HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROJECT INFORMATIONs 9 8 7 - 6 5 4 3 - I ._ 2 A B C E F t- - SCOPE OF WORK: Solar electric PV system Improvement/Retrofit - Q-Cell 295 mono modules mounted on Iron Ridge or Unirac rails with Quickmount or equivalent Code Compliant flashings. Inverter is Solar Edge with Optimizers. The scope of work is to verity that the solar electric Photovoltaic system specified in this document, meets the requirements set forth in the 2014 NEC, the 2017 FBC 6th Ed. and any other Local Utility requirements. 0 The Right Wayl solar=ee quick Mount PV- Rl9P1!CT TH! Root OCELLS .:_A a Ha(w1ha campang ■■ U N I Atali� ^•!&t9C�:«err .a.IRGNRIDGE -- JOB SITE ADDRESS: I O7621 5O_hwQ h Rd fort pi e.r ceFL 34145 PROPERTY OWNER NAME: _D61 V i 1 r!!3[R_Q MAJOR EQUIPMENT USED: RAILS: BY UNIRAC OR IRON RIDGE MODULES: HANWHA Q-CELL 295M 60 CELL MONOCRYSTALLINE GROUNDING: EXTERNAL FOR MODULES 295 STC RATED OUTPUT AND RAILS, #6 BARE COPPER INVERTER: SOLAREDGE WITH OPTIMIZERS FOR EXPOSED AREAS, UNIFIED 3800, 5000, 7600, AND 10,000 WATT GROUNDING ON SAME GROUND GRID -TIED INVERTERS ROD AS MAIN BREAKER PANEL WITH P320 OPTIMIZERS JUNCTION BOX: SOLADECK NO BATTERY BACK-UP UL 1741 LISTED INCLUDES RAPID SHUTDOWN COMBINATION, TRANSITION IN THE INVERTER CIRCUITRY FROM PV OR USE-2 CABLE TO FLASHINGS: BY QUICKMOUNT PV, UNIRAC, THWN-2 CONDUCTOR, OR IRONRIDGE OR CODE COMPLIANT EQUIVALENT FLASHING TO EXCEED FBC REQUIREMENTS INCLUDES SHINGLE, TILE ROOF BRACKETS: BY S-51 S-5U OR EQUIV. FOR STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF -------- -- PROTEA -BRACKET FOR 5V ROOF - NOTES: 1 Wind load calculations based on ASCE 7-10 Components & Cladding simplified method and are multiplied by .6 to convert to ASD per 2017 FBC. As such, the maximum elevation is 30 ft with tables for exposures B, C and D. Broward and Dade use Exposure C and D. 2. Wind force estimates are area dependent and per 2017 Florida building code 6th Ed., the area used for calculations is 1 module or 18 sq ft for the 32mm frame Q-Cell modules 290 through 300W. 3. Installation must comply with all applicable 2017 Florida Building and 2014 NEC codes from which these plans were based. 4. Modules installed per these drawings are for Q-Cell 290 through 300 Series, (32 mm frame) listings with a maximum uplift of 55.6 psf for side mounting. Installation in pressure zones exceeding this rating is not allowed. 5. Modules must be installed on 2 rails as shown per the rail module manufacturer's instructions to obtain the listed wind rating. 6. Combined module and rail dead loads are under 4 psf. 7. Rail attachments shall be onto minimum 2x4 trusses or rafters spaced no further apart than 24" on center. Attachments in roof zones 1 can be alternate from top to bottom at 48" on centers but attachments at the ends of arrays shall be 24" on center. '(refer to mechanical drawing # M-100). 8. These drawings are only applicable for flush mounting to a roof with an air gap between 2" to 10" between module and roof surface. This requirement eliminates the module and racking from being considered as part of the building envelope. Page Title Content ST.LUCIE COUNTY Rev Date Notes Cover Cover General notes, site details, system selection PLAN REVIEW 00/00 1 A-100 Roof Wind pressure tables and "A" dimension calc 00/00 1 E-101 Electric Diagram Electrical Line Diagram for Load Side Connection BLDG: 00/00 1 E-101A Electric Diagram Optional PV connection methods DATE: 00/00 00/00 1 E-103 Placards' ' l ;.. Warning labels and where used ELE ��oo��++�� 00/00 1 S-101 Flashing�`�� ��'�­-! _CfialDATE: ck Mount flashings and S-5! cut sheets 00/00 1 S-102 Layout ': °r. = :: PLUMB: ��eneial rail and module layout suggestions 00/00 1 S-103 J1'r.i.Wad,- _ Cut sli'eets and grounding notes on Unirac rails DATE: 00/00 1 5-104 IronRidg��,_ + s. Cut sheets and grounding notes on IronRidge rails MEN' 00/00 1 Z-101 PLASEA Le±ter,,-- Engineer certifications for 2.36 to 5.02, 5.31 to 6.97, 7.08 to 9. ;TW:51 kW systems 00/00 2 Z-102 -,Module, *T Gut Zheet for Hanwha Q-Cell 295W 00/00 2 Z-103 -In4erter--� .-`_ ,0,. t Sheet for Solar Edge Inverter and Optimizers - 3800, 5000, 7600 "H" series 00/00 2 Z-104 �1;. Invert¢r: ' _ � ,r, -,Cut Sheet for Solar Edge Inverter and Optimizers-10,000 "A" series 00/00 2 UZI p }}r Y APPLICABLE CODES - Florida Building Code 6th edition 2017 - National Electric Code 2014 - NFPA 101-2009 - NFPA 13-2007 NOTES 1. Drawings, calculations, tables developed requiring a PE seal and signature 2. Support documents, cut sheets, tables, reprints from publications such as ASCE 7-10, and shop drawings that do not require a PE seal and signature ENGINEER: JOHN ANGER 4105 SAINT JOHN'S PARKWAY SANFORD, FL 32771 110 A SV jaiger@theleveredge.com State License # 74730 CONTRACTOR REQUIRED TO INDICATE SYSTEM SIZE BY SELECTING THE CORRESPONDING BOX BELOW. PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SIZE: ❑2.36-5.02 KW 8-17 modules # modules: — 5.31-6.79 KW 18-23 modules # modules: — 7.08-9.44 KW 24-32 modules # modules: 9.74-11.51 KW e. 33-39 modules; # modules": O� DRAWN BY. JOHN ALGER, PE PROVIDER: THE LEVEREDGE 1423 Gunn Highway Odessa, FL33556 813-403-5100 Certificate of Authorization #* 31930 DA...41M20171 M PM 61 LDR-SI-SE-QC295M Rev. 02.05.18 '.............................................................................................................. COVER A B C 701 E r bie R-,- ��`FM interpolated to effective area of igty 18sq klL._Jule of collector c'kposute8,mean00fWight30ltandtlrldtf,Kct> 85,dtt=1 roar Roof 130� vo LW 1 1601 1651 - 170 1731 1801 och Zertes dawrt uput dawm WFIL dawn` WUL.. ckr+ctt - WRt &,A-0 upfil dawnn upfit W-Ati upVt dorAn uput 1 10 -17.2 10 -20.2 93 -212 101 -26,2 1L4 -28,2 1Z -30.2 123 -33 13.5 -35.7 "dig 2 10 -27.6 10 -3118 9.3: -3618 10.7 : :.