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TOGET}-jER \yilh all. thelenemenl,. hereditamenti a':ld, appurtenanc." ......Ih~\'ery PriYii~g,e.right,.tiIJf'. inlet"'l and e:aiatc, d~-:er and, rigbt or'd6wer, reversIon. runalllder a.nd e:ue~ent theu;to bclonil.ng ~In anywISe' appc.rlalntng:. TO UA ~E ANU 'TO nol,.U tbe lam.e In lee Ilmple lor~~~r, "...' '.. . . 0 . . .'", . " ,_ '. . '. .. , .' . .'" , . ' ',. .' . '. C' ',' ~ . _ : . 'And die 'said parL:.,~ or tbe, iin'I. p~rt. do~~ ~ovellan~ wi\h th....a.id P.af~1~- :. or the ..ecOoo pall lha'~:".bJLj..a~":':":-Ia.wfu\lY i~i~ed (lllbe . . .' , . , ',: r .... . uid I'>remim.t~t-i,bt7 a~e ,lr~'e'fro~ all i~~R111r~cea, l~~ \Ilat.Jl~~Il00d ~ilb~ arid bwfal anthorit,' t~sell tb~ i~e: an'd" tb~ .:ajd par~of. , , ..' . 't,' . . .'. '. ....... .. . ", the'lir.6tparl do,....eA.hereb~ MI, ~~~a.nt .Ihe tide to. aaid I.nd;. and _ili ddend thtlmle' al2iu.t the~bwlul, daim~ or ....1 pmo~. ,wbomsoever; ~ . . . .. .. ',- - > .', ~.~ . .' . . '. . , .' ;.', . -.... .'.' . ~ .' ; . , IN WITNESS WHEREOF; tbe laid part-3.....-,.. of tbe6ut'palt .baa., _ berel1DlO Je' hi H huL .adital- the day aDd.tt~tabore -"rittea. . ',. .'" .. '. .', , , " - Sig'ned. .tal~d anddcl~vered ill burpfueDcc: . .,..~ ..:.. :...w.,l, 1 ~$...:F..~ C Q x;'. ,~:..'___;..:. ,~.,.. _~.._,,___.;,..,,:__.. _,_'.. ..... .. ,n alter ' " .... " . ":-".-: ~..Jj,~~.~~O~~,.~-~.~....;..-..~.~.:.~c........-.....-(S.~AL) ,. .~;_~. ......... .3.. ..._. n.; '. '". .' (SE \L) -,... ..-,......:..-,.c-,.-,..'..:........,.,..--....:..........'m..-:....._, ......_ .. , , . ' , ST^T~ OF~,.__~.n..Q~U.A~.___.:.._...-:.....:.'-- t '. ..COUlUV p~-.-~.SL.L..q,Q.b_..:.__:_:._~..:____.;.---=- } - ~ . - . '..""\ . ' JJlEREBY. CERTIFY, That 00 tb11__':'~_17~h ,. , '11 .', " > ,', ...' Blli1~ne8 ('enoDa ., .PJ1l'arc~...,..--_-- .___ . , . .~ JY~' '~"D:I~~.'belore me . ..da-, or. .1. ,1doweu ...._-.----:----:"--:-~- E.)'~GuthriJl : ~~-------:--:.:...----...._-~--~~-":""-.:.:-._-, andMY~r&1I, atknowledgedtheeieculioii tbereof to be ,-his '__...Ire~ ad ---;-" - . ..- , . .' . . ,.nd d<<d lor the usu and.purposu .therein mentiol!edi,andlbe said_.-'-'--_.,--:-.-,,-;._.::.-.....:- -\.- 'the ....il~ Df Ih~ I3r.t_.____.~....~:.-~-..:...----......:....-..:__,.,.'--....-.--~~.::......;--~.. " . ,,', , on a..tp~rale andNiv.,~' tXamin'ation la"~n'an.l m'.,l~ hy, and he!<.re m~, and srparartly an.d a\J.rt I.(om, tltr 'i~.l,h\Jsb:md. did aekno.wledtre lhill she Iil.,l~ her-,~Il a 'parly t~ the ',...l j)tcd or C\)n'~)'anre, lor, Iht "urpus< of fenounCln>:, r.,l,nqu..'"",, an,l conv~)',"" all :\1.. "llht. lllle' ~ndID1.r~51, whether 01 dower Of, 01 le\Jarale pr~rty, 5111UIM, 'or e'l"'III,I., in <an,1 10 Ihe hu,,.. Ih...io "u~,,~~d. an4 lb'al illc CJ<~<uted said deed 1,rtely a,nd YQlunurl,l, ~ithout &II, conUrawt" fear; al'prche!1Sl0D . c"r. COmi'UlslOn 01 or from her...d "lU!'~nd." . .' ,': ',.,'. " '.'; , .. sr..:{,ueh lure a~d olli~~i ,seal at__"~ita.b"s l.lO "'the County ot, ,:"':"~tbt ~Y and fear last afore~d. " , .lnrge.u.v ..' '" . , M_...c-~....,-_...d1~_ io' ..C .\Li.-,..._,-..-._~:""-':" (S EA L) , .'uotar j" Publio fot ,.the. a tateo!i'lor-ida. a~~ OOlnlll13si.on e~plie.a 'Oc t .1.7 ,:l~2e '!I ;c On tbiL 24'th ~ D. 192..2.... at 4 .12 o'clot" 435 " 1.. . . __.of UOotr . Pm, thi. instrument wat JWlB day of filed ror record, and being duly acknowledlit'd and pronDl I bu'e recorded the iame on pal' Counl)'. ,. . c? in tbe pa~1ic record. of t,ald . I ~ hueuolo set,' m; band and a'ued tb, seal or the Circail Cwrt of the Fifteenth lu~icial Circuit C?r ~id Stale, in and ~'riM.~:~ ,if ,{ ---- -- - -- ------ --- ----