HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE - CONTRACTOR COPY FORM R405-2017 BY FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY�Z'S��p�j PS BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Business and Profes'pional Regulation - Residential Performance Method Project Name: WYNNE THE MANOR Builder Name: WYNNE BUILDING CORP. Street: THE MANOR \��`'� `i Permit Office: ST.LUCIE COUNTY City,State,Zip: FT.PIERCE,FL, i Permit Number: Owner: WYNNE BUILDING CORP. �O.�CS- j Jurisdiction: Design.Location: FL,Fort Pierce County:: St.Lucie(Florida Climate Zone 2) 1. New construction or existing New(From Plans) II 9. Wall Types(1654.2 sqft.) Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple family Single-family a.Concrete Block-Ext Insul,Exterior R=4.1 1374.20 ft2 b.Frame-Wood,Adjacent R=11.0 280.00 ft2 3. Number of units,if multiple family 1 c.N/A R= ft2 4. Number of Bedrooms 2 I d. N/A R= ft2 5. Is this a worst case? Yes 10.Ceiling Types (1644.0 sqft.) Insulation Area a.Under Attic(Vented) R=30.0 1644.00 ft2 6. Conditioned floor area above grade(ft2) 1644 b.N/A R= ft2 Conditioned floor area below grade(ft2) 0 c.N/A R= ft2 11.Ducts R ft2 7. Windows(153.4 sqft.) Description Area a.Sup:Attic,Ret:Attic,AH:Attic 6 275 a. U-Factor: Dbl,U=0.63 113.35 ft2 SHGC: SHGC=0.25 COPY b. U-Factor: SH U=0.21 40.0C2o N R 1� ooli aps tts kB34.8r Efficiency SEER:15.00 SHGC: SHGC=0.21 � " � c. U-Factor: N/A ft2 SHGC: 13.Heating systems kBtu/hr Efficiency d. U-Factor: N/A ft2 a.Electric Heat Pump 34.8 HSPF:8.50 SHGC: Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 3.010 ft. Area Weighted Average SHGC: 0.240 14.Hot water systems 8. Floor Types (1643.5 sqft.) Insulation Area a.Natural Gas Cap:40 gallonsEF:0.970 a.Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 1643.50 ft2 b.' Conservation features b.N/A R= ft2 None c.N/A R= ft2 15.Credits Pstat Total Proposed Modified Loads: 49.81 PASS Glass/Floor Area: 0.093 Total Baseline Loads: 52.99 ,I I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by Review of the plans and ��04E Spq?, this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy If specifications covered by this Code. calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. ti nna '', �.'•••• ,� PREPA Before construction is completed DATE: SM this building will be inspected for 0 ilk�i compliance with Section 553.908 I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance Florida Statutes. with the Florida Energy Cod G'Orj WE OWNER/AG N BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: - Compliance requires certification by the air handler unit manufacturer that the air handler enclosure qualifies as certified factory-sealed in accordance with R403.3.2.1. -Compliance requires an Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection Checklist in accordance with R402.4.1.1 and this project requires an envelope leakage test report with envelope leakage no greater than 7.00 ACH50(R402.4.1.2). 5/18/2018 12:04 PM EnergyGauge®USA-FlaRes2017 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 1 of 5 • ' it FORM R405-2017 PROJECT Title: WYNNE THE MANOR Bedrooms: 2 Address Type: Street Address Building Type: User Conditioned'Area: 1644 Lot# Owner Name: WYNNE BUILDING CORP. Total Stories l: 1 Block/Subdivision: #of Units: 1 Worst Case:l Yes PlatBook: Builder Name: WYNNE BUILDING CORP. Rotate Angle: 225 Street: THE MANOR Permit Office: ST.LUCIE COUNTY Cross Ventilation: No County: St. Lucie Jurisdiction: Whole House Fan: No City,State,Zip: FT. PIERCE, Family Type: Single-family I FL, New/Existing: New(From Plans) Comment: i CLIMATE I / I Design Temp Int Design Temp Heating Design Daily Temp V Design Location TMY Site I 97.5% 2.5% Winter Summer Degree Days Moisture Range FL,Fort Pierce FL VERO_BEACH_MUNI I 39 90 70 75 299 62 Low BILOCKS I Number Name Area Volume 1 Entire House 1644 14134.8 I SPACES Number Name Area Volume Kitchen Occupants Bedrooms InfilID Finished Cooled Heated 1 GREAT ROOM 546 5350.8 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 2 MASTER BEDROO 274 2192 No 2 1 1 Yes Yes Yes 3 WIC 77 616 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 4 CLST. 35 280 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 5 M BATH 54 432 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 6 KITCHEN 180 1440 Yes 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 7 JUNIOR M.BED 198 1584 No 0 1 1 Yes Yes Yes 8 BATH 50 400 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 9 POWDER 35 280 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 10 NOOK 42 336 No I 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 11 LAUNDRY 49 392 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 12 ENTRY 104 832 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes FLOORS # Floor Type Space Perimeter Perimeter R-Value Area Joist R-Value Tile Wood Carpet 1 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio GREAT ROOM 47 ft 0 546 ftz ---- 0 1 0 2 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio MASTER BEDRO 46 ft 0 274 ftZ ---- 0 1 0 3 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio WIC 1 ft 0 77 ftZ ---- 0 1 0 4 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio CLST. 1 ft 0 35 ftz ---- 0 1 0 5 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio M BATH 9 ft 0 54 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 5/18/2018 12:04 PM EnergyGauge®USA-FlaRes2017 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 2 of 5 i FORM R405-2017 FLOORS # Floor Type Space Perimeter Perimeter R-Value Area Joist R-Value Tile Wood Carpet 6 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio KITCHEN 11 ft 0 180 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 I 7 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio JUNIOR M.BED 14 ft 0 198 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 8 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio BATH 1 ft 0 50 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 I 9 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio POWDER 5 ft I 0 35 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 I 10SIab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio NOOK E ft I 0 42 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 I 11SIab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio LAUNDRY 17 ft 0 49 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 12SIab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio ENTRY 5.9 ft I 0 103.5 ft2 ---- 0 1 0 ROOF I Roof I Gable Roof Solar SA Emitt Emitt Deck Pitch Type Materials Area I Area Color Absor. Tested Tested Insul. (deg) i 1 Hip Metal 1733 ft2 I 0 ft2 Light 0.6 No 0.9 No 0 18.4 1 ATTIC V # Type Ventilation Ve4Ratio(1 in) Area RBS IRCC 1 Full attic Vented 1300 1644 ft2 N N CEILING 1 # Ceiling Type Space R-Value Ins Type Area Framing Frac Truss Type 1 Under Attic(Vented) GREAT ROOM 36 Blown 546 ft2 0.1 Wood 2 Under Attic(Vented) MASTER BEDRO 3q Blown 274 ft2 0.1 Wood 3 Under Attic(Vented) WIC 30 Blown 77 ft2 0.1 Wood 4 Under Attic(Vented) CLST. 30i Blown 35 ft2 0.1 Wood 5 Under Attic(Vented) M BATH 30' Blown 54 ft2 0.1 Wood 6 Under Attic(Vented) KITCHEN 30� Blown 180 ft2 0.1 Wood 7 Under Attic(Vented) JUNIOR M.BED 30 Blown 198 ft2 0.1 Wood 8 Under Attic(Vented) BATH 30 Blown 50 ft2 0.1 Wood 9 Under Attic(Vented) POWDER 30 Blown 35 ft2 0.1 Wood 10 Under Attic(Vented) NOOK 30 Blown 42 ft2 0.1 Wood 11 Under Attic(Vented) LAUNDRY 30 Blown 49 ft2 0.1 Wood 12 Under Attic(Vented) ENTRY 30 Blown 104 ft2 0.1 Wood WALLS Adjacent Cavity Width Height Sheathing Framing Solar Belo w Ornt 10 Wall Type SpaceR_Vallen Ft n AreaEt R Ahqor 1 SW=>E Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InGREAT ROO 4.1 26 0 9 10 255.7 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 _ 2 NW=>S Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InGREAT ROO 4.1 21 0 9 10 206.5 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 3 NE=>W Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsMWSTER BE 4.1 25 0 8 0 200.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 4 SW=>E Exterior Concrete Block-Ext In9MASTER BE 4.1 8 0 8 0 64.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 5/18/2018 12:04 PM EnergyGauge®USA-FlaRes2017 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 3 of 5 FORM R405-2017 WALLS Adjacent SOrnt 10 wall lypepace Cavity Width Height Sheathing Framing Solar Below - 5 NW=>S Exterior Concrete Block-Ext IndVI{4STER BE 4.1 13 0 8 0 104.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 6 NE=>W Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsulM BATH 4.1 9 0 8 0 72.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 _7 SW=>E Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsuKITCHEN 4�1 11 0 8 0 88.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 8 NE=>W Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InstWNIOR M.B 4I1 14 0 8 0 112.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 i _ 9 SW=>E Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsuPOWDER 4!I1 5 0 8 0 40.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 10 SW=>E Exterior Concrete Block-Ext Insul NOOK 4.I 6 0 8 0 48.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 11 NE=>W Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsillAUNDRY 4.1 3 0 8 0 24.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 12 SE=>N Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsdIAUNDRY 4.1 7 0 8 0 56.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 13 SW=>E Exterior Concrete Block-Ext InsillAUNDRY 4.1 7 0 8 0 56.