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Ill,": WITNES~ETH.tbat.the...ldpar, io130fllie6i.t~fo~&l!dlnt~n.ldcr.tloaoft"e.~of, . . One dollar and othwt.., . '\ II.. ,II U. ,\ ,valUab~cinulderat'tonu " , '. ~.to t1+e~, In ha'ud pald,.tbe receipt whe~H~ ~e..cbHekn~..led&'Cd. I \, \ ',' '" \ , :, '", ..' '. \, '",' I ' ,\, \', ,\ ," y," \ '. ,\', , ' , , " '" \ . .., ... ' , ; ',,'\ ,\ ha.-.S.ltgi'anted, bargained, ~1t1..4d t~fen~ and b.1\\htJe prelent.: d~ -8r~I" bar~l!t, ~ atld, tra.ader ~tP tbe aald par~ '0' tbe "cOn4 ' . \ , pi~ .n~~-J1elri and wlgal'forever, '~, th~t certain parcel, of laDd 17i~g ~dbein.ln ~'~Countt~f ,st J,uch" I : '" , ,,' '" . ,\ ,I, " ..,', ", , . I, , "aDd S~e'l)f Flori.da, "', more particulail7 demibe<! .. follo....:,:.._; __' .\ ,'. ~ ., , , : ~-~-~.R.~~"...:...t...~.i~et-lJe~...of-~t~J6Ilth~au,t [<'O\'IlAr ()f-I.9t\~ Of B~~nk 2'..:"':"" .",,' _.~...~,;.,,:~._~.~i..Ea.r;1L..~~L..;'iJ'JltIL~~l.\l',J ot ~J1...J~..11at BOo,icit..;pa;;'e 7~..~t.LUCh cou~t~ ...J :....~_.....;..l.'&~.O,I:,dJL_a.r.Ylln1~,~ .1iQ.t.~lL.par~i1d ~tA :.th~Eae.t .ii.i1.,Jf.t.':Ua1Ll~t '13,' 140. fAot . . " .','" . . . ~ "'- . - .' ..... \"'. - . . '-, - . .' ." . ~ . -" -. ,'. . '" \ '~_..~.tAaM.lL,.#.lt.,~.t~~J.l.l.t.i..:,'!!lh.o..rap&.tt...A.yenU'~lOOf6ot 'to, t14. 'i.eut lirieJ..Of'L<Ll'42.0f~ ' ..:....__.:.__:_....nl.o.n..:&.~,,~llQ~IL,nQYi~:d,!tJ.~ne.9.1' :asU: Lot 42,\,'amtanoe' of 100, feet;, . . - .'. ~ ", - . '. .... . , '. .' - ," - '. . 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'-' . .....,~. ." , " And the' ~id pa~~f' tbe fiftl 'part ~~ _ cove:natit wi,tb.-ilrnaid part l,El a of the .ec~ndpart tbat~ilti.~~_.Ia"fl!l!l ~e,iu'd oj tb': ~d prcinis.:~ th.t, Ibeya,~' frte from aU iDCu~1irancc~,and that thft1.hAVtood liibt JDd:~.{ul,~Iitborit~, ~ uU,tbe ..m~;~d the ~d 'p~ ,oi : the 'fint part ~_ hcre~7 fuU, w.rralll the title to. ~id land, and will ddend the ~me .gainll tbe lawful daima of aU Per~II' whomsoever, .. "an#-'UdHaWithe da1 and yeU'bove..ritt~ ' I,....), ',',' 1. , . i.. ,...:...~--:J.~T_'-:ltll~ t ._i'~_~~~..::~..:...,.:_:_:.,'-_:(S EAL) , . :...:'_u_,~,,1),.Q.!.n..~.!~~L~~_~..........____,...:.:...;-::,.(SEAL) ,. '",. " 'STATEO,F_:....,....1.1.Q1:.li._.,' '. ' " , l " C~U~iT.~'OF_:"...".. .~~~-, J l' nn~BY CER:n~, That.~D tbi;___' - 21~tday of~. .,...~'il "~ ,iU.92.,.Q.,.;beforeme rUlO1laUy ;a~pearcL-:_~...,_....1.~ILeahr ~d wife ~rQno~ II. ~. A ~ me known to be tlie'pmon,.;.S.. dmri~d.ln and ,.~o'.exe~;cd the fOr~goiDiC~nYeyanceto ',' Chll.r~e~ 'j}aS~:er aild..' ',' ,", _ ..:..:.......,...:........._...;~JhSJa!ex:. "",' ~nd lever~~ ~ckno...ledlt~d the 'u,ecvtiootbmof'to ~~x:......-;'e~ act , and deed for th; use. iod purposulher~in -';;eotio~.ed; 'aDd the uiL-~.l~l>r81l0e ,q"Ley te r the "'if~o~ the. sai.i,_____.:_...:.r...~...L.lL;i.t,lU:....~_.,:..:..._..:......:..:_. _,:.....:_~~-._.:...,-_~~Oli a It'pa;ite Ind r~i..ate e~amin~' talc.n an.1 'ma>!e ~y ~n<l bel.oreme. and ,.<<pa,au I, and apart I,rom hu 51;,1 h,,"ban,l. d~d .clmowledlle 1~a1."e mad~ h~rt~H a parl,Y to the sa;d. \l~ed ,of' CoO\'ey.n.... tor Ihe purpOle of renou,nClnil. r.llnq"ulllnll and ."lIHYlnl1 aU ".r,T1l;h.','lJ1le .n<lmlne,I. ..helher of,do...er or 01 separatc property, tlllvto" or equil.l,le. in and 10 Ihe Ian>!. Ih'utin drl,"be.l. ,and Ihat'lbe excc"t.d .~d deed freely and vohmtarilyaod without .nlcooll,aint, fear, .pprehenlioil or,coDlpuluon of or from be,r said bUlb.lId: ' , ,,', . .' , " ,,' : ' ,"', . >, . .ignature' and official.eaJ aL.J8.a~dO~'l1J.1a". '~'la.a, ' ' tD the CO\lnl;.of_~ DUVAl '. .' , , -~i..--:-the da1ao.d )'ur la~t alor~slid.' ~', '< ,..,'----" .,_,..____~.L:a..J..ilir.k....._---.._-.;.....!--..:..-(S EA L) ll,otAi'i ,Pu.,b110t--S~&h .{)t Flor14&a.t l.~r&tl, L!y oomm1:Jsloi1 e:\'pir~a Jui:Lep.1S:':;6 " . (~ . On thi.<.:0 ~. ,da7 of" . JU1~O, '. ' r\. D.19z!L... it 8 ,:3Bo'dock-..:..A..m.,thit InU~ment ..... , lit~d for record, anll bein& duly aclenowledged .ri~r~cordecS ;\M: same on p.ge~;'-'of noo~ &4 in the public. r~COJd. of~\d COIUlly, ' '., , . I I . , '. .- '" I . ereuDtOlet my band aDd aflil<~dthe lul'ollbe Circuit Co~rt of the Fiheenlb Judicial Cir~it of Mid Sta~.in.lld ' r I , ,e,b. 4~~ ~b- #' ..,.(. Pl.CaE1Qud ~~_aerlL ~: ~IU, r;2 (.lLc:.-~/,, n. C. . , !. { . -".f' , , ~ , '