�12 iL4 -14,7 12 17,2 118 50,5 1-3-5 53,? 3 10 -39.6 10 45.8 93 -52.2 101 -59.4 1L•4 -63.5 12 -67.6 1L8 -71.9 133 -76.1 1 10 -16 113 -13.2 13 -21.8 14.3 -242 153 -25.7 163 -27.2 17.3 -29.3 18.3 -31,3 8 - 27 dtg 2 1 10.1 1 -26.6 113 -31.4 1-3 -35.6 1.1.3 -40,8 15,63 -47.8 153 -54,8 1 17,3 -53.5 US -52.1 3 10.1 40,6 11.3 -•16.6 13 -53,8 14,8 -61 153 .69 163 -77 17.8 -77.6 188 -7811 1 163 -172 133 -20,2 ZL7 -23,2 ZQ -26,2 253 -27.8 V.9 -29A 29.6 -31.5 31.3 -33.6 28-'.5dag 2 16.-3 -2012 189 -23.2 2L7 -27.2 243 -30.4 26,3 -324 27.9 -34A 29.6 -37 31-3 -39.5 3 153 -20.2 13.9 -23.2 217 a7,2 24,7 -30.4 263 -32.4 Z7.9 -34.4 29:6 -37 31r3 -39,5 E*00suret, Mean Wif height 15 ft and undee, Ku 3.85, 3tt,1 aeid Larnh-f-3 fael6y errl Fwca) =1.21 I 1 I I I 1 ecof ?*of 1301 140 1-50 1 1601 1651 1701 1 7a ; 7 180 0. h Zcres daw11 VIWE 6Owr VPWL *Wrll W "L dawal t0"t &WA upFil chart- 0.ut .. k�f9[,IP[4.- I gift i 12,1 -20,8 12.1 -24.4 113 -28.1 U-9 -31.7 113 -34,1 14.5 -36.5 155 .39t0 1163 -43.2 0.7 dr*3 2 ILI -33A 1b1 -38,5 1L--3 44,5 SZ_9 -50.8 US -54A 14,5 -57.1 la 5 -6 ,1 ' M1 -65.0 3 12,1 -47.9 12.1 -55.4 113 -63.2 li9 71.a 138 -76.8 1J:5 -81.8 f±13;53 H_�'0 163 92,1 1 121 19,4 137 22,0 15.7 a6A 17 3 29,3 131 31,1 20,2 32.9 .3 tr 35.5 Z2,7 37,9 8 - Z7 fg 2 12 Z 32,2 13,7 38,0 15,7 435 17.9 -7a:7 191 57,8 Y0,2 66.3 5'> 2L7 63,0 3 12.2 -49,1 117 -56.4 117 65,1 17.9 -73.0 19.1 -0.5 20;2 -912 i *�E 53- 3' iJ, ZL7 -94.5 1 1%7 -20,8 22.9 -24A Z6.-3 a8,1 299 -31.7 3L3 -33.6 113 -35,6 3a$3 y � B L`�; i .37.9 40,7 28-45dtg 2 19.7 -24.4 229 -2BA 263 32:9 299 36,8 3L3 -39.2 333 -41.6 ; �i ����', 37.9 47,a 3 19,7 -24A 22.9 -28.1 263 329 Z99 36,8 3L3 -39.2 31::3 -41.6 'WT M-4�110% 37.9 -•17A I I uTOWte L', Mean rfiuf height 15 - 30ft. Kd , ,95. K2t 1 and Larr*dA fa 7,-Slilnint MOO) � ].t rofit Rauf 1301 1401 IWI 160I 1551 1701 17}I 1wI och Zcir*s dNm uptft daw=1 .Out dawo U'Aft dawwl upUt dawn uplift dawn uptit down %OW *rem up0't 1 1:A 2411 1•1.0 28,3 13A 32.5 ]atJ 36,7 16.0 3915 16.8 42,3 17.9 46,2 18:9 50.0 0-7 det 2 140 -38.6 VkQ 44,5 1-#A -51.5 1-s-0 -58.8 160 -6216 15.3 -66.1 17.9 -70,7 18.9 -75,2 3 14.0 -55.4 14.0 -6.1.1 13.0 -73,1 15.0 -03.2 16-0 -8819 163 -94.6 17.9 -100,7 1&9 -106.5 1 14,0 -22A 15.8 -25.5 1,32 -30,5 20,7 -33.9 22.1 -36.0 23A -30.1 24=9 -41,0 263 -418 8-Y7d 2 14i -37,2 15.8 -44.0 ig.2. " 418 20.7 -57.1 ZLI -66.9 UA -76.7 24-9 1 -74.9 Z63 -7219 3 14,1 56,8 1-53 -65,2 18e -75.3 20.7 -35.4 MI -96.6 23;4 -197.8 ZA,9 108.6 253 -109.3 1 ZZ8 24.1 265 -28.3 30,4 -32.5 34.6 -36,7 363 -30.9 39.1 -41.2 414 -44.1 438 AM 28-45;tg 2 ZZ,3 28.3 Z65 -32,5 30A -38.1 34.6 42.6 353 -45.4 -M -48.2 41.4 -5118 -13 -5513 3 2Z8 28.3 26.5 -32.5 30.4 -3811 3e`.6 -42.6 36-� -45.4 3911 -48.2 4L4 51.8 433 -55.3 I I Ffgr0ilrfe p, MU4 rats- b0ieht 15 rt &OJ vftdeb M ,85, Kd -1 age) t3=nlbda I adjus4-lient Tatter] =147 - ( I I l I - ---I fear Roof 1-3QI_ -- 1401 1501 - 1601 1551 1701 1731 1801 pilth Zrrws lower ` WE't daw-1 vp3.1t dawml vs1Vt d;Ywn -.out dom-1 %out da.r.1 WFft dawn tmFRE daw:l wift 1 14,7 --25,3 14,7 -29.7 13.7 -34.1 1.5,7 -38.5 16,3 41.5 17Z -MA 18.8 -43.5 193 -52.5 41_7 deg 2 14.7 -40.6 14,7 46.7 133 -54.1 153 -61,7 16.8 -65,7 17.6 -69.4 18-3 -74.2 19 R -70.9 3 1-..7 -58,2 14.7 -67.3 13.7 -7617 153 -873 16$ -9313 17.6 -99.4 13.8 -105.7 19.3 -111.9 1 14.7 -23,5 1616 -2618 19.1 -32.0 ZL8 -35.6 1 23.2 -37.6 Z4.5 40,4 1 262 43.1 27.6 AM 8-27rfea 2 143 -39.1 16.6 46.2 19.1 -52.3 213 -60.0 23.2 -7013 2425 -80.6 262 -78.6 Z7,6 -76.6 3 1-:.8 59.7 164 -6815 19.1 -75.1 ZL3 -09.7 Z12 -101.4 24S -113.2 Z62 -114.1 275 -114.8 1 24.0 25,3 27.3 29,7 .314 -34.1 W 3 -38.5 3317 40.9 4LO 43.2 436 -46.3 46Q -49.4 23--ts ft 2 24,0 29,7 27.8 34,1 319 -40.0 3€3 -44.7 33,7 47,6 4LO -50.6 43.5 -54.4 11&0 -50.1 3 Z4.0 29,7 273 3•Ll 3L9 -40,0 1 353 -44.7 387 47.6 41A -50.6 433 -54A 46.0 -58.1 I I nlosure0,mew t giiei}n15te3011,Kd=,85,KAt Iand adjustment •actor,1.66 I 1 I I foot ftof 1301 140 150 leoI 1651 1701 1751 1801 IA(h &rfS_ 0"r % u't ckYast WFft dow.1 u, M 40-A-A t ylt d*A-.1 v0t dOwii wflt d&Atii %'PRt &MA 'Vut 1 x .16 5 l '4d,6• 16.6 -3315 ISA -30.5 ITS -43.5 189 -46.8 199 -50.1 M2 -54,8 2Z.4 -59.3 0-7 deb 1t) '' - -454. ' 16.6 -52,8 13A -61A 17,3 -693 1" -74.2 1" -70.4 21=2 -83.8 2M. -09.1 3' 1-64 _95,i. 96 S -76.0 1-s:4 -86,7 173 -98,6 189 -105.4 W -112.2 ZL2 -119.4 2L4 -126.3 16:6 6,�� 1StT' -30.2 2L6 -36.2 24Z 40.2 Z62 42.7 27.7 -45.2 29.5 -48.6 31.2 -52.D i,-44,2 IS 3, -52.1 ZL6 -59A 24o5 -67,7 262 79,3 27.7 -01,4 27:a 88.8 1 312 86,5 3' 7F3 -67.4 - 188,. -77.4 216 -893 24.6 -101.3 262 -114,5 27.7 127.8 19.5 128,8M52-0-5 1, i71� _28,6 3L4, -33.5 35A -38.5 410 -415 43,7 -46,1 46.3 -40.8 49.1 -52,3 23-=5dtg 2` '171 -33.5 :3L4 -38,5 WO -45.2 4LO -50.5 431 -5318 463 -57.1 491 -6L-0 3' 27,1 =33,5 31;4' 38,5 36.0 45,2 410 50.5 43,7 53,8 4fi3 57,1 491 61.-0 l> Per Fl6 id&Building Code, effective area to be taken as the surface area of 1 module or panel Tafzles it tkpi3lsted from 2017 Florida Building Code -Residential, 6th Edition (2017) Page 25 as allowed for effective area Tabls,values�h3r?e�een adjusted and recalculated for height and exposure using adjustment coefficients in Table 301.2.3 v , Table values have already been multiplied by .6 to convert component and cladding pressures to ASD. Values given in PSF (pounds per sq ft pressure). Positive values indicate down force; negative values indicate uplift. HOW TO USE THIS TABLE AND FIGURE: 1. Determine wind zones on roof from figure. "a" is 4 ft in all cases. 