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/S-.v&.- 0/5s- � TITAN ®�ICI�ETE Materials for Life' greamadd "Thank you - We appreciate your business" Ticket no. A0 FORT PIERCE 4199 SELVITZ ROAD 2301E,1 FT PIERCE, FL 3498-2 Delivery date Plant Truck Driver Truck size Type job �'i'-.`}/1��!,1.�i Gird ..3(J! 1 WRiGHT, RAYMCIi�D 10.0'l SLAB Customer no. Customer name zone Tax Cp 900037E, I DE LA HOZ BUILDERS, INCe T Tarmac project no. I Customer P.O. no. Order no. Terms code 1-Charge delivered 3-C.O.D. Time due �> 50 102 57130 4 2-Charge F.O.B. 4C.O.D-F.0.6. 09 .- 53 Delivery name and address Lot Block County ST LUC IE COUNTY 2013 j'r904 SEAGRAPE DRIVE, FORT PIERCE Instructions SEL_VITZ RD, T/L W MIDWAY E'D9 I /R SEAGRARE DR Slump 5. 01 Quantity ` Product v _—� U/Mi I Unit price J Amount Load I Cumulative I Ordered I Code I Description 00 CA IC a Ft 1 0350 57 10098 MASTERFIBER 80(100 % FUEL SURCHG F 100 14� ENV I Eli. N SURCHG R Ez IVED SER-21 2015 CY CY LD LD Load Arrive job site Start discharge Finish discharge Leave job site Arrive plant Subtotal v :vq Sales tax �0:00. TOTAL 4dditional water added to this concrete will reduce its strength. Any water added is at customer's risk. Gallons of water added: Gallons of water added: Gallons of water added: %i Amt of CY Retained: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Tested Tested properly No. 7144761,1 Authorized and received by ❑ Yes ©/No Q Yes ❑ No I ° X X / Safety is a constant state of mind, with every employee feeling responsible and empowered to act to cause him and others to work safely, on the belief that all accidents are preventable and that zero incidents is the only goal. Lot: Block: Address: Correct Not Correct r`l IcrnhAM0 (Y)DV V C) V / ' JJ r, TITAN`S • l�, - CONCRETE "Tha*you We appreciate your business" Materials for Life ' Ticket no. , r :• FORT FIERCE _ . gamcrete" 4�1 99 SELV I TZ ROAD 280159 . FT PIERCE, FL 34582 Delivery date�ys Plant + [� Truck Truck size Type job[Driver4 G I LCHR I ST , DUANE11 o OI; I SLAB ON Customer r900 �3734 I Customer narUE, LA HO Z BUILDERS 9 INC. Zone Tax CD' T5 Tarmac proje�t.no. r Customer P.O. no. Order no. a Terms code t Char a delivered 3.C.o.D. Time due L �%J►u 1 �2 I 57130 I ' 2-Charge F0.8. 4C.O.D -F.O.B. 08 u F7 Delivery nagejanLadd�relss COUNTYi Lot Block County 4904 SEAGRAPE DRIVE, FORT FIERCE [-+r-A Y Y P r s MYN r n Y Y hn r r.Y V1\J'. n r i n r+e-:�c+in r+.r.�� na Instructions -- _ � .. y .. ........ y .. ,...._..GRA. Slump 5 a 00 Quantity 1 1 Product jI uinnl Unit price (Amount i Load Cumulative Ordered _Code DesSnption, ;11 I�iCil i '4;;0`�l .�.:Y , �fifL71 GAF I�.:;Ya 1 C��SC�O t'4r'S7 CY 1 1, 0lZ 10� i898 MASTERF 18ER F 100 1. : 4--,r` CY 1.00 B�Z+t 007 FUEL ' SURCi;1G LD 1, LAO 80pE lei 14 ENV I RON SURCHG L:pf, F• EIV R`' SEP 21 Load Arrive job site Start discharge Finish discharge Leave job site Arrive plant r S Subtotal Sales tax . TOTAL Additional water added to this concrete will reduce its strength. Any water added is at customer's risk. Gallons of water added: Ig Gallons of water added: Gallons of water added: _ Amt of CY Retained: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Tested Tested prope� 'rly No. Authorized and received by ❑ Yes No ❑ Yes ❑ No����� X Safety is a constant state of mind, with every employee feeling responsible and empowered to act to cause hirri and others to work safely, on the belief that all accidents are preventable and that zero incidents is the only goal. Lot: ` Block: Address: Correct Not Correct ' (-I lSTnKAPPZ rnpv �TITAN CONCRETE Materials for Life" groncreW Thar>k you - We appreciate your business" FORT PIERCE 4199 SELVITZ FT PIERCE, FL Ticket no. ROAD 28171157 34982 Delivery date Plant Truck Driver, Truck size Type job C19f 18/ 1 , G :B 1311.8 . E, ACKER9 DOUGL_AS 11.0 I SLAB 06 Customer no Customer name Zone Tax CD 917,003734 I �E LA HOZI BUILDERS, INC. T Tarmac 1 proje,%U. Customer P.O. no. Order no. Terms code t•Charge Time due �L,1�1171i_ I 571.a 0 I � x delivered 3-C.O.D. FOR08 n 02 2-Charge FOR 4-C.O.D -F.O.B. Delivery nageland_�ddreisE COUNTY 2015 II Lot Block County 4904 SEAGRAPE DRIVES FORT PIER Slump, f Te r i L- w 1 e armory p INu i i R ..�r.._r�v�NrvF-�.::. 1511. Instructions 9 I 4 l 5. 0( Quantity Product LIM Unit price Amount Load Cumulative Ordered Code Description 11. CO 01. 0 33 , 00 CAF ICE R 17135C10 qi' 57 CY 1 1. 00 1 O1898 MASTERFI BER F 100 1 e r,14t CY 1. 00 8OG IC+1Zj7 FUEL SURCHG LD 1 �%�1 80(101;4 ENV I RON SURCHG LtiD 1 RECEIVE! SEP 21 2015 I ,I Load Arrive job site Start discharge Finish discharge Leave job site Arrive plant Subtotal ��' 1• 'T Sales tax • I TOTAL 4dditional water added to this concrete will reduce its strength. Any water added is at customer's risk. Gallons of water added: Gallons of water added: _ Gallons of water added: _ I Amt of CY Retained: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Tested Tested properly No. Authorized and received by ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No����� IX Safety is a constant state of mind, with every employee feeling responsible and empowered to act to cause him' and others to work safely, on the belief that all accidents are preventable and that zero incidents is the only goal. Lot: Block: Address: Correct , Not Correct !1l lelTP A A-- .. i TITAN CCONCRETIE Thank you - We appreciate your business„ Materials for Life Ticket no. Mcreti- FORT PIERCE : 4199 SELV,ITZ . ROAD 280165 FT PIERCE, . FL 34982 Delivery date Plant Truck 13E Driver ' Truck size Type job 09/ 18/ 15 628 �6. - ACN,Eh,, DOUGLAS �a lZ+t� - SLAB ON Customer no. Customer name Zone Tax CD 90003734 I DE LA HO � BUILDERS, INC. TZ Tarmac project no. Customer P.O. no. Order no. Terms code t-Charge delivered 3-C.O.D. JTmedue 450102 I I 57130 L 4 21Charge F.O.B. '4-C.01-F.O.B. Delivery name and address I Lot Block County ST LUCIE COUNTY a01 4904 SE:AGRAPE DRIVE, FORT PI RICE Instructions SE:L.VITZ RD, T/L W MIDL9F' Y RD, T/R SEAGRAPE DR slump• . 00 Quantity ; Product u/M Unit price �Amount,, Load Cumulative Ordered Code I Description 5. 00 : 7.00 37, 00 CF't C5RIO3500 41-'57 CY 3.00 10�f,,858 MASTERF I BER F 100 1.114 CY 1.00 80 007 FUEL SURCHG LD 1.00 80 14 EfuV I RON SURCHG LD RECEIVED SEP 21 2015 Load n Arrive job site Start discharge Finish discharge Leave job site Arrive plant ID 0 .0 Subtotal f Sales tax TOTAL Additionaf water added to this concrete will reduce its strength. Any water added is at customer's risk. Gallons -of water added: Gallons of water added: Gallons of water added: Amt of CY Retained: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Customer Approval: Tested Tested properly No. Authorized and received by ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 71447651 144765I X Lot: Safety is a constant state of mind, with every employee feeling responsible Block: and empowered to act to cause him Address: Correct and others to work safely, on the belief that all accidents are preventable and that zero incidents is the only goal. 'i ' I Not Correct nl 10TnnnC0 r r,\r3V