HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0953 "" J ' "" ,'I '--,--, ". ,I ,..,~:,..~"" '. '.I I j' I' !' J , ,. r ':i,342'.:\' '.f: ""'7 I" ,".'1 ,', .~ ",11.. I..' i' I", I .: :'\ I, I I,' I ,.,!' ': I j , (1 I I '1 ~, '1 I . I . I '. ,! i, I.. . 1 (I '. " ' I:', 'j ;:t#~~~;~'":~,i~,::~,,;L:.:r5"::;i; ;;~~.~J:;~~~"'I~;~~~~:i:..~,;}:i ~#T&i'\~; . " ': \ .TRIS IND~"TURE. WJcfetbl. ' . 26t.h 1 \ ~a, of; " . , tla~ . I' .... D~ In.L..BETWEE~:, , ,! . ';. ,., '" ,. II ; ~:.' ~ / P. 'Ge,'.~' ~~ 'O.t~.\tllie U8"er hiB Wl~' , "i\ \,' ", . " ' .;. I,' I 1( \ ,: m_.Ofth'Co"Al,Y~f..~t.:,t\~Ol~' ,. 1.,..~tJ\St&~eof'.J I,;lor.lda, \ ~~Oftlie6ritpU~&D4l ;'\. ,,'\:\t'\' It ' : I~- ,'Q;'~ Du~..r""S \. ' --:- \ .'\ ,\\ ',', \' ';',:;' ,"_ ';:', ".!" , :, '. f ~~~ecou.ntTof~_;\..DuO,. . .\, I'. ."dStatuf' Tlqr14.: ,p~,oftb..e(oDdp~'.. ,,,!,ITN:E.SS,E:rlf~!~ba'~;\he "I~'pa~o~ lbe 6rll'Par..tlr'a~d In ~ld~r~~~ o;tbe .~ <t' '1'." ~'n" A"A 'nn" 'n}h~," 'uQ;'pl)l-.. \; . I' " \ ~ . : " . ~-\I . , I ,: ~Ua.... tt.)UIIIl, III haD~ pal"; the re~lpt .bc're~'-~.berebY _a~~owled.e~ .I ' ;,: ,\ ' ~' ll~ed, ,barllalDe'.!. IOId a~d traJltfe~d, aDd b, lbe.. P~IeDII ,~JLg~af, ~pm; ,~~ aDd ttAntfer anto "the ..M ~ of tb~ ~colld ~.' . part ,.n~' h11--heira aDd ~illU.,forCTer. -!( tbat <<rta~ par~1 of ,~alld lylDlr aDd f>ein..in the 'coUD~ (It ., ".~ .! L1J?1e, I ____--l- . \ aDd State1ot.-J),Ol'lda .\ mene particularly deKribe~ .. followl:___ '\ , j +~~;-\ , ; . . . \ \ . . '. . . 1'\ . \. \ -, . , \' -":~,._.;-..~1.....1he,_"!,l...JlRlliJ1. a~ th_. )lod}! h"~t 'o't 1:be 1ZQr1:)'J_.AA~ .qu~phl' ,ot th.'ZI~t"th- ..!it " ..,...~"....~":"'....~~!.~,!!_.~.~~."t .~,~...:~hll'~t7-t~~.!..!~6' '1'OWDlthlp tb.~r~t.~ (~,2) sout~ of rengetbl.l't;y-n 1n,., _....._.~..~.._,:-.1'~L.it..l..t..~t.ns:.~_u..l..~\A.f!,-i18h~.-O~:f~th.J"1Qride' EJaat'coBlIt:!r.ai1..1.: In. :{"; ,'\.\~\~.____.~:,alL~LW).i8 co'1Uttt ~l.o.r.14a:+:.~A11i1Da:...tu.l.iL112'J aor....more p~ '1,... 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' ,,:;-:_......._'fOGETlt f-R ~-iih .n Ih~t<:n<:"!<:nl.. b'<:rrditam<:nt. ~d .ppu~ttnantt... ....hlt n<:ry p,l\'i!tg<:. !igltt,titlt\i'llere'tand e,lt.tt, d~"tr aDd .right ofdo_r, , ' . revcrllon~t(maln4e~ a!ld eutmcnt theteto beloOll\Dlr .or lD aoywlSe apjH:rtalnlOg:, TQ itA V E AN 0 T9. 1101:.0 the lame lD f~e.unple.fore.Yu. . ': .. . .-. . ~ .' . ". - . " - . . . ,,' . . - ~ ..... '. . .' Aod the said partlf!t of the 6nlpart iJo~ cOT~lIant witli!'Ule..id' part,:~':"of' t,be.eco~,d ilatttJo~t . ~het ,1~-':I\lll! Itin~ of thl . , ".... '.' . ' . , . \ .., . ..Id P~"':'ilCl. ,liat the" ~e free from. aU in~brancea and thai.j he y h8"~ i-iabt .lIll liwtoi !!uthcirity' ~ len the~e: aDdlb~ laid par~' of '~e fiut. pad ~o...8a.. bereby fUU~ 'wa!'~t 'the iitle' t~ ..id lan~' aD~~I~'detCJ1d \h~.ame _pin'.t the la~f~mima of~U perIOD, wbo;n.ocy~;;', .' '1~ WITNESS \VIIEREOF, the "'d'part;-.1UOf th~ firlt p.rt Iia~ b~re~to ~~ ~'b.l't"<loaP4a' ~cf:;-""~,he ~~ aDd 7W abCivewrlUeu.', ' . . - .