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r r, Building Analys'lls 1al ''�` a� i, Dtgi Nsignedby Date: ikc;18, 2017 �m C81= AHU-1 Arcade 9 ca , 2[g7P1Z 8115 0738 By. Jimmy Conlon ProCalcs, LLC`f -�' P.0.Bm882032,PbrtSaWLude,FL34988Fhone:7T2-882-5700 Ertailka4gpmeEdmnetWeb:ww&F4oCalc&NetUceraaCAC1815254RTN90105474 For Arcade I SGANNLU 702 S Federal HWy, Port St Lurie, FL 34952 BY I jm4 LgJp2 Design Conditions Indoor: Heating St Lude Cc InU, FL, US Indoor temperature (°F) 70 Elevation: 26 ft Design TD (°F 33 Latitude: 28°N Relative humi ity (%) 37 Outdoor: Heating. Cooling_. Moisture difference grlb) 29.3 Dry bulb (°F 37 91 Infiltration: Daily range°F) - 15 ( L ) Method Simpilied 77 Consbuc don quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Component Btuhfff Btuh % of bad Ways 4.5 3006I 9:(f Gladtg 30.1 3667, 11 A Doors 8.6 180 05 Ceirgs 12 1244,' 3.7 Floors 1.7 1794 54 Irdbation 2Z6 3232 9.7 Ducts 394 12 PFPN 0 0 Humidification 4123 - 12:4 Ventilation 15671 47.0 Adjushnenls 0 Total 33310 100A Bbffh I %off Vdbb 25 15'g4 &0 Ghft 2117 3504 VA Doors 15.3 321 1.1 10 1580 5 0 Infillratiorn 3.1 450 is Duds 661 22 Ventilation 7601` 2&1 fntemai gains 14657 48,4 BIMW 0 0 Adjustments 0 Total 1 1 302901 100.0 Latent Cooing Load = 25216 Btuh Overall U-value = 0.103 Btuh/ft` 'F Data entries checked. Cooling 16 50 53.6 'Ffj&- wrigF>,tsafir° 20174DW- 1.1"1:5iM ^m—=•^�-_ Sw3�th�iveasa12171818.0.1F4P�S1115375 fit1 — 9GwP elWwkMDw4n0A=&-wp Cak=MS RwdDwri=MSE I ;, y ,�Its Building Analysis wy AHt-2 A2 � Arcade ProCaics, LLC P.O.Ewa82MPwtSa&dLuc[e.FL349MFhone:772-882-5M EwaP m For: Arcane 7632 S Federal Huey, Port St Lucia, FL 34952 Job: Arcade Date. Dec 18, 2017 By: ThoW Conlon CAC1815P54RTN#8105474 Location: Indoor: Heating St Lude Co Intl, FL, US i Indoor temperature (°F) 70 Elevation: 26 ft Design TD (°F)) 33 Latitude: 28°N Relative humidity (%) 36 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference gr/b) 29.3 Dry bulb (°F) 37 i 91 Infiltration: Daly rangeF(°F) - 15. ( L ) Method Simplified 77 Construclion quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Component BtuhW Btuh % of bad Walls 4.5 14244 44 Glazing 30.1 3960 12.1 Doors 0 0 0 Ceilings 12 1298 - 4A Floors 00 992 3A Irdbation 31A 4142, 12.7 Ducts 354 1.1 Pip' 6 0 Humidification 4404' 4�5 Ventilation 16146 49.3 Adjusimertts 0 Toil 1 32721 100.0 Ai in Ififfl I nT " BMWBut- ; % ofktad Wallis 2.1 652 22 Glazing 29.9 3933 13.0 Eludes 0 6 0 14 150 5.1D Fbors 0 0 0 42 635 2F1 Ducts 651 22 vwdwm M1 259 hftrfWqaiinS 14983 49.B Bkmw '0 0 Adustments 0 Total 1 1 30186 100.0 Latent Cooing Load = 26065 Btuh Overall U-value = 0.088 Btuhff>?--°F Data entries checked. Inf Internal Gains Ito 50 53.6 wreghtsoltt- 201743ea•1814:07:44 •� -_ -�-* RaN,Su3eSUhisve�sa1201818A,f74 RS125375 F9ge2 -mum CNOW-dew-len9fAsv r-d—p Cal—Fas RwdDDarfacesSE Q Buiiding i nabpil I .daft 1-3 Arcade 3 Procaics, LLC IP.iA9.9tmc.