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'" . . &lid . .."rail)' ,cQowle!!,eeel the uetution thereof to be hi" r~e.e .ct' . . . . - . .. ind'd~'c~ -for ~he. ule.,~nd Ira".e_u...h.t.i.....,..l.i~....d,...~..,~ 17 .....-q-: - ,~-- -~ - - . . . . tl!'e-Win-or.,~;.f","'_"'-~~,--__. ...~."-"L- C '.:..-... .- ...,..--- .:,,:O=:=~'""-~~==~.=-=:~--~.,.,...~te....~,......~a,;.,;nalion lahn .an'Jo.rio..I..~~/J)re me, .n:d .ltI'~"'ldY~;;; ~1Il.hc,r.~~cl. ~l,;-;:;wledge' Ihat Ihe' m~<fe hrlJC,lkx~J;~lpthe lai.d l~c&4~pf Conv.)'."cc, tor..lhe ,e.o.' renoun,cl.nl(, r.J.'nqUT..Sl~it.t1And <onv.eY,"II',all h.H.')"hl,-:-tit~.1 ..X~". whrlhu 0,' dOJ[it,:bY. .,0.IItP.ra~nf9RCl)wt~,}'.' or (qulla!"e, In and 10 Ilndl therem ducClb~d, anamlltltt,uecuted hid deed treely aDd \,or'!lllt,Dzak,",*ut &lI7'contltalm. le:'Y,'~lieDSloD or. c:olnpuh~on 01 orl.om Jar aa}d hUlband.. " " .,', ',', ; ," ',,' . . WIT~ESS.mr .igname and o$cW JUI aL V~t"O aad Slat o~ ~,-- .'~ .' .'. . the eLlr ahd 7c.sr.!j;t ~oruaid. :'c,_ ~'1i.'~.~.a1. \~\\.' , . , 1 , 1 STATE'{)F FLO~IOA ;' } COUNTY.'QF ST, WC;;'E . "-. - I.. 'the Countr .of st. T,unHt --.-=--- '. Onlhi....__--.,-:..26th " claro' ~!a,y.. .' :'."'D.19Z.-R.,.tlQal~'docLA...-IIL.thl~,~lrumeat'w~. ' : ' " '. ",. . " .It ' IIledfor recor4;and I;>(illlr dul1 .(knowledged .ndpronllo I hue rec:ordeel tbeutne on pale~_':"""of Bool( (,4. , in' the' public record. of aald 'Counly, ',", . r ' ,', .: 'I.. .. . , u , ,)tWITNESS IwIIE. R,EOF.1. ~":.~mW:-io' Nt m, haDeI'aDd .ffi~. ! he~~I~'f;b~ Orc:uit Court ~fthe;jheealb-i=IiCi&l ~ireuii of 'a1~ Sta~:in ani' lor A.d Co..n11, . . ,. , " . o', li: lOt, ct. 5.a~, i~: "{', 1.;1 r- c' f: I} ; t ..: . .,.....-........- .E>> ~.el ..G.. S\VIJl'tilQU.t..,.:..,:,_~_(SF.^L) . uota1."lPu~Uo 'stahot?fOrrda~8fiar8e.. ,try OOtlJIl1Ss1on eX~~.t'e~ February 2,a~ ,19~7 , . .I' .".'.J f . '! J r , , .~... 4c:(t'i:j.cr2~~: ,. , . . . , )' " Clerk. I i 1 .~ .. , ; .{ 1; ,~ k', :~ /t:{ ~J" L ,D, C. ; .1 ~ '- , , -~ , . -. , . . ~ . J.' ". . '," '.' . 0'. . . . .{ -------~--'-_. .. , , -- - j .0; -1 ~ ? " --f '~icc' ,I'