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'. .' .aid ~rer9r6e~~ ~h,..i they aie;reef~Qin alli~b~ari<<. .nd t~ai h-'hAB,.,:iood rlgh~..itdlawlul,u~hO~ilr t~ .e~ .the a~me~ '~d lhnaid ~rtL..,..of" .,' th~ rlr.il part do~ hcreb1'/uily w.rr~litie tit~e to~aic1land. .nd ..ill l1<fcnd the nni. ~Kainst.'h" l~wfu1 daima pf. ~UpcrlOlI~ ~h9~v~r. ' . . iN \V1TNESS \Vm:REOF, the lai~ PlrtF:'of t.be 6r~t 'par~ ~a:~..::'.~~reullici '.~t:'.h~" . '':'h~~d._ aDd.e.L.t~~da1 ~d re.., aboye ':r!tte;';' " " . .... .' -' . '-:.. ..SI"'d.;:I';~d~;~~~~.~'~~'='.:.~~.~:.,='."':.~~.~~:.' ~~'~~l" ". '!mo.',. xn~~, ..., ' ' " " ';'. ',: .---...,....-.....---..'. ~..._..._.,~--_..._.._.,._..,.---~(Sf:AL) .Bl-nn ThO!llU.... .. ~ ,:.. .. ...: ..:_ : \. ... _, .' . . .,.. __. .... . ...... . .__... .. _.............. ...... _. .....~._. ';........:~~._~..--:-....;...__;-_._~._.'...:~;-.'-..:.~._..:....._.:..--;~(Sf.A~) a '~.... O.19~ before ~' ) ....-_..~.. -; , ,. ':. . .. \' \,\ ,.\. -J." , .~ . . ,\. \ . ~ . \' \.' \ , ' ;-, , \ ,----'-- , , , .' : - '. \ ,'.J, -,\ .... " \.... . ..,~, " . . , .. I.: i i I' I t , i" ,. i I 1~ i I I I i I " f. '. ~ " ." . . ), .._--~.~ \ COUNfy O~_...~&1,I~-l,lJGIB" ",.---~j , . ., J IIEREBy,CERTIFY,'>~at on tbil_.~..6tb day of__.:-_~~l~~:~...:.,..;. , ", ' .... t( & 'ht' II ..' I'eno"allyappmed...,........_.-;_~-...-. n"_.,,. 'A . dO.Ar~~~~_~_ SJ'ATE qF~....__WT.ORtDA " . . '. .: : ~ , . ~ome knowrHo btlhe pe~L-de~i~d illadll ~hoext~led.the forta?lrsg c:oMeyiitce Id.A&,H~ Danforth.. " ". .: . _~:.__...._____.~___ , . , . __~.::.~..:.._~~~.tYer~lIy .tkflo~l~d,gtd;hc exewtion th~r'of '~~ ~" ,,' hlJL....lree.act '. ;.:. '. - " '- .... . ... , . ~" -...': . .' -. .' ~ ; .D.jdeedff~he.IlSCland~urpoIU lhut~~elltiollcd,;.nd th.elald.-'-~~f . ' 'Xl;~ :,---:- '.: '::~t:i~~,rf~/~~.~-;,-t~i-;;~t. an-;'~~pa~~T; ~nd' apart Ir(;;;;-t;';;..;;;rh~;b~;.i7dio\ -;~;;tj>:(thai~~~d~"h~r:iriX't~~~[~d l~ir:;e.:i~arr;;<W~~ CanV<).'311((, j~. Ihe I'urpo,..< 0,,1 ttn.oun.<,in" r< 'ilolllng and (~IHe)inlr.' a!1 h.,tr.!.,..hl, t'Ilt 'intNtl.I, ....htth.r o Ldo....tr 'or 011!t. paraie pr"jlUlY, II>:Iulor1- ..~or,c'l'"ta!,lt, I dto lb. lap.ls lbttt'n' ",ucub .nd t4at .be. ueclllt.J .ald d.ed ,!reely a rIUlll~nl)' and ,!Ilhout aDY c:dII'ralnl, lur, apprcbenlloll c.r (OmpU!IIC'D.r from her .ald bus1,a~,d.', " ' '. ,.:. ," ,. . .' . , , Wl'rNESS my .ign.ture .nel official aut .t.. 'ort Pl~- in tbe COIII\11 of__lU. . 1.uaia. t,n'd Slaie oL_.~..~,_":-___ J ' -ri!... . l . '~ OiitMi_---U. . . d.y Va", ..;..... 'I:; A. D, 19.4...... at.-J.Q~~k...,L..;.lIL,thla InllrumeDt w.at filed for reco~d" ~c1 beiDg 'duly a(knO"'led~(d and prove I!. I. bin recorded t~.me ~IIP'Je. 230 ' ~ofBOO"" '64 . in' thep~blic' r(c~rd. of. Aid ~o~~ ' " '0' .. . '. . .1,.- u ~ . .' I have hereunto aet my hand 'I!d .ffixed ~ 'tal pf Ih~ Circllil Court of Ihe Fifteenlh JUdicial Circuil of laid 51ale, i~.lId., , ; t; , , ~. ~.: '. .__......:..,~~..~.!_~.J!~er8~~_~___..:. L i' l. STATE OF FLORIDA ,}".. 'COUNTY OF Sl'oLUCIE : . (SEAl,) . ". .1I0tal')' Publio, 'S'.'. of ftol"Ua at Lerse ~, OO,DII,II1edQneexplrle' Mtay,24 1928 .' . P. Ca El4re4 f~~~.~~..: , o. Clerk. .~ '~l . , Cano.Ue4) , I ,r'~\"',0.'. .' , (J ' D. c.' f " " "