��,alt�dlliticlq,lf?L�CQ3�mm�� 16eerAff:tfmrtc(�mi Jdz Dadm Doc 14 21317 Br_ AWAVC=dm AMf✓1T DMA For. remmofc I S! Fe,¢PwWHam; PodStLug, IFIL. 62 I I Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating St Lude Co Intl, FL, US I Indoor temperature (°F) 70 Elevation: 26 ft Design TD (°F) 33 Latitude: 28°N humidityRelative % 36 Outdoor: Heating Cooling gr/lb) Moisture differdb 293 Dry bub(°F� 37 91 I Infiltration: Daft' range °F) - 15 ( L ) Method Simplified 77 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Component Btuhlff Btuh % of bad Wals 45 1196 35 GbAng 30.1 4028 119 Doors 8.6 180 0.5 Ceilings 12 1257 3.7 Fbors; 05 932 22 32.0 4958 14.7 Ducts 377 1.1 0 0 RffF 4847 14.3 Vetaarm 16009 474 0 TOW 337" 100A .dim IRM 9 cf wi�h 23 615 2.0 Gbzhg 23.1 3765 1 Doors 10.7 224 0.7 CeRNP 15 1607 52 Fbom 0 1 0 0 Mftrc&n 5:1 46 2.B Duch Iw 22 Vettlftn 7765 25.3 h*wrwigams 15274 49.7 Bbw" 0 0 Adustments 0 Total 36701 100.0 Latent Cooing Load = 26382 Btuh Overall U-value = 0.091 Btuh/ft? °F Data entries checked. 6n Intemal Gains Cooling 75 16 50 53.6 2o1T-Dec'o�c w� �rkn�,a2m>91�r s§ge3� I `' " ,cs Right -Suite® Universal 2018 Short Form AHU-1 Arcade 1 �; fir• Arcade zo,7 JhnW Conlon ProCalcs, LLC P.O.Box882MZPbrt5abdLude,FL349a8Phone:772-882570D Emal:hmi@pmrdicsnetWebwwwPn)oWsNaLitwnse:CAC1815254RTRA#0105474 Project• • For. Arcade 7632 S Federal Hwy, Port St Lucie, FL 34952 Htg Clg i Htg Clg Outside db (OF) 37 91 Inside db (OF) 70 75 Outside RH N - 53 Inside RH (%) - 50 Outside wb (OF) - 77 Inside wb (OF) - 63 Daily range (OF) - 15 Design TD (OF) 33 16 Moisture dill. (gr/lb) - 54 Heating Equipment Make Rheem Model RXB H-1724A10C Type Elec strip Efficiency 100 EFF Heating Input 10.0 kW Heating Output 341:1 MBtuh Humidifier 11.2 gpd Leaving Air Temp 121'.2 OF Actual Heating Fan &)6 cfm Equipment Location System Type Fan Motor Heat;Type Fan & Motor Combined Efficiency Static Pressure Across Fan Cooling Equipment Make Rheem Model RA1460AJ1 NA/ RHII T6024STANJA Type SpRAC COP/EER/SEER 14.5 Sensible Cooling 46A MBtuh Latent Cooling 11.6 MBtuh Total Cooling 580 MBtuh Leaving Air Temp 55.0 OF Actual Coofing Fan 1611 cfm AHU-1 Arcade 1 PEAKCV DRAWTHRU 95.0 % 0.6 in H2O NAME Area Heat Sensible Latent Htg Gg Time ftz Loss Gain Gain cfm cfm Arcade 1 914 ' 31286 29251 24950 522 1504 Aug 1600 LDT Women RR 1 97 1250 919 211 50 70 Aug 1600 LDT Women RR2 25 774 380 54 33 37 Aug 1600 LDT AHU-1 Arcade 1 1035 33310 30550 25216 606 1611 Aug 1600 LDT wrightsofta •�•�� �ts�irt�;izola�aoa4Rsuzs37s .uHdingCWluiadelRloriengDrawin.WAmadarup Cad=RTS FmntD risces SE 2017-Deo-1814:07.44 Page 1 4 ; Right -Suite® Uiriiversa12018 Short Form Job: amide Date: Doc W AHU-2 Arcade 2 Bir• Jimmy 2017 � «1 ProCales, LLC P.0.Bmc88203'ZPbdS2bdLude R-34988Phonw,7724W-6700 EmaWT@PMCWMnetWe wmRoUcsWLk•nsaCAC1815254RTN#0105474 0 Project • • For. Arcade j 7632 S FederallHwy, Port St Lude, FL 34952 Htg Clg Outside db ff) 37 91 Outside RH N - 53 I Outside wb (°F) - 77 Daily range (OF) - 15 Moisture dill. (gr/lb) - 54 .Heating Equipment Make i Rheem Model RXB H-1724A10C Type Elec step Efficiency 100 EFF Heating Input 10.0 kW Heating Output 34.1 MBtuh Humidifier 1j1.9 gpd Leaving Air Temp 120.0 OF Actual Heating Fan 621 drn Equipment Location System Type Fan Motor Heat Type Fan & Motor Combined Efficiency Static Pressure Across Fan 1� Htg g Inside db (OF) 0 5 Inside RH N - 50 Inside wb (OF) - 63 Design TD (OF) 33 16 Cooling Equipment Make Rheem Model RA1460AJ1 NA/ RH1T6024STANJA Type SpRAC COP /EER/SEER 14.5 Sensible Cooling 46A MBtuh Latent Cooling 11.6 MBtuh Total Cooling 58.0 MBtuh Leaving Air Temp 