ELECTRIC LOCK 70 RX 8271.12V LNP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REGIPA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2' LDW US32D RO 1 DOORSTOP 441 US260 RO 1 GASKETING SB8D - PE 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-C1500IQC-C1500P MK 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-CXX/CXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) - MK 1 POWER SUPPLY BPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR - SU 2 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL. ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD READER, DOOR POSITION SWITCH, AND POWER SUPPLY TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. AT NO TIME IS ANY TYPE OF WINDOW KIT ALLOWED IN THE MDF DOOR LEAF PER AMAZON SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. THRESHOLD REQUIRED IF BUILDING IS NOT DRIED IN. SET: TI.24 DOORS: RECRUITING OFFICE RESTROOM DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, PUSH/PULL PLATES 3 HINGE TB2714 4-1/2' X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 PUSH PLATE 70C US32D RO 1 PULL PLATE 11OX70C US32D RO 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 2 KICKPLATE K105010" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 3 SILENCER 608 RO 1 WALL SIGN UNISEX #BF689/WOMEN'S #BF688/MEN'S #BF687 RO SE • TI.25 DOORS: IT CAGE / TEMPORARY IDF CAGE DESCRIPTION: CAGE DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION 1 STOREROOM LOCK 28 7010G04 LP US26D SA 1 ELECTRIC STRIKE 1006 FAIL SECURE MODE 12V 630 HS 1 LATCH PROTECTOR 320/321 - RO 4 GATE HINGES BY FENCE MANUFACTURER 1 POWER SUPPLY BPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR - SU 2 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: FENCE MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE STEEL PLATE TO BLOCK ACCESS TO INTERIOR DOOR HARDWARE FROM UNSECURE SIDE. PLATE SHALL EXTEND 12" ABOVE AND BELOW AND TO BOTH SIDES OF DOOR HARDWARE, CAGE FRAME SHALL INCLUDE STRIKE BOX SIZED TO ACCEPT ELECTRIC STRIKE. ELECTRIC STRIKE TO BE FAIL SECURE, CARD READER IN / OUT. CARD READER, DOOR POSITION SWITCH, AND POWER SUPPLY TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. SET: TI.26 DOORS: MAINTENANCE AND SAFETY CAGE DESCRIPTION: CAGE DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION 1 STOREROOM LOCK 28 7010G04 LP US26D SA 3 GATE HINGES BY FENCE MANUFACTURER - - SET: TI.26A DOORS: PARTS STORAGE DESCRIPTION: CAGE DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION 1 ELECTRIFIED STOREROOM LOCK -FAILSECURE RX 28 7010G71 LP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 DOOR LOOP TSB-CXL - SU 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-C1500/QC-C1500P MK 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-CXXICXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) - MK 1 LATCH PROTECTOR 320/312C - RO 3 GATE HINGES BY FENCE MANUFACTURER 1 POWER SUPPLY BPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR - SU 1 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: FENCE MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE STEEL PLATE TO BLOCK ACCESS TO INTERIOR DOOR HARDWARE FROM UNSECURE SIDE, PLATE SHALL EXTEND 12" ABOVE AND BELOW AND TO BOTH SIDES OF DOOR HARDWARE. CAGE FRAME SHALL INCLUDE STRIKE BOX. MOUNTING PLATE FOR CLOSER AND LOCKSET COORDINATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BY CAGE MANUFACTURER CARD READER, DOOR POSITION SWITCH, AND POWER SUPPLY TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. THIS SET SHALL BE APPLIED ONLY TO OPENINGS THAT LEAD INTO PARTS STORAGE CAGES. SLIDING GATES THAT LEAD OUT OF THE PARTS STORAGE CAGES DO NOT REQUIRE ACCESS CONTROL OR ELECTRIFIED LOCKING HARDWARE. ET B DOORS: SMOKERS CANOPY GATE DESCRIPTION: CAGE DOOR, EXIT ONLY 1 EXIT DEVICE (RIM, EXIT ONLY) 8810 US32D SA 3 GATE HINGES BY FENCE MANUFACTURER 1 TAMPER PLATE BY FENCE MANUFACTURER 1 STRIKE MOUNTING HARDWARE BY FENCE MANUFACTURER ET: I.27 DOORS: EGRESS CORRIDOR DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR EGRESS 8 HINGE (HEAVYWEIGHT) T4B3786 NRP 5' X 4-112" US260 MK 2 EXIT DEVICE, PASSAGE 12 8915 ETP US32D SA 2 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 2 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US320 RO 2 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 2 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 2 ELECTROMAGNETIC HOLDER 998 (TIE INTO BLDG FIRE ALARM SYSTEM) 689 RF 1 GASKETING S88D - PE SET: TI.28 DOORS: STAIRWELL, EGRESS CORRIDOR DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR EGRESS 3 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US26D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE, PASSAGE 1 2 8815 ETP US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 1 GASKETING S88D - PE SET: TI.26A DOORS: STAIRWELL, EGRESS CORRIDOR -OVER 40" WIDE DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR EGRESS QTY DESCRIPTION MODEL FINISH MANUFACTURER 4 HINGE TB2714 NRP 5" X 4-112' US26D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE, PASSAGE 12 8815 ETP US320 SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 1 GASKETING S88D - PE SET: TI.29 DOORS: DOUBLE LEAF, SHOVEL CLOSET DESCRIPTION: INTERIOR DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION 6 HINGE TB2714 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US260 MK 1 DUST PROOF STRIKE 570 US26D RO 1 FLUSH BOLT -HM 555 US26D RO 1 STOREROOM LOCK 287010004LP US26D SA 2 SURFACE OVERHEAD HOLDER 10-X26 652 RF 2 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PUSH SIDE 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 ARMOR PLATE - PULL SIDE 4BE 30" X 1" LDW US32D RO 2 DOORSTOP 441 US260 RO 1 ASTRAGAL SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 2 SILENCER 608 - RO F' L -'mm-j W U _V a z z wLo > _ U E W rL U •—^ L " U Lp N m Oil m0 U U ¢ Z - 01 a O rn w 7 m `. m CIL 0 a °D m Issuances PERMITS: 02/27/2019 Revisions No. Date Description r Z W O � ULO � O _JLO �v (� co Q Q LL W J 0 2E W ��' U/ � JU� O o0 O d. LL LLM W J �OFF 9OUGI AR98585 If this document is sealed and signed in a digital or electronic format and is received from someonf other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity of the document. The sealing professional disclaims the seal and signature and shall not be liable for any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manner. Job Number 83460006 Drawn By NDE Appld By SDW Sheet Title INTERIOR DOOR HARDWARE Sheet Number AM F. a SET: 6 DOORS: EXISTING SHELL DOORS DESCRIPTION: EXISTING SHELL DOORS WITH NO NEW HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS 1 HARDWARE NIC HARDWARE BY OTHERS NOTES: ALL HARDWARE SHOULD BE COMPATABLE TO ACCCEPT SFIC CORES PER AMAZON'S ANDARDS. ALL EXISTING HARDWARE SHALL CONFORM TO THE BASIC SECURITY DESIGN AS REQUEIRED BY AMAZON ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS. IF EITH R OF THESE CONDITIONS ARE NOT MET, NEW MATERIAL SHOULD BE SCHEDULED. SET: 7 DOORS: FIRE PUMP ROOM DESCRIPTION: SHELL EXTERIOR DOOR 6 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4133386 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US320 MK 1 DUST PROOF STRIKE 570 US26D RO 2 FLUSH BOLT - HM 555 US26D RO 1 STOREROOM LOCK CPC 287010G04LP US26D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER CPS7500 689 NO 1 THRESHOLD 171A PE 1 GASKETING 303APK PE 1 RAIN GUARD 346C PE 2 SWEEP 315CN PE 1 LATCH PROTECTOR 320/321 RO NOTES: Z ASTRAGAL BY DOOR SUPPLIER ES T:7A DOORS: EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY/SUPERVISED DESCRIPTION: SHELL EXTERIOR DOOR 6 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4133386 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US32D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE WITH TRIM 70 8804 FEB US32D SA 1 EXIT DEVICE 8810 US32D SA 1 KEYED REMOVABLE MULLION 70 L980 AL SA 2 DOOR CLOSER CPS7500 689 NO 1 THRESHOLD 171A PE 1 GASKETING 303APK - PE 1 RAIN GUARD 346C PE 2 SWEEP 315CN PE SET: 8 DOORS: STAIRWELL ENTRANCE DESCRIPTION: NON -SUPERVISED EXIT DOOR 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3386 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US32D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE, PASSAGE 12 8815 ETP US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 WALL STOP 409 US32D RO 1 GASKETING S88D PE 1 SWEEP 315CN PE SET: 9 DOORS: ACCESS CONTROLLED GUARDHOUSE DOOR - HOLLOW METAL DESCRIPTION: SHELL EXTERIOR DOOR 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3386 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" U832D MK 1 ELECTRIFIED MORTISE LOCK- FAIL RX-8271-12V LNP US26D SA SECURE 1 DOORLOOP TSB-C US26D SU 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 LATCH PROTECTOR 320/321 RO 1 DOORSTOP 441 US26D RO 1 GASKETING S88D PE 1 THRESHOLD 171A PE 1 POWER SUPPLY BPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR SU 2 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL. ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD READER, POWER SUPPLY, AND DOOR POSITION SWITCH TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. SET:9A DOORS: PREFAB GUARD HOUSE DOOR DESCRIPTION: EXTERIOR DOOR, STOREROOM FUNCTION 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T463386 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US32D MK 1 STOREROOM LOCK 708204LNP US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER 7500 REG/PA APPROPRIATE TO OPENING 689 NO 1 LATCH PROTECTOR 320/321 RO 1 DOOR STOP 441 US26D RO 1 ELECTRIC STRIKE 1006 FAIL SECURE MODE 12V 630 HS 1 GASKETING S88D PE 1 THRESHOLD BY OTHERS 1 POWER SUPPLY BPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR SU 2 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTO NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL. ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD READER I�,DOOR POSITION SWITCH, AND POWER SUPPLY TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO COORDAINTE NEW HARD ARE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENT WITH SUB -TRADE SET: 10A DESCRIPTION: OVERHEAD DOOR DOCK EQUIPMENT 1 EDGE OF DOCK LEVELER EDGE OF DOCK PNEUMATIC LEVELER EQUAL TO KELLEY MODEL NUMBER KA7230 1 DOOR TRACK PROTECTION PROVIDE 48" HIGH TRACK GAURDS. 1 DOCK SEALS 6' X 10' WITH FULL ARMOR HYPALON PLEATS AND ADJUSTABLE CURTAIN 1 DOCK CONTROL SYSTEM PROVIDE INTEGRATED DOCK LEVEL AND FAN/LIGHT CONTROLLER BOX 2 DOCK BUMPER 18" VERTICAL X 11" LONG, LAMINATED RUBBER FOR EACH DOCK DOOR AND TRAILER SPACE AGAINST BUILDING WALL. 1 DOCK LIGHT/FAN AEROTEC MODEL 750 WITH AEROTEC VERSA I IGHT SERIES 450. 1 DOCK CANOPY RITE-HITE RAINGAURD RC-3000 OR EQUAL. 1 TRAILER RESTRAINT ENTREMATIC SL-60 GROUND MOUNT NOTES: SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR CONTROLS DESIGN. SET:11 DESCRIPTION: HIGH SPEED VERTICAL FABRIC ROLL -UP DOOR 1 DOOR PANEL ALL WEATHER M2/M3 GRAY DYIEN OPTION: PERMANENTLY SEALING OPERABLE PORTALS DOCK DOOR DOCK LEVELER Vb NDOW MAN DOOR (WHERE APPLICABLE BY LAW) TACK WELD BOLT THROUGH TRACK SEAL GAPS WITH CAULK MATERIAL CHEMICAL B('NO KEEPERS THAT TACK WELD THE DOOR TO THE PREVENT OF :RATION FRAME CHEMICAL BONDING AGENT DISENGAGE ELECTRICAL WIRING COVER THE i PENING WITH A SCREW A BAR OR STRAP AT THE TO PREVENT OPERATION BARRIER STFENGTH MATERIAL OR 1/3 AND 2/3 POINTS OF THE DOOR SCREEN FROM FRAME TO FRAME PREVENTING OPERATION BOLT AN L OR Z BRACKET INTO DISENGAGE ANY MECHANICAL REMOVE LAT ;H HANDLES AND BUILD A WALL IN FRONT OF THE THE FLOOR OR WALL IN ORDER LATCHES IF NOT ELECTRICAL CHEMICALLY 3OND A COVER TO OPENING TO CONCEAL ITS TO PREVENT THE CHID FROM PREVENT LA CH OPERATION EXISTANCE. MOVING OTHER OPTIONS ARE VIABLE IF OTHER OPTIONS ARE VIABLE IF OTHER OPTI INS ARE VIABLE IF OTHER OPTIONS ARE VIABLE IF THEY CAUSE AT LEAST A 2 THEY CAUSE AT LEAST A 2 THEY CAUSE AT LEAST A 2 THEY CAUSE AT LEAST A 2 MINUTE DELAY AND ENSURE MINUTE DELAY AND ENSURE MINUTE DELAY AND ENSURE MINUTE DELAY AND ENSURE DETECTION OF ANY BREACH DETECTION OF ANY BREACH DETECTION OF ANY BREACH DETECTION OF ANY BREACH SET DO( DES 3B IRS: "PICK-UP" ENTRY WITH AUTO OPERATOR CRIPTION: DOUBLE ALUMINUM STOREFRONT PIVOT SET BY DOOR MFR, CONCEALED VERT. ROD EXIT 55 56 70 AD8610106X862 PULL CONCEALED VERT, ROD EXIT 55 56 AD8610 862 PULL EPT EL-CEPT-10 CYLINDER 7041 DOOR PULL BY DOOR MANUFACTURER OPERATOR DOOR SWITCH 502 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 X 7788 BLADE STOP 6891 DOOR OPERATOR 6060 THRESHOLD BY DOOR MFR. SET WEATHERSTRIP BY DOOR MFR. SWEEP BY DOOR MFR. ASTRAGAL SET BY DOOR MFR POSITION SWITCH DPS BY SECURITY CONT, KEYSWITCH MIKA (FOR AUTO OPERATOR) SWITCH POST 500 POWER SUPPLY BPS-24-2 VERIFY VERIFY SA VERIFY SA US26D SU VERIFY SA VERIFY NO VERIFY NO VERIFY NO VERIFY NO SU NO SU NOTES: NOTE: ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. DOOR POSITION SWITCH TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. WIDE STILES AND TOP RAIL REQUIRED. EPT PREP TO BE COORDINATED BY ALUMINUM STOREFRONT MANUFACTURER. VERIFY FINISH ON HARDWARE ABOVE TO MATCH ALUMINUM DOOR AND FRAME FINISH. LOCAL POWER SUPPLY IS REQUIRED, DOOR HARDWARE INSTALLER SHALL INSTALL POWER SUPPLY IN CONCEALED LOCATION NEAR BY TO THE DOOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. MA DOORS: EMERGENCY EXIT DESCRIPTION: SHELL EXTERIOR DOOR- EGRESS EXIT DEVICE EXIT ONLY 3 HINGE (HEAVYWEIGHT) T4B3386 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US32D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE 708810 US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 689 NO 1 THRESHOLD 171A - PE 1 RAIN GUARD 346C PE 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP 303APK PE 1 SWEEP 315CN PE SET: 4A DOORS: NON -FULFILLMENT BUSINESS UNITS (CPP, AMAZON BOOKS, ETC) DESCRIPTION: EMERGENCY EXIT - BATTERY ALARMED - STAND ALONE 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3386 NRP 4-1/2" X 4.1/2" US32D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE - ALARMEDAL 70 8804 PSB US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 THRESHOLD 171A PE 1 RAIN GUARD 346C PE 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP 303APK PE 1 SWEEP 315CN PE SET: 4B DOORS: EXTERIOR DESCRIPTION: SHELL EXTERIOR DOOR (TRUCKER ENTRANCE) 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4133386 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US32D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE 70 8813 ETP US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 THRESHOLD 171A PE 1 RAIN GUARD 346C PE 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP 303APK PE 1 SWEEP 315CN PE SET:4C DOORS: EXTERIOR DESCRIPTION: TRUCK DOCK RELEASE DOORS 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T463386 NRP 4.1/2" X 4-1/2" US32D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE W/ RX 70 55 8876 ETP 12V US32D SA 1 DOORLOOP TSB-C US26D SU 1 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 THRESHOLD 171A PE 1 RAIN GUARD 346C PE 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP 303APK PE 1 SWEEP 315CN PE 1 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL. ALWAYS FREE EGRESS, CARD IN, FREE EGRESS. CARD READER AND DOOR POSITION SWITCH TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. LOCK POWER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE SECURITY CONTRACTOR. SET: 4D DOORS: EMERGENCY EXIT DESCRIPTION: SHELL EXTERIOR DOOR -EGRESS EXIT DEVICE NIGHT LATCH PULL (CITY DESCRIPTION MODEL FINISH MANUFACTURER 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4E13386 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US32D MK 1 EXIT DEVICE 70 8804 PSB US32D SA 1 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 689 NO 1 THRESHOLD 171A PE 1 RAIN GUARD 346C PE 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP 303APK PE 1 SWEEP 315CN PE SET: 5 DOORS: SMOKERS CANOPY DESCRIPTION: SHELL EXTERIOR DOOR 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) T4B3386 NRP 4-1/2" X 4-1/2" US32D MK 1 ELECTRIC EXIT DEVICE 70 55 8876-12V ETP US32D SA 1 DOORLOOP TSB-C US26D SU 1 DOOR CLOSER CPS7500 689 NO 1 ARMOR PLATE K1050 4BE 30" X 2" LDW US32D RO 1 THRESHOLD 171A PE 1 GASKETING 303APK PE 1 RAIN GUARD 346C PE 1 SWEEP 315CN PE 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-C1500/QC-C1500P MK 1 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-CXX/CXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) MK 1 LATCH PROTECTOR 320/321 RO 2 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL. ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD READER AND DOOR POSITION SWITCH TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. CARD IN / CARD OUT TO SHUNT EGRESS ALARM BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. LOCK POWER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE SECURITY CONTRACTOR. SET:5A DOORS: SMOKERS CANOPY DESCRIPTION: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT 1 PIVOT SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY 1 EXIT DEVICE 70 55 8876-12V ETP VERIFY SA 1 EPT EL-EPT US26D SU 1 CYLINDER 7041 VERIFY SA 1 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 X 7788 VERIFY NO 1 THRESHOLD BY DOOR MANUFACTURER PE 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER PE 1 SWEEP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER PE 2 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-C1500/QC-C1500P MK 2 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-CXXICXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) MK 1 POSITION SWITCH DPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR SU 2 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL, ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD REAPER AND DOOR POSITION SWITCH TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. EPT PREP TO BE COORDINATED BY ALUMINUM STOREFRONT MANUFACTURER, CARD IN / CARD OUT TO SHUNT EGRESS ALARM BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. LOCK POWER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE SECURITY CONTRACTOR. SET:1 DOORS: MAIN EMPLOYEE ENTRY AND RECRUIT OFFICE ENTRY WITH AUTO OPERATOR DESCRIPTION: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT 9Ii DESCRIPTION MODEL FINISH MANUFACTURER 4 PIVOT SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY 1 CONCEALED VERT ROD EXIT 55 56 70 A08610106 X 862 PULL VERIFY SA 1 CONCEALED VERT ROD EXIT 55 56 AD8610 862 PULL VERIFY SA 2 EPT EL-EPT US26D SU 1 CYLINDER 7041 VERIFY SA 2 DOOR PULL BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY 1 OPERATOR DOOR SWITCH 502 NO 1 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 X 7788 VERIFY NO 1 BLADE STOP 6891 VERIFY NO 1 DOOR OPERATOR 6060 VERIFY NO 1 THRESHOLD BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 2 SWEEP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 ASTRAGAL SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 2 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-C1500/QC-C1500P - MK 2 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-CXX/CXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) MK 1 POSITION SWITCH DPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR 1 KEYSWITCH MIKA (FOR AUTO OPERATOR) SU 1 SWITCH POST 500 - NO 1 POWER SUPPLY BPS-24-1 SU 1 CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL. ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD READER AND DOOR POSITION SWITCH TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. WIDE STILES AND TOP RAIL REQUIRED. EPT PREP TO BE COORDINATED BY ALUMINUM STOREFRONT MANUFACTURER. VERIFY FINISH ON HARDWARE ABOVE TO MATCH ALUMINUM DOOR AND FRAME FINISH. LOCAL POWER SUPPLY IS REQUIRED. DOOR HARDWARE INSTALLER SHALL INSTALL POWER SUPPLY IN CONCEALED LOCATION NEAR BY TO THE DOOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. SET: 2 DOORS: MAIN EMPLOYEE ENTRY DESCRIPTION: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT 4 PIVOT SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY 1 CONCEALED VERT ROD EXIT 55 56 70 AD8610 106 X 862 PULL VERIFY SA 1 CONCEALED VERT ROD EXIT 55 56 AD8610 862 PULL VERIFY SA 2 EPT EL-EPT US26D SU 2 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 X 7788 VERIFY NO 2 BLADE STOP 6891 VERIFY NO 1 THRESHOLD BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 2 SWEEP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 ASTRAGAL SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 2 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QC-C1500/QC-C1500P MK 2 ELECTROLYNX HARNESS QGCXXICXXP (SIZE FOR DOOR WIDTH AND HARDWARE) MK 2 POSITION SWITCH DPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR - SU 1 POWER SUPPLY BPS-24-1 - SU 1 CARD READER CARD READER TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR NOTES: ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED CARD CREDENTIAL (CARD READER, NOT REQUIRED AT EVERY DOOR, SEE SECURITY DRAWINGS FOR REQUIREMENTS), ALWAYS FREE EGRESS. CARD READER AND DOOR POSITION SWITCH TO BE PROVIDED BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR. WIDE STILES AND TOP RAIL REQUIRED. EPT PREP TO BE COORDINATED BY ALUMINUM STOREFRONT MANUFACTURER.. VERIFY FINISH ON HARDWARE ABOVE TO MATCH ALUMINUM DOOR AND FRAME FINISH, LOCAL POWER SUPPLY IS REQUIRED. DOOR HARDWARE INSTALLER SHALL INSTALL POWER SUPPLY IN CONCEALED LOCATION NEAR BY TO THE DOOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. SET:2A DOORS: EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY - DOUBLE DOOR DESCRIPTION: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT 4 PIVOT SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY 2 CONCEALED VERT ROD EXIT AD8610 VERIFY SA 2 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 X 7788 VERIFY NO 2 BLADE STOP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY NO 1 THRESHOLD BY DOOR MANUFACTURER PE 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 2 SWEEP 315DN PE 1 ASTRAGAL SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 SIGN BY STOREFRONT SUPPLIER "EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY" NOTES: EXIT ONLY, VERIFY FINISH ON HARDWARE ABOVE TO MATCH ALUMINUM DOOR AND FRAME FINISH. SET:28 DOORS: EMERGENCY EXIT WITH KEYED ENTRY- DOUBLE DOOR DESCRIPTION: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT 4 PIVOT SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY 1 CONCEALED VERT ROD EXIT 70 AD8610106 X 862 PULL VERIFY SA 1 CONCEALED VERT ROD EXIT AD8610 862 PULL VERIFY SA 2 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 X 7788 VERIFY NO 2 BLADE STOP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY NO 1 THRESHOLD BY DOOR MANUFACTURER - PE 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 2 SWEEP 315DN PE 1 ASTRAGALSET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 SIGN BY STOREFRONT SUPPLIER "EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY" NOTES: KEYED ENTRY ON ONE LEAF ONLY, VERIFY FINISH ON HARDWARE ABOVE TO MATCH ALUMINUM DOOR AND FRAME FINISH. SET: 3 DOORS: EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY - SINGLE DESCRIPTION: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT 1 PIVOT SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY 1 MORTISE EXIT DEVICE, EXIT ONLY 8910 VERIFY SA 1 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 X 7788 VERIFY NO 1 BLADE STOP 6891 VERIFY NO 1 THRESHOLD BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 SWEEP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 POSITION SWITCH DPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR SU 1 SIGN BY STOREFRONT SUPPLIER "EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY" NOTES: EXIT ONLY. VERIFY FINISH ON HARDWARE ABOVE TO MATCH ALUMINUM DOOR AND FRAME FINISH. SET:3A DOORS: EMERGENCY EXIT WITH KEY ENTRY - SINGLE DESCRIPTION: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT 1 PIVOT SET BY DOOR MANUFACTURER VERIFY 1 MORTISE EXIT DEVICE, EXIT ONLY 70 8910 PSB VERIFY SA 1 DOOR CLOSER UN17500 X 7788 VERIFY NO 1 BLADE STOP 6891 VERIFY NO 1 THRESHOLD BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 SET WEATHERSTRIP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 SWEEP BY DOOR MANUFACTURER 1 POSITION SWITCH DPS BY SECURITY CONTRACTOR SU 1 SIGN BY STOREFRONT SUPPLIER "EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY" NOTES: KEYED ENTRY FROM EXTERIOR. VERIFY FINISH ON HARDWARE ABOVE TO MATCH ALUMINUM DOOR AND FRAME FINISH a L Ali W U ® a `u Z ^_ w w n ♦i/ > v E •- W _ 6 U CDLo V_ I _ Co h Co m o ¢ � a 01 w w Z 0 wcc m �..L d r co Issuances PERMITS: 02/27/2019 Revisions No. Date Description r Z LU w 0 CL J r U� ( or)U� O M Q tu_ Q V 12LIJ w J w ClH^ ♦ 2 Jv~ Ui o0 �O L IWj r_ J ULj Seal EC pR LL •• 7 U •;U) — * ` G• t• '31L AR98585 a If this document is sealed and signed in a digit or electronic format and is received from SOME other then the sealing professional identified it the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity r the document. The sealing professional discle the seal and signature and shall not be liable f any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manm Job Number 83460006 Drawn By NOE App/d By SOW Sheet Title EXTERIOR DOOR HARDWARE Sheet Number AT2 >4 n � o- ow z , Z 'o_ o tics o� �sEz w co 0o � w -w aw am o: aZ c3 o zo wQ z� wP Cc. �� w� �g Flo ¢g coo h U w� �? o� a w o: m � N as w a `^ wrx cow m QFD =w g � 0 U w o8W �a h tandard bolt holes er endicular to metal ri I m hanicall thermal cut or unc s C. Bolt Holes. D I ec , Y � P P P surfaces. D. Finishing: Accurately finish ends of columns and other members transmitting bearing loads. E. Cleaning: Clean and prepare steel surfaces that are to remain unpainted according to SSPC-SP 2, "Hand Tool Cleaning•" F. Shear Connectors: Prepare steel surfaces as recommended by manufacturer of shear connectors. Use automatic end welding of headed -stud shear connectors according to AWS D1.1/D1.1M and manufacturer's written instructions 2.07 SHOP CONNECTIONS A. High -Strength Bolts snug tightened unless indicated: Shop install high -strength bolts according to RCSC's "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts" for type of bolt and for snug tightened joint. B. High -Strength Bolts pretensioned and slip critical: Shop install high -strength bolts according to RCSC's "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts" for type of bolt, type of joint specified, and as follows: 1. Prepare surface as required for type of joint specified. 