HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL i 3/29/2018 I Florida Building Code Online AC PWPxkP1rPAmUM�• 1 o c s hofessi/nO a 6 �� = is- Y"'�T Bqp.ame I Log In; i User Registratlop Hat Toplts, 'submit Surcharge I Sta ycts I Publicadans I FBc staff I Bap Site Map I Links 1 Search I Florida' - �Q�Ci�nill"� . i USEa Pub Tc cit Usvrovai -- ou r -RECEIVED ProducE'0.vpmvaYMenu>Prmductor bp'licatlan-Search>Appllcation List>,Application Detell JUN 1 1 2018 FL# _ 1`1_955544, - Application _type_ Revision- ST. Lucie County, PQrmitting Code Version 2017 -- Appiication;Status Approved' Comments Archived: "._7 •Product Manufacturer UNION CORRUGATING COMPANY Address/Phone/Erimail 701 S. KING'SM FAYETTEVILLE,NC'28301 ;(910)'483-0479 Ext 256 jstieby@unioncorrug ating.coni' Authorized Signature John Stieby jstieby@unioncorrugating.com Technical:Representative, Address/Phone/Email' Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email' Category- Structural Components Subcategory Roof Deck Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a,Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer --i Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect.Name who developed. Bala Sockalingam the-Evaluation:Report Florida License PE-62240' Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications,Inca . Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date. 09/07/2027 Validated By I Yoosef LiWi,P.E. -e! Validation Checklist-Hardcopy.Received Certificate of Independence FL9555_2114 COI•-CertificateIndeoentlence.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of,Standard) Standard Year ASTM E1592 2005 FM 4470, 2012 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code F. LE COPY https'//www.flbddabuilding.org/pr/pL aipp_dtl.aspx2param=WGEVXQWtDgtVOROQkZA5REBEOgziUdl7ntuFlu2jCB %3d 113 i 3/29/2018 �, Florida Building,Code Online -Product Approval"Method' Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/23%2017 Date'Validated 08/28/2017: Date Pending FBC"Approval, -09/09/201T Date Approved, 12/12/2017, Summkiryof Products'.. . FL-# Model,Number or Name Description 9555.L W..'Panel I 29 ga.,24"wide,through fastened.panel over wood supports Ltmits.of Use Installation Instructions, Approved fotpse in HVHZ:No. FL9555 R4 t E �VaIUatiohReportQ172 1: ' Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes' Verified By:Bala Sockalingam PE"62240. Impact Resistant N/A. I 'Created by Independent Third Party Yes, Design Pressure +N/A/-70,25, 4 Evaluation,Reports Other:Uplift load of 70.25 psf @:support spacing'of 24"o..c:, FL9555 R4 AE EvaluationReporfC2172 1.pdf. Created by IndependentThlyd Party:Yes 9555.2' 'MasterRib.Pane6 26 ga:,36"wide,through fastened panel over steel supports" Limits"of Use Installation Instructions• Approved,for use In•HVHZ:No i 176555"'R4 11 EvaluAtionkeDOrtC2172.2.pdf: Approved for Useoutslde,HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Bala Sockalingam PE 62240. Impact Resistant:N/A," I Created by Independent.ThIM Party:,Yes Design Pressure:+N/A/47.2" Evaluation Reports Other:Uplift•load of 47.2 psf @"support spacing of 60"o.c. FL9555 IR4;AE EvaluatlonRepOrtC2172 2,6df . Created by Independent Third Party Yes 9555.3' MasferRlb,Parcel; 29,ga.,36",wide,through fastened panel.over steel supports Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:"No FL9555 R4 II