3. Note roof pitch and mean elevation (height) of the roof and round up. Ex. 14 ft, use 15 ft. 4. Pick the table for exposure and mean roof height. Example: Category C exposure - site conditions with some flat areas and 15 ft means the mean roof height is no taller than 15 ft. 5. Locate the column for the wind speed and circle the down force and uplift pressures for the three roof pressure zones. 6. Uplift pressures up to 55.6 psf are below the module rating and thus, modules may be installed in roof zones lower than 55.6 psf or lower. 9 Cr r® [ 0 r J e S e N- 'Ci'.. asi� W �r�/ '" � � OAt3tE ROOFS t t4AtLs Note: a n.4 feet in all cases. c 5 i- •i ' i Cm cc U_ �wr ,�i r h 1 i O j ( ( 7'<e�43' e a GABLl H4gt S t1rP RA+7F5 8 � h 7' -c 6 s 27' ENGINEER: JOHN ALGER 4105 SAINT JOHN'S PARKWAY SANFORD, FL 32771 [L'=-� PROVIDER: THE LEVEREDGE 1423 Gunn Highway Odessa, FL 33558 813-4D3-5100 Certificate of Authorization iF.31930 PH 800-929-3919 X1411 jaiger@theleveredge.com State License # 74730 r DRAWN BY: JOHN ALGER, PE DATE: 02/23/2017 9'.45 AM 61 LDR-SI-SE-QC295M Rev. 02.05.18 NOTES: 1. Pressures shown are applied normal to the surface, for exposure B, at h=30 ft (9.1 m). Adjust to other conditions using Equation 30.5-1. ?. Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively. 3. For hip roof angles less than or equal to 25 degrees, shall be treated as Zone 2. h: Mean roof height, in feet (meters), except that eave height shall be used for roof angles <100. O: Angle of plane of roof from horizontal in degrees. :............................................................................................................... i . rift f�� '�.-• \- ' .'•••.............................................................................................................••. A-100 ANY COMBINATION OF -MODULES FROM 8 MINIMUM PER STRING TO 17-MAXIMUM PER STRING USING 24 TO 32 TOTAL FOR SYSTEM SIZE; 2 STRING REQUIRED S PM ltttm 0C InWt!'"ar- n0 waft% Altmxlmum IttptdVaimpe - 48 Vda MFFrRMpe-Bt048Vd0 Mttidmlmi I IndCurtM-10Ada UWft ae OlrlFA urretd -15Ad0 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM Q.PEAK BLK-G4.1295W Mono (32mm) DIMENSIONS 65.7" x 39.4"x 1:2601 (24-32) Q.PEAK BLK-G4.1.295W Mono (32mm) = 7.108 to 9.44kW STC DC R e PAr OAF 3 PYWtre IR RMAtr Min.10AW6 Cuwins each (rakd 90 depC) Samcwflarmcor ��►drop 08 Bare em"Wim 601ed6*1111 " DRIB-41 arequh2latt UL 1741 ttppmyed Cmttb6rer/Entdawre to -Itmu loutramUSE-2 PVcaM11bTNWN-2 wim N0 awes rtltlttlredb 7HWN-2 wins to coat MIn.10AW8 Cu ruins each (sled 90 deg Q ttwd,ded t"C m txat M Keep 0nder2%voftapa strap Systern Itillormaon PV Module Ratings Inverter Ratings Module Make . Hanwha,CKell 295 Inverter Make 5olarEdge Module Model QPeak-04:1 Inverter Model 5E7600H Max Power 295 W Max Output Power 760OW Open Circuit Voltage • 39.48 Max DC Voltage . 480V Max Power point voltage- 32,19 1 jNominalACVoft8Se 240 Short Orcult Current 9.7 Max AC Current 32A ax ower Pont current C nveRer Efficiency 9 ,Q • SaParfdpe 6E7!,H-tl�U Invener BeS CEC rHldcrsry 0 240= 7600 Wac continuoms Mailmum ahrt,rat Current 32 Amps rlr MailrimrntnalttCurrent aaAAde Ground. fault proltiUvn pauvided r o o o per NEC articto 691).3S i SolarEdreAC/DC Safety Switch 440 Vac, 50 amps continuous SW Vdt, 36.5 amps canttuuaus Opens till unaraumW canductora per NEC article W0.35 OPTIONAL -Ioaka6b,Natfitsed PVACtNactittlttect 60A,240V2-Pole (Saetlotmealn Mktknum6AWOCuWIM I�"�� L ,12, ead ttetltral SAW, 0nsuttd woe Neap und" 15% voldpe drop L7 L2 N AIM I I AC Load COW 1.2p*40amp dtmdt Erealmr twed �m+a ELECTRICAL NOTES: 1- CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ALL LOCAL OR NATIONAL CODE REQUIREMENTS AND EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 2. ALL COMPONENTS MUST BE GROUNDED PER NEC 690.4& & EACH MODULE MUST 13E GROUNDED ACCORDING TO PV MANUFACTURER USER INSTRUCTIONS. 4. PER NEC 69DA(D). ALL EQUIPMENT FOR USE IN PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEMS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AND LISTED FOR THE APPLICATION. & USE 10AWG TYPE PV WIRE 0" CONNECTOR, DOUBLE JACKETED) SUPPLIED FOR CONNECTING MODULE STRINGS GIL THWN-2IN METALLIC CONDUIT IS ACCEPTABLE. S. PER NEC 69MI7 PROVIDE A WARNING SIGN AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERE TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, SIGN SHALL READ "YARNING - ELECTRICAL SHOOK HAZARD. DO NOT TOUGH TERMINALS - TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN OPEN POSITION' OR EQUIVALENT DISCONNECT MUST BE LOCATED IN AN ACCESSIBLE LOCATION FOR UTILITY PERSONNEL OR NEXT TO UTILITY METER. 7. PER NEC 70&10, PROVIDE A PERMANENT PLAQUE OR DIRECTORY SHOWING ALL ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCES ON THE PREMISES AT SERVICE ENTRANCL L PER NEC 70&12(D)(T), UNLESS THE PANEL BOARD IS RATED NOT LESS THAN THE SUM OF THE AMPERE RATING OF ALL OVER -CURRENT DEVICES SUPPLYING IT, A CONNECTION IN A PANEL BOARD SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE OPPOSITE (LOAD) END FROM THE INPUT FEEDER LOCATION OR MAIN CIRCUIT LOCATION. 9. AC DISCONNECT AND/OR PV METER MAY OR NOT BE - -REQUIRED BY THE AHJ-AND/OR UTILITY FOR _ INTERCONNECTION. 10. WIRE SIZE ASSUMES THAT CONDUIT WILL BE RUN IN ATTIC SPACE OR LESS THAN 10' IS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT PER NEC310.15(A)M Ex. WIRE GAUGE MAY NEED TO BE INCREASED IF RUN IN CONDUIT ON THE ROOF FOR MORE THAN 1W PER NEC310.15(131M(C). 11. PER NEC 69M, METAL CONDUIT OR TYPE MC CABLE MUST BE USED WHENEVER THE DC CONDUCTORS ENTER A BUILDING BEFORE THE FIRST READILY AVAILABLE DISCONNECTING MEANS. 