HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0964 'i' '. ,IJ rl._',i'".. "~I .1' i.r r, ",'j" '( II '! '. ~-''''-/'3. 5'.!)..' '~. 'I !:-"..!L .' l 1,'/ '.~f. -, ,) .". . i .,." .q.~~\.:',.':1 ,'(,..,~..I:'ll '. . I,' I .'~ .....'.... \ I I: t I - " ; , . ,. I I ' I. ., '., I . ,I", ." 'I,' .,,: "Ill"", ,,', . ,.,'; 1 . .. .... ;.'. ," I , 1 ' ','. ' Lll .-t. '. .' , '. ' ' . 'I '" ~.~ .~l;;:\ 17':.,~~~. .':~': ~ · ~.~';;3'~;fr:;~" ,'< "~'~c:'I. :-.:7~:r;.::.::;b~,~~~r::~~~~~~; ~"~'!.~:t':'''''~i~;;;+'~:'''.' '.;;:.: ;.J;' I' ':1.,: \ ,. ~rHIB. IN:O~. -tdRE,:u.:ditllll '1.."'..".9.'h ~_,--.l_dir.Ji( .' !;.T~.I" ";~. -T\' n{ .' ~D,I~BkT\VE, E~ . 'Y'I \ Ii' : ,'I \l" .JL!l'\~~.lpllAn4 ;n1,\~,;J,1:8kt ~~~ .u~~., -:L ( 'Li ,;1., '., t:'~' " 1" I:' \1 , ,; \ \ \ ,,' .'. I, *. . 'I I" . ,'. '. 'I"~ 0 ! , . .' '. \ \ . II. I ,'\. ! I . " . ',T '.1 of the ~~htiof' ~t'a'I.Uote~+h~~'+~~'lId,'SI.~:Of":"-':-'~Qc'l~a ,.',' "'\.\ \\{,.~tf th,,~h~t.aD4 \ " , !'1,,\ l".~_,_L.-li_.D.....Jlolaa.L.._":IP'+-- \ '. " 1 . \' \, , 1,' . \ . \ \ I ~ I . \ 'I I, \' ):. of lh. ColnlY C!f st.. ~..'...,...t--..:......_.._aD~ S\.ie1of_:l )0'10"14" \ ' ' ~ \ ~ of lbe te~Dd I'~rt. Ii' r'l . ~i~NE~ ET~:th,at 'tbe laid p~r~~' ~bC ~ut ~rt" for,a~d.!n: Wlld1.~OD of ,the, .~\Of. O~~ l~i18~' ~n4 ,o~l1.r,"~lh~\bh' ,\,'. ,\,,\ '.,',., ~""ll.\ __\_..~14.u'.a.U.oJUL-. ~4IJ." ',' '.i~.'~.' ._~_ ..'.'., . -...... . '. l~h.lI,. \'I~ 1ian,d P&l."~tb'e receip,t whueofls. herebr ackn~.I..elllled. ' . , .1, I .' , " ',' "1 \ . _---:]n_\ \ '. \' . \ ; \' ': ,~~'y'-.~Ilted, ~rgained, 1Old,&nd t~~~;itk~ ~d ~t tbt~e.preR~'t. d~';'.,~ant. barali~. ~~lI'ina tr'~'''~r, 1l8~~~' 'Wd~r~ ~(:~e ~~~ ,;' '~rt~Dd~_~eitsanda~li~.]}+,e,.ail 'tbat ee'r~i~~r~el o'l.-rid lying~lld beiDlIln.h' ~unt;.of' ,st"',~\iOi.' '.'. r.: Td Scale of . ~l~~i~a .' c ~~:~~Lh'::':"'_mor~puticUlatli dUcribled' ~ I~OI!OW': : " , .' .' ~. .' ' .._._..~._~ \" r ,:--..;__..,_...:.6Jl:,w.lUy.1..tct.,on.,~14l'i1ih....t.l./4J~fntaz.oa.t.-~n,-- ~be 'Uorib" h.~f o~.so.tUll, h"l,t 'ot !JOuth...---..., ;..,...!f!"f.q1!l.titL.Jtt,..S.O.\l.~~~..>UUltiU_~_h&H 0'L _at. ha~" 1J.,'lInl"~..hU.t of S9u~h" . . . .: +.~i~..~. .Q~u.tt~~..9.i_..30.v.}k_~*~~:.~~I'.te.r~1i~ iO.ui~ -C' p ) ~ 'l'ownA~f p . Th 1 \" tl- fl of. '( Z6) ..1I0~ tJ~ ...:..B~~t:..:f..o.r,l~",.J.4QJ':':~a.~"'.~:-~...'_~~':COl.lot~~.1}).81! .' iI~:-.&.. pe-~ 0" 1 . o,..,~~b.l DB 160,. '., _. . .' '. '. . . . I, . . .'!' . '." .. .' ..' '. \ ' _t.,,~~.. ,.Egn..JM.,..)f.t.u."..~~~~Q,;..Le.eL:u~.ai1d_&mtlLiILthe uopthw.at ftQrn.l!~-1ha_.Jaat- halt' " ..' '.' . .' . '. . .' ~. I ~ _' ; " . '. ., .. . .'..... ". . . . . . . '. " . ' . : _'..Q.t....