55.0 OF Actual Caolrrg Fan 1611 cfm AHU-2 Arcade 2 PEAKCV DRAWTHRU 95.0 % 0.6 in H2O NAME Area Heat Sensible Latent Htg Clg Time ftz Loss Gain Gain crm dm Arcade 2 986 ;'I I 31500 29534 25859 565 1541 Aug 1600 LDT Men RR 95 1221 898 206 56 70 Aug 1600 LDT AHU 2Arcade 2 1080 I 32721 30432 26065 621 1611 Aug 1600 LDT W I. 20174Deo-1814:07:44 Su&9il�a."setsa12fnIBIROZ4 5375 P2ge2 d tab=RiS FkwaDxwbmsSE *1k �i� Right -Suite® Ui N, we�thi piw AHU-3 Arcade 3 ProCalcs, LLC P.o.Box882MZPimtSa dLude.FL34988Fhona:7n-8825700 Emat trw 2018 Short Form Jok arcade Date: Dec 18, 2017 By: Jimmy Conlon %mmARot?Wmi4etLlrense: CAC1815254 RTN#0105474 For. Arcade 7632 S FedenallHwy, Port St Lucie, FL 34952 Htg Clg Outside db (OF) 37 91 Outside RH N - 53 Outside wb (OF) - 77 Daily range (OF) - 15 i Moisture dill. (gr/lb) - 54 Heating Equipment I i Make Rheei Model RXBH-1724AI OC Type Elec step Efficiency 100 EFF Heating Input 10.0 kW Heating Output 34.1 MBtuh Humidifier 13.1 gpd Leaving A!r Temp 120.5 OF Actual Heating Fan 015 d m Equipment Location System Type iI Fan Motor Heat Type Fan & Motor Combined Efficiency Static PressureAcross Fan I Htg Clg Inside db (OF) 70 75 Inside RH M - 50 Inside wb (OF) - 63 Design TD (OF) 33 16 Cooling Equipment Make Rheem Model RA1460AJ1NA/RH1T6024STANJA Type Sp6tAC COP /EER/SEER 14.5 Sensible Cooling 46A MBtuh Latent Cooling 11.6 MBtuh Total Cooling 58.0 MBtuh LeavingAirTemp 55.0 OF Actual Cooing Fan 1611 cfm AHU-3 Arcade 3 PEAKCV DRAWTHRU 95.0 % 0.6 . in H2O NAME Area Heat Sensible Latent Htg Clg Time fe Loss Gain Gain cam cfm Arcade 3 903 I 29524 28058 24796 482 1423 Aug 1600 LDT. Office 143 4259 2906 1587 133 188 Aug 1600 LDT AHU-21Arcade 3 1046 - 33784 30964 26382 1 615 1611 Aug 1600 LDT ��� ddeE�2d20181$�25. - tak=rids RmMilaw SE 20174)eo-1814.07:44 Page 3 Me 11% 20V E�irris a -� I � .itawconlott Pmcalcs, �.�.lRm3�rltIl�e�,IFLN�¢rtrf;bA77c�--5 �ait:t®.:rr�l�tia'�: i18115�A16�1,�Bll�.50.3ii AFCade 7632 S Federal'1 IPottStLude, FL 34952 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS atAug 1600 LDT Peak load atAug 1600 LDT Inside: 75 OF Outside: 91 OF TD: 16 OF RH: 53 % MoistDiff: 53.6 gr/b Mutt 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF Sensible Latent 2. SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 1875 - 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 5045 - Walls: 1514 - - Glass: 1629 - - Doors: 321 - - Partitions: 0 - - Floors: 0 - - Ceilings: 1581 4. INTERNALHEAT GAIN Sensible Latent 14657 8750 Occupants: 8365 8750 - - Lights: 4110 - - - Motors: 0 - - - App4iances: 2182 C - - 5. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 25 450 921 6. SUBTOTAL: Space bad Sensible Latent 22028 9671 Envelope 22028 9671 - - Less extemal 0 - - - Redistributbn 0 0 - - 7. SUPPLYDUCT 661 - 8. SUBTOTAL: Space bad + supply duct 22949 Actual cfm: 1611 at supply TD: 20 9. VENTILATION: Make-up air cfm: 427 7601 15545 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting + plenum (net) 0 - 11. RETURN DUCT 0 - 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 30550 25216 v.{...-� lY ! �' ` fc. � 1 it _! ' s lXv v (��-x /►; r F.. v 7 1...