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j r mob* M* STATE OF FLORIDA k DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Division of water Resource Management 2600 Blair Stone Road-Mail Station 3522 `. Tallahassee,Florida 32399-2400 r5 ' (850)245-8336 By PERMIT NUMBER: SL-334 PERMITTEE toll Jodi and Gregory Peters ERECEIVED e' c/o Mark A.Powell,P.E. Isiminger and Stubbs Engineering,Incorporated 9 2018 649 U.S.Highway 1. Suite 9 y, Perm North Palm Beach,Florida 33408 NOTICE TO PROCEED AND PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR OTHER ACTIVITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 161.053,FLORIDA STATUTES FINDINGS OF FACT: An application for authorization to conduct the activities seaward of the coastal construction control line that are indicated in the project description,was filed by the applicant/permittee named herein on March 5,2018,and was determined to be complete pursuant to rule on March 5,2018.The proposed project is to be located landward of the 30-year erosion projection and the existing line of construction established by major structures in the immediate area. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: After considering the merits of the proposal and any written objections from affected persons,the Department finds that on compliance with the permit conditions,the activities indicated in the project description of this permit are of such a nature that they will result in no significant adverse impacts to the beach/dune areas or to adjacent properties;that the work is not expected to adversely impact nesting sea turtles,their hatchlings, or their habitat;that the work is expendable in nature and/or is appropriately designed in accordance with Section 62B-33.005,Florida Administrative Code. Based on the foregoing considerations, the Department approves the application;authorizes construction and/or activities at the location indicated below in strict accordance with the project description,the approved plans(if any)and the General Permit Conditions which are by this reference incorporated herein,and any additional conditions shown below,pursuant to Section 161.053(4),Florida Statutes. EXPIRATION DATE:April 25,2021 LOCATION: Between approximately 534 feet and 454 feet north of the Department of Environmental Protection's reference monument R 95, in St.Lucie County. Project address: 8036 South Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: I Two-Story, Single-Family Dwelling with Se!award Porch and Elevated Deck 1. Location relative to control line:A maximum of 133.9 feet seaward. 2. Exterior dimensions:75.0 feet in the shore-normal direction by 59.7 feet in the shore-parallel direction. 3. Type of foundation:Pile. 4. Finished floor elevation:+19.0 feet(NAVD). i i i I I PERMITTEE:Jodi and Gregory Peters • PVRMIT NUMBER: SL-334 PAGE 2 .5. Elevation of understructure garage: +7.5 feet(NAVD). Swimming Pool, Spa and Sun Shelf 1. Location relative to control line: A it aximum of 133.1 feet seaward. 2. E shore-parallel dimensions: 25.2 feet m the shore-normal direction by 25.3 feet m the shore parallel direction. 3. Type of foundation: Pile. 4. Deck elevation of swimming pool: + 9.0 feet(NAVD). 5. Bottom elevation of swimming pool: 11.1 feet(NAVD). 6. Maximum depth of swimming pool: 6 feet. 7. Height of pool deck above existing grade: 12 feet. 8. Total volume of excavation: 0 cubic)ands. Excavation/Fill 1. Total volume of excavation: Appro imately 104 cubic yards. Volume of net excavation: None; excavated material to be placed as fill on the project site. 2. Location of excavation: From 58.9 feet to 133.6 feet seaward of the control line. 3. Maximum depth of excavation: To elevation 7.0 feet(NAVD); 1 foot below existing grade. 4. Volume of fill to be placed: Approximately 687 cubic yards. 5. Location of fill to be placed: From 24.7 feet to 134.4 feet seaward of the control line. Other Structures/Activities 1. Swales along the north and south property boundaries to convey stormwater landward. 2. A paver block driveway and motor court Iodated landward of the house. 3. A 4-foot wide staircase from the seaward upper deck leading to grade. 4. Landscaping planting is to be located a maximum of approximately 150 feet seaward of the control line. 5. Exterior lighting. I I I i PERMITTEE:Jodi and Gregory Peters • PERMIT NUMBER: SL-334 PAGE 3 SPACIAL PERMIT CONDITIONS: 1. Prior to commencement of construction activity authorized by this permit,a preconstruction conference shall be held at the site among the contractor,the owner or authorized agent, and a staff representative of the Department to establish an understanding among the parties as to the items specified in the special and general conditions.of the permit.The proposed locations of the structures shall be staked out for the conference.Contact Jason Spanier at(772)919-5786 to schedule a conference. 2. Prior to commencement of construction activity authorized by this permit, a temporary construction fence shall be erected along the perimeter of the permitted activity. The fence shall remain in place until the construction authorized by this permit is complete. The optimum siting of the construction fence shall be determined during the preconstruction conference by the staff representative so as to provide maximum protection to the existing native vegetation and dune features located on the site. 3. All imported fill material shall be obtained from a source landward of the control line and shall consist of sand which is similar to that already on the site in both grain size and coloration. This fill material shall be free of construction debris,rocks,or other foreign matter.A sample of the sand shall be provided to the staff representative of the Department during the preconstruction conference. 4. All lighting shall be installed and maintained as depicted in the approved lighting schematic. No additional permanent exterior lighting is authorized. 