EvaluationReporl:Qf72 3.pdf, Approved,for use outside HVHZ:Yes; Verified By:Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 Impact"Resistant:'N/A Created by Independent.Third Party:'Yes Design'Pressure:+27:1/-37.7 Evaluation Reports Other:'Deslgn•load-of'27.1&-37.7:psf at support spacing of FL9555 R4 AE EvaluationReport0f72 3.odf' 481:O.C. "Created by Independent Third Party:Yes, I 9555.4 Masterlklb Panel 29'ga.,36"wide,througFi fastened panei'over wood supports Limits of Use installation•Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:'No FL9555'R4"1I EvaluationReportC21721"4.0- Approved for use outside.HVHZ:"Yes Verified.By: Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 Impact Resistant:N/A Created by'Iridependent'Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+27.1/-36:2 . Evaluation Reports Other:Design load of 27.1&-36.2'psf at support spacing of FL9555'R4 AE EvaluationReportC2172-__if' 48"o.c, Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 9555.5 MasierRifi Panel 29 ga.,36"wide,through fastened pane_I over nom. 1"x 4" wood supports Limits of Use Installation Instructions" Approved for use In HVHZ:No, FL9555 R4.II 'EvaluationReoortC2172 'S.od Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Bala Sockalingam,PE,62240 Impact Resistant:N/A Created"by Independent Third.Party:Yes " .Design Pressure:+N/A/-138,9 Evaluation,Reports Other:Upilft load of 138;9 psf @:support spacing of 24"'o.c. FL'9555 R4 'AE EJaluationReoortC2172 S.I]Af. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 9555:6 PBR•Panel Min.26'ga.,36"wide,through fastened roof panel over open "steel supports Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for.use.inHVHZ-.No FL9555 R4 II EvaluationReoortC2172 6.p Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Bala Sockalingam PE 02240' Impact Resistant:N/A Created by IndependentThlyd"Pally:Yes Design.Pressure:+.96/-163, Evaluation Reports Other:Design toads of 96&-163"psf at support spacing of 'FL.9555 R4.•AE-"EvaluationReportC2172 20"o.c. Created by Independent•Third Party:,Yes Eacic� Next contact Us::2601 Blalr Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:"mn-4ymli;24 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.�yritght 2007-2013 State of Florida, Privacy Statement::Accessfbi0ty Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,emall addresses are public retards.If you do not wantyour a-mail address released In response to a public records request,do not send electronic i https:l/www.floddabuilding.org/pr/pry-app dtl.aspx?param=wOEVXOvOQgtvOROOkZA5REBEOgziUdl7ntuFlu2jC5s%3d 213 i 3129121)1i3 Moda Biiildiing Code,Onlihe .mall to,this entity.Instead,contact the oMce by phone or by traditional mall.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.•Pursuant to Section, 455:275(1),Florida Statutes,effective'October 1',2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must.provlde the.Departmentwith an email address If they have one.The emalls provided may be.used for offidal communlcation'with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an:emall.address which can he made available to the public.To deterririne If you are a licensee under Chapter.455,F.S., please click here.. . PruductApprovW Accepts- . Gr-edh Card Safe I I i 1 I f I https://www.flbddabuilding.prg/pr/per app dtl.aspx2param=wGEVXQwtDgtvOROQkZA5RE8EOgziUdi7rituFlu2jC5s%3d, 3/3, a .i • EVALUATION REPORT"OF ;.