{ 71t r'i 7s j 1 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS, Mutt 1.0 Inside: 70 OF Outside: 37 OF TD: 33 OF 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES 9891 Wags: 3006 - Glass: 3667 - Doors: 180 - Partitions: 0 - Floors: 1794 - Ceilings: 1244 - 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 88 3232 16. SUBTOTAL: Space bad 13123 Envelope 13123 - Less external 0 - Less transfer 0 - Redistribution 0 - 17. SUPPLYDUCT: 394 1S. VENTILATION: Make-up air cfm. 427 15671 19. HUMIDIFICATION 4123 Piping 0 20. RETURN DUCT 0 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 33310 -FW wr1ghTsOR'° 2017-0ec-1814:07:44 •" "' "^-�`-� FagWSoiL�@tfrinmmaf2i11818A.O4F?SU25375 Pagel _ulding CorpW-delWalangDra%ingsW-d—p GaIc=RTS Frontl)=faaesSE ICS Right -Suite@ Univertal 2018 Load Summary AH11-2 Arcade 2 Jcft Date: By. A=& ec 18, 29V JbwW Conlon limy ProCales, LLC Po.8ox8=3ZFbrtSAkdLude. R.34988 Phone: 772-M-5709 BTmIW4QMDCAMfMtWeb-.WNNFMUMMUMISE!:CACIS15254RTIM=1054-14 For Arcade 7632 S Federal Hwy. Port St Lucie, FL 34952 1 DESIGN CONDITIONS 6tAug 1600 LDT Peak load atAug 1500 LDT Inside: 75 OF Outside: 91 OF TD: 16 OF RH: 53 % MoIstDff. 53.6 gr/b Mult 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF Sensible Latent 2. SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 1939 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 4137 Wags: 720 Glass: 1158 Doors. 0 - - Partilions: 0 - - Floorw. 0 - - Ceilings: 1659 - - 4. INTERNALBEAT GAIN Sensible Latent 14983 8750 Occupants: 8365 8750 Lights: 4264 - Motors: 0 - App%ricw. 2354 0 5. INFILTRATION: Outside air dm: 36 635 1299 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load Sensible Latent 21694 10049 Envelope 21694 10049 - - Less external 0 - Redistributon 0 0 7. SUPPLYDUCT 651 & SUBTOTAL: Space load + supply duct 22601 Actual cfm.* i 1611 at supply TD-- 20 - - 9. VENTILATION: Make-up air cfm: 440 7831 16017 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting + plenum (net) 0 - 11. RETURN DUCT 0 - 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 30432 26065 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult 1.0 Inside: 70 OF Outside: 37 OF TD: 33 OF 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES 7674 Walls: 1424 - Glass: 3960 - Doors: 0 - Partitions: 0 - Floors: 992 - Ceilings: 1298 - 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air dm: 113 4142 16. SUBTOTAL: Space bad 11816 Envelope 11816 - Less external 0 - Less transfer 0 - Redistribution 0 - 17. SUPPLYDUCT' 354 1& VFIfFLLATION. Make-upairdm: 440 16146 19. HUMIDIFICATION 4404 Piping 0 20. RETURN DUCT 0 21. TOTAL BEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 32721 -ria- =!VfttS.'0ft- I 20174)ec-I 6 14:07-,44 IWSW�L-BUnhersM2Cl8l8jOD4RSIRS375 Page 2 -AAdinUCarpWm&WorWnnDmwAgeArcademp 6&=RFS FvontDowfaces:SE Right -Suite@) Summary Universal 2018 Load SummaJotK �Date: ICS AHU-3 Arcade 3 'Wefte� pieW ProCales, LLC Po.Box8=32.PadSaWLude. FL34988 Phone: 772-M-5700 EniaiLftmi@pnx2kwistWe&-vAvwPaiWaaMLioanse:CACIBifi254RTN#Ol05474 Arcade Dec ill, 2017 Jhnary Conlon Finn Ammb 36 M S F i Ed H ft Pa -1 1 L W a P,, F L' 3 4M 2 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS :atAug 1600 LDT Peak load atAug 1600 LDT Inside: 75 OF Outside: 91 OF TD: 16 OF RH: 53 % M6!stDff: 53.6 gr/lb Mutt 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF Sensible Latent 2. SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 1977 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 4234 Walls: 615 - Glass: 1788 - - Doors: 224 - - Partifions: 0 - - Floors: 0 - - Ceilings: 1607 - - 4. INTERNALHEAT GAIN Sensible Latent 15274 8900 Occupants: 8604 8900 - - Lights: 4171 - Motors: 0 App%ncew. 2499 a - - 5. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 44 783 1602 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load Sensible Latent 22268 10502 Envelope 22268 10502 - - Less e)dBmal 0 - Redistribution 0 0 - 7. SUPPLYDUCT 8. SUBTOTAL: Space load + supply duct 668 23199 Actual cfm., 1611 at supply TD. 20 - - 9. VENTILATION- Make-up air cfm: 436 7765 15880 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting + plenum (net) 0 - H. RETURN DUCT 0 - 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 30964 26382 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Inside: 70 OF Outside: 37 OF 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES Wags: 1196 Glass: 4028 Doors: 180 Partitions: 0 Floors: 932 Ceilings: 1257 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 16. SUBTOTAL: Space load Envelope 12551 Less external 0 Less transfer 0 Redistribution 0 17. SUPPLYDUCT% I& VENTILATION: Make-up air dm: 19. HUMIDIFICATION Piping 20. RETURN DUCT 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT Mutt 1.0 TD: 33 OF 7593 135 4958 12551 377 436 16009 4847 0 0 33784 -F�F- wrlgtltsoft- 2017-Dec-1814:07A,4 RgbEStfdoOLtnhmrsM20181U.04RSLMW75 ftgea _.wwi,,gC�,pW,,d,W,ddmDzWnOAmad&m'p Cdc=RTS FrontDowfac=SE ;� Duct System Summary pWacal ``-." AHU-9 Arcade 9 ProCalcs, LLC Job: Amare Date: Dec 18, 2017 By: Jimmy Conlon P.D.Bmr882032,FbrtsaintLude,F134988Fhone:772482-5700 EmBi tom canetwebwwwPmtalmtULicensa:CAC1815254RTIN*0105474 External static pressure Pressure losses Available static pressure Supply/return available pressure Lowest friction rate Actual air flow Total effedWe length (TEL) Pro�ect �ntot-ma��o;n Heating 0.60 in H2O 0.31 in H2O 029 in H2O 0.171 / 0.119 in H2O 0.065 in/100ft 606 cfm 447 ft Cooling 0.60 in H2O 0.31 in H2O 029 in H2O 0.171 / 0.119 in H2O 0.065 in/100ft 1611 cfrn Name Design (Btuh) Htg (cfm) Cig (cfm) Design FIR Diam (in) H x W (in) Duct Mat Actual Ln (ft) Ftg.Egv Ln (ft) Trunk Arcade 1 c 2706 65 188 0.080 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 29.0 185.0 st6A Arcade 1-A C 2706 65 188 0.125 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 12.0 125.0 st6 Arcade 1-B c 2706 65 188 0.126 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 11.0 125.0 st6 Arcade 1-C C 2706 65 188 0.079 9.0 Ox 0 VIFx 30.0 185.0 st6A Arcade 1-D c 2706 65 188 0.103 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 20.0 145.0 st6 Arcade 1-E C 2706 65 188 0.104 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 19.0 145.0 st6 Arcade 1-F c 2706 65 188 0.065 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 37.0 225.0 st6B Arcade 1-G C 2706 65 188 0.065 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 38.0 225.0 st6B women RR 1 C 1009 150 70 0.158 6.0 Ox 0 VFx 7.8 100.0 st2 Women RR C 526 1 33 1 37 1 0.143 4.0 Ox 0 1 VFx 1 14.1 1 105.0 1 st2 Suppliy Trunk Detail Table Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) (dm) FIR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk