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0�,AIvN BYHouston,TX 877-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-4136 Phoenix,AZ B811533-6224 • • .A'1111 V a Adel,CA 808-446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758.6224 Richmond,VA 800-729.6224 1 I Atlanta,GA 677-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800.559.6224 Atwater,CA 800.829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Suit Lake City,UT B00-874-2404 ® Dallas,TX 800-65M224 Omaha,NE 80OA58-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735�224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems ENGINEERING '. double-lok ° I Construction Panel UL-2218 UL-263 FR,as"in - 80 Number Width In. Gauge ClipType Substrate Impact Resistance Fire Ratin 165 24 24 min. Sliding Open Framing Class 4 Class A s 90 287 24 24 min. Sliding Open Framing Class 4 Class A ss 90 i 450 24 24 min. Sliding Open Framing Class 4 Class A Class 90 538 24 24 min. Sliding Open Framing Class 4 Class A Class 90 I NOTES: 1. Tests procedures are in accordance with Underwriters Laboratories Standard UL-580 under"Tests For Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies". 2. A detailed installation method is available for each Construction Number above and can be found in the UL Roofing Materials and Systems Directory.The panels must be installed in a certain manner to achieve the published results when installed over a Class A sub structure. 3. The panel qualifies for a Class A fire rating in compliance with Underwriters Laboratories Standard UL-263. j 4. The panel system is listed under the following Fire Resistance Design Numbers: P225, P227, P230, P237, P265, P268, P50B, P510,P512, P701, P711, P717, P720, P722, P726, P731, P734, P736, P801, PB03, P814, P815,and P819. Refer to the UL Fire Resistance Directory for specific construction methods and hourly ratings. i �. 5. Construction Number 450 includes the use of a domed skylight. FACTORY MUTUAL APPROVAL i Double-Lok® Panel Clip #of Fasteners Wind Clamp Hail Damage ASTM E108 FM Windstorm Width Gauge Clip Type Spacing Substrate per Clip per Clip Rating Fire Rating Rating 24 24 2"Slidling 5'-0" Open Framing 2 n/a Class 1-SH Class A Class 1-60 1 24 24 2"Slidlin 5'-0" Open Framing 2 1 Class 1-SH Class A Class 1-75 24 22 2" Slidlin 5'-0" Open Framing 2 1 n/a Class 1-SH Class A Class 1-75 24 24 2" Slidling 5'-0" Open Framing 2 1 Class 1-SH Class A Class 1-90 24 22 2" Slidling- 4'-0" Open Framing 2 n1a Class 1-SH Class A Class 1-90 18 24 2"Slidling 5'-0" Open Framing 2 n/a Class 1-SH Class A Class 1-90 24 22 2"Slidling 4'-0" Open Framing 2 n/a Class 1-SH Class A Class 1-105 24 22 2"Slidling 3'-6" Open Framing 2 n/a Class 1-SH Class A Class 1-105 24 22 4"Slidling 5'-0" Open Framing 3 1 Class 1-SH Class A Class 1-120 I kt18 24 2"Slidling 5'-0" Open Framing 3 1 Class 1-SH Class A Class 1-135 24 22 4"Slidling 5'-0" Open Framing 3 2 Class 1-SH Class A Class 1-150 "Floating or Articulating NOTES: 1. Tests procedures are in accordance with Factory Mutual Research Corporation(FMRC)Standard 4471. 2. A detailed test report is available for each product above.The panels must be installed in a specific manner to achieve the published results.Contact the manufacturer for more information. ICBO APPROVAL Double-Lokm Roofing System details,engineering calculations,computer printouts,and data have been examined by the ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc.and have been found to comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Code. " FLORIDA BUILDING CODE PRODUCT APPROVAL Double-Lok®Roofing System details and engineering load tables have been examined by the State of Florida and comply with DLA SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS B00-622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 888.533-6224 • Adel,GA 888446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512.6224 Memphis,TN 600-206-6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800.597-6224 Sall Lako City,UT 800.874-2404 Dallas,TX 800-853-6224 Omaha,NE 80045"224 'San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 _ Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 �,. Metal Roof and Wall Systems i I 1 I ENGINEERING I ° Double-Loki" PANEL 24" Coverage 24" L I 3'- 19 3�a SECTION PROPERTIES NEGATIVE BENDING POSITIVE BENDING PANEL Fy WEIGHT Ixe Sxe Maxo Ixe Sxe Maxo GAUGE (KSI) (PSF) (INA/FT.) (IN.31FT.) (KIP-IN.) (IN.4/171) (IN.31FT.) (KIP-IN.) 24 50 1.23 0.1507 0.0989 2.9619 0.3224 0.1307 3.9132 22 50 1.56 0.2059 0.1394 4.1741 0.4205 0.1708 5.1122 NOTES: P 1. All calculations for the properties of Double-LoO panels are calculated in accordance with the 2001 edition of the North American Specification For Design Of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. 2. Ixe is for deflection determination. .3. Sxe is for bending. 4. Maxo is allowable bending moment. 5. All values are for the one foot of panel width. 1 The Engineering data contained herein is for the expressed use of customers and design professionals.Along with this data, it is recommended that the design professional have a copy of the most current version of the North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members published by the American Iron and Steel Institute to facilitate design.This Specification contains the design criteria for cold-formed steel components.Along with the Specification,the designer should reference the most current building code applicable to the project jobsite in order to determine environmental loads. If further information or guidance regarding cold-formed design practices is desired,please contact the manufacturer. EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 16,2012 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-5 I Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-MA136 Phoenix,AL 888-533.6224 Adel,GA BBB-446-6224 Lubbock,TX B00-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 --t�&0903`&1 