2. Install specification approved bolt or washer type connection. 3. For "Squirter DTI's" tighten connection with all needed washers as indicated in installation instructions. 4. All bolt installation shall be done under the direct supervision of an inspector or shop certified quality control individual. C. Weld Connections: Comply with AWS D1.11DI A M and AWS D1.81D1.8M for tolerances, appearances, welding procedure specifications, weld quality, and methods used in correcting welding work. 2.08 SHOP PRIMING A. Shop prime steel surfaces except the following: 1. Surfaces embedded in concrete or mortar. Extend priming of partially embedded members to a depth of 2 inches. 2. Surfaces to be field welded. 3. Surfaces of high -strength bolted, slip -critical connections. 4. Surfaces to receive sprayed fire -resistive materials (applied fireproofing). 5. Galvanized surfaces. 6. Surfaces enclosed in interior construction. B. Surface Preparation: Clean surfaces to be painted. Remove loose rust and mill scale and spatter, slag, or flux deposits. Prepare surfaces according to the following specifications and standards: 1. SSPC-SP 3, "Power Tool Cleaning." C. Zinc Primed Surface Preparation: Clean surfaces to be painted. Remove loose rust and mill scale and spatter, slag, or flux deposits. Prepare surfaces according to SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast Cleaning." D. Preparing Galvanized Steel for Shop Priming: After galvanizing, thoroughly clean steel of grease, dirt, oil, flux, and other foreign matter, and treat with etching cleaner. E. Priming: Immediately after surface preparation, apply primer according to manufacturer's written instructions and at rate recommended by SSPC to provide a minimum dry f Im thickness of 1.5 mils. Use priming methods that result in, full coverage of joints, corners, edges, and exposed surfaces. 2.09 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. If one of the two conditions below is followed then source quality control need not be required: 1. The fabricator is AISC certified and provides documentation they are approved to perform such work without special inspection, and at the completion of fabrication the approved fabricator shall submit a certificate of compliance to the building official stating that the h roved construction documents. rf rmed inaccordance with t e a work was e o Pp P rm I c ttin heatin o e rations f ri a ion rocess does not re uire an weldin the a u 2. The ab c t P q Y 9� 9� 9 p of any kind. In such cases the fabricator shall submit a detailed procedure for material control that demonstrates the fabricator's ability to maintain suitable records and procedures such that, at any time during the fabrication process, the material specification, grade and mill test reports for the main stress -carrying elements are capable of being determined. B. Testing Agency: Engage a qualified testing agency to perform shop tests and inspections. 1. Provide testing agency with access to places where structural -steel work is being fabricated or produced to perform tests and inspections. one ions accordin to RCSC's C. Boted Connections: Inspect and test shop -bolted co ctl g "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts." D. Welded Connections: All welds will be 100% visually inspected, in addition to visual inspection 10% of shop -welded connections and 100% of all complete or partial penetration welds will be tested and inspected according to AWS D1.1/D1.1 M and the following inspection procedures, at testing agency's option: 1. Liquid Penetrant Inspection: ASTM E 165. 2. Magnetic Particle Inspection: ASTM E 709: performed on root pass and on finished weld. Cracks or zones of incomplete fusion or penetration are not accepted. 3. Ultrasonic Inspection: ASTM E 164. 4. Radiographic Inspection: ASTM E 94. E. Prepare test and inspection reports. 3.03 FIELD CONNECTIONS A. High -Strength Bolts snug tightened unless indicated: Shop install high -strength bolts according to RCSC's "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts" for type of bolt and for snug tightened joint• B. High -Strength Bolts pretensioned and slip critical: Shop install high -strength bolts according to RCSC's "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts" for type of bolt, type of joint specified, and as follows: 1. Install specification approved bolt or washer type connection. 2. For "Squirter DTI's" tighten connection with all needed washers as indicated in installation instructions. 3. All bolt installation shall be done under the direct supervision of an inspector or shop certified quality control individual C. Weld Connections: Comply with AWS DI AIDI A M and AWS D1.8/D1.8M for tolerances, appearances, welding procedure specifications, weld quality, and methods used in correcting welding work. 1. Comply with AISC 303 and AISC 360 for bearing, alignment, adequacy of temporary connections, and removal of paint on surfaces adjacent to field welds. 2. Remove backing bars or runoff tabs where indicated, back gouge, and grind steel smooth. 3. Assemble and weld built-up sections by methods that maintain true alignment of axes without exceeding tolerances in AISC 303, "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges," for mill material. 4 F ELD ALITY CONTROL 30 I QU A. Special Inspections: Engage a qualified special inspector to perform the following special inspections: 1. Verify structural -steel materials and inspect steel frame joint details. 2. Verify weld materials and inspect welds. 3. Verify connection materials and inspect high -strength bolted connections. t rform tests and ins ections. B Test in A enc : En a e a ualified testin a enc o e 9 9 Y 99 q 9 9 Y P p C. Bolted Connections: Inspect and test bolted connections according to RCSC's "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts." I cordin to AWSD1.1/D1Al D. Welded Connections: Visually inspect field we ds ac g 1. In addition to 100% visual inspection, 10% of all field fillet welds and 100% all complete or partial penetration welds will be tested and inspected according to AWS D1.1/D1.1 M and the following inspection procedures, at testing agency's option: a. Liquid Penetrant Inspection: ASTM E 165. b. Magnetic Particle Inspection: ASTM E 709; performed on root pass and on finished weld. Cracks or zones of incomplete fusion or penetration are not accepted. c. Ultrasonic Inspection: ASTM E 164. d. Radiographic Inspection: ASTM E 94. END OF SECTION SECTION 05 4000 COLD -FORMED METAL FRAMING PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Formed steel stud exterior wall and interior wall framing. B. Formed steel joist and purlin framing and bridging. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FRAMING SYSTEM rid in bracin lates ussets cli s A. Provide rima and seconda framin members b I , P rY ry 9 9 9, 9, P , 9 � P fittings, reinforcement, and fastenings as required to provide a complete framing system. 2.02 FRAMING MATERIALS A. Studs and Track: ASTM C955; studs formed to channel, "C", or "Sigma" shape with punched web; U-shaped track in matching nominal width and compatible height. 1. Gage and Depth: As required to meet specified performance levels. 2. Galvanized in accordance with ASTM A653/A653M, G90/Z275 coating. B. Joists and Pul lips: Fabricated from ASTM A653/A653M steel sheet, with G90/Z275 hot dipped galvanized coating. 2.03 FASTENERS A. Self -Drilling, Self -Tapping Screws, Bolts, Nuts and Washers: Hot dip galvanized per ASTM A153/A153M. B. Anchorage Devices: Powder actuated. 2. 4 ACCESSORIES 0 kness determined for conditions A. Brecin Furrin Brid in :Formed sheet steel th c 9, 9� 9 9 encountered; finish to match framing components. B. Touch -Up Primer for Galvanized Surfaces: SSPC-Paint 20, Type I - Inorganic, complying with VOC limitations of authorities having jurisdiction. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION OF STUDS A. Install components in accordance with manufacturers' instructions and ASTM C1007 requirements. 3.02 INSTALLATION OF JOISTS AND PURLINS A. Install framing components in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Make provisions for erection stresses. Provide temporary alignment and bracing. END OF SECTION D OMPONENTS 2.02 WOOD-BAA� C A. Wood fabricated from old growth timber is not permitted. B. Composite wood products shall not contain any added urea -formaldehyde binder or resins (NAUF). 2.03 LUMBER MATERIALS A. Softwood Lumber: NIST PS 20; Graded in accordance with AWIIAWMAC Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards Illustrated, Grade III/Economy; average moisture content of 5-10 percent. 1. Semi -Exposed Surfaces: Species - clear fir. 2. 1ntemal Construction: Species -white pine. B. Interior Woodwork Items: 1. Quality Grade: Unless otherwise indicated provide products of quality specified by AWI//AWMAC/WI Architectural Woodwork Standards for Custom Grade. 2. Moldings, Bases, Casings, and Miscellaneous Trim: Clear fir; prepare for stained finish. 2.04 PANEL MATERIALS A. Particleboard: ANSI A208.1; medium density industrial type as specified in AWI/AWMAC Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards Illustrated, composed of wood chips bonded with interior grade adhesive under heat and pressure; sanded faces; thickness as required; use for all components not indicated as another material. B. Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF): ANSI A208.2; type as specified in AWI/AWMAC Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards Illustrated; composed of wood fibers pressure bonded with interior grade adhesive to suit application; sanded faces; thickness as required. 1. Use for painted components and components indicated on the drawings. 2. Use as backing for plastic laminate unless otherwise indicated. C. Hardboard: AHA At35.4; Pressed wood fiber with resin binder, Class 1 - Tempered, 1/4 inch thick, smooth one side (S1 S); use for gables and backs. 2.08 HARDWARE A. Adjustable Cabinet Shelf Supports: Standard side -mounted system using multiple holes for pin supports and coordinated self rests, polished chrome finish, for nominal 1 inch spacing adjustments. B. Adjustable Shelving Supports: Heavy duty back -mounted system using surface mounted metal shelf standards and coordinated heavy duty cantilevered shelf brackets, satin chrome finish, for nominal 1 inch spacing adjustments. Include clips to screw shelf bracket to shelf. 1. Standards: #80/85 Ano, double slotted, steel 16 ga, manufactured by Knape -Vogt. 2. Brackets: #180/185 Ano, double slotted, 2 inch less than shelf depth, manufactured by Knape -Vogt. C. Drawer and Door Pulls: "U" shaped wire pull, aluminum with satin finish, 4 inch centers. 1. Product: EPC-MC402-4-A manufactured by Epco. D. Drawer Slides: 1. Type: Standard extension. 2. Static Load Capacity: Commemial grade. 3. Mounting: Side mounted. E. Hinges: Concealed (fully mortised) self -closing type, steel with satin finish. 1. Products: a. Julius Blum, Inc: www.blum.com. F. Sliding Door Track Assemblies: Upper and lower track of satin anodized aluminum, with matching shoe equipped with nylon rollers. G. Countertop Brace Mounting Bracket: Sanymetal: #4035 or equal. H. Shelf Bracket: Doug Mockett & Co.: #SWS2, 18 x 18 inch with diagonal braces, integral mounting holes, and matte black finish. k t & Co. Fli To Series. I. Cable Access Grommets: Doug Moc et p p 2.09 FABRICAT ION ntS le: Flush overla . A. Cabr e ty Y B. Cabinet Doors and Drawer Fronts: Flush style. C. Assembly: Shop assemble cabinets for delivery to site in units easily handled and to permit passage through building openings. D. Fitting: When necessary to cut and fit on site, provide materials with ample allowance for cutting. Provide matching trim for scribing and site cutting. E. Plastic Laminate: Apply plastic laminate finish in full uninterrupted sheets consistent with manufactured sizes. Fit corners and joints hairline; secure with concealed fasteners. Slightly bevel arises. Locate counter butt joints minimum 2 feet from sink cut-outs. 1. A laminate backing sheet to reverse side of plastic laminate finished surfaces. PP Y F. Mechanically fasten back splash to countertops with steel brackets at 16 inches on center. G. Provide cutouts for plumbing fixtures. Verify locations of cutouts from on -site dimensions. Prime paint cut edges. END OF SECTION SECTION 07 21QO THERMAL INSULATION PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Board insulation and integral vapor retarder at cavity wall construction, exterior wall behind fiber cement board panel finish. B. Batt insulation and vapor retarder in exterior wall construction. PART 2 PRODUCTS FOAM BOARD INSULATION MATERIALS A. Extruded Polystyrene Board Insulation: Extruded polystyrene board; ASTM C578; with either natural skin or cut cell surfaces, and the following characteristics: 1. Type: 1, Type IV. 2. Flame Spread Index: 25 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 3. Smoke Developed Index: 450 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 4. R-value (RSI-value); 1 inch (25 mm) of material at 72 degrees F (22 C): 5 (0.88), minimum. 5. Board Edges: Square. 6. Water Absorption, Maximum: 0.3 percent, by volume. 7. Manufacturers: a. Dow Chemical Company: www.dow.com. b. Owens Corning Corporation; FOAMULAR Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Insulation: www, ocbuildingspee.com/sle. c. Rockwool; https://www.rockwDol.com d. Johnsmanville; https://www.jm.com 2.03 BATT INSULATION MATERIALS A. Glass Fiber Batt Insulation: Flexible preformed batt or blanket, complying with ASTM C665; friction fit. 1. Flame Spread Index: 25 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 2. Smoke Developed Index: 450 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 3. Combustibility: Non-combustible, when tested in accordance with ASTM E136, except for facing, if any. 4. Formaldehyde Content: Zero. 5. Thermal Resistance for 3 1/2" thickness: R-value (RSI-value) of 13 (19). . 6. Thermal Resistance for 6" thickness: R-value of19. in m foil flames read 25 rated• one side. acin . A um u 7. F , 9 P 2.04 ACCESSO RIES A. Sheet Vapor Retarder: clear polyethylene film for above grade application, 10 mil (0.25 mm) thick. B. Tape: Polyethylene self -adhering type, mesh reinforced, 4 inch (102 mm) wide. n manufacturer fora lication. C. Adhesive: Type recommended by insulato pp 3.02 BOARD INSTALLATION AT EXTERIOR WALLS ards horizontal) on walls. A. Install bo Y B. Cut and fit insulation tightly to "Z" furring, protrusions or interruptions to the insulation plane. 3.03 BATT INSTALLATION A. Install insulation and vapor retarder in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install in exterior wall spaces without gaps or voids. Do not compress insulation. C. At metal framing, place vapor retarder on warm side of insulation; lap and seal sheet retarder joints over member face. D. Tape seal tears or cuts in vapor retarder. r f jacent window and door frames and other E. Extend vapor retarder tightly to full perimete o aril items interrupting the plane of the membrane. Tape seal in place. E TION END OF S C SECTION 07 2500 WEATHER BARRIERS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Air Barriers: Materials that form a system to stop passage of air through exterior walls and joints around frames of openings in exterior walls. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 WEATHER BARRIER ASSEMBLIES 2.02 AIR BARRIER MATERIALS (WATER VAPOR PERMEABLE AND WATER -RESISTIVE) A. Air Barrier Sheet, Mechanically Fastened at sheathing: 1. Air Permeance: 0.004 cubic feet per minute per square foot (0.02 L/s/sq m), maximum, when tested in accordance with ASTM E2178. 2. Water Vapor Permeance: 5 perms (286 r l(Pa s sq m)), minimum, when tested in accordance with ASTM E96/E96M Procedure A (desiccant procedure). 3. Water Penetration Resistance: Withstand a water head of 21 inches (55 cm), minimum, for minimum of 5 hours, when tested in accordance with AATCC Test Method 127. wr in nufacturer for minimum i l t and Weatherin Resistance: A roved In t b ma woe 4. Ultra PP g Y 9 0 da s weather ex osure, of 1S Y P 5. Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread index of 25 or less, and smoke developed index of 50 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 6. Products: a. DuPont Building Innovations; Tyvek Commemial Wrap with Tyvek Tape: www.dupont.com. 2. PERFORMANCE RE UIREMENTS: 03 Q r ement Claddin - Must com I with A A. F be C �fiM C-1186 T e A re uirements: g p Y YP q 1. Linear Variation with Change in Moisture Content: 0.17% linear change. 2. Wet Flexural Strength, lower limit: 580 psi, 3. Water Tightness: No water droplets observed on any specimen. 4. Freeze-tha : No damage or defects observed. 5. Warm Wate No evidence of cracking, delamination, swelling, or other defects observed. 2,04INSTALLATION COMPONENTS A. Steel Clip System: 1. Starter Track: FA 100B -10' (1) galvalume• 2. Panel Clips: JE 550 (5mm rainscreen), JE 710 (10mm rainscreen) - 400 series stainless steel. 3. Joint Clips: Short - JEJ 555; Long - JEL 551 (5mm), JEL 552 (10mm) - 400 series stainless st 1. 4. Comer Clip ;(for use with manufactured corners): JE 550C (5mm) - 400 series stainless steel. 5. Single Flange Sealant Backer- FHK 1110 (5mm), FHK 1017 (10mm) - 6.5' (I) fluorine coated galvalume. 6. Double Flange Sealant Backer- FH 1010 (5mm), FH 1020 (10mm) -10' (1) fluorine coated galvalume. 7. Corrugated Shim - FS 1005 (5mm), FS 1010 (10mm) - 4' (1). B. High Wind Load System: 1. Starter Trac : FA 100B -10' (1) galvalume. 2. Panel ClipsIJES 301 (5mm rainscreen) - 26" (1) anodized A6063 T-5 aluminum. 3. Corner Clips (for use with manufactured comers): JE 550C (5mm) - 400 series stainless steel. 4. Single Flange Sealant Backer- FHK 1110 (5mm), FHK 1017 (10mm) - 6.5' (I) fluorine coated galvalume. 5. Double Flange Sealant Backer - FH 1010 (5mm), FH 1020 (10mm) -10' (1) fluorine coated galvalume. 6. Corrugated Shim - FS 1005 (5mm), FS 1010 (10mm) - 4' (1). C. Fasteners: Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot -dipped galvanized screws appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Use Stainless Steel fasteners in high humidity and high -moisture regions. Panel manufacturer is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use See manufacturer's instructions for appropriate fasteners for construction method used. D. Flashing: Flash all areas specified in manufacturer's instructions. Do not use raw aluminum flashing. Flashing must be galvanized, anodized, or PVC coated. E. Sealant: Sealant shall be polyurethane, or hybrid, and comply with ASTM C920. END OF SECTION SECTION 08 3323 OVERHEAD COILING DOORS 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including: 1. Preparation instructions and recommendations. 2. Storage anQ handling requirements and recommendations. 3. Installation Methods. 4. Operation and maintenance data. me late data and ratio s for motors. 5. Na p g C. Shop Drawings (Include opening dimensions and required tolerances, connection details, r hardware locations and installation details. ancho age spa g, I ion Sam s: For each finish roducts ecified two com lets sets of color chi s D. Se ect P p P P r r' full ran a of available colors and attems. re resentin m ufactu e s p 9 9 P 1.05 WIND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Design doors to withstand positive and negative wind loads as calculated in accordance with applicable governing building codes. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the types of doors specified in this section with minimum five years documented experience. B. Installer Qualifi tions: Installation to be by qualified dealer in accordance with the manufacturer'sristallation instructions. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Entrematic Contact; Michael ONeil Manager, National Accounts Entrematic-Loading Dock Products W183 S8253 Racine Ave Muskego, WI 53150 0:262-679-6695 M:414-745-8477 Mike.ONeil@entrmatic.com B. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.02 OVERHEAD COILING DOORS - GENERAL A. Curtain: 1. Amarr-AM Grade 40 interconnected steel flat slat conforming to ASTM A-653. 2.22 au steel Flat slat for door width u to 18'4" and door het ht u to 18'4" tall. 9 9 P 9 P t B. Slat Finish. 1. FinalCotew Coating System for steel slats to include an ASTM A 653 galvanized base coating, bonderized coating for prime coat adhesion, corrosion inhibiting primer .2 mils per side, and thermosetting polyester top coat with a minimum thickness of .6 mils each side. FinalCoteTV color options: Gray unless specified different due to landlord or city directive. C. Guides: 1. Fabricate with structural steel angles bolted together with 3/8" fasteners to form a channel for the curtain to travel. 2. The wall angle portion shall be continuous and fastened to the surrounding structure with either minimum 1/2" fasteners or welds, both on 36" centers, 3. Provide windlock bars of same material when windlocks are required to meet specified wind load. 4. Top of inner and outer guide angles to be flared outwards to form bellmouth for smooth entry of cu ain into guides. 5. Provide removable guide stoppers to prevent over travel of curtain and bottom bar 6. Guide Finish - The finish on the guide angles shall be one the Thermosetting Powder Coating finish as indicated in the curtain section. D. Barrel: 1. Steel pipe of not less than 4" in diameter capable of supporting curtain load with maximum deflection of 0.03 inches per foot (2.5 rum per meter) of width. E. Springs: rn assembl I e of door to ensure that 1. Oil to erect torsion sp g y designed for proper ba arc note f r in and maxim effort to o erate will xceed 30 Ibs 133 N . Provide whee o a P ( ) PP Y 9 adjusts rin to ue. J g P 9 rQ F. Brackets: 1. The brackets shall be constructed of steel not less than 1/4" thick and shall be bolted to the wall angle with minimum 1/2" fasteners. shall b h e in Powder Coatin finish as 2. The finish on the uide an les a one the T ermos tt 9 9 9 9 indicated in the curtain section. 