12. PER NEC 69&31, EXPOSED RACEWAYS, JUNCTION BOXES AND CONDUIT BODIES IN WHICH ANY OF THE AVAILABLE CONDUIT OPENINGS ARE USED MUST BE MARKED WITH THE WORDING "PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE" BY MEANS OF PERMANENTLY AFFD(ED LABELS. Vd - 2•L•R"I/100D IR m 2024 NEC Chap 4 to e 8 "to Run Vmp Imp R L Vd. %Vd Wire Size' PV Strings to Combiner Box 350 is, 1;24 50 1.86. 0.53% H10 Combiner bore to Inverter 3SO 15. 1.24 50 1.86 0.53% #10 Inverter to Interconnection 240 32 1.24 25 1:98 0.83% 810 Inverter to Interconnection 240 212 0,778 40 1.99 0.83% 48 inverter to Interconnection 240 32 0.778 1 60 2.99 2.24% NB Fnverterto nterconnec on Z40 32 0.491 1 1.59 0,79-5.# Labe s Rated MPP Current 9.17 Rated MPP Voltage 350V Max System voltage 480V Short Circuit Current ISAA Photovoltaic AC Output AC Output Current 32A Nominal AC Vat tage 2 D Solar Edeja Inverters and Optimizers j I 0x4aci"Gf MXXIII J meant the requirements of 2014 NEC Jj ✓ •rot .tits;! ra '» for rapid shutdown with no additionni equipment r:l 31 IFIC IF O A;! UICA-A M IN Ii0 :!S:7 rvotrcea DRAWING TITLE. 7.08 to 9A4kW String Inverter Retrofit REVISIONS -4 w I r;at, W, ,,,,,,t;,;,,,,,r,r; ��ust .r.mrcas!�-.rr �•AtC .._r. _,, rw."rn..rn.me,.uasr.. PHOTOVOLTAIC: PLAN rrianr,pr t•aperrretrnrt°°.� (24 -32) qty Hanwha Q-.Cell 295 Mono Modules lmF nrf Id2'sS;,,r,nlWjnaar nnv..twmq .,.r.. ENGINEER CERTIFIED vnou,4tittimtNnea+samW m Tr•-L,. 6dq.". 4& .-•n-1 So18rEd a SE7600H-US Inverter E-101 4 t c0� alr,.1 E-101 � �� �✓ 'r� Optional locket non fused 3( rated disconnected may be required I local Wit 1 24 fr( in1 Opposite main breaker House Circuits Existing AC stribution panel 20/240 V 1 PH ad Intl - - --P-V- Breaker-+ Main breaker must be s 120% of buss rating - PANEL CONNECT OPPOSITE MAIN 7• IRu►jawt m4 I I espmod of Tie LererEdp* 7[x uu 3 1423 Gunn HlgNvay o11}`1"o 00tkK kh*i4IM Odessa. FL QUa '"'�I °O t o1 tM LEa eHc, 813403-SICO " not pw Main i] 240 V from inverter Optional lockable—� non fused 31DA rated dimoonnected as may be required by local utility PV Breaker between main and bottom of buss House Circuits Existing AC distribution panel 120/240 V 1 Pit Unified Ground PV Breaker+ Main breaker - - must be 5100% of buss rating PANEL CONNECT BETWEEN HOUSE CIRCUITS 1- Wire sized per voltage drop table, usually #10 or #8 based on 125% of maximum continuous inverter output amps. Ups !zing of wire from #10 to #8 is permitted to reduce voltage drop. 2 Required lockable fused 60A rated disconnect. Fuse size determined by 125% of Max. conununus Inverter output 240-V from inverter 11 3 4 Main reake _41716— House Circuits Existing AC n distribution panel W 120/240 V 1 PN Ground wire to connect T dtractly to ground rod and not to disconnect or panel grounds to avoid parallal grounding thm neutral wire line side connection required when PV over current device + Main panel breaker > 100% of buss rating LINE SIDE TAPS-_ - 2- Wire from disconnect to connection point to be #6 THWN - 2. Distance from connection point to disconnect panel not to exceed 10' and must comply with NEC 2014 240.21 (13)(1). 3- Line side taps may be made with double lugs in the box or meter can or with polaris taps. Rating of the connections must be rated at least 125% of maximum inverter output current. 4- NEC 2014 705.12 (A). The sum of the overcurrent protection devices from the PV system connected to the service conductors, cannot exceed the service conductor's rating, when using line side connections. OPTIONAL CONNECTION DETAILS REVISIONS REV PATE eY DESCRIPTION CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION.# 31930 ENGINEER OF RECORD JOHN L. ALGER PROFESMNAL ENGINEER FL LICENSE NO.74730 CRACR4 INFORMAMN DATE 77 IT ORAIYH SCAM' N.T,S, SHEET NO. E-101 A .7;, re-(, i DANGER DO NOT DISCONNECT UNDER LOAD a STOP r ==> A WARNING LABEL TO BE AFFIXED TO RAIL OR ON SIDE OF PV MODULES IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION NO�INARHINGI ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD IFA GROUND FAULT I! EVDICATED NORNAILYCROUNDED CONDUCTOR! MAT DC UNGROUNDUPAND EINERGISED A WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD DO NOTTOUCH TERMIRILLS TERriINALS ON BOTH UNGAND LOAD SIDES MAY OC C"RGIZEO II THE OPEN POSITION OC VOLTAGE IS ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN SOUR MGMLES ARE EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT B AFFIXED ON COMBINER BOX ® WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD oo NOT TOUCH TERMDGLS TERma"LS ON UOTH Wd! AM LOAD SEES MAY BE ENERMM INTHEOPENPOSRION OC VOLTAGE ISALWAYS PRESENT W IMN SOUR NODULES ARE EXPOOED TO $Ul.'MHT *I I • • 'SOLAR• C INVERTER LABEL TO BE FILLED OUT WITH SYSTEM SPECIFIC DATA AND PLACED ON THE INVERTER OR CHARGE CONTROLLER Must be reflective per NEC 630.31 & IFC 605.11.1.2 D REFLECTORIZED LABEL TO BE PLACED ON ALL CONDUITS AND RACEWAYS THROUGHOUT THE SYSTEM TO ALERT FIRST RESPONDERS NOT TO CUT CONDUIT WITH AN AXE DUE TO RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK (IFC 605.11.1.1) .r l rl c E s: REVISIONS �' '�"' 7'niladfd�we�pr.sa.d REV DATE I 9Y I OESCRIPTION z. �►�.,�.D,.._ PLACARDS FOR TYPICAL Mi+,-�awm41 tn+ 1 Odessa. FL �_. =MrtaeOeensdRoftlmLIEWMC. STRING INVERTER PV SYSTEM Odessa. 3- 3 O us na PKmuaed. 