st2 PeakAVF 606 1611 0.065 841 18.9 23 x 12 RectFbg st6 PeakAVF 522 1504 0.065 846 18.4 16 x 16 RectFbg st2 st6A PeakAVF 261 752 0.065 846 14.2 16 x 8 RectFbg st6, st66 PeakAVF 131 376 0.065 677 9.6 10 x 8 Recd=bg st.GA Bob t fic values have been manualy overridden -�- enrrightsoft- 2017-Dec-1814:07:44 •« -'-- � ROitSbiteSUnNersal2018181DD4 R$i M75 Pagel -.itdingCoiplllrcadeWadaMDmviings%ArcadiLmp Catc=RTS RordDoorfaomSE Return :Brand Detail Tab'fe 01, Return, Trunk Detail Table Name Trunk Type Htg (dm) cu (cfm) Design FIR Veloc (fpm) Diam (in) H x W (in) Dud Material Trunk rt2 PeakAVF 606 1611 0.065 504 13.7 23 x 20 RedFbg Boldital c values have been manually over, n 2017-0eo4814A7.44 W�YQ�ltSOft� Page 2 �•+�+�-.,�_•_—� �FSui�tAin�rsaa1201818AJ!!4 RSU25375 _uldingQMp%madetYaskng0rdWnVAmadeaup Ca}e=RTS Rat[Oowface-.SE Duct System Summary AHU-2Arcade 2 ProCalcs, LLC Job: Arcade Date: Dec U, 2017 By. Jinwny cone P.D.Bmc882032.PtetSE&dLude.FL349WFhone:772482-5700 Email:lnm IrsnelWekwwr4roCalcsML!cense:CAC1815254RT94#0105474 Extemal static pressure Pressure losses Available static pressure Supply/return available pressure Lowest friction rate Actual air flow Total effetWe length (TEL) Yrojec:t Inlorniation Heating 0.60 in H2O 0.31 in H2O 029 in H2O 0.175 / 0.115 in H2O 0.067 in/100ft 621 dm 434 ft Cooling 0.60 in H2O 0.31 in H2O 029 in H2O 0.175 / 0.115 in H2O 0.067 in/100ft 1611 cfm Name Design (Btuh) Htg (cfm) Clg (cfm) Design FR Diam (in) H x W (in) Duct Mall Actual Ln (ft) Ftg.Egv Ln (ft) Trunk Arcade 2 c 2719 71 193 0.107 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 19.0 145.0 st8 Arcade 2-A c 2719 71 193 0.067 9.0 OX 0 VFx 37.0 225.0 st8B Arcade 2-B c 2719 71 193 0.067 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 37.0 225.0 st8B Arcade 2-c C 2719 71 193 0.082 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 29.0 185.0 stBA Arcade 2-D c 2719 71 193 0.108 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 17.0 145.0 st8 Arcade2-E c 2719 Z1 193 0.082 9.0 Ox0 VFx 29.0 185.0 stBA Arcade 2-F c 2719 71 193 0.129 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 11.0 125.0 st8 Arcade 2-G c 2719 I71 193 0.131 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 9.0 125.0 a Men M I c 986 i 56 70 1 0.159 1 6.0 1 Ox 0 1 VFX 1 9.8 100.0 st3 Trunk Htg Clg Design Vebc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (dm) (dm) FIR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk st8B PeakAVF 141 385 0.067 694 196 10 x 8 RedFbg stBA st8A PeakAVF 283 771 0.067 867 18.6 16 x 8 RedFbg st8 st8 PeakAVF 565 1541 0.067 867 18.6 16 x 16 RectFbg st3 sla PeakAVF ra?A Iral1 QJM7 841 1" 23 x 12 RedFN Bokrdaricvalues have been manually overridden 'FP- m1g 2017-Dea1814:07:44 tWs.a•.0 �,.