5. Permittee shall submit compliance reports as specified in Special and General Permit Conditions of this permit.General Permit Conditions 1(q)1? 1(r),and 1(s)pertain to written reports which must be submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection at specified times. The forms for the reports: 1(q) Periodic Progress Report(DEP Form 73-111), 1(r) Foundation Location Certification(DEP Form 73- 11413), and i(s) Final Certification (DEP Form 73-11513) are available at the website: http://www.dep.state.fl.us/beaches/forms.htm#CCCL. Each form may submitted electronically. The periodic reports are due in the office monthly. No progress reports are required until construction activities have started. GENERAL PERMIT CONDITIONS (1)The following general permit conditions shall apply,unless waived by the Department or modified'by the permit: (a)The permittee shall carry out the construction or activity for which the permit was granted in accordance with the plans and specifications that were approved by the Department as part of the permit. Deviations therefrom, without written approval from the Department, shall be grounds for suspension of the work and revocation of the permit pursuant to Section 1120.60(7), F.S., and shall result in assessment of civil fines or issuance of an order to alter or remove the unauthorized work,or both.No other construction or activities-shall be conducted.No modifications to project size,location,or structural design are authorized without prior written approval from the Department.A copy of the notice to proceed shall be conspicuously displayed at the project site.Approved plans shall be made available for inspection by a Department representative. (b)The permittee shall conduct the construction or activity authorized under the permit using extreme care to prevent any adverse impacts to the beach and1dune system,marine turtles,their nests and habitat,or adjacent I PERMITTEE:Jodi and Gregory Peters PERMIT NUMBER: SL-334 PAbE 4 "(c) The permittee shall allow any duly id Dntified and authorized member of the Department to enter upon the premises associated with the project authorized by the permit for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the terms of the permit and with the rules of the Department until all construction or activities authorized or required in the permit have been completed and all project performance reports, certifications, or other a documents are received by the Department and determined to be consistent with the permit and approved plans. (d)The permittee shall hold and save the State of Florida, the Department, and its officers and employees harmless from any damage, no matter how occasioned and no matter what the amount,to persons or property . that might result from the construction or activity authorized under the permit and from any and all claims and judgments resulting from such damage. (e)The permittee shall allow the Department to use all records,notes,monitoring data,and other information relating to construction or any activity under the permit,which are submitted,for any purpose necessary except where such use is otherwise specifically forbidden by law. (f)Construction traffic shall not occur and building materials shall not be stored on vegetated areas seaward of the control line unless specifically authorized by the permit. If the Department determines that this requirement is not being met,positive control measures, such as temporary fencing, designated access roads, adjustment of construction sequence,or otheri requirements, shall be provided by the permittee at the direction of the Department.Temporary construction fencing shall not be sited within marine turtle nesting habitats. (g)The permittee shall not disturb existing beach and dune topography and vegetation except as expressly authorized in the permit.Before the project is considered complete,any disturbed topography or vegetation shall be restored as prescribed in the permit with suitable fill material or revegetated with appropriate beach and dune vegetation. (h)All fill material placed seaward of the control line shall be sand which is similar to that already existing on the site in both coloration and grain size. All such fill material shall be free of construction debris, rocks, clay,or other foreign matter; shall be obtained from a source landward of the coastal construction control line; and shall be free of coarse gravel or cobbles. (i)If surplus sand fill results from any approved excavation seaward of the control line,such material shall be distributed seaward of the control line on the site,as directed by the Department,unless otherwise specifically authorized by the permit. 0) Any native salt-tolerant vegetation destroyed during construction shall be replaced with plants of the same species or,by authorization of the Department,with other native salt-tolerant vegetation suitable for beach and dune stabilization.Unless otherwise specif cally authorized by the Department,all plants installed in beach and coastal areas — whether to replace vegetation displaced, damaged, or destroyed during construction or otherwise — shall be of species indigenous to Florida beaches and dunes, such as sea oats, sea grape, saw palmetto,panic grass, saltmeadow hay cordgrass, seashore saltgrass, and railroad vine, and grown from stock indigenous to the region in which the project is located. (k) All topographic restoration and revegetation work is subject to approval by the Department, and the status of restoration shall be reported as part of the final certification of the actual work performed. (1) If not specifically authorized elsewhere in the permit, no operation, transportation, or storage of equipment or materials is authorized seaward of the dune crest or rigid coastal structure