3.02 BLOCKING, NAI ERS, AND SUPPORTS A. Provide framin and blocking members as indicated or as required to support finishes, fixtures, specialty item :and trim. B. In framed ass blies that have concealed spaces, provide solid wood fireblocking as required by applicable I al code, to close concealed draft openings between floors and between top story and roof tic space; other material acceptable to code authorities may be used in lieu of solid wood blo king. C. In metal stud walls, provide continuous blocking around door and window openings for anchorage of frames, securely attached to stud framing where wood trim and wood door frames are used. D. In walls, provide blocking attached to studs as backing and support for wall -mounted items, unless item can be securely fastened to two or more studs or other method of support is explicitly indicated. E. Where ceiling -mounting is indicated, provide blocking and supplementary supports above ceiling, unless other method of support is explicitly indicated. F. Provide the following specific non-structural framing and blocking: 1. Cabinets and shelf supports. 2. Wall brackets. 3. Handrails. 4. Grab bars. 5. Towel and bath accessories. 6. Wall -mounted door stops. 7. Tackboards and markerboards. 8. Wall paneling and trim. 9. Joints of rinid wall coverings that occur between studs. END OF SECTION SECTION 06 4100 ARCHITECTURAL WOOD CASEWORK 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate materials, component profiles and elevations, assembly methods, joint accesso listin le of fini hes. details fasten methods s hardware location and schedu s 9 ry 9, rovide data for hardware ac C. Product Data cessories. am les of lastic lamina( D. Sam les: Sub t s e and cast ac lic materials. P P P ry i h I er ocumentin that com its E. Fum s ett wood roducts do not contain added 9 Pce p urea -formaldehyde binder or resins. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with AWI/AWMAC Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards Illustrated, Custom quality, unless other quality is indicated for specific items. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum three years of documented experience. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CABINETS A. Quality Grade Unless otherwise indicated provide products of quality specified by AWI//AWMAC WI (AWS) for Custom Grade, ru b r tube seals fitted inside'oints between sect ions. EPDM Weatherstri in : EPDM e 7 b Pp 9 1 rubber bulb- a stri at bottom. Header seal and jamb weatherstripping. tyP p J 8. Vision Panel: 1/2 inch insulated double strength glass. Nominal size 24 inch x 6 inch 9. Wind Load Design: Withstand positive and negative wind loads when tested in accordance with ASTM E 330. Total test duration for each test direction shall be one minute at design pressure. Include pressure equal to 1.5 times the design pressure for 10 seconds during each test. a. Design Wind Speed: 90 mph b. Design Wind Load Pressure: +19 psf and -21 psf. 2.02 ELECTRICAL OPERATION A. Electrical Characteristics: 1. 1/2 hp; 30 rated load amperes; manually operable in case of power failure, transit speed of 12 inches per second. 2. 480 volts, three phase, 60 Hz. B. Electric Operator: Side mounted on cross head shaft, adjustable safety friction clutch; brake system actuated by independent voltage solenoid controlled by motor starter; enclosed gear driven limit switch; enclosed magnetic cross line reversing starter; mounting brackets and hardware. C. Safety Edge: At bottom of door panel, full width; pneumatic sensitized type, wired to stop door upon striking object; hollow neoprene covered to provide weatherstrip seal. D. Control Station: Standard three button (open -close -stop) momentary type control for each electric operator. 1. 24 volt circuit. 2. Surface mounted. 3. Locate at inside door jamb. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install door unit assembly in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Anchor assembly to wall consWction and building framing without distortion or stress, C. Securely brace door tracks suspended from structure. Secure tracks to structural members only. D. Fit and align door assembly including hardware. E. Coordinate installation of electrical service. Com END OF SECTION SECTION 08 3800 HIGH SPEED VERTICAL FABRIC ROLL -UP DOORS 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installation shall be performed by factory trained and certified installers with a minimum of six months experience installing high speed vertical fabric roll -up doors. Installer shall maintain a service center with parts inventory and maintenance personnel trained by the factory. B. High speed vertical fabric roll -up doors shall be provided, each, as a complete unit including hardware, accessories and installation components. C. Each high speed vertical fabric roll -up door and all components necessary for a complete unit installation shall comply with the following codes and standards where applicable: 1. ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials 2. NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturer's Association 3. UL: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. D. Manufacturer shall not fabricate this product without completed confirmation forms wherein all parties agree to required fabrication and production information. 1.04 SUBMITTALS R it m nts for submittal rocedures. A. See Section 01 3000 - Ad ministrafive e u e e q P 1.06 COORDINATION n ractor andlor subcontractor shall coordinate the various trades affected b the A. General Co t Y work of this section. Assure accurate preparation of opening. Provide completed confirmation forms for fabrication. Supervise unloading and handling of materials. B. Permanent power shall be in -place and ready for final connection when doors are erected. Assure access to and proper clearance for motors, drums, control boxes, and head -plates. C. Assure proper electrical source voltages and amperes are in place prior to connection to door system. D. Store all materials as indicated in Section 1.05 of this document. Replace damaged materials at no cost to the owner. 2.03 VAPOR RETARDER MATERIALS (AIR BARRIER AND WATER -RESISTIVE) A. Vapor Retarder Sheet: ASTM D4397 polyethylene film reinforced with glass fiber square mesh, clear. 1. Thickness: 10 mil (0.25 mm). 2. Water Vapor Permeance: As required by referenced standard for thickness speclfled. 3. Seam and Perimeter Tape: Polyethylene self adhering type, mesh reinforced, 2 inches (50 mm) wide, compatible with sheet material. 2.04 ACCESSORIES A. Vapor Retarder Tape: Coated polyester film with acrylic adhesive backing; pressure sensitive. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Air Barriers: Install continuous air tight barrier over surfaces indicated, with sealed seams and with sealed joints to adjacent surfaces. C. Vapor Retarders: Install continuous air tight barrier over surfaces indicated, with sealed seams and with sealed joints to adjacent surfaces. D. Mechanically Fastened Sheets - On Exterior: 1. Install sheets shingle -fashion to shed water, with seams generally horizontal. 2. Overlap seams as recommended by manufacturer but at least 6 inches. 3. Overlap at outside and inside corners as recommended by manufacturer but at least 12 inches (305 mm). 4. Install air barrier and vapor retarder UNDER jamb flashings. 5. Install head flashings under weather barrier. 6. At openings to be filled with frames having nailing flanges, wrap excess sheet into opening; at head, seal sheet over flange and flashing. E. Openings and Penetrations in Exterior Weather Barriers: 1. Install flashing over sills, covering entire sill frame member, extending at least 5 inches (125 mm) onto weather barrier and at least 6 inches (150 mm) up jambs; mechanically fasten stretched edges. 2. At openings to be filled with frames having nailing flanges, seal head and jamb flanges using a continuous bead of sealant compressed by flange and cover flanges with at least 4 inches (100 mm) wide; do not seal sill flange. f - n d fir rues e I weather barrier to all sides o 3 . At o enin s to be filled with non fla e a s a P 9 9 opening framing, using flashing at least 9 inches (230 mm) wide, covering entire depth of framing. 4. At head of openings, install flashing under weather barrier extending at least 2 inches (50 mm) beyond face of jambs; seal weather barrier to flashing. 5. At interior face of openings, seal gap between windowldoor frame and rough framing, in ' in sealant over backer rod. us o t 91 6. Service and Other Penetrations: Form flashing around penetrating item and seal to weather barrier surface. END OF SECTION SECTION 07 4646 FIBER CEMENT PANELS 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Exterior, panelized fiber cement cladding system and accessories to complete a dralned and back -ventilated rainscreen. B. Interior fiber cement panelized cladding system and accessories. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: 1. All fiber cement panels specified in this section must be supplied by a manufacture r with a minimum of 10 years of experience in fabricating and supplying fiber cement cladding systems. a. Products covered under this section are to be manufactured in an ISO 9001 certified facility. 2. Provide technical and design support as needed regarding installation requirements and warranty compliance provisions. B. Installer Qualifications: All products listed in this section are to be installed by a single installer trained by manufacturer or representative. C. Pre -Installation Meetings: Prior to beginning installation, conduct conference to verify and discuss substrate conditions, manufacturer's installation instructions and warranty requirements, and project requirements. 2PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Nichiha Corporation, 18-19 Nishiki 2-chome Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 460-8610, Japan. NO SUBSTITUTIONS B. Acceptable Manufacturer's Representative: Nichiha USA, Inc., 6659 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite AA, Norcross, GA 30092. Tall free: 1.866.424.4421, Office: 770.805.9466, Fax, 770.805.9467, www.nichiha.com. 1. Basis of Design Product: Nichiha Architectural Block. a. Profile colors: Grey b Profiles: 6'-0" x 18" with score. c. 0 tional Accessories: P 1) Manufactured corners with 3-1/2" returns for each profile color. 2) Aluminum trim to be painted to match panel. d. Dimensions: Nominal -18" (h) x 6' (1); Actual - 455mm (h) x 1,818 rum (I). e. Panel Thickness: 5/8 inch (16 mm actual). f. Finish: Satin. g. Weight: 37.9 lbs. per panel (6'). h. Coverage: 9 sq. ft. per panel (6'). i. Factory sealed on six [6] sides. C. Substitutions: Not permitted. D. Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Sectieff 01 60 00. DO K BUMPERS 2 05 C r : Fabri reinforced rubber ads ozone resistant laminated and com ressed in osition A. Bumps s c p p P r and nuts be tween 3 x 2-1/2 x 1/4 with two galvanized steel rods with threaded ends, washes , inch galvanized steel angle end plates: 1. Projection From Wall: 4-1/2 inches. 2. Size: 20 inch high x 11 long. 2.06 TRACK GUARDS A. Description: "Z" shape door track protector made from'/4 inch thick steel shapes with wall and floor mounting flange. 1. Height: 4 feet. 2. Color: Prefinished safety yellow enamel coating. 2.07 DOCK LIGHT AND FAN A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. RiteHite: Cooll2500 2. Kelly: HV-ES Fan with High Impact LED Fixture B. Description: Combination dock light and fan on 42 inch heavy duty swing arm. Include LED lamp. END OF SECTION '444 1. 24 gauge galvanized steel with reinforced top and bottom edges. 2. The finish on the hood shall be the finish as indicated in the curtain section 3. Provide minimum 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) steel intermediate support brackets as required to prevent excessive sag 2.03 LOCKING MECHANISM A. Door shall be secured by means of Slide Bolts 2.04 OPERATION A. Manual Chain Hoist B. Provide chain hoist operator with endless steel chain, chain pocket wheel and guard, geared reduction unit, and chain keeper secured to guide. SECTION 08 3323 OVERHEAD COILING DOORS 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including: 1. Preparation instructions and recommendations. 2. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. 3. Installation methods. 4. Operation and maintenance data.. 5. Nameplate data and ratings for motors. C. Shop Drawings: Include opening dimensions and required tolerances, connection details, anchorage spacing, hardware locations, and installation details. D. Selection Samples: For each finish product specified, two complete sets of color chips representing manufacturer's full range of available colors and patterns. 1.05 WIND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Design doors to withstand positive and negative vend loads as calculated in accordance with applicable governing building codes. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the types of doors Iv cumented ex erience. s ecified in this section with minimum f e ears do P y P B. Installer Qualifications: Installation to be by qualified dealer in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Entrematic Contact: Michael ONeil Manager, National Accounts Entrematic-Loading Dock Products W183 S8253 Racine Ave Muskego, WI 53150 0:262-679-6695 M:414-745-8477 Mike.ONeil@entrmatic.com B. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.02 OVERHEAD COILING DOORS - GENERAL A. Curtain: 1. Amarr-AMZL Grade 40 interconnected steel flat slat conforming to ASTM A-653. 2.22 gauge steel flat slat for door width up to 18'4" and door height up to 18'4" tall. B. Slat Finish: 1. FinalCotelm Coating System for steel slats to include an ASTM A 653 galvanized base coating, bonderized coating for prime coat adhesion, corrosion inhibiting primer .2 mils per side, and thermosetting polyester top coat with a minimum thickness of .6 mils each side. FinalCoterV color options: Gray unless specified different due to landlord or city directive. C. Guides: 1. Fabricate with structural steel angles bolted together with 3/8" fasteners to form a channel for the curtain to travel. 2. The wall angle portion shall be continuous and fastened to the surrounding structure with either minimum 1/2" fasteners or welds, both on 36" centers, 3. Provide windlock bars of same material when windloeks are required to meet specified wind load. 4. Top of inner and outer guide angles to be flared outwards to form bellmouth for smooth entry of curtain into guides. 5. Provide removable guide stoppers to prevent over travel of curtain and bottom bar 6. Guide Finish - The finish on the guide angles shall be one the Thermosetting Powder Coating finish as indicated in the curtain section. D. Barrel: 1. Steel pipe of not less than 4" in diameter capable of supporting curtain load with maximum deflection of 0.03 inches per foot (2.5 rum per meter) of width. E. Springs: 1. Oil -tempered torsion spring assembly designed for proper balance of door to ensure that maximum effort to operate will not exceed 30 Ibs (133 N). Provide wheel for applying and adjusting spring torque. F. Brackets: 1. The brackets shall be constructed of steel not less than 1/4" thick and shall be bolted to the wall angle with minimum 1/2" fasteners. 2. The finish on the guide angles shall be one the Thermosetting Powder Coating finish as indicated in the curtain section. G. Hood: 'z el with reinforced to and bottom ed es. 1. 24 gauge galvanl ed ste p g 2. The finish on the hood shall be the finish as indicated in the curtain section su orf brackets as re ured to 3. Provide minimum 1/4 inch (6.35 rum) steel intermediate pp q prevent excessive sag 2.03 LOCKING MECHANISM A. Door shall be secured by means of Slide Bolts 2.04 OPERATION A. Manual Chain Hoist h in chain ocket wheel and uard eared B. Provide chain hoist o rotor with endless stee c a , pe , P 9 9 reduction unit, and chain keeper secured to guide. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates upon which work will be installed and verify conditions are in accordance with approved shop drawings B. Coordinate with responsible entity to perform corrective work on unsatisfactory substrates C. Verify wall openings are ready to receive work and opening dimensions and tolerances are within specified limits. END OF SECTION SECTION 08 3613 SECTIONAL DOORS 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum three years of documented experience. B. Doors shall include a manufacturer's label certifying compliance with specified windload. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 INSULATED STEEL SECTIONAL DOORS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. Basis of Design - Overhead Door Cc: Thermacore 591 Series 2. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements B. Characteristics: 1. Size: As indicated on the drawings. 2. Type: Metal/foam/metal sandwich panel construction, with EPDM thermal break and ship -lap design with rounded water channels. 3. Panels: a. Metal Facer: Nominal .015 inch galvanized steel, stucco embossed. b. Panel Thickness: nominal 1 5/8 inch. c. finish: Manufacturer's standard baked -on polyester coat. Color to be white. d. Insulation: CFC-free and HCFC-free polyurethane, fully encapsulated. e. Thermal Values: Minimum R-value of 14.6. 4. Operation: a. Truck Doors: Manual pull rope operated. D ive-in Doors: Electric motor o erated. b n P 5. Lift: Full vertical unless otherwise indicated. 6. Hardware: a. Counterbalance: Heavy duty torsion springs mounted on cross header shaft. Minimum 25,000 cycle. b. Tracks: 3 inch. c. Provide lift handles on inside face. d. Lock: Provide inside only slide bar lock - mount at 5 feet AFF on left side of door. e. Hinges: heavy duty. f. Provide spring bumpers. PART2-PRODUCT S 2.01 MANUFACTUR ER AND MODEL A. Doors shall be power-AMZL All Weather M21M3 high speed fabric roll -up as manufactured by DYNACO ENTREMATIC. Doors shall be gear driven; direct drive, flexible non -weighted soft bottom edge, 1. Contact: Michael ONeil Manager, National Accounts Entrematic-Loading Dock Products W183 S6263 Racine Ave Muskego, WI 53150 0:262-679-6695 M:414-745.8477 M ike.ONell@entrmatic. com B. Substitutions; See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Install doors in accordance with manufacturer's instructions for clearance and fastenings. B. Adjust for smooth and efficient operation including stop and start limits, activation settings and safety mechanisms function. Verify that all operations are functional and meet the requirements of applicable codes and regulations. C. Upon completion of the installation, general contractor shall protect the doors from damage and shall replace or repair subsequent damage in order that doors are acceptable to the architect and owner at no additional cost to the owner. D. Installation shall be performed by factory trained and certified installers. E. Manufacturer's authorized representative shall demonstrate the operation of the doors. END OF SECTION SECTION 09 9000 PAINTING AND COATING PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Surface preparation. B. Field applicatlon of paints and other coatings. C. Scope: Finish all interior and exterior surfaces exposed to view, unless fully factory -finished and unless otherwise indicated, including the following: 1. Both sides and edges of plywood backboards for electrical and telecom equipment before installing equipment. 2. Ladders. 3. Mechanical and Electrical: a. In finished areas, paint all insulated and exposed pipes, conduit, boxes, insulated and exposed ducts, hangers, brackets, collars and supports, mechanical equipment, and electrical equipment, grilles, fire extinguisher cabinets, panels, piping, diffusers, etc. unless otherwise indicated on finish plans. Items adjacent to exposed ceiling shall be painted to match ceiling color. Confirm locations with designer. D. Do Not Paint or Finish the Following Items: 1. Items fully factory -finished unless specifically so indicated; materials and products having factory -applied primers are not considered factory finished. 2. Items indicated to receive other finishes. 3. Items indicated to remain unfinished. 4. Fire rating labels, equipment serial number and capacity labels, and operating parts of equipment. 5. Floors, unless specifically so indicated. 6. Existing finish materials unless indicated on drawings. 7. Brick, architectural concrete, cast stone, integrally colored plaster and stucco, unless otherwise so indicated on drawings. 8. Concealed pipes, ducts, and conduits. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. n f ur man s ecializio in manufacturin the roducts s cified Ma u act er ualifications Co , Q Pe P Y P 9 9 P h i 'mu rs documented ex erience. colt m nI m three ea P Y min het of works ecified with B. A li or f ' ns: Com an s ecializio in rfo t pp cat Quail Ica6o p y p g pe g ype p minimum two years documented experience. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Provide all paint and coating products from the same manufacturer to the greatest extent possible. B. Paints: 1. See finish drawings for base of design manufacturer (color reference only). Product to be n rds. See website for com lete in ccor PI REEN Performance Sta da a dance with latest M G P list of products; www.specifygreen.com. See 2.02.C.3 for more information. 2. Base Manufacturer: Sherwin-Williams Company: www.sherwin-williams,com. 3. Benjamin Moore & Cc: www.benjaminmoore.com. 4. PPG Paints: www.ppgpaints.com. 5. Pratt & Lambert Paints: www.prattandlambert.com. 6. ICI Paints. C. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2.02 PAINTS AND COATINGS - GENERAL A. Paints and Coatings: Ready mixed, unless intended to be a field -catalyzed coating. 1. Provide materials that are compatible with one another and the substrates indicated under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by manufacturer based on testing and field experience. 2. Supply each coating material in quantity required to complete entire project's work from a single production run. 3. Do not reduce, thin, or dilute coatings or add materials to coatings unless such procedure is specifically described in manufacturer's product instructions. B. Colors: As indicated on drawings 1. Extend colors to surface edges; colors may change at any edge as directed by Architect. END OF SECTION SECTION 11 1300 LOADING DOCK EQUIPMENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Hydraulic Dock Leveler. B. Truck Restraint Device and Communication System. C. Dock Seal. D. Dock Bumper. E. Combination Dock Light and Fan. F. Track Guard. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. Kelly Company; Entrematic: www,kelleyoompany.com. a. Contact: Michael ONeil, Manager, National Accounts Entrematic-Loading Dock Products W183 S8253 Racine Ave, Muskego, WI 53150 0:262-679-6695 M:414-745-8477, Mike.ONeil@entrmatic.com 2. Rite -Hite Corp; Product HL Series: www.ritehite.com. r n E i ment Cor oration 22718 58th Place South a. Contact: Russ Stuefloten A bo u q P P 1 rstuefloten dtehite.com Kent, Wa 98032 0:253 395-7099 M:253-951-585 , @ 3. Substitutions: Not ermitted. P 2.02 DOCK LEVELER A. Description: 1. Operation: Hydraulic. Pro r li werin of the ram controlled from a a vide electric hydraulic raising and hyd au c o g p, remotely located push-button station. Provide a hydraulic velocity fuse to limit the loaded ramp's free fall to not over 3 inches. 2. Deck Size: Nominal 7 feet x 8 feet. 3. Operating Range: 12 inches above dock level, 12 inches below dock level. Provide an operating range above the platform level of sufficient height to enable the lip to extend and clear the truck bed before contact 4. Capacity: 30,0001bs. in accordance with ANSI MH14.1-1987. 