HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1018 i.'I! i' ,I 'I .;1'1' ';1' Idl 'i! I I" '11... ., "'!'J.'" l'l~I''''-''''',,'i'J,;4ro.7'' "I!'!t".. " I.;~ ,,!~Jr ':If,' ,I'>'" I '~'I'I~II"\'I .! f' ,,", . I, ','. ' ' ,i. ,i I.. ,.,", " ' !" . j1 ;1. ," . ..1 " , " I, - I' I 'I ' t, '. ,I ,I! '. I 'I ,,', ' i:~ " ;i:;~~..l.~r~:~,~)n~,~~....,,~~:~..:;'::t.~~t~:~;~~~~;~d.:~>~:~~!,~;:;i~A'};~~',~,',~~.:,!,:,~,=~~~, .~,~~, :~'~~~~l~:L~: . '. ,', r'il.. I"., ',\,' i I ',I :\:' ,\ \, ',')!,,' \",I..~' " " l"I~ ~,i';, '. '.1 ,\ L i' I THlSINP~N-X:~RE, lfa\cietlliL-1~~~,Of , ',' J~n.' ,It' "~. ii \ " \:.J "':0: l~ p~'t\Y~EN ; \ ,I ,', \ '1'1 ,~~,....J&...b.~ SoramHlIll' and :'~a. \ L~s~renB~I\l., ' :J~~Jt1~ I, ' I '. 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COa,nt1 of .;, ' " S t;.Luo1e 'arid\S~te, ~f? iorlll'" : . more particUlatly de"~rikd at,'oU;w,' , ...::L....."..L...:...:..........."...~.,..,...~";...'7.:'L,.._..:...:.-..._..,~.__>_TU'--.-._.;-~4._.~7'..'~ . r, .\' ~n'_'...C___"._:_,:.liasl~~,gJl'LhalL.L.Ei_i..Q.!:jtorth 'one~ihalf eIi,:) , ~~utb on. ~:'-..:..~.:.~,:...-',...:..~d~i~'iQu.~~tlaL.~t~u;:~~(a.~L~llQtt4.w. n,';~~art.?:'~OL. ;,~) . ~-:-.:..,...:..,..._~:-..,+an11.Q)...,....T.o,JWi1h1~:~~*J.Q9.l~th R~e :po~ 40), __.",i.-'-~....~~..~_';-.C.Q11t,a1ulni:.U.~lltOJ~"~Q.!LJ!!m.JN-,,:le BS'. , '.- <' . -;", ., . . ' . '. :.... -,' .,-' .' \ " . ,ij "," .. . ~. [ i, 'k', .~', ',~,- '.~,:"": , . , . , ~ ' r ". ; ii " ~i~' 'fi' " , . i' f - . I ' ' r. - . " - ., r'o".. i ~ I.' r' , [ . i (. t , '. \ ~ '-'. .' ,( , \ '~ H~lf" (s*f' o'ffJ','ct19n East'. ,.' \' < . f''' .~:--~. , . ,I ....-:_._"...~.:.....-.~~~.._.~_.~---:._.~.._.......:.........;'"7-"'t--_....:.#:_--,..---:".:...~.--...~.:... :.--':':"~--:"._____..':"-.... , . 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'. .,.... .~: '.,,- . lIa' fits! part'doaa._ hereby llllly warrant the ti!~ to laid land. a,nd will,ddeod the~,-.iaiDIt the lawful ctiim. of aU' pmahi whonu/?,ver; '.' . .' ,'., . . ...,.... . . ~ . . " . '. . . "'. . . . IN' WI -TN ESS W IU':R EOF, t'be aald pu,.1.t.a.oi :tb'e fint pa,rt iHa..ni..- l1er~lInto .e;th.e 1 r "'D~ .nd ~~ tbe 4aJ' and yeat '-bor~ written.' . , . -'.' . '. : . :..:' ... . '" .~'., ' . , 0 .~ . ; '. . ",' " _ . . . . _...,_,...~'~~~~ '.~a.I.~:;::v~:::::,e.~,:~:~: -.. --..~..~--.. ,,,,--~;'''-''''l' , , . .., . B.8~PA 'fS- S,~.tG. ,.,. ..." . .. .. .