HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEYLO c 0 TAX PARCEL 3414-501-0515-000/1 �II I� 0 89°0 '49" E F.F,E, = 20,00 5' WOOD 1 � LO I x�e EXS ING WELL W r X W W N F— O O 0 110 110 4z 0 N I 0 LO IiJ CD a O O O O O z x I BARN X MIN. SAP ACK REQ. 0 FRONT x��1 SIDES CNR SIDE I REAR �� x X —X —X —X —X ZNG. " _ x� TECH. - - - --- - — - - - - - - — - --• -- — FILE COPY ALL ELEy TIONS SHO#N HEREON E BASED ON NORTH A 0rdCAN VERTICAL DAT JV OF 1988 (N.A.y.D.'88) SEI TAX PARCEL 3414-601-0516-000/8 ABBREVIATIONS: SURVEYORS NOTES: R.O.W. = Right of Way 1, Unless otherwise noted only platted easements CONC. = Concrete are sho*n hereon. R = Radius of curve 2. No underground utilities or improvements Were L = Length of curve located unless otherwise shown. 0 = Delta of Curve 3. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Nop SEAS. = Wasured Zone X Vap# 12 M CO283.1 Dated 2/16/12. SET = Set 6/8" iron rebor With 4. Bearings shown hereon are based on the East yello►q cop marked "PSI 5543" line of Lot 22 Block 1184 as being S00'00'00"E C.L.F. = Chain Link Fence according to the Plat described hereon. 5. All Lot dimensions shorn ore per plat unless otherwise shown. REVISION I SCREEN ENCLOSURE `GREEN HOUSE" 650.28' I � CD X Ii2 32' CR. �_ X— X—T —X 2" X_ X_ X_ X_ X_ SUE BENDOM NfIR IN POWER POLE c ELEVATION. 1BJio tuvD'88 BENC UAM l,Vr �Sf� 9.81 X T 219.46' 1 I X ry rn V X RE FENCE X X —X —X —X —X —I _X—X�X—X—X_X_X—X— • X X X — X_ X_ X_ X— X— X J 1 `,\O N 89'19'52" E TAX PARCEL 3414-501-0517-000/5 656.78' F,F,E, = 22.04 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: - 7221 SHANNAHS TRAIL LAST FIELD DATE: 5 14 18 THE SOUTH 1/2 OF TRACT 15 BLOCK 1 s SCALE: 1 "=50' Atlantic Land Designs SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE, 40 EAST, PLAT NO, 1 ST. LUCIE GARDENS DATE 9/10/03 of the Treasure Coast, LB7468 751 hE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 31957 according to the plot thereof as recorded in plat book 1 'page 35 DRAWN: JAC Mailing Address: of the public records of St. Lucie 2002-1932 P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 398-4290 county, Florida, DATE: REVISIONS 6 13 03 FORMBOARD TIE-IN 9 10 03 FINAL TIE-IN 9 22 03 REVISE CERTS 12/22/05 1 ADD PROPOSED ADDITION. 8 - ADD PROPOSED ADDI WE O v Cr1 cri M BOUNDARY SURVE tified to: DARRELL DUNHILL I hereby certify that the survey sho*n hereon is true and correct and is based on actual measeuremenls taken in the field. This survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17 M ce Florida administrative code. j"'IFIQ s/ James A. D"I' IlysignedbyJamesA.Cesiro cE arF Jr. PSM 5543 DN: cn=James A. Cesiro Jr., ` o=Atlantic Land Design, ou, Ces i ro J r m i1=AALD5543@gmail.com, c=US a 1� Date: 2018.05.1809:25:14-04'00' � STATE OF NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL RHO coURve 0 I L0 I U a 6 O 0 0 0 CN I I 4 0 I J LLJ V w O O O 5- O O O I.i TAX PARCEL 3414-501-0515-000/1 SITE BEI CIIIM WZ III POWER POLE Owl " F.F,E. = 20.00' ELEvAMN = 1&00 ARV688 BCmw 650.28 x89 0o x`,�oo x�1 ALL ELEVATIONS SHO0j HEREON E BASED ON NORTH AEVERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (N.A.V.D.'88) SEr N 89'19'52" E TAX PARCEL 3414-501-0516-000/8 SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless otherwise noted only platted easements ore shown hereon. 2. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless otherwise sho*n. 3. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Map Zone X Map# 12111CO283J Doted 2/16/12. 4. Bearings shown hereon are based on the East line of Lot 22 Block 1184 as being S00'O0'00"E according to the Plat described hereon. 5. All Lot dimensions shown ore per plot unless otherwise shown. x�0• x ><�r x k EXISTING WELL I X -c I �cr W J x x C) Hx Wftj U X IW x I BARN X 10 x 43.98' � x 62.32' x— x --I 9�, x FORA B 23. B BOARDS tT — COV x 5.3 91 x—X —X—�—X 235.8C —x— X— X—X—�_X .LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ABBREVIATIONS: THE SOUTH 1/2 OF TRACT 15 BLOCK 1 R.O.W. = Right of Way SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE CONC . = Concrete 40 EAST, PLAT NO. 1 ST. LUCIE GARDENS R = Radius of curve according to the plot thereof as L = Length of curve recorded in plat book 1 page 35 A = Delta of Curve of the public records of St. Lucie LEAS. = Measured county, Florida. SET = Set 5/8" iron rebor With yellow cap marked "PSM 6543" C.L.F. = Chain Link Fence REVISION 8/13/18 - FORM BOARD TIE IN 9X10 ADDITION REVISION 5/17/113 - ADD PROPOSFD ADDITION TO REAR OF RECEIVED AUG 14 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting 219.46' I X X I St. r�uc� �'e c . F ^' x ®ate (__ /� ' A C-N x — x — x J It. Approved V x I RE FENCE x x—x—X—X—X—X—X� -x —X -1x —X —x —X x I X x x_ 'e X X I X X_ X_ X— X X X_ X— X�X—XJ 01 x�1� TAX PARCEL 3414-501-0517-000/5 656.78' F.F.E. = 22.04 7221 SHANNAHS TRAIL LAST FIELD DATE: 8/13 SCALE:1 "=50' Atlantic Land Designs. of the Treasure Coast. LB7468 754 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 ALD5543@gmaii.com (772) 398-4290 DATE•9/10/03 DRAWN: JAC 2002-1932 DATE: REVISIONS 6 13 03 FOR BOARD TIE-IN 9 10 03 FINAL TIE-IN 9/22/03 REVISE CERTS ITI $P O v cs M (A gg'1 Iv zr 11% FB BOUNDARY SURVEY i f ied to: DARRELL DUNHILL 1 hereby certify that the survey sho*n hereon is true and correct and is based on actual measeurements token in the field. This survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17M �es Florida ad"ministratiye code. `ETIFf Clq7 laXbs� Digitally si ned byJames A Cesiro Jr. PSM 5543 = ames A. Cesiro Jr., o=Atlantic land Design, ou, o Jr. /—email�ALD5543@gmalLcom,c=U U ate: 2018.08.1314:33:12-04'00' P� STATEOF NOTVA ID WITHOU N AU ENTICATED ELECTRONIC sR °cORIaP SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL Bp SURVEj