during the marine turtle nesting season. The marine turtle nesting season is May 1 through October 31 in all counties except Brevard, Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach,!and Broward counties where leatherback turtle nesting occurs during the period of March I through October 31. (m)If not specifically authorized elsewhere in the permit,no temporary lighting of the construction area is authorized at any time during the marine turtle nesting season and no additional permanent exterior lighting is authorized. (light transmission from inside to outside)of 45%or less through the use of tinted glass or window film. i PEFMTTEE:Jodi and Gregory Peters 'PERMIT NUMBER: SL-334 PACE 5 (o) The permit has been issued to a speci ied property.owner and is not valid for any other person unless formally transferred.An applicant requestingansfer of the permit shall sign two copies of the permit transfer agreement form, agreeing to comply with all terms and conditions of the permit, and return both copies to the Department. The transfer request shall be provided on the form entitled "Permit Transfer Agreement"—DEP Form 73-103 (Revised 1/04), which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference.No work shall proceed under the permit until the new owner has received a copy of the transfer agreement approved by the Department. A copy of the transfer agreement shall be displayed on the construction site along with the permit.An expired permit shall not be transferred. (p)The permittee shall immediately inform the Department of any change of mailing address of the permittee and any authorized agent until all requirements of the permit are met. (q)For permits involving major structures or activities,the permittee shall submit to the Department periodic progress reports on a monthly basis beginning lat the start of construction and continuing until all work has been completed. If a permit involves either new armoring or major reconstruction of existing armoring, the reports shall be certified by an engineer licensed in the State of Florida.The permittee or engineer,as appropriate,shall certify that as of the date of each report all construction has been performed in compliance with the plans and project description approved as apart of die-permit and with all conditions of the permit, or shall specify any . deviation from the plans,project description,or conditions of the permit.The report shall also state the percent of completion of the project and each major individual component. The reports shall be provided to the Department using the form entitled "Periodic Progress Report"—DEP Form 73-111 (Revised 6/04), which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference.Permits for minor structures or activities do not require submittal of periodic reports unless required by special ermit condition. (r) For permits involving habitable major structures, all construction on the permitted structure shall stop when the foundation pilings have been installed.At that time the foundation location form shall be submitted to and accepted by the Department prior to proceeding with further vertical construction above the foundation.The form shall be signed by a professional surveyor,licensed pursuant to Chapter 472,F.S.,and shall be based upon such surveys performed in accordance w6 Chapter 472, F.S., as are necessary to determine the actual configuration and dimensioned relationship of the installed pilings to the control line.The information shall be provided to the Department using the form entitled"Foundation Location Certification"—DEP Form 73-114B (Revised 9/05),which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference.Phasing of foundation certifications is acceptable. The Department shall notify the permittee of approval or rejection of the form within seven (7) working days after staff receipt of the form.A 1 survey information upon which the form is based shall be made available to the Department upon request.�Permits for repairs or additions .to existing structures with nonconforming foundations are exempt from this condition. (s)For permits involving major structures, the permittee'shall provide the Department with a report by an engineer or architect licensed in the State of Florida within thirty(30) days following completion of the work. The report shall state that all locations specified by the permit have been verified and that other construction and activities authorized by the permit have been)performed in compliance with the plans and project description approved as a part of the permit and all conditions of the permit; or,shall describe any deviations from the approved plans,project description, or permit conditions, and any work not performed. Such report shall not relieve the permittee of the provisions of paragraph 62B-33.0155(1)(a),F.A.C.If none of the permitted work is performed,the permittee shall inform the Department in writing no later than 30 days following expiration of the permit.The report shall be provided on the form entitled"Final Certification"DEP Form 73-115B(Revised 9/05),which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference. (t) Authorization for construction of armoring or other rigid coastal structures is based on an engineering review and assessment of the design and anticipated performance and impact of the structure as a complete unit. and shall result in the assessment of an administrative fine and the issuance of an order to remove the partially constructed structure.Modifications to the project size,location,or structural design shall be authorized by the Department in accordance with Rule 62B-33.013,F.A.C. I PE,RMITTEE:Jodi and Gregory Peters PERMIT NUMBER: SL-334 PAGE 6 (2)'The permittee shall not commence any excavation,construction,or other physical activity on or encroaching on the sovereignty land of Florida