M' Atlanta,GA 877.512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800.559.6224 Atwater,CA 800-829.9324 Oklahoma City,OK 600-597-6224 Solt Lake City,UT 808-874-2404 Dallas,TX 800.653-6224 Omaha,NE 800-45B-6224 San Antonio,TX 000-598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 -r- Metal Roof and Wall Systems i ENGINEERING double-loW I Double-Lok® PANEL 24" Coverage 24" X jI 19 3/8 i ALLOWABLE UNIFORM LOADS IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT 1 24 Gauge(Fy=50 KSI) SPAN LOAD SPAN IN FEET TYPE TYPE 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 SINGLE LIVE 204.0 170.0 145.7 127.5 113.3 102.0 86.2 2-SPAN LIVE 204.0 170.0 145.7 123.4 97.5 79.0 65.3 y 3-SPAN LIVE 204.0 170.0 145.7 127.5 113.3 98.7 81.6 4-SPAN LIVE 204.0 170.0 145.7 127.5 113.3 92.2 76.2 22 Gauge(Fy=50 KSI) SPAN LOAD SPAN IN FEET TYPE TYPE 2.6 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 SINGLE LIVE 296.9 247.5 212.1 185.6 165.0 136.3 112.7 2-SPAN LIVE 296.9 247.5 212.1 173.9 137.4 111.3 92.0 3-SPAN LIVE 296.9 247.5 212.1 186.6 165.0 139.1 115.0 4-SPAN LIVE 296.9 247.6 212.1 185.6 160.4 129.9 107.4 1. Allowable loads are based on uniform span lengths and Fy=50 ksi. 2. LIVE LOAD is limited by bending,shear,combined shear&bending. 3. Above loads consider a maximum deflection ratio of U180. 4. The weight of the panel has not been deducted from the allowable loads, 5. THE ABOVE LOADS ARE NOT FOR USE WHEN DESIGNING PANELS TO RESIST WIND UPLIFT. 6. Please contact IVIBCI or visit www.mbci.com for most current allowable wind uplift loads. 7. The use of any field seaming equipment or accessories including but not limited to clips,fasteners, and support plates (eave,back-up,rake,etc)other than those provided by the manufacturer may damage panels,void all warranties,and will void all engineering data. I 8. This material is subject to change without notice.Please contact manufacturer for most current data. w • + DI.-6 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 868-533-6224 • Adel,GA 886448.6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729.6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-208.6224 Rome,NY 800-559.6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800.507.6224 Sall Lake City,UT 800.874-2404 Dallas,TX 800-653.6224 Omaha,NE 800468-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-59B-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems double-loh ENGINEERING Double-Lok° PANEL 18" Coverage I SECTION PROPERTIES NEGATIVE BENDING POSITIVE BENDING PANEL Fy WEIGHT Ixe Sxe Maxo Ixe Sxe Maxo GAUGE (KSI) (PSF) (IN.41FT.) (IN.31FT.) (KIP-IN.) (IN.41FT.) (1N.31FT.) (KIP-IN.) 24 50 1.32 0.1994 0.1313 3.9306 1 0.3814 0.1650 4.9397 22 50 1.66 0.2718 0.1846 5.5274 0.4962 0.2153 6.4449 NOTES: 1. All calculations for the properties of Double-Lok6l panels are calculated in accordance with the 2001 edition of the tr North American Specification For Design Of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. 2. Ixe is for deflection determination. 3. Sxe is for bending. 4. Maxo is allowable bending moment. 5. All values are for the one foot of panel width. I i I I - EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 16,2012 SEE www.mbel.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-7 r • Houston,TX 877-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800-622.4136 Phoenix,AZ 808-633.6224 Adel,GA 000-048-6224 Lubbock,TX 000-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729.6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512.6224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK SW697.6224 Salt LaNe City,UT 800-874-2404 ® Dallas,TX 800.653-6224 Omaha,NE 800458-6224 Son Antonio,TX 800-59M224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems ENGINEE RING I I I I ° I I Double-Lok® PANEL 18" Coverage 3" 133/a" i ALLOWABLE UNIFORM LOADS IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT I I 24 Gauge(Fy=50 KSI) SPAN LOAD SPAN IN FEET j TYPE TYPE 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 SINGLE LIVE 272.0 226.7 194.3 170.0 151.1 131.7 108.9 2-SPAN LIVE 272.0 226.7 194.3 163.8 129.4 104.8 86.6 Il j r 3-SPAN LIVE 272.0 226.7 194.3 170.0 151.1 131.0 108.3 4-SPAN LIVE 272.0 226.7 194.3 170.0 151.0 122.3 101.1 I 22 Gauge(Fy=50 KSI) SPAN LOAD SPAN IN FEET TYPE TYPE 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 SINGLE LIVE 395.9 329.9 282.8 247.5 212.2 171.9 142.0 2-SPAN LIVE 395.9 329.9 282.8 230.3 182.0 147.4 121.8 3-SPAN LIVE 395.9 329.9 282.8 247.5 220.0 184.2 152.3 4-SPAN LIVE 395.9 329.9 282.8 247.5 212.4 172.0 142.2 1. Allowable loads are based on uniform span lengths and Fy=50 ksi. 2. LIVE LOAD is limited by bending,shear,combined shear&bending. 3. Above loads consider a maximum deflection ratio of U180. 4. The weight of the panel has not been deducted from the allowable loads. 5. THE ABOVE LOADS ARE NOT FOR USE WHEN DESIGNING PANELS TO RESIST WIND UPLIFT. 6. Please contact MBCI or visit www.mbcl.com for most current allowable wind uplift loads. 7. The use of any field seaming equipment or accessories including but not limited to clips,fasteners, and support plates (eave,back-up,rake,etc)other than those provided by the manufacturer may damage panels,void all warranties,and will void all engineering data. 8. This material is subject to change without notice. Please contact manufacturer for most current data. ` DL-B SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 533-6224 + Roll1,GA 88 A46-6 3.8224 Jackson,MS 800-75M238 Phoenix,AZ A 8.0-729-62 Ad al,GA 888-04fi-0224 Lubbock,T%800-75843224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Alianlo,GA 877-512.6224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800-659-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 600-597.6224 Sall Lake City,UT 800-874.2404 Delta..TX 000-663-6224 Omaha,NE 800-05"224 San Antonio,TX 800-598.6224 v Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systents I f RING double-lok I Double-Lok® PANEL 12" Coverage I i 12" 'r 3" SECTION PROPERTIES N POSITIVE BENDING NEGATIVE BENDING PANEL Fy WEIGHTFIF Sxe Maxo Ixe Sxe Maxo GAUGE (KSI) (PSF) (IN.3lFT.) (KIP-IN.) (INAWT.) (IN.3IFT.) (KIP-IN.) 24 50 1.48 0.1612 4.8271 0.4750 0.2290 6.856622 50 1.86 0.2317 6.9371 0.6163 0.2979 8.9189 r NOTES: 1. All calculations for the properties of Double-Lokm panels are calculated in accordance with the 2001 edition of the North American Specification For Design Of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. 