5. Automatic Vertical Compensation: Floating travel of the ramp with lip extended and resting on the truck bed shall compensate automatically for upward or downward movement of the truck bed during loading and unloading. 6. Automatic Lateral Compensation: Tilting of the ramp with lip extended and resting on the truck bed shall compensate automatically for canted truck beds of up to 4 inches over the width of the ram P 7. Lip Operation: Provide the manufacturers standard mechanism that automatically extends and supports the hinged lip on the ramp edge with the lip resting on the truck bed over the dock leveler's working range, allows the lip to yield under impact of the incoming truck, and automatically retracts the lip when the truck departs. a. Lip length shall be 16 inches typical. 8. Leveler Stored Switch: Factory installed and wired to Master Control Panel. 9. Finish: Manufacturer's standard paint applied to factory assembled leveler before shipping. 10. Dock Leveler Control Box: All individual components, as well as the complete box unit, shall be UL-approved 460v/3P single enclosure. This enclosure shall operate both the dock leveler and dock restraint and contain a step down transformer for the trailer restraint. This shall allow for one incoming power source. a. Include hard wired connection to fan and dock light, and include individual switch capability. 11. Accessories: a. Ni 9 ht locks. b. Safi et sto s. Y P c. To r f r full o eratin ran a ainted safe eeow. a wards tote al o 9 9 �p tyY 0 9 P I d. Side and rear weatherseals. e. Safety Strut: Integral, permanently attached to unit. 2.03 TRUCK RESTRAINING DEVICE AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM: A. Manufacturer: Provide equipment from the same manufacturer as the dock leveler. 1. Kelly - Model APS2000 2. Rite -Hite - Model RHR-600. Safety Communications System: 1. Inside instruction aluminum or metal placard and flashing red and green LED lights mounted in low profile box. Outside caution sign with instructions for truck driver, and flashing red and green lights. r Issuances PERMITS: 02/2712019 Revisions U a Z EE w w Z 0 Z w X H U I- x M w U) rn w X 0 a- rn rn vE 2� vi m a a> @ 'W K0 -o 2 c m CD a No. Date Description V� M 0 0 0 LU UJ 0 ate" i a t0 ♦0 v / W J � ULO � rn v U M J J Q LL U W W WO � W_ OD U~ oX vO V LL r` �� CIF F�v .° G�� OpUG�.;S,,<)N A� ,9 �' Y .0 G; :U • . AR98585 If this document is sealed and. signed in a digital or electronic format and is received from someone other than the sealing professional identified In the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity of the document. The sealing professional disclaims the seal and signature and shall not be liable for any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or validated in this. manner. signature has not been Job Number 83460006 Drawn By NOE Appld By SOW Sheet Title i . u k. 4i � S A H ale r SPECIFICATIONS Sheet Number • J SECTION 051200 STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAMING SECTION 061000 ROUGH CARPENTRY L 3.05 ACCEPTANCE A. Accepted substitutions change the work of the Project. They All be dooumehi#d and incorporated into work of the project by Change Order, Construction Change Directive, Architectural Supplementary Instructions, or similar instruments provided for in the Conditions of the Contract. END OF SECTION SECTION 013000 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 3.02 SUBMITTALS FOR REVIEW A. When the following are specified in individual sections, submit them for review, 1. Product data. 2. Shop drawings. B. Submit to Architect for review for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the contract documents, C. After review, provide copies and distribute in accordance with SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES article below and for record documents purposes described in Section 017800 - Closeout Submittals. 3.03 SUBMITTALS FOR INFORMATION A. When the following are specified in individual sections, submit them for information: 1. Design data. 2. Certificates. 3. Test reports. 4. Inspection reports. 5. Manufacturer's instructions. 6. Manufacturer's field reports. 7. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). 8. Other types indicated. B. Submit for Architect's knowledge as contract administrator or for Owner. 3.06 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. General Requirements: 1. Use a separate transmittal for each item. 2. Submit separate packages of submittals for review and submittals for information, when included in the same specification section. 3. Transmit using approved form. a. Use Contractor's form, subject to prior approval by Architect. 4. Sequentially identify each item. For revised submittals use original number and a sequential numerical suffix. 5. Identify: Project; Contractor; subcontractor or supplier; pertinent drawing and detail number; and specification section number and article/paragraph, as appropriate on each copy. 6. Apply Contractor's stamp, signed or initialed certifying that review, approval, verification of products required, field dimensions, adjacent construction work, and coordination of information is in accordance with the requirements of the work and Contract Documents. a. Submittals from sources other than the Contractor, or without Contractor's stamp will not be acknowledged, reviewed, or returned. 7. Schedule submittals to expedite the Project, and coordinate submission of related items. a. For each submittal for review, allow 10 days excluding delivery time to and from the Contractor. b. For sequential reviews involving Architect's consultants, Owner, or another affected party, allow an additional 7 days. 8, Provide space for Contractor and Architect review stamps. 9. When revised for resubmission, identify all changes made since previous submission. 10. Distribute reviewed submittals. Instruct parties to promptly report inability to comply with requirements, 11. Incomplete submittals will not be reviewed, unless they are partial submittals for distinct portion(s) of the work, and have received prior approval for their use. 12. Submittals not requested will be recognized, but will be returned without comment, B. Product Data Procedures: 1. Submit only information required by individual specification sections. 2. Collect required information into a single submittal. 3. Do not submit (Material) Safety Data Sheets for materials or products. C. Shop Drawing Procedures: 1. Prepare accurate, drawn -to -scale, original shop drawing documentation by interpreting the Contract Documents and coordinating related work. 2. Do not reproduce the Contract Documents to create shop drawings. 3. Generic, non -project -specific information submitted as shop drawings do not meet the requirements for shop drawings. D. Samples Procedures: 1. Transmit related items together as single package. 2. Identify each item to allow review for applicability in relation to shop drawings showing installation locations. 3.07 SUBMITTAL REVIEW A. Submittals for Review: Architect will review each submittal, and approve, or take other appropriate action. B. Submittals for Information: Architect will acknowledge receipt and review. See below for actions to be taken. C. Architect's Action: General: Except for submittals for the record and similar purposes, where action and return on submittals are required or requested, the Architect will review each submittal and mark with appropriate "action" within 10 working days. Where the submittal must be held for coordination, the Architect will so advise the Contractor without delay. The Architect's review of a specific item shall not indicate review of an assembly of which the item is a component. 1. Architect's Action Stamp: The Architect will stamp each submittal to be returned with a uniform, self explanatory action stamp, appropriately marked and executed. It shall read as follows: a. "Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve Contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The Contractor is responsible for confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions, selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction, coordinating his/her work with that of all other trades, and performing his/her work in a safe and satisfactory manner. b. Marking X No Exceptions Taken 1) Final unrestricted release. Where the submittals are marked as above, the work covered by the submittal may proceed, provided it complies with the requirements of the contract documents; acceptance of the work will depend upon that compliance. c. Marking X Make Corrections Noted 1) Final but restricted release. When submittals are marked as above, work covered by submittal may proceed, provided it complies with both Architect's notations or corrections on the submittal and with the requirements of the contract documents; acceptance of the work All depend on that compliance. d. Marking X Revise and Resubmit 1) Returned for resubmittal. When submittal is marked as above, revise or prepare new submittal in accordance with Architect's notations stating reasons for returning submittal; cloud all revisions to expedite review; resubmit submittal without delay. Repeat if necessary to obtain a different action marking. Do not permit submittals with the above marking to be used at the project site or elsewhere where work is in progress. 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fabricator Qualifications: A qualified fabricator that participates in the AISC Quality Certification Program and is designated an AISC-Certified Plant, Category STD, or a fabricator that can provide documentation that their process meets or exceeds AISC standards. B. Installer Qualifications: A qualified installer who participates in the AISC Quality Certification Program and is designated an AISC-Certified Erector, Category CSE, or that can provide documentation through references that they have done this type of work for more than 5 years. C. Welding Qualifications: Qualify procedures and personnel according to AWS D1A/D1.1M, "Structural Welding Cade - Steel." D. Comply with applicable provisions of the following specifications and documents: 1. AISC 303. 2. AISC 360. 3. RCSC's "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts." PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Connections: Provide details of simple shear connections required by the Contract Documents to be selected or completed by structural -steel fabricator to withstand loads indicated and comply with other information and restrictions indicated. 1. Select and complete connections using schematic details indicated and AISC 360. 2. Where beam end reactions are not shown provide connections capable of resisting one half the "Maximum Total Uniform Load" table value for a given beam size and span provided in AISC's Steel Construction Manual. 3. Use Allowable Stress Design; data are given at service -load level. B. Construction: Combined system of moment frame and braced frame. 2.02 STRUCTURAL -STEEL MATERIALS A. W-Shapes: ASTM A 992/A 992M or ASTM A 572/A 572M, Grade 50.. B. Channels, Angles: ASTM A 36/A 36M. C. Plate and Bar: ASTM A 36/A 36M . D. Cold -Formed Hollow Structural Sections and Steel Pipe: ASTM A 500/A 500M, Grade B, structural tubing. E. Welding Electrodes: Comply with AWS requirements. 2.03 BOLTS, CONNECTORS, AND ANCHORS A. High -Strength Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: ASTM A 325, Type 1, heavy -hex steel structural bolts; ASTM A 563, Grade C, heavy -hex carbon -steel nuts; and ASTM F 436, Type 1, hardened carbon -steel washers; all with plain finish. 1. Direct -Tension Indicators: ASTM F 959, Type 325, compressible -washer type with plain finish. B. High -Strength Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: ASTM A 490, Type 1, heavy -hex steel structural bolts; ASTM A 563, Grade OR heavy -hex carbon -steel nuts; and ASTM F 436, Type 1, hardened carbon -steel washers with plain finish. 1. Direct -Tension Indicators: ASTM F 959, Type 490, compressible -washer type with plain finish. C. Tension -Control, High -Strength Bolt -Nut -Washer Assemblies: ASTM F 1852, Type 1, heavy -hex or round head assemblies consisting of steel structural bolts with splined ends, heavy -hex carbon -steel nuts, and hardened carbon -steel washers. 1. Finish: Plain unless otherwise noted. D. Shear Connectors: ASTM A 108, Grades 1015 through 1020, headed -stud type, cold -finished carbon steel; AWS D1.1/D1.1M, Type B. E. Headed Anchor Rods: ASTM F 1554, Grade 36 or ASTM F 1554, Grade 55, weldable, straight. 1. Finish: Plain unless otherwise noted. F. Threaded Rods: ASTM A 36/A 36M or ASTM A 193/A 193M, Grade B7. 1. Finish: Plain unless otherwise noted. 2.04 PRIMER A. Low -Emitting Materials: Paints and coatings shall comply with the testing and product Department of Public Health's former) the California requirements of the California P ( Y, q Department of Health Services') "Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers." B. Primer: Comply with Section 099113 "Exterior Painting," Section 099123 "Interior Painting," and Section 099600 "High -Performance Coatings." C. Primer: SSP -P int 25, Type ,zinc oxide alkyd, linseed oil primer. D. Primer: Fabricator's standard lead- and chromate -free, nonasphaltic, rust -inhibiting primer complying with MPI#79 and compatible with topcoat. E. Etching Cleaner for Galvanized Metal: MPI#25. 2.05 GROUT A. Nonmetallic, Shrinkage -Resistant Grout: ASTM C 1107/C 1107M, factory -packaged, nonmetallic aggregate grout, noncorrosive and nonstaining, mixed with water to consistency suitable for application and a 30-minute working time. 2.06 FABRICATION A. Structural Steel: Fabricate and assemble in shop to greatest extent possible. Fabricate according to AISC 303, "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges," and to AISC 360. B. Thermal Cutting: Perform thermal cutting by machine to greatest extent possible. 1. Plane thermally cut edges to be welded to comply with requirements in AWS D1.1/D1.1M. SECTION 012600 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Procedural requirements for proposed substitutions. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 00 4325 - Substitution Request Form - During Procurement: Required form for substitution requests made prior to award of contract (During procurement). B. Section 00 6325 - Substitution Request Form (During Construction): Required form for substitution requests made after award of contract (During construction). C. Section 016000 - Product Requirements: Fundamental product requirements, product options, delivery, storage, and handling. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Substitutions: Changes from Contract Documents requirements proposed by Contractor to materials, products, assemblies, and equipment. 1. Substitutions for Cause: Proposed due to changed Project circumstances beyond Contractor's control. a. Unavailability. b. Regulatory changes. 2. Substitutions for Convenience: Proposed due to possibility of offering substantial advantage to the Project. a. Substitution requests offering advantages solely to the Contractor will not be considered. PART 2 PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. A Substitution Request for products, assemblies, materials, and equipment constitutes a representation that the submitter: . Has investigated proposed product and determined that it meets or exceeds the quality 1 a eshgate p p p q y level of the specified product, equipment, assembly, or system. 2. Agrees to provide the same warranty for the substitution as for the specified product. 3. Agrees to provide same or equivalent maintenance service and source of replacement parts, as applicable. 4. Agrees to coordinate installation and make changes to other work that may be required for the work to be complete, with no additional cost to Owner. 5. Waives claims for additional costs or time extension that may subsequently become apparent. 6. Agrees to reimburse Owner and Architect for review or redesign services associated with re -approval by authorities. B. Document each request with complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with Contract Documents. Burden of proof is on proposer. 1. Note explicitly any non -compliant characteristics. C. Content: Include information necessary for tracking the status of each Substitution Request, and information necessary to provide an actionable response. 1. Forms included in the Project Manual are adequate for this purpose, and must be used. D. Limit each request to a single proposed substitution item. 3.02 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES • DURING PROCUREMENT A. Submittal Form (before award of contract): 1. Submit substitution requests by completing the form in Section 00 4325; see this section for additional information and instructions. Use only this form; other forms of submission are unacceptable. B. Owner will consider requests for substitutions only if submitted at least 10 days prior to the date for receipt of bids. 3.03 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES • DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Submittal Form (after award of contract): 1. Submit substitution requests by completing the form in Section 00 6325; see this section for additional information and instructions. Use only this form; other forms of submission are unacceptable. B. Submit request for Substitution for Cause within 14 days of discovery of need for substitution, but not later than 14 days prior to time required for review and approval by Architect, in order to stay on approved project schedule. C. Substitutions will not be considered under one or more of the following circumstances: 1. When they are indicated or implied on shop drawing or product data submittals, without having received prior approval. 2. Without a separate written request. 3. When acceptance will require revisions to the Contract Documents. 3.04 RESOLUTION A. Architect may request additional information and documentation prior to rendering a decision. Provide this data in an expeditious manner. B. Architect will notify Contractor in writing of decision to accept or reject request. 1. Architect's decision following review of proposed substitution will be noted on the submitted form. PART PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. For t-ire-Retardant Treated wood materials and Preservative Treated wood materials, see drawings for location and treat in accordance with article titled FACTORY WOOD TREATMENT below, B. Dimension Lumber: Comply with PS 20 and requirements of specified grading agencies. 1. If no species is specified, provide any species graded by the agency specified; if no grading agency is specified, provide lumber graded by any grading agency meeting the specified requirements. 2. Grading Agency: Any grading agency whose rules are approved by the Board of Review, American Lumber Standard Committee (www.alsc.org) and who provides grading service for the species and grade specified; provide lumber stamped with grade mark unless otherwise indicated. 3. Lumber of other species or grades is acceptable provided structural and appearance characteristics are equivalent to or better than products specified. C. Lumber fabricated from old growth timber is not permitted. D. Lumber salvaged from deconstruction or demolition of existing buildings or structures is permitted in lieu of sustainably harvested lumber provided it is clean, denailed, and free of paint and finish materials, and other contamination; identify source. E. Lumber fabricated from recovered timber (abandoned in transit) is permitted in lieu of sustainably harvested lumber, unless otherwise noted, provided it meets the specified requirements for new lumber and is free of contamination; identify source. 2.02 DIMENSION LUMBER FOR CONCEALED APPLICATIONS A. Grading Agency: Western Wood Products Association; WWPA G-5. B. Sizes: Nominal sizes as indicated on drawings, S4S. C. Moisture Content: S-dry or MC19. D. Miscellaneous Framing, Blocking, Nailers, Grounds, and Furring: 1, Lumber: S4S, No. 2 or Standard Grade. e. Marking X Rejected 1) Returned for resubmittal: When the submittal is marked as above, do not proceed with the work covered by the submittal, including purchasing, fabrication, delivery, or other activity. Revise the submittal, or prepare a new submittal in accordance with the Architect's notations stating the reasons for returning the submittal. Resubmit the submittal without delay. Repeat if necessary to obtain a different action marking. Do not permit submittals with the above marking to be used at the project site or elsewhere where work is in progress" f. Marking X For Record Purposes Only 1) No Action Taken/Required or Not Required for Review. When a submittal is marked as above, the A/E has retained submittal for their record keeping purposes or to track informational submittals that do not require review or approval. These submittals are processed only as a record of the construction. END OF SECTION SECTION 02 4100 DEMOLITION PART 1GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Selective demolition of building elements for alteration purposes. B. Abandonment and removal of existing utilities and utility structures. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS NF fConstruction,Alteration and Demolition Operations; A PA 241 -Standard for Safeguarding 9 9� P : 2013. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SCOPE A. Remove paving and curbs as required to accomplish new work, B. Remove fences and gates. C. Remove other items indicated, for salvage and recycling. D. Fill excavations, open pits, and holes in ground areas generated as result of removals, using specified fill; compact fill as specified in Section 312200. 3.02 GENERAL PROCEDURES AND PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Comply with applicable codes and regulations for demolition operations and safety of adjacent structures and the public. 1. Obtain required permits. 2. Comply with applicable requirements of NFPA 241. 3. Take precautions to prevent catastrophic or uncontrolled collapse of structures to be removed; do not allow worker or public access within range of potential collapse of unstable structures. 4. Provide, erect, and maintain temporary barriers and security devices. 5. Conduct operations to minimize effects on and interference with adjacent structures and occupants. 6. Do not close or obstruct roadways or sidewalks without permit. 7. Conduct operations to minimize obstruction of public and private entrances and exits; do not obstruct required exits at anytime; protect persons using entrances and exits from removal operations. 8. Obtain written permission from owners of adjacent properties when demolition equipment will traverse, infringe upon or limit access to their property. B. Do not begin removal until receipt of notification to proceed from Owner. C. Protect existing structures and other elements that are not to be removed. 1. Provide bracing and shoring. 2. Prevent movement or settlement of adjacent structures. 3. Stop work immediately if adjacent structures appear to be in danger. D. If hazardous materials are discovered during removal operations, stop work and notify Architect and Owner; hazardous materials include regulated asbestos containing materials, lead, PCB's, and mercury. E. Partial Removal of Paving and Curbs: Neatly saw cut at right angle to surface. 3.03 EXISTING UTILITIES A. Coordinate work with utility companies; notify before starting work and comply with their requirements; obtain required permits. B. Protect existing utilities to remain from damage. C. Do not disrupt public utilities without permit from authority having jurisdiction. D. Do not close, shut off, or disrupt existing life safety systems that are in use without at least 7 days prior written notification to Owner. E. Do not close, shut off, or disrupt existing utility branches or take -offs that are in use without at least 3 days prior written notification to Owner. F. Locate and mark utilities to remain; mark using highly visible tags or flags, with identification of utility type; protect from damage due to subsequent construction, using substantial barricades if necessary. G. Remove exposed edPi piping, meters, supports, and foundations of disconnected and abandoned utilities. H. Prepare building demolition areas by disconnecting and capping utilities outside the demolition zone; identify and mark utilities to be subsequently reconnected, in same manner as other utilities to remain. 