HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # ISSUE DATE Building & Code Compliance Division BLTI[L 9dlsTQ PERMIT SUB -CONTRACT QR AGREEMENT SCAN Ywi By St Luelo rhmb/ HOME 1(1 have agreed to be (Compail NaDidludividual Name) the ��L'�(Z1C>4l- Sub-'onctor for P&C Construction of the Treasure Coast LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Copenhaver Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34945 (Project Sireet Addolm Proporly Mix ID #) it is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St: ,Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. COWRACTOR SIGIVATURL (; Cheryl A. Jac uin I" IiI3''T 14AME CGC 056649 CQUNTX CERTIFICATION NVIVIDER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument tuns signed before me this IL clay of u 20 by'TlGQ I n who is personally known Z—or has produced a as tsiotitificstian. STAMP signature v Notary Public Print R. a00Y P%. Notary Public State of Florida Alyssa Modine oQ My Commission FF 201l oano�� Expires04/14/2019 Revised 1 U1612016 ASVJK,O.NTk0lt Nts`rURE (Qutaililcr) PRENT �(479 /EL13��GgZS f(6_i;_'i'.t aV TIFICA' ION 10MBE State of Florida, County of 2 . O z I`b4 foregoing instrument was signed before ttte this lS� clay of !l!� , 24 by _#.0 wlto is Personally huOYJ! ✓ nr has produced a as Identifica'ttion. Ate- STAMP $ag 16re of No ry Public A1v ssc" (Y oA t n9- ?a4PaY Notary Public State of Florida Alyssa Modine My Commission FF 208475 9jt of boa Expires 04/14/2019 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building; &Code Compliance Division BU , ILDIN - G PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR -AGREEMENT Paul Jabquin & Sons, Inc. to. be (Company Nairnefindlvid6a.l Name) the Roofing Sub -contractor for P&C.,.'-',onstruction..of.,the-Treasure-Coast, LL (Type of Trade) (PrimAry Contractor) Fort t PierceFL. For the project located at Copenhaver Road, F (Project Street Address or Rfep6r'1y7Ax ID 4) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our p4rticipati-on, with the above mentioned project, the: Building and Code Regulation Division of $t. SLucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of'Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGN TUR ii—.Uncr) Cheat A jacquin PRINT NAME GCG 056649 COUNT—V CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, C,,,,, of, St Lucie The. foregoing instrument was signed before me thin day of 20Qlby liQ who Is personally known /or has, produced a; as identification. 't, STAMP signatuie of 151011ary Public - A I Ll -se, a M A I PrifitNam O'Nolitrypublic Notary Public State of Florida Alyssa Modine My Commission FF 208475 Expires 04/14/2019 Revised 11/16/2016 Paul Japqp*!n .1 QQQ 056636.. !CoU—NTV:tf-.RTiFI'CATWN-NU7&ii-fL' State of Florida, County ofa. —Law st The 11hregoing instrument was signed before me this 51 Idaytir 'NILO AOCQUk-V) who ispersonally knuwn V/or has produced a, as Identification. STAMP Slinatilire of Ncq siry Pub.lic, Print Na"e f Nalary Public =�uO: Notary P ic St' Notary Public State of Florida Public State of Florida AlysSa odine Alyssa Modine My Com MY Commission N& Q OF as 0 m FF 208475 FF 208475 Expire Expires 04/14/2019 '019 rVELOPIWNT SE RVICES PLANNLNG & 0'4 Building & Code Cowpliance Division 'BUILUNQ PERNMIT SURCONTIRACTQRAGREETMENT I have agreed to be (Company Name/fudividtial Name) the Sub.contfactorfor P&C Construction of the Treasure Coast LLC (Type of Trade) For the project located at Copenhaver Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34945 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regard n g ur 0 rt icip tion a widI the above mentioned pa project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St,lucie advised County will bepursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. IWAI CON`f RACT OR §iitN-4 iliil w0fier) Cheryl A. Jacquin PRINT NAME CGC 056649 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMDER State of Florida, County of—.2t —Lucie The,foregoing instrument was signed before me this lildly of .20 bCll IVA) it i I I .