� Q� a9ri 12171B98ID10a1 3A Page �t�IlBir�d?mt�1^txaBeOTilmtlliing mir Spas rnyp �dtc=6Fif5 FTxftOaw me-;:qE Name Grille Sme (n) Htg (cfm) Clg (cfm) TEL (ft) Design FIR Velcc (fpm) Diam (in) H x W (n) StudlJoist Opening (in) Duct Matl Trunk rb1 0x0 621 1611 172.3 0.067 586 W 18x 22 RlFg rt3 Return Trunk Detail Table Name Trunk Type Htg (dm) Clg - (cfm) - Design FIR Vebc (fpm) Diam (in) H x W (in) Duct Material Trunk rt3 PeakAVF 621 1611 0.067 504 15.6 23 x 20 RectFbg BoW#taflc values have been manually overtldrlen - - wrightsoft- •�� �-•��� +—: Rgbl- Wde®ttnhw=1201818AD4 RSLJ25375 —uldingCorpkArcadeWVwWngDmvAngsWcadesup Cats=RTS RwdDoorfamvSE 20174Deo-1814:07:44 Page4 ICS Duct System Summary ", e> th. ,s piece AHU-3 Arcade 3 ProCalcs, LLC Job: Arcade Date: Dec 18, 2017 By. Jimmy Conlon P.O.Bax882032.Flo1SaintLud&FL9498SPhane:772-882-5700 Emsd l n webr-flocal-pwLiamw:CAC1815254RT14#0105474 For: Arcade 7632S Federal". Port St Lucie, FL34952 Heating Cooling Extemal static pressure Pressure losses Available static pressure Supply / return available pressure Lowest friction rate Actual airflow Total effed&4e length gEL) 0.60 in H2O 0.31 in H2O 029 in H2O 0.223 / 0.067 in H2O 0.085 in/100ft 615 afm 341 ft Supply Branch Detail Table 0.60 in H2O 0.31 in H2O 029 in H2O 0223 / 0.067 in H2O 0.085 in/100ft 1611 cfm Name Design (Btuh) Htg , (cfm) Gg (cfm) Design FIR Diam (in) H x W (in) Duct Mats Actual Ln (ft) Ftg.Egv Ln (ft) Trunk Arcade 3 c 2590 160 178 0.164 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 11.0 125.0 st4 Arcade 3-A c 2590 '60 178 0.085 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 37.0 225.0 st46 Arcade 3-B c 2590 60 178 0.085 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 37.0 225.0 st413 Arcade 3•C c 2590 60 178 0.136 9.0 Ox 0 V1Fx 19.0 145.0 st4 Arcade 3-D c 2590 60 178 0.136 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 19.0 145.0 st4 Arcade3-E C 2590 60 178 0.164 9.0 Ox0 VFx 11.0 125D st4 Arcade 3-F C 2590 60 178 0.104 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 29.0 185.0 st4A Arcade 3-G C 2590 i 60 178 0.104 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 29.0 185.0 st4A Office C 2743 133 188 0.201 9.0 Ox 0 VFx 10.7 100.0 st1 Trunk Htg Cg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) (drn) FIR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk st413 PeakAVF 120 356 0.085 640 8.9 10 x 8 RedFbg st4A st4A PeakAVF 241 711 0.085 800 13.2 16 x 8 RectFbg st4 st4 PeakAVF 482 1423 0.085 800 17.1 16 x 16 RectFbg st1 st1 PeakAVF 615 1611 0.085 841 15.6 23 x 12 Red#Fbg Bolo talk values have been manually overridden 2017-DecA814:07.,44 -- wrightsoftn Pages Right-Suib�+Univ8asa12018i89d14FL12537s -uildin_gCorpVdwAetwodangDriMngs%Amadenrp Calc=RTS Fmd000rfacasSE Return Branch Detail Table Grille Htg Clg TEL Design Vebc Diam H x W Stud/Joist Duct Name Size (in) (dm) (dm) (ft) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Opening (in) Mall Trunk rb4 Ox 0 254 544 75.8 0.088 390 16.0 0x 0 VFx rt1 rb3 Ox 0 361 1067 78.8 0.085 549 20.0 14x 20 RlFg rt1 Return Trunk Detail Table Name Trunk Type Htg (dm) Clg (dm) Design FIR Vebc (fpm) Diam (in) H x W (in) Duct Material Trunk rt1 PeakAVF 615 1611 0.085 504 11.7 23 x 20 RectFbg Soldbtelk values have been manually overridden -�- wrightsoR- m �•rs« a «� fight-Suite®UritversW201818.0.04 RS1Y15375 —ugdingCorpVkmdeWoddngDrawingslAmadenip Calc=RTS RontQnorfacesSE 20174)eo-1814:07:44 Page 6 i - i Static Pressure and Friction Rate Job: amaae Dec 18' , � �CS the AHl�9 Arcade 9 By. Date: J1nwW'Conlon ProCalcs, LLC PO.BmcBS2032,PbrtSaurtLudaRL349WFhone:772-M-5700 Email:gsmawacsisnetWeb:vmMn k�IcrMLimwm.CAC1815254R NSO105474 For: Arcade 7632 S Fe€9erWl PortStLune, FL34952 Heating