seaward of the mean high water line or,if established,the erosion control line until the permittee has received from the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund the required lease,license,easement,or other form of consent authorizing the proposed use. (3)The permittee shall obtain any applicable licenses or permits required by Federal,state,county,or municipal law. (4)This permit does not authorize trespass onto other property. (5) In the event of a conflict between a general permit condition and a special permit condition, the special permit condition shall prevail. (6) Copies of any forms referenced above can be obtained by writing to the Department of Environmental Protection, 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 3522, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400, or by telephoning (850)245- 8336. CAVEAT: Due to potential adverse impacts to the beac and dune system that may result from additional development on the property, the shore-parallel and seaward extent of the permitted structures shall not be increased, nor will any additional major structures be permitted which would exceed the limits established by the permitted construction seaward of the coastal construction control line. Approved plans are incorporated into this permit by reference. NOTICE OF RIGHTS This action is final and effective on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department unless a petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed under Sections 120.569 and 120.57,F.S.,before the deadline for filing a petition. On the filing of a timely and sufficieat petition,this action will not be final and effective until further order of the Department.Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action,the hearing process may result in a modification of the agency action or even denial of the application. Petition for Administrative Hearing A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may petition for an administrative proceeding(hearing)under Sections 120.569!and 120.57,F.S.Pursuant to Rules 28-106.201 and 28-106.301, F.A.C.,a petition for an administrative hearing must contain the following information: (a) The name and address of each agency, affected and each agency's file or identification number, if known; (b) The name,address,and telephone number of the petitioner;the name,address,and telephone number of the petitioner's representative,if any,which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding;and an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests are or will be affected by the agency determination; (c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none,the petition must so indicate; (e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged,including the specific facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; (f) A statement of the specific rules or statutes that the petitioner contends require reversal or modification specific rules or statutes;and (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner,stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action. PERMITTEE:Jodi and Gregory Peters PERMIT NUMBER: SL-334 PAGE 7 Thd petition must be filed.(received by the Clerk)in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard,Mail Station 35,Tallahassee,Florida 32399-3000,or via electronic correspondence at Agency_Clerk@dep.state.fl.us. Also,a copy of the petition shall be mailed to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of f. ing. Time Period for Filing a Petition In accordance with Rule 62-110.106(3),F.A.C.,petitions for an administrative hearing by the applicant and persons entitled to written notice under Section 120.60(3),F.S.,must be filed within 21 days of receipt of this written notice,Petitions filed by any persons ether than the applicant,and other than those entitled to written notice under Section 120.60(3),F.S.,must be filed within 21 days of publication of the notice or within 21 days of receipt of the written notice,whichever occurs first.The failure to file a petition within the appropriate time period shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative determination(hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57,F.S.,or to intervene in this proceeding and participate as a party to it.Any subsequent intervention(in a proceeding initiated by another party)will be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion'" compliance with Rule 28-106.205,F.A.C. Extension of Time Under Rule 62-110.106(4),F.A.C.,a person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may also request an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing.The Department may,for good cause shown,grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard,Mail Station 35,Tallahassee,Florida 32399-3000,or via electronic correspondence at Agency_Clerk@dep.state.fl.us, before the deadline for filing a petition for an administrative hearing.A timely request for extension of time shall toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon. Mediation Mediation is not available in this proceeding. The applicant,or any party within the meaning of Section 373.114(1)(a)or 373.4275,F.S.,may also seek appellate review of this order before the Landland Water Adjudicatory Commission under Section 373.114(1) or 373.4275,F.S.Requests for review before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission and served on the Department within 20 days from the date when this order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. Judicial Review Once this decision becomes final,any party to this action has the right to seek judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68,F.S.,by filing a Notice of Appeal pursuant to Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 9.110 and 9.190 with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel(Station#35,3900 