HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1095 I;' ,I '~ '. {. ) -,- . fl I T;,-, ,; j t ' I . I.. I 'j" t . " . t. , , ..., " I I , ~. t., "1 , r ,'" 1 f,' " I' , , . ,.' f . . . I ,'/ ' ~"', I '.1" 'J ' ! :1', / ". I' ,'. ' ' " ,!:' . ",' "'''!, ii" I. I'" '. I. ; , I . T. '. . . ,I "., I .' , , ['..' I' . I . , . I, I" I',' ~,I 'I. . 11 ' ' . I. '\' , J:\.;'f+:~~i~~~~~~~~::'~~,~:~:"~r;..~,-tt=i:~?7~~.~~:'~>~~~:,~=;,~~:;~,,"i~~:1;;,~t~~7!$.~--r~~~'~~~~:~~J77;~ ':~~"~~'~ t ~J:I,IS IN~~~T~RE.UI,~' f'l,; i~O t~ . I , , ,da~' of" I " I J:l~l ~' \, (a I I,. I " "-,D, InJL, BET\?~N ,I' . Ii \ I \ ' ,I, I "\ I, ' , ~.3.\JI8.Qk'~B~,~1~ m(ln- II' I' I'.' '.P " :\' ". ",. :'., "...,.,. ,,', I ',r ' . " '\ .1 I ~ \, L '\',ioiJ~+,COUIII,'\ifst..;LUOie I.,..,. "'.ndS~.tt,of~' :'~orlda~~f&lI':~"part.U.' til' "11 I . I ,.', \ ,~\.~, . ' \ Q" ~: (}rUn9~ ~n'l\' lJOY (}+AAnb~r8 "" \ ".' \, ',' \ '. \'.., \, \. .li".J."",' ' \ ,r:- . \ '\' . I \ \, ' ,", l . I , '.., I . 'ofthe.'~uhl,of 'pAl I'll t\~~ol!l \'. '!ld. St"~e Of, " .Flor i~. ' . I .' .1!.fUAa 'of\th'HCOII~ ~ . ," " '\.: \ .wIP~Es~~titibar ihe~id ~art..L'of ~4i. fil~~t ~1{~~a~dla.cc:a~.i\~lt~~; ~;.am~l: ~e'n \ D~p~rB 8~" ~'th,or :~~'o~\, And, . : \ ~ " \ ,.' _---,~bl&. aons,idoratioll,-i\ ' lQJIJI,\tohi m... I., bllld~al4, tbue~t .be~( bile'reby aekll~wledie~ '. _ ',' _ . \ \ \ . ~,', '" ~ '. , " ,_.. \. j .' : ~' ,',. ' ." ~ . - \ \ ,; '. -.: b~~at~d. ~rg.i,~cci. IOlh~d ~rtn.fcrrcd, a~a by the~ 'Pr~icr,.~o....t'-ar&nt.*Pm~ ~u ~d trUllfe, VlItr the aa1d, p~ o~ tb, M~a4 part andr-~h81 ~~~. ~d ~~i~. forc"cr, III tb~t ~eriaiJlp~cei 01 land Iyin. ~Dd ~iD.'1h the Count1 01 st. Luo 18 \' ., . ". , . \\ "- '-' ," '-' . ,';' .\' ,",.\ " . _ . , .' 'c,' ~d Stat~of~-lJ..Ql:.1.~-.-.-~mote,pa:~ticulariy dttcriMI!-~, fol!o~,- : Al~, ~U~~on, ~6"T0'6n'ifhlp35. l1Q.Y..t~.....B.tWu_M~.~t..~a~PUni~d ~eUQ~in8:-~~~ ??n~e~~~ne 't~e r16ht-Of-..~ : ~ .,' '< . tt.~t.8:~..,.~~_~,~__~!.th_!~..!~~!~~2QQunji~. Dra1nl\i.!l~.Matrloj;~ for oana~ pqi-p~" oonta.int'us; '.' " .; 626.91noroiJ.more,oriess.' " '.' ,.'. " " " .' , ,:'\ . _.....,:.--...._.-:_.....4._.....__~~,;,.__..-'O"---__~...T-~'_~_."-:-__~:--_.__~_~_~\~... ~ i ~_ , _~_ ~..t.~L4!HBl.,.'-\tlli_Q.t...,.tQ..JLm.2xUQ8..~~~~lJ~26. J.o "s. ' J80illiL~(). ,~h8 'Hodel Land COII\P.