3.04 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION FOR ALTERATIONS A. Drawings showing existing construction and utilities are based on casual field observation and existing record documents only. 1. Verify that construction and utility arrangements are as indicated. 2. Report discrepancies to Architect before disturbing existing installation. 3. Beginning of demolition work constitutes acceptance of existing conditions that would be apparent upon examination prior to starting demolition. B. Maintain weatherproof exterior building enclosure except for interruptions required for replacement or modifications; take care to prevent water and humidity damage. C. Remove existing work as indicated and as required to accomplish new work. 1. Remove items indicated on drawings. D. Services (Including but not limited to HVAC, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Electrical, and Telecommunications): Remove existing systems and equipment as indicated. 1. Maintain existing active systems that are to remain in operation; maintain access to equipment and operational components. 2. Where existing active systems serve occupied facilities but are to be replaced with new services, maintain existing systems in service until new systems are complete and ready for service. 3. Verify that abandoned services serve only abandoned facilities before removal. 4. Remove abandoned pipe, ducts, conduits, and equipment, including those above accessible ceilings; remove back to source of supply where possible, otherwise cap stub and tag with identification. E. Protect existing work to remain. 1. Prevent movement of structure; provide shoring and bracing if necessary. 2. Perform cutting to accomplish removals neatly and as specified for cutting new work. 3. Repair adjacent construction and finishes damaged during removal work. 4. Patch as specified for patching new work. Illimm 3.05 DEBRIS AND WASTE REMOVAL A. Remove debris, junk, and trash from site. B. Leave site in clean condition, ready for subsequent work. FILL C. Clean up spillage and wind-blown debris from public and private lands. END OF SECTION W 01 0 L. C1 Issuances PERMITS: 0212712019 Revisions No. Date 0 on a CO U a Z w w z 0 Z w w X F U F LLI rn w T_ U Ir a Description /\ UU am 0 ♦V^ V / W J U U J Q U O_ UJ 0 U 0 v V r` Ln M co J LL LLI U LU a- I- O LL If this document is sealed and signed in a digital or electronic format and is received from someonE other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity of the document. The sealingprofessional disclaims the seal and signature and shall not be liable for any liability associated with It where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manner. Job Number 83460006 Drawn By NDE App/d By SOW SPECIFICATIONS Sheet Number A8.1 J M 2 ICHILLER AND HU (NO SPRINKLER ROTECTION) I FIRE RISER SYSTEM: o w (2) SYSTEM RISERS (2) MAIN SYSTEM DRAINS W (1) FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION h w Q� �Z y o� x 0 w EXISTING SIAMESE FIRE z w DEPARTMENT CONNECTION a " o: a: 2 0 0 w¢ z� w� w� o; wa N W 3 �5 z 0 CRI w www m o �00 ' ¢ U ay a aZ 8 z� Ww g mZ z ~ W N � N � y U U ti Q "FP EXISTING OFFICE AND INTERIOR SPACES TO BE REMOVED. SPACE TO BECOME OPEN WAREHOUSE. REVISE EXISTING SPRINKLER PROTECTION TO UPRIGHT STORAGE SPRINKLERS FOR THIS AREA ,3) O 5 �/ EXISTING FIRE Al V PANEL EXISTING / ELECTRICAL ROOM II ' I I jEXISTING DUCTWORKTO REMAIN OR BE REPLACED WITH NEW AT THE SAME LOCATION WITHIN THE 7REHOUSE (TYP) I I I I I I I I I I I I MODIFY EXISTING SP' INKLERS COVERAGE- COOR INATE WITH C\ NEW LARGE INDUSTRIAL CEILING \ FANS (TYP. 3 LOCATIONS) � \ I i I I I I III III III I I II I� —_:__ II I I EX.4"FP EXISTING 6" DOUBLE DETECTOR DESIGN INTENT IS FOR EXISTING WAREHOUSE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO REMAIN AND BE REUSED FOR NEW TENANT (NO CHANGE IN USE GROUP) FPC TO FIELD VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS AND MODIFY THE EXISTING SYSTEM WHERE REQUIRED DUE TO NEW OBSTRUCTIONS (TYPICAL) Qn 10 11 12 13 14 15 Y I � I I i I / L I I _ II II _ I ' II III I L I G L Ipl ly Jill III �QII II • Illli II �® �-A U NEW SPIRAL DUCTWORK LJ REPLACING EXISTING �. / FABRIC DUCTWORK (TYP.) „ LOCATION OF REMOVED AIR COMPRESSOR ROOM AN� SHOP. REVISE SPRINKLE o o / PROTECTION / %, RE ERTO AR HITECTURAL f „il REFLECTED CEILING i FLA S FOR CO RDINATION WITHIN CHECK VALVEBACKFLO PREVENTER IN GREEN S ACE APPROXIMATELY 5' FRO BUILDING TO REMAIN EXISTING OPEN SHOP AREA TO FLOORISTORAGCOMBINED 6" FIRE AND I ESPACE BECOME OFFICE DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE TO WITH NEW WALLS AND REMAIN AND BE REUSED LAYIN CEILINGS � FIRST FLOOR FIRE PROTECTION PLAN / OFF, SPACES (TYP.) Oj hh — I — EXISTING OFFICE SPACE WITH EXISTING PENDANT SPRINKLER PROTECTION TO BE REMODELED INTO NEW OFFICE BLOCK WITH NEW WALLS, CEILINGS AND LIGHTING. PROVIDE NEW OFFICE AREA SPRINKLER PROTECTION 1/16" = T-0" i FIRE SPRINKLER GENERAL NOTES a T� V z z 1. ALL ROOMSIAREAS PART OF THIS REMODEL PROJECT ARE CURRENTLY SPRINKLED. w THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO MODIFY THE EXISTING FIRE Lo SPRINKLER SYSTEM AS REQUIRED DUE TO CHANGES IN WALLS, CEILINGS, LIGHTING {Aid Z LO rn AND HVAC. ALL ROOMS/AREAS WITHIN THE BOUNDARY OF THIS REMODEL SHALL BE E SPRINKLED. ALL NEW WORK SHALL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE w g WITH NFPA 13 AND STATE CODES, ALL COMPONENTS SHALL BE UL LISTED AND FM _ ^ _ u o OM APPROVED. V 2. EXISTING SPRINKLERS WILL REMAIN IF THEY DO NOT REQUIRE TO BE MOVED. NEW U N SPRINKLER LOCATIONS WILL REQUIRE NEW SPRINKLERS (NO REALLOCATIONS ^^ F o REQUIRING RE -THREADING HEAD INTO NEW DROP PIPE). __ W m 3:V, a 3. REFER TO "G" DRAWINGS FOR CODE COMPLIANCE AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. ` 4. PROVIDE 6LL NECESSARY OFFSETS, RAISES OR DROPS IN PIPING AND AUXILIARY ¢ z DRAINS REQUIRED BY BUILDING CONDITIONS. w -q 5. EXAMINE THE JOB CONDITIONS AND VERIFY ALL MEASUREMENTS, DISTANCES, N a., v ELEVATIONS, CLEARANCES ETC. O 6. ARCHITECTURAL, HVAC AND ELECTRICAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION IS SHOWN FOR X I COORDINATION PURPOSES ONLY. REFER TO THE PROPER DRAWINGS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS, SIZES AND QUANTITIES OF OTHER TRADESWORK. K cca ro 7. AUTOCAD (DWG) COMPATIBLE FILES WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE SUCCESSFUL co FIRE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT ON REQUEST. 8. SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND SIZED HYDRAULICALLY IN Issuances ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13, OWNERS INSURER, AND ALL STATE AND LOCAL CODES PERMITS: 0212712019 AS INTERPRETED BY THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 9. ALL NEW SYSTEM PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED TO ALLOW DRAINAGE BACK TO THE SITE PLAN REVIEW: 02106/2019 SYSTEM RISERS WHEN POSSIBLE. WHERE IMPRACTICAL, AUXILIARY DRAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND DRAINED TO AN ACCEPTABLE LOCATION AS AGREED TO BY THE Revisions OWNER AND ENGINEER. EXISTING DRAINS SHALL REMAIN. No. Date Description 10. COORDINATE SPRINKLER HEAD LOCATIONS AND PIPE ROUTING WITH OTHER TRADES TO AVOID INTERFERENCE REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLANS AND THE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PLANS FOR LOCATIONS OF CEILINGS, DIFFUSERS, LIGHTS AND OTHER CEILING ORNAMENTATION. 11. ALL MAINS RUNNING PARALLEL WITH BUILDING JOISTS/BEAMS SHALL BE HUNG USING HANGERS ATTACHED TO SUPPORTING STEEL SUPPORTED AT PANEL POINTS OF JOISTS AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA STANDARDS. 12. REFER TO GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTAL CONDITIONS OF BID INSTRUCTIONS FOR CUTTING AND PATCHING OF WALLS AND ROOFS. THE FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PENETRATIONS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE WORK, SEE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE SEALS, WATERPROOFING AND SLEEVES, AND ESCUTCHEON REQUIREMENTS. 13. DEFAULT SPRINKLER SHALL BE BRASS UPRIGHTS FOR EXPOSED WAREHOUSE AREAS AND CONCEALED PENDANT HEADS FOR NEW SPACES WITH LAYIN OR HARD LID CEILINGS. WHERE LOCATED IN A LAYIN CEILING, HEADS SHALL BE CENTERED ON 2'x2' PAD OR 2'x4' PAD. 14. ALL FIRE PROTECTION PIPING SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13, THREADING OF LIGHT WALL PIPING (LESS THAN SCHEDULE 40) SHALL BE PROHIBITED. OUTLETS AND TEES BEING APPLIED TO EXISTING PIPING MUST BE OF THE, WELDED, THREADED OR GROOVED DESIGN. "TAP -ON" TYPE TEES THAT ARE NOT FULL CIRCUMFERENCE, BOLTED TYPE CONNECTIONS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. Q 15. ALL SPRINKLERS SHALL BE UL LISTED AND FM APPROVED FOR THE INTENDED APPLICATION WHEN APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS LISTINGS. , SPRINKLERS SHALL BE GLASS BULB TYPE AND SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF NFPA 13. INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURE HEADS RECOMMENDED. 16. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICALLY WALL SECTIONS AND REFLECTED CEILING PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ROUTE NEW FIRE SPRINKLER U LO PIPING AT ELEVATION EQUAL TO EXISTING, COORDINATING WITH NEW AND EXISTING O DUCTWORK, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL CONDUIT. DESIGN INTENT IS FOR FP PIPING U TO ROUTE AROUND EXISTING MECHANICAL CONDITIONS. J Q j LL OfU LU U d O� U0 o FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN CRITERIA OFFICE AREAS CORRIDORS. RESTROOMS Uj CLASSIFICATION LIGHT HAZARD DENSITY. 0.10 GPM/SQFT TYPICAL OPERATING AREA: 1,500 SO, FT. TYPICAL SPRINKLER SPACING: 225 SQ. FT. MAX. TEMPERATURE RATING: 165°F. mmi W ELECTRICAL ROOMS MECHANICAL ROOMS STORAGE CLASSIFICATION: ORDINARY HAZARD, GROUP I Q DENSITY: 015 GPM/SQFT TYPICAL OPERATING AREA: 1,500 SQ. FT. TYPICAL SPRINKLER SPACING: 130 SQ. FT, MAX. TEMPERATURE RATING: 165°F. WAREHOUSE (STORAGE UP TO 10' CEILING UNDER 20') CLASSIFICATION: ORDINARY HAZARD, GROUP II DENSITY: 0.20 GPM/SQFT TYPICAL OPERATING AREA: 1,600 SQ, FT. TYPICAL SPRINKLER SPACING: 130 SQ. FT. MAX. TEMPERATURE RATING: 165°F. GENERAL INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. THE AWARDED FPC SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO ORDER A NEW WATER FLOW TEST IF EXISTING DATA TAKEN WITHIN THE LAST YEAR IS NOT AVAILABLE. 2. DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR NEW SPRINKLERS SHALLALLOW FOR 10 PERCENT SAFETY FACTOR. 3. EXISTING FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS SHALL REMAIN. 4. CLASSIFICATION PERTAINS TO BOTH NEW ADDITIONS AND REMODEL AREAS. EXISTING OFFICE AREA TO BE REMODELED INTO NEW OFFICE AREA WITH CONCEALED HEAD PENDANT SPRINKLERS. LIGHT HAZARD PROTECTION EXISTING OFFICE AREA TO BE DEMOED. REPLACE WITH NEW WAREHOUSE SPACE. PROVIDE NEW UPRIGHT SPRINKLER PROTECTION. ORDINARY HAZARD, GROUP II EXISTING OPEN WAREHOUSE/STORAGE AREA TO BE CONVERTED TO NEW OFFICE SPACE. LIGHT HAZARD PROTECTION. EXISTING AREAS WITH EXISTING SPRINKLERS TO REMAIN, AND ONLY REQUIRE MINOR REWORK DUE TO NEW HVAC OR OTHER SPRINKLER OBSTRUCTIONS Seal "e�pun°nnrr+� a, fig ll m � A ST �s✓✓A,JdVoER•� , �4?i.` A� If this document is sealed and signed in a digital or electronic format and is received from someone other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity of the document. The sealing professional disclaims the seal and signature and shall not be liable for any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manner. Job Number 83460006 Drawn By Author Appld By SDW Sheet Title ;Am .l IRE PROTECTION PLAN Sheet Number FP1nO FIRE SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Pipe, fittings, sleeves, escutcheons, seals, and connections for sprinkler systems. B. Valves. C. Identification for Fire Suppression Piping and Equipment 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASME BPVC-IX -Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX- Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications; 2015. B. ASME B16.1 - Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Classes 25, 125, and 250; 2010. C. ASME B16.3 - Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings: Classes 150 and 300; 2011. D. ASME B16A - Gray Iron Threaded Fittings: Classes 125 and 250; 2011. E. ASME B16.11 - Forged Fittings, Socket -welding and Threaded; 2011. F. ASTM A471A47M - Standard Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings; 1999 (Reapproved 2014). G. ASTM A53/A53M - Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot -Dipped, Zinc - Coated, Welded and Seamless; 2012. H. ASTM At35/A135M - Standard Specification for Electric -Resistance -Welded Steel Pipe; 2009 (Reapproved 2014). I. ASTM A536 - Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings; 1984 (Reapproved 2014). J. ASTM A7951A795M - Standard Specification for Black and Hot -Dipped Zinc -Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe for Fire Protection Use; 2013. K. AWWA C606 - Grooved and Shouldered Joints; 2011. L. FM (AG) - FM Approval Guide; current edition. M. ITS (DIR) - Directory of Listed Products; current edition. N. NFPA 13 - Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems; 2016. 0. UL (DIR) - Online Certifications Directory; current listings at database.ul.com. P. UL 262 - Gate Valves for Fire -Protection Service; Underwriters Laboratories Inc.; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. Q. UL 312 - Check Valves for Fire -Protection Service; Underwriters Laboratories Inc.; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. B. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing work of the type specified this section. 1. Minimum three years experience. C. Conform to FM (AG), UL (DIR), and ITS (DIR) or Warnock Hersey requirements. D. Valves: Bear UL, FM, and Warnock Hersey product listing label or marking. Provide manufacturer's name and pressure rating marked on valve body. E. Products Requiring Electrical Connection: Listed and classified as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver and store valves in shipping containers, with labeling in place. B. Provide temporary protective coating on cast iron and steel valves. C. Provide temporary end caps and closures on piping and fittings. Maintain in place until installation. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS A. Sprinkler Systems: Conform to NFPA 13. B. Welding Materials and Procedures: Conform to ASME BPVC-IX. 2.02 ABOVE GROUND PIPING A. Steel Pipe: ASTM A795 Schedule 10, ASTM A53 Schedule 40, ASTM A135/A135M Schedule 10, or ASTM A795 Schedule 40, black. 1. Cast Iron Fittings: ASME B16.1, flanges and flanged fittings and ASME B16.4, threaded fittings. 2. Malleable Iron Fittings: ASME B16.3, threaded fittings and ASTM A47/A47M. 3. Mechanical Grooved Couplings: Malleable iron housing clamps to engage and lock, "C" shaped elastomeric sealing gasket, steel bolts, nuts, and washers; galvanized for galvanized pipe. 4. Mechanical Formed Fittings: Carbon steel housing with integral pipe stop and 0-ring pocked and 0-ring, uniformly compressed into permanent mechanical engagement onto pipe. 5. Steel Pipe: ASTM A795 Schedule 40, galvanized. a. Steel Fittings: ASME B16.11, forged steel socket welded and threaded. b. Mechanical Grooved Couplings: Malleable galvanized iron housing clamps to engage and lock, "C" shaped elastomeric sealing gasket, steel bolts, nuts, and washers; galvanized for galvanized pipe. c. Mechanical Formed Fittings: Carbon steel housing with integral pipe stop and 0- ring pocked and O-ring, uniformly compressed into permanent mechanical engagement onto pipe. 2.03 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Hangers for Pipe Sizes 112 to 1-1/2 inch: Malleable iron, adjustable swivel, split ring. B. Hangers for Pipe Sizes 2 inches and Over: Carbon steel, adjustable, clevis. C. Multiple or Trapeze Hangers: Steel channels with welded spacers and hanger rods. D. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes to 3 inches: Cast iron hook. E. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes 4 inches and Over: Welded steel bracket and wrought steel clamp. F. Vertical Support: Steel riser clamp. G. Floor Support: Cast iron adjustable pipe saddle, lock nut, nipple, floor flange, and concrete pier or steel support. 2.04 MECHANICAL COUPLINGS A. Rigid Mechanical Couplings for Grooved Joints: 1. Dimensions and Testing: Comply with AWWA C606. 2. Minimum Working Pressure: 300 psig. 3. Housing Material: Fabricate of ductile iron conforming to ASTM A536. 4. Housing Coating: Factory applied orange enamel. 5. Gasket Material: EPDM suitable for operating temperature range from minus 30 degrees F to 230 degrees F. 6. Bolts and Nuts: Hot dipped galvanized or zinc electroplated steel. 7. Provide stops for direct stab installation without field assembly. 2.05 VALVES A. Two -Piece Ball Valves With Indicators 1. UL 1091, except with ball instead of disc and FM (AG) standard listing for indicating valves (butterfly or ball type), Class Number 1112. 2. Description: a. Minimum Pressure Rating: 175 psig. b. Body Design: Two piece. c. Body Material: Forged brass or bronze. d. Port Size: Full or standard. e. Seat: PTFE. f. Stem: Bronze or stainless steel. g. Ball: Chrome -plated brass. h. Actuator: Worm gear or traveling nut. i. Supervisory Switch: Internal or external. B. Iron Butterfly Valves with Indicators 1. UL 1091 and FM (AG) standard listing for indicating valves (butterfly or ball type), Class Number 112. 2. Minimum Pressure Rating: 175 psig. 3. Body Material: Cast or ductile iron with nylon, EPDM, epoxy, or polyamide coating. 4. Seat: EPDM. 5. Stem: Stainless steel. 6. Disc: Ductile iron, nickel plated. 7. Actuator. Worm gear or traveling nut. 8. Supervisory Switch: Internal or external. 9. Body Design: Grooved -end connections. 2.06 IDENTIFICATION APPLICATIONS A. Automatic Controls: Tags. B. Control Panels: Nameplates. C. Instrumentation: Tags. D. Major Control Components: Nameplates. E. Piping: Pipe markers. F. Pumps: Nameplates. G. Relays: Tags. H. Small -sized Equipment: Tags. I. Valves: Tags. J. Nameplates 1. Manufacturers: a. Brimar Industries, Inc: www.pipemarker.com. b. Kolbi Pipe Marker Company: www.kolbipipemarkers.com. c. Seton Identification Products, a Tricor Direct Company: www.seton.com. 2. Description: Laminated three -layer plastic with engraved letters. a. Letter Color: White. b. Letter Height: 1/4 inch. c. Background Color: Black. d. Thickness: 118 inch. e. Plastic: Conform to ASTM D709. K. Tags 1. Manufacturers: a. Advanced Graphic Engraving, LLC: www.advancedgraphicengraving.com. b. Brady Corporation: www.bradycorp.com, c. Brimar Industries; Inc: www.pipemarker.com. d. Kolbi Pipe Marker Company: www.kolbipipemarkers.com. e. Seton Identification Products, a Tricor Direct Company: www.seton.com. 2. Valve Tag Chart: Typewritten letter size list in anodized aluminum frame. L. Pipe Markers 1. Manufacturers: a. Brady Corporation: www.bradycorp.com. to Brimar Industries, Inc: www.pipemarker.00m. c. Kolbi Pipe Marker Company: www.kolbipipemarkers.com. d. MIFAB, Inc: www.mifab.com. e. Seton Identification Products, a Tricot Company: www.seton.com. f. Substitutions: See Section 016000 - Product Requirements. M. Color: Conform to ASME A13.1. 2.07 SPRINKLER SYSTEM A. Sprinkler System: Provide coverage for entire building. B. Occupancy: 1. Office Areas: Light Hazard. 2. Janitor Closets, Office Storage: Ordinary Hazard. 3. Distribution Center: ESFR (Early Suppression, Fast Response). C. Water Supply: Determine volume and pressure from water flow test data. 1. Revise design when test data available prior to submittals. D. Storage Cabinet for Spare Sprinklers and Tools: Steel, located adjacent to alarm valve. E. Pipe Hanger Fasteners: Attach hangers to structure using appropriate fasteners, as follows: 1. Concrete Wedge Expansion Anchors: Complying with ICC-ES AC193. 2. Masonry Wedge Expansion Anchors: Complying with ICC-ES AC01. 3. Concrete Screw Type Anchors: Complying with ICC-ES AC193. 4. Masonry Screw Type Anchors: Complying with [CC -ES AC106. 5. Concrete Adhesive Type Anchors: Complying with ]CC -ES AC308. 6. Other Types: As required. 2.08 SPRINKLERS A. Suspended Ceiling Type: Concealed pendant type with matching push on escutcheon plate. 1. Response Type: Quick. 2. Coverage Type: Standard. 3. Finish: Brass. 4. Escutcheon Plate Finish: Enamel, color as selected. 5. Fusible Link: Fusible solder link type temperature rated for specific area hazard. B. Exposed Area Type: Pendant type with guard. 1. Response Type: Quick. 2. Coverage Type: Standard. 3. Finish: Brass. 4. Fusible Link: Fusible solder link type temperature rated for specific area hazard. C. Sidewall Type: Recessed horizontal sidewall type with matching push on escutcheon plate. 1. Response Type: Quick. 2. Coverage Type: Standard, 3. Finish: Brass. 4. Escutcheon Plate Finish: Enamel, color as selected. 5. Fusible Link: Fusible solder link type temperature rated for specific area hazard. D. Storage Sprinklers: Pendant type with guard. 1. Response Type: Standard. 2. Coverage Type: Standard. 3. Finish: Chrome plated. 4. Fusible Link: Fusible solder link type temperature rated for specific area hazard. E. Guards: Finish to match sprinkler finish. F. Spray Nozzles: Brass with solid cone discharge, 30 degrees of arc with blow -off dust cap. 1. Finish: Brass. G. Flexible Drop System: Stainless steel, multiple use, open gate type. 1. Application: Use to properly locate sprinkler heads. 2. Include all supports and bracing. 3. Provide braided type tube as required for the application PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Ream pipe and tube ends. Remove burrs. Bevel plain end ferrous pipe. B. Remove scale and foreign material, from inside and outside, before assembly. C. Prepare piping connections to equipment with flanges or unions. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install sprinkler system and service main piping, hangers, and supports in accordance with NFPA 13. B. Route piping in orderly manner, plumb and parallel to building structure. Maintain gradient. C. Install piping to conserve building space, to not interfere with use of space and other work. D. Group piping whenever practical at common elevations. E. Sleeve pipes passing through partitions, walls, and floors. F. Install piping to allow for expansion and contraction without stressing pipe, joints, or connected equipment. G. Pipe Hangers and Supports: 1. Install hangers to provide minimum 1/2 inch space between finished covering and adjacent work. 2. Place hangers within 12 inches of each horizontal elbow. 3. Use hangers with 1-1/2 inch minimum vertical adjustment. Design hangers for pipe movement without disengagement of supported pipe. 4. Support vertical piping at every other floor. Support riser piping independently of connected horizontal piping. 5. Where several pipes can be installed in parallel and at same elevation, provide multiple or trapeze hangers. H. Slope piping and arrange systems to drain at low points. Use eccentric reducers to maintain top of pipe level. I. Prepare pipe, fittings, supports, and accessories for finish painting. Where pipe support members are welded to structural building framing, scrape, brush clean, and apply one coat of zinc rich primer to welding. J. Do not penetrate building structural members unless indicated. K. Provide sleeves when penetrating footings, floors, walls, and partitions. Seal pipe including sleeve penetrations to achieve fire resistance equivalent to fire separation required. L. Escutcheons: 1. Install and firmly attach escutcheons at piping penetrations into finished spaces. 