HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0879 , , I ' ,'\ - " 't' I I I :268 T , L " ,I . I , 'Ii 1 I. I - -.. ~---'-",:"~;""-J , 'T . ' lOt'" : I }~EREnY ~~~TIFY,ibat OD thtJ~~_~ __II_cU70f_' ~rsl1J)all)' appmt"~_.;;--.::-~_-BU.J....t:h T.. Q'l"k , ....;D.I92.L.bdore '01._, I' " ,,~t~. 'I: ,II ,. I I r .1 "'j ~ ~ r ' ,] [ . I'" !~ -) "1 ,I' I ,r ' , ' i," ,1 , I" . ; I , 1 " . ' ,'. r' , .' " ' I I i, '\ I . Ii '.' ' I ,I , " "'. I, I' I ~... , ~'-'~'~---~~-""~n.:.nttt;;"..t'.~.......,....,~ Vdl~-nN1r"YJa1l~'_~';:' ';' ;"..- \, . ~ ~~~~IV'~ATt ~ ....,.., ~.~-r"~~ev:~!:~_~~~A~~~\~.~.l,:"".JYPV~:::t~'"';"~~:4~ _':~- . ~=-' ""~. ...m",!"~~ '~"'l~ -r....'Ilt:~_~~ t. I" Ii I ' 1 . r i;r. l' l. ' .' I' I' i, I ." 1;'HJ8 l~DEN1i1RE, Y~4, ,hi' . ~~. ' ,\ d'1 of" ,~ D. 19JL.; BE1WEEN . i~\ \ . ;'1; \ ~_J!1'1~.b.thl'Y"',Ol"-\...140.' ,', ""y. ,<' ,. ..', ' ! '''1. '.j" \". \ " ,""" .' . ,"'. " \ , . ,'. 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':--;t"""---:"_--""";""- .-~-.-~_.~-.;:~-~~,.~-_..,..~...~~:_~"_:~._-,.-~~~-~--~:..~~-"..7"---~~-~~..,' , 'TOGETHl:R, ,:"ilh, aU t~e ttntmenl" htttdilam.ni'i' a~,(r'.lSpu.rttnancu, :...,it!a eyery, priYiJ~gt. nght,' title, .lnternt and .e,llal.e.' d~...u alid'right of do",er. , renUlon, mnamdtt alld, .aUmtDI, thtttto btloDglDa ()f.lJ!an)'wt'npptrtam~g: TO HA ~E..\NU JO~~OLpthe ~me ID lttatmplc. fotntr; , . , ..Andthe Did putt.-..-- Qf. the tint part.do....:... C9\'tl1aDt witli'-t1;e ~id part.':".... of th~ ~~-oDd p.t.rt that..~ 1. . '~lawrall1. atiitd of'tb, .' .' ',' " $' . ' " .. ' .' ,'. -'.' ~ . . .' ,. . . .' ., ...14' ~reDiiiel, that tbey are fr<< r.rom~ll i~~u1J1hraDcel ~adtllat ._.11... ,1I00d ~ightan4 '~.luJ autiibr~tr to 'HII the' .llDe; aad the aaid '~a4..:..' ,of: , . ",,' ,.'.' .,,' ". .' -,' . ~ ~ " " . " . :, . . .'. -:. . . :' the firat part, d6.eLhtttb7 fullT1Irarrut.lbe title to said ~Dcl. aDd wjll d~r~nd' theume apiaat thelaw:fuJ clalmt of all pCflO~ lihomSQtycr, .' ' <C,' . ",'_.' " . .." . . .' '.' ,.': \ ' ,'. ',. .... .' ", . . iN.\VI'rNES~ WlIER~b.F, ibeaai4 ~~ of the .611t'*\, b'aL...:. ~trculltb let hat haDd~.I!" Itat_ tIlech7aD~ )'eu abOye. writteD. . '"",. .. . . Ill" . '. ,'. . =_~S,..I:"~''',':~.'.':.:','',~.ar,~, :..,..~.:.n,.....ri,...:.~..~.:..~,..__:_~,.P..~,':,..~.~,t,_~...~.._,l_=~.~_~_, _.-.:.'__:-,~_,_, -.-_-,..",:",:.._u,~,,-,".:,'.l'" '-~-",..juuW&:L.~~(sEA~)' .. ." __ _ .. __ ,'--~:"7'_--"-":'ru~~__,_~o_...,.L___-:-.:_.._.:__(SEAL,) I, ----.." "-';: ST~Tf:, OF 0.. IIts~OQRf'~. . . _ _ . . . '.,' II /0- ~... :CpUNTYOF.,.'....iACDOL'.~..~;t " , , ." }. f'Ji# 10 me kllow" to' b~ the pC'lOlI~ deacribtelin aDd _ho utcUttd th.e' fortJQtDg CODye,.aDee to;,...;,: II.,. . ~a'II,.' ',1ft,.,h lJ ~. . Op'~' .' , ' -_..--._-'--'"._,........~~-- '~and HYtrall,.: aC1<oowltdirtd the cJttcutio~tht~~f to. ~ ..' ~., rtte ac~, , all~.,dud f,:,' Ib~ ~m andpu'lX>suthmin mtDtiotj.edulllll*_'" .' . .----"-. ".:~.~'~:~'..~."I'L;i-;;r~, " ~~!.l':~ii; :~d ~P~tt 1;0, m. ',: lit ,-sa;'! .a&,b~d~~. ~k-no:"ltd;~~~:.~. a.d~. lit. rs.~.;'a~i/ tp':i~d~t e~~~f ' Corl\"y. In. vurl"'" enounnng. t'''-'DulIng 'nd COnHYlng,attil'trrl~IiI, II\Jr.d mlff.t, ..helliu o,r. do...., or lIe, prop .ltaluIO'" . '~~ :~~:~~;.r~D '~ (" tI.. u!dt~:;J'b~t~"bt~- ~~;:~~ wd detd htt.lt:'UlItaIlIY lJId~ttb~ut allr <Olll,tr.~ PP',ep,tIlIIOIr. , \VITNE. aignatu'ea~dofli<iAl.ti.l.L_ 'r.",q tilt.;'. '--1AtheCountTof~ ~&tlqGIl' ' " " . ..' , - .' . .the.' darand rtar bit aforuaid. . ,.:.:__.__._....Qd.!...l!Jl.u....__,___.._...,.:~{~ ."~.....,.,..._ll., .., .....u...I...,~,I1&lJ.', 1'" , , I. . On this .. 18'.'. ,da, of ,.'11.'.. . . .\. D. 19~..L. ~t ~ alQ'docJc....:.J....m: tbia ~DllrUmtnt 'was' tiitd ror record. alldlxilllt duiy ackftow,.dgtd alld 'proycit, lbiye rtcorded tbe lame Oil palt,..llL..'..~of Book ~ iD' tb{publie rtcorda of 1&14 Co"nty. . , . f ,1) . ". . I .' - i~Wllna:sS WHEREOF. 10 lit m1. hand aDdfd the .nlool tl)i Clreuit Court of the F,iflttDth Judicial Circu.it Of. laid Slate. in lDeI for .aid County. \ t;;. . ~g.~_. .., iGtrlr. ,... ,...' ~':-.' (f.U" ct.. ,~'P1J1 ~.." .. D, C. , ,,', ' '..' . J. , If , 'I , :, '.... ~- ~..=-~"-