HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL ROOFING UNDERLAYMENT61812018• BCIS-Home- .1 Log -In I 'User.RegistMion. 1 ba . *.:: Prod�,- ucCAW o"Wiat_ 9 USER. PLbirc User. , < FL Application Type Code Version - Application Status C-orninents Archived ProtTtic Mei ijlf dilrer Ado rep_s/)'.hone/ f..mail Authorized Signature Technical Representative A4dress/PhonQEm6l1 - t�ii'alify aS'surancel2epresen`fa�ve Addre.��/Phgt�el�ln?!I Category Subcategory. Compliance Method Fforfda. frngineier-or• Arcliifect Name_trof Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality-Assuran'ce,Coptract Expiration Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of FloridaBuiilding:CodetOnline BY='.;C@'i�ktib8��"�AB;fBYC$`dit 0`lli`OIVi"�fifilWy'i'dxlf!iM` FL2569-'Rf4 RECEIVED Revision Appr oved JUN 0 8 2018 Approved ST. Lucie County, Permitting r Sbprieirra, fni:: �(�ariadaT 1-640.jUe kinoarty Drummondville, NON -US 00000 (819) 478-2400 memathieu@soprema.ca, Marc -Etienne Mathieu memathieu@soprema.ca Marc -Etienne Mathieu 16$8;Jean-Berth mans.. -Michaud, I?tU:r??!Tlf)1?i1vi�le, :�loN-�s-40000.. (819)478-2400 Ext3327 memathieu@soprema.ca J ar.-Ffancois cad, Ph [5. pf4�l-,rue H 99a►�y Drummondville (888)811-3145 jfcote@soprema.ca. Roofing Underlayments Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional; Eng'irieer 0 Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received i iie. k6belt T:1Pt:1Vlernlnen PE-59166 UL LLC 07/18/2020• John W KnezevictV PE `6 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Standard Year .A97 01195/6` .2k' T_ ASTM D4798 2011 AS TM 66163 2i008' FM 4474 2011 FI2SA%f RI April 2012 (6442) 20] Z UL 1897 2012 Ud3xYl1 vjnJ7BuJeLaiaVz3Z5%2fDQ%3d%3d 1/2 618/20% gquivieence of Product Standards Certified By Florida. &n7dM§-Cdd&-0edift-e - Sections from the Code Product AOpfbVal Method. Date Submitted Date Validated Date`PthdioFBC'Approval: Date Approved Method,1 Option-D 02/12/2018 02114/2618 0211712019-- 04/10/2018 FL MdK;- Muiriwb.or- 41 lftdki!� POS"11000*- 2569:1 Soprema Roof Self adhering,.roof underlayments Approvpo.fw use R � FL2569 R-14 11 2018 '021� FIUAE- R14.pdf-.-,. 'B' i(Obbit'Nkirnintri R.E. P&5466 y Created by Independent Third Party: Yes M'969 f�14- AE 2*018' 0.1, N -sgPPr=mA- CA- tjhqj� L YMENTS F - '56. - FINAL ER, R A L2 9 ,6ppMvi4for-.use gutside.HVHZ---, Iiiijiakf-IW�ittiriii- k/A Degign Pressure: -tW -1'50 of Uge, 2.) The4.66sign- pressure noti!dhef6ih es- , 0.6r.tat'n's--tib-'Uhder-layM6r-it-.'s ... y..stems-.,us beneath -adhesive-set the systems-. R fer- tor -Created, by. Independent Third,PartV.: Yes, ,F-R 66 ::Aalaii-A6aniii Ca& talla6assee 6- 16OW 06an&- 4 ibi*- The State of Florida is an AA/EEO empi0I 9yd bt.2007-2013 State ofMorda. :: Privacy, Statement: Accessibility Sta tement.:, Refuadstatement. Under Florida la% emaWaddresses!arepublic !1Z,If A , otwantyoure-maWaddreseleased'ir'resoons�to,a:publit-records request, do not send electronic, Product Approval Accepts: I CS, record. https.//Roridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_00.asp)Oparam--wGEVXQv4DqsKQFEnckBI08ErxlUd3x'AlvjnJ7BuJeLaiaVz3Z5%2fDQ`/`3d�/*3d 212 ANEMO i etc. Cis'itij7cot� ofAUfhonidho�i�324�5 3531 Oristfan greets Unit415- Oxford, -Cr 06478 (203j-262L9245 ENGti11E€R- $VihLtj4TE giSf SULT CEttTi l( Soprema, Inc. M6, rue'liaggerty Drummondville; Quebec 12C.5179: Canada- (819) 478-2400 3COEE: This Evaluation- Report is issued under R construction materials in the State of-Floi RE. for, use of the. product under the. F products described- herein- have- been: ec sections noted herein. -04sc�tan6m., LAsEuNs. Labeling shalt be in accordance t herein. &NTINUED. MIPUANCE Thf&-tV44Uatf0n.Repc Quality-Assurance-documentation=changes, this Evaluation Report by the named client the�{�ro�uit * theCP4lfty-A4grence-orfhf �; E.vajuaiion�Fteport.relat{ve:ta. upc#af~ed tion Report S18010.06.09-1112 A19,,64--14 gate 6htsuance: 06/2512- m-. Revision 12: 02/12/2018 fr16204 and the applicable- rules. and:` regulations.governing the use- of The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, da. Building Code and. Florida. Building Code,. Residential, Volume: The ated- for compliance- with- the Cry`. Edition- (2017jr Florida- Boitding- Code the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency- noted is valid, and suchAime as -the named, product(s),changes,,'the referenced. provisions-oftheCode=that-relate to the -.product` change: Acceptance of institutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. of any changes to r6dudibii-faelfty locatiWn NtM6. ;etc.-reci ires-a-compfete-revleW-bt ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report num er preceded by the words "NEMOIetc. Evaluated" may be displayed in acfverfising;�ifeTature. ffariytirfiori'ot�ti'e' vafaat�ori ltdport'i clisjlayff,ori'it'shall'fe cf6n'd7n its`efr'tirefy: INSPECTIONUpon, request;arcopy-ofthis.entie Evaluation ReportshalFbeprovidt&tdtieuser bythe- manufacturer or - its distributors and shall be available for insp ection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This i=v'ahtatioriRersor•t consists-bf rfas=1� t�'r`o etf 8 l tepaFe k*l �ERif E7C/tt(t9Pr6P`jlfiDERENtfEi1TC2'� 1. NEMO ETC, LLC does not have, nor does it "int distributing products it evaluates. 2. NEMO ETC, LLC is not owned, operated or cont i Robert Nieminen; P.E. does not have nor will, WhichthiYevaIdation report a.re-being issued: 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will .product. S. This is a building code evaluatron. Neither Nl project on which this Evaluation Report, or pn specifically for that purpose. :helot;imlesealappeann�was,authorized,bgRobeit, t t slC,wlti-� i'h s •Nieminen, P.E.n 02/12/2018 This does not serve as an , r�:�i.,••..•+.++ • electronicalfp signe8`documenf: acquire or wilt'it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. a financial interest in-anyL company manufacturing, or distributing products for- e, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the etc. rior Robert Nierriirierr, P:E are, Fri ariy way, the Desigddr-df Rkdr'd'for any - versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained RooFiNG.COMPONENT. EvAwmam Product'Category: Roofing Sub -Category: Uncferlaymerrt Compliance Statement: Roof Unde'l yments, as produced by Soprema, have demonstrated compliance with the f6lib;Wifig se-dibfig-6f, th6ie Editidii. (20117) Fidirift Bitfildifij Cbdb thebU§h U?9ti-n`g in accordance with ME. TbIllumi6g Staridardt; C6Mpli';Efnc# is tubldtt-to thef IhstallatfUtf 110quiteiff6rits- and- Limitafidris-/"C6nditions- oFUs& S6tfofrth