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And 1he ..id, parl~ of, the li~t part .do'7-COreDant with :the ..jd .pau~_.....: ol.lbe 'lCcondpart t~at..r..ther.....u"-.-.Ja1Vfun7 aeizedofth., . ..Id prcmi'le.; that they a~efree trom .u iucunibr~ and tbat.lh.i:ba.~ right' ~l!d lawf~1 autboriiy to &ell the lime; allel' ~e ,'~id' p~ Of. '. . ~,. "'J '.' ~ ;: " '. : .,"" .'.' "'.' ..... .' .' -'. . __ ." . : '. ,'. ." " ....,. ' . .... , ' ,. .' '. . ~. . -" .. .' .':' '.' 'the' ~i.t t>attdo-,.'Ii~rebj' f~lIr warr&lltlhe title 10llald 'land. ..ndwill defend'the ~am,e againlt th, lawful claim. of allptrlODnvbomlOCYCl" 'il . . , 4.. _ , :.IN' wrfNEss WHEREOF,.the .aiel p:ud.U..of the lifltpan 1llL.,~""hercu~tQ wt;halr />anA. &lid ile&L.fthe day an II fear abolr',!,;itteii. . ','. .'., '.: ;'__'" . _" . ,'. _. . _. ,;.... ,., '. '.'1. ,~_::..,.,~~:~:.~~~.~.~:~~~..d,e.;~~:I'O;:~~~~b:::...:.,._.~....:,~..,~:_.._,..,~.~,. , . ,,', ...,....__...n~.'...' ...Irma, Lee..lI10klu ......- ..:.:..-....--...-,... '_' ~ ' ,: .'. ._~..,.'-.:~.~.:o:f.U, . -'-U...AA4J.. t.r.IaJL, '" -7...~.....:-_(S~XL) , . . -. ~. . ...--- . .... , . . .. . ........... ..,., . ...., , . "... :.' .....: ." .... .... .... ,..~..-:.-..~--tQ.l~"s......Ap4.0.r.l'O.ll.---...~:-~(SEAL) , ....~. . - - . .........-~-..~.':'.-.:.._~. .'..'J..." 'j i ., ' , .'1-. " ~ . ' .......... ~ .... ,'" ......- .' ., '. ST ^ TE()f:.:..-..::.:..~-~.I).Qr14a..~..;,:: " .' ~ , .cbtiNT~, bF~.-~ '. ..:-Bt..:~hn.._~_.~__ f' ;: " ' '. I JIERE,8Y CERTIFY, That on thb_..,:.-.:.:.2.8.~__~~ of , .~. .. ~D,I92...5....bdore me reuonally appe~rcd~_.:...~,-~D.2.~.' all.noD. .~h~1".bU8b.I)c1' , a..ph S. ~ftlt.reon~-c-~_~--'~_-'-'- '. . '. . ~ .' . .' .' : . '. ,'., ~ .' . " . '. . . to me Iinown to be the Perionll~ e1escribed In an4 wll.o cxecutc~,~e foregoing CODTey.nce to . lfa.t. 008._" IJ8Al'tJ' tJ o.pa 111 ,0 _~.......__....:.:..;.....'-'.._....:__~. .' , " ..~_ ,aiid .evet.all,.'lcknowledgcdthe- uewliori thueoft~ I>e ' 'h.l~f{e'e act ~nd decd for the u:cund pur~1U Iherel~ mentk,n~d;and tb~ aaio1-,-,,-~~Pho.b,' ~ ,\11411"100' . ' .-....'. . . .', .- .... -' " ' . . ','. , ~ . '. ."~. . '. - . '. ; tile. wife of th,e laid,~._. . .' Jo..ph..s.........l.D"'.r .On _____. __..._:........:...:... "'.__:-~~OD' al"Pa'al~ ind printe .nami~alioll 'tihn an,l made ,hy and b..rore me, arroi up.,ai..y andapatt from hu ..101 hlllban.l; di.<l'lCknowl.dllO Ihat she mad.."tt.df~a-I'a"y to th.. nld 11.,,01 of, Con""}'.nc~. for th.. I'Url'Ose of renouncin((, rtljnqu;shm.1l an<l ron.-eyillli !ill, hu ti~ht, lille and ,"ltr~U, ..hcthtr 01 do..u. or o,f Hl'nale property, lI>lulOrr or cQultal,I., in and totlie larid. th...in .IC'lCribed. IIId that ahe' c,xecu\ecl,said deed frctly and '\'oluntllll,' Ln<J WllhoUI"IDI,con.trlllll, lur. al'prehcnsioD, or cO':"Vlll.lOn of C?r'(rom her aaidhutl>~nd. , ',. . , :.-' .- ',' :. . , ..' .,' . " ' 1 .sttl~tJn. , ' :.nci'Slale of' t!icd.~:)'"r;-I~t1 IrOft..;d, v\ , . ,_.._,-_:.~:.,"".._.c......Mllir:L____."-:'~(SF.^L) lfOtaf'1,ft.U~,81at. O~ Plorl4&- . . ~ oom.lasloD expir.. BOY.16,192& .;. , , . ',; 'J j r .1. - 21..t ". clar of *1 '~D. j9~a~Bo'd9c~,thl.l.Dllium'c~t ~~a . I. . J 6,lOel ;or record. andt>eing duly acknowlcd,ed arid pr()YfIf, 1 hue reeordeellhe lime oDpacc2aQ..--..of BO()lc..;...c~.In 'Ihe public rfcord~ of ialel COUllty" ,', ' ,'" , . , , '.' . .,' .I~ }VITNESS WHEREOF, I b;;e hmunlo ICt~;~.nd and affu.4i{e .~al olll1e' Cim;t Courl of the Fiftcenth Judicial Cireuit ~f aal1 Slale.ln aDd for N.d County, " ,1,-' , , .' '. . J' I '. , . ... 0'6 /:j;Pt;,g4' ~ ::': .~ g,', C' rt '1' On Ibi. L , - -_.......:::.--..