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4 Em SCANNED BY c�ip rA11f* Coastal Ortho K,. HVAC Load Analysis for Coastal Ortho St. Lucie County, Florida C" CommgRwAL, VAC HVA C L oAos 911'Ossstaa68j;8"'p m 82 STATE OF r • Qj w A 'Y O •+4go' r� Prepareld y: Eric J. Svoboda, PE Fort Pierce Engineering, Inc. 315 South 7th Street Fort Pierce, FL 34950 772-672-4636 Monday, December 19, 2016 Chvac Full Commeraal HVAC Loads Calculation Program Elite -Software Development Fort Pierce Engineering } rinc.• Coastal Ortho Building Summa 'y'" oaals Building peaks in August at 2pm. Bfdg Lo°ad " Area Sen %Tot ' Lat ` Sen Net ` 0%N2t Deseri• tions " uan ' Loss . = . Loss Gain . Gain Gam. ` ' ; . Gain Roof 2,380 2,615 9.67 0 3,472 3,472 5.15 Wall 1,566 4,909 18.15 0 2,500 2,500 3.71 Glass 90 2,465 9.11 0 3,605 3,605 5.35 Floor Slab 138 2,823 10.44 0 0 0 0.00 Skin Loads 12,813 47.36 0 9,577 9,577 14.20 Lighting 4,760 0 0.00 0 16,242 16,242 24.09 Equipment 2,380 0 0.00 0 8,121 8,121 12.04 Pool Latent 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 People 22 0 0.00 4,400 5,500 9,900 14.68 Partition 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Cool. Pret. 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Heat. Pret. 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Cool. Vent. 400 0 0.00 14,379 8,792 23,171 3436 Heat. Vent. 400 14,243 52.64 0 0 0 0.0.0 Cool.lnfil. 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Heat.lnfil. 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Draw-Thru Fan 0 0 0.00 0 415 415 0.61 Blow-Thru Fan 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Reserve Cap. 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Reheat Cap. 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Supply Duct 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Return Duct 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Misc. Supply 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Misc. Return 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Building Totals 27,057 100.00 18,779 48,647 67,425 100.00 S %; Sen,` eatn� tBw %;Net Su'mma Loss' ` Loss' .Gam 'Gain ' Gain ^. Gain Ventilation 14,243 52.64 14,379 8,792 23,171 34.36 Infiltration 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Pretreated Air . 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Room Loads - 12,813 47.36 4,400 39,440 43,840 65.02 Plenum Loads 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Fan/Duct/Misc Loads 0 0.00 0 415 415 0.61 Building Totals 27,057 100.00 18,779 48,647 67,425 100.00 Check LELurbi':,�', Total Building Supply Air (based, on 'a 21 ° TD): 1,732 CFM Total Building Vent. Air (23.10% 'of Supply): 400 CFM Total Conditioned Air Space: 2,380 Sq.ft Supply Air Per Unit Area: 0.7276 CFM/Sq.ft Area Per Cooling Capacity: 423.6 Sq.ft/Ton Cooling Capacity Per Area: 0.0024 Tons/Sq.ft Heating Capacity Per Area; 11.37 Btuh/Sq.ft Total Heating Required With outside Air: 27,057 Btuh Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 5.62 Tons nnr_ nn.4C 1311A IVI011udy, L.JCLIUMUG1 ,o, .-..,.., •- Chvac -Full Commercial HVAC,Loads Calculation Program Elite Software Development; Inc. FortrPierce Enqineerinq' Coastal Ortho Fort L Air Handler #1- AHU 1 - Summa Loads Rm :Description : Area Htg, Loss , . Sen.Gain Lat,Gain l! Htg:O.A.,;' CIg.O.A. No, Room ,Peak'Tlme i People ,, Mtg.CFM CIg;C.FM S.