813-rJ03-S700 A cn E POLARITY OF CABLES MUST BE LABELED AT OR NEAR THE COMBINER BOXES AND INVERTER CONNECTIONS ON THE DC SIDE i 4Jr C vI 0 1a • . F DC DISCONNECT LABEL AFFIXED ON OR BESIDE INVERTER'S DC DISCONNECT SWITCH PER NFPA y S • • •WAMARNIN:GM - - - - - - - ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN P08R60N G SOLAR DISCONNECT SWITCH ON AC DISCONNECT SWITCH IF USED. REQUIRED ANYTIME LINE SIDE TAPS ARE USED FOR THE POINT OF CONNECTION D INVERTER WITH INTEGRATED DC DISCONNECT C, E H ti B, E F JUNCTION BOX TRANSITIONING FROM PV WIRE TO THV14-2 41 WOWARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD IP AGROUND FAULT rS=$CATEO NORMALLY GROYNOEO CONDUCTORS MAY HE UNGROUNDED AMC ENVtO H AFFIX TO INVERTER PV PVACOISCONNEGT PERFORMANCE 30A, 240V, 2-POLE METER (SEE NOTE 9) (SEE NOTE 9) r--1 G F/--'7\1 UTILITY METER 2401120V SINGLE PHASE KI(M)l D g( 30k2P - i, J GEL Ground I &CAUTION PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CIRCUIT IS BACKFED W RWARNINGAIIIII ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD DO HOT TOUCH TERMINALS TERHDIALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY 00 ENEMUED IN THE OPEN POSITION ■OTWARNINO]I TURN OFF PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT PRIOR TO WORKING INSIDE PANEL I AC SIDE OF SYSTEM DENOTING THAT THE PANEL IS DOUBLE SOURCED AND THIS MUST AFFIX NEXT TO THE PV BREAKER INSIDE THE PANEL J AC SIDE OF SYSTEM BY PV BREAKER IN PANEL EMSTING 2DOA MAIN SWITCHBOARD CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATIONNT 31930 ENGINEER OF RECORD JOHN L ALGER PROFESSIONAL ENGBNEER FL LICENSE NO.74730 DRAWING I&ORIMTNON DATE_ Erza2G17 DRAWN BY. — SCALE: N,T,3, SHBET NO: E-103 Va'lU,IIARNINTG� ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD IFA OROUNDFAL LT L9 INDICATED NORMALLY GROUNDED CONOUCTORS MAY DD UNGROUNODDAND ENER4�D K AFFIX ON METER CAN FOR BI-DIRECTIONAL METER E-103 S- and Barrel Tile (013asa Unimml Tile Mount 1aMUTM Shown) (Emount 1Q.4tSE Shown) Flat Tile (QBase Universal Tile Mount IQMUTM Shawn) ROOF MOUNTING DETAIL SCALE: NTS Alternate Tile Strategy: Quick Mount Tile Replacement Mounts (OMTR-BM) NOTIC98I Raftulweadlde"mm"a The LeverEdge Net WWI vtP)t4=Intre .�'` P"ty OfThe I.V EdBe TtRc" 1423Gunn hiighWay >. =�. u'e1423 curui Ff9Fnwv Odessa, FL 33556 aneartewlof !»LCorlFit Odom. FL 33558 1. P•^ed 813-403-5100 813403-6100 IT6/.t KO, DESCRIPMN OTY./60X I I FLASriNG,rXIYX_O41.1",5651.AULL 1 2 OBLOCK CLASSIC, AUO CAST AL, MILL 1 3 PLUG. SEAUK0.S/1SX7Jd.EPCr.t/1"$$ 1 J LAGSCREw,HEXHEA0.5116'X3-V7.I"SS 1 5 WASHER,FENCER. 5116-IDX 1-114-00, 18-BSS$ I 1n1E! QMSE-LAG: GMPV E-MOU WITH LAG BOLT G-W CUM m .to- DE_5C1i(P1N3N �---_-i-- tl1Y. I CAP 5GREW, HEX HEAIX 5116--18 X 3/•r Vt:C-W, GRAOE 8 1 2 OBASC 1.1XXX(0R6/16-IIMRIXYAREA360.1 CASTAL 1 s LAGSCREW.IICXIIIAD.SjIt; X3',1INC 2 A SUB-FLASP✓;,NG. CCNE 77(9`XDMIJDT. 3US3 AL MILL 1 5 FLASHING, CONE 1"187(.032, 3733 AL MILL 1 6 COILAR,COUx1ERMSHAIG,1-I/4-gEPPlM 1 7 r'D5r, t.?5-OD X 6-F.6Qd3-r5/6063•r6, rdILL 1 Il WASHER, SEALING, S/16'IDX1•t14°OD_EPD.t!BOta7ED55 1 9 WASHER. FEN IFR. 511 CID X 1' OD. 18-8 SS 1 I0 WA!kER. SPur-LOCK. 5116'm. I M SS 1 1 I CAP SCREW, HHEAD. 5116=16 X I-UKC-2A, I"SS EX 1 on Flashings and Attachments: s 1 Contractor is responsible for compliance with any and all local and National codes and equipment installation instructions. Quick Mount PV' IgIK:� QMUTM: ABASE UNIVERSAL TILE MOUNT z2r 1:rla mnl ,Atr• �Rwgm� d!1'• 9.64' (71L80 mq) sue/ PI.Ww m1 . AA mEuurmmrh we m r,"d to Lhe eetnnd dlea Ad plx& S-5U and Mini Protea STANDING SEAM TRAPEZOIDAL 2 PV modules are mounted to aluminum racking components and rails and attached to the roof using Quick Mount PV flashings or other flashings and attachments approved by racking manufacturer as appropriate to the installation. 3 Maximum span between attachments to be 48" or less. For the attachments on the ends of the rails each side, the span can not exceed manufacturer's --the 4 Contractor is responsible for ensuring watertight penetrations and for sealing, trimming, cutting roof shingles and membranes in a neat, professional, and workmanlike manner. te: Protea is limited to 40psf when used with equal number of PV clips in a 24 ga steel roof. LeverEdge Engineering for higher uplift loads. Metal roofs are made by several manufacturers ugSq..%everal different s from standing seam to 5V and others. S-5! makes clips for each particu is the contractors; responsibility to determine the particular brand and model of roof and select the proper S-5 clip for their particular installation. Check the S-5! web site at www.s-5.com. Installers can access the tools and procedures for proper installation of the clips at www.s-5.com/tools. Proper installation is critical to achieve the rated pull and slide off values listed. FLASHING CUT SHEETS Quick Mount Flashings Certificate of Authorization#: 31930 REVISIONS ow.MiNa WTOMM71 4 REV DATE SY DSSCR1MON DAM tn548t7- oaAav trY SCALE: I H.T,& ^'K L t NQ S-101 • .r J.,1 �� /r'C i� ,� i �.. S-101 COMP PENETRATION DETAIL Scale: NTS u�ouLE 6HEX rAM CL? D SPACER fIvx 11SS WOWING R1A1X / J BOLT 4FQOT 7�, x 1.53 FEn ASf1ER r ST1S_SSSRLIT 16!ID D,EPK?AI 102n ` LOCK WASFR - ss s . wnsuFrl 2. 1.114' ID EPOLI CO COUNTER FLASKNANG QUICKUNT ! { J UNIVERSAL TILE MOUNT FLASHING ONO. FLATTILE• i 11fx f ZINC LAG BCLT I. f / TILE PENETRATION DETAIL Scale: NTS * THIS LAYOUT USES (2) ADDITIONAL SPLICES OPTIONAL LAYOUT GROUNDING LUG (SEE. NOTE 9) #6 BARE CU GROUND FOR MODULE_ GROUNDING (SEE NOTE 91 EXAMPLE OF RACKING LAYOUT ACTUAL RACKING LAYOUT DETERMINED BY CONTRACTOR PV TRANSITION BOX TvP — PV MODULE T I } _Et III P, L ¢ I ,3: � a, I r _7._ __ 1 :MODULE GROUNDING LUG (SEE NOTE 9) RAIL L-BRACKET & —� QUICK MOl INT ROOF PENETRATION �\- ,A r I i Scale: NTS MEC}UWICALNOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR RE.?OWSI:E f06 QOMR PING 7 -H ALL LOCAL OR NATIONAL CODE REOUTAEMENTS AND EQUIPMENT INSTALIAT(ON INSTRUCTIONS. 2. ROOF MEMBER SiRUg. UkFa 2 Y.4-ViO()D,RA� jSAT 24.ON CENTER. 