HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1026 r ..:' 'f ....;~ " 1~'1 J' ,- >1~__';'I~,t:--'.,I~'~.I~- II · ;,.' . 1'1.... f I; t .J ' ( " . I .'; . ~ ... I,ll I. I, /. 1 . 1 I ' '. \ .... I ',\ ' ,I ' . . I I h~:'-~~~~;i~i~,~~~~'~;':.;';;~~<~;<7',~~;\~~~~)~~;~~1',;-~~~~~~~~~:',i':.";~~ Li \ ' Iii 'THI$' UWENTURE, ifa~~hl. . 114~h, J, 'J._-+-~daY of" .1larOl:l. 1'1 ' ., , ;1' ...,if \~,D,:19~\BET''''EE~ : ' ~', !'" -'---- \ \ Hl.l.~:'!"',,~i;:H.L', 'Sa. '..i.UD "'IJ.L:ARA1..~j'E.U1iLj~ hia .w~h' of r.~SLlliRE . I \\ I 1 ~I ')" , ,. \ " i\' I \ \ " ' . ," " " '1', ' "",' ' \, -.;- \' " \ . \.... "',, ," " ,~~, .. ~f-tbe ~qn~ 01". ~T,.LtlG:J..B~-! --, . ~~d Slite of~":""'::____SLOn IDA' -I " I --J..-"T' ,- - -, ~- Clf 'th(firl' part,'lliF~ I:,' ' '~"C.!~l:J,~ ,; ""(' ~1Bo\Jiij/~' \ '\', 'I',; :\" \ I ;' '\' --.-.. \ . '~~ '", ' \ . - _ \ ' . ' '_ ,." \ .1 \ :I . t I, . " ,\\ ,\ (~. ;'~f tbe COUJity,ol . . Blji<:VARD --_.~_":"--~~..and State ol~ ~ FT,Ol{lu4 .par~'.onbe+e(Ond ~r" .' . ,.': . . '. I . t.... i . 1 ' ~ I' . . ,\ '\ \. \ . , ,\ ' ~VlT'NESSE:rIf"that lbe ~aid part~ 9ltbe fint,' p~ lor a~d la cOD\lderatloll ,ol'tbe .um of" ',\, , , \,'. , - I " 'h-, \, .\ \ ',' . \_ IV, . .\ \'. '\ , ..-- .:;:....~-, TH{Ji<.\K H:JNt;n-lRtl ",H''i''i I, '. ~ t()thAm' }~ bud 'paid, tberc~~ipt,wbcreo"l berc~7,ackllowledged. i. \ \ ",',,' \. \, , . ." ", ' ;.' ,I" . , .. : .. ,ba...:u. gr;anted, b;argained, lold and fianslctt~ ind, by tllea'e ~rlleD~. do'-:,-a~t, bar.~n, aeU and, tr.~s(fr'lIlt~.tb. ~d, p~ of th'e,cColld' '\. " '. 'I . _ .\, \ ..". ~. . \ \ '. '. " >, '.' " _ " .. \ . '. P.t~ and.:_~i:,..hei" .nd ua\gu~forner, alltbat ~ertain wce! of :tUld lylag and beina 1,11 tbe Co~iy 0'- , S t..:L}lole ' , , " '. " ..' - " '.' \- ' '. ~ \'. '. ~ andSiate'i>f,-.,.........,:..21o.rlda " -~moreparticularI7 dcacribedu foUow.:, ',' ' '_~_..:,...._.:~._:,..'_:._L~t(...~~P~Q,t~t~'h,',!;~Ar.tl..::.Hn~~.t...:.L;3.&.1~_ln..BlQ9Jt~Jil..Bl!.u:'~Q ( 82 t IJ,QOQrgingJ.o. ~he :, . 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" . .. . ~ lh~, j;,.~t pa~tdo:"""~.,hrtebi lul~y :w;a'rrajJ\ the titJeio, ,.id ,land, and will delend the umeil,'8iDu 'cbe ~wM dai.lIUof .~ person. wbomaoe"'cr." IN wn;mtsS.'VUEREOF, th~laid patti.a.a.. ,of l!t~ fii.t ".rt bL.),l,... ber,eun.tO at., th.l r "aoda. and lull. ib!! 'da7 ...id' rear abo:ve~ritlcll. . . . ~ . ' . , ... '" . '. . - . Signed, scaled and d.linre,Un ,olll pre"nce: ' ~.__....,..,"' ,.",..,. ;..l~tJ.:...O'..L.::~.U~.Y.,.;_.....:..:..,:..:.:..