Commonwealth Boulevard,Tallahassee,.Florida 32399-3000)and by filing a copy of the Notice of Appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district court of appeal. The notice must be filed within 30 days from the date this action is filed with the Clerk of the Department. i PERMITTEE:Jodi and Gregory Peters PERMIT NUMBER: SL-334 PAGE 8 EXECUTION AND CLERKING Executed in Tallahassee,Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Y t { John Glunn,Permit Manager Coastal Construction Control Line Program Division of Water Resource Management CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned duly designated deputy clerk hereby certifies that this document and all attachments were sent on the filing date below to the following l sted persons: Mark Powell,P.E.,Isiminger and Stubbs Engieenng,Inc. Mpowell@coastal-engineers.com Debra Zampetti, St.Lucie Planning and Development Services Zampettid@stlucieco.org Jason Spanier,Field Inspector Jason.Spanier&dep.state.fl.us FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED,on this date,pursuant to Section 120.5 2,F. S.,with the designated Department Clerk,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. :. ``. 04/25/2018 k' Clerk Date I i i i i I DESCRIPTION Halo H36LVTAT is a Non-IC AIR-TITETM fixture for use with H33"series aims.Housing is AIR-TITE rated to prevent airflow between heated or air conditioned spaces and unconditioned attic areas.Foi use with 12V T y • MR16 lamps. I ProjectL1 Non-IC Housing is AIR-TITETM but insulation must be kept 3"away from all sides of housing. I Comments SPECIFICATION FEATURES Housing •Housing can be positioned at any are included and eliminate the Formed of 20 gauge CRS with point within 24"joist span need for separate wire nuts. white powder coat finish. •Pass-N-ThruT"feature allows bar -Accommodates the following hangers to be sho�ened without standard non-metallic sheathed Plaster Frame removing from plaster frame. cable sizes: Housing adjusts in plaster frame •Score lines allow"tooless" (US)#14/2,#14/3,#12/2,#12/3 to accommodate up to 1-1/2" shortening for 12"joists. (Canada)#14/2,#14/3,#12/2 ceiling thickness.Galvanized steel •Bar hangers may be repositioned . construction. 90•. Transformer Plaster frame features include: •Integral T-bar clip snaps onto Integral 120V dual-tap magnetic •Regressed locking screw for T-bars-no additional clips transformer steps 120V or 277V securing hanger bars. required. line voltage down to 12V nominal •Cutouts for easily crimping lamp operating voltage.Housing is hanger bars in position. Junction Box rated for up to 50W MR16 lamps. •Halo name embossed on plaster •UL Listed for through branch Housing ships as 277V model with H36LVTAT frame. circuit wiring(maximum 8 No.12 120V transformer wire lead capped. H36LVTAT277 •The housing may be removed ga.,90'C conductors). For use in 120V systems,simply from the plaster frame to provide •Four 1/2"trade size conduit cap the 277V wire lead and use H36LVTATCP access to the junction box. knockouts with truei pry-out slots 120V lead(refer to wiring diagram). •Pre-installed AIR-TITE gasket are positioned to accommodate straight conduit Socket 3"Non-Insulated Ceiling Got NAILI1 Bar Hangers runs. �n GU5.3 socket for 12V MR16 lamps AIR-TITETMI Recessed Housing Pre-installed nail easily installs in •Three Slide-N-Side wire traps regular lumber,engineered lumber allow non-metallic sheathed cable Labels 12V MR16 and laminated beams. to be installed without tools and •UUcUL Listed 1598 Luminaire •Safety and guidance system without removing knockouts. •UUcUL Damp Location Listed prevents snagging,ensures Accepts a wide range of non- •UUcUL Listed for Feed Through 3" TRIMS smooth straight nail metallic sheathed Cable. •Certified Under ASTM-E283 for air penetration and allows bar hangers -Allows wiring connections to be tight construction to be easily removed if necessary. made outside the junction box. FOR USE IN NON- Automatic levelling flange aligns -Simply insert the cable directly INSULATED CEILINGS the housing and lets you hold the into the trap after coj�nections are housing in place with one hand made. while driving nails. -Three push-in wlrw connectors CAN BE USED IN INSULATED CEILINGS BUT INSULATION MUST 5„ BE KEPT 3" O [127mm] FROM ALL SIDES OF THE HOUSING 0 4 t`k v2"[13mm] 12V MR16 Transformer Data: 3-3/4" Top View Type:Magnetic Ceiling 5mm] Prima 120VAC,60 Hz C I Primary: Opening (H36LVTAT277 Primary:120V Wiring Diagram o 0(H36LVTAT277 ONLY) �a or 277VAC,60Hz) env Blue 5-1/4" Secondary: 11.5 t0.3V [133mm]] 120V ! O.. a 1r V[�Z� •Y E Lamp � 10° [254mm] Reatl Yfoaq/(I DEPARTMENT OF ENNONMENTAI Pp0TE60N 1%sr Common Blue Thkeppmvelb1=11Z the W1MW1lyhUft;ded • I e- - IdeTM Junction Box me MIMlumoft mp,rMbili"yW,bgln,,V th, •GOT NAILITh" Bar Hangers. .PP_l"orpe=iftwhlch""yhe"WmdI by Fed..k 5"e,�"nyp,MUNtlp.,l•u. •Pass-N-ThruTM Bar Hangers •Regressed Locking Screw / E, �N `Api1z5 zD1e •HALO ID on Plaster Frame kn pewe,.edby Dec. rTD5ia261EN PDwedngBusirtessWaddwide 2017-08-26 12:52:01 H36LVTAT ORDERING INFORMATION SAMPLE NUMBER: H36LVTAT-3001WHBB Order housing and trims separately. TYPE L 7 1 Housing Trims H36LVTAT H36LVTAT=3"AIR-TITE" Non-IC Small • Aperture Low Voltage MR16 Housing H36LVTAT277=3"AIR-TITE- Non-IC Small Aperture 120/277 Low Voltage MR16 Housing H36LVTATCP=3"Non-IC Small Aperture Low Voltage MR16 Chicago Plenum Housing Adjustable Pinhole Baffle-15°Tilt Adjustable Gimbal-35°Tilt All-Glass Frost Curve Showerlight- SOW 12V MR16 SOW 12V MR16 Wet Location Listed 3001WHB6=Whitewith Black Baffle 3009WHBB=White with Black Baffle SOW 12V MR16 3001 3001BKBB=Black with Black Baffle 3009 3009WHWB=White with White Baffle 3017' �/, 3017FGS=AII-Glass Frost Curve with Clear 3001SNB6=SatinNickelwithBlackBaffle 3009BKBB=Black with Black Baffle Sao r4 rGlassCen[er-Showerlight 3001TBZBB=Tuscan Bronze with