\}l...i,u.t,.hIu..~.O.f._l,tQ'~~,h.li....Qt...sciU1L....a.'~..QuaibL~~heaat. Qqrt~r"~ HlllJ_~ '. :.:.,~,~,!~J~iI!cJ!!~.!~-"~..L.:;..,....:~A.(.~ \..,........:..,.."~;~~,:,~~___:~~,~.~..,-...,....,_:~~.2....~.~;..,~.,...;~,~~~..~-~..~.-...:.,~~--..:..-.'; '.' . , ,..' ~~,,:_::v,..~._~"~,;,;-:-_.:..~7j~8. ~lll~:~~,~'.~....Ji~~!:lLQnt~...~\O~,I.~~1imL._~.\...-OL~~ll*th:O~...~~--', '. :, ~_....Y9.~\__.Qt;.~Ml'.~~1JL.~f>~~..~Y8n:.b7.~..L..:.L1'.ik. aM '&nnh ...II8.LJ,~.,', ~1L:~a..,:t, to: ' . , '," . ,,_ _ ., .' " . . '::,,-i, J,.l.':.. ' .' . - ," " '-', ,". . . " '. '.". . ._,-.. __..It~,..,.l,.~..;e1..uL.,t.o,r,..-'-"j;h8jA~unt....Qt-~~(l:,..,:.aam'~hel."i . l"eool'4e4.. 10 1I01'~aog, ioot-,..::~ ;' ... . ~~~;~Si~~2I~fi;~g2.JE?~f;~r~~_:==~-~-~~~~!-~- ...-~:- ~...--_...... ..-. .', .' T. o. G.E'rm:R'.willl. a.lI. Ihe, untm~nll..' h~.', r,..~,.,.ij,l.,',.a...' .m.'., ',.f... \1, I' ..nd. .al'l'u.rltnanc.e."Wilh~. .... ". y. 1>. ;i-..ileg~, 'right. '. .tillt, .i~tt.i-tll a. n. ,d ". late,. .dOW. u. '.n,d,rig.1itoi, dowu. , r~v!'1i9n. 'rcmainder .nd eUef!lenl.lh~reI1i~l~Q'tji,jng 91 in ,an~wut. .Pl'.frl.i~i~~:, .T~. .U~ VE MW ':r~ UO'-Ulbe nmei,n lee .hllple .foreve,.,. ..' . .: " And Ihe .aid pa~~_!-"Of 'the fir.t p~~ oi,--:,:,::" coyenant ;';'itb lb.' ui'd'J>MtJL..-' ~f tbe~econd part th.i.1htlJ':,..JlrJL.:....:-.,I.wlwly lC~ed ~fthe . ". .. . . ' . ," : ':,"-'~';," ~. - . '. .' '.- . . . ' . , ...' --, . . '. " . . laid premil(', that they ar'~lr<<,tfom ~lIi~~b~~nc~i ~~:d that!hu:.JaJ'..'oohight.nd l~wfqJ authorlty',to ,&ell ~be ._~ ,and tbe laict'Pa'rt1..eJl..' ~f '. . .", '-"., '>" ,~jO\:',""'~,:,-,.'~ ,:" - .' '-._ ,.: ;'.",. ~_ .'. -'. ." t'>:.", '"'''''. '-.'~,'" -"." :, the' fi,uqlart do._---'-o hereby fully warr.tlt:~.~ '!i\1e .19 .aid l:an4, and will delead Ibe laPic l,aiil.tthe bw(i!t d,altIU of all perlOnlwbbm'oeveri '. '.' 1"'. \VlT", "ESS ,'v' IIE"EOF. lbe .~;It..',li,;', L\','" ,'" of t'h- 6-'1 p'- b" .;,._ har....Dto' ~I th' -l'r" ' ..... .~ ....4 r"'~ ~. -. -.... ~ ~~ _. __!'!__haud..8Il04Hat.Silie di7I1!d~.r~bo..e .'riuea. , , " ' I:. ,'. " ' .. Sig,ned. ",uled allll delivered IV our prCl~nc:e; :" . ' :. 1<' '. : ' , . u....., - 1 ,:". \ I · _.......... ~,..... .... -.J-....k...... B. pp....,-,,,. .:.,Ai:....:,:...--...........-:,.."..... .;..' ... .. .. '. ,":1.!. ....!.. ~~ ..~~~!:f:,.. ,,;::l~':I~' ,..,..... .." ,.,.... ......n.' ,~-_.- _...~J~.. ,T,....ttek ,.-.... ...:......_.'.~,:...,...,._iSEAL' . I ' .... ... . . .. > >_::~::>>:~::.\~i,!iil'l~~ ;-~: ~ ~ - ~. ..~. ~. ._~- ___CAP&L~._~~::=:~_.:SEALl ST!-TE O,F,-...~,....no...lt.1,QL::--_,,--i,rt1\~'1...'. _. ...~:-:-} I ~.,O~,~:: .9i....;'...~ " '.','.: .