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'ti'~~ intrru'- an,d.t.l!ale, d~...er 'and right ol.ilowrr,'; re~eulun,~"n1~Ind~t anJeasr'!lelltlhereto bdunglDg ~r.l~ ,anywu'e apperta.nll1l.: TO'.,fAV1;:ANU.TO Jlvl.U tho, &ame ~ {ee,almple {orner;' ., . An~.the uid -part,U..lL of~the lir.t'p~rt dQ~,"':"_ cOYeJlant with' ~he .~i~ ~arl~;~f ,th~"coad partthat..;~ ..re .Iawfull1ltiztd~f th~ ". "" . " '. ' . .." .'. ..... '.- . ,.' . ".' - .'. ... .~iil P~tnliS~$: that they a~ 1rr.~ (ro~ ail i,DCUmbran(tl an.il thaL.~~&._~.1fW'r~ght I.n4 law'al .'lthCsr1ty. t~' .~II tb'~ pmo: an~t~e ,aid part~'of the 6ut part do-:--:-. herrby f~\it warraat the'tid. 1b laid bnd. aDd ,!ill ~efend .tbl aaDlo .,.ialt tho Jawlul.c1atma of .11 ~rao~ ""h"oDllOeve~, .... .' , . . " .. . ~ . . . -: . . IN WITNESS WmiREOF. the uid part...1U of tbe tiriH)~rt ~~_'bmuotoae\ 1:hB I r ' h&lld-DlUldieaUJthe'"IJai IUIdje~abo've wrjue40.: ___s:-.~ K":~??:il~~~'=':~~::'::=~p -::-. =l" Ja~...--;.4......~lo..r__.___~____ ___..:._,_ -..-"." -..... -.'--." -----i-:n --...- ..- .-.....-- .~ in :.. It, ~ --------- !" , I '. .,.., ~o' . o Kuiil ' ", .' " ., , _.......~-_...-~.__...L.__.t--::-:-.~:-._~-,.,:-_.._,__~(SEAL) '...-------,- " 17>.'rtl'e 'K""l' ,.", ' ,- " .....,,; ;._::;_.___~,--:.."_;_.,.."~.:-.......,,,,,..___.._:__._.___.._(SEAL) , " :,.1.': .- STA'I'E, 01:""7"''---' ,,:'l'U:~..-,..~~,~___-'- t, ~~mnY of-'--~ar.JL~-----.:--.~~ f. .' i ~'. IilEREBY CERTIFY. That ~n thil~~~-.--.:..~~_.dai of ref$~naIlY appear~d' Geo .C..~Uh~ 'and, I4'rtle ,'~uhl. tOUlt kn'own' to be tho. ~mon:iL, ducril1td lo~ndwho eJ(ccutrd the 'foregoill, con,.ij~a~ to __-,-'. ,E,.U .~aru~i.l--,:-"':___ "an~~Yeralj; a(kao1rl~died ib; executioo ~mof(" ~: '1' ' . ,a~. ....D:19~ b~lor~ me, " .' ~. , ..lrre a~t. '".-t and ~:td for thr.UIU;~d'P\lipolU t~errin~enlio~ed: "~d_thnald-~: .::r:tl~ KUhl , the _ife 01 the uid..___.m......~_.~.__......_ Ge..2.!:~. ~ur~.l.,.___~__-,--..._,_~ ',' " '. .' o~...IrPuale. ~privatr ~nmiMlion tokrn an,j n...l~ lJy o,n,J bdorr me, ond "I'a,ollly and apart from'\",r ...,d h...band, did acknowl~d~ that,lhe modr hrraell a putyto tft'( ..idD.ed of C<ro...~)..n<e, for ihepu'rose of ,,,nnuncinl!', ,<Imqui.h,nll an.j con'ry'n.r'all.h~r'rj;;h.t, titlrand,iilluu't. whrthtr of .dowrr or of atp.ratr,propert'y; U.IUloty or eQti,(~i.I~. in" an>! IO'Ihr Ian,h tli,.'.;'" dcocflbed, a04 that abr executed iaid drc4 fredy &4d yoluit~lIl,. and witbout .ay'CoDltuint. lur, aplIuhrn"oD-' <.r,cuulpulsiori of -or from hrr uid ,lJuat,.n<i. " ..' . .nd St~le 0'-_ , ia tho CouDt,.~ of '. 4' '. BrevarQ ..--~-' ~--: , ' , l""-' ! ". ;,:" the day ~d i~ar last ,aforuaid.' , -!...; - ~i~ A , "u"lor (~L;) . ~ ?~-- fiL:: A~""'" >I '-ci:f, . ~~~'~~~~:~~~~~, -- . ~ : [,..:'.1.,.,.".~,1 k . ;.- ~. ' l'. -. On tht._ f,;lld eta, of July f\. D,I?l~.116..;.UO.c1oc~~ tltiJ butrumtat ria .1il~d lor rrcord, and toeinl dilly' a(k~wledgrc;l and pr9vea. I ban re(ordcd tho .nme oa pale_~~f -Boo" C4. (.;oWlly", ' , .' , , , . . ,. . . la tho public ft(orda of ul4 i f I' i I l L t I v .......,., , 'REOP. I b e hrrcunlo lei mJ' band and 'a/M;ed the lOaI of tbe Circuit Cowtof the FifteoDth JudiclaI Circuit of Mid State. in .ad ~: V, ~ , "", ,(\~\.e\\ ... . ";:#:-': ~;~n" , ." . . '". . auk. 71:' ~iiJ,Vj"(~< A C I ". ,I - ,'''-- ..e~-' " I -~~~- ~