(,I (I I V') who Is personally known -Zor lins prodpecd rt as identification. Signature f)rN4t#ry Public A U-s5affl0d, Print Nqe of Kota P bit Notary Public State Of Florida Alyssa Modine My Commission FF 208475 _�orFtoe Expires 04/14/2()19 Revised 11/1612016 G MCATIONNOWCIR� State of Florida, County of LO UJQ rbpllop�golug In5trularat wo4gued lipfore we this as clay of Hiatt is penotiguy l4lown _qr has Produced a STAMP PrIlitNanic of No -Ary Public .,0 Pu, Notary Public State of Florida ae Nikki Cutler 02122/2022 t,4y Commission GG 189140 Expirem EF 1plpl�' PERMIT # ISSUE DATE .;5 F 1=11= WMEN 0171,371117IM-nugul't � M�ffi BUILI)INCY FE R159F SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREI VNIENT I LVfn&]n--' have agreed to be the ?L_1J 1 a-, Sub-Coatfutor for P&C Construction of the Treasure Coast, LLC (Type e V ii-ld , pe of Trade) 011tractor) Vor the project located at Copenhaver Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34945 (Project Street AddrOss�1iProporly TAx ID 4) It is understood that, if there is any chang ge of status regiarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. . Lucie, County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACrORSI Cheryl A. Jacquin PWNT NAME CGC 056649 (.'oUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Vrid. 0 %1 .Cauntyof St Lucie 'L Lf"' The,foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of C'cl by 0)1�e4"A I A. who is personally known V`or1;nsproduced ,% as Identification. tJ__1_ STAW Signaturo of NotRry Publir atW\SsA fY_)0C1kV)e__ Print N4ifie of Nota , & WP&%, Notary Public State of Florida Alyssa Modine v� op My Commission FF 208475 Expires 04/1412019 Revised 11110016 1)lt N U tqur % A P; RIC, L. WW,,,F.1r_ 0(7 % Stkop of Florida, County of -it—lu—clu 'rite foregoing Instrument w4s signed before site this Lu�-1d­fty of 20%b by\� O-MOVD-, \klr 52--r syho Is personally 1mulys) r has produced a as isleutiii¢tstaats, STAMP re of No �P-Pubic ncl k ("'X_ &OAY PY% Notary Public State of Florida Alyssa Modine My Commission FF 208475 V.F Expires 04/14/2019 PERMIT 4 ISSUE DATE Buitding & Code Compliance Di RECEIVED BUILKNO PERMIT 1AXie CoUntV, P- Paul Jacquin & Sons, Inc have agreed to be (Coinpally NamOndlvi Wal Nanlo) the Roofinq Subreontiutor for At ,qq,�s rue ion of the Treasure Coast, LLC r ''"'Con tor) (Type ��fmde) 6ap. ' for the project located at Copenhaver Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34945 {Project Street Ad It is understood that, if there is any chmige of status regar4ing our pqrdcipation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division. of St. - Luci, advised e County will be pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Che!yl A. Jacquin PRINT NAIN= CGC 056649 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NURWER State of plorlda, County of —St Lucie The foregoing Instrument was sigaW before me th6 _ (lay of zo___, by Che[yl A. Jacouin who is personally known _X_or has produegil a as Identifleation. LvalAi ot L'�—t STAMP Signature otNotary Public Av�A c, og, t eve- 4" "Pa. Notary Public State of Florida Alyssa Modine My Commission FF 208475 Expires 04/1412019 ZED Revised 11AW2016 (11 AT RE 40101ar Pa U I Jacauin PRINT NANIE CCC 56636 Stut-, 9f Florid% County of St Lucie Tb -eing In% . Dut wos 4bned Were ow this s fur truin June .2018 by Paul E Jacauin W49 IV pqrsonAlly Imown ��,,,,or has preducod a.. 1Z AA STAWIP 41I4Atslre of ai y P b pe \LASSC' Mo At ()X, Print Nn�) --6rNiin-iy-wliiw -14^r sPW P6&9, Notary Public Stato Ott- Florida a Alyssa M!)dine My Commission FF 208475 04;of 00f Expires 04: Wi2r) 19 E�, :'14W�Aike