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 i 14 SE=>N Exterior Concrete Block-Ext Insul ENTRY 4.1, 6 0 8 0 48.0 ft2 0 0 0.5 0 15 N=>SW Garage Frame-Wood ENTRY 11 I 35 8 280.0 ft2 0.23 0.5 0 DOORS # Ornt Door Type Space Storms U-Value Width Height Area Ft In Ft In 1 SE=>N Insulated ENTRY None .39 3 6 8 20 ft2 I WINDOWS Orientation shown is the entered orientation => changed to Worst Case. Wall I Overhang V # Ornt ID Frame Panes NFRC U-Factor, SHGC Imp Area Depth Separation Int Shade Screening 1 SW=>E 1 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.63 0.25 Y 46.4 ft2 1 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 2 NW=>S 2 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.65 0.21 Y 40.0 ft2 8 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 3 NW=>S 5 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.63 10.25 Y 32.4 ft2 1 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 4 NE=>W 6 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0:63 1I 0.25 Y 6.9 ft2 1 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 5 NE=>W 8 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.63 j 0.25 Y 16.2 ft2 1 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 6 SW=>E 9 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.63 0.25 Y 6.9 ft2 1 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 7 SE=>N 12 Metal Low-E Double Yes 0.63 0.25 Y 4.7 ft2 7 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None GARAGE # Floor Area Ceiling Area Exposed Wall Perimeter Avg.Wall Height Exposed Wall Insulation 1 440 ft2 440 ft2 35 ft 8 ft 11 INFILTRATION # Scope Method SLA CFM 50 ELA EgLA ACH ACH 50 1 Wholehouse Proposed ACH(50) .000382 1649.1 90.53 170.26 .2792 7 5/18/2018 12:04 PM EnergyGauge®USA-FlaRes2017 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 4 of 5 i FORM R405-2017 HEATING SYSTEM # System Type Subtype Efficiency Capacity Block Ducts 1 Electric Heat Pump/ None I HSPF:8.5 34.8 kBtu/hr 1 sys#1 COOLING SYSTEM # System Type Subtype I Efficiency Capacity Air Flow SHR Block Ducts 1 Central Unit/ Split I SEER: 15 34.8 kBtu/hr 1044 cfm 0.8 1 sys#1 I HOT WATER SYSTEM # System Type SubTpe Location EF Cap Use SetPnt Conservation 1 Natural Gas None Garage 0.97 i 40 gal 60.9 gal 120 deg None SOLAR HO�I WATER SYSTEM FSEC Collector Storage Cert # Company Name System Model# Collector Model# Area Volume FEF None None ft2 DIUCTS ----Supply--- ----Return— I Air CFM 25 CFM25 HVAC# V # Location R-Value Area Location Area Leakage Type Handler TOT OUT QN RLF Heat Cool 1 Attic 6 275 ft2 Attic 65 ft2 I Default Leakage Attic (Default) (Default) 1 1 TEMPERATURES i Programable Thermostat:Y Ceiling Fans: Coolin Jan [ Feb [ ]Mar Apr Ma ri Jun ri Jul X Augrj Se [ Oct Nov ]Dec Heating f X Jan [X�Feb [X]Mar E Apr f May Jun Jul j JAu Sep [ Oct H Nov X]Dec Ventin [ Jan [ Feb X Mar [xl A r [ Ma Jun Jul Aug Se [X Oct Nov [ ]Dec Thermostat Schedule: HERS 2006 Reference Hours Schedule Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cooling(WD) AM 78 78 78 78 i 78 78 78 78 80 80 80 80 PM 80 80 78 78 I78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Cooling(WEH) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 PM 78 78 78 78 .78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Heating(WD) AM 66 66 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 66 66 Heating(WEH) AM 66 66 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 168 68 68 68 68 68 66 66 5/18/2018 12:04 PM EnergyGauge®USA-FlaRes2017 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 5 of 5 2017 -AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA TABLE 402.4.1.1 AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA Project Name: WYNNE THE MANOR Builder Name: WYNNE BUILDING CORP. Street: THE MANOR Permit Office: ST.LUCIE COUNTY City,State,Zip: FT.PIERCE,FL, Permit Number: Owner: WYNNE BUILDING CORP. Jurisdiction: Design Location: FL, Fort Pierce I I COMPONENT AIR BARRIER CRITERIA INSULATION INSTALLATION CRITERIA General A continuous air barrier shall be installed in thb building envelope. Air-permeable insulation shall The exterior thermal envelope contains a continuous air barrier. not be used as a sealing material. requirements Breaks or joints in the air barrier shall be sealed. I The air barrier in any dropped ceiling/soffit shall be aligned with The insulation in any dropped ceiling/soffit Ceiling/attic the insulation and any gaps in the air barrier shall be sealed. shall be aligned with the air barrier. Access openings,drop down stairs or knee wall doors to unconditioned attic spaces shall be sealed. Walls The junction of the foundation and sill plate shall be sealed. Cavities within corners and headers of frame walls The junction of the top