2. Ixe is for deflection determination. 3. Sxe is for bending. 4. Maxo is allowable bending moment. 5. All values are for the one foot of panel width. I ` EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT To CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-9 Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-6224136 PhoenlX,AZ 888-633.62211 Adel,GA 888-446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800.729-6224 11000E 1% 1 Mm' Atlanta,GA 077.512-6224 Memphis,TN 000-208.8224 Rome,NY 800-569-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597.6224 Sell Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 © Dallas,TX 800 653-6224 Omaha,NE 600458-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-59B-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems ENGINEERING d oublim-lolk° i Double-Lok® PANEL 12" Coverage 12" �f 3" t ALLOWABLE UNIFORM LOADS IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT t i 24 Gauge(Fy=50 KSI) SPAN LOAD SPAN IN FEET TYPE TYPE 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 SINGLE LIVE 408.0 340.0 291.4 255.0 225.7 182.8 151.1 2-SPAN LIVE 408.0 340.0 262.7 201.1 158.9 128.7 106.4 3-SPAN LIVE 408.0 340.0 291.4 251.4 198.6 160.9 133.0 r' 4-SPAN LIVE 408.0 340.0 1 291.4 234.7 185.5 150.2 124.2 22 Gauge(Fy=50 KSI) SPAN LOAD SPAN IN FEET TYPE TYPE 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 SINGLE LIVE 593.9 494.9 424.2 371.2 293.6 237.8 196.6 2-SPAN LIVE 593.9 494.9 377.5 289.0 228.4 185.0 152.9 3-SPAN LIVE 593.9 494.9 424.2 361.3 285.5 231.2 191.1 4-SPAN LIVE 593.9 494.9 424.2 337.4 266.6 215.9 178.4 NOTES: 1. Allowable loads are based on uniform span lengths and Fy=50 ksi. 2. LIVE LOAD is limited by bending,shear,combined shear&bending. 3. Above loads consider a maximum deflection ratio of U180. 4. The weight of the panel has not been deducted from the allowable loads. 5. THE ABOVE LOADS ARE NOT FOR USE WHEN DESIGNING PANELS TO RESIST WIND UPLIFT. 6. Please contact MBCI or visit www.mbci.com for most current allowable wind uplift loads. 7. The use of any field seaming equipment or accessories including but not limited to clips,fasteners, and support plates (eave, back-up, rake,etc)other than those provided by the manufacturer may damage panels,void all warranties,and will void all engineering data. 8. This material is subject to change without notice.Please contact manufacturer for most current data. • • DL-10 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 • Houston,TX 877-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800-6224136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533.6224 Adel,GA BBO-448-fi224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 000-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 677-512-6224 Memphls,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800.55"224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Salt lake City,UT 800-B74-2404 Dallas,TX 800-653.6224 Omaha,NE 8D0-458.6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-8224 a Indianapolis,IN B00-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems I GENERAL INFORMATION double-10W � PRODUCT CHECKLIST Double-Loe 24 or 22 gauge 2"Sliding Clip,Low 24" Panel Factory-applied mastic Pre-punched 24" L 33/e" ©D 3" 0 1 a H W-2122 ❑ Ll 2"Sliding Clip, High Double-Lok° :24 or 22 gauge 18" Panel Factory-applied mastic Pre-punched o o 4a/V 0 • � - - 18„ L o a all 3„ o r • 7�'------ 13�/e *11/4"Travel in each direction HW-2124 ❑ 4"Sliding Clip, Low Double-Lok° 'Termination panel for 12" Panel odd footage buildings 3a/e" �— 12' —ter o - o o 3„ - a HW-2126 ❑ 4"Sliding Clip, High 2"Standoff, Sliding Clip (Hi-Thermal) a 43ia p 0 ',IIL\ ae a 0 HW-2129 ❑ *2"Travel in each direction HW-2128 ❑ 'Total clip movement should be calculated for each project based On the anticipated temperature differential of the area in which the project is located. • DL-18 SEE www.mbef.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 6224 ' Houston,TX 877-713.8224 Jackson,MS 800-6224138 Phoenix,AZ 88 00-7.9-6224 Adel,GA 806-146�224 Lubbock,Tx 600-756-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 077-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800-669.6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Sell Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 10 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800458.6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 n Indianapolis,IN 800.735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems I double-10W GENERAL INFORMATION PRODUCT CHECKLIST Eave Plate,Low ' 8'-0"length Eave Plate, High • 8'-0"length (Optional) ' 14 gauge painted 14 gauge painted *t/i Factory slots 1,/Z ' Factory slots O ' For use with low clips p ' For use with high clips HW-7600 HW-7616 ❑ Floating Eave Plate,Low 8'-0"length Floating Eave Plate, High 8'-0"length 14 gauge painted ' 14 gauge painted Use at eave when1'/2" ' Use at eave when attaching panels to o attaching panels to substructure at mid- f o substructure at mid- point 1 point �I7/2- 157/is- • 3/a" 16I166" .I�—4 •I� HW-7617 ❑ HW-7618 ❑ I i 4"Floating Eave Plate, High • 8'0"length 4" Floating Eave Plate,Low 8'-0"length ' 14 gauge painted ' 14 gauge painted Use at gave when ' Use at eave when 23/B attaching panels 1'/0" attaching panels to substructure at to substructure at * mid-point a/a mid-point 11/2' 6, , HW-7629 ❑ HW-7628 ❑ Mid-Slope Fixed Plate, Low 6'-0"length Mid-Slope Fixed Plate, High '6'-0"length 14 gauge painted 14 gauge painted Use as mid-point Use as mid-point 41/16" endlap when 41/1e" endlap when attaching attaching panels to panels to substructure substructure at mid- at mid-point — point 13/B'F- 1„\K/ /e� 14" W-7636 HW 7632 21 � H ❑ 2"Standoff Eave Plate '8'-0"length 2"Standoff Rake Support '20'-0"length ' 14 gauge painted 14 gauge painted I 21/,s' Use with Double-Lok® Use with Double-Lok® roof system only roof system only O Use with 2"sliding Use with 2"sliding Hi-Thermal clips only O Hi-Thermal clips only 21Ilia' 5" HW-7661 HW-7664 ❑ ❑ 215/na" EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-19 • Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-622AI36 Phoenix,AZ 888-533.6224 Adel,GA 888-446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729.6224�Elft M` Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-206.6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 8OM29-9324 Oklahoma City,OK B00-597.6224 Salt Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 ® Dallas,TX 800.653-6224 Omaha,NE 800.458-6224 San Antonio,TX 800.508-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 •% Metal Roof andGENERAL INFORMATION dou' hlelolk Wall Systems I PRODUCT CHECKLIST Floating Eave Plate, High ' 8'-0"length Rake Support, High 20'-0"length ' 14 gauge painted 14 gauge painted Use at high side of Factory slots roof curb to provide For use with high clips o floating support �J t O i HW-7666 ❑ 4�/d O O I. Rake Support, Low '20'-0"length ' 14 gauge painted Factory slots 11/2" ' For use with low clips HW-7720 O ❑ O Ultra-DekO AND Double-LokO ' Use with 24" panel O CLIP ALIGNMENT STRAP widths only 33/8" • ' 2Yz T HW-7710 ❑ Back-up Plate For use at endlaps and ; ' A (24", 18"or 12") at the ridge /� o Pre-punched* -� j� 16 gauge prepainted HW-213 ❑ CROSS SECTION HW-7740(24") ❑ ❑ *1 HW-7742(18") Outside Closure2"Back-up plate is not prepunched. For use at ridge,or HW-7744 (12") ❑ (24", 18"or 12") high eave 24 gauge Back-up Plate-Modified ' For use at endla s P ' Painted to match roof (24") and at the ridge with color solid substrate ' Pre-punched '16 gauge prepainted a CROSS SECTION HW 432(18") ❑ HW-7760 ❑ 12"Closure has no minor ribs. HW442(12") ❑ • • UL-20 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 Houston,66 446-6328224 Jackson,MS 800.022-0138 Phoenix,AZ A 800-729224 � Adel,GA BBB-046-fi224 Lubbock,TX 800-758.6224 Richmond,VA 800-729.6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-0224 Memphis,TN 800-206-8224 Rome,NY 800-559-8224 Atwater,CA 000-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Solt Lake City,UT 800 874-2404 0 Dallas,TX 800-65341224 Omaha,NE 800458.6224 San Antonio,TX 800 59B 8224 I y' InUlanapoils,IN 600-735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall SYste"Is double-iow GENERAL INFORMATION PRODUCT CHECKLIST Light Transmitting Panel, UL 90$ Thermal Spacer • Polystyrene block used to increase the Double-Lokm(24"wide)Reinforced/UV Resista rylit insulation capacity along the purlins !old Installed LTP Kit or 1" 237/e"��•� y. .....Nk`c Uninsulated-HW-1472❑ JW-Y LONG Insulated-HW-1473❑ HW-575(1") ❑ Light TrW70NG UL 90$ HW-576(5/e")❑ t Double)Reinforced/UV Resistan ylit Also available for 1B"panels ❑ HW-577(a/a') Riveted Rail LTP Tape Sealer-Minor Rib •Used to fill void at Pre-Cut Beveled minor ribs of the panel at the eave 7/J2"x 13/a"x 4" and valleys Uninsulated-HW-1446D Insulated-HW-1445D❑• Tape Sealer • Used at the eave plate,eave strut,outside closures, _ 'a endlaps and trim connections HW-512 ❑ Tri-Bead Tri-Bead 3/,s"x 7/a"x 25' Inside Closure HW-504 •Used at valleys and roof curbs - � Triple Bead •Special applications 3/16"x 2 Me"x 20' EPDM HW-428 ❑ Triple Bead HW-502 ❑ Urethane Sealant HW-540 White ❑ o o • 18 gauge Galvalume HW-541 Gray ❑ • For use at eave HW-542 Bronze ❑ METAL HW-428 ❑ S-SITM Double-LokO Wind Clamp • Use at clip locations to provide additional panel uplift capacity. Double Faced Tape •11/2"x180'rolls •Clamp usage to be Used to hold O determined by a insulation in place at registered the rake,eave,and professional at any insulation end engineer. splices HW-568 ❑ HW-522 ❑ s - I $It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the installation and use of all light transmitting panels comply with State,Federal and OSHA regulations and laws, including,but not limited to,guarding all light transmitting panels with screens,fixed standard railings,or other acceptable safety controls that prevent fall-through. EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbel.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-21 Phoenix,AZ 888-633-6224 Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-1136 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Adel,GA 888-046-6224 Lubbock,Tx 800-758-0224 Atlanta,GA 877512-fi224 Memphis,TN 800.206-6224 Remo,NY 800-559.6224 Atwater,CA 800.829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 San Antonio,TX t Lake City,UT 80 59B 62244 00 Dallas,TX 000-053-fi224 Onteha,NE 800-058•6224 • ♦ India Polls,IN 800-735.8224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems GENERAL INFORMATION doub PRODUCT CHECKLIST Floating Peak Box Rake Trim 3 6/1 _} 90° t 3/4' 7 43/1" I 102° ' 156° °102 ' 90° COLOR--� 43/i' I 13/4' 2° i Note:For use with Ridge Flash FL-200,FL-202, 135'� SIB FL-125* ❑ FL-213,FL-214,FL-300,FL-540,or FL-541 ' FL-110 FL-126*❑ Note:For use with Ridge Flash FL-200,FL-202, ❑ FL-213,FL-214,FL-300,FL-540,or FL-541 ,includes cinch angles and flexible membrane. High Side Eave Trim 102° Sculptured Eave Trim 41/4" + 2"* 90' t/i' 156° � 102° 102° � yc� 156° 43/4" 1 21/2" —* 13/a" 43/4 102' COLOR f ROOF ROOF PITCH 1*„ 135° COLOR 90°-°of 135° Roof Pitch Specify Roof Pitch (10'-2")FL-250 ❑ 52-4:r12 L311/-s" PART NO FL-265 ❑ Gutter 1, 1 „ 90°-°of FL-265B❑ /? Roof Pitch 90° Z* 1„ 43/4 90° Ridge Flashing 156° COLOR A p, 2,z 120° 43/4 102° 90°+°of Roof Pitch F29A6,412 DIM.A NOTE PART NO ROOF PITCH DIM.A PART NO 61W For use without ventilator FL-213 ❑ 1/4-4:12 65/1B' FL-240A ❑ 71/1' 24'Peak purlin spacing FL-214❑ 1/4-4:12 65/16" FL-241A ❑ 101/4" For use with 9'ventilator FL- 05❑ r 41/4-6:12 615/16" FL-240B ❑ 11" 32'Peak puffin spacing tFL:--2:071 Specify Roof Pitch 41/4-6:12 615/ie° FL-241 B ❑ Specify Roof Pitch + DL-22 SEE www.mbcf.