Cooling (in H2O) (in H2O) External static pressure 0.60 0.60 Pressure losses Coil 0.07 0.07 Heat exchanger 0 0 Supply diffusers 0.03 0.03 Return grilles 0.03 0.03 Filter 0.15 0.15 Humidifier 0 0 Balancing damper 0.03 0.03 Other device 0 0 Available static pressure 029 0.29 Total Eff—ective Len th Supply Return (ft) (ft) Measured length of run -out 7 16 Measured length of trunk 32 3 Equivalent length of fittings 225 165 Total length 263 184 Total effective length 447 � � fIu krY Friction .Rate ;t Ifc..y ,� myng (Eno" `" 02W OK oDffi CK FittingEquivalent LengthDetails Supply 4W=35, 2B0=20, 2B0=20,12H1=20, 2B0=20,12H1=20, 2B1=30, 2E0=25,1C-_35: TotalEL=225 Return 60=10, 6C6=115, 5A=40: TotalEL=165 Wrilghf soft- 2017-Dec4814:07A4 •«�•- �-�•-,�-r I4gi�%aUiiv wI201818AD4R.SLI25375 Pa9e1 .iAdmgowpt4mdeW&vdnjDraW,riggAzaden+p C'alc=RM Frwt1D=faeB-xSE ; lCS Static Pressure and Friction Rate Job. Amids llaca Date: Dec 18, 2017 °ti.� AHII-2 Arcade 2, By: Jinwn,► Conlon ProCalcs, LLC P.O.Bmc882032.FbatSabdLude.RL34N8Fhone:772-825700 Ensd:to ImxwtWeb:vwwPmalmNalLiammw.CAC1815254RTid#0105474 For: Arcade 7632 S FederalHwj1 PortStLune, IFL 34952 Available Static Pressure Heating Cooling (in H2O) (in H2O) External static pressure 0.60 0.60 Pressure losses coil 0.07 0.07 Heat exchanger 0 0 Supply diffusers 0.03 0.03 Return grilles 0.03 0.03 Filter 0.15 0.15 Humidifier 0 0 Balancing damper 0.03 0.03 Other device 0 0 Available static pressure 029 029 Total Effective Length supply Retum (ft) (ft) Measured length of run -out 6 4 Measured length of trunk 31 3 Equivalent length of fittings 225 165 Total length 262 172 "total effedive length 434 FrictionRate Heating Cooling ('g1/100ft) (irdlooft) Supply Duds 0.067 OK 0.067 OK Return Duds 0.067 OK 0.067 OK EquivalentFitting . Details supply 4W=35, 260=20, 260=20,12H1=20, 2130=20,121-11=20, 2131=30, 2E0=25,1 C=35: TotalEL=225 Return 60=10, 6C6=1 1 5,5B=40: TotalEL=165 -- wrightsoft- 2017-Deo-1814:07:44 •«�+-J= ..- ,�-�,-, R+gbt-SuitDOLKwwwl2018i8DD4RSM5375 Paget _ufcirtgtbrpW=del&,Vo 'ngDcavdngs%kTmdenip Cala=RTS FnwdDowt3cmSE Job ; ,k ! Static Pressure; and Friction Rate Date: sae Dace: Dec is, zot� ` �:, cs 'We��pftW AHU-3 Arcade 3, By: Jitnny Canton ProCalcs, LLC P.O.Box882032,FtatSairtLurie,RL34988Ffione:772-882-5700 Emal:�r lrs Web. wAPuCatsMLicmw.CAC1815254RM#0105474 Flroject'[nform, ztion, AvailableHeating Cooling (in H2O) (in H2O) Extemal static pressure 0.60 0.60 Pressure losses coil 0.07 0.07 Heat exchanger 0 0 Supply diffusers 0.03 0.03 Return gr%s 0.03 0.03 Filter 0.15 0.15 Humidifier 0 0 Balancing damper 0.03 0.03 Other device 0 0 Available static pressure 029 0.29 Total,- • supply Return (ft) (ft) Measured length of run -out 6 16 Measured length of trunk 31 3 Equivalent length of fittings 225 60 Total length 262 79 Total effective length 341 Supply Duds Return Duds Friction Rate Heating (M/100ft) 0.085 OK 0.085 OK Coormg 0/100ft) 0.085 OK 0.085 OK Fitting Equivalent LengthDetails supply 4W=35, 2B0=20, 2B0=20,12H1=20, 2B0=20, 12H1=20, 2B1=30, 2E0=25,1 C=35: TotalEL=225 Return 60=10, 6A1=10, 5A=40: TOtalEL=60 2017-0eo-1814:07:44 ONPirQt}lLSOft� Page 3 «�+-���_�•, � f�gERSui2eSLk�t�asa1201618DD4 RSiJ25375 .rn7dirtgQorplAtradAYotkNDra,drtgsWeadedup Catc=RTS RmtDowfaaes:SE