Black Baffle 3009SNBB=Satin Nickel with Black Baffle V 00: 4-1/4"[108mm] 00: 4-1/4-1108mm] 3009TBZ88=Tuscan Bronze with Black Baffle OD: 4-1/4"[tOBmm] Adjustable Pinhole Reflector-15°Tilt Super Adjustable-0-80'Adjustment Wall Wash SOW 12V MR16 SOW 12V MR16 SOW 12V MR16 3002WHC=White with Clear Reflector 3010WH=White 3020WW=White Downlight&Wall Wash 3002 OD: 4.1/4-[1Normal 30105N=Satin Nickel 3020 with Integral Kick Reflector 3010 3010TBZ=Tuscan Bronze OD: 4-1/4-11OBmm] GO: 4-1/4-[108mm] Adjustable Baffle-35'Tilt Square Adjustable-15°Trlt 5-Watt Amber LED 50W 12V MR76 ® ACT: 3003WHBB=White with Black Baffle 3011 WHBB=White with Black Baffle 3003 3003WHWB=White with White Baffle 3011WHWB=White with White Baffle 3003BKBB=BIackwith Black Baffle 3011 3011BKBB=BIackwith Black Baffle 3003SN134atin Nickel with Satin Nickel Baffle 3011SNBB=Satin Nickel with Black Baffle 3003TBZB=Tuscan Bronze with Tuscan Bronze Baffle 3011TBZBB=Tuscan Bronze with Black Baffle OD: 4-114-[10Bmm] OD: 4-1/4-[1Normal © Adjustable Reflector-35°Tilt Square Regressed Lens Adjustable SOW 12V MR16 ® Showerlight-15°TIN: 3004WHC=White with Clear Reflector SOW 12V MR16 3004 3004SN=Satin Nickel with Satin Nickel Reflector 3012WHBB=White with Black Baffle 3004TBZ=Tuscan Bronze with Tuscan Bronze Reflector 3012 3012WHWB=White with White Baffle 3004WHH=Whhe with Haze Reflector , 3012BKBB=Black with Black Baffle 30D4WHW=White with White Reflector S dr 3012SNBB=Satin Nickel with Black Baffle OD: 4-1/4-1108mm] 3012TBZBB=Tuscan Bronze with Black Baffle 0D: 4.1/4-[l OBmm] Adjustable Slot Aperture-35°Tilt ® 50W 12V MR16 3006WHBB=Whhe with Black Baffle Square Adjustable Gimbal-35°Tilt 3006 3096BKBB=BIackwith Black Baffle SOW 12V MR16 3006SNBB=Satin Nickel with Black Baffle !� 3013WH=White 3096TBZBB=Tuscan Bronze with Block Baffle 3013BK=Black DO: 4.1/4-1108mm] 3013 3013SN=Satin Nickel 3013TBZ=Tuscan Bronze 00: 4-1/4"[108mm] TvRegressed Lens Showerlight-15°Tilt- Wet Location Listed 50W 12V MR16 3007 3007WHC=White with Clear Reflector 3007PCC=Polished el with atin keellear Reector flector DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 5 r .r 3007SN=Sadli Nickel with Satin Nickel Reflector 3007TBZ=Tuscan Bronzewith Tuscan Bronze Reflector OD: 4-1/4-[1 Oilman] APPROVED LIGHTING PLAN This approval is limited to the exterior lights depicted on the stamped plans. This approval does not relieve O Showerlight-Wet Location Listed the applicant of the responsibility to obtain an other 50W 12VMR16 pp res p y y 3008FG=White Polymer and Glass Lens with approvals or permits which may be required by Federal, 3008 Frosted Perimeter s OD: 4a14.1100mm] State,County or Municipal law. April 25, 2018 Reviewed by Date Eaton E,T@ N Pea Highway 74 South - Peachtree City GA 30269 Specifications and P:770-086d800 dimensions subject to T Pawedng Business WaddWde www.eaton.com/lighting change without notice. i Vistour-websiteathttp://www.seaguillighting.com/ ' 8313901 EN-10-page 1 of 1 TYPE L2 -S-e' a- Gull lightinge ,! Life 11he ninated f Since 1919 8313901EN-10: Large One Light Outdoor Wall Lantern Dimensions: • Width: 6., Extends: 8 3/4„ Height: 9" Wire: 6"(color/Black/White) Weight: 2.8 Ibs, Mounting Proc.: Cap Nuts r Connection: Mounted To Box xT'Y f Bulbs: AMBER "' qc 1-LED Medium Al 9w Max.120v-included Features: • ENERGY STAR®Qualified =;5 Dark sky friendly.Designed to emit no light above the 90° a horizontal plane.Photometry unavailable. LED Bulbs are an efficient,versatile and durable light source h's that deliver exceptional performance. • Powder coat finish included long finish life Material List: 1 Body-Aluminum-Bronze Collection: Outdoor Cylinders Safety Listing: UPC#:785652022173 Safety Listed for Wet Locations Finish: Bronze(10) Instruction Sheets: Trilingual(English,Spanish,and French)(990W8313_01 BLE-BUL) Backplate/Canopy Details: Type Height/Length Width Depth Diameter Outlet Box Up Outlet Box Down Back Plate 1 4 1/2 4 1/2 2 7/8 41/2 4 1/2 Replacement Bulb Data: Product# IType Base Watts Watts Consumed Volts Hours Lumens Temp(°I 1 CRI 9A1 9DLED27/G41 Frosted I A19 I Medium 1 9 9 120v 25000 800 2700 1 82 Shipping Information: Package Type Product# I Quantity JUPC Length Width Height Cube Weight FrL Class UPS Ship Individual 8313901EN-10 1 785652022173 10.5 7 10 1 100 Yes Master Pack 8313901EN-10 6 10785652022170 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPROVED LIGHTING PLAN This approval is limited to the exterior lights depicted on the stamped plans. This approval does not relieve the applicant of the responsibility to obtain any other approvals or permits which may be required by Federal, State,County or Municipal law. /C—)(w.n,��, ` April 25, 2018 Reviewed by Date Sea Gull Lighting reserves the right to revise the design of components of any product due to parts availability or change in safety listing standards without assuming any obligation or liability to modify any products previously manufactured and without notice.This literature depicts a product design that is the sole and exclusive property of Sea Gull Lighting.In compliance tooth U.S copyright and patent requirements,notification is hereby presented in this form that this literature,or the product it depicts,is not to be copied,altered or used in any manner without the express written consent of, or contrary to the best interests of Sea Gull Lighting A Generation Brands Company, I 20"ARCADE HALF SHIELD (HS) PROJECT- TYPE: L5 CATALOG NUMBER: AR HS 20 LED SOURCE: NOTES: CATALOG NUMBER LOGIC AR HS 20I LED Example - AR - HS - 20 LED - 390 BLP - HRN - 120 Material Blank-Aluminum C-Copper S-Stainless Steel Series AR-Arcade Style HS-Half Shield Wall Plate 20-20 Inch Source LED-Solid State System LED Type 390- 10WLED2700K 391 - 1OWLED/3000K 392- IOWLED/4000K ' Finish _ NAT-Natural*(CopperandstainiessonlyJ Powder Coat Stand IrdFinish _ Powder Coat Premium Finish - - Wn . SP- Brown