plate and the top of exterior walls shall be shall be insulated by completely filling the cavity with sealed. a material having a thermal resistance of R-3 per inch Knee walls shall be sealed. minimum. Exterior thermal envelope insulation for framed walls shall be installed in substantial contact and continuous alignment with the air barrier. Windows,skylights The space between window/door jambs and framing,and and doors skylights and framing shall be sealed. Rim joists Rim joists shall include the air barrier. Rim joists shall be insulated. Floors The air barrier shall be installed at any exposed edge of Floor framing cavity insulation shall be installed to (including insulation. maintain permanent contact with the underside of above-garage subfloor decking,or floor framing cavity insulation and cantilevered shall be permitted to be in contact with the top side floors) of sheathing,or continuous insulation installed on the underside of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing members. Crawl space walls Exposed earth in unvented crawl spaces shall be covered with Where provided instead of floor insulation,insulation a Class I vapor retarder with overlapping joints taped. shall be permanently attached to the crawlspace walls Shafts,penetrations Duct shafts,utility penetrations,and flue shafts opening to exterior or unconditioned space shall be sealed. Batts in narrow cavities shall be cut to fit,or narrow Narrow cavities cavities shall be filled by insulation that on installation readily conforms to the available cavity spaces. Garage separation Air sealing shall be provided between the garage and conditioned spac as. Recessed lighting Recessed light fixtures installed in the building thermal envelope Recessed light fixtures installed in the building shall be sealed to the drywall. thermal envelope shall be air tight and IC rated. Plumbing and wiring Batt insulation shall be cut neatly to fit around wiring and plumbing in exterior walls,or insulation that on installation readily conforms to available space shall extend behind piping and wiring. Shower/tub The air barrier installed at exterior walls adjacent to showers and Exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall on exterior wall tubs shall separate them from the showers and tubs. be insulated. Electrical/phone box or The air barrier shall be installed behind electrical or communication exterior walls boxes or air-sealed boxes shall be installed. HVAC register boots HVAC register boots that penetrate building thermal envelope shall be sealed to the sub-floor or drywall. Concealed When required to be sealed,concealed fire sprinklers shall only be sprinklers sealed in a manner that is recommended by the manufacturer. Caulking or other adhesive sealants shall not be used to fill voids between fire spri cover Qlates and walls or cell a.In addition, inspection of log walls shall be in accordance with the provisions of ICC-400. 5/18/2018 12:04 PM EnergyGauge@ USA-FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition(2017)Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 e � IFORM R405-2017 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX* = 94 The lower the EnergyPerformance Index, the more efficient the home. I THE MANOR, FT. PIERCE, FL, 1. New construction or existing New(From Plans) I 9. Wall Types Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple family Single-family a.Concrete Block-Ext Insul,Exterior R=4.1 1374.20 ftz b.Frame-Wood,Adjacent R=11.0 280.00 ft 3. Number of units,if multiple family 1 c. N/A R= ft2 4. Number of Bedrooms 2 d.N/A R= ft2 5. Is this a worst case? Yes 10.Ceiling Types Insulation Area a.Under Attic(Vented) R=30.0 1644.00 ft2 6. Conditioned floor area(ft2) 1644 b.N/A R= ft2 7. Windows- Description Area c.N/A R= ft22 a. U-Factor: Dbl, U=0.63 113.35 ft2 11.Ducts R ft a.Sup:Attic,Ret:Attic,AH:Attic 6 275 SHGC: SHGC=0.25 b. U-Factor: Dbl, U=0.65 40.00 ft2 SHGC: SHGC=0.21 12.Cooling systems kBtu/hr Efficiency c. U-Factor: N/A ft2 a.Central Unit 34.8 SEER:15.00 SHGC: d. U-Factor: N/A ft2 13.Heating systems kBtu/hr Efficiency SHGC: a.Electric Heat Pump 34.8 HSPF:8.50 Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 3.010 ft. Area Weighted Average SHGC: 0.240 8. Floor Types Insulation Area 14.Hot water systems 2 a.Natural Gas Cap:40 gallons a.Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 1643.50 ft � EF:0.97 b.N/A R= ft2 c. N/A R= ft2 b. Conservation features None 15.Credits Pstat I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building J'tm SrgT Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) Fo in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed �ki,,,;'''�' _` �o based on installed Code compliant features. Builder Signature: Date: W. Address of New Home: City/FL Zip: ��QCCQ WE *Note: This is not a Building Energy Rating. If your Index is below 70, your home may qualify for energy efficient mortgage(EEM) incentives if you obtain a Florida EnergyGauge Rating. Email EnergyGauge tech support at techsupport@energygauge.com or see the EnergyGauge web site at energygauge.com for information and a list of certified Raters. For information about the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, contact the Florida Building Commission's support staff. **Label required by Section R303.1.3 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, if not DEFAULT. 5/18/2018 12:04 PM EnergyGaugeO USA-FlaRes2017 -Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 o • I wrilghtsoft® P'Oj®Ct Mary -Pa* .Apr 05,2018 Ent1re.House. S)r ClUICK CALCSONC. 3i7.sT,_Luc4ELN.,'FrPeRCE,Ft34mPhorm772-468.6798 Fax 772.4 6&4!w t=1j:QugdK0k1 cs,@A0L.00M �-rojec t Information For. WYNNE.BUILDING.CORP. THE MANOR,FT.PIERCE,FL (� (� Notes: Desigin Information Weather. Fort Pierce,Ft_,US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 .OF Outside db .90 OF Inside db-' 70 OF Inside db: . 75 `F Design TO 28 OF DesignTD 15 OF. Daily rangge L Relative humidity 50 Moistureditferenoe 61 .grAb Heatin9.Sutnmary Sensible Cooling:Equi.pment:Load Sizing Structure 17620 Btuh. Structure 16355 Btuh Duds_ 5997 BtUh Duets 7744 BtUh Central.vent.(0 dm) 0 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 .Bluh (none) (none) Humidification 0'.Btuh Blower 0. Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 235.1 B Btuh Use manuradurers data n RaWsiwin -rnultlpIier 0:95 Infiltration I Equipmensensit�leload 22894 Btuh Method. Simplified. !! Latent Cooling,Equiptnent Load-Sizing. Condr0 dion quality Average .Fireplaces 0 Structure 2368 :Btuh I Duets 2473 Btuh Central vent(0 dm) 0 Btuh Heat�in�gg Cooti�n"g :(none)- W ume 14131 1131 Equipmer�tlatentload 4840. Btuh Air chang�amour 0.38 0.20 Equippmeet Total.Load.(rSen+Lat) 27734 Btuh EgwvAUF:(cim) 89 47 RoAotal-cap-acityat0.70.SHR 2.7 ton Heating Equipment Summary ! Cooling Equipr ent Summary Make Carver Make Carrier Trade .. CARRIERAIR�CONDITIONING Trade CARRIERAIR.CONDITIONING. Model 25HBC536A0030 Cond 25HBC536A0030 AHRI ref. 3645945 Coil FX4DNF037 AHRI ref 3645945 Efficiency 8.5 HSPF Efliaency' .12.O EER,15 SEER Heating input Sensible coolingr 24360 Btuh Heating output. 34600 Btuh @ 47°F l�tentcoaling 10440 .Btuh Temperature rise 27' OF Top cooling 34800 Btuh Actual inflow 1160 cfm. Actual airflow 11.60 ofm . Airflowfactor. 0:049 dm/Btuh Airflowfactor 0048 cimlBtuh Static pressure 0.08 in H2O Static pressure 0.08 •in H2O. Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.83 CapaciV balance point=33`F Backup: Input=7 kWj Output=22529-Btuh,100 AFUE Caleulations.approved byACCA to.Mpetall.requirements.of Manual J 8th Ed. wrightsofC 2018-May-16083835 •- •.+� Fgrt SUrYversa1201818A:16 R5U08101 Page 1 .•.umriMWrighkOftWAC%WYNNE-TFEMM OR-1644:mp Cafc=MA FrortDoorram N II -t weshtsott, Right-M'Worksheet Job Etire House j Date: Apr05,2018. QUICK CALLS; INC. 317 ST.LUCIE LN,Fr PIERCE,FL34946 Phone:772-466.6799 Fwc 772-4"796 EmaU,QU1CKCALCSQAOLCOM 1 'Room name Entire House GREAT ROOM E)PosedMW 160.9 ft 474 ft 3 Room Height BB ft d 9.8 ft heaYOod 4 RCom drm2nsions 21.0 x 28.0 ft 5 Room area 1643B W 545.0. 1F Ty Coneon U-value Or HTM rea number (BtiuhWr—) (Btuft" f Aor .perim Load or { ) Load (fl) {BA;ih) perimeW (ft) (Btuh) Heat Coot . IGrow wis flow Cool Gross NrPrs Heal Cad: B 1aA-gQcs s 0143 onea00 t255 �403 <3881644sa1 - to o a u MR, 0770 c 2158 3B;9D 6 X3` 0 f 139 T,236 4.2 0 0 0 4 0 4A62ar► <. 0770 rie :._.2�:58 36;Q0 F 16 . ;. 0 . _ .348,..,. 582, ... ,;0 =;.t. 0,:. 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Q 13 letriel I 8a Oaarparrts@ 230 .2 480 0 0 Applierms'other 2000 0 sivow(1111e36to13) 17820 18355 6082 6293 Lezwonall0ad o -._. 0 0 0 Lets7aits 0 0 0 0 . RedisU bdon p 0 a p 0 . 14 Sty 1 15 Dudloaft 34% 47°[a 5997 1 7744 34% 47% - 2470. 2983 Totalraom_load 2W165.124099 8152 9282 Alcrequiled:(afm) : . 1160 : 1160 400 447 Calculations aDDrOVed 1&.ACCAtonsk-all reauirements'of Manual J 8th Ed -l�-v�►rigl�tmpiC 2018-Map16D88S' PoBtY-SWIM.U4wrsa1201.818A.16R$U08101 Pagel ..,ameMWrightaoffHUACWV ME-THEMANOR1644.rw We.-MM afrottlOwfikoet N i i wrlohtsoft- Right-J�1No�'k h i t Job. E" U.''.l Ouse Ii sat®: Apr08,2018 QUCK C.+ bOS-,INC j y , 317 ST..WQE1.N F7.P ERR FL$"Rdpn9:772 A88 87t 9 Fat 772.488 97961 @R II:.�UiCfLCAL45�H.00M. Room name jI TER BEA ROOM 2 .Ron l 4a,o rt a r 0 tm sv , t9 WA►(; heaYas�1 i 1,0 x 274,0 4 7,0 Ito ft 5 Ro®m arm I 274,0:W 77,0 If T'Y Can' pn U-Wuo o1 number {ftw-" M( W (0) Ohm) ar.perimeter (0) Neat . 