HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1106 'II" ,I I l' I'il' I '"II? ,', I, --'~r~~ j1.' " '. . . ....' '. ". . J I ' ' ~, , I I':" I '. \I,'J ,. ',' ',' I I ,'\:, I' 'tl i ", ',:,1 'J,d I!, ' :::1'" ,~ ' ",' . ,', I '. j I 1 , ',' " 1.~, . "I,' ",.' " .', . " ' . " '! "". ' ,.,' . , , " j! f, ,I I: ',' , " I. ,I.t' I' ~t;;;;i:. "i-;,t~~~""1~1--'1;':;C::"'~2 4;:';';'0~:"'1f~-+ r;,''::;;:''';'~'>j$~~~;~~~ilry~ f"':;;~:~:' I: I i" ; ;1,\,:1 THIS:lf;DEriTt1~i'J~dethl" '\ 'i1:,; :. i.1 dA1i~r li\l-1Y : ,I \ ':"'D,l~_BEn,vEE~'t'I:\ ~ ,I 11 ,") ,\ ,'\, QA~AH'HII\TT"''lJ)'' 14\ ' "r ' II ' '. ," ',I,' I ( Ii 'I I', " \ \ "i'~"",' ",,,,: 't(']""",fY,'> 8 W\ O,(W~, I " I," ' \ " '\", . .\':", ,\ .,;, " ',,' i \ - 1, ,,' . . , , . l i \ - . , <, _ -. # -. \ 1 . " ! \ "\/ \ oftheCoun\1of' 3~~nt~uoia " 1.1' ."dSI.u~f--'-,'11. i?~'9i-14a ) " \' .'stUf-;Z.:..~tb~~."~t.~ 'I, i,.1;~ \..~,~ \~."\,~ ]3&r+th~k8t\)hQr ,I" . ' .I'i II" "" ,'.' .~ \ , 'I '."1,' ; I. ," , , i. , :,: ..', , . I ,': ' \' " ' " II , , \ I \ of t~e CountY,of , \ UeY( ~fk"1 ,.' il'" '-;-~ndStatf~f r ,':, 'Jlew' YO~k ':, \ "', " . parL...JZ.- of ~e\e~c?nd p~: WiTNESSETH; tba~ thG..id~ar~~ ohhe 'rlt pu..lotl~ 14 cPlUideraliQu ~f'th.11IIII of i Ten Dbllars', an d Qth9T " , " , '\ . . I \, ,', ",\ '.t. "", " '," ". ", .11 \ '. \ I' " . -r,-~~~a, \c,\ntI~ dn'ft1 tlllQ \ '. _~ tohar"l,; ha'ali'pailt. tlt.e rec~lpt whereof I, hefCh"aclu\o~le~~ed.\ , ha-.a::. "gran lcd, barla~cd, iold '.ad f~sfe~ a~d by' t~CJ. prele~~-' d~....Jl1L8~aDt. barpla.' leU 'aJidtran~fel'.!U\~ th{~.j ~~~, oftllfi ,Ie~. part .nd~.~ her. '''el~ alld~a..lfn.\ror~~er.alJ' ~~a; ~rtaln P.~~t 0,' Iand';Yi!Igand tid~' ~th~ ~w\ty of' ',: st .'r:uni A' \ \' \ . '\>..' ,", .' .' .". ", , - -' \. .' " .. -, .". ." .. . ,.' . ",' \ .and:Slate or~ Flo'r~cS,a ,\ " mo~~ pa~tic;larl7df.t:ri~".e,fo1iow.'\. , 4 otle half ~,d~V'ided .1ntArRl'It ", \.' ....... '. '. \ '. '- ...... "" -.. ' ',; -,- ..... .. .' '. -"...-.... 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" . . : "I\~" Ihe ~!~J>!!.~=".of the !ir" partdo.~ cOvenant ~.ith the laid ~art4_~ ~,f,the ~eolld pari .thitSh.a i ~' ,:la.(u!IY;"i~tiof i~e. ..i4 pre~i.su, that tb~; are . free from all ilkumbrance. and tbat..~h e. he., aood right' and bwful authority. ~ .e11 th~ ~ame; alld tbe ~jd parL-L- Of . . : . -'~.' . ~ '.', ",' "_.... . . t ~' .' ,'" -. . _' 0'. _ . ...... . ' the iirat part d().:.Q~hert~y(ul\~ "arra!lt tile titlc,to &a~dbud, alid will d~f-cnd 'theUtDe ag.lnafth~ bwf1I(diim, of all~.on. ..l1o~~Yer: ,. : iN WITNE~SWll~RF:O~,'tll~' ..~d p.,ii;' ~; lbej~~ pari'baS.:-~._'b~reu~to act.hot" ' h&n'cL andacaL.: thechy'an~"tcar abo~e wrjtt~a. . , . , --~--,..~.~:.~:~ ";::~~~:~li~:r;:~l;~~ P:~Ie~~:::. ~,..:..~- ...~... ;... ,..~... --"I .. . ...., J. ~~ Jb... }{~.!!'Ar4.. '......... ,...___ ..,:...,........~.. .. ......:: ..' _, . ~ ~ - . . _ .. '. nn ... ...... ._._" .... .. __ , __.. _.._. .. . ..