HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0913 , , . I , I ! It" I, . l ' 1 . ,I ~ '!, t. ,', 'c-!'-:c:;o., =o'~"Tc.:~c',-. , I I ! , " --:--~l- - - --r-. . -~-_. ---- . I. ,":" I' Ii, '; 'I' " , ' 'i.':, 1 ,.:. I" I, ,;' i ' I . " i" i " " ,',( ",. 'I'.", ''1 ' I I . J ;! " ' " " . I I 1, , -- , . r ' '.', ! , , , ' ", _' ',' i. ' ' , .,c,"'~~.""..........." 1l~ '. -""~"':"7~......,...-.t-- "~'-'.--~"""--"''"f~'''~'~' ~ 'RetoMlfO:'tt;itt:-tMttc:~") PU~'.f1I"', ~L.~ ,..\............. , ' . ' , .J.L.,_ ~- ~ 'J",:rT;~~: :T~~;:;::::,:~'::,I:",~I,~," 'J~,i~~~~'~,"':::~'~'i~; i ~ 11":':~~~' ,'~="J~~T~ ~~ 'ri: ::~\~.;~;~~:~~ ~~'. 'ff',:-I~'7," r~ . IT" ' ! \' , ". i, 'J,' I . ' 11':\.:2":" ~ ,:, ,",~ .,L: r;elle.,. IW\ Jluinie 'a ~.ll~.... " i hi.. ., f. \, \ ; , \ I "'. \ ; \ ' tlO~'tb~~!1~t)'\)f-,--~.LjJ.ftl."\ . '."dSt~~ofl ~lQ'lU...!.." "I' t,' ~rt.J.e.a,~fth~~ati~rt.~.~':r\\: II ;' .' .~t.p'1f11"O~", ,,\,,",1, ,:\ _,'I,\,I"'\'l ,'I 'r ':'. ','\1,\' V , ,,' '" .\ . " . ,\. 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TOGETHE R'~'ilh alllh,~ t~n~mtn(.. htred;t..mtril~, .~d ~l'l>lutrnancu~ .,,:itb ~Vfr, r.r!v.n!ge,.right. till..;intm.l, and ~Jiate, do...rt an;J right of 'dowtt. rcycr~lon.'rtlDamdff lI,nd c&actUtnl ,tb~rclo b,cloQgUl& ~r lit an1wl~c a?lXrla~D1ng: 'IU I,\:\, l:: A~,U, TO. HaLl) tbe. nmt In. lee ~ple rornu, .' ., And: the s;id~artle.L o( tb~~flt part do~ wvcnan't .",itb th~ .~id pan~,~ i>~ tbe Itco~,dP..rllb~~_~_.'h.~ la~rulT). &elz;d .or tbe ' ,,.id prt~im. th~tbtlarc. !r~~~r~m ali i~cu~br~Qc:' a~d.tb~t~:l>~ hAwtQod ,riliht~d la~fU( authority ~o &~~t't~~.amc:rdth'~ .ard ~~.~. . the 6r,upart do....... h~'r~by fully warra,ot tbc' tide tl) nid lind, an4 will ddtndtbe' .arileu'ainli the lawf.ul cl&l!na or all ~uon. ...bornsocnr, ,".' '. _ , 't.. - . "-.. '.' '. "', -. ' " . . " _, '.", '~-',. JNWJTNES$\VlikRJ::OF>tb~ &aid ~ of th~ mat partb"':'_ btrtltdt~act ~li~, 10;' bindl- &Dd .e....U;~ cia;' ~~',reanboY~ writ~ ' ' '" 1 " ~i,~:~~ ~c:;;~:~i~~~~~~~~.~,n~~,:.~~.._~,..__.._._.-::~._l.""" . . " . J;L~ ...~,ll~ui. ,.. ... ....:. .__ ..~ _,~_.I.._.,__.. ..... :.::" . . . . , _. "__ _a' . . ..n.._ ..._ , ' ..... -.--..... .. _a. ........ ,_ .. . .~... - .. - ... L " ,'. " '-...~~~~-li.. &e i.~~1I11 , . __.-._.:-...,_~~.__..;...._(SEAL)' ..,.:._l~JmJ~~.KI~.llmI."'