-Exh , R`eq'.CFM jj R,eq.CFM Volutme" ". CFM/S ft. �-QEM/S ft' W.Exh �i`' Act.CFMI ` � Act.CFM 1 Exam 1 130 ' 1,262 2,410 200 Direct Direct 3pm August 1 58 106 0 19 19 1,300 0.45 0.81 0 35 22 2 Exam 2 130 1,262 2,410 200 Direct Direct 3pm August 1 58 106 0 19 19 1,300 0.45 0.81 0 35 22 3 Exam 3 130 1,843 2,683 200 Direct Direct 3pm August 1 85 117 0 19 19 1,300 0.66 0.90 0 52 25 4 Hall 195 505 2,920 400 Direct Direct 3pm August 2 23 128 0 29 29 • 1,950 0.12 0.66 0 14 27 5 Nurse 176 193 2,561 400 Direct Direct 3pm August 2 9 112 0 26 26 1,760 0.05 0.64 0 5 24 6 Exam 4 120 132 1,655 200 Direct Direct 3pm August 1 6 72 0 18 18 1,200 0.05 0.60 0 4 15 7 Exam 5 110 702 1,811 200 Direct Direct 3pm August 1 33 79 0 16 16 1,100 0.30 0.72 0 20 17 8 Work Room 345 1,250 5,200 600 Direct Direct 3pm August 3 58 228 0 52 52 3,450 0.17 0.66 0 35 48 Room Peak Totals: 1,336 7,148 21,651 2,400 Total Rooms: 8 12 i 331 948 0 200 200 Unique Rooms: 8 13,360 ,0.25 0.71 0 200 200 Y:1... \Coastal Ortho Heat Load.CH8 Monday, December 19, 2016, 02:16 PM Chvac Full Commercial HVAC Loads&Calculation Program ° Elite Software Development, Inc. FortPierce Engineering ;f 4 Coastal Ortho'` t Fo °Pie "FL .3 9 _ $ F e 4 Air Handler #1- AHU 1- Total Load Summa Air Handler Description: AHU 1 Constant Volume - Proportion Supply Air Fan: Draw-Thru with program estimated horsepower of 0.09 HP Fan Input: 0% motor and fan efficiency with 0 in. water across the fan Sensible Heat Ratio: 0.90 --- This system occurs 1 time(s) in the building. --- Air System Peak Time: 3pm in August. Outdoor Conditions: Clg: 950 DB, 780 WB, 117.61 grains, Htg: 420 DB Indoor Conditions: Clg: 750 DB, 50% RH, Htg: 750 DB Summer: Ventilation controls outside air, ----- Winter: Ventilation controls outside air. Room Space sensible loss: 7,148 Btuh Infiltration sensible loss: 0 Btuh 0 CFM Outside Air sensible loss: 7,122 Btuh 200 CFM Supply Duct sensible loss: 0 Btuh Return Duct sensible loss: 0 Btuh Return Plenum sensible loss: 0 Btuh Total System sensible loss: 14,269 Btuh Heating Supply Air: 7,148 / (.999 X 1.08 X 20) = 331 CFM Winter Vent Outside Air (60.4% of supply) = 200 CFM Room space sensible gain: 21,651 Btuh Infiltration sensible gain: 0 Btuh Draw-thru fan sensible gain: 227 Btuh Supply duct sensible gain: 0 Btuh Reserve sensible gain: 0 Btuh Total sensible gain on supply side of coil: 21,878 Btuh Cooling Supply Air: 21,878 / (.999 X 1.1 X 21) = 948 CFM Summer Vent Outside Air (21.1 % of supply) = 200 CFM Return duct sensible gain: 0 Btuh Return plenum sensible gain: 0 Btuh Outside air sensible gain: 4,396 Btuh 200 CFM Blow-thru fan sensible gain: 0 Btuh Total sensible gain on return side of coil: 4,396 Btuh Total sensible gain on air handling system: 26,274 Btuh Room space latent gain: 2,400 Btuh Infiltration latent gain: 0 Btuh Outside air latent gain: 7,189 Btuh Total latent gain on air handling system: 9,589 Btuh Total system sensible and latent gain: 35,863 Btuh Che�ek'`Fi ui•es° . , . ;,,� ,n,„-�, •_ . ,� ,, ,.,� ` Total Air Handler Supply Air (based on a 21 ° TD): 948 CFM Total Air Handler Vent. Air (21.10% of Supply): 200 CFM Total Conditioned Air Space: 1,336 Sq.ft Supply Air Per Unit Area: 0.7095 CFM/Sq.ft Area Per Cooling Capacity: 447.0 Sq.ft/Ton Cooling Capacity Per Area: 0.0022 Tons/Sq.ft Heating Capacity Per Area: 10.68 Btuh/Sq.ft Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 14,269 Btuh Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 2.99 Tons Y:\ ...