~, " . ',.. . ,', ' '..'.'11;1'(, COUNTY QF;. . . ;S~." ,.LU.c!.ari'''''-::4r''''''---:- . '. ' , I lIEREBY'CERTIFY. Th,.1 OD'tbi'~..,t':~";'ii.t1L. . day C!I..~~.JJ.WL-. '~~'ODaiIY a~~a:ced_," J~ .cf...~p~~ :.nnh ,Ua~t,.i'k_ hi. wi'#.. -, .;>'" 'I ""," . - '.' , to me known. t~ be tbepirs~n.J..:., ~ICli~ ii~~4~boUt(Uledthe fore,lolng cODveyaoce .t~ , ,Il" P.llol"'" ~ , . _....:.._ ".:.-..:..-____..;..;J.;.J._,.. . ~_'Dd ie'nralITacknowl~dged the uecutionAereQfto'be --.---:--.. . -:: " " ! ,I ..' .. " ., , . , " . ' . . " , alldr1e~d for tbe usn and PU'POI~' thtreio1tl~!lP~,ed; a!ld tbe ..i'd., . _::-- :.a.qnie U8e. ~i.k ' . ..' . . . , .' \" .", ". '.... the...';!e 01 the nid"...:~.......J.......f.a...L1.l'~,/.L.,;-;:,-~.__..".:'..,.,-_;-_"":~_....." .' ..' ". '. on a .eparale .nd plinle .examinition hhn and m..le'l,y an.II,tfor~ rr\~. and Stli,.'~llh, and aparl f.,om h.. 'uid h.;.b.nd. di.j ackno'",'led/Ce Ihat she pudt htutll a party'lo Ihe' said .I>c(d of Con".tY.llCt. io,. ih~. I'U'I''''' o. ,. r<n<)u'Hinj(, .lr. "Ii".., Ut\'.""II. and (oo..)',.nl{ allhu'llllhl. tlil.t. Ind inlerul, ~helh.tr 01.. dower 0' oll~u.,\\e. prOI>.nt.1. stat.u'ory.'.. . Clr tqiJlulok. ;n' and 10 Iht lan,h t"~lt1l1 dcs(JI~cd,. and Ihal ~he CJLccultd. u.d dt.e4frtc1y .nd yolunullly and wnbolll ant conlll.lnl.. lear. .VI>r~be,!I..)n . ,~r com!>uls;on of or lrom'hcl ,laid ~~sb.n.1. ':, Ii'. i ' . '.' ,', .,',.. , '.' , .." ' .'..., 1ti(~I.~~"S,_"-.lort ; 1'1!J'a8, , . ",:, :.kti~'day and 1tar \all .foul~1l " "'1._; .. r 1 n' ' [i.'IL '..1, .I.t ,U.,.. ,\ \' '\ ,\ \ \ .t ,"1, ;t . ~r t.: ~ }. }, ' 1 ~- ,... 1 r t . .' n , } \ I:;,~ , I !'.: ,j ." ; ; '. ,~ ,', .' . ... , .' ,. ; . ^' Df 19Z-.:b, belore me .--'~---:---.-""""":-f- 1:)181 t'trenct T I ~ . " . . ,,_,.._,.~.dle f1h~-''''''':''''_'_llo~_~'''':'--,..(S~^L) . u9t#If",l?1l'bUO!Qf' the Stab. ot~_cc: 'lor eet Large UJOO..11810n Exp1res ~pt'11,30.1929. ' ta the Couirly of S t .LVR.1.e..--~..,__..-,____ .f JIId Sca.te of , STATE OFl'LORID .' CO-UST'( 'OF ST. LUSIE , ,. ;;, " j, , On th(a U "d.}'~, Jun.... . . . ., . ' " '. . ., 'I, ',--"-.-..- ' . . ". ' , . fi:~d for record, .nd bein, dulY- acknowledged .~d'pr9vtn,'1 ban recorded the ..me on p.~" l.;uunty. . I I";.';'., .' ~ .' ~':jl.'--~ ~~~-~------- .\: D.I92IL, at 9-. 6o.'clO(~ tbi..\n'lrumeRI w.. 363 . (Of &oir . 64 III tit.; public record. 'of laid IN WITN ES5...wllE.R.EOF. I bay. hertilnto' .et 1111 band .nd aflU.e4 the I~al oft"e Circuit COlIn of lbe Fift<<nllt Jadid~ Cirntlt of Mid Scale. In and . " lny, " " . , " 'I' ,'., t .' P. O~re4 .' . ' . . Clerk. __..~~P~~ .' .: ~.~~-;~:o. C .' ,J>., ~' ! ~fli' "'. ~ . . 0, ~. ,"_,iJO I~ . , ,. ,'"