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15.2012 Jacks Adel,Houston,GA 88 446-6 3-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-622-0136 Phoenix,d, A 8-53729224 � Adel,GA 880-0464i224 Lubbok TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 8U0-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512.6224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800.597-6224 Sall Lake City UT 000-874-2404 Dollae,TX B00-653-6224 Omal,a,NE 800458-6224 San Antonlo,TX 800-598.6224 Indianapolis,IN800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems I dou ' ' PRODUCT CHECKLIST Gutter Strap Ridge End Cap Perforated Vent Drip PERFORATED FL-246 Specify Roof Pitch FL-204 ❑ FL-254 ❑ l Sculptured Eave Corner Box Rake Slide Variable Termination 4 1 45o COLOR -Ilk /.' 4 90, 3/4 90- + I t COLOR '/ I FL-132 ❑ FL-115 ❑ FL-117 ❑ Mitered Sculptured Rake Light Transmitting Panel Trim Box Panel Cap Trim (Left or Right) 3ti/2 90, 21/4" SPECIFY ANGLE 3IA" COLOR 4" LEFT RIGHT l' FL-110 ❑ FL-568 ❑ FL-272 ❑ Mitered Sculptured High Side Eave Mitered Sculptured Gutter Offset Panel Cap Trim (Right or Left) (Right or Left) EAP2'. RIGHT LEFT RIGHT 2LEFT Specify Roof Pitch FL-265 ❑ Specify Roof Pitch FL-240 ❑ Specify Roof Pitch FL-271 ❑ EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-23 r r • Houslon,TX 677-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800.622AI36 Phoenix,AZ 888-533-6224 Adal,GA 88BA46-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond, -629.6224 Atlanta,GA 677-512.8224 Msmphis,TN 600.208-6224 Roma,NY 800-55959-224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 600-597-6224 Solt laka City,UT 800-B74.2404 © Dallas,TX 800-663.6224 Omaha,NE 800-05B-6224 5an Antonic,TX a00-50B-6224 • �r- Indlenopolls,IN 000.735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems GENERAL INFORMATION double-10h PRODUCT CHECKLIST I Standard Valley—Low and Utility Systems Extended Valley—Low and Utility Systems SPECIFY ANGLE SPECIFY ANGLE 16„ 21 - Li :- - � �45° �45° FL-700 ❑ FL-708 ❑ Standard Valley—High System Extended Valley—High System SPECIFY ANGLE SPECIFY ANGLE 135° `-45° 1/e" 135° 45° FL-712 ❑ FL-714 ❑ Parapet Rake Cleat Parapet High Side Eave Flash Parapet Rake Flash Qf� 1 � i 4a/4' 4„ OPEN HEM COLORSPECIFY 1/2 ANGLE 3",5"or 7" FL-285(3") ❑ FL-274(41/2") ❑ FL-286(5") ❑ FL-290 ❑ FL-275(31/2") ❑ FL-287(7") ❑ Counter Flash Alternate Counter Flash 4 — SO-) COLOR T. 21/2 150° COLOR + ,'/4" 5/B� 24 Gauge Material FL-343 • FL-341 ❑ 24 Gauge Material ❑ DL-24 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 i • • Houston,TX 877-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-/136 Phoenix,AZ 868-533-6224 Adel,GA 888446.6224 Lubbock,TX 800.758-6224 R19 mond,VA BOO-729-6224 A nt.,GA 877-512-6224 Me phi.,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800-559-fi224 Alw JE atcr,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OH 800-597-6224 Salt,Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 Gall..,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE BOCA56-6224 Sanl ntonlo,TX 800-598-6224 JWM Indianapolis,IN600-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems I double-loh' @ GENERAL i PRODUCT CHECKLIST Clip to purlin with up to 4" Fastener#1 Fastener#1 E Panel to eave plate or ' insulation thickness eave strut Rake trim to roof panel Eave plate to eave strut ' ' Inside closure to eave Outside closure Endiap plate or eave strut ' ' Rake support to purlin 1 (Fixed System Only) J 1!4"-14x11l4"Long Life Self Driller 5/16"Hex Washer Head with 1/4"-14xl"Driller sealing washer 5h6"Hex Washer Head with 5/8"O.D.washer ❑ (Long life exterior fastener) ❑ Fastener#1 F 'Clip to purlin with over 4" Fastener#2A 'Use in place of Fasteners insulation thickness #1 E and#4 at all stripouts 17x1"Type AB Long Life 1/4"-14xl1/2""Driller 5/16"Hex Washer Head with sealing washer 6116"Hex Washer Head with 5/B"O.D.washer ❑ (Long life exterior fastener) ❑ Fastener#4 Ridge and other Flashing Fastener#5 • Rake support to purlin ' to outside closure (Floating System Only) ' Gutter to panel Floating eave plate to Gutter to strap eave strut Trim to trim connections 1/4"-14x7/e"Lap Tek Long Life Self Driller 5116"Hex Washer Head with sealing washer 1/4"-14xl1/4"Shoulder Tek 2 ❑ (Long life exterior fastener) ❑ 6/16"Hex Washer Head,no washer Fastener#6 Clip to joist Fastener#7 Rake support to joist ' ' Eave plate to beam (Floating System Only) Rake support to joist ' Floating eave plate to ' (Fixed System Only) joist 12-24x11/4"TEK 4.5 5/16"Hex Washer Head with 1/4"-20x111a"Shoulder Tek 4 5/ti'O.D.washer ❑ 5/16"Hex Washer Head,no washer ❑ ! EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-25 ' Houston,Tx 877-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 808-633-6224 Adel,GA 8BB-445-5224 Lubbock,Tx 000-750-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877.512.622.4 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 600-559.6224 Atwater,CA 800-829.9324 Oklahoma Clty,OX B00-597-6224 Salt lako City,UT 800-874-2404 (r� Dallas,TX 000-653-6224 omaha,NE 800458-6224 San Antonio,Tx 800-5911-6224 I Meta! Roof and Wall Systems Indianapolis,IN 800.735.6224 GENERAL INFORMATION double-loW PRODUCT CHECKLIST Fastener#8 • Special application Fastener#9 • Special application fastener fastener j For use on 2x4 lath and ' For use on 2x4 lath and other solid wood deck other solid wood deck (Not for use in plywood) (Not for use in plywood) 10-x11/2"Long Life Woodgrip 10X02"Woodgrip 5/16"Hex Washer Head with 114"Hex Washer Head with sealing washer 1/2"O.D,washer ❑ (Long life exterior fastener) ❑ Fastener#10 • Special application Fastener#11 ' Special application