Patina*(CopperonlyJ Pie Color. Satin- Wrinkle ABP Antique Brass Powder CMG Cascade Mountain Granite RMG Rocky Mountain Granite GP-Green Patina-(CopperonlyJ Bronze BZP BZW AMG Aleutian Mountain Granite CRI Cracked Ice SDS Sonoran Desert Sandstone ----- -''--"-'-�- --- - ' ---..._... - - ---- -' NIC-Nickel Plate"(Copperonly.) Black ___BLP I BLW AQW_Antique White CRM Cream _ SMG Sierra Mountain Granite POL- Polish•(CopperandStainless only) White(Glass) WHPI WHW BCM Black Chrome -HUG Hunter Green T%F Textured Forest BRU- Brush*(Stainless only.ImedoruseonlyJ Aluminum_ SAP BGE Beige_ MDS Mojave Desert Sandstone WCP Weathered'Copper BZW-For Aluminum tortures,specilyStandord Verde — VIER BPP Brown Patina Powder NBP Natural Brass Powder WIR Weathered Iron ' or Premium Powder Coat "'-'—''- ' "------' --- --------------- Also available in RAL Finishes-- CAP Clear Anodized Powder OCP Old Copper Diffuser— WLB -TranslWhileucent bastrWhite DEPARTMENT OF EN IRONMEN AL PROTECTION ALB -White Alabaster ROS -Rose Alabaster APPROVED LIGHTINC PLAN HRN - Natural Horn This approval is limite I to the ex erior lights depicted CAR-Carmel RAD- Radiant Flame on the stamped plans This appr val does not relieve Input Voltage the applicant of the ri sponsibilit I to obtain any other 120- 120VAC 277-277 vac approvals or permits which may a required by Federal, Option State,County or Muni ripal law- CLR-Clear Coat Protection(For use with Nw ml(NATI and Polished!POUhnhha only.-Jot available with AluminumJ \ April 25, 2018 TRANSFORMER DATA Reviewed by Date AC Input Range Output Range Frequency Hz Power Factor At Full Load(Efficiency) THD Operation Ambient Temperature 120V 12V 50/60 Hz >98 <13% -10°F to 130a F(-23a C to W C) 277V 12V 50/60 Hz >97 <13% -10°F to 130*F(-23°C to 54'C) LM79 DATA L70 DATA TEKA LED# LUMENS(Delivered) CCT INPUT WATTS(Typ.) CRI(Typ.) Minimum Rated Life(hrs.)-70%of initial lumens(1-70) 390 136 _ 2700 1 10 90 50.000 391 181 3000 1 10 BO 50,000 392 156 4000 10 90 50,000 T E K A 40429 Brickyard Drive•Madera,CA 93635•USA RELEASED DRAWING NUMBER I L L U M I N A T I O N www.tekaillumi atio.com 559.438.5900F�o@tekail um nation.com 05-04-2017 SUB-2557-00 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF TEKA ILLUMINATION AND ITS RECEIPT OR POSSESSION DOES NOT CONVEY ANY RIGHTS TO REPRODUCE,DISCLOSE ITS CONTENTS,OR TO MANUFACTURE,USE OR SELL ANYTHING IT MAY DESCRIBE REPRODUCTION,DISCLOSURE OR USE WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF TEM ILLUMINATION IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. I - 2O"ARCADE HALF SHIELD (HS) PROJECT: TYPE: FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW 3 3114" 1 1/4" 61/4" (96mm) (32mm) (159mm) 1/4" (32mm)5/8° (16mm) 3 3/4" (96mm) Wall Plate 0 0 21" TRANSFORMER 0 (534mm) 0 ——1 )unction Box !�(By others) 18' I O �T 0 0 (458mm) I —_� � ( m) 31/16 • 20" (78mm)\/ 13/8' -... 0 0 _——1 (508mm) (3Smm) DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPROVED LIGHTING PLAN 0 o This approval is limited to the exterior lights depicted on the stamped plans.This approval does not relieve 10 1/2" the applicant of the responsibility to obtain any other (267mm) approvals or permits which may be required by Federal, State,County or Municipal law. \April 25,2018 — — — Reviewed by Date Alf dimensions Indicated on this submittal are nominal. Contact Technical Sales ifyou require more stringent specifications. SPECIFICATIONS I _ GreenSource Initiative— Diffuser Aluminum:StarGuard',our exclusive RoHs compliant,15' Metal and packaging components are made from recycled One of 6 standard molded, etched acrylic translucent stage chromate-free process cleans and conversion coats materials. Manufactured using renewable solar energy, diffusers for high transmittance and long life. aluminum components prior to application of Class W TGIC produced onsite.Returnable to manufacturer at end of life polyester powder coating. to ensure cradle-to-cradle handling.Packaging contains no Wiring chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs).Use of this product may qualify Teflon'coated wire,18AWG,300V,150'C rated and certified Warranty for GreenSource efficacy and recycling rebate(s).Consult to UL 1659 Standard. 5 year limited warranty. www.tekailiumination.com/greensource for program Hardware Listings requirements. Tamper-resistant,stainless steel hardware with black oxide UL tested to IESNA LM-79.UL Listed.Certified to CAN/CSA/ Materials finish. ANSI Standards. RoHs compliant. Suitable for indoor or Constructed from copper-free aluminum, copper and outdoor use.Suitable for use in wet locations.Additionally pp Pp Finish suitable for installation within 4'of the round.IP66 Rated. stainless steel. These lifetime materials are inherently Copper: Natural,(NAT): Copper components are sand Made in USA. g corrosion resistant. Factory-applied finishes are also blasted to expose the porous metal surface. Over time, available. and with exposure,to the elements,the metal will naturally qL Faceplate weather;resulting;in a unique patina. a um�, RoHS UsA Cast from solid,copper-free aluminum,copper or stainless steel with stainless steel fasteners. Also available with hand-crafted metal finishes including Teflon isa registered trademark ofDuPontCorporation. Wall Plate brown patina(8P),green patina(GP),polish(POL),and nickel plate(NIC). Cast from solid,copper-free aluminum.Fully gasketed,and mounts to a recessed 4•octagonal junction box. Aluminum, copper;and stainless components are also Source available in powder coat finishes. LED featuring BKSSL°technology(50,000 H.Life),I OW LED. Available in 2700K,3000K and 4000K only) seals and protects underlying metals and protects Transformer against discoloration,fading,and wear.Highly impervious to Includesa 12VAC tl�i5��_L_transformer.120Vor277V. chemicals,solvents,and graffiti.For use with natural(NAT) and polish(POL)finishes. TE KA 40429 Brickyard Drive•Madera,CA 93636•USA RELEASED DRAWING NUMBER I L L U M I N A T 1 0 N 559.438.5800•FAX 559.438.5900 www.tekaillbmination.com•info@tekaillumination.com 05-04-2017 1 SUB-2557-00 II • Y • TYPE L6 L HINKLEY LIGHTING, INC. 33000 PIN OAK PARKWAY I AVON LAKE, OHIO 44012 IPHI 440.653.5500 IF)440.653.5555 � ® & R® HINKLEYUGHTING.COM I FREDRICKRA610ND,COM LUNA1665TT TITANIUM +kYi. WIDTH: 8.0" w! ,1. _ I HEIGHT: 3.3" Utz, WEIGHT. 