~.....,_..,:~,_~,:,.. , _..... ......... (I te.lHt.H ~,:.l(&rt~n:.:. ,___e..:".."..,:,......, ..: ,'~... ,~ ';t'. lo , r \ l ~ ~ i, 'j'. ,~ '. _L", . , , _..,:~~~._~,~ '~m ~...E .t. ~f!..~!~..,~lv...__.._.~__~SEi\L) ~"..:."..;,:..._,..~~,!!~~,~_~,~..~:~.~.az~;!:._..""_'.~,...-(~E~~) ", I ! 1 ~ : S!A'rE 'OF'..,__-:-~l.lo.r1h.....-::~7'~';_~~: t , " , " .~-. uoh ' ' '. ., I C.oYSTY .oF~:-...eLJ,!,- , , -;--:-..~_.._,,_, -J~ttEREnY CER~f FY} That on thi'~~...:.....J.i.th_":"'-"":""'day 01: {lmOl1all~' .ppear~d~.,~._~~i.I!'Qa~e1, ana ..Eli,~abftth l.la~oh Feaz,e1, . ' !-- O.t9z...a.. I!t(ore me i i ~, I i J ... '<;. t his ,vife . .. . . . ...-...-------- .' . . to mt kno,..~' t~ be- tbe peuon.,U.. 'described, irian.! ",bl! uec1rled ,tbe f~eg~iag' CODytJ'~~c;e '-0----";" . 'i ,~C . Po"e.ll;.:, , , --, ' .~dRYmllfruimowledge4 tbe c.iteculion thereolto be' their ..free act,' .. , ,:.: .. , , h" 'd d h ld ....11,.,' ab'&" ,tnl!'eaz6 1, ',' .nd deed fo~ the use. ;Ind purp?se5 terem mcn\lonc ,;u. t t',1a . ,g, _!< __ __!C!: _ _____ the ...ife ~I the ..1d'.._,_......w.o..E.u'.il.6.Zd:..,...:...__~______,~-r:----'--:__, '. , ' , " .. ' '" ' ..on a Jepara~t al)d pr'i~at'~ ~"amination , ' h.tll ;lIloi n..ide t,l' anel totfolC OJt. and stfiar." II' ;and' apart rrom hir Jai<i hb~band. di,1 acl,"owled~e t~at Jhe rtl',dt her.ill,.' pait y to'lhe u,,! Dud of . .conHY.llce. tor the 1.~rpQ.sr of !tnnuncini!. rehnqui""'n~ and <<on"y'n~ an hu .rillht; title andiot....t, whtth., or dO'Hr or of ..paratt' p,operty, ~"'\lt?ty' Or e'lu,u1;10.in and 10 Iho I.nd~ thtroin described, lUld lhill Jheueculcd ~d deed freely and yoluOLallly .pd'Ulbout'.ny const.tatnl, fear, a"{Jrehen~lOQ <.r ~OI_~plllsion or w from hu Uld hUJhand. , " .' '," ' , ' ',' : ' ',. '. " '''WITNESS my iig~ature &ndof!ic~lleal a~.._.~~1l6l1l.en ' In the CoUD~ ofSt .Lucilo-........., " , .nd State' oL ' ?lorlqa the day and :JUt tut arorct~d. . ' J.P~~?~l__, --......:....~~.J.lir.a.LL.a.-I.Jc.o..r.J-.__..,..._._-.-:...( SEA L) JWlt1uo of,."ieao.;n""":' , My' ,oom. .xp.Whenl:luocei)i,l~r, quale.ties I', ' , ~~~~\~~;lS~~~~~iE}.' ., , r '. fl' " ,'.~', - , : .on thi. . ~3r d , ' da, ~f JUll~ '~ D. 19l~ at 1l.3ioclocLA-m."this inlt~ul'I\ent \1m ~,_'c..~J;~.~~~ "",', "~P<;"d~l; "'"w','''' ,,' ....;~ I .... ;_~, ... um..~. .-:~,; ...' .~ . I.... "'", '..,.'': .. ~~ l' I IN W,ITNESS W"E~EOF, I b.Tt' Ilcreunio let m7 b.nT'". .hed ,th!!leai of tbe ,circuit Court of tbe Fiftecntb, Judie wCircuit 01 nid St~I~, in ,and ! for uid CouDty. I' ,,- ; , . " ". I ", , ' ' , , . l't.cto."ul", ~11?1~~ ,( " 'Oerk. Jt&:)~.c' '-'..--' I,