~. -"" ' . .... ' . '. ..', ;. ., .~. . ' " - -,... ,q. q' ~ . . . - .' . Signed,'aealed and d~liYered In~r prmuce( . " ' _.........,..,..,.,'J~),_!.~,'-!.....~~,~lR~L."......"_..:..,,..,..:.~,...~._.~..__._";.:::~.._ ." --...:....:,:,_.'...CarJleD_,.n~~...,...._."..:...,..............:.._~':'~..'..........".:..~ ' 7,,.,-,-,-~,,,,'..;..--4-~JlQ~~,~~(SE"L) ~ .' 5 '!j 3 ~ 1J 'j '~,., . ~ .~ . " ... .... .._ .........~.... '_.'-_;' ..~.. .___. _.._.._, n' _.. _ . ......._.______...__.'u._._.. .._ __A' .___ , .. ,__,..~_~.-:_ e~ t h-,rl n!....9' c,..e r' ...._..--,......,.(SEAL) , ," " .. . , , . 'n' 'un. ...._.._.._ 'n_.__ ..nu..~.n~...__.._.__. _ ..:..._._..._.....____._._ '0....._.____.. ~ . . . . . .STAT.E OF:'_7__~_n&tl.LL. COUNTY oP':-""...M.--.L1lol$ , , ..,} .~-~' . .lo '1 ---'-..- ~~-:---=-~--, I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this, .' 26~h.. . ,'d~y of-r---I;.,. .' ~IQnaIJy appmed..:..... .:. ,P., a.jerapd.ca th8r1n~.JiI.~er h18' wHe to ine kno..:n t~' be. the ~~IO~-" 8 .del"ibedID~D4 ~bo ex~cuted tbe fore,Qin" ~an1aace t~~;....John n.., ___...__.__ ':ilIId IeTe~ly aC'knowl<:dgtd tbe uecutioo tb~reoi to 'be " .. . ," and d<:ed fl?r the 'use, and purpoiea.th~r<:i~ mcntione,d; aDl$tbeaaid.. CItlar11i,.- p81er.. ;_ ~ ~(' (th' u ,. " .j..~. Oe"'~,,' '.' :'. .:: " . I'd' " , ,". " tile WI <:. 0 e u....__-,-'--___-'_!..!JL,..., ..' . ___..-----~__--'---_..on a "tpa~a e. anprovate exam..na.llon tahn and made by and before me., and ,StPUJltly !nd apa:rt from h~r, laid huband. d~d ackno;w1tdllt that Ih~ mid., ~UI.,1t '* ,pany .10 th<: said ,'I'tt,) of COhH)'anr<:. lortht VII'rOl<:' 01 ;tnouri,clng. nl(nquI\llIng and conv<:YIOIl all '!u uJlht. tul<:an1I,nlu..t. whelher of, do,,~r or of Itl'arale prop~ny. Italolory, or fqlli..h'<:. in and Ii)- tfi<: lan,ls IhutlOducrtl>cd,and that .be u"'~ed u.ad deed fndy aDd ,oluDunly and, w.~ut any cooatralOl,lear. avprehen~lon' or ~"mpubion or-or !ro~ her uid hUIl>a.ad.. ., "., '~ D.l?L5-. beforeme~ 1:liA't P free aet . , '.. 01..., o. ..-- aDd ;Siale ,01 vero ID the County of S1;...!.~ole -~~--...;. the day ~d rm last afore.aid.. , :_,,-,:':':'JfJll~.!!@...4! k1ri-'__..__~_~__._,(SE^ L) Uo\ar-7Palll1-o .Btat.,ot!'lor1da at . large! 14' 09~1..1oi1:explreB Sephlllber 't ,19ft). ' . . ~..,! - . ~ '..; \ r., . .1 IN WITNESS \VllEREbF. I h for Hid Counly. to Ht lilY bud aad'alfute'd the leal of tbe Circuit C~art of the FifteeDth ]ullidal Circuit of ..id State, in aDd {] 'I I! On (hi. 9 da~ of .:June ~ D. 19Z....a.. ai.2: Qao'clQ<~m.,tbia Inllrument "ai' filed for ;rccord. 'and being duly ackno"l'ledi.,d and pron_, I baTt recorded till' ..me oa pare, ~ of Scott 64.! iD tb. publie record.'of. Rid __.-f,olloty, '.' :__1 . I " " ~..t> #,. ..-~. 0., lJ,.~y~ '., __Ocrk. .\~.) _ \~'~Ll.,KJ/L~/}f<'-~:___D.C. ...<p,., . . "/ ". . I