2. Provide escutcheons on both sides of partitions separating finished areas through which piping passes. 3. Use chrome plated escutcheons in occupied spaces and to conceal openings in construction. U a (7 Z 22 w w Z 0 Z W W IY H U H x U tr Lu to w t7 0 a Issuances PERMITS: 02/27/2019 LO v _ E U w3 Z3 �rn ,:rm roCO SITE PLAN REVIEW: 02/06/2019 Revisions No, Date Description ZW O J � U� UM J J Q LL 02W LU 2 w Cl) C/ / O U� IqO LLI a r_ J LU If this document is sealed and signed in a digital or electronic format and is received from someone other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity of the document. The sealing professional disclaims the seal and signature and shall not be liable for any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manner. Job Number 83460006 Drawn By TDK App/d By SDW Sheet Title FIRE PROTECTION SPECIFICATIONS Sheet Number F IO ABBREVIATIONS - PLUMBING AC ARCHITECTURAL CONTRACTOR ADA AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT BV BALL VALVE CB CATCH BASIN CBS COMBINATION BALANCE & SHUTOFF VALVE CIP CAST IRON PIPE CO CLEANOUT COMP COMPARTMENT CS CLINICAL SINK CV CHECKVALVE CW COLD WATER D&T DRIP AND TRAP DCP DOMESTIC WATER CIRCULATING PUMP DCR DOMESTIC COLD WATER RETURN DIN DISCHARGE NOZZLE DSN DOWNSPOUT NOZZLE DW DISHWASHER DWH DOMESTIC WATER HEATER EWT ENTER WATER TEMPERATURE FC FLEXIBLE CONNECTION FCO FLOOR CLEAN OUT FD FLOOR DRAIN FS FLOOR SINK HB HOSE BIBB HO HUB OUTLET HAIR HOT WATER RETURN (DOMESTIC) HYD HYDRANT IE INVERT ELEVATION IW INDIRECT WASTE KVAR KILOVOLT -AMPERES REACTIVE L LAVATORY Ii MCA MH MOP PSI RD RIO RR S SAN SCW SD SH SK SNS SPHD SPKR SS SSK ST TD TOW UR V VS VTR W WCO WH WS LAVATORY MINIMUM CIRCUIT AMPS MANHOLE MAXIMUM OVERCURRENTPROTECTION POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH ROOF DRAIN, ROAD ROUGH -IN ONLY REST ROOM SINK SANITARY SOFT COLD WATER STORM DRAIN SHOWER SINK SANITARY SEWER SPRINKLER HEAD SPRINKLER SERVICE SINK SERVICE SINK STORM TRENCH DRAIN TOP OF WALL URINAL VENT VENT STACK VENT THROUGH ROOF WASTE WALL CLEANOUT WALL HYDRANT WASTE STACK ZONE VALVE BOX PLUMBING SPEII.IFICATIONS PART 1 General 1.01 Section Includes A. Plumbing Systems PART 2 Products 2.01 Identification Applications A. Automatic Controls Tags. B. Control Panels: Nameplates, C. Instrumentation: Tags, D. Major Control Components: Nameplates. E. Piping: Pipe markers. F. Relays: Tags. H. Small -sized Equipment: Tags. G. Valves: Tags. H. Nameplates 1. Description: Laminated three -layer plastic with engraved letters. a. Letter Color: White. b. Letter Height: 1/4 inch. c. Background Color: Black. d. Thickness: 1/8 inch. e. Plastic: Conform to ASTM D709. I. Tags 1. Plastic Tags: Laminated three -layer plastic with engraved black letters on light contrasting background color. Tag size minimum 1.1/2 inch diameter. 2. Valve Tag Chart: Typewritten letter size list In anodized aluminum frame. J. Pipe Markers 1. Plastic Pipe ark Factory fabricated, flexible, semi- r gid plastic, preformed to fit around pipe or pip vering; minimum information indicating flow direction arrow and i be identification of fluing conveyed. 2. Plastic Tape pe Markers: Flexible, vinyl film tape with pressure sensitive adhesive backing and prints markings. 2.02 Piping Insulation A. Fiberglass Insulation: ASTM C547 and ASTM C795; rigid molded, noncombustible. 1. 'K' Value: ASTM C177, 0,24 at 75 degrees R 2. Maximum Service Temperature: 850 degrees F.3. Maximum Moisture Absorption: 0.2 percent by volume. 3. Insulation: ASTM C547 and ASTM C795; semi -rigid, noncombustible, end grain adhered to jacket. a. 'K' Value ASTM C177, 0.24 at 75 degrees F. b. Maximum Service Temperature: 650 degrees F. c. Maximum Moisture Absorption: 0.2 percent by volume. 4. Vapor Barrier Jacket: White Kraft paper with glass fiber yam, bonded to aluminized film; moisture vapor transmission when tested in accordance with ASTM E96/E96M of 0.02 perm -inches. 5. Tie Wire: 0.048 inch stainless steel with twisted ends on maximum 12 inch centers. 6. Vapor Barrier Lap Adhesive: Compatible with insulation. 7. Insulating Cement/Mastic: ASTM C195; hydraulic setting on mineral wool. B. Insulation Schedule 1. Domestic Ho star Supply (Copper Piping, 105-140 degree): a. Glass F rInsulation: 1) Pi Size Range: 3/8-1.112 inch. 2) Th kness: 1 inch. 2. Domestic Col Water (Copper Piping): a. Glass F er Insulation: 1) Pipe Size Range: 3184 inch. 2) Thickness: 1 inch. 2.03 Piping A. General Requirements 1. Potable Water Supply Systems: Provide piping, pipe fittings, and solder and flux (if used), that comply with NSF 61 and NSF 372 for maximum lead content; label pipe and fittings. B. Sanitary Sewer Piping, Buried Within 5 Feet Of Building 1. Cast Iron Pipe: ASTM A74 extra heavy weight. a. Fittings: Cast iron. b. Joints: Hub -and -spigot, CISPI HSN compression type with ASTM C564 neoprene gaskets or lead and oakum. 2. Cast Iron Pipe: CISPI 301, hubless. a. Fittings: Cas .iron. b. Joints: CISP 310, neoprene gasket and stainless steel clamp and shield assemblies. 3. PVC Pipe: ASTM 2665 or ASTM D3034. a. Joints: SolvE it welded, with ASTM D2564 solvent cement. b. Foam core pi ing not allowed. C. Sanitary Sewer Piping, bove Grade 1. Cast Iron Pipe: A M A74, service weight. a. Fittings: Cas iron. b. Joint Seals: STM C564 neoprene gaskets, or lead and oakum. 2. Cast Iron Pipe: C PI 301, hubless, service weight. a. Fittings: Cas iron. b. Joints: CISPI 310, neoprene gaskets and stainless steel clamp -and -shield assemblies. 3. PVC Pipe: ASTM D2665 or ASTM D3034. a. Fittings: PVC.2. b. Joints: Solvent welded, with ASTM D2564 solvent cement. c. Foam core piping not allowed. D. Domestic Water Piping, Above Grade 1. Copper Tube: ASTM B88 (ASTM B88M), Type L (B), Drawn (H). a. Fittings: ASME B16.18, cast copper alloy or ASME 816.22, wrought copper and bronze. b. Joints: ASTM B32, alloy Si solder. c. Joints: Grooved mechanical couplings. d. Mechanical Press Sealed Fittings: Double pressed type, NSF 61 and NSF 372 approved or certified, utilizing EPDM, non toxic synthetic rubber sealing elements. 1) Manufacturers: a) Grinnell Products, a Tyco Business: www.gdnnell.com. b) Viega LLC: www.viega.com. c) S stitutions: Not permitted. E. Natural Gas Piping, Ab a Grade 1. Steel Pipe: AST A53/A53M Schedule 40 black. 1. Fittings: ASME B16.3, malleable iron, or ASTM A2341A234M, wrought steel welding type. 2. Joints: Threaded or welded to ASME B31.1 (threaded piping in non -return air plenum areas only). F. Flanges, Unions, And uplings 1. Unions for Pipe Si s 3 Inches and Under: a. Ferrous pipe Class 150 malleable iron threaded unions. b. Copper tube Ind pipe: Class 150 bronze unions with soldered joints. G. Flanges for Pipe c ke Over 1 Inch: a. Ferrous Pipe: Class 150 malleable iron threaded or forged steel slip-on flanges; preformed neoprene gaskets. b. Copper Tube and Pipe: Class 150 slip-on bronze flanges; preformed neoprene gaskets. H. Dielectric Connections: Union with galvanized or plated steel threaded end, copper solder end, water impervious isolation barrier. I. Pipe Hangers and Supports 1. Provide hangers and supports that comply with MSS SP-58. a. If type of hanger or support for a particular situation is not indicated, select appropriate type using MSS SP-58 recommendations. b. Overhead Supports: Individual steel rod hangers attached to structure or to trapeze hangers. a. Cold and Hot Pipe Sizes 6 Inches and Over: Double hangers. c. Trapeze Hangers: Welded steel channel frames attached to structure. d. Vertical Pipe Support: Steel riser clamp. e. Floor Supports: Concrete pier or steel pedestal with floor flange; fixture attachment. f Rooftop Supports for Low -Slope Roofs: Steel pedestals with bases that rest on top of roofing membrane, not requiring any attachment to the roof structure and not penetrating the roofing assembly, with support fixtures as specified; and as follows: 1) Bases: High density polypropylene. 2) Base Sizes: As required to distribute load sufficiently to prevent indentation of roofing assembly. 3) Steel Components: Stainless steel, or carbon steel hot -dip galvanized after fabrication in accordance with ASTM Al23/A123M.d. Attachment/Support Fixtures: As recommended by manufacturer, same type as indicated for equivalent indoor hangers and supports; corrosion resistant material. 4) Height: Provide minimum clearance of 6 inches under pipe to top of roofing. 5) Manufacturers: a) PHP Systems/Design: www.phpsd.com. b) Miro, Inc.: www.miroind.com. c) Substitutions: See Section 016000 - Product Requirements. J. Plumbing Piping - Drain, Waste, and Vent: 1. Hangers for Pipe Sizes 1/2 Inch to 1-1/2 Inches: Malleable iron, adjustable swivel, split ring. 2. Hangers for Pipe Sizes 2 Inches and Over. Carbon steel, adjustable, clevis. 3. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes to 3 Inches: Cast iron hook. 4. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes 4 Inches and Over: Welded steel bracket and wrought steel clamp. 5. Floor Support: Cast iron adjustable pipe saddle, lock nut, nipple, floor flange, and concrete pier or steel support. 6. Copper Pipe Support: Carbon steel ring, adjustable, copper plated. K. Plumbing Piping - Water: 1. Hangers for Pipe Sizes 1/2 Inch to 1-1/2 Inches: Malleable iron, adjustable swivel, split ring. 2. Hangers for Cold Pipe Sizes 2 Inches and Over: Carbon steel, adjustable, clevis. 3. Hangers for Hot Pipe Sizes 2 Inches to 4 Inches: Carbon steel, adjustable, clevis. 4. Hangers for Hot Pipe Sizes 6 Inches and Over: Adjustable steel yoke, cast iron pipe roll, double hanger. 5. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes to 3 Inches: Cast iron hook. 6. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes 4 Inches and Over: Welded steel bracket and wrought steel clamp. 7. Wall Support for Hot Pipe Sizes 6 Inches and Over: Welded steel bracket and wrought steel clamp with adjustable steel yoke and cast iron pipe roll. 8. Floor Support for Cold Pipe: Cast iron adjustable pipe saddle, lock nut, nipple, floor flange, and concrete pier or steel support. 9. Floor Support for Hot Pipe Sizes to 4 Inches: Cast iron adjustable pipe saddle, locknut, nipple, floor flange, and concrete pier or steel support. 10. Floor Support for Hot Pipe Sizes 6 Inches and Over: Adjustable cast iron pipe roll and stand, steel screws, and concrete pier or steel support. 11. Copper Pipe Support: Carbon steel ring, adjustable, copper plated. L. Hanger Fasteners: Attach hangers to structure using appropriate fasteners, as follows: 1. Concrete Wedge Expansion Anchors: Complying with ICC-ES AC193. 2. Masonry Wedge Expansion Anchors: Complying with ICC-ES AC01. 3. Concrete Screw Type Anchors: Complying with ICC-ES AC193. 4. Masonry Screw Type Anchors: Complying with ICC-ES AC106. 5, Concrete Adhesive Type Anchors: Complying with ICC-ES AC308. 6. Other Types: As required. 7. Manufacturers: a. Powers Fasteners, Inc.: www.powers.com. b. Substitutions: See Section 016000 - Product Requirements. 2.04 Valves 1. Ball Valves A. Construction, 4 Inches and Smaller: MSS SP-110, Class 150, 400 psi CWP, bronze or ductile iron body, 304 stainless steel or chrome plated brass ball, regular port, teflon seats and stuffing box ring, blow-out proof stem, lever handle with balancing stops, solder, threaded, or grooved ends with union. 2. Gas Service Ball Valves B. CSA Certified to 1/2 PSI for indoor appliance connections per ANSI Z21.15/CSA 9.1, 5 PSI for indoor shutoff per CGA CR91-002 and ASME B16.44, 600 PSI CWP Rated. 1. Body Forged Brass: CU>57% 2. End Piece Forged Brass: CU>57% 3. Seat: PTFE, Glass Reinforced 4. Ball: Brass, Chrome Plated 5. Stem : Brass 6. 0-Ring: Nitrile 7. Handle: Aluminum, Painted Red 8. Nut: Steel, Plated 9. ID Plate: Aluminum 3. Butterfly Valves A. Construction 1-1/2 Inches and Larger: MSS SP-67, 200 psi CWP, castor ductile iron body, nickel -plated ductile iron disc, resilient replaceable EPDM seat, wafer ends, extended neck, 10 position lever handle. B. Provide gear operators for valves 8 inches and larger, and chain -wheel operators for valves mounted over 8 feet above floor. 4. Service Connections A. Provide new sanitary sewer services. Before commencing work check invert elevations required for sewer connections, confirm inverts and ensure that these can be properly connected with slope for drainage and cover to avoid freezing. B. Provide new water service complete with approved reduced pressure backflow preventer and water meter with by-pass valves, pressure reducing valve, and sand strainer. 1. Provide sleeve in wall for service main and support at wall with reinforced concrete bridge. Calk enlarged sleeve and make watertight with pliable material. Anchor service main inside to concrete wall. 2. Provide 18 gage, 0.0478 inch galvanized sheet metal sleeve around service main to 6 inch above floor and 6 feet minimum below grade. Size for minimum of 2 inches of loose batt insulation stuffing. 2,05 Drains A. Floor Drain: 1. ASME At 12.6.3; lacquered cast iron or stainless steel, two piece body with double drainage flange, weep holes, reversible clamping collar, and round, adjustable round nickel bronze strainer with removable perforated sediment bucket. B. Floor Sink: 1. 12" x 12" x 8" deep Square lacquered cast iron body with integral seepage pan, epoxy coated interior, aluminum dome strainer, clamp collar, full grate. 2.06 Sand/Oil Separator (SS-1) A. Features: 1. Oil/sand separator shall be lifetime guaranteed and made in USA of seamless, 2. be lifetime guaranteed and made in USA of seamless, rotationally -molded High Density Polyethylene. 3. Separator shall be furnished for below grade installation, with field adjustable riser system, built-in flow control, and vent connections. Separator flow rate shall be 50 GPM. Separator capacity shall be 34.1 gallons of oil and 12.5 gallons of sediment. Cover shall provide water/gas-tight seal and have minimum 2,000 be load capacity. 4. H2O rated cover. 5. Teleglide field adjustable risers for extending covers to grade. 6. High water anchor kit. 7. Clamping collar kit. 8. 4" plain end or MPT connections. 2.07 Trap Seal Protection A. Trap Primers 1. Pressure drop activated brass trap seal primer, with inlet opening of Y2" (13) male N.P.T. and outlet opening of female %d' (13) N.P.T. Complete with four view holes and removable filter screen. Serves up to 3 floor drain traps and requires no adjustments and no air pre -charge. 2.05 Cleanouts A. Cleanouts at Exterior Surfaced Areas: 1. Round cast nickel bronze access frame and non-skid cover. B. Cleanouts at Exterior Unsurfaced Areas: 1. Line type with lacquered cast iron body and round epoxy coated gasketed cover. C. Cleanouts at Interior Finished Floor Areas: 1. Lacquered cast iron body with anchor flange, reversible clamping collar, threaded top assembly, and round gasketed scored cover in service areas and round gasketed depressed cover to accept floor finish in finished floor areas. D. Cleanouts at Interior Finished Wall Areas: 1. Line type with lacquered cast iron body and round epoxy coated gasketed cover, and round stainless steel access cover secured with machine screw. 2.06 Hose Bibbs A. Interior Hose Bibbs: 1. Hose Bib: MIFAB Series MHY-9200-NPB exposed type, low lead, mild climate, anti - contamination wall faucet with 3/4" male hose connection and anti -siphon vacuum breaker. Exterior finish is polished chrome plated, operating handle to be cast iron wheel handle, and inlet connection to be specify %' F.P.T. Vacuum breaker to be certified to the A.S.S.E. Standard 1011 and listed by I.A.P.M.O. 2.07 Water Hammer Arrestors A. Water Hammer Arrestors: 1. Stainless steel construction, bellows type sized in accordance with PDI-WH 2O1, pre - charged suitable for operation in temperature range minus 100 to 300 degrees F and maximum 250 psi working pressure. 2. All water hammer arrestors to be ASSE 1010 Certified and approved with corresponding label. 3. PDI size AA is not acceptable for commercial installation. 4. Provide a square wall access panel and frame for each water hammer arrestor installed in a wall. Panel is to have a smooth, stainless steel panel secured to nickel bronze frame, set flush to finished wall plane, complete with securing lugs. 2.08 Air Admittance Valves A. The purpose of an Air Admittance Valve is to provide a method of allowing air to enter the plumbing drainage system without the use of a vent extended to open air and to prevent sewer gases from escaping into a building. An Air Admittance Valve is a one way valve designed to allow air to enter the plumbing drainage system when negative pressures develop in the piping system. The device shall close by gravity and seal the vent terminal at zero differential pressure (no flow conditions) and under positive internal pressures. 1, Opens at-0.01 psi and seals at 0 psi and above 2. Screening on air inlets to guard the seal 3. Protective rubber sleeve provides grip for installation and keeps valve free from debris 4. 100% functionally tested at Y4" H2O and 30" H2O ensuring trouble free performance 5. Tension Membrane - Neoprene 6. Adapter -1 '/z' x 2" PVC or ABS 7. Limited Lifetime Warranty 8. Listings a. ASSE 1050 & 1051 b. ICC ESR-1664 c. NSF Standard 14 d. IAPMO - Classified Mark e. ASTM D 26651D 2661 2.10 Water Heaters A. Residential Electric: 1. Type: Automatic, electric, vertical storage. 2. Performance: 3. Tank: Glass lined welded steel, thermally insulated with one inch thick glass fiber; encased in corrosion -resistant steel jacket; baked -on enamel finish. 4. Controls: Automatic water thermostat with externally adjustable temperature range from 120 to 170 degrees F, flanged or screw -in nichrome elements, enclosed controls and electrical junction box and operating light. Wire double element units so elements do not operate simultaneously. 5. Accessories: a. Water Connections: Brass. b. Dip Tube: Brass. c. Drain valve. d. Anode: Magnesium. e. Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve: ASME labeled. 2.11 Diaphragm -Type Compression Tanks A. Construction: Welded steel, tested and stamped in accordance with ASME BPVC-VIII-1; supplied with National Board Form U-1, rated for working pressure of 125 psig, with flexible EPDM diaphragm sealed into tank, and steel legs or saddles. B. Accessories: Pressure gage and air -charging fitting, tank drain; pre -charge to 12 psig. PLUMBING DEMOLITION NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE AND/OR REGULATORY AGENCIES, CODES AND REGULATIONS FOR NEW WORK. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COORDINATION OF THEIR WORK WITH OTHER TRADES AND WITH THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. 3. VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS IN FIELD BEFORE START OF CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY ARCHITECT/ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. 4. COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH APPROPRIATE TRADES. 5. COORDINATE ANY REQUIRED SHUTDOWN OF SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT WITH OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, MINIMIZE INTERRUPTION OF EXISTING SERVICES. VERIFY ALL SYSTEMS BEFORE STARTING DEMOLITION TO ASSURE OTHER AREAS WILL NOT LOOSE SERVICE. AREAS SUCH AS THE SECOND FLOOR KITCHEN ARE CRITICAL TO THE FACILITIES OPERATION. 6. COORDINATE FLOOR, WALL, AND ROOF PENETRATIONS ETC. WITH ARCHITECTURAL TRADES. PROVIDE TEMPORARY WATER TIGHT SEAL FOR ALL EXTERIOR WALL AND ROOF PENETRATION AS NECESSARY. 7. COORDINATE ALL FLOOR CUTTING WITH STRUCTURAL TRADES BEFORE CUTTING. 8. HOLES AND PENETRATIONS IN RATED WALLS SHALL BE PATCHED WITH APPROPRIATE FIRESTOP MATERIALS FOR RATING REQUIRED. 9. NO ITEMS TO BE ABANDONED IN PLACE. 10, ALL ITEMS TO BE DEMOLISHED TO BE REMOVED AND REMAINING OPEN SYSTEMS TO BE PATCHED, CAPPED AND SEALED TO PROVIDE A FINISHED SYSTEM. 11, DEMOLISHED PLUMBING LINE SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO REMAIN OPEN, CAP AND PROTECT TO AVOID CONTAMINATION TO AND FROM THE SURROUNDING AREAS. 12. ALL SYSTEMS OPENED DURING DEMOLITION SHALL BE CLOSED AND RETURNED TO OPERATION BY END OF SHIFT, NO SYSTEMS ALLOWED TO BE LEFT OPEN WHEN NOT BEING SUPERVISED BY CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT WORK TRADE. PLUMBING GENERAL NOTES 1. COORDINATE ROUTING OF PIPING WITH ALL OTHER TRADES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION TO AVOID CONFLICTS. 2. COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL AND STATE CODES. 3. PROVIDE ROUGH -INS AND FINAL CONNECTIONS TO FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY LAB EQUIPMENT CONTRACTOR. USE ONLY APPROVED EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURE SHOP DRAWINGS, FROM FSEC, FOR ROUGH -IN SIZES AND LOCATIONS. 4. PROVIDE TRAP SEAL PROTECTION ON ALL FLOOR DRAINS, FLOOR SINKS AND HUB DRAINS SUBJECT TO EVAPORATION. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. 5. PROVIDE ASSE 1070 MIXING VALVE AT ALL BARRIER FREE SINKS AND ALL HAND WASHING SINKS TO PROVIDE TEMPERED WATER TO HOT WATER SIDE OF FAUCET. 6. PIPING INSTALLED IN THE WAY OF ACCESS OR MAINTENANCE TO EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RELOCATED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR. 7. ALL PLUMBING WORK SHALL MEET LOCAL CURRENT PLUMBING CODE REQUIREMENTS AS A MINIMUM UNLESS EXCEEDED BY PROJECT CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. THE OWNER EXPECTS THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF WORKMANSHIP AND QUALITY STANDARDS. 8. PROVIDE SHUTOFF VALVES AT ALL FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT. 9. COORDINATE LOCATIONS OF FLOOR DRAINS AND FLOOR SINKS WITH LOCATIONS OF EQUIPMENT AND EQUIPMENT HOUSEKEEPING PADS. COORDINATE WITH SLOPING OF FLOOR SO THAT RIM OF DRAIN IS FLUSH WITH FINISH FLOOR. 10. COORDINATE HANGING AND SUPPORT OF PIPING WITH STRUCTURAL. 11. PROVIDE PIPE SLEEVES WHERE PIPES PENETRATE WALLS. 12. PROVIDE PIPE SLEEVES WHERE PIPES RUN BELOW FOOTING. 13. INSTALL EXTERIOR CLEAN OUTS FLUSH WITH SURFACE. 14. INSTALL PIPING IN AN ORGANIZED MANNER. DO NOT ROUTE IN FRONT OF WINDOWS. 15. THE INSTALLATION OF ALL PIPING SHALL BE CLOSELY COORDINATED WITH NEW SHEET METAL. HVAC PIPING, ELECTRICAL, AND STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS. NOT ALL REQUIRED OFFSETS AND FITTINGS ARE INDICATED, BUT SHALL BE PROVIDED. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR CLEARANCES. THE LOCATION OF SANITARY, STORM AND VENT LINES SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER HVAC AND FIRE PROTECTION PIPING AND ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND CABLE TRAY. 16. PROVIDE WATER HAMMER ARRESTORS PER PDI WH-201 AND UP STREAM OF ALL AUTOMATIC AND FAST CLOSING VALVES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SOLENOID VALVES. W U a U z X - ^ w �n _ w_ W z O_ LO E W U A w 32 .> V " U -a ue a w F -� E' c W Z w . O Co .2� Lu L� O � O cc " �ab a00to Issuances PERMITS: 02/27/2019 SITE PLAN REVIEW: 02/06/2019 Revisions No. Date Description 11 8 1- a ZW O J � ULr) J J Q Q LL � U LL1 elf W_ ♦/� O a. C) 'qO V 0 LL r J W 0 PLUMBING SYMBOLS Seal . yp` 5.E.R Q \C' F V 9 I�I BALL VALVE = uy o.694 - TAA -4I CO END OF LINE, CLEANOUT : O• •. ,c p ••'••s.:� __0COFLOOR, CLEANOUT 'si�ls�S/ Al ��4j //III UIR\\e4{{k -ll WCO WALL, CLEANOUT PLUMBING FIXTURE CONNECTION SCHEDULE CONNECTION SIZES FIXTURE HW CW WASTE EWC-1 - 1/2" 2" LAV-1 1/2" 1/2" 2" S-1 1/2" 1/2" 2" - S-2 1/2" 1/2" 2" UR-1 1/2" L 2 WC-1 4 WC-1A 1-1/4" 4 If this document is sealed and signed in digital or electronic format and is received from someone other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity of the document. The sealing professional disclaims the seal and signature and shall not be liable for any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manner. Job Number 83460006 Drawn By Author App/d By SDW Sheet Title Y T NERAL UMBING INFORMATION Sheet Number P0.01 I J N_ EX, 4"FCO 1 2 3 4O 5 �I 314"' }JB_1 SS-1 (MOUNT HOSE NEW SAND/OIL BIBS AT 36"AFF) SEPARATOR LOZZ EX. AIR COOLED 0', r �� CHILLER (OUTSIDE) — t` 2"V 2168-RMEA EX. AIR HANDLINGUNIT ON _ PLATFORM RAISED NJ N C WrT N� L- EX STING 4RVTR N W N N f 0 j . rr g 4 - FC 0 A _r, .A Ill N N. -I N��- [i " _ WNW;. 