fastener fastener For use on structural steel For use on masonry up to 1/2"thick Requires pre-drilled hole 1/4"-14xl"Type B r 3/6"Hex Washer Head with 1/4"x11/4"Nall Drive ❑ 5/8"O.D.washer ❑ Masonry Anchor • Fastener#12A ' Support plate to purlins at Fastener#14 Gutter strap to snow valley and hip conditions gutter Rake angle to purlins o 12 x 1"Pancake Head Driller #2 Quadrex Drive ❑ 1/e"x 3/16"stainless Steel Pop Rivet ❑ Fastener 914A Snow gutter to eave plate Fastener#46 ' Special Application Outside closure to back-up Fastener angle at hip condition Endlap over solid deck or rigid insulation 1/e"x 3/e"Stainless Steel Pop Rivet ❑ 5/4"-14 x 5W Long Life Type B ❑ /1e"Hex Washer Head with Sealing Washer Fastener#226 Dekstrip to expansion Fastener#228 ' Dekstrip to expansion ridgelexpansion lap ridgelexpansion lap Used with Fastener#226 3/16"x 9/ts"Aluminum Closed End Rivet ❑ 10 x W'Aluminum Washer ❑ ` DL-26 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 16.2012 ' Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-622A136 Phoenix,AZ 88B-533-6224 Adel,GA 888-446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 000-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877.512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-200.6224 Rome,NY 800.559.6224 Atwater,CA 800-B29.9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800.597.6224 Suit LakeAnto City,U 800 0 590 6224 4 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800458-6224 • Indianapolis,IN 000.735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems I I ERECTION d SEQUENCE I I I ° i RAKE SUPPORT FASTENER RAKE SUPPORT AT 24"O.C. DOUBLE FACED TAPE Attach the rake support on top of the rake angle with the proper self-drilling RAKE SUPPORT fasteners on 2'-0"centers with a fastener in the first and last prepunched slot. The VA" "" ' ., vertical leg is to be installed flush with the steel line. Center fasteners in slots. FASTENER REQUIREMENTS ,r Floating System Purlins-Fastener#5 • Joists-Fastener#7 IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE RAKE STEEL LINE SUPPORT IS INSTALLED STRAIGHT AND SQUARE WITH THE EAVE AS IT i CONTROLS THE ALIGNMENT OF THE i RAKE SUPPORT ROOF SYSTEM. Install 6"long pieces of double faced tape on 3'-0"centers to the top of the horizontal leg of the rake support. This will help hold 2"X 4" GLE the insulation in place at the rake. RAKE AN FASTENER#12A CAUTION RAKE SUPPORT FASTENER It is important that shoulder fasteners AT 24"O.C. are installed through the CENTER of the slotted holes of the rake support to allow for expansion and contraction. PURLIN CAUTION! ALL PRIMARY AND SECONDARY FRAMING SHOULD BE ERECTED, PLUMBED,AND BOLTS TIGHTENED PRIOR TO SHEETING. • DL-30 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15.2012 r � ` Houston,TX 877-7134i224 Jackson,IAS 800.622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533.6224 Adal,GA BBB-446.6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729.6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Momphls,TN 800-206.6224 Roma,NY 800.559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829.9324 Oklahoma City,OK 000-597-6224 Salt Lako City,UT 800-B74-2404 Ago Dallas,TX 800-553.6224 Omaha,NE 800-458-6224 San Antonio,TX 800.598-6224 0 Indianapolis,IN 800.735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems double-loW ERECTION" SEQUENCE STE■ TRI-BEAD FASTENER#14 TAPE SEALER DOUBLE FACED TAPE LOW y SYSTEM EAVE BOX PANEL CAP TRIM For applications in which the wall panels 1 have already been erected, install box panel cap trim to the eave strut with i Fastener #14. Trim must be pulled tight WALL PANEL—,,,, EAVE STRUT to wall panels before fastening to eave j strut. Use two fasteners per 10' piece or 3 fasteners per 20'piece. For applications i WALL PANEL INSTALLED BEFORE ROOF in which the wall panels have not been erected,use offset panel cap trim. f FASTENER#14 Lay Tri-bead tape sealer on top of the panel TAPE SEALER - Cap trim(box or offset). 1 _r DOUBLE FACED TAPE OFFSET PANEL CAP TRIM Install double faced tape along the length of the top leg of the panel cap trim (box or offset). Double faced tape must be upslope from Tri-Bead tape sealer. EAVE STRUT WALL PANEL INSTALLED BEFORE OR AFTER ROOF BOX PANEL CAP TRIM OFFSET PANEL CAP TRIM Lap box or offset panel cap trim 2". Apply V URETHANE two beads of urethane sealant between the SEALANT trim pieces, approximately 1"from the end 2°LAp/ of the bottom piece. URETHANE �KBOX PANEL CAP TRIM SEALANT ENDLAP DETAIL 2 LAP 1. I OFFSET PANEL CAP TRIM ENDLAP DETAIL EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE OL-31 F • Houston,TX 877-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800.622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533-6224 Adel,GA 888446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800.768-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphls,TN 000-206-6224 Rome,NY 000-559-6224 Atwater,CA 8OM29.9324 Oklahoma City,OK 600.597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT 000-874-2404 © Dallas,TX 800 653-6224 Omaha,NE 800466-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 000-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems ERECTION SEQUENCE d_o.uble-lolk STEP I i METAL INSIDE LOW SYSTEM CLOSURE FASTENER#1 EAVEN TAL INSIDE FASTENER#14 TRI-BEAD CLOSURE TAPE SEALER DOUBLE FACED TAPE SEALER DOUBLE �— Using Fastener#1, attach the first inside closure to the eave strut, locating the face BOX PANEL of the inside closure with the steel line. CAP TRIM Note that the first inside closure must be field cut in half to fill the void under the partial rib. w WALL PANEL---, EAVE STRUT Locate additional closures on 24" centers from the first closure to maintain panel module, attaching each with Fastener#1. Install two fasteners per closure. The first fastener should be installed through the slotted hole to allow for any adjustment that may be required. Place Tri-Bead tape sealer on the top and side of