3. ROOF CAN RE OOM� SITIOSI S rI'IGLE OR fRLE Yi H Q1[C7i BETWEEN 3 AND 45 DEGREES, ALL 07HER ROOF TYPES PLEASE REFER TO SUPPLEMENTAL ALTERNATE ATTACHMENTIFLASHING STRATEGIES, 4• MODULES MOIJNTg7 TO ALUMINUM RA.GKINI SYS�Eh+9 ANO'ATIACHED'NITFL gU1CKQd0UNT PV MOUNTING SYSTEM OR OTHER FLASHINGIATTACHMENT SYSTEM APPROVED DY THE RACK ING 4WNLLFACTURER. 5. DISTANCE (iEIWEEFI PgNETRi l s �K;GTjLNE7(CE[L1d-00 FT; fi. RAIL dYeiiF(Rr7O FROIA PENETAATIOk3 ND TO IXCEED RACI4NG 1.1ANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 7. CONTRACTOR.5fiA1 L'4AltE ALL NEtiE§SAEiY PRECAtJT[WVS tiHEN PREPARINd HOOF FOR RACK INSTISLLATION BUILDING. 3TRUCTtJRAL INTEGRITY AND WATERPROOFED PENETRATFONS SHALL 8E THE RESPONSIBILfTY OF THE INSTALLER 8. AQIL13TN1ENTS MAY BE REgl7L Gil 'T iq)(ISTINdBOOF-LAYOUT. .. rhoeo t ta4l[t�pt 1/!d 1..7 i(,i (!elf AS.IIM M QtI Ta�117M ( 1 ( � GENERAL RACKING LAYOUT . w,.T. rid a3e Odessa. FL 33S38 ARRAY DETAILS Scale: 1/4" = 1' SPLICE CONNECTOR 4.^'• , a ; r CRAWIM I1iiOR1WA,KW CEFtnF1C41E OF �.� - .• UUE fflSR'J77 AUTHOWA71Oih. (— C/ 31930 IIJ1E I PETS.- �- ' HEEL Ha PTTATE 5-102 Ix7 730 r ; S-102 i a GROUND LUG OPTIONS (SEE NOTE 9) BONDING SPLICE DETAIL a ��' 41Y}4��Ca14`b tt44-1 r�tW10 TVPIMSKICE BAR DETAIL WOOD SHEATHING (TYP.) A thermal break Is required every 40 feet of continuously connected rail. Bonding connection for splice used as a thermal break. Option shown uses two Ilsco lugs (Model No. GBL-4DBT PM GBL -4DBT - see product data sheet for more details) and solid copper wire. THERMAL EXPANSION JOINT Notes on Racking: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L BRACKET WITH BONDING T BOLT AND NUT ASSEMBLY Only approved racking components shall be used to meet wind load ratings. Contractor is responsible for compliance with any and all local and National codes and equipment installation instructions. PV modules are mounted to aluminum racking components and rails and attached to the roof using Quick Mount PV flashings or other attachment and flashings approved by the,, ackiog' manufacturer as appropriate to the installation. MaximurrOspw� betweenattachments to be 48". For the attachments on the ends of the •rfilc'eaco side; %- Rail 6V&harog frnm,a6chmentsto roof to be less than 16". Contwdctor is responsibly fdS insuring watertight attachments and for sealing, trimming, cutting roof shingles'and;me�rrbranss in a neat,. professional and workmanlike manner. Different rows'and, columns are permissable as long as the attachment requirements listed in -#4,� maximum rail overhang, and:maximum module overhang from ends, does not exceed man ufactureirt,s`re 66eAzndations: UNIRAC SOLARMOUNT RACKING SYSTEMS 8 Modules are not permitted to be installed in roof pressure zones with an estimated uplift that exceed the limitations specified by the module manufacturer (please refer to the module specification sheet and installation manual for more details). 9 Grounding lug options are required if not using approved integrated groundin gmicroinveters. Please refer to manufacturer's installation instructions for both WEEB and ILSCO products. 10 The Enphase M215 and M250 microinverters have integrated grounding capabilities built in. In this case, the DC circuit is isolated from the AC circuit, and the AC equipment grounding conductor (EGC) is built in to the Enphase Engage integrated grounding (IG) cabling. No additional EGC grounding cables are required, as all fault current is carried to ground through the Engage cable. s o>: WM INFORWlwN ti0T16;�,:•� REVISIONS The LeverEdge REV DA-M I BY oEscesIMION uATM v„rwu CJ 1423 Gunn Highway Certificate of Authorization #: P�oON otT� +T cverEaGa me oRAwt, BY: 1423 Gunn Hlphway :�'t• �'''�- A�"'� Odessa, FL 33556 31930 355f3 Qdesse,fL i wrtiten comeat altM LE wBl4C 9ttggrNO: 91340 35 is rwt permlwa. 813-403-5100 S-103 EN PHASE M-216 AND M-250 MOUNTING DETAIL (SEE NOTE 10) 3rd RAIL LOCATION (TYR - IF REQUIRED, SEE STRUCTURAL) C. S-103 MICROINVERTER KIT (SEE NOTE 10) Notes on Racking: 1 Only approved racking components shall be used to meet wind load ratings. 2 Contractor is responsible for compliance with any and all local and National codes and equipment installation instructions. 3 PV modules are mounted to aluminum racking components and rails and attached t9th+p,%pf,{sing Quick Mount PV flashings or other attachment and flashings approved, b r.fhe racing MAilufacturer as appropriate to the installation. 4 Maximum span;fjetween=attachments to be 48". 5 Please refer'to,manyfac`turers3-installation instructions for rail cantilever distance from roof attachment. 6 Con6act6—t.,is,re8pons ble;;or'en using watertight attachments and for sealing, trimming, cutting roof shingle�'and merpb ranes in a cleat, Professional and workmanlike manner. 7 Different rows arid-r;ulurlfis are`permissable as long as the attachment requirements listed in 94,"maximum rail,overhang, and maximum module overhang from ends, does not exceed madufacttlrer's`rl�ICQ.nlinr�-rlrdations. IRON RIDGE RAIL DETAILS FASTMNG 8 Modules are not permitted to be installed in roof pressure zones with an estimated uplift that exceed the limitations specified by the module manufacturer (please refer to the module specification sheet and installation manual for more details). 9 Grounding lugs are only needed on one rail per row of modules. Grounding lugs can be installed anywhere along the rail and in either orientation. 