$D:V. . . .' . ',' .' -, -- . ," . t ~ ~~...~~~..au..J,OO.&Q.~~Q...Jj.7,o.a...o.o. 'lP: ~~ :v.ear fr~m,' ~eJte' M ~ort,i.a~e..t~8Am8 .8lAOJ1ll~:~ah.l&~,J.n~.~~.~~.e. nd, ..$'-'1Q~ ..00 .i~. tht'ALpar.a.#-o~ta oi', mny.tpge...:- . ' ,," ,,', - ' , .... . ' ," -.,,,", ,-, ,.- - . "-- ", '", .-," '" - , '-" "," . .sDJ.4..1110.r~s.a&Q.~,!J.P~j;nlna 8. :..r..Q~.W clfl\Ul8 l'Ol.flWn& an)' of' the above deB~ri'Qod aora~g8.' in Jr.~Ql~L9t._n.Q.t;~~~~hWL~..a.Sn~~!l.~~2L-w.L.fM\d1 tl0n&:l~e.iJM~f e30~QO~Qr,' for 8aoh. " 'j!Q!',~...r~l,l)A.Q.t.<li..~_,~_-.:.~~,~:.:._:,_!.~'. ."., " ~_":':~~~,_" ,', ~. . ;, , '.' ..,:',... " . . -' , ....,," . , . .,' .'" . ",:..." 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'hertditament. a,~d"ipPulJt"a';(u,. -:ith evtrY privil~ge. ,ri~bt~ 'titli, {nt<<rut and ,~lIlIlc,dowcr Ind rigbt of dOwer, " ,reYClIIOn, remalD,~e.r.~n<l u~emenlllrcrelobeloDglDg or In.anY~lIe al'pt:na'n1og: TO HAV~, ^N~ TO ~IOL[) the ,ame ,In lte '1.m~le forner." .... ': And the: .aid llat~' of th,e fi;.tP~ -do - e6 'covenain \With. ~e ~jd paitJe Bofthe '.tcond. p~rt lb~t he:ls ~~b""fu1)1I"tiledoo,. lb. '. . '. :." ,'. '.' . .",' '-. & .", ..- ,."'. - ,".. .' '.. , L" ,'.",' .. . " , " , .. " , , " aaldprcmisu:tbat thcy are I,'ce fr~m, In incu,mbrancCl Ind .that.. .p.o' has good'riibt a114.bwfuJ aut/lority',Q: leU lbe uait; and' the laid patt"JL.-' 91 , , .. . " . ' .' '11-, '. ' .' " , , . , ", , " . ~e~u part.~o~_~ I1t.rcby(n\I, w;arrant tbe title t~ aa.i~ land, ~al!d ~ill delead Ib~ ume .piD~i tbe ia:*tul dalma Qf ti.1.~nOlII whomlon~r, . "', ' ~' " IN \~ITNESS WHj:REOF,lbtaaid pa~~ ~':tbe6rlt part~_ b~~.~,,~is .' "~LaDd ltaL,tb~'dai~d'~ .~~lTli ~ii!t.ell.' " Signcd,. luled:and dtlivcredio ourpruence:, , ' " ~ '"., ' " . , " " . , ~.~~;,_.::,:,...._.D8:dd,. 'Fl8nn....:~...._,~-,:,..,..--'~_~:J::~,-'-,~::.._.~. _.......h... ':..:J:~~!t.~,.~.B.QQ~:..._... ..:.:~,-,:,..,-._..,...._..,.~..,._._ ~ ,[ ....., , l,.,.]" , , \ ::' ",," ,JnO'B....:.'.~' , ----.-....~....,JlAc', .it On.~,....,.,_~~__.....,..{S~L) >....:...... .........-:-..",:....._!.- ...... ..._~:--:.,:~n~~:_._...~__...:.h~'-_n_ <:I .' , ~-'..-.......:...~.:__..:...:.:...~._--_.-:_~-..__.c~,_..:,.....;...,_;..:,(S EA t) , ............:'.".... ...;."..:.T:....;.-...:..'....-.....-:-:....