9cil NIPS Heft Ccd . . N!P/6; ., . Has,- coal ® 13A�4oeB x4AS�2vm r O'/r70 a 4Arr24mF 077o;ris 2166 30 Q, ,, 0 ,. ;: 13A�1Gse 0,143 .w, 4 11 4AS�2om 0770 eB 2155 1®21 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91D0 . 0990 102 11.31 0 0 0 A 0 0 A A tN�' �i3�rQoCe j 0143 syu AOD 2Q6; 8g a�i w 1�9 0 tr 9 g '0 4F1�r20m t ,� 10770 t3kSr,5 21,60� 337;® � r; 0 � � r A F A a `0 fiA ® ......:,t 13E44scB A143 .FlW 400 2b0 104 72 280 1t# 0 0 A A 4W2om 0770 r1w 21a 3010 32 0 0022 1167 0 0 0 0 4A5.2sxnd 0770 rw 21,66 3680 0 A 0 0 0 0 A 0 @ ;> 92.4V 2m eM1229 C 10�30md 0032 090 188 I 274 274 .2A5 77 y $9 929 F a It 0®68 ' 2788 A,00 < 274 46 C274 A A w x A: 3 '} " ..•; b. I ..S m_.� ..:.._.:._a..:::� .r .,_ c.o-..:.k, n. Y,:7.^'✓ ..ate .... ... t 5 to. -r.i t. ..w.._,�.4 .. <.... ,..- .i-.: .�.1.:t.. .., ,-:...»..." ....xGn .-,�t "/ ... t ... ,t.�:. tins F .i i t'..l.•.+G.: .ti .._«, .. 1 , .....,� , I` 6 C)AEDeMlrsiorr :l.riuelop:dossfgain. . 3548 2601 so' 127 12: _a) hilmon 738 208 D. .0 b) Roorn►e fi.Islon 0 .0 .01 0 13 Ultem2lgelns O=Par*%@+ 230 2. - 480 0 p Appliarwes+olher 0 0 St�btoQ .QinesBiol3) 1 4287 3470. 6B 127 Leme)bTa bad 0 0 4 0 LessUansar. 0 0 0 0 RediBrfbufion 0' 0 0 0 14 SUbdoEal 42U $470 69 127 15 .:Du(iloads 34% 47% 1450 1643 34!/ol 47°h I 23 B0 'ToW mm Wo 1 5745 5112 92 Q87 Ai[regrar6d{ ) 282 5 G. Calcula6ans approved:bvA CCAto meet'all'-reguirernents cf Manual d M Ed. +-wN Int�oYe- 2018-May 1608:3825 Rig"UWUmieree12018180:16RSU08101 Paget' unertslWNhlsoRFNAC%VOME tMANOF?1644AO-Cafc= IJB`FOMDoorfaees N f L • I, -r}�-wrightsoft- Right-Jp Wo E Job:rkshe'et Dala: Apr 05,,2018 ntire House By. QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST.LUCIE LN.,FT.PIERCE,Fl.34946 Phorp:7.72-46&8799 Fax 772468.8798 EmaA:OUICKCALCS@AOLCOM 1" Room name CLST. MATH 2 EVOsediA 0 ft 9.0 ft' 3. Room height 8.0 ft heat/cod ao.ft heaVwd 4 Rom dmensrorm I 7.0 x 5.0 ft 6.0 x 9.0 " ft 5 Room area 35.0 fe 54.0 ttz Ty ConSudion U-alue Or HTM Area . (R) Load Area (IF) Laid number (Bhdlw-F) or, pedmeler (0) (Bhrh) or perrmeter (i6 ( h1 Heat Cod,. Qoss rN Heat 'Cod Grosa NOS Heat. Cool 6 13A-Aoas , 0143 ne 400 255 0:0770 ns 21756 3890 00 0 6 , 0 139 238 r r 143s4.00 .13i4.4a� 0.143 se 4.00 2S5 00 0 0 0 0 0 4A5Zorn0.770 se 21M 19.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110.0 0390 se10.92 11.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13Aj{oce x O 143 1-G 4A520in 0770 suv 21;68 J378 } 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 tiO 1-- -G5 2otr1., .x .., ,.0770 aw _ r2158 _ 0 _• 0,..., .c 0 _.. i 0 .• ?;',._,0 1N1.13AAocs 0143 rw 4.00 2-55 D 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1--•c 4A5-2°m 0770 nw 2158 3890 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-C 4AS2omd o770 nw 2158 3890 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 18B•30md 0032 090 166 35 36 31 69 54 54 48 91 F>..:A'. 22A�71i t_.., O9B9':_:.: ,,2T ..!O:OQ 35 .<.. „0 .:. 0, .:. " ¢.0_ 54 r. 9,r;`, 249 u.:0 .... .... ....} ..• , .. .... ....�•. ., 'Y ..",r.'�. .,,1. - � - .. . .. .:;:. .r rt � r J 21Y 1. ..: r-. v _i'.": .,.:.;:.Yo-..-".+mac _.�_-_ems. T..'..:.rr .C. :,...: .:,.'.:.., �` .r'., _,,. 1_...<.._..3 ..-.., .•. :.. -�...� ._ �i.3� >•,N ..,... 1 .1�;.,:, _. y .D.. .°...;r .4 £. t r. r 9.> - fn,,,J.r.:, r ;:•s..,w.: 8 AEDewAon -1 -1.0 Envelopeloss(gain 31 58 898 486 12 .a)" Infilhatlon 0 0 144 41 b R=6sdlaton 0 0 0 " 0 13 intemalgains Omupantp@ .230 0 0 0 0 Applianoesldher 0 0 SlromiPirles6hi93) 31 ;58 844 527 Lesfiei6ern21'Ioad' 0: 0 0 : ' 0 I.esslransber• 0 0 . 0 . 0. RedLC butlon 0 ''0 0 0 " 14 Subtotal- 31 58 844 527 16 .:Outtioads 349/5. ,47910 11 27 34% 47% 297 249 T°t4r00m}oad 42 .86 1131 776 Arre*MOOM) 2 4 56: 37 Calculations approved bvACCAto meet all'reoluinements of.Manual J-8th.Ed. '-*-woBgls#QoTC 2016-May-18088'35 ^`'" R+9ht•Sate®Uriversa12019180.9fiR5U08901 Paget. '' "...ure&%WdgtboltWACiWYNNE-THFMAN0X1644AO.Cal6=MW FrardDoarraoEs:N • wrightsoft. R ghteJC :W+arksho6t j�' En�E�r.®.,Muse ! ear: Apr OSr 2010 QUICK CALCS,INC. 317 ST.LUC4:LN„FT.PIERCE,FL 34946 Rare:772.468.8799 Fax:772-489.8795!i Erw11;.QUICKCRLC8&WL,CgM 1 Room name YJTCHEN JUNIORMSED 2 Enmwdvmfl 19,0 ft 14,0 A 3 Rown holght B4O ft heaVood 8,0.ft bmwwd 4 R6om4merraft 1,0 x 18M a 1A x 198A ft .5 Rwmama 18U,01N 198,0IV Ty Conftdon U4wuo or MTM Area (ftq Load Arco (ft°� Load number (Blatt-9 (SUM• or .perimeter M (01A or A�mew (4) (®Wh) Meat • . Cod . em NIPIS Hit Cool �s . . IMB Meat. Cod' 0143 ne 4:00 ,2'63 } +0 0 0 0 112 69 384 2qd AA62Cm 0770 4n0 2160 I t3B;8A 0 D 1 0 0 0 0 0 } 0 _. AAtl2ofi, :DTlO'_rite, :9D .Y 0 0. ._.. 0 0•.._;.