10 IronRidge systems using approved Enphase microinverters eliminate the need for lay -in lugs and field installed equipment gounding. This solution meets the requirements of UL 2703 for bonding and grounding and is included in this listing. Specifically, the Enphase IQ6 and IQ6+ inverters have a nonconductive base and do not require grounding. The Q-Cable, however, does not contain a ground, so modules and rails must be grounded externally and grounded at the breaker panel ground rod in unified grounding. REVISIONS ` REV DATE I BY 0MRIPTION " ;� 1twyHA ky'1 �,>tptkwd _ J AaFBakCitn c``M�s'cWsh,� @rThe am 1423 Conn Highway '� a�a, ,raKwr the Odessa. FL 336M "rime' coosant of u� LE or SHC, 813-403-6100 it not DM�a.a ORAY1NG WFGRMA=N OATS int2017 DRAM MI. — SCALE., N,T_T SHEET Na; S-104 CERTIFICATE OF At/R P0g1ZXr10No 31030 e.S ..em a Nfcc D rgtor�a�orati oyoozc"oywrzcn r LLCOT-C NO. l4T STOPPER SLEEVE IRONRIDGE XR100 SPAN TABLE 72' Spans are permitted only under the following conditions. AU others are limited to 49' spans. Far Exposures B and C only. Exposure 0 requires "Ineering evaluation. Wind Speed Canditlons 13omph Zone Iand 2all roafpitches5to45deq,Zom3pinches 34)to4Sdeg 140mph Zone 1 all roof pitches (5 to 45 deg1, Zones 2 and 3,30 to 4S deg 150mph Zane 1 all roof pitches (5 to 45 degL Zones 2 and 3.30 to 45 deg 160mph Zone I only, all roof pitches 5 to 45 degrees Cantllever Rmlted to 40%of span and no splkes in cantilever. $"le and We roofs only. Metal roofs require englneering evaluation for pull o% S-104 flFiaSEIA n June 28, 2017 Dear building official, On June 231 of 2017 Governor Rick Scott signed HIS 1021 amending 377.705 of Florida Statute authorizing solar energy systems manufactured or sold in the state to be certified by professional engineers. in effect a Florida Solar Energy Center, (FSEQ certification is no longer required by state statute for materials or systems to be sold or installed in the state of Florida. On page 6, lines 138-144 read; All solar energy systems sold in the state must meet the standards established by the center and shall display accepted results or approved performance tests in a manner prescribed by the center, unless otherwise certified by an engineer licensed pursuant to chapter471 using the standards contained in the most recent version of the Florida Building Code. Please find HB 1021 attached for your convenience. This modification to 377.705 will go into effect July 1, 2017 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact FlaSEIA at (407) 339-2010 or (800) 426-5899 Regards, The Board of Directors of FlaSEIA Florida Solar Energy Industries Association (FlaSEIA) 2555 Porter Lake Dr., Suite 106 Sarasota, FL 34240 ISystem Certification by a Florida Licensed Engineer t j JQC295with Solar Edge Inverter i I I j I t stem Size (STC DC) t 2.36 to 5.02kW 15.31 to 6.79kW 7.1 to 9.44kW j 9.74 to 11.51M { MODULES AND ARRAY I ! I I odule Brand I s Hanwha Q-Cell { Hanwha Q Cell Hanwha Q-Cell i Hanwha Q-Cell { odule Size & model t i 295W Q.Peak BLK-G4.1 295W Q.Peak BLK-G4.1 295W Weak BLK-G4.11 295W 4Peak BLK-G4.1! odule FSEC # QC17-NT90-01771 QC17-NT90-0177 QC17-NT90-0177 t QC17-NT90-017T { Ital Number of PV Modules I 8 to 17 ! 18 to 23 j 24 to 32 I 33 to 39 ries Strings/Branch Circuits 4 1 or 2 strings j 2 strings .j 2 or 3 strings ; 3 strings t t .ortest String ; s I string of 8 t 1 string of 8 1 string of 8 ; 1 string of 8 j ngest String i '• 1 string of 17 j 1 string of 15 1 string of 16 1 string of 17 j ray Nameplate Power Rating 2360 to 5015W I 15310 to 679OW 7080 to 944OW ; 9735 to 11505W )WER CONDITIONING (Inverter) aerter Brand Solar Edge with optimizers Solar Edge with optimlzers Solar Edge with optimizers Solar Edge with optimizers irerter model number i SE-380OH-US j SE-5000H-US SE-760OH-US SE-1000OA-US Ming to UL1741Verified - — -- Yes _! _ yes j Yes j Yes f t I<erter DC Voltage Window 380V to 480V I 380V to 480V — 400V-to 480V _ 1- _ - 400V to 480V t Power Rating I 3800W t 5000W j 7600W j 10000W t : Nominal Voltage Output 240V { 240V j 240V i 240V ax PV array Power. per inverter 5900W j 7750W j 11800W l j 13500W j ember of inverters used 1 J t ewer C ptimizer used t P320 i P320 J P320 P320 t t ded Input DC Power i 320W ' 320W j 32OW j j 320W j )solute Max input voltage 48VDC t 48VDC j 48VDC ; { 48VDC t PPT operatin Range ! 8-48V 8-48V t 8-48V 8-48V t ax DC input current i E 13.75 ! 13.75 t 13.75 j 13.75 t ax DC output Current 15A ( 15A t 15A i ; 15A aximurn output voltage I 60VDC I 60VDC t 60VDC ; { 60VDC { tmpatible with all Solar Edge Inverters Yes ( ; Yes t Yes I Yes fARGE CONTROLLER AND BATTERIES N/A t N/A j N/A I i N/A ITTERYBANK CONFIGURATION ; N/A N/A j N/A i N/A REVISIONS DRAVANG LNFORMATION N or I c c s: REV OI.TE BY aESCRIPTION LUTE: t4`1l2017 Tlu tTauphts and ldeu ocpnffod W Aem wphln wOn esWAve 1423 Gum HIGh% wy ad9558. FL 33556 M403- 5100 ptop.rty of Tif. L.'..rECg. Th►Ys. .t the.. xn.wu[., WIM" the ` Ifte cement a1 the LP a 8NC, la not pf rmlroM. SHEET NO: 7-101 Z-101 I `powered liy, ?STAf�.0ll11iiYl1 With its top performance and completely black design the, new Q.PEAK BLK-G4.1 is the ideal solution for all residential rooftop applications thanks to its innovative cell technology Q.ANTUM ULTRA. The world -record cell design was developed to achieve the best performance under real con- ditions- even with'low radiation intensity and on clear, hot summer days. LOW ELECTRICITY GENERATION COSTS -� H igher yield per surface area and lower BOS costs thanks to higher power classes and an efficiency rate of' up to 18.3%. INNOVATIVE ALL-WEATHER TECHNOLOGY Optimal yields, whatever the weather with excellent low -light and temperature behavior. ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE 1 Long=term yield security with Anti-PID Technology', Hot -Spot -Protect -and Traceable Quality Tra.,V1. EXTREME WEATHER RATING High-tech aluminum alloy frame, certified for high snow (5460 Pa) and wind loads (4000 Pa) regarding I EC. MAXIMUM COST REDUCTIONS Up to 10.