1 N ' -' 5A.79 d ih +,..%: ,ll _1 WTI N N N r - A � A NI NII N IV N N a-J•r— 1 ^' Wi W�I W W1 N L NII li Ni C.J W,\ I s� II —ice EX.4"SAN- � WL3/4"CW a p EX.4"FCO rl ROT PI I PO SI LE d ih +,..%: ,ll _1 WTI N N N r - A � A NI NII N IV N N a-J•r— 1 ^' Wi W�I W W1 N L NII li Ni C.J W,\ I s� II —ice EX.4"SAN- � WL3/4"CW a p EX.4"FCO rl ROT PI I PO SI LE I W W'' jr, W lI N N 31 4 MFM \ o �\ 3' CW- \ o �\ 3' CW- o ROUTE 3 CW TO A MI IMUM OF 36' ` BELOW GRADE, THE UP ALONG WALL AND INTO THE BUILDI GAT 24"AFF PROVIDE NEW 3"LOW EXISTING 6' COMBINATION REPLACE EXISTING 2' BACKF BACKFLOW PROTECTION DOMESTIC WATERIFIRE PREVENTER AND SE F VICE POST METER DEVICE, EQUAL TO WATTS PROTECTION SERVICE FROM WITH NEW 3" BACKFL W PREVENTER AND MODEL 957 SERVICE INTO THE B ILDING COMMERCIAL CIRCLE DRIVE EXISTING 2" WATER METER TO BE REUSED EXISTING PERIMETER GUTTER SYSTEM AND DOWNSPOUTS TO REMAIN, NO CHANGES TO STORM WATER SYSTEM (TYPICAL) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 25025 CZ60250 — 1697 hco El EE 9966 1184 to REMOVE EX. WH r 6K ;L� ( 1697 k a EX. WH-1 Cn I ") N " .4SANS P4.1 EX. FCO o 0 0 \ F /m VSAN s t LL i I �A 1 - ��\ P4.2 I I—EX.4"SAN _3/4"HW 314HWR — — — JI ;�EX.4"SAN 2 U I ER C-OO�ER- P4.1 " � i •�, BREAKROOM EK C VALV 1 li 102 6ZBZ - \ 112"CW— - - EX.4"SAN • • ' - - - - - I j . o __ 1l2"CW CONNECT EX. 3/4'CW EX,FCO TO MEW MAIN « 3"CW Q? 2" VTR IF I 3 S11 AN <, 3 §--_2 F8 i l III I I _ EX. WH-1 - EX. SITE SANITARY "\V l MANFOLEc EXISTING PERIMETE GUTTER ❑ ❑ ❑ SYSTEM AND DOWNSPOUTS TO REMAIN, NO CHANGES TO STORM WATER SYSTEM (TYPICAL) FIRST FLOOR PLUMBING PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0" 0 PLUMBING KEYNOTES 1. NEW SANITARY SEWER BRANCH LINES TO CONNECT TO THE EXISTING MAIN SEWER LINE WHERE SHOWN ON PLANS. FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF THE EXISTING SEWER SERVICE. 2. CONNECT NEW 3"CW TO EXISTING 2" SERVICE OUTSIDE THE BUILDING NEXT TO THE FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE. REUSE THE EXISTING WATER METER BUT REPLACE THE EXISTING BACKFLOW PEVENTER WITH A NEW 3" VALVE ASSEMBLY, EQUAL TO WATTS MODEL 957. COORDINATE WITH CITY WATER DEPARTMENT FOR POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT TO REPLACE THE CURRENT WATER METER. IF EXISTING METER IS APPROVED FOR 100 GPM OF FLOW AT UNDER 8 PSI PRESSURE DROP, IT CAN BE REUSED, OTHERWISE PROVIDE REPLACEMENT. 3. 1/2" CW LINE DOWN TO COFFEE BREWER. PROVIDE WATER CONNECTIONS PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTION. INSTALL BALL VALVE AND WATTS MODEL SD-3 BACKFLOW DEVICE. 4. PROVIDE 1/2" CW LINE DOWN TO ICE MACHINE. PROVIDE WATER CONNECTIONS PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTION. INSTALL BALL VALVE AND WATTS MODEL SD-3 BACKFLOW DEVICE. PROVIDE 3/4" DRAIN LINE FROM ICE MACHINE TO FLOOR SINK FS-1. DISCHARGE INDIRECTLY WITH AIR GAP. 5. PROVIDE 4" SANITARY FLOOR WASTE CONNECTION TO EACH WATER CLOSET. PROVIDE BACK TO BACK WALL CARRIERS. PROVIDE 1-1/4" CW TO EACH FLUSH VALVE, PROVIDE WATER HAMMER ARRESTOR FOR EACH DROP. FLUSH VALVE SHALL BE MAXIMUM OF 1.6 GPF WITH BATTERY POWER. 6. PROVIDE 2" WASTE CONNECTION TO EACH WALL MOUNT URINAL. CONTINUE VERTICALLY WITH VENT PIPE. PROVIDE 3/4"CW TO FLUSH VALVE. FLUSH VALVE SHALL BE MAXIMUM OF 0.5 GPF WITH BATTERY POWER. 7. PROVIDE 1-1/4" WASTE PIPE WITH P-TRAP TO DRAIN OF LAVATORY. CONNECT TO 2" WASTE PIPE IN WALL. CONTINUE UP IN WALL WITH 2" VENT PIPE. PROVIDE 1/2" H&CW DOWN IN WALL TO ANGLE VALVES AT APPROXIMATELY T-0"AFF. ROUTE H&CW TO ASSE 1070 MIXING VALVE EQUAL TO POWERS MODEL E480LF. ROUTE OUTLET TO FAUCET CONNECTION. FAUCETS ARE ELECTRONIC SENSOR TYPE FAUCETS SHARING THE SAME COUNTER SHALL USE A SHARED PLUG IN TRANSFORMER. UNDER COUNTER PIPING IS PROTECTED (ADA COMPLIANT) BY ARCH TRADE APRON. PROVIDE WALL CLEAN OUT WITH 2" OUTLET AT EACH 2"W STACK, MOUNT 18" A.F.F. AND PROVIDE WITH ROUND STAINLESS STEEL COVER. 8. PROVIDE 1-1/2" WASTE TO P-TRAPS FOR EACH BOWL OF BREAKROOM OR MOTHER'S ROOM SINKS. CONNECT TO 2" WASTE LINES IN THE WALL. CONTINUE UP IN WALL WITH 2" VENT LINES. PROVIDE 1/2" H&CW DOWN TO ANGLE STOP VALVE UNDER THE SINK COUNTERS. ROUTE BRAIDED STAINLESS STEEL SUPPLIES TO CONNECTIONS OF FAUCET. 9. EACH FLOOR DRAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH A TRAP SEAL INSERT, AS NOTED IN SPECIFICATIONS. WHERE NOT ALLOWED BY LOCAL PLUMBING OFFICIAL, PROVIDE TRAP PRIMER EQUAL TO PPP MODEL PR-500 DROP ACTIVATED TRAP PRIMER. 10. PROVIDE 1-1/4" WASTE CONNECTION TO HIGH/LOW WATER COOLER. PROVIDE 1/2" DCW TO CONNECTION OF UNIT. INSTALL PER MFG INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 11. MOP BASIN SERVICE SINK, PROVIDE TRAPPED 3" WASTE LINE TO FIXTURE. PROVIDE 3/4" HI TO SERVICE FAUCET WITH BUCKET HOOK, WALL SUPPORT AND VACUUM BREAKER. 12. ELECTRIC WATER HEATER, 50 GALLON, MOUNT ON FLOOR IN SAFE PAN. PROVIDE 3/4"H&CW TO UNIT, PROVIDE HEAT TRAPS AND ISOLATION BALL VALVE. ROUTE 3/4" COPPER DRAIN LINES FROM P&T VALVE AND FROM TANK DRAIN TO NEAREST FLOOR RECEPTOR (DRAIN) AND DISCHARGE INDIRECTLY WITH AIR GAP. 13. MINI -SPLIT SYSTEM. PROVIDE 314'C DRAIN FROM A� TO [�,�-1. SLOPE AT 114IN/FT MINIMUM. INSULATE CONDENSATE DRAINPIPE. W o- a z z UJ w z N rn v E W _ U �— w @ L _ j a> W - w 2 W z: 2 2 ° (7 a < w z w xm 0 (0 �7 W Q a �° m Issuances PERMITS: 02/27/2019 SITE PLAN REVIEW: 02/06/2019 Revisions No. Date Description 0 W LU 0 M02iJ W J r U00 � U co Q U- ILLU WE W_ o a- U~ o0 V � 'cY ILL If this document is sealed and signed In a digital or electronic format and is received from some) other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity of the document. The sealing professional disclaims the seal and signature and shall not be liable for any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manner. Job Number 83460006 Drawn By JKR App/d By SDW Sheet Title PLUMBING FLOOR PLAN Sheet Number Piiso Rj R 1/2"CW TO WATER DISPENSOR WAREHOUSE 119 WAREHOUSE 119 ICJ \-EX.4"SAN B_1 WAREHOUSE 119 7 12 13 I I MEN'S RR 106B 2„V—J I 2"SAN II — — — — — — — I 2"SAN-� I ----2"V-- �—�-2"V�-2"V —J—a-- 7/1,11-13"SAN 3"SAN El a] 3"V UP ,0 4"VTR I 4" WC W W_e-1_ © ❑6 WC-1A 10 UR-1 UR-1A I I Ems_ A Iv1EN'S .IL — — "SAN VESTIBULE 11/4"V 106 - T4- i -3"V- - -2"V - 2"V O _ 0 TI El EE I 11/2"V UR-1 UR-1A 11/2"V 5 a a WC•1A L - Y1 WC•1 1 M MEN'S RR z I 106A N M `�------ - .2"V------+-I-2"V---2"V----� [I] 0 > 0 I L JA LEA ;�Z_3"SAN _ I ® WOMEN'S RR EX.4"SAN 105B L•1A L-1A L�1 z APPROXIMATE LOCATION ® ❑ ❑ OF EXISTING BURIED 4"W. FIELD VERIFY. L' 33 FD• - - - - VE3E WC7 WG 5 T�BU ❑5 WC-1A TV TO 4"VTR O 10 EWC-1A 0 O 0 0 II L —4"SAN I "SAN I I I 2°v I 2„V -3"V- - 3"V- - - -2"V- M2V ❑ 5 ® ❑ WC•1A fIVC•1 � /Vllc�-1 /VVC•1 z WOMEN'S RR 3" FD•1 105A z ti- -2"V- T- - - I - 4"V - 2"V- -y 3"SAN I 2"SAN- I I II 3"SAN �gJ ®z EMPLOYEE M MOTHER'S STORAGE 104 � 101 4 � ///��� r-2"SAN 14 15 21 1L•1A LAA 0 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING BURIED 4"W, EX.4"SAN FIELD VERIFY. — - I „ WC0 u n II u I EMPLOYEE a VESTIBULE STORAGE a VESTIB 101 u 11 u u it I I 4"SAN MAIN IN u WET WALL TO FIXTURE CARRIERS I I it u u It I I I I L-1A ❑7 j 21 1L-1A OONTEM03LATION � � (`, S ®t0 ENLARGED JANITORS CLOSET PLUMBING PLAN ENLARGED OFFICE TOILET ROOM SANITARY PLAN Pi 1/4" = T-0" P1.0 114" = 1'-0" BREAKROOM 102 PLUMBING KEYNOTES 1, NEW SANITARY SEWER BRANCH LINES TO CONNECT TO THE EXISTING MAIN SEWER LINE WHERE SHOWN ON PLANS. FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF THE EXISTING SEWER SERVICE, 2, CONNECT NEW 3"CW TO EXISTING 2" SERVICE OUTSIDE THE BUILDING NEXT TO THE FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE. REUSE THE EXISTING WATER METER BUT REPLACE THE EXISTING BACKFLOW PEVENTER WITH A NEW 3" VALVE ASSEMBLY, EQUAL TO WATTS MODEL 957. COORDINATE WITH CITY WATER DEPARTMENT FOR POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT TO REPLACE THE CURRENT WATER METER. IF EXISTING METER IS APPROVED FOR 100 GPM OF FLOW AT UNDER 8 PSI PRESSURE DROP, IT CAN BE REUSED, OTHERWISE PROVIDE REPLACEMENT. 3. 1/2" CW LINE DOWN TO COFFEE BREWER. PROVIDE WATER CONNECTIONS PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTION. INSTALL BALL VALVE AND WATTS MODEL SD-3 BACKFLOW DEVICE. 4. PROVIDE 1/2" CW LINE DOWN TO ICE MACHINE. PROVIDE WATER CONNECTIONS PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTION. INSTALL BALL VALVE AND WATTS MODEL SD-3 BACKFLOW DEVICE. PROVIDE 3/4" DRAIN LINE FROM ICE MACHINE TO FLOOR SINK FS-1. DISCHARGE INDIRECTLY WITH AIR GAP. 5. PROVIDE 4" SANITARY FLOOR WASTE CONNECTION TO EACH WATER CLOSET, PROVIDE BACK TO BACK WALL CARRIERS. PROVIDE 1-1/4" CW TO EACH FLUSH VALVE. PROVIDE WATER HAMMER ARRESTOR FOR EACH DROP. FLUSH VALVE SHALL BE MAXIMUM OF 1.6 GPF WITH BATTERY POWER. 6, PROVIDE 2" WASTE CONNECTION TO EACH WALL MOUNT URINAL. CONTINUE VERTICALLY WITH VENT PIPE. PROVIDE 3/4"CW TO FLUSH VALVE. FLUSH VALVE SHALL BE MAXIMUM OF 0.5 GPF WITH BATTERY POWER. 7. PROVIDE 1-1/4" WASTE PIPE WITH P-TRAP TO DRAIN OF LAVATORY. CONNECT TO 2" WASTE PIPE IN WALL. CONTINUE UP IN WALL WITH 2" VENT PIPE. PROVIDE 1/2" H&CW DOWN IN WALL TO ANGLE VALVES AT APPROXIMATELY T-0"AFF. ROUTE H&CW TO ASSE 1070 MIXING VALVE EQUAL TO POWERS MODEL E480LF, ROUTE OUTLET TO FAUCET CONNECTION. FAUCETS ARE ELECTRONIC SENSOR TYPE FAUCETS SHARING THE SAME COUNTER SHALL USE A SHARED PLUG IN TRANSFORMER, UNDER COUNTER PIPING IS PROTECTED (ADA COMPLIANT) BY ARCH TRADE APRON, PROVIDE WALL CLEAN OUT WITH 2" OUTLET AT EACH 2"W STACK. MOUNT 18" A.F.F. AND PROVIDE WITH ROUND STAINLESS STEEL COVER. 8, PROVIDE 1-1/2" WASTE TO P-TRAPS FOR EACH BOWL OF BREAKROOM OR MOTHER'S ROOM SINKS. CONNECT TO 2" WASTE LINES IN THE WALL. CONTINUE UP IN WALL WITH 2" VENT LINES. PROVIDE 1/2" H&CW DOWN TO ANGLE STOP VALVE UNDER THE SINK COUNTERS. ROUTE BRAIDED STAINLESS STEEL SUPPLIES TO CONNECTIONS OF FAUCET. 9. EACH FLOOR DRAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH A TRAP SEAL INSERT, AS NOTED IN SPECIFICATIONS, WHERE NOT ALLOWED BY LOCAL PLUMBING OFFICIAL, PROVIDE TRAP PRIMER EQUAL TO PPP MODEL PR-500 DROP ACTIVATED TRAP PRIMER. 10. PROVIDE 1-1/4" WASTE CONNECTION TO HIGH/LOW WATER COOLER. PROVIDE 1/2" DCW TO CONNECTION OF UNIT. INSTALL PER MFG INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 11. MOP BASIN SERVICE SINK. PROVIDE TRAPPED 3" WASTE LINE TO FIXTURE. PROVIDE 3/4" H&CW TO SERVICE FAUCET WITH BUCKET HOOK, WALL SUPPORT AND VACUUM BREAKER. 12, ELECTRIC WATER HEATER, 50 GALLON, MOUNT ON FLOOR IN SAFE PAN. PROVIDE 3/4"H&CW TO UNIT. PROVIDE HEAT TRAPS AND ISOLATION BALL VALVE. ROUTE 3/4" COPPER DRAIN LINES FROM P&T VALVE AND FROM TANK DRAIN TO NEAREST FLOOR RECEPTOR (DRAIN) AND DISCHARGE INDIRECTLY WITH AIR GAP. 13, MINI -SPLIT SYSTEM. PROVIDE 3/4"C DRAIN FROM AC-1 TO INB-1. SLOPE AT 1/41N/FT MINIMUM. INSULATE CONDENSATE DRAIN PIPE. r/ U r a z - w U) z z � o Lu cC U �� ~ W = E° o O a L) w Z 3 01 w o U) rn � 0 Q O "- - co a 00 'to Issuances PERMITS: 02127/2019 SITE PLAN REVIEW: 02/06/2019 Revisions No. Date Description ♦� V W LU J W W J U� U M J J Q LL [if U W ry W_ OD U� o0 ITO vLL If this document is sealed and signed in a digital or electronic format and is received from someo other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity of the document. The sealing professional disclaim the seal and signature and shall not be liable for any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manner. Job Number 83460006 Drawn By JKR App/d By SDW Sheet Title f�%f, ENLARGED PLUMBING FLOOR PLANS Sheet Number No 1 J 0 w o�- a� U � w �i s � mc% oz wz ce �w zw zy ¢ ¢ rt i� zo 0 w¢ z c' Zo w� � w o �g Z O � g LU p� �8 w � J a ¢ w �? a� w m� as O w R 2 Z� Ww w _ 8 w y U �ipv ti Q N CJ 12 13 14 7 2 L•1A MEN''SBRR 5 UR-1 UR_1A EWC•1A J � I �I - I�- II MEN'S VESTIBULE 106 — — — U3.1 UR_1A MEWSIRR 106A 3 ININIr 5 WC 1A C 1 M1C•4 I I 3„ FD•1 I i= 3/4"HW7 ELECRTIC WATER COOLER C - 1/2"CW WITH BA - LVEIL --I - I J is -—1/2"CW— - _ 3/4"CW 314"HW I " WOMEN'SRR = 105E M 3" FD-1 WC 1 1 W I I I Q WC 13 EWC-1ra A o r o 0 I � I II - - II II WOMEN'S VESTIBULE 105 s I I I I I a 0 MOTHER'S 104 CONTEMPLATION 103 Cc� I--2°Cry _I 'L—: 2"Q 1— _2"C,W --- -* J 2"CW EE © ,I I ® I I I ❑5 WC•1A >IVC•1 /W •1 VVC-1 3„ FD-1 - — — — —3/4"CW -—112"- ----112HWHW--- 0 314"HW I 3/4"CW WOMEN'SRR 3/4"HW I 3/4"HWR 105A L-1A E7 L•1A 2 L•1A C U ° I I I 3/4"HW 3/4"CW 7 2( IL-1A I ENLARGED OFFICE TOILET ROOM P1.0 1/4" =1'-0" TRAINING 107 - 3/4"C� CONNECT NEW 3/4"CW TO EXISTING WALL HYDRANT I�J VESTIBULE 100 i El PLUMBING KEYNOTES 1, NEW SANITARY SEWER BRANCH LINES TO CONNECT TO THE EXISTING MAIN SEWER LINE WHERE SHOWN ON PLANS. FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF THE EXISTING SEWER SERVICE. 2, CONNECT NEW 3"CW TO EXISTING 2" SERVICE OUTSIDE THE BUILDING NEXT TO THE FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE, REUSE THE EXISTING WATER METER BUT REPLACE THE EXISTING BACKFLOW PEVENTER WITH A NEW 3" VALVE ASSEMBLY, EQUAL TO WATTS MODEL 957. COORDINATE WITH CITY WATER DEPARTMENT FOR POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT TO REPLACE THE CURRENT WATER METER. IF EXISTING METER IS APPROVED FOR 100 GPM OF FLOW AT UNDER 8 PSI PRESSURE DROP, IT CAN BE REUSED, OTHERWISE PROVIDE REPLACEMENT. 3. 1/2" CW LINE DOWN TO COFFEE BREWER. PROVIDE WATER CONNECTIONS PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTION. INSTALL BALL VALVE AND WATTS MODEL SD-3 BACKFLOW DEVICE. 4. PROVIDE 1/2" CW LINE DOWN TO ICE MACHINE. PROVIDE WATER CONNECTIONS PER MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTION. INSTALL BALL VALVE AND WATTS MODEL SD-3 BACKFLOW DEVICE. PROVIDE 3/4" DRAIN LINE FROM ICE MACHINE TO FLOOR SINK FS-1. DISCHARGE INDIRECTLY WITH AIR GAP. 5. PROVIDE 4" SANITARY FLOOR WASTE CONNECTION TO EACH WATER CLOSET. PROVIDE BACK TO BACK WALL CARRIERS. PROVIDE 1-1/4" CW TO EACH FLUSH VALVE. PROVIDE WATER HAMMER ARRESTOR FOR EACH DROP. FLUSH VALVE SHALL BE MAXIMUM OF 1.6 GPF WITH BATTERY POWER. 6. PROVIDE 2" WASTE CONNECTION TO EACH WALL MOUNT URINAL. CONTINUE VERTICALLY WITH VENT PIPE. PROVIDE 3/4"CW TO FLUSH VALVE. FLUSH VALVE SHALL BE MAXIMUM OF 0.5 GPF WITH BATTERY POWER. 7. PROVIDE 1-1/4" WASTE PIPE WITH P-TRAP TO DRAIN OF LAVATORY. CONNECT TO 2" WASTE PIPE IN WALL. CONTINUE UP IN WALL WITH 2" VENT PIPE. PROVIDE 1/2" H&CW DOWN IN WALL TO ANGLE VALVES AT APPROXIMATELY V-0"AFF. ROUTE H&CW TO ASSE 1070 MIXING VALVE EQUAL TO POWERS MODEL E480LF. ROUTE OUTLET TO FAUCET CONNECTION. FAUCETS ARE ELECTRONIC SENSOR TYPE FAUCETS SHARING THE SAME COUNTER SHALL USE A SHARED PLUG IN TRANSFORMER. UNDER COUNTER PIPING IS PROTECTED (ADA COMPLIANT) BY ARCH TRADE APRON. PROVIDE WALL CLEAN OUT WITH 2" OUTLET AT EACH 2"W STACK. MOUNT 18"A.F.F. AND PROVIDE WITH ROUND STAINLESS STEEL COVER. 8. PROVIDE 1-1/2" WASTE TO P-TRAPS FOR EACH BOWL OF BREAKROOM OR MOTHER'S ROOM SINKS, CONNECT TO 2" WASTE LINES IN THE WALL. CONTINUE UP IN WALL WITH 2" VENT LINES. PROVIDE 1/2" H&CW DOWN TO ANGLE STOP VALVE UNDER THE SINK COUNTERS. ROUTE BRAIDED STAINLESS STEEL SUPPLIES TO CONNECTIONS OF FAUCET. 9. EACH FLOOR DRAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH A TRAP SEAL INSERT, AS NOTED IN SPECIFICATIONS. WHERE NOT ALLOWED BY LOCAL PLUMBING OFFICIAL, PROVIDE TRAP PRIMER EQUAL TO PPP MODEL PR-500 DROP ACTIVATED TRAP PRIMER. 10. PROVIDE 1-1/4" WASTE CONNECTION TO HIGH/LOW WATER COOLER. PROVIDE 1/2" DCW TO CONNECTION OF UNIT. INSTALL PER MFG INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 11. MOP BASIN SERVICE SINK, PROVIDE TRAPPED 3" WASTE LINE TO FIXTURE, PROVIDE 3/4" H&CW TO SERVICE FAUCET WITH BUCKET HOOK, WALL SUPPORT AND VACUUM BREAKER. 12, ELECTRIC WATER HEATER, 50 GALLON, MOUNT ON FLOOR IN SAFE PAN. PROVIDE 3/4"H&CW TO UNIT. PROVIDE HEAT TRAPS AND ISOLATION BALL VALVE. ROUTE 3/4'. COPPER DRAIN LINES FROM P&T VALVE AND FROM TANK DRAIN TO NEAREST FLOOR RECEPTOR (DRAIN) AND DISCHARGE INDIRECTLY WITH AIR GAP. 13, MINI -SPLIT SYSTEM. PROVIDE 3/4"C DRAIN FROM BC-1 TO MB-1. SLOPE AT 114 IN/FT MINIMUM. INSULATE CONDENSATE DRAINPIPE. Vm/ U V d z z w in Q.0 w_ z CDc U) E w u �q w W = m o U < w z Cr w O u) rn U) (D U m C3. d ro fl Issuances PERMITS: 02/27/2019 SITE PLAN REVIEW: 02106/2019 Revisions No. Date Description W J �— ULO �o Uco Q IJi �U LLI of LLI Oa U~ o0 �O ILL r` Ca No. If this document is sealed and signed in a digits or electronic format and is received from someo other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity of the document. The sealing professional disclain the seal and signature and shall not be liable fol any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manner Job Number 83460006 Drawn By JKR App/d By SDW ENLARGED PLUMBING FLOOR PLANS P4a2 J STF #CB 1/2" WITH BALL VALVE EXPANSION TANK. AMTROL THERM-X-TROL GRUNFOSi MODEL ST-5 RECIRC PUMP, MODEL UP-15SF WITH AQUASTAT I 3/4"HWR _ — — — 1 WALL 1"HW (110° F) TEMP/PRESS LO Q BALL VALVE (TYP.) RELIEF VALVE I DWH-1 -- DIELECTRIC ELECTRIC i UNION (TYP.) WATER HEATER V PIPE TO FLOOR DRAIN OR SERVICE SINK I HOUSEKEEPING PAD ELECTRIC WATER HEATER PIPING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE — MINIMUM OF 24" FROM ANY WALL OR STRUCTURE FLASHING EXCEPT FOR VENT AT STAINLESS STEEL Lu COL. 2B, WHICH SHALL RING AND CLAMP —0 D z BE 48" o p MINIMUM 4" THRU ROOF ROOF CONSTRUCTION 101, ` INDICATED ELSEWHERE PIPE SLEEVE ESCUTCHEON FOR MASTIC CAULKING EXPOSED RISER COMPOUNDAND OAKUM INCREASER IF REQUIRED VENT PIPE. GENERAL NOTES: 1. VENT THRU ROOF (VTR) FOR PIPES SIZES SMALLER THAN 3" MUST BE INCREASED TO MINIMUM OF 3". 2. INCREASE IN PIPE DIAMETER MUST BE MADE A MINIMUM OF 12" INSIDE THE BUILDING. PLUMBING VENT THROUGH ROOF DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TYPICALF^^ "" "°""'"^" STACKS Ai CONDUCT WALL OR COLUMN CLEANOU- WITH PLU( FINISHED ELBOW FI' FOOTING RISER CLEAN OUT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE OIOM 1"II11 l All AN. F.C.O. 4" SAN. ANCHOR KIT - FURNISHED WITH SS-1. OIL/: AND SEPERATOR DI FAIL NOT TO SCALE 1/2" S.O.V. TEE i TRAP PRIMER VALVE WITH SUPPLY HEADER INTEGRAL BACKFLOW IN WALL PREVENTER AND VACUUM BREAKER PORT. PRECISION PLUMBING PRODUCTS MODEL DISTRIBUTION UNIT P1-500. REQ'D FOR MULTIPLE TRAP CONNECTIONS. SECURE DISTRIBUTION UNIT TO BACKING SHEET BETWEEN STUDS. 1/2"COPPERTUBING TRAP �r SU LIES, ROUTE BELOW FL R TO FLOOR DRAIN 1 I T S SEE PLAN. I z_ LL lV Q 1 TRAF PRIMER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PLUMBING FIXTURE SCHEDULE FIXTURE/TAG MAKE/MODEL DESCRIPTION HW CW WASTE VENT BOWL: ANSI At 12.19.2; WALL MOUNTED, SIPHON JET, WHITE, VITREOUS CHINA WITH ELONGATED RIM, 1-1/2 INCH TOP SPUD, CHINA BOLT CAPS. MOUNT AT 15.0"H. WC-1 AM. STD, TRIM: ANSI A112.18.1; EXPOSED, SENSOR TYPE, BATTERY POWERED, CHROME PLATED, DIAPHRAGM TYPE, ESCUTCHEON, SEAT BUMPER, INTEGRAL WATER CLOSET AFWALL MILLENIUM SCREWDRIVER STOP, AND VACUUM BREAKER, SLOAN MODEL G2 81115 1.28 GPM, ADA COMPLIANT, WITH MECHANICAL OVERRIDE FLUSH OPERATION. 1 1/4" 4" 2" 331.101 SEAT: SOLID WHITE PLASTIC, OPEN FRONT, EXTENDED BACK, BRASS BOLTS, NO COVER, ANTIMICROBIAL GUARD, STA-TITE FASTENER, BEMIS MODEL 2155CT. BOWL: ANSI A112.19.2; WALL MOUNTED, SIPHON JET, WHITE, VITREOUS CHINA WITH ELONGATED RIM, 1-1/2 INCH TOP SPUD, CHINA BOLT CAPS. MOUNT TOP OF SEAT AT ADA APPROVED HEIGHT (17" TO 19"). WC-1A AM. STD. TRIM: ANSI A112.18.1; EXPOSED, SENSOR TYPE, BATTERY POWERED, CHROME PLATED, DIAPHRAGM TYPE, ESCUTCHEON, SEAT BUMPER, INTEGRAL WATER CLOSET AFWALL MILLENIUM SCREWDRIVER STOP, AND VACUUM BREAKER, SLOAN MODEL G2 8111, 1.28 GPM, ADA COMPLIANT, WITH MECHANICAL OVERRIDE FLUSH OPERATION. 1 1/4" 4" 2" (ADA) 331.101 SEAT: SOLID WHITE PLASTIC, OPEN FRONT, EXTENDED BACK, BRASS BOLTS, NO COVER, ANTIMICROBIAL GUARD, STA-TITE FASTENER, BEMIS MODEL 2155CT, UR-1 AM. STD. BOWL: ANSI A117.1; WALL MOUNT, BLOWOUT, WHITE, VITREOUS CHINA, 1-1/4 INCH TOP SPUD, CHINA BOLT CAPS; ADA HEIGHT URINAL WASHBROOK TRIM: ANSI A112.18.1; BATTERY POWERED SENSOR FLUSH VALVE, LOW WATER CONSUMPTION, SLOAN MODEL G2 8186, 0.5 GPF, EXPOSED, CHROME PLATED, 66590.001 DIAPHRAGM TYPE, WITH ESCUTCHEON, SEAT BUMPER, INTEGRAL SCREWDRIVER STOP, AND VACUUM BREAKER. MOUNT FIXTURE AT STANDARD HEIGHT, 3l4" 2" 1-1/2" REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS. UR-1A AM. STD, BOWL: ANSI A117.1; WALL MOUNT, BLOWOUT, WHITE, VITREOUS CHINA, 1-1/4 INCH TOP SPUD, CHINA BOLT CAPS; ADA HEIGHT URINAL WASHBROOK TRIM: ANSI A112.18.1; BATTERY POWERED SENSOR FLUSH VALVE, LOW WATER CONSUMPTION, SLOAN MODEL G2 8186, 0.5 GPF, EXPOSED, CHROME PLATED, 3/4" 2" 1-1/2" (ADA) 66590.001 DIAPHRAGM TYPE, WITH ESCUTCHEON, SEAT BUMPER, INTEGRAL SCREWDRIVER STOP, AND VACUUM BREAKER. MOUNT FIXTURE AT ADA COMPLIANT HEIGHT. AM. STANDARD BASIN: ANSI At12.19.2; WHITE VITREOUS CHINA, UNDERMOUNT SINK, 19.25"-3/8" x 16-1/4" OVAL, 5.1/2" DEEP, FRONT OVERFLOW. L OVALYN iRk ANSI A112.18.1 CHROME PLATED, SENSOR FAUCET, BATTERY POWER, CHROME FINISH, 0.5 GPM FLOW, INFRARED SENSOR, SLOAN MODEL EAF-150- LAVATORY 0496.221 BLT. PROVIDE WITH VANDAL RESISTANT AERATOR. BELOW DECK MIXING VALVE (ASSE 1070 APPROVED) EQUAL TO POWERS MODEL E480. 1/2" 1/2" 2" 1.112" SUPPLIES: LOOSE KEY STOP AND FLEXIBLE SUPPLY; CHICAGO FAUCET NO. 1006. BASIN: ANSI A112.19.3; SINGLE COMPARTMENT DROP IN SINK, 16"A 1.5" BOWL DIMENSIONS, 7-7/8" DEEP,18 GAUGE, TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL, SOUND S-1A ELKAY DEADENING UNDERCOATING, STAINLESS STEEL DRAINS WITH STAINLESS STEEL OPEN GRID STRAINER. SINK, SINGLE BOWL LR1918 TRIM: ANSI A112.18.1 CHROME PLATED, DECK MOUNTED FAUCET WITH 4" CENTERS, 51/4INCH REACH RIGID GOOSENECK SPOUT WITH 1.5 GPM LAMINAR FLOW 1/2" 1f2" 2" 1-1/2" OUTLET, QUARTER TURN CARTRIDGES, 4 INCH WRIST BLADES, CHICAGO FAUCET 895-317GN2AE35ABCP, CHROME PLATED BRASS P-TRAP, TAILPIECE AND ARM WITH ESCUTCHEON; WITH OPEN GRID STRAINER. SUPPLIES: LOOSE KEY STOP AND FLEXIBLE SUPPLY; CHICAGO FAUCET NO.. 1006. BASIN: ANSI A112.19.3; TWO COMPARTMENT DROP IN SINK, 13.5"x23.5" BLOWL DIMENSIONS, 7-7/8" DEEP, 18 GAUGE, TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL, SOUND S-2A ELKAY DEADENING UNDERCOATING, STAINLESS STEEL DRAINS WITH STAINLESS STEEL OPEN GRID STRAINER. SINK, DOUBLE BOWL LR3321 TRIM: ANSI A112.18.1 CHROME PLATED, DECK MOUNTED FAUCET WITH 8" CENTERS, 8 INCH REACH RIGID/SWING GOOSENECK SPOUT WITH 2.2 GPM LAMINAR 1/2" 1/2" 2" 1-1/2" FLOW OUTLET, QUARTER TURN CARTRIDGES, 4 INCH WRIST BLADES, CHICAGO FAUCET 200-AGNBAE3-317VAP, CHROME PLATED BRASS P-TRAP, TAILPIECE AND ARM WITH ESCUTCHEON; WITH OPEN GRID STRAINER. FAUCET TO INCLUDE SIDE SPRAY. SUPPLIES: LOOSE KEY STOP AND FLEXIBLE SUPPLY; CHICAGO FAUCET NO. 1006. MB-1 FIAT BOWL: 24 INCH x 24 INCH x12INCH PRECAST TERRAZZO MOP BASIN, FLOOR MOUNTED, WITH 1 INCH WIDE SHOULDERS, STAINLESS STEEL STRAINER; SERVICE SINK TSB-200 MODEL TSB MANUFACTURED BY FIAT. 3/4" 3/4" 3" 1 1/2" (MOP BASIN) TRIM: ANSI Al12.18.1; WALL TYPE SUPPLY WITH 4 INCH WRIST BLADE HANDLES, SPOUT WALL BRACE, VACUUM BREAKER, HOSE END SPOUT, STRAINERS, ECCENTRIC ADJUSTABLE INLETS, INTEGRAL SCREWDRIVER STOPS WITH COVERING CAPS (CHICAGO FAUCETS MODEL 445-RC897SXKCP), AND ADJUSTABLE THREADED WALL FLANGES; 5 FEET OF 1/2 INCH DIAMETER PLAIN END, REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE, HOSE CLAMP, AND MOP HANGER. EWC-1A ELKAY WATER COOLER: ARI 1010; SURFACE MOUNTED, HIGH/LOW ADA MODEL. MOUNT PER ADA REQUIREMENTS. STAINLESS STEEL BASIN. STAINLESS STEEL ELECTRIC WATER LZSTLG8LC BACK PLATE, ELEVATED ANTI -SQUIRT BUBBLER WITH STREAM GUARD, AUTOMATIC STREAM REGULATOR, MOUNTING BRACKET, 8 GPH, INSTALL PER ADA COOLER & MFG REQUIREMENTS. 1/2" 2" 1 1/2" FD-1 WATTS FLOOR DRAIN LACQUERED CAST BODY WITH BOTTOM OUTLET, NO HUB, FLASHING COLLAR AND ADJUSTABLE STRAINER HEAD (SQUARE 6x6), SEEPAGE SEE FLOOR DRAIN FD-15-SQ OPENINGS, PLUGGED PRIMER TAP, SEE PLANS FOR WASTE CONNECTION. PLANS FS-1 ZURN FLOOR SINK: 12"x12" SQUARE CAST IRON BODY, 8" DEEP, WITH ACID RESISTANT ENAMEL INTERIOR, ALUMINUM DOME STRAINER, CLAMP COLLAR, NICKEL 4" FLOOR SINK Z-1901 BRONZE FRAME AND GRATE. UB-1 IPS CORP IPS CORPORATION (WATER-TITE) UTILITY BOX FOR ICE MACHINE CW CONNECTION AND HUB DRAIN. TRAPPED STANDPIPE SHALL SERVE ADJACENT UTILITY BOX DU -ALL DRAIN BOX APPLIANCES WHERE APPLICABLE (COFFEE BREWER AND ASSOCIATED BACKFLOW PREVENTER). 