herein. Section C Standard ea 1504.3.1 Wind Resistance FM 4474 2011 1564A.1 'Wind lJplift . U I L 1897- 2G12, 150.2.4-f 1507-.1.1-; 1507.2-.9-.2: Physical r6ft6ttidt ASTM D1970= 2015 1507.3.3 Physical Properties FRSA/TRI April 2012 2012 FRSVrRFAprlI` 2012 (04-12Y PhVsital Prdpeffi6s ASTMD6163- 2005 TAS110 Acceler ted Weathering ASTM D4798 2011 RtfthEkES: ERD (TST6049) ASTM D 970 TAS 110 2968.05.04-2 05/14/2004: tk b (Twu 6 4j) Physical Properties 2757.02.05- 62/03/2665 ERD:(TST-6049)- AST-M-D 1-970-/-T-AS 110 2974.6105-1 0511712005 ERD (TST6049) Wind Resistance 2778.07.05 07/15/2005 ERD (1516049.) 'Wind 'R' sistance 2779. i i.'6S -R i 04%1-8h007 ERU} (TST6049) T-AS-103/TASIIG ll-/02/2007 ERD (TST6049) ASTM D Ekb-(i*5-#64§), M D ASTM 06 /IAS416 53137603,102- . R1 64i0 126i0- ERIY(TST6049)'- Physical Ptodftiet-/-TLihtileAdhesion - S11:150.'05.10:6111 09/09/2010', ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties/ Tensile Adhesion S11150.05.09-R2 10/05/2010 ERD (TST6049) ASTM D 11[09%2611 ERD (TST694% ASTM D -9M S40540.02-.13-1 02/19/Z013 ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties/ Tensile Adhesion S43530.02.14-1 02/21/2014 tkib CTSF6644) Ohysicall Properties/Tensile Adhesion SOPC-SC7645-.02,.15- 02j13fibiS- ERIY-(T-ST6049Y A&6rtit. t6dW6atMrFhi;' SOPIC-SC852014' 04/17/2015 ERD (TST6049) Wind Resistance SOPC-SC14045.05.17-RI 06/07/2017 14042 Compliance 1t4�6&64 09/24j2015 ICC-ES(EVL2396Y ZU151 -affiorlant6 ESR-M4 03/01MUT PRI (TST5878) Physical Properties SOP-064-02-01 12/03/2013 Stipterhaf, Inc. (PDM3511Y E q'uivalen' q- Ncigratf6ft SA- SMOOTH: PLY'410' 06/29/2015- UL, LLC (QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation Exp. 07/18/2020 4.1 LastGboncf- TU Fff is a self acifi-e-i underlayment; meets ASTM D1970 ar 41 is a 41§ardh'6ej#9 available7 imtwo-wjdihsr36 and-45 inc 4.3 RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY 40 is a `i n#tf2yrnenty ova lai Fein �J-ff 6-5- 4.4- Lastoboncf Shi4cf- H!T- is a seff-adherihl underlayment; meets ASTM D1970. Certificate of Authorization #32455 eH, 311 non-woveff polyester fiibric- surfaced; S&S, modifled bitumen- roof FRSA/TRl April 2012 (04-12). VbVeh p- hqCIf 6jjU-ff6h roof '-CjffCfer(4V meets ASTM�W970. woven polyethylene surfaced, S,BS modified bitumen roof woverr-polyetfiyfenesurfiacedhigh temperature:, SSS-modifie'&6ftumen roof DN-(2017)'FRC NON-HVHZ'EVALUA 1710N- FL25694TI4 gop'rema'Roof Underlayments Revision ii.- Ul Page 2 of 8 f Wma[e: Bring,, vitr�ve�n p��yethy�ene �ul�acedy, 5�S *tc afY uhder�aytneiii=, 4.6 Lastobond Pro HT-S is. a self-adhed �Intie�rfayment, rne�fs A5�'i1h b197U, 4.7 fnviFaSh9efd is a seff-adhering, a underlayment; meets ASTM D1970. 4:$ lstofiant]< 3$ is aff a7(fierin`g; I meetsASTM Di970: . meets-k9m 61070. woven polyethylene surfaced, high temperature, SBS modified bitumen roof polyethylene surfaced, high temperature; SBS modified' bitumen roof �r'eirce\tl, �aiitf sil�`f`acecf,, SBS ti�otfii%`e� bitu>Yreti �r'o�f und`er`layrn��i`�; 4.9 Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet is la self -adhering, glass -mat reinforced, sand -surfaced, SBS modified bitumen root,underlayment; meets / S fM D197 . 4.1EF Lastoborid` Eco is a self -adhering; gla -mat reinforced, 'sand-- rfacdd, SBS modified bitumen roof underayment; meets ASTM D1970. 