-:.. ...". .,....,," .".. ' '. : .-:..._"'.~....,::"lliI,la-"-~~~.D_n,,:-...:___.:,..::,...._.._...__(Sl-:^L), ..~ .....- - .. ~ ..-. .--.. .... ..- '. ... .-. ..... . - ..- '.~...,.m.......~..~._~~_~.L...~...s-gr~I.1i~.~Q.u.~~._~.._.-.:_...;.:_:-(~E~L)' .' . . ..._._.,.._ .."._~.- '.~_, '_..,-._:..,...._...,.....:. ____.u...~._-_._:_ '. ... .} snTE OF--:-_~:-.lOiL_:.:~~_,_-,:.:~-:...,.. t.. COl,JNTY OF ' LF" " -~:::.~7;:..-~.....~ j 'I HEREBY CERTlP'Y, That onthb:._--:.iUItannth ..__cia', of,TllilB . '. . ,. rersoAaltY ll>~ar~d_~_-1i.flliL~reu~ep. (JIj,Q '~":.:na. !,~, 8onUuen. hi;) \!ife... ~ ~..l,~ bclo~e 'me " ' : '"~ to me known to be the Ptnon~__ described in' .ncJ...bo.~itecDtcdtheforegoing~nYCJUlct to ' H8.Ua' Knud38U -:--:-,-'........~ ~d "vcrally ~ckDo...lcdged the U~(Utio~the1eof. to be-1Wl~teeaet .nd dc-cd for thi ulea a~dp\lrposea th~icin mclitioned; an.d th~iaid '.'H1.Ja1. .', SOrOn;;ell 'th~''Wife,of ,the' n;d._____.._-"__,.lilit.:l;.t___~r'eU~OIl ' .," , __.-..:. ,",',' . '_-:~n a lepar~te and pr.ivaleenmi/lat;ori . tahn an-I m.,le l,y an,1 bd01't m~. and 'lel'araldy and apart I<om h~r ni-l hu~band. ditl aclcno1O'led~e, that .he made h'crscll,a r'arly 10 Iheu'<1 l'ft.} of' Conny.ncC', lor,the l'Url',..e 01 rcnouncinll. relonqu;stllng and conveying, aiL htr ril!hl, titlc and inlerut; ...helh.r of <:lowtr or,ol stl'Hale pro~fl)'.JratulOry 'or e'lujul,'~, in and"t" Ihe- hnds thC'.rtin,dcacrl~d. :and,tbat .be U,ccutcd uid .ued fredy and yoluntaulY'&lId 1O'tboutanyconuralDl, lear, aI-prcheollon "r CUIll~uhion of ol'{rom hcr'..aid husband. , ". ' , ' , " . ' .ignaturc and- official '.eal &t_....:......,,,..laO ku.k. 'In the~ntT of Lee . '~_____"_""_'_ the clay alld fear. Ialt .foresaid. . !. } , ':athr:'u l '''oho''k'' " _._u=:_.~~_._~__~~..::.._..:._.._.;...._~_(SF...\ L) .-",..ilO~Ut'i'~b~1.0..p~t.~ o~ ,IOllla".., ' ','-" llJoom:nfuUou e;.;p.1raJ Julj' 4th , 1~'27 /, ti OD thi. "Qt:a. '" O. 192..2...., at~'dO(w.....m., thiainltrul]lcnt wu -- , . day of JUHA llleel fM record. and'being duly acknol>'ledged and pro~eu, I bue recorded the tame'on page 4:}7 ,of Bool. C1 In, the p.ublic recordl of, l;aid CouOly. ' . ,'" , . " , IN- WITNE . WIlE~ I bue bereunto Ht my ~and and a/bed' tbe K~I of the Circuit Ulurt of the' Fifteentb JudiciI,! Circuit of uid Slale.ll) alid ,... .Oi, c...." ct _:).,',t _sea, ~ " ?C."ld..~ -,-0,,' ,%,(1 111.q~~ -, O. C ~ --; ~ et\\\e4 ______ ',.ecot4 , I' ...'",',