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"'rOGEr Uf;:R wilh aU ~he' tcnemeitls, b...,lilamenll, aDd appurlcnance., wi\h evcry privilege, rigl>t. ..title. ihlere~l a'n{ cSlatl', d01l"er . and -ilght 01 d~...tr; , rfvers:oll, remainder and tasc?1ent tbcr.tlo bclonglDg,or inll.DywiK'apPcrlainiDg: TO..~~ VE ^N1> TOJ.iOI..lJthe, ~l.m!' iii, ItO~ :.iwpl~ f9rfvcr" ",. . ' , . AOd thtsa.id .patt'::~:Y~'OI.I~tli:~t pan do...,lia.eovCi1;U1IJrilb tbe ..i~ p..r~~f th'etecondj>~rt'lliai.......:.u.a~~la~IUU! sciit.d of lb. " " 'aid prelll;KI, tbatthey artfrce from aft ~ntumb!a!I~' and that .~}l e 'h, AIlOO's' right and ,lawfUl aut~.ritl' ,to, "tillie ~c;' aDd thesa.id part4~: oi'~' " , '.' " ' ,.' ,'. ,.' ...."". ,:'", ..,.' " .' ,',' '-"" . " '.,' ", .- '. - -,: .- ". ' . .' ',,-.~' .','.: ' , .' th~ lirst p~rt do..wL; bereb, lully' Warrant the lide'to aaidland; and. :!"iIIdc'lcnd \tie,~me agaiDst the Iawlal 'tlaiJ:D' ,of aU ~rlOn. wh!>nisocvcr.. '. . .: '.IN WiTNE.SS WHERE9Fttlie....id~of the"r.t.~arthaJl~_ herellnto.~~'~6r' haa~ aD:d"~the day ud year ~boye .rittctS. ,.. '~ --;~;."d;{:ti:.:-:-:.":::'~--'---------l ' ..'..... :__~.. ... ....~ .~.tP..@J... ~..b!l1 tQJL Oo.ahran _'.' .. -,..L'.._.. _ __~, ,. .. .... , .. .__._ .. ._.. _. d...._ __ .'._ .."1"" . .', ; ... . -:._ _ ., ..... ._.~. _ .. .~h." _ . " .._.._ . _. .- _ z .- ,_on,...". _ ,A ,..-:'~.. _ .___...... __ . .._ '.:_h____+-Gl'~~n....._..,._.:...:;''''~..~..._(SEAL) l' 1 II> , , :"...',: .:----,..~"_..:-._,,.,--:...~.,......_.:. _....,:._;.,-:.....:..._:~:,"'-'(SF,AL) , ,/ STATE OF~~~..1Uo riQI1 ' , .' -~~~~-~- i COUNTY OF saint 1{uole .,....:...._..::~f .11 ~ay, 01,' , July I ' " ',~:F., " ~:D,19~bcfQrc m~,,~ JnE~EBY C,ERTIFY. That on thi. 14th I' , i l' ' I I '. ,~nonallpppcare~ .': ~ Qlt~C~ AP.m.a':frea ~an~er.';; ______~... ~., ~Cl.mcknowri.,to, lleth~ perSOD-- ~ri~d m andwbo extCulc'~theloreiloh'g eon\'CyaD~ to ~d'raw ;.1.R'eaV8 Rn~ ~~:8 "i-f.A , . . ' ':r.udia 11. ~:uo.....: -'-,~'-.....'-.Qd.ieyir~iiackru;.lcdgcd tbe fllccu'tion th.mol to ~~....:.::-~ircc:.ct . '. :' :'- : .. . . '-:-. ~: . ' '.nd dccd lorthc plcsand pur~sei tbtrein "lcalioned; iIIII 011........., ,,' '. , '. . , ',' . ,- ", " ' , '" " '.l. . . " . ., the wift<:jflhe said;...........:._,__..c-.:.._~____~~__:_:Y..:~~..-__---_.-:.......!-~,. . ,', -:-"::__on a s.paralland p.li~M~'uaminatiort tak,.n an,lru;de '.y an'1 brfotC m., and ..par,altly and"'apart Irom Mr said hu.ban,I, did a"tlc~I'dl('- lhat shc made ,h....1I a P\~li 10 Ih.. Ull!' Ptt.1 of Con.Hya,n~tAJor Ihe, pu.tlost'of Hnl>~n.cinlf. rm~i1o~~d ton',"Yinlf, all ~<t "lilli, 11.I1', a n, It',..,!., whflher of, ,lower or of ..~,tale propertY,.,.ulutory , '.or',c'l\11!al.'e, )6 and 10 lite lands 'Ibueut, ducflbcd. ,and "T she ue,cut~d uld dccd Ircdy d yolllntarLly .ad .,!,ltboUI any tonllr",f't, fcar., al>preb.n5l0~ ' or tOlnp"b,on, of or Irom her saul h.,sband. ' , , " ' ,. . . ,. . WITI:ES-S ~7 .i~nat"l1re and omciahtal.~t_--,:.J'.21:.t.-.doi-oe , Florfda In theCc>unl)' or~$81Il~ I'll e ; , .; " , , ~u----..:.....~I SbU ton_c.o.aJu:a..tL~_(SF:Aq , ,liQ"rY.,#,ubl14 f<>>",:th~ata-te of~lo~cla a~-1e.Tge~ lIy. 'Corn!!11SlilioIl ~~J?lre8 Uaroh 12. ;1~28~ aad Stale.of__ " n ~TATE OF FLORIDA' .} COUNTY OF ,ST. L.UCIE . On tbia~ day 01 ' July ~ ~. 19zJL.., " 11. 4i'c1odc~. tbls InstrumtRI~U fil.d (or recor~ aael bei", daly aCknowlcdgcdaDd ~roytil, I banjretorded the "mc .on pa,e-.:., 49~,~01 Book 64' la the pJlblic rcccrds 01 sa.icl COllnly. ' . - I. . .1 IN WTTNESS WlIE'REOF. I ban bc';uilto Nt my hand aDd amud the "at ~I\he Circuit Court of the Fiftccnlh J~dicial Circuit of laid Slale. in and (o'r Mid .COIIOty, ' , " 1/,0- . ~e~~ O~O- .. ~e.~ , It' 0. :n dred '~~," ""Q~~,>;^~~ . , . , ~ ,',.." ,( C1crk. 'D.C. .. 11 ='+-,....' -~',-- ,~~ -t'.... ....~.._~_.".'.,.,.._~___~......"4,~,,...~"-,,._;..,. _ , " C'