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Mid p~emi~... diat. th~y are: flff 'rom all incumbr~ctl ~nd :thaI3~bt.Y1>oo 'ri,~hf aDd /awlul ~1iiJ.ority to :"11 the iame: 'and, the iaid pa~t.iU' Of . . ,", . '.'".~' :,.' , ,,'..', '.' " " : , '. ' :' ..., " , '''~''.~', p"'"'f' do:..~ Iimby'full, lW'arranl,the t!tle.,to Nid we!, and"wi/1 dden~ Ihe ume apiut th~bwlu1 claim' of all pe~lOD& lfhoms<<yer, IN \VmiESS'WUF:~EOf'.. tbe Nid:part1Aa. ~t lbo' 6i.i:part b.aD,'';''.hereuntoH'. their bancia. aDd .e'" the day and 7,~~ aboyc WTUtea. .' < . Signed, .uled anda~liyeled ill our 'presence: . . -.' } .. ~ . - . . > " .: . . '-.; __....__. _., ...;._.._ _'_u',. _'._. _.__......_.;., _." . ....~_~_._ ..: '_._'--:"'~~___h_.._~"" ._:__. .~_._..,......_... ":_...._. ...h-__. . -. '. .... _ __.. ...._.._. _. .._ _.. ...._._.... ......-... ._. .__.n..._. ..' ,:,_....,~_.;..:~,JI.JI'!!'.r .~.~.._:.:_.,_':"'.u-,-......~.._(:;E~L)" "'-'-,:i;~~::..::~=~LB II ~Jia_.,~.....:~_,..:.;_:u,.:...;._,;.;_'-:;(SEAL)' ., " I .f ;-. . ........."......J~'~tr ~1Pt.~+.~~L'.:...;~.,....:, ~..:..H~..",:............,..:::..,. , ' ..:r,r'4..ht '..,:.,....:....:- :.:........ . I' ! , "Pl"-"'. , , " ST A,:!"E: OF.7~-~~:-----___:""~_:~":'-"::"""-'- ,.' ..COUNt.Y'~f_:"'.-,-!t~_~_...,_~~~:.. L '1 HEREBY <:;ERTIFY,;,That on ,thil_._ lOt I> , , lia, 01;.""': ,'.r~n.. ~_~ D, 192..Ll1e'ror~ m'e .i t ! ! ,I penonatjy appear~d':"':'-~...~:' .l~',S--".P .JJ/t p... S-"'.l' .' . . . . ~ . . . . 'to, me in~wn to lie.t~e perso~'':'_ described in ,anclwlioexecuted the foreJoi?g,(()nnyaJlce'to . . .--Z--:O--'-~ ~--:" --...:-.:-.. .~. IIt>>;p . . . . . . ...;....,.,-....: ' .n4.everaIly aCk,nowlcdged the' e:xecu.ti<!lilbe~of to be the1io__iree ad. and dced f<!r the asci arid pllrpo~. there'in mentioned; andibe sai,d ". 8... SniB"'.... ______~ . , " .. '. ,.. .' . . ." . :.', '1;"' -- thf ',.i1.e of the uid,......:.....,......~_:.._~:J-.,.,_~_-'-.-'--__,__~~---'---~"-~on . .earate and prin\e namination taken' an,j'ola,k I.y andl'dnre n;~, ,and Stpa'altly and at.arl from I,,, uid bllsbin.I,.di,1 ackno"l('dJ(~ Ihat Ihe made h~rltfl it parly'to,lhe laid \lall of ,'Coni,t)'.nct, ior,the l'u'f'O" of rtn{,uncinl/. rclinqu"ll\ng'and cOll"'yinR all,)," ri~bl, lill~ 'n,1 iril~rClI, ..h~ther of dower'or of Itpnale properly, otatutory or ~Qujial,I('. in an.! 10 .he lan.JI .bt<<in drscnt.ed, aJld Ihatlhe uecUl-edwd deed lredi aJld voluJltarily aJl~ witholll any cooltraint, 'In.r, a"ptebeosion orco'mpulsion 01 or lr<1m,hcr s;udbust,and. '.. ' " ' ., " ,. . ',': .' , , ' ", I ' .. . '. _" . . 'ig?aiur~~~ ofli...~~1 ~ea'-at___+..~.or~ Pi.er~. ~. I~'the Collil\l of""'::" 8t,.LUA1.L.._~_....:..._~ ~~the doly &lid year /au' afortNid. "",and ~S l' ,u.f,+.. Sl.ner'.... , ,\. ' . . , -_~ -v ~-+_,,,,--...___.._..----....(SEALl htuThbU:O"~ '-i'~ ,," " . _ O_..xp. ~ .27.1.927 :' nl' h .' On Ihi. 21t.b da, of ' . 1~. .... t>,.l~ .a.d o'cloclr' P ..,~tbltlnllrument was filed for ';ecO:d, and being duly acknowledled and proyo, J ,hue recorde4 the tame 'on pal' ",' 'of Boot. ,&11- " in the pUblierecor,J. 0; aald (;QuqIY_.. ~.' . _.J .' '. ',,~ '.:.___._.___.. ',~__ __-.~'~-:-:--~~--_: ,'.',....: -----~---..---- " <un -r Of, J ba~e bereunlo "I my hand and a!Jilted the suI of the Circuit Court 01 the Fifteentb luditW Circuit of aald State-In and " I"," . ,. '(\C~' ~'e'(:~ , < ,..0'(6- ...&V . p~ ' :'tJ:(f. , ' , .'C_C1erk. VJ G',({..~/.L-- ,. " no'~' 'r . :, ~ -' ......