1/2" 1/2" 1-1/2" WH-1 PRIER HEAVY DUTY COMMERCIAL WALL HYDRANT, FREEZE PROOF, ANTI -SIPHON, BACKFLOW CHECK VALVE, SELF DRAINING, PROVIDE WITH OPTIONAL WALL HYDRANT C-634 HYDRANT BOX. 3/4" HB-1 PRIER HOSE BIBB C-138 HEAVY DUTY HOSE BIBB, ANGLE SILL FAUCET, SOLID BRASS, BRASS STEM AND HANDLE, 3/4" TTL TAG MANUFACTURER MODEL ELECSRI�CEWATER HEADER SCHEDUE E Deg Rise F REMARKS DWH-1 BRADFORD WHITE RE350S6 50 25 1 6 1 208 1 1 100 M Lei 0� LP V^ - W 01 0 Q Issuances PERMITS: 02127/2019 SITE PLAN REVIEW: 02/06/2019 Revisions No. Date 0 0 r_ dA M& 41 J W 0 Description W J U� U c"> —I _I Q LL OfU LU r" 2 Lu aO U~ oOf �LIL O Seal '"ppu11W!? 11 o.694 Cr S� STA E 43 fVA1_ `�•�`• of'jry} y If this document is sealed and signed in a digi or electronic format and is received from somr other than the sealing professional identified ii the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity I the document. The sealing professional discla the seal and signature and shall not be liable I any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this mann Job Number 83460006 Drawn By JKR App/d By SDW Sheet Title PLUMBING SCHEDULES AND DETAILS Sheet Number P500 t ABBREVIATIONS - HVAC SEQUENCE OF OPERATION MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES U a HZ HERTZ O FLAT OVAL DUCT DISC DISCONNECT INS INSULATE, INSULATION DPR DAMPER AC ARCHITECTURAL CONTRACTOR AD ACCESS DOOR KVAR KILOVOLT -AMPERES REACTIVE EA EXHAUST AIR ADA AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT EF EXHAUST FAN AHU AIR HANDLING UNIT MCA MINIMUM CIRCUIT AMPS EG EXHAUST AIR GRILLE AP ACCESS PANEL MD MOTORIZED DAMPER, MOTION ESP EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE APO AIR PRESSURE DROP DETECTOR EXH EXHAUST AQ-STAT AQUA STAT MOP MAXIMUM OVERCURRENT PROTECTION AS AMP SWITCH FC FLEXIBLE CONNECTION RG RETURN AIR GRILLE FPM FEET PER MINUTE BDD BACKDRAFT DAMPER RR REST ROOM BHP BREAK HORSEPOWER HC HEATING COIL SA SUPPLY AIR HG REFRIGERATION HOT GAS C CONVECTOR SK SINK HP HORSEPOWER CAB CABINET SM SURFACE MOUNTED CAP CAPACITY CFM CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE TG TRANSFER AIR GRILLE COMP COMPARTMENT COND CONDENSATE V VOLTS COORD COORDINATE VCD VOLUME CONTROL DAMPER CU COPPER VOL VOLUME XFER TRANSFER 1 MECHANICAL SYMBOLS T �® SD# SUPPLY DIFFUSER, SD#, ### CFM ### ARROWS INDICATE DIRECTION OF THROW SD# SUPPLY DIFFUSER (4-WAY) RG# RETURN OR EXHAUST REGISTER ### TYPE'RG#' ### CFM ®EG# EXHAUST REGISTER ### TYPE'EG#' ### CFM ### SIDEWALL SUPPLY, RETURN, OR EXHAUST REGISTER ### TYPE ###, ### CFM SUPPLY DUCT UP SUPPLY DUCT DOWN RETURN DUCT UP 'Ell RETURN DUCT DOWN laz EXHAUST DUCT UP EXHAUST DUCT DOWN LL P I Q SUPPLY AIR BRANCH CONNECTION o l WITH VOLUME DAMPER LLIOT RETURN AIR/EXHAUST AIR BRANCH CONNECTION VOLUME 6 RIP:,WITH VOLUME DAMPER 4 FS HORIZONTAL FIRE DAMPER VERTICAL FIRE DAMPER { COMBINATION FIRE/SMOKE HORIZONTAL FIRE DAMPER �FS COMBINATION FIRE/SMOKE VERTICAL FIRE DAMPER ATT-# El### ## FT-## CUH•# C_# SOUND ATTENUATOR PUMP(SCHEMATIC) MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (EXAMPLE ACV-##) SEE SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL FINNED TUBE RADIATION (SEE DETAIL AND SCHEDULE) CABINET UNIT HEATER, TYPE'CUH-#' CONVECTOR, TYPE'C-#' THERMOSTAT HUMIDISTAT CO2SENSOR THREADED HANGER RODS >< STRAP HANGER TRAPEZE HANGER NOTE: POP RIVETS ARE NOT ALLOWED, USE SELF -TAPPING SHEETMETAL SCREWS ONLY (TYP) DUCTWORK SUPPORT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE C 90T 45T 45190T FITTING R TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR LINING REQUIREMENTS. 2. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOUBLE WALL CONSTRUCTION SPIRAL DUCT FITTINGS NOT TO SCALE RECTANGULAR MAIN DUCT - FLOW E::> RECTANGULARTO ROUND TRANSITION TAKE -OFF BALANCING DAMPER wl LOCKING QUADRANT TAKE -OFF - RECTANGULAR MAIN ROUND BRANCH AIRFOIL SHAPED TURNING VANES MITERED ELBOW - RECTANGULAR .5*W R-1W .5` BALANCING DAMPER 2'-0" MIN AS SHOWN ON PLANS. IF SINGLE BLADE DAMPER TEES RECTANGULAR RADIUSED ELBOWS- RECTANGULAR LOW PRESSURE RETANGULAR DUCT FITTINGS NOT TO SCALE SEQUENCE OF OPERATION 3.01 EXHAUST FAN EF-1 A. This unit is an in -line exhaust fan. B. This fan is intended to operate continuously during occupied hours and to be de -energized during unoccupied hours- interlock with AHU-1). 3.02 EXHAUST FANS EF-2 A. This unit is an exhaust fan with gravity backdraft damper. B. This unit is intended to operate continuously. 3.03 AHU-1 A. This unit is a electric heating/electric DX cooling package outdoor HVAC unit. B. This supply fan on this unit is intended to operate continuously during occupied hours and intermittently during unoccupied hours with space temperature control. C. This unit is provided with package controls (including programmable thermostat); install, wire and calibrate the unit to operate per the factory requirements. D. This unit shall be furnished with modulating outdoor/return air dampers to vary the volume of outdoor air delivered to the space. Provide wall mount CO2 sensor to control CA damper. E. This unit shall be furnished with a hot gas reheat coil to allow for dehumidification control. Provide wall mount humidistat. 3.04 AHU-2 A. This unit is a electric heating/electric DX cooling package outdoor HVAC unit. B. This supply fan on this unit is intended to operate continuously during occupied hours and intermittently during unoccupied hours with space temperature control. C. This unit is provided with package controls (including programmable thermostat); install, wire and calibrate the unit to operate per the factory requirements. 3,05 AHU-3 A. This unit is a electric heating/electric DX cooling package outdoor HVAC unit. B. This supply fan on this unit is intended to operate continuously during occupied hours and intermittently during unoccupied hours with space temperature control. C. This unit is provided with package controls (including programmable thermostat); install, wire and calibrate the unit to operate per the factory requirements. D. This unit shall be furnished with modulating outdoor/return air dampers to vary the volume of outdoor air delivered to the space. Provide wall mount CO2 sensor to control OA damper. E. This unit shall be furnished with a hot gas reheat coil to allow for dehumidification control. Provide wall mount humidistat. 3.06 EX. AHU-4 A. This unit is an existing air handling unit with an existing chilled water cooling coil and new electronic controls including actuators. 1. Remove any terminal boxes and associated controls and ductwork that serve the existing offices that are being removed. B. The supply fan on this unit is intended to operate continuously during occupied hours and intermittently during unoccupied hours with space temperature control by modulating an existing chilled water 3-way control valve. C. The unit's outdoor air intake damper to open to a minimum outdoor air ventilation position during occupied hours and close during unoccupied hours. D. This unit is to provide an economizer cycle when outdoor conditions are favorable. 3.07 AC•11ACCU-1 A. This unit is an indoor evaporator with a DX cooling coil with an air cooled condensing unit. B. This supply fan on the evaporator is intended to operate intermittently during with space temperature control. C. This unit is provided with package controls; install, wire and calibrate the unit to operate per the factory requirements. 3.09 LOW VELOCITY HIGH VOLUME (LVHV) FANS A. These units are each furnished with a VFD and controller. Install, wire and program the fan controllers. B. Furnish a protective wire cage for each fan controller, 1, COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE AND/OR REGULATORY AGENCIES, CODES AND REGULATIONS FOR NEW WORK. 2, DO NOT INSTALL EQUIPMENT, PIPING OR DUCTWORK OVER ANY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OR COMMUNICATION ROOMS. 1 DO NOT RUN ANY PIPING OR DUCTWORK INTO THE ELECTRICAL ROOM UNLESS DEDICATED TO SERVE THAT ROOM. 4, INSTALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO FACILITATE SERVICING, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF EQUIPMENT COMPONENTS. AS MUCH AS PRACTICAL, CONNECT EQUIPMENT FOR EASE OF DISCONNECTING, WITH A MINIMUM OF INTERFERENCE WITH OTHER INSTALLATIONS. 5, LOCATE THERMOSTAT/TEMPERATURE SENSORS 48" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR OR AS NOTED ON THE PLANS. 6. WORK IDENTIFIED WITH MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL NOTES AND KEY NOTES SHALL BE PERFORMED BY QUALIFIED MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS RESPECTIVELY UNDER DIRECTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. COORDINATE WITH OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. 7, INSTALL SMOKE DETECTOR IN DUCTWORK AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S PRINTED INSTRUCTIONS. 8. VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS IN FIELD BEFORE START OF CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY ARCHITECT/ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. 9. COORDINATE WORK WITH OTHER TRADES AND WITH THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. 10. COORDINATE ANY REQUIRED SHUTDOWN OF SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT WITH OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, MINIMIZE INTERRUPTION OF EXISTING SERVICES. 11. PROVIDE ALL MISCELLANEOUS STEEL AND ITEMS REQUIRED FOR THE PROPER INSTALLATION OF ALL PIPE, SHEET METAL AND EQUIPMENT. 12. COORDINATE FLOOR, WALL & ROOF PENETRATIONS ETC. WITH ARCHITECTURAL TRADES. 13, FIRESTOP SHALL BE PROVIDED IN HOLES AND PENETRATIONS IN RATED ASSEMBLIES. SHEETMETAL NOTES 1. THE INSTALLATION OF ALL DUCTWORK SHALL BE CLOSELY COORDINATED WITH NEW PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS. NOT ALL REQUIRED OFFSETS AND FITTINGS ARE INDICATED ON DRAWINGS, BUT SHALL BE PROVIDED. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR CLEARANCES. ALTERNATE DUCT ROUTING SHALL BE APPROVED BY ARCHITECT/ENGINEER BEFORE PROCEEDING IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT THE AVAILABLE STATIC PRESSURE REMAINS ADEQUATE. DUCTWORK LOCATION SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER HVAC AND FIRE PROTECTION PIPING AND ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND CABLE TRAY. 2. REFER TO DUCT TAKEOFF DETAILS. SPIN -IN TYPE WITH SCOOPS SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED. A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN RUNOUT TAKEOFFS FROM TRUNK DUCTS, 3. THERMOSTAT AND SENSORS LOCATIONS WITHIN DUCTWORK SHALL BE VERIFIED WITH ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER BEFORE ROUGH -IN. 4. RUNOUT BALANCING DAMPERS SHALL BE MOUNTED AS CLOSE TO MAIN DUCT AS POSSIBLE. 5. DUCTWORK LAYOUT HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ABSORB NOISE. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED AS INDICATED. 6. TERMINAL UNITS SHALL BE MOUNTED TO NOT IMPAIR ACCESS TO FILTERS, COILS AND CONTROLS. 7. WATERTIGHT CONCRETE CURBS SHALL BE PROVIDED AROUND ELEVATED FLOOR SLAB PENETRATIONS. 8. DUCTWORK AND ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS SHALL CLEAR DOORS AND WINDOWS. 9. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL DUCTWORK ABOVE CEILING OR EXPOSED IS OVERHEAD AND AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURE, WITH SPACE FOR INSULATION WHERE REQUIRED. 10. LOCATE MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUCH THAT THERE IS UNOBSTRUCTED ACCESS TO UNIT ACCESS PANELS, CONTROLS AND VALVING. 11. PROVIDE FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS IN ALL DUCTWORK SYSTEMS CONNECTED TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT THAT REQUIRE VIBRATION ISOLATION. FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION TO THE EQUIPMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 12. DUCTWORK SIZES ARE INSIDE CLEAR DIMENSIONS. 13, ALL ELBOWS IN DUCTWORK SHALL BE RADIUS ELBOWS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. RADIUS ELBOWS SHALL HAVE CENTERLINE RADIUS OF CURVATURE 1.5 TIMES THE DUCT DIAMETER OR WIDTH IN THE PLANE OF TURN. WHERE SQUARE ELBOWS ARE SHOWN, INSTALL TURNING VANES. 14. DUCTS CONNECTED TO EQUIPMENT SHALL EQUAL EQUIPMENT CONNECTION SIZE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 15. MAXIMUM LENGTH ON FLEXIBLE DUCT SHALL BE 64', UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON DETAILS OR SPECIFICATION. 16, REFER TO ARCH REFLECTED CEILING PLANS FOR EXACT DIFFUSER LOCATIONS IN AREAS WITH A CEILING. o LO v U N � a� c m o 0 a w Z �CY) d01 M '(0 mED Issuances PERMITS: 02/27/2019 SITE PLAN REVIEW: 02106/2019 Revisions No. Date Description Z 0 s_ W s_ J W W J U� M J J Q LL O LU LLI U W_ 0 0 U� 00 V� v Seal aRa ea1,1M U1,111p+i- IV No. 6 47 9 �T F kt~ If this document is sealed and signed in a digital or electronic format and is received from someoi other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing professional in wring to validate authenticity of the document. The sealing professional disclaim the seal and signature and shall not be liable for any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manner. Job Number 83460006 Drawn By TDK SHEETMETAL SYMBOLOGY App/d By SOW PI I SA SUPPLY AIR Sheet Title Y EA R ST AIR' ' PHASING GENERAL EXISTING -TO REMAIN MECHANICAL EXISTING - FOR DEMOLITION INFORMATION EXTENT OF DEMOLITION Sheet Number POINT OF CONNECTION BETWEEN PROPOSED AND EXISTING o . 0 _j i TI EX. AIR-COOLED CHILLER,130 TON, TO REMAIN 70 (2) EX. CHILLED WATER PUMP, TO REMAIN — O 20 EX. AHU-4, TO REMAIN vv,oTiun nnu,eo 0 IL- AHU-1 • 41111111111, •411111111110•AIIIIIIIIII,• 41111111111, • FIRST FLOOR HVAC PLAN 1/16' = V-0" MECHANICAL KEYNOTES aj 2 a 1. EXISTING AIR-COOLED CHILLER TO REMAIN. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TO r z VERIFY CHILLER IS FUNCTIONING PROPERLY; I.E. REFRIGERANT CHARGE, F - STAGING OF SCROLL COMPRESSORS, PROVIDING CHILLED WATER AT ^ W to TEMPERATURE SET POINTS, CLEAN STRAINERS, WATER FLOW SWITCH, _ W Z TRANSDUCERS AND TEMPERATURE SENSORS, ETC... REPORT FINDINGS TO > 0E 00 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER w 0 2. EXISTING AIR HANDLING UNIT TO REMAIN. EXISTING CONTROLS AND ACTUATORS ��^ w v; m TO BE REPLACED WITH NEW ELECTRONIC CONTROLS TO HAVE UNIT OPERATE y ' a 0 ACCORDING TO THE SEQUENCE OPERATION ON SHEET M0.01. INSIDE OF AIR U w HANDLING UNIT AND CHILLED WATER COIL TO BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED. W MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE DUCT MOUNTED SUPPLY AIR AND _ 12 o RETURN AIR SMOKE DETECTORS ARE FUNCTIONING AND ARE INTERLOCKED TO ` L) FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND REPORT FINDINGS TO CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, of W GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER.. OI W Z 3. END OF EXISTING RETURN AIR DUCT TO BE OPEN TO SPACE, PROVIDE 1" WIRE W co MESH OVER OPENING. 0 ran v 4. EXISTING SUPPLY AIR FABRIC DUCT TO REMAIN AND BE REUSED. NO SCHEDULED ` w CHANGES. 0 M 5. REMOVE EXISTING DUCT MOUNTED VAV-BOX AND PROVIDE NEW BALANCING , co Cc DAMPER. REFER TO BALANCING DAMPER AIRFLOW SCHEDULE BELOW FOR a 'to ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. Issuances 6. REMOVE EXISTING DUCTWORK SERVING EXISTING OFFICES. RELOCATE (1) EXISTING 10KW ELECTRIC DUCT HEATER AND ASSOCIATED CONTROLS TO PERMITS: 0212712019 LOCATION SHOWN ON PLANS. PROVIDE NEW THERMOSTAT, TRANSFORMER AND RELAYS. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE ELECTRIC DUCT HEATER IS SITE PLAN REVIEW: 02/06/2019 FUNCTIONING PROPERLY WITH AIRFLOW SWITCH. REPORT FINDINGS TO CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER. Revisions 7. EXISTING CHILLED WATER CIRCULATING BASEMOUNTED PUMPS. MECHANICAL No. Date Description CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PUMPS ARE FUNCTIONING PROPERLY. REPORT FINDINGS TO CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER. 8. REMOVE EXISTING RIGID DUCTWORK,DUCT INSULATION, VAV-BOX, SUPPLY AIR REGISTERS, ASSOCIATED HANGER AND CONTROLS. 9. REMOVE EXISTING 10KW ELECTRIC HEATER AND ASSOCIATED CONTROLS. 10. REMOVE EXISTING SUPPLY AIR DUCTWORK AND PROVIDE NEW SPIRAL DUCTWORK AND REGISTERS. Rrom ZW 0 �Cn 1q U co LL Q W o W WAREHOUSE VENTILATION SCHEDULE AREA AND VENTILATION SQUARE OUTDOOR AIRFLOW RATE REQUIRED OUTDOOR AIR OUTDOORAIR VENTILATION CA CFM H U it SECTION FEET CFM/SQ.FT. CFM EQUIPMENT O LL WAREHOUSE- 51,500 0.12 6,180 EX.AHU-4 6,180 r CONTINUOUS TOTAL REQD 6,180 TOTAL OA CFM 6,180 CA CFM / W BALANCING DAMPER AIRFLOW SCHEDULE a MARK CFM REHEAT COIL REMARKS BD-1 6,480 1,2 BD-2 6,480 - 1,2 BD-3 6,480 - 1,2 BD-4 6,480 - 1.2 Seal BD-5 5,400 - 1,2 :BER�Q'r' \\GENS�. �f� BD-6 4,320 10KW 1,2 `:yQ 0.6 1 BD-7 2,100 1.2 9 ' STA F 4 '-� °' R . _ '� ` BD-8 1,870 1,2 BD-9 6,480 1,2 H1 EXTAL . AHU4 46,090 ,�� iiH ,A,aW`ide 1. BALANCING DAMPER TO BE A MULTI -BLADE RECTANGULAR DAMPER WITH A LOCKING QUADRANT. 2. BALANCING DAMPER SIZE TO BE EQUIVALENT TO THE DUCT DIAMETER THE DAMPER IS MOUNTED IN. If this document is sealed and signed in a d or electronic format and is received from so other than the sealing professional identift the document, you must contact the sealing professional In writing to validate authentich the document. The sealing professional disco the seal and signature and shall not be llabl any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal signature has not been validated in this mai Job Number 834600( Drawn By TC App(d By SDI MSheet Title ill FIRST FLOOR HVAC PLAN Sheet Number MHU J O 24"x20"SA 4 n I I WAREHOUSE 119 RG-2 180 13 � i U WOMEN'S RR 105A ER-1 250 12 I 1F 8„ a v SD-5 150 ICI 50 u 50 L 8"oSA ` RG-1 MOTHER'S i 50 104 00 L 1,000 0 0 0 0 1 SD-1 50 RG-1 CONTEMPLATION m 50 103 I L SD-4 350 Oc x 12"oSA rz, 18"02"RA_ - RG-2 1,000 I I x 0 N I .<yl 12"oSA a � I SD-4 350 I I I I I I 24"x20"SA 24"x20"RA L1__j I BREAKROOM ---- I 102 SD-4 - - -- ---- J 350 \ I`\I Xvl 12"oSA RG-2 1,000 I I STORAGE 108 I SD-2 180 I E — — — — I I If ENLARGED PLANS MECHANICAL KEYNOTES � 01 14 15 I. EXHAUST FAN EF-1 TO BE SUSPENDED FROM STRUCTURE ABOVE, FAN TO RUN Z �� � II CONTINUOUSLY DURING OCCUPIED HOURS. ^LU m 2. WALL MOUNT AHU THERMOSTAT AT 48" AFF ADJACENT TO LIGHT SWITCH. {ii z M WHERE SHOWN ON PLAN, MOUNT CO2 SENSOR AND HUMIDISTAT (AHU-1 & 3) Q v E i1 ADJACENT TO THERMOSTAT. W q I VESTIBULE 11 100 3. NEW DUCTLESS SPLIT SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM TO BE PROVIDED �� w vi ar FOR ELECTRICALIDATA ROOMS, CONDENSING UNIT TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE JI ? vCL > 11 WHERE SHOWN. MOUNT ON CONCRETE PAD. ANCHOR UNIT TO THE PAD /'� F '�5 (HURRICANE HOLD-DOWN). ROUTE LINESETS PER MANUFACTURER'S V W L10"oSA INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. THE INDOOR UNIT SHALL MOUNT ABOVE THE A _ t= II `y m o DOOR TO AVOID FUTURE RACKING OR EQUIPMENT. CONDENSATE SHALL ROUTE U 29 SD-3 TO FLOOR SINK IN ADJACENT JANITOR CLOSET AND DISCHARGE INDIRECTLY. `. ¢ w SD- 4. GRADE -MOUNTED AIR HANDLER AHU-1, AHU-2 & AHU-3 TO HAVE SUPPLY AIR AND w Z li RETURN AIR DUCT -FROM UNIT UP THROUGH SOFFIT INTO CEILING, RETURN AIR It to m u DUCT TO HAVE 1" ACOUSTICAL DUCT LINER FOR FIRST 10'-0" FROM UNIT. d II COORDINATE WITH THE G.C. FOR NEW 4" HOUSE KEEPING PAD FOR EACH UNIT. w g 0" SA EACH UNIT SHALL MOUNT ON A 14" TALL CURB. THE CURB SHALL BE ANCHORED �� 0 u C6 TO THE PAD, AND THE UNIT TIED TO THE CURB USING HURRICANE HOLD DOWN CLAMPS. CM a m SD-3 230 Issuances EMPLOYEE lk STORAGE PERMITS:0212712019 101 SITE PLAN REVIEW: 02/06/2019 Revisions 8"oSA No. Date Description x ED I 14"x12"SA SD-4 350 L 12"oSA I� I i I L SD-4 350 12"eSA I SD-4 350 SD-4 350 n 12"eSA ' I 12"oSA YX SD-4 350 I I I ENLARGED HVAC PLAN-BREAKROOM I I I I HVAC INSULATION NOTES 1, REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMPLETE INSULATION REQUIREMENTS, DRAWING M7.0. 2. ACOUSTICALLY LINE THE FIRST 10' FROM ALL FANS, SUPPLY, RETURN AND EXHAUST. 1" INTERNAL LINING. 3. ALL CONCEALED SUPPLY AND RETURN DUCTWORK SHALL BE INSULATED WITH 1-1/2" BLANKET INSULATION. 4. DUCTWORK BLANKET INSULATION IS REQUIRED FOR SUPPLY AND RETURN DUCTWORK LOCATED WITH A RETURN AIR PLENUM FOR THIS PROJECT. 5. WHERE THE RETURN AIR PLENUM IS DIRECTLY EXPOSED TO SEMI -CONDITIONED WAREHOUSE CONDITIONS (NO FULL HEIGHT WALL SEPARATION, TREAT LIKE CONCEALED DUCTWORK AND PROVIDE INSULATION. Y97-- ZLU O J� ULo � _ co U co J J Q LL Q �U LLJ W_ /� V) O° U~ o0 O �ILL li r W IIIIIJ LU 0 Seal 13ERG�`'a., w,Q�Q• •''•GENSF•��N' COQ..'� No. 69 1 O '9 aT o? • • °it Afli ... a� . S J% N1. Q If this document is sealed and signed in a 1 or electronic format and is received from s1 other than the sealing professional identifi the document, you must contact the sealin professional in writing to validate authentic the document. The sealing professional di'. the seal and signature and shall not be lial any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic sea signature has not been validated in this m Job Number 834601 Drawn By T App/d By SI Sheet Title 7 7 -I () py ENLARGED HVA FLOOR PLANS Sheet Number MH4ml II (ENLARGED j ENLARGED HVAC - TRAINING ROOM 1/4" = 1'-0" D] ENLARGED PLANS MECHANICAL KEYNOTES 1. EXHAUST FAN EF-1 TO BE SUSPENDED FROM STRUCTURE ABOVE. FAN TO RUN CONTINUOUSLY DURING OCCUPIED HOURS. 2. WALL MOUNT AHU THERMOSTAT AT 48" AFF ADJACENT TO LIGHT SWITCH. WHERE SHOWN ON PLAN, MOUNT CO2 SENSOR AND HUMIDISTAT (AHU-1 & 3) ADJACENT TO THERMOSTAT. 3. NEW DUCTLESS SPLIT SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM TO BE PROVIDED FOR ELECTRICAL/DATA ROOMS. CONDENSING UNIT TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE WHERE SHOWN. MOUNT ON CONCRETE PAD. ANCHOR UNIT TO THE PAD (HURRICANE HOLD-DOWN). ROUTE LINESETS PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. THE INDOOR UNIT SHALL MOUNT ABOVE THE DOOR TO AVOID FUTURE RACKING OR EQUIPMENT. CONDENSATE SHALL ROUTE TO FLOOR SINK IN ADJACENT JANITOR CLOSET AND DISCHARGE INDIRECTLY. 4. GRADE -MOUNTED AIR HANDLER AHU-1, AHU-2 & AHU-3 TO HAVE SUPPLY AIRAND RETURN AIR DUCT -FROM UNIT UP THROUGH SOFFIT INTO CEILING. RETURN AIR DUCT TO HAVE 1" ACOUSTICAL DUCT LINER FOR FIRST 19-0" FROM UNIT. COORDINATE WITH THE G.C. FOR NEW 4" HOUSE KEEPING PAD FOR EACH UNIT. EACH UNIT SHALL MOUNT ON A 14" TALL CURB. THE CURB SHALL BE ANCHORED TO THE PAD, AND THE UNIT TIED TO THE CURB USING HURRICANE HOLD DOWN CLAMPS. HVAC INSULATION NOTES 1. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMPLETE INSULATION REQUIREMENTS, DRAWING M7.0. 2. ACOUSTICALLY LINE THE FIRST 10' FROM ALL FANS, SUPPLY, RETURN AND EXHAUST. 1" INTERNAL LINING. 3. ALL CONCEALED SUPPLY AND RETURN DUCTWORK SHALL BE INSULATED WITH 1.112" BLANKET INSULATION. 4. DUCTWORK BLANKET INSULATION IS REQUIRED FOR SUPPLY AND RETURN DUCTWORK LOCATED WITH A RETURN AIR PLENUM FOR THIS PROJECT. 5. WHERE THE RETURN AIR PLENUM IS DIRECTLY EXPOSED TO SEMI -CONDITIONED WAREHOUSE CONDITIONS (NO FULL HEIGHT WALL SEPARATION, TREAT LIKE CONCEALED DUCTWORK AND PROVIDE INSULATION. ICUU a z Z ^ _ w rr, Z w UM) / c _ E �� w u A w LP j a ~ � N m 2 m 2 0 w w Z � W � O T VD OO a °r° co 400100100 MIND Issuances PERMITS: 02/27/2019 SITE PLAN REVIEW: 02/06/2019 Revisions No. Date Description r m Zw O J � Uco co J J Q Q LL �U v♦ O D U~ o� C)O ILL W W 0 Seal S�"Jt rsioaa., arHej BE 0 brj. qf/.. iA CO zr .r •: � No. 694�� r' If this document is sealed and signed in a digital or electronic format and is received from someom other than the sealing professional identified in the document, you must contact the sealing professional in writing to validate authenticity of the document. The sealing professional disclaims the seal and signature and shall not be liable for any liability associated with it where the authenticity of any digital or electronic seal or signature has not been validated in this manner. Job Number 83460006 Drawn By BJP App/d By SDW Sheet Title ENLARGED HVAC FLOOR PLANS Sheet Number MHU