\Coastal Ortho Heat Load.CH8 Monday, December 19, 2016, 02:16 PM [Chvac - Full Commercial HVAC Loads Calculation, Program Elite Software Development, Inc. Fort Pierce Enpineerinp j Coastal Ortho Fort Pierce, F Air Handler #2 - AHU 2 - Summary Loads Rm . , Description Area-Htg.Loss, , ", •Sen.Gain Lat.Gain!; Htg:O A i Clg.O.A. No, ` ' Room Peak Time t eople -, Htg,.CFM CIg.CM S.Exh , Req.CFM i� Req.CFM Volume .' CFM/S ft CFM/S ft KExh �41 Act.CFM il. A -t.CFM 9 Hall 375 702 5,278 3pm August 3 33 230 3,750 0.09 0.61 10 Restroom 84 92 1,234 3pm August 1 4 54 840 0.05 0.64 11 Office 1 195 1,333 3,698 1 pm August 2' 62 161 1,950 0.32 0.83 12 Office 2 195 1,333 3,698 1pm August 2 62 161 - 1,950 0.32 0.83 13 Office 3 195 2,204 4,063 1 pm August 2 102 177 1,950 0.52 0.91 Room Peak Totals: 1,044 5,665 17,970 Total Rooms: 5 10 263 784 Unique Rooms: 5 10,440 0.25 0.75 600 Direct Direct 0 72 72 0 25 59 200 Direct Direct 0 16 16 0 3 14 400 Direct Direct 0 37 37 0 47 41 400 Direct Direct 0 37 37 0 47 41 400 Direct Direct 0 37 37 0 78 45 2,000 0 200 200 0 200 200 Y:1... 1Coastal Ortho Heat Load.CH8 Monday, December 19, 2016, 02:16 PM Chvac Full commercial HVAC Loads Calculation Program Fort Pierce Engineennq 'Fo -. ESoftware Develop ment;'Inc lite k rtho; Coastal*O Fier FL 9 Air Handler #2 - AHU 2 - Total Load Summaty Air Handler Description: AHU 2 Constant Volume - Proportion Draw-Thru horsepower of 0.0 AN Supply Air Fan: with program estimated Fan Input: 0% motor and fan efficiency with 0 in. water across the fan Sensible Heat Ratio: 0.90 --- This system occurs 1 time(s) in the building. --- Air System Peak Time: 1 pm in August. Outdoor Conditions: Clg: 93' DB, 78' WB, 120.31 grains, Htg: 42' DB Indoor Conditions: Clg: 75' DB, 50% RH, Htg: 750 DB Summer: Ventilation controls outside air, ----- Winter: Ventilation controls outside air. Room Space sensible loss: 5,665 Btuh Infiltration sensible loss: 0 Btuh 0 CFM Outside Air sensible loss: 7,122 Btuh 200 CFM Supply Duct sensible loss: 0 Btuh ,. Return Duct sensible loss: 0 Btuh Return Plenum sensible loss: 0 Btuh Total System sensible loss: 12,787 Btuh Heating Supply Air: 5,665 / (.999 X 1.08 X 20) = 263 CFM Winter Vent Outside Air (76.2% of supply) = 200 CFM Room space sensible gain: 17,902 Btuh Infiltration sensible gain: 0 Btuh Draw-thru fan sensible gain: 188 Btuh Supply duct sensible gain: 0 Btuh Reserve sensible gain: � 0 Btuh Total sensible gain on supply side of coil: 18,090 Btuh Cooling Supply Air: 18,,090 / (.999 X 1.1 X 21y = 784 CFM Summer Vent Outside Air (25.5% of supply) = 200 CFM Return duct sensible gain: 0 Btuh Return plenum sensible gain: 0 Btuh Outside air sensible gain: 3,956 Btuh 200 CFM Blow-thru fan sensible gain: 0 Btuh Total sensible gain on return side of coil: 3,956 Btuh Total sensible gain on air handling system: 22,046 Btuh Room space latent gain: 2,000 Btuh Infiltration latent gain: 0 Btuh Outside air latent gain: 7,634 Btuh Total latent gain on air handling system: 9,634 Btuh Total system sensible and latent gain: 31,680 Btuh �v�eyk .FI � DUI eSA '( ii Y �iAA< A r 4i M1t9 i 9fJ ?..3' .:i G..a ��})-✓r. f::7f %) Total Air Handler Supply Air (based on a 21 ° TD): 784 CFM Total Air Handler Vent. Air (25.52% of Supply): 200 CFM Total Conditioned Air Space: 1,044 Sq.ft Supply Air Per Unit Area: 0.7508 CFM/Sq.ft Area Per Cooling Capacity: 395.5 Sq.ft/Ton Cooling Capacity Per Area: 0.0025 Tons/Sq.ft Heating Capacity Per Area: 12.25 Btuh/Sq.ft Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 12,787 Btuh Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 2.64 Tons Y:\ ...\Coastal Ortho Heat Load.CH8 Monday, December 19, 2016, 02:16 PM