HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, 6-�Q_�RX OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAI&x-i "LUCIE COUNTY FILE'# 4444810 OR BOOK 4142 PAGE 1990, Recorded 06/08/2018 10:15:58 AM SCANNED BY St OTICE 6F COMWNCEMMT the undersigned hereby givorr notice that improvement wil be made to certain rW property,,@nd in accordance with Chapter 713. Florida statutes thefollowing information is provide� in the, Notice of commencement. I - DESCRIPTION OF PROPERT 'd,stre 301-111 -0001-O'00-S ::_I qggl d".ripti.. an ot address) TAX FOLIO NUMBER Country C u I SXMDrYISION )U I I aqPBLOCK _TPf.A.Cf�_LOT�__BLDG .2 _UNIT_ ", Q�, East �, of section 1 township 34s Range 39E 2.GENERA-LDFSCRIMONOFMPIZOYEMENT.- 1yIng -N&W ot Turnpike Feedor Road CdMg�tLF fC1Mtty__reS1d_e CE I OWNER INFORMATIOW, a. Nar t'a n , ;IAinn b.Address. t3QUU S_ USI, Suite .40,2, .,PSL, F.L. 3495,2 c. interest in pirop=ty_ d. Name and 2ddress of fee simple titleholder (if other than owner) I 4. CONTRACrOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. Wynn Develot)ment Corporation 8000 SI., USIF Suite, 40�, PISL, EL 34952' 722-87a—�Cil.3 5- SURL=IS NAME, ADDRESS ANDTHONE NUMB'ER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS ANDTHONE NUMBER; 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices -or o6er documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (])(a) 7., Florida StaWtes: Johli 'Brennan N&ME, AD -DRESS AND PHONE NUMMER- cas�,Itasz Et,_ Pielrr,�, FT. 3495.1 772—,466-1553 B. In addition to himself or herself; Owner designates the, following to receive a copy of the Uenor'sNotice 8 provided in Sertion 713.13 (1,A), Florida Statutes: NAM, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMER., 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement (the expiradan date i.s 1, year from the da te of r6cor4ingbal= a different date it specified) Signature,of Owaar or Owner's Authorized OfficerADirettor/rartner/Managir Stateof)Florida Matt -hew L.V112 W . ynne, Vice-PrA_-i_d&nt Print Name and Provide Sigrratory�s Title)ofrice Counlyof St'. Tji jo. The foregoing instrument was acknowledgedbef6re me this t;l 04 ay of By, -Matthey Lyle Wynne -as V� 1poknu I:, (Name of person) (Type of authority ... e.g: Owner, officer, trustee, atCcrney )n fact) F,,,Wyrine Building corporation (Name of party on behalf a f whom ins cru ment was ex,ecuted) �ersonally Known_±!for produced the following-tYPe OfIV: DOROTHYARNBASKI M -co Y MIAISSIOWGG030146 'tiO148-0ctoberi,2020 (PontedWarnt of Notary Public) (SjgAitUr0.ofNc( (Se'll Vy Public) Under penalties of pejjvry. I diclare that I have read the foregoing and that the. facm in it are true to the best of my knowleoge belief (section 92;525, Florida Statutes). STATE OF FLOR10A Signatdre(s) of Owner(s) or Owner(s)' Authorized BY! (�'�'R'E­GT COPY OF THE W. 0=007(laodins) By:, Date' V6: