HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1031 r ~~20~"i' "':' .~,,,, i", , ~": . ~ .: . ,.. ',', ,',' ".:>"'/ , '~.:~~~~~~~=~~,-~i:_~~~~~'~~~'~~~i~'~C"'_~',,,~ :'~;_~:+~;" , \ . "" ;.' THt~ IND~N~U~~~de ~Ibi; ; , ,~26th..' I ': 4~1 of, '" ?e\br?~*~ ',': "1 ".' '\~; l~ BE~YBEH '" '" . ',' . ,," ;.", , ~aq.G~8:af~Qn(Rnd .~aLaU<3t,afPod ;.; ~; h1.a~lfL\\" \", " ,,' .',\\ \; I', " ;'. ~;,' oftb,e Co,~~l7, of '. ,~~ .Lu.c ill I ' .U4,Sta~'~~,F 1p:r ~d'. '. ',~oftb"rl" ~~.C ,-- _~'_"n__C_ ,.' 'JaSa.;Jaajt.l:lori " "~\'r . \ i \, . \ " .,"1. \ # \.\ \ ~\\. . \ . ". _ 'I; \ ,.l :,' \ .' \ . '\ : \ oftbeCollntrof" "S1A.~u'a1., ., .nli Stat. of. i').orlU... part-.l-oItbeMcOf\~part", \ \ \. " .' . \ .' \ \ \ \ . - \ \ ',-. WITNESSETH, tbat the ..Id pa~ of tbe fiut part. (or and In coaaider.tioa of 'the .ism of ,'I'I<~!l nor.rrA. liS A 'm' "THif1l .' , \ . \ \ ,'\' . - . . , ".' 4. -. . , .V AlN~L1i:\ CQIlstm.:nA.TIONS' ~'t~ tk~emi";\~a~c1 plld.\he.melpt..hc~tof ia'bcreb,.~bo"lc'dleil, " ~ '\' \ _ \" _' I, ' ,.. . , - . _', .' .~ 't, \,\ '. _ _ '. ' .'. '< ' - - ~'.- , .,;' _ ;"'.. u:.YL granted, bargal!lcd, IOld .al\d tran.fefTfd, alsd b" 'tbue preacD~ 40--'-annt. barpiJi,.feU and' ~tan'.{er IUItotbe laid, PUt~ of Itbe ICcO~d . . \ , ' "-", . . ': - . -' '-. . . ....- - - . \ ~. . . ~~~d...o.:..l!!4~'ln _,Dd p.i~fore~er, .U tbaH:.e..t.ln'l'arcel 01> laadt,ing .nd bei~. ~ tbe~;:~'S t.~gl ~ .' . .,.,' '-. ." ..' . \,.\. --' \ \ " " and Sta~ of' \ Flo~, .' " mlire'parti~ularl,~mi~.d ,~, folk>w.:'-li- ' " ,~-,_L_.:_~_~__-:-,,~_,~-'-:~_~.:.-_,~_......_~__,~~.~~ ,'- lJ" , , ,I ,,: . I : } , \ "I \ \ ; , 1.' I i :. L " ! . ' ..:1 .\ . " . . 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T()GETH ER with al! the,~ncmenu...hercditamintJ and IPpurtcllancu, with e...r, t>rl~ilcge, right, ii,I~, i~ter..t .and ,ulate.:do...r and right' ofdowe,r; ,reveuio~. It,:,aindennl1 uarnfent there.to bclollg~ 'Orin a,,~wi~e aPPtll~lni.g:.'I.O H?Y E~Nl) TO HOLl). ,b~ lame in I,te Ji~le ,for~ver. , ,,', And thenid llart"1ea oi tbe fir,.t part~~ CoTCl!ant ~ilh the laid ~ar~.,.~i 'tb~ ~e(ond part thaL.. t),le,y .8~_law(ull" .tizli4 of.tli,' :', " ,.' , .', ' , , "ol,. , ',:.,' ", " ,','. " ,,''- " IaiCtpremilu; that they ate t'rce,rom:alf iDCumbra~te. &Dd that, th,.Y , :*~ rrght,~"d lawful authorit." to ~~lI,the ""me;'.ndt~eAi,Il,p~ of: lJIefi;1l Part dO..-,..,...:. here!." f~lIr ~arr"lIt tbe tille to ~id,l~bd, .od. will d.f~n~ ~he I.lme acainst the ,lawf~l. cl.1im.qf ~1I ~rlO,!' ..l;Ioai'~)'er. u~ 'VIT~ESS'WllEREOF/the ..id part.1!1i ~tbc ~r~t part .ha..!t..:. b.reu~io ac.th,ir '.....,;~ .