HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0863 , , ,., 'J,. ':,,,, . '''-,'''-'~4>'' 'C , ' 'It' . L~ ! , , . ) t ~ i ',,1" i 1 252 ,I. , :,.... I \ I I' ',' I' ,. I . 1'1,' ,\ !. ., .' , . . ... '. I ~ . I '1 '. . I 't.,. l' I' " . T. . .c .. -. \ 11' r ,I ,,~ "', 'I .1', \', . I ,:'.' . ,I'".' \, , I \" ~.',. .', 11,", . .J...........:... : =~'~~'":. '~ 'T' ,'.......;..., .'. ~Il. 1.'\ ", ".:.:._ . " I '. '.'...., ',r.:" ~,'t. 1: '. ..1.< '~I:; ,',' ~~:~ "I'C')'~-~'I~~, ,~~~ ~:.. ",';' ~~: ',' ""~l~"~~'~. '," l.-<~~~~L"l~&$~.~~~.:~. ,i~~'~7':~~~7~"':'::::~'7.+~=<~~... , I' ,THI~ INP~NTURE, U.!ltlthi. ' 'la.l1i: " , '. II":"'cla1 ,of I, ,i6.pri.l A, D,ln.6...J ~.S'rWEEN': . :'t { . 'I :' '.lJ1&)Ia~~l'.\\a~~ "L"J' 1.&' Iia.~r. . hi, ..1~'.t '~ ~.'n nU:.,..TW' ,.\, \' i -", ; .' I \ . _ \.' ._ . , \ .' _ . . .'. . \ . . ~ _ ," ~ <J _': . \ \ . , of the Coun,tr of~":Rnl' \ I, la4 S,tall .of L " Yf..nRtnA. --l............' p&r~ \If th~ 6nt pUt, and . /\~ " -' \. \ 1 I' \', t - - . \ . ;, \.,. \ \ :.....l..-1S..'uniSCll )MMJUT.n~\' '\ 01' ,..":.R~, . ',. " ,\,".,,'41 I \. . \ _ . -. . \ . t. :..' \ I'~f the C</untr of:'" 'RII A :LU~:,,':":"";" , dCl s~.te .of. ,~~ TlU. . .\. 1 ,\ Par~ 'ofth' ~~n4 part, WI,T~ESS~TH"'~at th ..14 ~ar~\~fthe 6t1t ~\l~r ~d ,In (O~cit~tI01l0f ~e \~aDl 'OA ~ .1Ye\ v,,~"~.~ -..-----...~--:_-~7"~h ;-, ..' \ .',' \ .,' . \ -." " \ - - - . , ',--,.-"':-...0+--.\ .' . \ " DO~'~O: M.~ In b.~ ~d,th~ reCeipt wberwf I. bercb1~\cnow'edlcd, \ ,i \ " \, ' . \ '. I,' '\ ,\ . " , .... \.', \ \ " . I,,' ", ' , " ' Il~ gTanled. blrl.int~ aOId. and. t~~f~rrc~ ud b1 these Jlrcsent,~ d~~gTant. bargain., tell .nel tranar,r, t1Dto\ tJse tahl part4 of. ~~ se~.s ~rt aDd ,hi.. "tlr. and aasip. forC'f'U; au tbt :ei1aln' p.~I~flandl7tni an4 hein. u: ,the CoUII17 of'Rt. A" .Lno.1.' ' . " " . . ,. . . " '., \ \ \ ,'" ' ' alill St&t~ ~f_~ Plori4a . 't'lore partituwtr dueri~C! at follow.::". .,. '. , \ ' '.. ,,-,', . -' .... ,'. " , \'. \. ,1 "~I ,~>:: ' '\!'.~f....... .. - : - . ~ , , \ '\ \ i ..' ...... \ . .' ..\ ' ,', " , ::~ .;. , ~ '~' '.' , ' . : -.~.'::.~:~~~._~.-i_~. ....:~_-:-~u.~_. ,~~ - ",_:-,,_~,~_~.,____.''''.'_.. " ", . _ _', . _ . _ _ . :;_"7_.__...--,;.:_,_~"i..Q\I..,Jl\1Ut.~'-QI1I__J.1L'!hr.. (~)iU .~OU (.'.1 lnBlook on. ~'.!1' (1001 . '_ l' \. .... ., . - , . " . \ " . ' . ", , ~ ,. ,'-,. _ . \ . :-.:._:"'_,_._'._"~_.%a..D...o.L...1J...n.....uUri1,,,. ~~i 'ot 014.%Ol1D tUetin th.. oftl~.. ot 'Ii. . . '... -' - . : '- .. - . . - '- - : '- - -. . . - ~ .' - ." ,: ~ - '.. ~ "" - '. " : ' ,-' -' ., -. " '. . . " - . ' . \ . ___--..~:.....:.~~,.cn..~..ot.~~ha..~.GU1..,"'CO~L.on~.t;hL8.1a' . 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And theaaidP~~ of the firii Partdo--:.U'Co~e~.~t.lII'itb'the ..ill Pa,rf..2.":",oft,hC"lC(bnd part ~hat_:...he-1a,~~jawiall,..e'ized oi the o ,,' _," 'n . .' -..... . -'.' ' . ..' . .. . ,~idprtmisu, iiuit t'~et.