2.0 LBS .. " MATERIAL: EXTRUDED ALUMINUM $fti4 GLASS: ETCHED LENS CANOPY: 8"DIA. w � �u't ti rveuz },' SOCKET: 1-8WLED 'INCLUDED .wu� :........ DARK SKY: YES LED INFO: LUMENS: 600 COLOR TEMP: 2700k CRI: 90 LED WATTAGE: Bw INCANDESCENT 50w EQUKIALENCY: DIMMABLE: Yes,on any Incandescent, MLV,ELV,or C-L dimmer. CERTIFICATION: C-US DRY RATED VOLTAGE: 120V UPC: 1640665166569 AT HINKLEY.WE EMBRACE THE DESIGN PHILOSOPHY THAT YOU CAN MERGE TOGETHER THE LIGHTING, FURNITURE. ART,COLORS AND ACCESSORIES YOU LOVE INTO IA BEAUTIFUL ENVIRONMENT THAT DEFINES YOUR OWN PERSONAL STYLE.WE HOPE YOU WILL BE INSPIRED BY OUR COMMITMENT TO KEEP YOUR'LIFE AGLOW.' If2 AGLOW° DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPROVED LIGHTING PLAN This approval is limited to the exterior lights depicted on the stamped plans. Thisllapproval does not relieve the applicant of the responsibility to obtain any other approvals or permits which may be required by Federal, State,County or Municipal law. April 25,2018 Reviewed by Date I 0 6 ' T i TYPE: L7 auroral htn CAT.It.LSW8 9 " LSW8 MERIDIAN The LSW8 offers excellent illumination of walkways and steps in a small, rugged design. The graceful appearance of the eyelid effectively shields against glare, while the small aperture allows excellent forward projection with even illumination side to side. Features include: Powered by • 1.25 watts CREED' LEDs • Max Lumens: 38 =`u . Cree XLAMP@(XP-L)LED 2700, 3000 or 4000K(CRI 80 typ.) • Thermally IntegratedT°° and Field Serviceable LED Module • 12 VAC Electronic or Magnetic Source Compatible • IC Rated for interior and exterior use BR-NAT • TRIAC Dimmable to<10%typ. • Copper Body with Solid Brass or Copper Faceplate Grade Level IS]Side Conduit �— Entry FACEPLATE OPTIONS 13/8" l Co Rear 21/4" / 45mm l Conduit Entry 57mm �1 1 311 S" `- ���rrr 30mm 2 3/4" 5/8" 70mm 16mm SQ-BR-NAT CU-NAT BR-NI CU-BLP ORDERING GUIDE LSW8: L(LED)SW(STEP/WALL LI IHT)8(8 X 1/8 INCHES) RED INDICATES REQUIRED FIELD 0 FACEPLATE OPTIC LED COLOR MOUNT FINISH [BR]Brass [N]15•Narrow [27D]2700K I [R]Rear Conduit Entry [NAT]Natural [SQ-BR]Square Brass* IM]25"Medium [30D]3000K .[S]Side Conduit Entry [BLP]Bronze Living Patina ICU]Copper )UI]40•Wide [40D]4000K [R-FM]Rear Conduit Entry w/Flush Mount(mud ring)" (Applies to BR,CU.SQ-BR) [WF]60•Wide Flood [S•FM]Side Conduit Entryw/Flush Mount(mud ring)" IBLP-XD]BLIP Extra Dark *Available as Brass Only, [D]=Dimmable NOT compatible with"FM" [A]All Optics Kit NOTE Pre sleeve w/1 1/2" (Applies to BR,CU,SQ-BR) PVD Option I Schad.80 PVC(optional) (Apples QI BR, Q-BR) [PC]Powder Coat-Specify Color i "Available as Brass only (Applies to BR,SQ-BR) I DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ` t - APPROVED LIGHTING PLAN This approval Ise limited to the exterior lights depicted on the stampeci plans.This approval does not relieve the applicant of the responsibility to obtain any other approvals or peimits which may be required by Federal, State,County or Municipal law. 1 r t April 25,2018 Reviewed by Datesk em* I , I [R]Rear Conduit (S]Side Conduit FM AOows far 1,12"threaded Allows for 1,12"threaded Use when mounting into conduit out rear of housing conduit out side of housing tile,stone or stucco o'%N TA, CARLSBAD,CA I PHONE 877 942 1179 I FAX 760 931 2916 I E-MAIL SALES@AURORALIGHT.COM I AURORALIGHT.COM c uL to In a continuing V g product improvement program,Aurorelight reserves the right to modify product specifications without notification.02017 Aurorelight,Inc. 7-17-REV-7.0 us= i . I . DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPROVED LIGHTING PLAN FIXTURE nL$n This approval is limited to the exterior lights depicted P E N TA I R on the stamped plans. This approval dons not relieve the applicIant of the responsibility to obtain any other approvals or permits which may be required by Federal, State,County or Municipal law. `.^ i+ U,-� •li'"�- Reflector April 25, 2018 Sugerior lens r' Reviewed by Date geometry d '.5 k`9 �'r�• � Light heam distribution LED rights �� 1 1 , \ I. I AVAILABLE PART NUMBERS: IntelliBriteO 5G Part#602120 IntelliBrite 5g Light 150' Underwater LED Lights 12v POOL UL Turtle Edition Part#602121 IntelliBrite 5g Light 150' TURTLE FRIENDLY 120v POOL UL Turtle Edition IntelliBrite 5g Lights by Pentair are among the brightest,most energy-efficient Part#640172 IntelliBrite 5g Light 150' 1 12v SPA UL Turtle Edition underwater LED lights available. The new IntelliBrite 5g Turtle Light consumes a mere 26 watts. A model for spas utilizes even less energy—only 18 watts. No matter the Part#640173 IntelliBrite 5g Light 150' choice,each features a custom reflector and innovative lens design that distributes 120v SPA UL Turtle Edition more uniform lighting without the"hot spots"or glare co i mon with other lights. The IntelliBrite 5g Turtle light adheres to the Florida Wildlife Commission's guidelines while basking swimming pools in a soothing red/orange hue. It creates the perfect nighttime ambiance while protecting curious,hard-shelled"guests'that are naturally attracted to bright lights. I i Lamp Source Available in 12v and 120v 26W LEDRed/orange1 Approved Use Swimm,rg poots and fountains Construction Impact Rating Glass tens per UL 676 Standard Inclusions Thermat cutout1 undejAvater cord Remote Transformers Order Separately Pentairpool.com f 800-831-7133 usTEo UL listed only when isino Pentair niches for ise it swimming pools spas and wa:er lointains