~d .ut!! the 4a" aDd )'ur.boTe....fittea., , " . . - ,', . . '. ,', '., ..,.... ,." .. ..' ' . -' . ,. . "'-:; s~~~e~, ~=~1~1~~:~~~::~,:r.~,~n~:...: .h~~....:~:.~,..:.....:..~..:, "-l'" . "':::.i... ~~o.ylor.... . ....,.... "....: .. ._'.. ""~h':-:'" ,........_ ..... ,--" . . . .,.-..-.- - ~-.'.. -.....- -. - .- . . '. ....h_ _ ...... .. ..._..... _., ...~__".. ._. "_'_'_" "")" . , l' ...... j',' ,"':.".G GUBt6fao~' " ",' '" ~ --';' --"-..,...,t"--:-!...~..___~....-_....~,..._..__~...(SEAL) .,'. ,. " ,,' ",," ," .' : ....._;..,_:-L:.A...G1t\llA.!.'ilUL,...._:.__...:...,__+,(SEA L) ST'ATE OF '~'1.Q~.1da" .:____} COUNTY OF__._~.:ilJ:l~_~___ . ~ .. .JU~R:BY (.:ERTlFY, Th~t ~~b.il":'-';~~":-'~__-::-IhJ'Of'" FaQ,ru.8.ry '--/>. O. i~b~f9re m. , ' pen~naUi'ap~;ed_~~~..' :'~,.G&HS'i'il5ml ~~ '~~~..GUST~Jt'W~Jo: h13.\fii;L-..:...' ,__ to me kno....n lobe the pcuonJi...,dcfUibed in and ~bo u<<ut~d th. foreioing cQllyeyilnte to J a!) ~.JaQkti.9n ' . f , ' ," ' ',:t<.' ' ,,' " "", ' ' ',' __.._...__,....~..,__.. , ' andacverall" ackh()wicdge.d th'e uecutiOD th~rcof to be-lli.1l:...;1re~ ad aoddccd for 'th~ U5e1 a;d purpOse. iher~inmtntloned: ",d the iaiL_.._..L.a.L9.M.t.~...Q.u , , . , the wif. of. th'e ul<J":":"_~_,--4~G..a.G.Y.il~illlL:..._,;._ _'_..:.___h..__..._.:,....____~_~~---'______:_"on a 1f1\~ratl' and pri;at~uaminatlo~' tak.n an') m.de I.)' and bdorc mt. and ..parild>" and apart',lrom h.,;, &aid ,h "sban,!. dtol acknowlc.lo:e thu ,he, riI."e~hrrldf a pU'1,lo the aai.J /I<.,! of ' Con..y~n(.. ,for ~he pllrpose'of renr.uncing. rtl,nquish,nll and 'conveyinil all h.. ri~hi. tillt an.f iftltTut, ..h.ther of do..-er or 01 ..paut, proptrty; 5"'fu.\ory j . or Cqu11.I,I., in an,1 to tlo. land~. ,hurin, ductibed,an<! thaI, .he eieculc4 nid deed freely and \'i.>I\U!~r.i!1 ,and Without aDY conalraUll, fear, awrehcDIKlD or, compulsion of or !rom her uld hus~alld. ' . , . -. -' , " . ~ i; ..' . , ..., /. ~~ort~~!.!ce' , . in tl,1!, Countr'of " 'st.Luo1e ----:~- 'Dd Statc of ~, the: da" and' ynr lail afore'raid.. ( ... ..____..__ ~i~u3..sllmnQr county JUdge' -",- .__lSEAL) {' / I " On tbll.-_ , , 23rd~all.P!I-. ..;,.,~., . JWlp . .\. Of 192L .t~'dO(k~, tbtS ulltrument ...i; 61ed for record, .ndbtlnlr-duli'~c1'Dowledged and provell, I' hi.,. recordc41'tbc .a~e 011 page~"--of 800t.-' G 01 in tbe 'public record. of ..Id ~~" " ~ ' , ' f' ,...... I' IN WITNESS)Vln:REO ,I hue hcrjU 0 act O1r band &lid amud the .ealpf the Circuit COllrl,Qi the Fih..1I1.b Ju.dicial Circuit of laid Slate, in &Dd ~.c-t111 -- -' - , ~ ct.ct.~.al ~1.t,e " ", .~~Od::;' €?~ e4.~'; ~~~ (7, C<' ....."': 1 l' " '{ ,r;.- . I .~ ,~