HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT# d" ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEv9LoPAmNT wavicn .. Bnfldft SGANNku tttu BY elf? rhinto Cdd6 Compliance Division RECEIVED BUILDING. P= ff MJJ�q )NTRACTOR, AG FlMgINIQ 0 8 '/018 ST. Lucie , County, - P e r rn i Uti ]ng - Z7:4 e I C_ / (CoMpany Name/Individual Name) the lec.,r,,. -r- e� Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) For the project located at �P_roi_ect It is understoodthat, if there is any project, the Building and Code filing of a Change of Sub_contra�tor OWm* Contractor) ,-)K \_ \C_J : Address or Property Tax ID .9) have agreed to be of status regarding our parlicipation with the abov'e mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised-pursuantto the COUNTY CERTIFICATtoNNumsER State of Florida, C,,.ty of The foregoing iustrumentwa§ signed before me this I day of Lby who h personally known—Kor has produced a as identification. STAMP SIgnature 6f Notary Pub9c k 6-rz_P_,i E. 6 a-D Print Name efNalary Public . 10 P P Notely Now" Keffl Budka My COMTh1w.cof F 971543 Revised ]1/10016 OF. gxpliVo OWW2020 5' iJ11 R1411SIGNATVJRE (Qualifier) PRINTNAAM e_1 V0U1WrY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Merida, County, OfLLIAW"_ The foregoing instrument was s11gued before me this day of 2&by WhG1S personally known_V_or has #reduced a as identification. STAMP Signature ai'Notary Tiablic, PrintNaxneofNotary bile LAWA P. CU1313EDGE ---- -! `t*- !Qo4nM'ss10n'#GG'022076 6. " M 9*44-0**21,2020 FPWWmTT,o 'q ;hTff ft. Foy Ow projogit WWA, A FIR VE LOP, W- D ECEIVE .00 JUN 0 8 Z9113 AUJUVWXT ST. Lucie County, Permitting Sub4low", r1f6f. PTO)4 thanjiding Md 0- 06 &'�suwjpb M&D, Pf ot, L#C-J@ C@14*'WJJI ft P&W pgrowt fo Mow LY16 Wynno =91- I?" . .......... - ------ DOROTHY ANN BASKIN 45 A*"-"'-.' myc6mK4ISSIQN#GG030.145 "S EXPIRES: Octob6r 2.2020 V Banded-�ru ;n;e wAv; W RoWt UAlum' If WHY �N*W- ----- - INS . . . . . . . . . NOW 001V Mfg Of'Fkfmgp Gqlmj� Of —A; LIrl@ TbgfqpVj)pgjW0MWeqtW -Iyf p. W, t� of pdw� WAMF Rhonda, Loff". hibiN il-WIF009 RHONDA. LOFMV f4y 6�w . F:0 PERMIT* [COUNTY L-1 L P � R I D A-'- L the ISSUE DATE DEVELOPMENT SFR%qCES g & Code. Compliance t m8i"ItECEIVED )3M-D1*G PERMrr CONTRACrOR AGREEMENT JUN 0 8 9LO13 ST. Lucie County, Permitting Comfort Control al St. Lucie County, IA" (Company Name4ndividW N=e) have agread- to'be Sih-co'ntmotorfor Wynne Development Corp. Ofinzy Contlactor) For the project Ideated at (Type Of Trade) (Froject Street Address or VropeM Tax ID 4) It is understoodthat, if there is any change of status regarding our parficipation with the above mentioned... project, the Building and Code Regolation Divisibn of St. Lucie-Cowty will be adirised p4suant. to; the filing of a Changp -of Sub-coiAract6fnotice. CONUAC]VOIL SMA-TURE (Quarifier). Xa�thew Lile Wynne PRUU NAME 08898 8288 INTY CERTInCATION NUMM COUNTY CMTMCATION NUMBER stne ofmorlax, coaxlty..f ez� V?' Stalkiof Flerw County of— Thep- me tian The fortgoilig insftadieut wsis signed befire me thh _1_ day of -a-twa-s0pedbefarb S of 2 b,;�CL\--,k AA -e- WAO is Fersonquy known —\/Or h" prodilecd a Who is personally known _eor h= produged a as Identification. as identification, and.,:= &04'- STAW JOXA044d'� Ra'13'L STAMP- - Of "OtAUNC ftature ofNotuy PIT �1)12d2_21:iY AAM( &.49 let &P Print Namer of Notm.? Pubilli DOROTHYANN BASKIN KIN My COMMISSION # GG 030146 DOROTHYANN BAS M Y COMMISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES: October2,2020 hruNot*PubIIcjUnderkters EXPIRES: October 2,2020 Bonded I -Thru Notary '_�,.Bonded -Public Underwritera Reybed 1111612016 dAoo Su I p I I nq euuAM -Wo�j g L: Z L 9 L L68-A 3000/Z000d tLO-i 999L8L83LL 1-60-ZL s ws. fir . ....... MOW'." .staj 0-mlea.4vouty. WC. boa. 1g.w-d-T-141. Apro P - linrNAMk'6f.N6lUkkyP-dbfii6 DOROTWANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION4 GO 030145 EXPIRES: October 2,2020 o4fy.�ubl�Qrjd -Fhrq R iftU15ARM xpursuaii�lwffia a. I A .. r -- tuz V000p. d STA�� ILY SS ANN BASKIN 'ON j 0 My COMMISSION # GO 030145 S 0 1 G; EXPIRES: October 2Z 2020 Notar P IL