~e f\'c~fJ~~.,all iac:umbJ~Ce~'Ddtbal'b., )Ul~ ..Il~righUndl'~fulaatlaOrIt7..i~ ~eti tbf! .lJ!ie; and 'the ~.~p~-, of the fii~t'pa.rt d~ here!>J' f~.lIr w.rrant tbe title to &aid land. ud 'will defend tbe same'"ail1St the Iaw'flll claims of .I(pcrlon. .homso;y'er. . ',' , ,~ . . ~ ...': ' IN \VITN ~nvlfl;~OF'.~ie 'Aid p~ ~f. t~: fi~t ~ hL.'A..... hereuato H~II1a ~u~ uel ~eL the day IDeS r~ ahoYe ..rilt~iI. . ',; , . . .' '. '. . .. > .'. ',.." '.... . ,. " .. Si~ned, Haled and de1iY~rtel)D oUf'prcaence:'. .' .' ':___, ,.,....":..,h..'..__:.._,_:~:'_..J.;.h.a..81D_~,..'__h"~:....~h~..;..;....';..'.h.':.::. , ' ~__...........:.:_..~:h.:'.)(.!lJloin,~~._ _:'h:.:~.:._..~:_.",~...:._L__'_" ._ .';:. ......PU4e~--:..~:.~..h " '-"':"""~'''':'' .......,..:,.,::,. " ""'~"h.~P.LO.QJ&~h,..",__.:-.~ h'h_..._......,~'c..'--___.~..:;;._...., a ~-- . -,-.__,..:J...Il';.'h.~L . (~EAL)' . . -_..~,.......JIar-7..L_lIILtht.rJL.._~_-~-'-.:.;.-.--::(SEAi.) " <:' ~. . ST^1'E OF . COUNTY OF ll.a..~" " . ~.. ~ t' . f ' ;.b :", , '.lprll: .:bia' '.~,~.. ..t. . . , , ' ;0 ,m.~' k~ow.n.to h_e tllt- per.oaL d~~ri~d ia '.and wb~.xe(u'ted ~e fo~~ioi!l* 'co~y~,ance to~.. B..-RApri.,an 1I0DO"'" T.n - . -" .' . , '. . ,'....,... . - . , '. . , s.,_..___.......~_:.:..-'-_, ~~d senra~tT atbtowtedlled 'th~uecation '~hereofto 'be their. '~r~e .~ I. n'EREIlY CERTIFY. 'natOD this 18'h ~u.on~IT apPe.redL..~~, J,aB ...~ aM lIa~" cia)' 01- ,'~ b; 19~,:;_"beto~e ~e ~------:.~ . ' .nd d~ed f~rlh,us~.'.adPuip~..there!~ me.rtioiJ,td;~nd t~e '.aid _~..~tb..~. " the wi{~ of the said~ .'. ". ~&K ~~th.., . .... -,;._-T___;.__~-'-~_..:___~_.Oll a s,i>a~m arid private uatninuion aalctn' ai,.!'ma,le by atlll before ml'. .nd '~I>aralt:, and .p~rl from her. said hwband; di.d .ckno"d~,lg~ thai .hC' madr "rrsdl a party !o Ih~..iJ I~<dof , Co",;~yar.ct; ,~or Ih~ pV'p'JS~of 'rrnoun,Cing, rrhl1qui~hing and connying all. hu ,rijlh!, tille .nd ,nl~t..t, ,.h.elh~r of, dO"Hr or of .,,,Irate proptrty, sa/ulory or t<iull.hl~; ,n .nd 10 Ih~ Ian,hlh~rtllt ducnbed,'and that sbe utculed "Id,d~ed frttlyan4 yolunllnl)' 1<14 wllhoUl anrcoD'\Jatnl"fc.ar.,.ppreh~nSlon orcom(,ulsi"Dofor,ftornhu.uidhusband. 3," ': ' ". ", , ' . ", '_' '," , , :. ..__...:.~~.:_~4i1.. , ---._-~~_(sr-.-\l.) 'Io'a. -P'ilbll13nLOWDae. 'CO. 'Ga.,j...'. -# . . ' . .' .., OO_1"'10D.XJlI~.. 2/i/l92'9 . ~. -. . : "". aad SIl\te' of , . V~4Q.,~.. r . ' ,~~ the Couat1 of:' LOwncl.. ,. . _~~_the.. d'r,ud )'e,,;' lut ..fore..i~, . . i " (' 'I ......,.~ ,~ On thil~ 11;1:11 . d., of '1Oa, , ,.... D. 19ZA-. ....aa..o'c1oc:k_~ this Instrument w... ..J.' , . . . , .2fi2.'. . ' . ~~~n~~~ record, .~d being dvly .cl<nowl~dged an.d prona. 1 ha~e fCeordeel t'" ..me on p.&e~,,:._Of Bi''' ~. .' , Inithe -publiC; 'r<<or~. of;aid ." ye h~reut.to set ,DIY h.n4 aad 'f!ted tbe .ul Of.'tbe'Circuit Cdurt'of the. Fifteenlh Judicl.1 a,cuit of .aid SlIlr, in .nd ' . I!:: .', , _,/11. _~~~~~~~ ~ C~.\~:.~ "....'...1' .i S. ' , I ~ c .......... I -~-- I I, "