4 . 1i nd, 5imith seii Eft is se`fi underlayment;; meets.AST11't b1g70 " 4.12 RESISTO LB1236 is a self -adhering, gli wiCfi a b=lncfi sfie,t wid­11tffiy meets AST 41-3 PrimeSource, Grlp=Rite Ewe & Vaff modified bitumen roof underlayment, 41d, ti�ESl�f� iXB�,�a4 i�,'a'sel�'ifdhertng,;gl. with=aU--inchsheetwid'th meets_MiT 4.15 Colphene FR GR is a self-adherir underldVMeNt; meets ASTM D1970 an 5.1 5 5.3 5.4 fas maf: �entrcZf,ili►iuiaec�, 5B5 mod►fiecf, bi�urier Yob -mat reinforced, sand -surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment, rC�1970. ProtecttoF is, a self-adhenng; glass -mat reinforced; sand -surfaced; SBS ith a 36-inch sheet width; meets ASTM D1970. =m�'f `re►h'fprced,, saht f surfaced,, SBS mQ��fierf , bitume�ri„roof' u'Cttfertaym�rf,, , fiberglass reinforced, granule -surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof 'FRSA/TRI APW 2012'(04-121. This isa_building.code.evaluation. Nether MEMO.ETC,.LLC nor .Robert Nieminen,,RE. are, in. any. way,.the -Designer of Record=for'any-project on-'whicfTth s-Evafuation=Repast, or previous versionsthereof; is/was used- for, permitting - or design guidance unless retained sp cifically for that purpose. this Evalutibn Rep7ft isot for use; n FBir HVW fitrisdicfions; Fire Classification. is not part ofthis re ort; refer to current Approved" Roofing Materials Directory, for fire- ratings of this product. Soprema Roof Underlayments may, be- used with any prepared. roof. 'cover where the. product is specifically: reference&- withirr• FOG approval= doe : ments. if not fisted, a-' request may- be- made- to- the- Authority, Having Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof covering. Alli.�ablc i%af Cc3vers TABLE I- ROOFC OVER e 77 Waad or Slats 1 pha�t Nall On *oamxOrtampositi< Underlaymerit rngfes Tile- Tile.- Metal 'S1rai�& Eompvsite Slate - ;Slnngles . ,:. r t a tastobond T U HT Yf Yes w Sei� 1 . t ���X't. is: 4�yYv���teS�. .... .. .. ..«.. ..: ,. _. �� �1e� � �}.{��p`�it�� a �fi�Y �S1$����a%�•t �"1A4��.'H44 ��i�5�;z �ie+. +{'��,��ik ,{ �ti y Lastobond,Sheld HT J>Pro FFT Yes Yes �`N+AkNa r, ,FeS4. ; . i�EI�tO`T=TC ECC' t�vafriii�on tl;"e"piiit`�1$02`dtl� tf9�iCr2` Certificate of Authorization #32455 e'ED TFON- jZQ17) FBC-NOff-HVHZEVALUATfON F 256"fAF Soprema Roof Underlaymenis Revision 12 OL/12J ki Page 3 of 8 ralb Le TABLE 1- -ROOF COVEROPTIONS Metal Composite UnderlaymeM Sian Shingle� tote dn'SF e/A�1- W Lastobond 195 RESISTOR -RESU, 01131244- ...... ...... ..... A R4 A 2— V - X �W' 54.1 ;`00. ffi Till" IS limited"fpj _use d0r4yfgci6a 6 44 he dyes to 6fnntqm 4 , " , , ­- , , , 6 63� [ bow-Tihigond* 1: 1 FL22525 1; Lastobond-TLI-Iff 'I SA-1- birect-gond­wbeck;� Lastobond Shield, Lastobond Pro EnviroShteld,,Lastobond TU HT, 191236, GrIP-Rite, Eave & Valley F > Plywood; ASTM D41 primed r toutf ern 'Vot00, , - t tk 1' ' Colpfiene FR GR applied --tor > Plywood; ASTM D41 primed p Ndbe: > Whilt not required Over OIVv with Elastocol Stick or Elastoc ffe-WrI4 5.6.2 Bond -to -insulation: -N, RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY 40, Lastobond Shield HT, Lastobond Pro HT-S, tobond Eaves Protectioin Sheet, Lastobond 195,1asiobond ECO, RESISTO lector, RESISTOtBI244 orLastobond SmootfiSeat: H!T applied to: vood; OSB; ASTM D41 primed OSB; Southern Yellow Pine; ASTM D41 primed ASTM D41 primed structural concrete. �d, OSB or Sduthorh bellow' Pine-; substrates, Soprbehii tte6th-mdrids- priming 600c if the final roof cover is not slated for installation within 24 hours. 