__.._.. , , , StATEQF:.:_..__.:.zl.9.I:.l.dA... '. . . , ,', .'1 '. " 'St. Luoie ,,' ( CO~NTY ~H' ~_"____'''''''''''''''-'---,-__-::-:~~ , . I UER~EnYCERTIFY, That. o~ tbi._-.iOth .. J. '5~:J80k80h, ptr.onally at>pu~cd-:'.._. . ($48..00 !'oo.. 3t~s Canoelled). ~--- . .'~ ',' " , ., .TU'\- '. dayof~~~..--:--'>l-_.. '8 "81!i.B.:t~ man. ~.,~~ ~ ii 192J.,before me ,torn, ,kno~nto'be' tbe pcrson_'ducribcd in and "ho, Ue(IIlCd the 'foregoing convcyance to o. l'. .r.runol' ",' VAT , (}'l"A ~nbtll'~' .- ; : , -."J , ----':"and Ie'lUally Icknowic'4gedtbe ue~tioa'hcrcof to beOf.his free act . . - , '. ; ~ Illddccd fonhe uscs'andpurp9sulhere;nrncntiontd;aod ~Uid ...---:-~_~... ' " ;~ \, ". ~ ". X . " XX. " . the ",.tt o!;ihe ..kl..__......__... -:---.,_ .___.______.~._n__--. --..-_'_____.__~__-___on a .eparlle ~ pnvalc eltaJnlnat.on taken all,1 m.<le I,y and berole "'c. '<,.d stparaltJy and Ipall Iro ,'tr ..,d h".ban<l, did aclcno'tledg at Ihe made huull I par 10 Ihe ",.l I>..d of Con.eyan,e,~'r the l>urpv<t of lenIJ\Jllc;nll. rt"nqu"h,"~ an.l. (un nil' III h<r rr~ht, lltrc and mltrcsl, elher 01 dowtr or 91 stparl ~prop(tty, statutor, or equ,'ahlt, I.y-~nll 10 the lallh Ihcr'~lU(nbe.t. and Ihit Ihc ,ex eli Ia,d deed freely aIId yolunW(1)( and Wllbout allY conllrawtl\ofear, Ipprchensk>!1 or (uml>UhWD om or frolll her Ia,d hu. . v X . X .' . X ' '" WITNESS in, lig'n~lUrClnd'Ofticia' ml' ~t Fort, Fiero!.... Flo r1~. :feCoUaIY o~:ll. . LUQl e ',' . './' \ I --lay Inll ,tI~ lut aforuaid.., . , "..__.:........___,.:..lamil8 3.. EooL.._--,-O--_{StAL) : -.' . Nota1"7 .Pub 11,0 tor the,3t8t eofPlot'1'dtk at. L, 0, rge . 1f.P,'S881 By Comm18s1bn 3xplres Feb. 18,1925/. "',. ,/ ..r" On 'hil ' 13 },dty of"'" July /, ; .\. D. 19lL a,8. 34 o'cloclc-AL..m., tbla Innrumcnt WI' I . ' ' , /. ' '. Iiled for rccQrd. and bcill.l duly acknowltdgtd and prona. I ban recorded t~ lamc on :l>al~_484 ofBOoL 64 Counl1' STATE OF FLORIDA COl]:\TY Of' ST, LUCIE .. and,Siatc oL..~~lorid8,: ,ia tbe'Public record. of uld I IN,WIT~ESS WJU:REOF.. rllaYcb~(unto IU my hud and Ifli:lLCd Ihe .eal of tbe Circuit C~t of the Fiftcelllh Judicial Circw1 of ,aaid Statc,in Ind ~~jjty; , / '. I' tt.' 'I}t. ,3"eJi e~et> I. / . '*~.' // .:' ('\~'-~ , I' -f-VC', I. , , , J;l C. itl drQd 13~ Q~.~. ~.c. +-OerJr. ..' , .', '" ..,) G