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Cor aDd l~c~l1derat1f?Q c:. the i~ oi 0'. . ~.q ,llh~l~~.ita. ~,h4lr, ' \'," ,',~;I' \ ":,'> '\__~~~Dl..\""l~bl~: 9q\1~er~~10n\:rBeu-. tOt ~"~'., lillb~nd pal~ ~.~1pt :-ber~~~ btr~b~ae~owle.die~. t b,~gran~edo"argaln~d,'?1cl and Uanlfcr~,ed,,~~by,tHea~ preaent. do~~*'ant, Nrra'n.~n ~d tran.lfer UIItotbe, ~d ~~~, of. !he HCOnd ., part and_lhl) belt...-&iid: baipI' fO~Te~", aU t~at ~~taln pa.kel' of laDiSl,iD,ud t>'eID, IIIlh~:~tT of______.,..ti.~CS1.. . \ . , _ _' .', . t . . . - > -. .' \ .' -' .-..' " '\' -- -4: I an.d',S~te of-,--::_~~" . m~ Cla,\kl1larI1d"(rlbcd.u~foi1ow.:~' " "4 . .~ ~- --'--~-"._ 1'1 I I' , I \.,'\, :\, ,~r I. .. , '1'\ ,\ . " ,"-" -': i '\" "f. '_ ,; ,.,'.. _' \. ... ' . .'. :, -'---~~--:---'------;.--_.""-'-~'~~-'~-:-'''~-_..~'-~.--:---;'-~--:-----.-~_._~---- 2J..~1_!.~~~_,~I~!_J~~!fj)1._~_~~,~,." $H.!!t:r- .O~_~~be."', Q~~r o~ SO'd.'" ~,_~...~';.:_:q!l_.!m. (!i~ Ri. 'm...J,..:....:~_L,~_~~...--'7~~--~~_.' " " ..... ,I. '.' 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'And: tbe ~id part~~':7'oftb.e ~nt, part do.AL' cOwiant' wit)J '~~,UJd, part':":,";".of~e ItCond pirtthat.._"ht '18, ' .,,~___Ia..cun)'ltiud'~l ~tie alld'~remi!i~'i '~bat. th~y Ire fre~ 'from all ii!CD,ll\branCtl and,lba, ~.' tr." loW ~i~ght, an~.[awful alithOrify,-\~ It." the' ~e:an~ t~e ~d. puLX-of. tb,e'j;r,1t part do,":~ btr~bT full)' ";arraDt tbC.title to ~id lan~'~d .iII dt/eDd the.ame aP:ialt'tJ1e: IawfDl daimaC!f all Perllou'''bo~sOe:rer: 'IN\VlTNESS'\VlpiREOl:. ~heiaid p~~~ of ~e'fint ~t hL~'-,_be~~~t~ ~t litl > ~ancL. and.~ ~eday aDd ~i:at aboYe~~ittell. ~. n;' \1 _....:, ~~:~.~ .~;:~:~~;~~~:_~~,~:,:~,-, ..,~~.;~,..,~,..,-~..~-~ "-1- , . _..".....,.....: . , ......II....!!C~~'H,~u,~.....:',: . ...,.... ,_..__..,:..:.._...:-.. _:. , . . _ . hn..~ ....... . _ .~. ......_ ~. . ._.... .. .... . . . . _.... .__...._ 4.__.._ , . . . , ' + .. . ... ",' ...... __.. n_> ". ___ .. ....~... ........ . . . ..''''__'h ._ __ ..... ___. _____. ,.' f . .\. ~.......,.:"..,..,.:_;,_..JQ.8apJL.L..cJlt.1JL_-.-.:......,.(SE^L) . ,_..,c."......_.,:,......_-~-'-:-,''''--,....~.-:~.,...:~,--_::-:-.....(!iE^Lj " . , 'c ~ , ' , , STATEOF-;_..l.1..O.:r1.4I.-;-.... " COUNTY .O~_~~~P.01t -' t 'j, ..... , . 1.tl[RlmY .CER~IFY. That'oD.tbi._~:-;_ 26tl1_.Q)' ti~~-_Mai~. rerlOnall, ~p,pmcd~_,_: JOII.~hJ.' ....III, , ~' '''''':11. "'1\. """: ~ D, 19~ bCf?rem, I I:' I - . -'~ t.o nie Iono,,'p, to 'be tbe> person>---o d~.Ii:ribcd In. ~Dd wbo executcd the for~g~in, COlKe)"Bce to":~ Iii fthar4 ' 8.. ..1 to~ - .. . ~ . __..'__..,_..~:~~~' .' ,1~. ...." ' ..~nd';vtrall! ackno..lcdg~d the e~e(1l..iOrit~ereof to be of hie . ffte ad .\ . :., , . . . ' .1i :" .,~ . _ , '. - ; . - " . . . and dted for the usu aO<lpurpo,su ~b~rciD mentioncd; ....-: ,Ill,. .... -yz~_-'-..:.-..._. . " '.' , ..-.,..-., :~~t~j~~jf.t~~ !:'~~";;I'j~;f~rt m:. ~:r;-e,'at-;'T1~~~ apart ~f;~~-i;;;-:;;iJ-h~;i~[~~jid~k"nOWlidj(C lh~t tbe' mad~h~r~ftr:.'~a~~ydtfri~:;~I~~t~:;ta~i~~ " c~nH.')'an(t;, . th. puil'o'st of 'enou.'nrin 1(, f(J,nq~ull1ntl and t<>"~,tyinll all.h\.n.t, 1..itlc a. n<l inltfUI,w/lt.lhtt o~ dowc.r or.of ,$tpaial lope ny, 'statulO., I)' , ,.or tQult:;I,lc, It I I') Ih. Ian." Ihclcln .1ucIILtd; and tbat shc ext(ulcd ",d.!le~~c1)' and \'0lunl4lil, a.nd wuboutan)'CO.lIsttaull cu. apprehulllon . or C.ompuhlOQ o. from hcr 1,'1111 hu.band., '. '; . .... . '. . '. ' 'VITS~SS 'X ,. '7~tPl.ro.:rl.. J" theCo..n'~'of~..8.t.~fth . . , " ~ " . ,b '" ,_ ......:.=.:.~__the day, al)d ,)'ear ~Il aCo~~laid: " , . '..__...,_:~_,_~'..t..8...TaabAIL_...._~.._,__,_~ (SEA L) lo_sr.,hlfl1o, for.". ._w,of -"lod'- ., 1.1"8" 0,"00_1881011' ~.xplr... Stp\. 4. ,1~28: ," l' . ! .;.1.....1. .' . ) Onthi,_.~~_~.Ut)) . day of '.ln~ ~D. 19,2L at~o;dO(~L_m.. tbl. inllrument ..u , I .',~d fot rccord. .nd bt,iog dul,acknowltdgtd a~d p,o\-tn. 1 bue recorded the. same on PJl'-MO.-_Of Doolr.. 61 ..in the public rCCQfd. of laid. _~ounl)'._,,_,. , ..." .........., I' '. . .c.',... ". ,. . I j,a,n hucUnlo tel ro)' hand alld aftixed the .~I.ohbe Circuit COIlrf of the Fifteentb Jad.iciar Circait of we! St~t~o In apd f 'I I, ,~ .....oli. (,.........., V '" ",'> . il)-' ' .., r ,p.o...,are4._ Cferlc. '~(i~1~~1 D,C Ir f' \