0�4-ptior - I i It ion q�qe�OWi� p a a f of 'Lastobond Shield,,Lastabond,Pro T;A RESISTO SA SMOOTH P1Y,40,,Lastobond Shield HT, Lastobond Pro Hr-S,. EnvlroShfefcf,Lastobond 'Tt1- W, 11—astoboriff Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastdboncf- ISS, tastofioncf E-Cor, RESIST-& LB1236, Grip -Rite Eave & Valley Protector, RESISTO L61244, Lastobond Smooth Seal HT or Colphene FR GR -40- _066if-6: ➢ Dens ,._Deck Prime�.SECUROCK43ypsurni-Fiber Roof Board. For installation under mechanical) ,r attached prepared roof coverings, insulation shall be attached per minimum requirements of the prepared roof covering manufacturer's Product Approval. For installations under foam--�on, tife systems (Lastobond-W HT ;1y1; insulation, attachment shall be- designed by a. qualified design- professional.: and installed based on testing of the insulation/underlayment system in accordance with FM 4474, Appendix D, Ufthig XOOIWAU645tiftdiid-TAS-�U6 AppbhdW1de-UL1907-. `Re rind �'ifeiiilonfifot`tureYsbr"Atftie'shie•tfrlo cturer's-f'fonio-#r'oi�tii;i'�lfiprova�fo�U've�urhrn Udm* -6, n-, f mfs`1F&&nvi�Ae d6fiffloviced. NEM , 0 ETA I C I � LLC Evaluation kepori ftiW.69.d§-R`-U certificate of Authorization #3245S DITION (2017) F8C NON-KVHZ EVALUATION FL2569-RI4 §oprema 96ot Underiaymenis kevisfon ii. di/ft/idig Page 4 of 8 0 5.6.4 #1 `#2 #3 #4 Lastobond,Shield; Lastobond-Pro- EnviroShield, Lastobond TU HT, L61236, ,Gr'ip-Rite Eave & Valley. applied to: ➢ ASTM D226, Type I or II felt; S For• installations under- mechanica codified -'requirements: F-orinstall attached in accordance with FRSA addles wind uplift resistance underlayment forms part of the Ic that are. not addressed in FRSA/1 Design Pressure4s,the result of-te ultimate passing pressure divided Refe7 tb �R��1%�1`itt J�pti(��13 (D4 7 RESiSTCY-SASMOOTI PLY40, Lastobond'Shiield=HTF LaAobond Pro FFFf-S, and Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond 195, Lastobond ECO, RESISTO tor, RESISTO tB1244, tasto'bond Smooth Seal ' HT 'or 'Colph'ene FR 'GR Modified Sopra-G. ttached: prepared. roof coverings, base layer shall be.attached. per minimum ns under foam=ort--tile;systems>(Lastobond-TtkHT only', base -layer shall -be 1 April 2012 (04-12). (stems in foam=0n Tile. Applications: FRSA/TRI April 2012 (0442):VGes'not all underlayment systems beneath foam-offthe- systems; where the- -path. The following wind uplift limitations apply to underlayment systems April 2012 (0M12) and. are, used, in, foam -on. tile, applications. Maximum, igfor wind -load resistance -based on, allowable -wind -loads; and- reflects; the 2 (the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already been applied). �r FBC 16694- d�-ferminatib`n of design vgin� pressures. Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: (OptiorralkEfasto mf Stick, E-lastocol 600cor-RES R ENTE-R1012 PRIMER Underlayment: Lastobond TU HI or Colphene FR GR, self -adhered. tviaximum uesign rressure = -ar.5 psr: Deck: StrttcturaF concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction- of Authority` Having - Jurisdiction. Pf trier: -g69fotof`66& Underlayment:. L-astobondTtl H, or-Colphene Fl2-Glt,self_-adhered: Maximum Design Pressure = -150.0 sf: Deck: Min. 15/32-inch APA=rated 'BCX plywood (may. 'be installed -C-side -up) to meet 'project requirements to satisfaction. of Authority Having Jurisdiction: Deck Preparation: Plywood shall b thoroughly cleaned to remove dust and debris that may inhibit adhesion. All sheathing fasteners shall be driven. flush with. the. surface. All sharp, splinters and. wood, Primer: (Optional) RESIS Underlayment: tastobond TU- F roller to ensure - laps. J( 411t�0101 Deck: Mitt.19/32-incl Jurisdiction. 'Ba"se Sheet: 'ShcY5-:G & Moc 1517 5.21 space in the center. of _U6derl6,ynient.- -Lastb606t(Wt 5:6:4:1 All -other direct deck) adhered Sol Design Pressure of -45 psf. "NE .MI0 ETC Litt Cerditcate ofAvthor¢allon #32455 fA 11�:1[a]:il7.11M;� ; 'self -adhered, shall be thoroughly toll 'using hand roller and/or weighted here -are; no voids; and ensure there are ntr voids/bridging at sidel and end- pl} 6b& to. meet= project requirements- to satisfact"ro"rr of AiiW rity= Haviftg- ibU'SWhi-G'mechar icaliy att66hed,_with'ii51B (FBC 1517.5.1) andlih cap"s'(FBC 64rith o.c. at-t fo 4-irich laps and &ift i o.c. m three (3); egtiafFy spaced roviis ie sheet. ar.Cofpfiene `h_6Fty,seff �dT�ereil. systems beneath=foam-on-tile-systems carrya- Maximum Soprema Roof Onderlayments �veluadon �tppor�Sf`Sb`lb:i#6 ��` It12 °FL-2569-1114 Revision 12: &/12/2018 Page 5 of 8 a; � -kr(40*0 -*arko4 t� q exceed -that rewired-under'FRU tmafetc. mu m for -ffie -silodeV a5sLimlkv shot meet or rApril-2032 (j4:i2)Ap ,ppndIIx-A;,TablaiA.. Alternatively, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure `determined in• accordanc( with FBC 1609. In this 'case, Zones 2 and 3 'shall -employ an attachment density designed by a qualified cleign, professionaf to, resist the elevated pressure criteria. Common � used methods are ANSII/SPRII WD1, FIVI L )ss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 and Roofing Application Standard RAS.117. ofl-Lois-pievettiit Data.Sheet.145 (January ZD16Y.for'. bne.2/3 enhancements. 5.7 Exposure Limitations: 5.8 URbb6hd'EdVb-sW6tektilUh Shbbt, - Wobbift-d 195,1MM'd6d teb,-Iiistbbend'SM,66th'Sbtl-,HT,,kESISTC),LB1236, Grip -Rite` EAve & Vallev Protector- or RESISTO L81244 shall not be- left eXobsdd- for l6figet- thdh 30-daiyt after installation. S-,Enviroghleld-shall-notbe:ieft.ex..- d-forlonger-thanigd-.&V PL _s after installatiom Lastabond TU HT or Colphene FR G4 shall not be left exposed for longer than 180-days after installation. Wherr loading roof tifes- on tfie und' ri-layment In diTect-deck tife, assemblies; the: maximum.- roof slope, shall. be: as, follows. These slope limitations can, only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof tiles. ia . §td , bd , i , id . TUH I T- 6� 6,06,-Ofii.o -iviEiiiio�i-c tic CerffflcaW VfA Udwnzadon #32455 Max. 100.tilestack(b.ottom:2-,tile�stack, 64� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- ...... Lugged_ Flat: li DN-(Ml7) FOCKOrF-HVHZ EVALUATION FE236% ftrdf S6prema'Roof ljncferlayments Revision 12: 6#0#61-8- Page 6 of 8 fssl Soprenwitw& Wirderlliyments- sliall, �e-insta]116din•ac-cord-ance-wit-FY-Soprenw-published-inst-alFation- requ irementsr subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. 