- ._~.... "-'.-"---~ " .--7"' - ....... _'~_""._.n.~ .'" ',' '" '~' , ~', :..,,~.. ,'J . " '. . " "'~ '.... '.' T", .' .'4" ...... . 5 . "'~..,~~...::l.arah,..liQ1.t.a,IHlrg_-'-_..__.__...;.~.....___.....:.(SEAl.) . . : ,-' . . ~...-,.-.-.,'_.._..,"-~::-.....-.:-......_-, ......- -,...,..' -'..:...,"..~,-.. ,'.............:....._ (S E^ L) , , ." . ....., ~, , " ,":?:5, " ' ". lI'lortdn,'..'. , , t . STATE, OF_~__~,--,:-'_~_,__,_~,.....____. . \' O'F'3nin~ :I:ucio: " : , f COUNT.__.__.__ _,_____.__. . "' . ,'. . I 11EREBV CER'nFV.- Th'ato~thi.~J,.L-:_----,_~._tby' Qf ' ., . .~ '. ~-' . . -". . .per.oaally ~ppcarecL-""":""_-,-""'::'__.. SAHM' lI()t;fJ3~R~.._~ ....:....-._____ :io,mekno'Nll to ~ tile pcrson_, del~~i~ fit and who ex~,cute.ftberor~gOiJI, ~oll"'etaD~_ to ~:m'i'~rA: 'i":, 'l'm~ ~R: ' , , alld '-'yuallyuknowledged theU~I.i~n.ther'e~f 10 be--.-1!.er, .".fiee act ---..- . ." -J . ..1111,1 ~ D,192..k..bdo~em'e .i,- end deed fQr the use. and pu~pOu, therein ,mentioned~~i"S;. . . .. ',' '. ., '- '> ~ . - ~ . .... " ,'lhe ~j(e 01 the laid___..,,_:...______.L-___....:.._..:.,..._____,..._..:,_~' -'--~__--,~--.:....,-_on a ~paral<<and' priute, euminilion . hlten!n,1 made t.y and 'htlore me. and :s<<..r.,dy a!ld aNrl from h.,r uiof, h , lid,. did a'c~'no..ltdJle Ilt'II .he' nude btrsrll a );apYy '0 Iht ,}"I '!le..I. of CO,'n','eYl"rt., for Iht. purpMe of,' ren,?unCln",,,,,ehnqualllnjl.a.nd con\'ty'ng all h., r IJ!h.. tllJe and .nl-e, ,.... wh<<her Of, ,j()wtr, or, of IIVShle'propeuy" \'.'utory ,or eqt"ftbl.; in and tO'lhe lands lhertin d.n~d, and lhat .be uecu.ed ~,d. dftd freely' and volulltatily lI!d wltbout ll<1Y COnllra)!l, fear, avprchcnllon l;>r ,comPWlon of or frQAl, h~r '~ld hUlba,nd.., . , " , , , ~WI:rNESS my .jillalure alld offid~i'leal.a~.2J:lX.t ;'i,erCQ , I.. the Coun.,. of ;5ail, t . : \ic' a' and ,State of .no'rids "'0 ..,., ',"; .,'. r;~ . l''1la}" and year 'tau afore..id. ". . _ _ T - 'r' '. ' ,~I " 9 .:...:..__..:.-..--:-=..! ':-,., ~~-.l<~:r~~___.:..-_-'-.---..(SF.,"'L) , - . ',' -~- . Ji~..~ar'."., ?u" DH{!' ~1"c1:"'a...s't.......a. """, , 1&10' ""da' -t I - v Uu ..IT"....... ~ u, n,:, tirgi'-'~ ", 11. P. Seal !~y OJ')Im~11a,1ion, ....xplr~s JUly 28'.. 1920. - I " . On tbtJ-----...li.. ~;;o; J:u b , ..... D,.i92~ at ? .18 o'clock-2-m.~ thilln'lr.um~~i "" fil~d for recQrd, and~illJr duly ack.n'ow1edled and 9ro"'n. I have recorded the IaIM on pa,e-1'pO_ot Boolr 64 _~Ia the public record. ~f .aid ecunly, ~ . .~ ,', . " - ,'. .._ ". . - !. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF,lbne bereunto ftt myhaDd aDd a/lised the.eat of the Circuit Coon of lb. Fifl<<nlb ]udicl&1 Circuit of iaid'State,ln and . for' .aid Cou-Illy, ' , , ~'.; STATE OF FLOEIl>A } COUNTY ,OF ST. LUCIE I' , Sl,~ ,'f$ -4'e,~. f..,h ,.(), -..ev '. P. '010 ndre<\ I , {3 ~ ~~....-.C1... "" ^ :.~ ' . I ! i . auk. I), Co 'f " '. ii'