each closure to complete the seal at the eave. These 2a"ON may be pre-taped before installation. To CENTER CUT FIBERGLASS FROM VAPOR BARRIER maintain panel module, metal inside AND FOLD VAPOR closures must be installed on 24" TRI-BEAD BARRIER OVER centers. Measure from tab to tab TAPE SEALER located on the metal inside closure. Roll out insulation from eave to peak, laying the side of the insulation on top of the rake support. The first roll should be 3'wide. This will keep insulation sidelaps 1' from panel sidelaps. Allow approximately 4"of insulation to hang past the double faced tape (downslope) before sticking the insulation to the double faced tape. Cut and remove the fiberglass approximately 4" and fold the vapor DOUBLE FACED TAPE barrier back over the insulation(upslope). BOX PANEL CAUTION: CAP TIRM The fiberglass Insulation must not interfere with the Tri-Bead tape sealer which provides a positive seal Fit the eave. • DL-32 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 a i • Houston,TX 677.713.6224 Jackson,MS 800-6224136 PhoenlX,AZ 888.533-6224 Ada1.GA 888-446.6224 Lubbock,TX B00-'158.6224 Richmond,VA BOD-729.6224 Atlanta,GA B77.512.6224 Momphls,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-629.9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT 000.874.2404 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE BOD-458-6224 San Antonio,TX 800.598-6224 • Indianapolis,IN 800.735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems ERECTION SEQUENCE double-10h c I 2C NIGH SYSTEM +' FASTENER#1EAVE/METAL INSIDE FASTENER#14 CLOSURE FASTENER#1 Using Fastener#1, attach the first inside METAL INSIDE closure to the eave plate,locating the face CLOSURE of the inside closure with the downslope T> DOUBLE TRI-BEAD FACED TAPE edge of the eave plate. NOTE THAT THE TAPE SEALER _- FIRST INSIDE CLOSURE MUST BE FIELD CUT IN HALF TO FILL THE VOID • BOX PANEL UNDER THE PARTIAL RIB. CAP TRIM HIGH EAVE ,�. PLATE Locate additional closures on 24" centers from the first closure to maintain panel • WALL PANEL EAVE STRUT module, attaching each with Fastener#1. install two fasteners per closure. The first 24"ON fastener should be installed through the CENTER slotted hole to allow for any adjustment that may be required. Place Tri-Bead tape TRI-BEAD sealer on the top and side of each closure TAPE SEALER to complete the seal at the eave. These may be pre-taped before installation. To maintain panel module, metal inside closures must be installed on 24" az centers. Measure from tab to tab located on the metal inside closure. Roll out insulation from eave to peak, laying the side of the insulation on top of the rake support. The first roll DOUBLE FACED TAPE should be T wide.This will keep insulation sidelaps 1' from panel sidelaps. Allow approximately 4"of insulation to hang past HIGH EAVE PLATE the double faced tape(downslope)before sticking the insulation to the double faced BOX PANEL CAP TRIM tape. Cut and remove the fiberglass approximately 4" and fold the vapor barrier back over the insulation(upslope). • CAUTION: The fiberglass insulation must not interfere with the Tri-Bead tape sealer which provides a positive seal at the eave. • DL-34 SEE www.mbcl.cam FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 ` e Houston,TX B77-713.6224 Jackson,MS BOU22-4136 Phoenlz,AZ 886-633.6224 Adel,GA 880-446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800.758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Atlanta,GA B77-512-6224 Memphis,TN B00-206.6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 ' Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Sall Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 80OA58-6224 San Antonio,TX 800.59e-6224 • .%-' Indianapolis,IN e00-735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems RECTION SEQUENCE I I I I ° ER i I i 24"ON CENTER - g� ��HER AL Sifrip AGAR TRI-BEAD (FOR I°IIGH TAPE SEALER SYSTEM ONUO f i DOUBLE FACED TAPE i Position the thermal spacer on top of the insulation over each purlin and against the HIGH EAVE PLATE rake support prior to installing the roof panel. "FLAT EAVE TRIM ' TRI-BEAD i TAPE SEALER INSULATION THERMALSPACER DOUBLE FACED TAPE 6"LONG PIECES @ 3'4"ON CENTER RAKE SUPPORT THERMALSPACER Using spray adhesive, (not by MBCI) adhere the thermal spacer to the insulation. The thermal spacer increases SPRAYADHESIVE the insulation capacity along the purlins. EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-35 • Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-6224136 Phoenix,AZ 808-533-6224 Adel,GA 088-448-8224 Lubbock,TX 80D-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800.729-6224 -�10E 11 Atlanta,GA 877-512,6224 Memphis,TN aD0-206-6224 Rome,NY 800-559.6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 000-597-6224 Soil Lake City,UT 800-874-24D4 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 000458.6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598.6224 1 Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 If Metal Roof and Wall Systems. ERECTION SEQUENCE double 'lok STE I 1 P y; V: TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER MINOR RIB - � �-� -; FIRST PANEL , TAPE SEALER pry , I Apply minor rib tape sealer to the underside of the minor ribs of the i �. panel. Position so that this tape sealer j -�� will cross the Tri-Bead tape sealer on the eave trim (for low system)or on the high eave plate (for high systems)when panel rz s .