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' ,', ,^"~the said part.1Q.o(the iirJI part dO",,_,,-'eove...aotwiih the said,pari~ot theMCondpar.t Iha. . t.h~y .1-.L, lawf~ly .dud of'lb, . ~id pr~~i~" thal they are free froD!.n iriCU~r&D~' 'Dd i,,~,: ~i)., .l\.taxs rlsM .lid la~rui~uthorilr to. .ell. th.:.a~;e; an~ t~e .aid p~r~l.."~ ' . the 'first part do-----.:. her~by f1ij1r, warraDt the'litle 10. "id land.' and will defend the ..nit apin.t the lawful daim.' of all ptraon.wbom.oever" ' ' ", ' .'. :",', '. . '. ' ' ':. . . - .. . . ,'~ .:.... . . '. . ~ . - 0':' "', ' " . . .',' ,,0 ":. _ .:'.... _ ., ." . l.N WITNESS WIIEREOF, th~iaicl par~ of the firl.tpart ha..U- he'r~uaito let' tll.h liullL and .i.L8the day &lid year &lion ;;riiteis. " Signed; aealed'~d de1iY~fed in ,our preaeace:.... . B aJ. "QUD8J'=="-~_,_,h'..::.:......,-:..,__::....:.:.._.'..~h..",.'....._.:,.,._.. _......".. ,'''.1 '-It...... ,llOi.i..:__,....,::.:_,.::......,.:,,_.:... "~~- ,- +_.. ... ...... ....., ._.... _..._.:..:_~.~. _ . ':'4_~'_' ..l'''1~....L.,~.lQIl4n'''-Jf:.ie..~:'''(SE^L)' , . ',", ,.D ,1.., " ,.~. :....a...i1D.llQJL,,_.____.:.,;.._.~_.:.::.____......!....:....(SE^L} , ..'., " " " .,','.' , ' . , , , . '.' _....... .... ,"....... ."n.'._." _.n.._~_. '~__,' __.". '''_' ~__ _~..:......_ .__ .- ~.-::(;;"- ST ^ T E OF ~"',.,.lJ.Qf14..--~-.,...-,..,:.....:...._'_,_~~-'_-~_, I 'COUNTY OF:~_~..s.'......Ll&~_"';:"'----:_ f ' 1 HEREBY CEl,mFY,1qal 011 Wi : .].flllL':':.........._..da, of~;..."", . ,0'. :. . '. ", " ' . ~ , .,0'. ". '. .'. ._ 'perlOnall; .ppeire~J...h y~" OoUg -.ncl h.r hn.b.nO. . .' J~ ooUOO ., '.." " ~ O,.19z.A.. before; ~e . . o. . .. 'to me kllo':n. lobe the,per~~_ dmribtd in ~d wbo uecuted the fot:f~iDIl CODv~)'an~ ~o . 9. fhe WlBkU '--- "'---0-';'-_ .aDd .netally Ickoowlcdgeel the ueculio~tliereof 10 ~ th.1 r free.ct . 'lid deed f!)rthe usn IIId pi1fpolCllhminmenliori~d;.Dd tbe aaid '.I.'.!. . V. ooU~n '( Ce. JiIl.ala V~. ~II!l,n"r7). _. . th't 'wif~of Ihnaid....___.........:l.,_'Oollo..n...:.._-'--...:-...;.~: .. '. . .' _,on I .s~pl(ale andp"iYa;~ ~ll~minalion "Iahn an" ma.le by andbtlore me, and Itparattly and .parl 'fro~ htrsa;dlto.band, did acknowl~dl(~ Ihal .hf'lll~dc "'~rStIf a pari,. 10 Ih~ ..'d Jl.td of 'Con"'cyan<~, lor. Ihe I,urpos~ ofrtnouncinll. ftl,nqulShing aad cOII,tyin'lf all b.f ril{hl, lil!~ and inl~ruf, ..htlhu of ,Io..-tr or of Stpalale prOp~"y.. IIal!llOry 'oT'equluhl~, ill and IOlh. land. lh~rtjn desCribed. aDd thai .he ueclllec! nid deed freely a04, 'IOIIlDl.&l1ly alld ....lbuUI an, CODSlnllrt, feu, awr.ehentlOD . c;r compubioD of or frolll her .~id h...baDd. .' ,. ' , , , , i' t ~, t r:-, flld, Stale of_ , .i;;,al~,'DII officiaI.ui.t...;,.;...:.J.A.fl P,l..ft. the da" )Ulel:c7e'~ wt, ,",OCt"jd." , I.. the Countr, bf 9t.. ': LUQl8 " "lhr-.K-B~.r. .. .----.I..,,_~__...(SEAt) JIQ~7 ..PlllJUa. :o~ ,$lw ~ta$.. of:=:, Plorl4. .'!At',.. M7 OOllillllllloD Bxplr.. A~n 12, 1927a " , :......'..D.'.'I...." . '.-'- , ~ -' F'" . L ' ' t i r r r f.-, On thi. ht 4a, of ',D.19Z~.t-4.Uo'c1oc'" l' Ill, th~ in'.lrument,waa ~. ,...~' fil~d for.recor.d, .n4~iIlS dillr .~icnowredged..nd pt'on~ I have'reeorckel COIlDI" " . ~N ~VITNE~S WlIER'EOF. I bave berC1lDto set Illr hllld aDd 'Wtbe .nl of the Circuil Court of the Fifleenlh Judicial Circuit of ..id Slale, ID and {or ,aId COOLly. " ' , '. ' C., . '..: , (') {:, 1lJ. b,l., '. ' 64 ID thep\lblic record. of ..Id it (dr' Ckj""" ' (r ~ \ 0~ l '..... ,",- '. ' .; ..~;;! p. Oa n~'JQ) , ...;--;..-C1uk. ~l<-'u..:.~' d)Jv.J~...., " . n I' ' 0, c.' " " ~"'; ~ *" --~~ .....- , I, .~~~ ~ , " I