HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENTPlanning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Wirginia Ave Fort Pearce, FL 34982 772-452-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 r; CER7;IFICATE OF TERMITE-T'REATMEEVT CONSTRUMON SOIL -TREATMENT PERMIT #: SL(L 1 0 6 v,d4SOJOB ADDRESS: S% 0 4 O2, BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: "W pl / o-eo i;f - 4 C c— PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: So L"e-o rt •�-�1�oG PEST CONTROL LICENSE #:_.rJB t8y 901 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction; subterranean termFoes in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Associatior Square feet if area treated: Percentage of solution: F &6�' Date of Treatment: l / 4.0 1 �S V Footing/ y1�` Treatment Re Treat Driveway e Treatment Re -Treat Other 1 Treatment Re Treat Chemicals used:C V L SSG I-t,��k p/+,.5 Total gallons used: /V Time of Treatment: e,` C 6 ' Slab 1 Treatment Re -Treat Pools 1St Treatment Re -Treat - ertmeter fore nal Inspection Signature of Exterminator Date Note: There mustbe a compleW farm for eaaf Mulred trealmerri-orm-fieatment and ibis form mustI site to be picked up by&ire lnspeeiorat time Ofeadrinspecdon or the sdiedded inspection will fail and a fee charged. FOC104.2.6 Cer6Bcufe ofPmfective Treatment forprevenffon offarmities A weaifierreslstantjobs& p shall be pmvided iDreceh a duplinle Trea6nentCertificafesas each rggeored protective tmatmentiscnrr, providing a copyforthe person the permitlsimued fn and anothercopyforthe buihlrg penr&fi/es. Tha Cerf Rate shall provide Me product used, ldentlty of Me applicafnr, Irma and date offt beahnar sr& l treated, chemical used, percent mncentm on andnumberofgallons used, to establish a vendable recon protective treatment Pffiesvll dremicalbarderme6+rod for&errrrlfe prevenflon fs used, finafaWwor bet be ciompletedprlorto final building approval. St Lucie County requires fbr the final inspection for CO, a -Permanent Stucker to► be pt the electrical panel box cover, 1111sting all the treatments and dates of applications. Revised 7/2412014