% lower logistics costs due to higher module capacity per box: A RELIABLE INVESTMENT Inclusive 12-year product warranty and 25-year Linear performance guarantee2. Io,F-�, i� `s�1U`rl6N,fOR( nacNop>rays e f05(cle�t',''li, butl$I�ys ` Fn.g@ne0,,f1 in _ ) I`, PV MODULE SPECIRCATIONS W CELLS ,m sttcmm =-TOP.,BRANQ.RV_.. 2016 a' Phntrin Quality Tested � QCt315� a•stpatycryinma.;; mt rmdd tea.• aerto-asz�s ' 10. 4c032587 - • - - APT test conditions: Cells at -1500V against grounded, with coriductive me- tal foil covered modulesurface, 25'C, 168h 2 See'data sheet on rear for further information. 00"CELl5 USE DATA FOR QC 295 MODULE Format 65.7in x 39.41n x 1.26in (including frame) (1670mm x 1000mm x 32mm)�� Weight 41.451bs (18.8kg) : Front Cover 0.13in (3.2 mm) thermally pre -stressed glass with anti -reflection technology Back Cover Composite film Frame Black anodized aluminum * rd- On^" Cell 6 x 10 Q.ANTUM ULTRA monocrystalline solar cells Junction box 2.60-3.03 in x 4.37-3.54in x 0.59-0.75 in (66-77 mm x 111-90mm x 15-19mm), Protection class IP67, with bypass diodes -Cable 4 mm2 Solar cable; (+),a39.371n (1000mm), W a39.37in (1000mm) A � um uv:• ,- Connector Multi -Contact MC4 or MC4 intermateable, IP68 ,,,, .,- I C~�2•"' m°•� ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS POWER CLASS 290 295 - - - - - - - - . _ .. -- - - --- - - --- -, ---- - - - - MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST CONDmONS, STC' (POWER TOLERANCE +5W/-OW) Power at MPP' P,m, [W] 290 295 300 Short Circuit Current" 1, [A] 9.63 9.70 9.77 Open Circuit Voltage* V. IV] 39.19 39.48 39.76 - i -- --- -- - - - - Current at MPP _ - - I,,, U1] 9.07 9.17 9.26 _ Voltage at MPP` V,,,, [V] 31.96 32.19 32.41 Efficiency' ri [%] 217.4 217.7 a18.0 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS, NDC' Power at MPP' P, [W] 214.4 218.1 221.8 e Short Circuit Current* Itt_ [A] 7.77 7.82 7.88 ' Open Circuit Voltage" V. [V] 36.65 36.92 37.19 Current at MPP" - I_ [A] 7.12 7.20 7.27 Voltage at MPP• V_ IV] 30.12 30.30 30.49 'IOGOW/m', 25°C, spectrum AM 1.5G °Measurement tolerances STC z3%; NOC:5% 'a0OW/m2, NOCT, spectrum AN 1.5G *typical values, actual values may differ Q CELLS PERFORMANCE WARRANTY PERFORMANCE AT LOW IRRADIANCE � i r710 -ecm, At least 98% of nominal power during fl rst year. Kp°--T-"---r---------- - Thereafter max. 0.6% degradation r r ----• --------------------- At least 92.6%of nominal power up to 10 years. At least 83.6% of nominal power up to 25 years. �• ----------------- �i -- All data within measurement tolerances. � m--r-----�-----r-----+-----� -- Full warranties in accordance with the warranty n j terms of the Q CELLS sales organisation of your m o respective country. IRRADIANCE Iwym21 Typical module performance under low Irradiance conditions in ,�..�b.,..d -uu. y,..,...w. e.a.y i, rou w.•yv-+-s,n - comparison to STC conditions (25 "C, 1000W/m2). TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Temperature Coefficient of lu a [% /Kl +0.04 Temperature Coefficient of Va p [%/K] - -0.28 Temperature CDefflclent of P,,,, V [% /K] -0.39 Normal Operating Cell Temperature NOCT PF] 113 s5.4 (45 t3'C) PROPERTIESE• SYSTEM DESIGN Maximum System Voltage Vs„ M 1000 (IEC) 11000 (UL) Safety Class 11 Maximum Series Fuse Rating [A DC] 20 Fire Rating C (IEC) / TYPE I (UL) Design load, push (UL)' [lbs/ft2] 75 (360OPa) Permitted module temperature -40°F up to+185°F on continuous duty 1-40°C up to+a5'C) Design load, pull (UL)2 [Ibs/R2] 55.6 (2666 Pa) 2 see installation manual QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES PACKAGING INFORMATION UL 1703; VDE Quality Tested; CE-compliant; Number of Modules per Pallet 32 IEC 61215 (Ed.2); IEC 61730 (Ed.l) appilcation class A Number of Pallets per 53' Container 30 �• S a Number of Pallets per 40' Container 26 DVE ` C �,,RUs Pallet Dimensions ( L x W x H) 68.7 in x 45.3in x 46.11n (_1745_mm x 1150mm x 1170 mm) . Pallet Weight 1435lbs (651 kg) NOTE; Installation Instructions must be followed. See the installation and operating manual n contact our technical service department for further Information on appmed installation and use of this product. Hamvha O CELLS America Inc. 300 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 1250, Irvine, CA 92618. USA I TEL+1 949 748 59 96 1 EMAIL Inqulry®us.q-cells.com I WEB www.q-cells.us SCALE UM Z-102 solar =vv -- SolarEd.ge.-Single Ph'ase. Inverters, for North:Amoriba 8 E3000 H-.U-S 1,SE30001H-US / SE500OH-US / SH)OPHAJS SE7606'H48 f lax. ,`Ms 4K I 4 Ck: Opti'mi i id- & i histallatidd,wifth H U.Waivei-tdchqcilpgy -Spe6hcahyde sign-ad.-tmvvaek. l.Jith 'powpybptimlziers -Record-bf.e-aklng.effiekepcy sir integrated Arc, Fault, protection and Rapid Shutdown -tor NEC2014,arid'2017, per article-6130-1-1 and.:69Q.12. 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VA ..................• ' •--...... .. ._........- .... _...:. _,. _ .._.. - — iQoAQ Q24O9980 ..... u h1ax. AC Power an t fp 3306 415D Sd00 208V 6600 8350 i0$b4 [ 208V 12009 VA ""' � ' AC Optp.�l Vnllage Min.-Nom: htax:trt 183 20& 229 Vac i C tiletplL Voltage 'Yi�R-R:C)m -hi3X lb ............... 1 _ �..,_ >...,.� ..............t..,.,...,,.,.,.., ....,....,....., t;CFxequaniyhlln:om:�la�cs. 59_.3'B0.60.5 Hz..., Mn.COnti,4uow Gott_-utCurrent 12.5 „ _�, ..,16 Z4 � 2p8V �� I 32 ...... ............,. .,..........,.,.....,...........-7,1.�21IOU..I:..-.,. ....t...,............1..,d�'.�?:��V.,,.....,..37,;,.., A... .A. cFDimr�Sr,o�a,. $. ist111ty 7oniterIng;1513noirCk Protection, CAtenfr CRnflgurabJe `lhreshol# Y�i Yes INPUT R9axtrnune DC PoNt •SicYl a. 1 57 D 10s0I 1 00S15330 4V Transtnrmer.tds5.[>�graunde........ ;.. ......................... ...... . 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