HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC06/29/2018 09:31 FAX 7724606929 JOSE.IIR E iSMITH, CLERK 0'. THE .FILE # 4452672 OR BOOK --'> WILCO R 002 CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUC COUNTY PAGE 496, Recorded 06/29/,---S 09:03:56 AM M NVAM�tU By Wuviprhoent` i RECEIVE® JUN 2 9 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting I PEaMrr NBbm tM- L ..:.> :. , .. ..61 —J /U a—, ` `^-� /2 NOTICE OF COAMENCEMENT The undersigned Itereby given notice that improvement will b I made to cer(ain real property, mid illaccorvlance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following Inrorntation is provided in the Notice of coalniencement. 1, DESCR. TION OF PROPERTY (Legul description and S13BDIVISION00A11TALC0ve DLOCIC TRA SR1! ATTACHED 3415 N HIGHWAY MA FORT I 2, GENERAL DESCRIPTION Or, 3. OWNER INFORMATION- a. Name E.1L 4cu, rt b. Address 3415 N HWY A1A , FT PIERCE FL 34945 d. Name and address offee simple titleholder (if other than 4. CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONIC N' address) TAX 170LIO NUMBER: 142n-soz-=2-oho-a 34945 SLIP03 UFT SLIP ir3 COASTAL COVE a. hiteniat in property OWNER WLCO CONGTRUeneN NO ,mat mmilap AVC fr PIRee FLb.a.dlr71gpp9ia S. SURETY'S NA,IV(ta, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBrLIt AND BOND AMOUNT`- 6.1,9NDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PRONL NUMBER: _ 7.P er, ons witbin the Slone of Florida drslgnmed by Owner upon whom noticus or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713,13 (I)(n) 7.. Flci6dn Statutes: NAb1d,ADDRTI$$ AND PHONE NUMBER1 i S. In Rddition (a him;alf or lhuseif Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienor'a Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1)(b), FloridaSWrutes; NaM,ADDIMSAND PHONI MAMER;._ 9. Expfrntinn date or ilotiCF of Cominencement ((he expiration date is 1 Year troth the dote of rcaording urila7J a different date is '.I'Siaaature tdf Owned or I Print Name and 4l nvide Signatory's ThtdOFlice Owncrls Authorized Offleer/Director/Partner/Nanttger NLU) �or� State of-pkm w Codmy OF��e �- p The fo going instrument was acla of%ledged berate me thlu d day of --1 �+n By- 0v /4zy6CI7 /7s1cA..��as (Nome of person) ('Type of autherily...e.g. Owner, aFrrcer, trustee, attorney in Fact) For (Name of pdrty oil behalf Of whom instrument was executed) Personally ICnowO. orpro4uced the following 4YPe of ID' t CARLOS P CRESPO No,01CR6181808 Notary Put)Ila, State Of New York (Primed Name of Notary Public (Signature of Notary Public) tI� Ifilfied In Webtchaster County My commThIon explraq MAY 27th, 20—,--*-0 Utider penalties or perjury, I declare (ha( I have, read (lie foregoing and that the facet uq it pre true to (tic best of my kaowledge and belief (section 92,525, Ftoridn Sinwics), Signature(s) of Owner(s) or Ow,tet-(s)' Aulliatized Officer/Director/Partner/Maifager who signed above: �JBY:� I HY I Wr.InISWlunrk.cu,.11nul 06/29/2018 09:32 FAX 7724606929 WILCO 0 003 OR BOOK 4151 PAGru 497, Legal Description COASTAL COVES -UNIT 1- THAT PART TRACTS B AND C MPDAF: BEG AT NWLY COR OF SD TRACT B RUN SELY ALG WLI OF SD TRACTS B AND C S 21 DEG 39 MIN E 220,56 FT,ITH W 42.10 FT, TH S 115 rT TO S LI OF $D TRACT C, TH I- ALG SD S LI 87,75 FT, TH N 21 OEG 39 MIN W 109 FT, TH N 58 a,EG 21 MIN E 10 FT, THN 21 DEG 39 MIN W 32.99 FT, TH E 87.60 FT, TH N 21 DEG 39 MIN W '16.98 FT, TH N 68 DEG 21 MIN E 48FT TO E LI OF SD TRACT B, TH N 21 DEG 39 MIN W ALG SO E Li 162.29 FT TO NELY COR OF SD TRACT B, TH W 150 FT TO POB-LESS COASTAL COVE I UNITS 1 THRU 5 TOWNHOMES- (OR 803-2989: 920-1122) u 1 t