..':_~...._;....,.......,...c'-(SEAL) ...,. " ' I' I ~ , I ST~TE of_.no.tl4L........:.....~...:...,...~~t , Q . " { COUNTY O'F...,..:....-lat ::'LUIi1~ -~:"_:'C""':~~-' .' '.lIJE~E~Y CERTIFY, That';n thi._~'_h'_ 18th_daYOr~~~p,tU._~:"'~ personally appemd.;c.""",-, J.. I a. X;e11.~B' .tl4 . JA~1.a ~... ~.11 fl~A., h.1JL~a " ,. ,,-,po 19~ berorc Ille' "'. . , , to, mc knOWD '10 btlh~peison..a._ dtlcrihecS inandwbo ue~ltd the fore~oini eonyt1'al\~ 10,___ J. "" WnBOn'. ! I,. . f'" I, I" r _~.___.....___..:..__..-..~~_ .__ _and ICnrally ackno'wICd~tdtbC exeClltion 'thereof to ~--1hA1l:..:..-frc~, ~ct ' , .... ...' ,... .~" .nd detd !orthe um a~d ~~rposUthmi~ mentioned; and t-lae .aid~...."';-:.:~~_' , 'J~..,n1.~". X:8'l1_m8.~ . -. '. .' ~ . . . ~ the "ile ~r t;'~ uid___.___,:.....:._.._____'-.__.~_.l..~.1...-.x.llID,,,..- _-......,-_~.._-.:...._'-___on. ler>arate a,nd privale ~u;"i'1aiiQn. 1aktn' a",J mad-e (;y.and bcfo're 111e.an,l...~'arattl>' an.1 aparr 'from her sa;.] h".b~n,1. di,1 ackl1'l."lr,J~e Ihal .hr .made hns'rH a pany to I~ ~a;J II "hI of " , Con,Hyance, 104' Ihe,l'urpo.t 01 rcnpunCIn~, rcl.It''lullhlnll,anJ con.-ry,nll all ~tr ....hr, IItJ~'anJ In"r..., \4,hclh.. 01, <.Io"u0' oll<.'arale prop<"i,llalulorr or '~qulrallle; in,.n.Jlo the lan~J therrln du(rlbeJ. aod that .he cxcc\ltt4Uld dtcdfrc.)yand ..ol\lol.l\l)' and',wllho\lt any (OnUralllt,' f.ar, apprCh,eDllQQ or Wml;ulsi"n of or horn ber~aj<.l husband.., ' , ' ' ",',', .., .,'.. '~' , , .. , " - , ,art _l'.1"1'1'18 '. ~d ~~teoL___ 10' t!leC<>unly,.of S.l.'nl ~llO i . ,tbe Jar and 1'car 41t arore,aleS. .-, ' .. h kl. A:l . . ',. .. ' \ .,' , ,~ 1d.e.r.maU.-:-..lkLLla;l__~_(SE^l.) . !Iota", Pulll1o.State orPlor14o'at. J.atg. Uy- o01llD1Ul0D expires Janu.ar, 6. '19~e. . " On tbla-.....--l- day of .Jun~ . ~ A.D.19,?-6. alll: 26:>'doclr ~ tiJ. tbia Inllrumcnt..... ' ! . _ 1 102 of .Dook....--~in Jhe publierecord'f,)f said \ ,...')..1... .~- ~ . , 'led (or rtcorel. and being duly acknowledged and proTte,.1 bave recordtel the, '.une 011 page c~~ ., .,... . '" 1 .. IN WITSESS WJll-:k~OF, I hue hetnlolo .ct III' hand and aRatd.the 1(&,1 of the Circuit Court o(lhc Fiftccllth Judicial Circuit of Mid Stale, in allel &Or '-id Coullty, ' , ,-jU .. ; , 0 ' . 0 tJ. (1. 1fld..d ,~ {~f, . . ___ ' \ F1 .A44A s..., rb~ ~~,- '1/; . '. C1if: ' f:,.I ~~.' ~, , { , Clerk. D. C. t.' \