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TOGTffUER,....irh ~n th~ un.mtnll. h~r~ditam~nt. ~d.ppurt.nanc.s,:,\Vith. e"~ryllriyil~lfr; /icbt. thi., intm!l 'a.ndcstat~. dow.;;- and right o~ do;..er. ~eYU510n, r.ma1nder- anll C'aum~nl tl!~relo l>dbnlllng or,lR a"1"'1'e ~"l>~nalOllIl; TO ,UA VE ANI.) ~O,~lOl.1.) Ih,t ~..me 10 I~e s~mple 'Iorncr~, ,', . ... . .' . . . -'.-,' . ." ',. , '. ,', ' Aad tbe said part1.lil,..of the 'fir~t partdo~_.- connant ';'ilhiht laid'par~ of the secoad part tl1~t.. thfl;l....JU:..a.:.....,...,"'a,wIUlly. .di~d ~f the aaidpremi.u, lhat t.hey artire1!~;om all in't1unb~~nc~. aDd' tha~.JaY..'OOdri8h\.aa~ la~tul'~orltY to. sell' tlt~ .~tlte; :'i~d' ~uaid l>uc1A.L 0;: ", " .' ", " '. " .' . " '" , , ' ",., " ' tbe 'firil part'do.,...~_ 'her~by f,ully. .atun'j thc,titlti to aaid l~n'.t; ~d ,..in delendtb~ ~e again1l-tl1e b"ftiJ'd~lIi.or alll>er~n. 'whoms~'yer. " . '... . ,'. : .. > . .' ~.,. .< . . 'IN WITNESS WHI,;REOF., tlte.~ part-1e.a of the fir~~l>ut:b~V___ ~ertIDat~ aft, t:Q~i YO, hIDcl.B~d ~CaL2 tileda, and yc~r above .titten.' . ' ~~ ~~'=:~~::r_m.'" ~=~~:~:=-~~~~_~_~: j' . , ,..,:-:..._~:~..._:'-:,.J.~.~~....~..._.:.~:__.._._":~:,__(S;E"L)' ',' , :,:,......"..~_.,......:.,__l{~o.g!:!;.. 3~_~"~_~,~,',..._..:.._".......~,(S.E.-\L), "il' , 'f ' I . . r' .r-' F.... 1 " I t . STATE ~F__;.,:.,......:;-~i'.~ri'dA . ...;..... , , > l . '.COtJNTY'OF-'--~;~ljL.:...:.-.~,.,.:.--c~_ j. ~~.~---'-:- .' - ,'t' 'I' TfERE'BY e'ER' TIFY' Tb '.. L'. ,21' , ,.,..- 'f ' " ,'June " . ' .' . ..' '.' t.. ~t on :.t.n,~~:o-_~""~7~._f,R7. 0 :--:--~~___.--;:-_-:--. I'ersonally tippe~red_..,....:.--,J aP .s:nl t4~, ~iii,8Bmi tilt his' . 1r1,1!L , , 10 melqlo'Nllt~ \)c t!le penon.a.., dtscrib~d i~ an4~wb~ execut~d t,be f~c8oillg COIll'eyanceto' .' <;; a C a taw . '. .'0. '. _ . '. ... ~~-=--~ansl lenrallyack.oowlcdged, th~ . ex<<utioD, thereof' to, be t,h ~ lr ".,1 ree act ~D, t 9i.E.:...b~ '9re me. ;. . \ ' r ".'nd d.~diorihe'ut..a~c! purposu thtrein mcntioQtd; and thuaid. ;( .. ..... . . ~. Ille wil. of the ..id ,-.......-----".._..J.t.J:..,::truj,.tjL,_____..,..__,_.'-..~. ' ~,' " " . , ' :()n a ,.pirate' a~,j privale ~xaminaiion takt" an,1 .molt' 1'7 and I,d,,,. me. an,! Hr'arjldy and ap'arl from h.r ui<l husban3:dnl ,ackMwr.o!Jte-that, Iii. inad. hut.1f a ,party lathe nlll /1..<1 of Cr,n,,)'an,;,. for Ih. I'urp"i.. <>1 """""(10;1, rclfll'1ui"1I1'1ll' and CQlI\t)'inll' all hu ri~hl. ,title and intt~"lRTo1cfo...'ifO" 01 sij>..rate property. .fa'u'lOry or .qu,iral,I~, in and 10 the land, Ih..tin de.cribed, and tbal Ibe execultd uid d.td freely aad \'olunlallJy and ,,".th<lut any C90llsainl, fur. a1-"rebtooloa c.r compul'l.on <lIar from hu uid huob..nd.. ,', . '., . ' .' . oWfT~E S mYIi8n~lurea~d'official ~aJat..,..:..J~!'~.f1er~e la ,~e County~' .' , ;2 t.Luoie ..____._ 'lJfJ,~6h Sm1tn " -'-- .\ 1. ' .1 'I, I, , u .._~th'~ day, and )'e.r Ian aforuaid. . .. ,:'UiU3 Sumner" " . county ~Ju~-ge,c ,,:. :. _L_,~,~=~(SE:..\L)"': .. - - --=-.~,;:. On thi. ~lli... , da, of Jw~e ~ D, 1n.Q.... a.9 .5], o'(\(>(L..A.-.tn-. tbis In.trument w~. , ' '.fit.d (or record. and being duly acka-;;~Iedg~d and prona, 'lbne recor4ed.tbe....JDe on pa.e~_of Booir 64 ill th~ pulllic record. of iald CVUnly. '.' " , " .' - IN WITNI-;SS fEREO'F;)..,.ne i1cnunto Mt my hand aud aftill~ the Mal of lH Cir(\lit (A,o,t of the Fifteeath Judicial C'rcait qf laid State, i~ an~ for said Counly, :Y ... , . Ot.ct.S..l. ' . '.\\el\ . . . p.~C~dra~ 0... , .. f (>.t\ .' ~.fcJ r ,..cl!-/!!-.!_tL~p, Co ", ' ('I' J I, , · ,"'E". . /', I .,"~ -I , ~-" ~\.;. .', ..