6.2 Re -fasten any, loose'decking panels, and -check for protruding -nail 'heads. Sweep 'the -substrate thoroughly to rremovearrk- dust and: debris prior t apoicatiory, and prime- the substratL- witfi E -fastocof Stick, El�astocof 600C or RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER (if applicible). 6.11- Shall- be- installedt. 6.3.3 the requirements for ASTK D197.0,underlayment-in. FBC-Table- 1507,1-a.l- for karij & Applications:._ While priming is optional, Soprema recommends priming with Elastocol Stick, Elastocol 600c or RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER if the final roof cover is not slated for installation within 24 hours. applysheet �aratfel'tii ire roof edge. Roll out apptoxirnateiyTCt ft'af rtiembrarie aril peeF back-tle first 3` fe-of release film. AWhereihe exposed, patio.*fie sOW rate anal unrO.Uihe rernafning menibran as,far, as,ppssible-. Once-Afte- entire length of=membrane- is irrpface, peel-offtfiecrefease=fil"M-diagonafly,wfiil'e-hDiding--the-membr-aner tight. Firmly roll the membrane into� place to achieve a bond. Horizontal seams should be,minimuln 3=mches, configured to -shed water. Vertical seams-should'be 64nches and staggered not less than 2--ft- from vrticaf seams- irrthe course below-. Rif over-gmnuie:end laps shall besealed using either heat -welding or hot air �ellcling techniques. W. en, installing at slopes. above '9Ah44 Soprema. recommends. -back-noiling iln'ihe omedap, area, di the -top, o6hp . shoerair ti-irrch-. a-c7- For Valleys and Ridges: Cut under) yment into 4 to 6 foot lengths. Peel, the release paper and center sheet over I valley t�7' riffle, gape ani press she i Intoface, worftingror�rrthe center of _8 k' 'qy -qr meach clrretioli„ Forvii1leys, applythe:sheet stafting, pt the lowest point and.-work.upwarcL. 90feren,ce 1 s'.m,*aeioTRSAjT1.0 A For foam -on the applications, refs -otiW e-the scope 60W/ . TRI-ApJ T& shalf fie loadiad-and staged in: Table 2 herein, and Soprema pub) As,requireifl this product. w '(64-42)Amta1(aif ,Vanual, arkd.-T.4feA-Aeretn, usi ng t.e instructions. o.ns. is made to Section 5.6A herein for wind resistance limitations that fall 7ner- that- prevents tile,slippage a;Frcf/0'r- diamageto the underfayment. See. requirements for the staging. Authority- Having-Junsdictiow iff-ordier for 4, - --fie I -Certificate ofAutharization #32455 EDITION (20171 FBC NON-HVHZ-EVALUATtON FL2569-KIA Soprema Roof Underlaymenis fievision ii": ok/iifidig Page 7 of 8 iastobpbds, 0 -Sk-.SMQQTB PLY 4%: LMtobbfidShW&HT,� hidd�,RESIST Last64ond:Prlo.'*Ii'T-N;Lasib6oind'.Pr6fiT--S;-Envir&.Shield, Last6bond-.`05; Drummondville, MXM: - aftobo1!&'cco__ boocl$mobfb° Seat HT-,. RESIST -Or 1,131236, PritiieSobree: Gr ip`-Rite'lEaVe-& Vall6V. . RE 4. A!MVIF &f§fO'g 6412' 61pliene rififfif Wadsworth-, OHL ASTM-DI970 Lastobond-Smooth Seal-HTi-RESISTO-LB1236ilPrimeSource Grip -Rite LA .5TPI97 M fft T e-_G Lastobond.1'55;'Last6bof)d..Eayes,.Protection :'$heet;'Last6bond.tco; GuGulfport, MS :,MTM-D,1970 LastobbndSmoothS-ealN'T;,.ktSiST61:Ei1236 >PiirhbkurceGrip---kiie: Eavo & Valley'Protector,,RESISTG'LB1244-