� UNION CORRUGATING COMPANY j1:• "26 6A.MASTERRIR PANEL' ?i• OVER STEEL SUPPORTS FLURIDA BUILDING CODE,6TH EDITION,(201.7.) {' FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL f FL 9555.2=R4 STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS ., ROOF DECK j Prepared For: I. Union Corrugating Company j. 701,S.King St Fayetteville,.NC.28A61 'Telephone:: (910)'483-0479 Faz: (910),483-.1091 1 Prepared By: Bala Sockalingam;Ph.D.,P.E.- Florida Professional Engineer,#62240 { 1216 N Lansing Ave.;Suite C Tulsa,OK 74106. j 'Telephones, .(918)492=5992; FAX:' (866)366=1543 { This report consists of I Evaluation Report,(3:Pages,including;cover) . Installation.Details(1 Page) 3 Load Span Table(I-Page) 0°;s°°G ALING®le dd O, ., g . d m•: No. ;tL i( ;w Report No: C2172-2 Date:8.20.2017 oQ: ?: O• Ft0Al R• s .i FL 9555.2-R4 C2172=2 8.20.2017 Page 2:of 3 Manufacturer: Union Corrugating_ Company Product Name: MasterRibl Panel Panel Description: 36"'wide,ci verage with 3/4"high ribs at 9"o:c. Materials.. Minimum 26•ga., 80 ksi steel..Galvanized..coated steel (ASTM A653) or Galvalume.-coated steel (ASTM A792); or painted steel (ASTIvi A755): �I. Support Iescription: Min 16 ga:;:50,ksi.steel.. (Must be designed by others) slope:: . 1/2 12.or greater in accordance-with FBC 2017 Section 1507 4:2 Design.Uplift Pressure: 47:2.psf @ I aximum support spacing of 60"'oxc, (Factor of Safety=2) Support Attachment-. #12-1S4.x 1"Jong.splf-drilling;screws with.wasl ers At end supports @ 3 ":-5.5"-3 5" o.c.across panel width At intermediate supports .@ 9"o:c.across.panel width . SidelapAttachmerit. 1/a"=14:x 7/8'�long'SDS_'with washer.@ 30"o:c, Test Standards: Roof rise �t tested in accordance, with, ASTM E1592-01. "`Test Method_for Structural' Performance of Sheet Metal Roof and Siding Systems by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference' and.FM 4470: Section 5.5 `i esistance.to Foot Traffic'. Test Equivalency: The test procedure in ASTM E1592-01 comply with test procedure prescribed iniASI11 E1592'=05(2012). The. test procedure in. FM 4470 (1992) comply, with,test procedure 'prescribed in,FM:4470(2012). Code Compliance: The;product described,herein has demonstrated compliance with FBC 2017 Sectioni1507.4. 1 Product Limitations: Design wind 1loads,shall be determined for eaeh project in accordance with FBC 20,1.7 Section 1"609 :or ASCE' 7-10 using allowable stress design; The :maximum support spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded., Tlie,design,uplift pressure for reduced support spacing may be computed using rational analysis prepared by a Florida Professional Engineer or based on Union Corrugating load span table. This product is not approved for use in the High Velocity Hurricane .Zone. Fire classification is-not.within scope of this Evaluation Report. Refer to FBC 2017 'Section,. f505 and. current approved roofing materials directory for fire ratings of this,product. i FL 9555.2-R4 C2172-2 8.20.2017 PAg_e 3 of 3 Suppordng:Document; ASTM E1592•Test Reports Farabaugh Engineering,and Testing Ino: Project No.,T163-06,Reporting Date,6/7/06 :FM 4470:Test Report ENCON Teclinol'ogy,Inc. C.1583-2;Reporting.DAte.7/24/08, I . PANEL FASTENER SEE PANEL SIDELAP . SIOELAP''FASTENER ® 9" O.C. _ DETAIL ®'•30" OX. 9 O_,C. MASTERRIB .INTERIOR SUPPORT Sr- �. PANEL / \ 