>_.18 •0.;:_r .348. ,A6®2 l 13A 0143 se 400 265 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 11 1—t; 05-2om 0770 5e 2158 1931 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a--D 11D0 0290 S® 108,7 1131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13A 4 0143 aw ; , 4:00 265 i '88 88 352 224 0 p ti DQ 4A6Zgrn f. 0770`®W 21`68 y3376 p �` 0 ti 0 0 0 0 4A52Am • .. . <: _'.,: 0770_. n_2169 > 13A4oca 0.143 -nW 4:00 265 d 0 p _.. .O- U -'. 0 0 .0 0 4A5-20m 0.770 .aw 21M 36:90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A6.2=d 0770 nw 21b6 ,90 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 P = 12CeN. ri._AA91104 . 909.:_,. H.28S C y 16&30md r 0032 0,90 1.68 160 180 761 302 198 �189 177 _ 933 -27 �,...0;00 ooi.,,M . ._ 11 . _ :306. . .. 0: 999 .::" 14.:`' ..389 : _ =0 .. -i-- .. . _.., .....c., �-.....,•:'- .G-. ,..:tv r.<.' .�,. .._.. .».rf _C_ .a..4:._ ':. � I � . .. i_. .. ... >._. . ._ _J _ .,� t .i . ya h .. A4�...... a..... .. .....% .•v!. -..i_.. .... 1... ...f.it-. V �. v I:. 6 0AEDeurdon .48 25 Envelope lomWn 010 479 1660 1277 12. B) I�tGatlan 177 80 220 83 b Room vemisbn 0 0 0 0 13 kornal Ong riDa '230 0 0 0 0 AppllenoQ�olher 2p00 p $ubtDtal(lines@t013) 895, 2528 1785 1340 Lessexterrratlaad 0 : 0 0 0 Lessbarl*r 0 0 0 0 Redlobibutlon 6 0 0 94 I 0 9 0 16 Duattoads 34% 47015, 339 1197 34% 47% 807 636 Total,Milload 1333 3728 2392 :1070 ( ) B5 179 117 .. 95 Calculetionsapinved bvACCAto mWall reauirenterltsof-Manual J Oth Ed. .w�!#4ft �tarafk« 2018-MMdy96f8'�B'35. �" ^—�-^ RIghGSUrYvesBa1201B1BA.18'RSUCB101 '. p4 ur�arielYUtlgh�ohHVAC1tNYNt TH N44NOFtr1694dug BaIDtl ,:Fr4r1Dot�rfeoes l9 • I • Job: 'wrightivsoft, Right�lCTVUorksheet :. Entire House apr03,2o1a QUICK CALCS, INC. By. 317 ST.LUCIE LN,Fr-PIERCE,FL 34946 Phom:772-46&8799 Rw 772-466.6796 Emvl:QUICKCAws@AOLCOM 1 Room name BATH POWDER 2 FE*osecl r&l 0 ft 5.0 ft 3 Room height 8.0 ft heatlmd 8.0 ft - heaBaod 4 Room dimerrsmts 6.0 x 10.0 ft .7.0 .x 5.0 It 6 Room area 50.0'm 35.0, IF Ty Cons7uodon U-value Or HTM . Area OF) Load Area (41) Load nwiber or Peannov (IU ( ) or perimeter (19 (Buh) Heat Cod' . {Fuss NFIS Heat Cool Cross NIPS Heat Cod 6 13A44w 6 43 r1e 400 256 0 0 O 0 0 } 0 0 0 4A62am 0770 ne 2156 3880 0 0 0 .4A62oir1.... 0770 .rie 0 0 2166'. 36.90 0 . : 0. .__ .. .0 0.. 0?.c 0 1� 13A40m 0.143 se 4.00 1_55 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 445.20m 0770. ae 2156 19.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11D0 0390 se 1082 ii31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13A�ocs� 0743 au r3400 255 0 0 r 0 0 40 34 134 85 4A620111 7 _Oi70 SW < 2166 f 3378 0 x 0 r 0 0 8 `1 139 . 218 i =° .0.7T0 aN 2156 _...313,4A52or11 . l..,.-0. ...,,..0 _ 0 0 .... '. ....0 .<'_ 0 : .. 0 >t s:;0 13A 0143`imf 400 -65. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A5 tom. 0.770 :nw 2158 35.90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A52oma ono nw 21.66 36.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 12�-0s1`v 00�1 ?5� 128 40 40 102 61 0 O f 40 - 0 C 16630md 0032 090 T68 50 5o 45 8d 35 35 31 59 F° 22Atpl= Q 989 27.69 0 00 T ra_�0 O � .. A � 6 c)AEDexourson 3 79 'Envelopelosson 147 133 443 .441 12 : .a) Inffb-Am 0 0 80 23 b)) Room wnflalion 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains Alar1 O=pnls(b 230 0; 0 0 0 SubtotalQiries6to13) 147 133 624 463 LesseAmalload 0 0 0 0 Less72ns(er 0 0 0 0 RetliWbd6n . 0 0 .0 0 14 Subtotal 147 133 524 469 16 DtKtloads 1 34% 47% SO 63 34%6 47% 178 219 Total roan load 197, 198 702 .683 Airrequired(dm) 10 9 34 :33 Calculations approved byACCAto.meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed; ^ -wrtghtso>fr^ 2018 Nky 1808385 Rlgtt Sute®ll"Wrsa12018180.16 RSUD6101 --une►MWVrigtlAMVAQWYNNE-THEMANOR1644rLp Calc .MJB.FrOrtDoorfbw9:N Pages wirightsoft• Ri ht-JO UVorksheet Enti J°b' g.re House Date: Apr 05,.2018 QUICK CALCS'O INC. By: 317 ST,LUCdE LN.,Fr.PIERCE,FL.34946 Phone:772466,6799 kz 772.466�6796 Emell:OUCKCALCS@AOL.COM Room name NOOK LAUNDRY 2 E> dVdi. 6.0 ft 17.0 ft 3 RCCtn'a 8.0 ft heaV000t 8.0 ft heaBmol 4 RoomdUnenwons 7.0 x 6,0 ft 7.0 x 7.0 ft g Room Brea 42D V 49,0 IF 9y Condrucfwn U-+aiue. Or HTM Area (R� Load Afea (I� Load number (Btu VW_,� (Btm f or .perime r (>7) (BM) or perimelQr (ft) (ft" Heat Cool `G= NP/S Heat Cod: Gross N1P/S Heat• Cod: 8 1�l£ 13A•'7GC8 0143 .$65 0 r 0 U 0 2A r 24 9B $� 4I152oRi i OTJ0 ,2198 r 36;BD 0 Q 0 p p p 0 �0 s.ne s2��s .36,eo �w� .. 11 1� o 0143 e 4.00 2 55 0 0 0 0 66 52 207 131 L---D 0770 'ea 21 A 19,31 0 0 0 0 4 4 94 04 11D0 0.390 se 1092 1131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1�1 3 13A,4oce 0143 sH 400 2'66 5 } °A8 48 102 122 `-.GG 4A&tom ";Y 0770 ®w 27 56 33,76 1 0 0 0 ;0 0 i : p p.. , 4At}tom 0770.&n! _� 2.1A$--�36513_ 0 t ,Q ..- _._. 0 ..r. . 0 rYs< ,.,.0 :0..' 0, 0 13A-0as 01d3 nw 4A0 256 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A6 2ont 0770 rw 2148 38.90. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 4A6.2orod 0770 nw 21M 3690. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 18B-30md 0 032 - U 80 189 1 42 42 38 71 49 49 44 92 F,. 22A!lpl. . 0988 .'. ,_2749 `f.0:00188<_. 0 r _ 7 c t " r r 6 0AEDe=r9rn Enoelopeiosslgaln 396 189 1136 491 12 bj' hflbWon 96 27 273 77 b Room%entlla4o0 0 .0 .0 0. 93 lit<ernalowns. O=PMb@ 230 APpllanosvdher o 0 SOW(UnesUtD13) 492 21B 1449 WS he�ex�rnalload 0 0 0 ' 0 Lese.banMw . 0 0 Reddibutian 0 0 0 0 14: SubtAal- 492 216 1409 588 16 OuMloads 34%, 479/5 168 102 34010 47% 460 269 Total room load 318 1869 . 837 Aicr�tdred(ofi) . .32 :16 031. 40 Calculatons sepmA red buACCA1D meet al l reauirements of Manual J Bth Ed werrt�orc- 2018,Mdy1@08:28�6' Rigl#S Udverse12D1$18A,18:RS1J09101 1'ao' A' ...unertslWrlgtt6oI1HVACdl1l11tiNIE-THEMPiNOR 1844.nQ Cak�MJB"FrentDoorface�N . 3 i '. 4r wrightsoft° Right-J Worksheet �O Entire:House. Elite: Apr 05,2018 I By.- QUICK CALC$' Mc.. 317ST.LUCIEI.N.,FT.PIERCE-,FL`34948PhM:772.4M-15799 Fax 772.486.6796 Email:QUICKCALCSQAOLAOM 1 Roan name ENTRY 2 .;Meedvall. 5.9 ft 3 Roorn helgM 8,0 ft neavo0d 4 Roomdlmenaw�9 1.0 x 103,5 ft -.6 P.60Manda 103.5-ft Ty Co Shdon 61 value Or HTM I Area (fe) Load Area Load number (BUi1 L*F) (BUM or .Perimeter 00 (Btuh) or perimeter Heat Cool .I Grote: Allm Heat Cod: - Grose NP/S Heat Cool 6 k D143 400 0 0 0 0 i C 0770 ng "2158 3890 c D 0 0 D of x gAssom o- k . ono,ne o y! 19A 9oc$ 0143 Se 1 4.00 255 46 28 111 70 11 1F----CDi 4A5.2om 0770' se 2156 1931 0 0 0 0 11D0 0390 se 1092 1131 20 20 223 231 V�! 19A+9oC6 0143 siv 4Q0 r 0 w a p p p r .0_..: .. _., .. V)) 13A Ai>cs 0143 nw 400 2.65 0 0 0 0 ►I--.OG 4A5.2am 0770 nw 2150 3690 0 0 0 0 4A5Zomd 0770 nw 21.b6 36 Q 0 0 0 P ::. �»12 •;psw .r:--�.t 'OA91 C 16' &30irid 002 1 1;98 1.04 104 93 174 .,:':.0.899;;.;_ ...27:68 ... 0:00 , .. -IOA _ ...° 8 _ ,,,,'_184 J n k Y_ r l L h 1 A S • ,f 7 y y f , ph 6 .o)AFD expurdm. -12 'Envelopelomigain 880 599 12 a) Sn armn 96 27 b) Rcidm,venblabon 0: 0 13 kbfr f gains 230 0 p an0es+otiter 0 Subto>al(Illrebetol3) 956 626 uass ,load 0 0 ' LesBtatfs<eY p p RWistntulm 0 0 14 -Sutilotal 956 628 15, :.DudioddS. 134% 47% 325 295 Total raomaoad Airreored(d m) 128: 923 . Calculations approved byACCAto meetall reauhtments of Manual J 8th Ed "I•�,' "vrr ti ram^ 201S-May-160836M Rlgl>1 SuitUNversef 2038180:16RSU08701 'apt ...irislWrighboflHVAQWYNNE-THEMANOR-1644sw CBIC WB'.Frorr000rfoes N Page7 rne Duct; lm:Sur>�rna J` Wrightsoft° •y ••ste ry Date: Apr 06,.2018 Entire House. By: QUICK-CALLS,INC. 317 ST:LUCIE LN.;FL PIERCE;FL 34940 Phow 772466.6798 Fax;772r406790 Ernail;QUIOKCALC8QA0L.COM Project Information For V.M- NE BUILDING CORP. THE MANOR,FT.PIERCE,FL Heating: Cooling E1temal static.pressure 0.08 in H2O 0.08 in H2O Pressure:losses: 0. in H2O 0 in H2O Available static pressure 0.08 in H2O 0,08 .in H2O Suppiyl.return-available pressure 0.040/0.040 in H2O 0.040/0,040 in H2O Lowestiictionrate 0.051 'in/100ft 0.051: in/100ft Actual-airflow. 11160 cim 1160 drn Total effective length(TEL) 156- fit .I Supply Detail Table Design Htg Clg Design Diam H x W Duct .Actual Ftg.Egv Name (Btuh) (dm) (dm) FR {in) (in) Mal Lri(ft) Ln(ft) Trunk BATH h 197 10 9 0.074 4.0 0x 0 MFx 18A. 90.0 st1 CAST. c 85 2 4 0.071 4.0 OxO V1Fx 22.5 90.0 st1 Em h 1282 63 44 0.109 5.0 OxO- MFx 4.0 70.0 GREATROOM C 4641 200 223 0:054 8:0 Ox0 V1Fx 37.3 110:0 st3 GREATROOWS C .4641 200 223 0.053 8.0 Ox0 V1Fx 39.8 110.0 SM XWORUSED h 2392 117 95 0.070. 7.0 OxO V1Fx 24.7 90.0 st1 KITCHEN C 3726 65 179 0.070 7.0 We 0 V1Fx 242 90.0 SH LAUNDRY h 1888 93 40 0.078 5.0 OxO VIFx 13.1 90:0 st2 MBATH h 1131 56 37 0.067 6.0 OxO VIFx 296 90.0 st1 MASTERBEOROOM h 2873 - 141 123 0.054 6.0 Ox0. V1Fx 39:3 11.0.0 st3 MASTERBEDROOM•A h 2873 141 123 0.051. 6.0 OxO VIFx 45.9 110.0 st3 NOOK h 660 32 15 0.082 5.0 OxO MFx 7.8 90.0 . s12 POWDER h 702 34 33 0.082 5.0 Ox 0 Wx 72 90.0 s2 WIC C 187 5 9 0.656 4.0 Ox 0 MFx 33.8 110:0 W. Supply Detail Table Trunk Htg pig Design lkloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (drh) (dm) FR .(fpm) (in) (inj Material Trunk: st3 PeakAVF 687 702 0.05.1 694. 12.0 O .x 0 VinIFIx st1 st1 PeakAVF 937 1027 D.051 1961 1.4.0 0 x 0 VinlFlx I.W. PeakAVF 100. 1 88 0.'078 361 9.0. 1 0 x 0 VihIFIX -� 2018-Ma^ w�igt�tsnfr y-1f30838;36 '+= •w�c s.�.�-..,..., R 1qN-QdWUniversal 201818.0.16 RSU08101 Page l _.Foams\WrlghtWftWACWYNNE-7HEMANOR•1644np CaIa=Mia FrortDoortow.N ReturnBranch Detail Grille . Mg . Gg TEL Design Meloe Dam . H x W a ud/Joist Duct. Nerne. , 5ize(in) (ft) l=R . (fpir�) (in). (in) Opening:(in) Mail Tnmk tb1 Ox 0 1160 1160 0 0 0 0 Ox . 0 . MFx I I i wrightsoft' 2018-N1ay.1609 838 Aa i-., Rgt!-4*9OUrryerza1201818.0.16 RSU08701 Page 2 /CCK ...Ur'9T lWr4MoflH AC1YMM-THEMANOR+1844nip Ca►a=MJB FionDoorfaxs N