3 MIN 16,GA: STEEL - 9 (DESIGNED'BY OTHERS) PANEL,FASTENER_® 'SIOELAP•,FASTENER 30 O.C: �9'O.C. MASTERRIB' -END SUPPORTS PANEL - - i MIN 16 GA. STEEL (DESIGNED BY OTHERS) 0 0 TYPICAL PANEL 'INSTALLATION: X.SECTION �ry,c Wm Z1 AD O. ZN [L IL Mz w - m MASTERRIB PANEL.FASTENER, SIDELAP FASTENER PANEL FASTENER'® vi o PANEL ® 9" O.C.. ®30" O.C: 3.5"-5.5 3.5'';Q:C. IV MAX 60"'O.C. a W. MIN 16 GA. STEEL (SEE LOAD SPAN TABLE FOR o (DESIGNED;BY OTHERS) ALLOWABLE_ LOADS AND.'SPANS) ¢ o m a; �S. -SECTION VIEW GENERALNOTES: 1. ROOF PANEL HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH'THE'FLORIDA V, 4. PANEL IB BUILDING CODE (FBC). SIDELAP FASTENER 2. ROOF PANELS SHALL BE 26 GA. (t ='0.017'�. EFFECTIVE COVERING WIDTH I 1 J4"-14 SOS WITH _ 'ROOF 36'. WASHER ® 30` O.C. NEL FASTENER 3. ROOF.-PANELS SHALL BE• INSTALLED OVER STRUCTURE AS'SPECIFIED ON THIS 2-14 x_1"-LONG DRAWING: S WITH WASHER 4. REQUIRED DESIGN WIND LOADS.SHALL BE DETERMINEDFOR EACH PROJECT. THIS PANEL.SYSTEM MAY:NOT. BE INSTALLED .WHEN THE REQUIRED DESIGN, ,WIND_.LOADS•ARE.GREATER THAN THE ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOADS: 5. ALL FASTENERS"MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE.WITH THIS DRAWING,& THE FLORIDA. MIN-16 GA: STEEL BUILDING CODE. IF A DIFFERENCE"OCCURS BETWEEN THE MINIMUM G BY.OTHERS :REQUIREMENTS OF THIS DRAWING.'& THE-'CODE, THE.CODE'.SHALL CONTROL. (DESIGNED- ) -6. SUPPORTS MUST BE DESIGNED,TO WITHSTAND.WIND LOADS AS.REQUIRED• "PANEL 'SIDELAP REQUIRED FOR EACH'-APPLICATION-AND ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY-OF OTHERS. , -7. PANELS MAY'SPAN BETWEEN'EAVE TO RIDGE SUPPORTS1OR:RAKE TO RAKE SUPPORTS. 217 -2 . $HEFT NO. Fi UNION CORRUGATING COMPANY a,sterRib Roof Panel 36 wide,25 ga. (min) Sfeel Panel over Steel Supports s 'Span Loading Allowable.Load(pso Condition Type Support Spacing(ft) _ 1.% 1.75' 2:06 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.06 4.56, 416 Two Span Uplift- 1383 118.5 103.7 83.0 69.2 59.3 5 L9 46.1 37.7 Three Span Uplift 107.2 134.7 111.9 04.3 78.6 67.4 58.9 52.4 47.2 Fou or More.: Uplift, 151:)• , t�5.6 113:4. .90.8. 75.6, : 64.8 .56.7, 50.4.- 44.1 Spans Notes: 1. Allowable load for each condition is the smallest load calculated based on-,fastener capacity,panel strength and and deflection limit ofU180. Allowable loads are.calculated for;minimuin 26 ga.-panel, 2.'The wind load is.taken as O,Ttimes the'"component and cladding"loads for.the purpose of determining deflection.limit. 3: The panel allowable properties are determined from full scale ASTM El 592.tests at 5.'0"span 4. The'panel fasteners are.#.12-14-x 1"long selfdrilling screws with washers. Fastener spacing,aeross panel width t is 9.0"•o.c.•in,the interior supports and 3:5"S'.5"=3',5"o:c:,at panel ends. S. SideIap fasteners are.1/4"44 x 7/8"long self drilling screws with washer at 30"o.c. 6. Steel supports are minimum 16 ga. All supports must be designed to resist all loads imposed on the panel. 7.The panels may span'from eave to ridge or rake to rake: .8:.Panels must•be installed as,per.Evaluation;kepore-FL:9555.2 and Union current installation procedure. i ]1 Il 1 t ; f®aa°Beeaaaaa�Q� . . pGKAL'INCq,�;BA O d �m. No :ceo ;W �LLV_-. C? d Off•• R•L O p`��•��`4oa 1216 N-Lansing Ave.,Suite C js ° 'S'OWN as4 liala'Sockalingam, 'Ph.D.,P.E. g Tulsa,OK 74106. PE 62240 918 492 5992- 2cs it Z7