� is installed. i WALL COVERING THICKNESS 3'/2' Position the panel so that it overhangs the STEEL LINE eave strut by the thickness of the wall FASTENER#1 covering plus 31/2". The upper end of the panel must be 7" beyond the web of the TRI-BEAD n � � M� 3 � purlin. TAPE SEALERr� � PREPUNCHED PANEL HOLES AT THE METAL INSIDE ��, CLOSURE { � '"',' EAVE ARE INTENDED TO BE PART OF THE GUTTER OVERHANG AND WILL BE HIDDEN BY THE GUTTER. FOR A TRI-BEAD— BUILDING WITH SCULPTURED EAVE TAPE SEALER TRIM, THE PREPUNCHED HOLES BOX PANEL WILL BE USED TO ATTACH THE EAVE CAP TRIM EAVE STRUT TRIM TO THE PANEL. DOUBLE FACED 4 , -•,xq�� WALL PANEL TAPE ' :- FASTENER#14 INSULATION Lay the female lip of the panel over the s rake support. To prevent wind damage, secure the female lip to the rake support with "C" clamps or temporary fasteners. Fasteners must go through rake support. The panel will not be fastened — —�— permanently to the rake support until the rake trim is installed. • DL-36 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 ' Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,PAS 800.622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533-6224 Ada).GA 868-448.6224 Lubbock,TX 000-75B-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729.6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512.6224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Sall Lake City,UT BOM74.2404 IIIIIIII Dallas,TX 800-fi53-8224 Omaha,NE 80045E-6224 San Antonio,TX B00-598.6224 Indianapolis,IN 600-735-622,1 Metal Roof and Wall Systems double-101ke ERECTION SEQUENCr. A FIRST PANEL Attach the panel to the eave strut and metal inside closures with Fastener#1 E. Eight fasteners are required at this location. i NOTE: IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE ERECTOR MAINTAIN A 24" MODULE AT i THE EAVE, WITH THE PROPER INSTALLATION OF THE INSIDE CLOSURES AND BY INSTALLING FASTENERS IN THE PROPER SEQUENCE. FASTENER#1E ALL LOCATIONS CAUTION Do not, under any circumstance, step on the panel at the seam or at the panel ends until the adjacent side, end ' panels or eave fasteners are fully ..s. t2�'''[v��f 3.�' BLS,"�JS✓' �`'f.'S�.w.� Nvh"`"". attached. The roof panel may not support the weight of a man at these { locations and could affect panel module. CAUTION The roof should be swept clean of any drill shavings at the end of each clay to prevent rust. EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-37 • Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-6224136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533-6224 Adel,GA 888446-6224 Lubbock,TX BOD-758.6224 Richmond,VA 800.729.6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 000-597.6224 Salt Lake City,UT 000-874-2404 0 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 80045M224 San Antonio,TX 800-598.6224 Indianapolis,IN 800.735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems ERECTION SEQUENCE d-ouble-loW FIELD MODIFY (FIRST RUN ONLY) LOW SYSTEM HIGH SYSTEM STEP CUTAND CUTAND REMOVE REMOVE BACK-UP PLXr NOTE All back-up plates on first panel run will require field modification to avoid fouling rake support. _ X . Slide a back-up plate onto end of panel; o make sure the teeth on top of the back-up o o plate are on top of the panel. Visually check to see that the holes in the panel Exxs align with the holes in the back-up plate. O o; TAPE SEALER ON MALE LEG Place Tri-Bead tape sealer over the entire width of the panel. It must be centered - directly over the pre-punched holes, following the panel configuration. 0 CAUTION 0 • °, Forcing the tape sealer back into the corners will lessen the thickness of the tape sealer where it is needed most. RIGHT WAY WRONG WAY DL-38 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15.2012 8-533-6224 . Houston,TX446-63.8224 Jackson,MS ODO-752-0138 Phoenix,AZ 8800-729-62 Adel,GA 886-048-6224 Lubbock,TX 800.758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729.6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-206.6224 Rome,NY BOD-659.8224 Alwoler,CA 800-828-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 80D-507-6224 Salt Lake Clly,UT B[IO-874-24114 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE BODA50-6224 San.Anionlo,TX 800 596-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800.735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systerlts double-101k° RECTION SEQUENCE_� STEP p f i i CLIP INSTALLATION _ Before installing the first clip, clamp the male side of the panel to the side of the back-up plate with a pair of Vise-Grip® locking pliers. This will help maintain panel module at the endlaps. Install a clip on the male leg of the panel at the endlap. This should be the first clip installed as It controls the 24" module for the remainder of the panel. Remove Vise-Grip® locking pliers and install clips on all remaining purlins. •' 24' FASTENER REQUIREMENTS Purlins-Fastener#1 or#1 F Joists-Fastener#6 (Two fasteners per clip) CAUTION For UL 90 Roofs, see Page DL-4. CAUTION The panel clip has factory applied mastic in the upper lip. This mastic is compressed when the clip is rotated in place. If, for some reason,a clip must be removed,a new clip must be Used. Position the clip over the male leg of the panel as shown,and rotate clip downward. IMPORTANT As each clip is installed, maintain a 24" JV •With the uppper clip firmlyy sealed,position the panel module. base firmly against the purlin flange. When properly positioned,the vertical legs of the upper and lower sections of the clip will be pointed upward,as shown. FASTENER#1 • EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE OL-39 Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-6224136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533-822 Adel,GA 888-046-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729.6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-206.6224 Rome,NY 800-559-B224 Atwater,CA 800.829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800-458-6224 San Antonio,TX 600.598.6224 Indianapolis,IN B00-735-8224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems ERECTION SEQUENCE . I I I I ° I 3' z NOTE Step 7 applies only where more than ..R one panel is used in a single slope. Position female lip of upper panel over rake support,while holding male side of panel up away from the tape sealer. Using an awl,align the hole nearest the • female side of the top panel with the corresponding hole in the lower panel 4% a' 3 and the back-up plate. Once this is accomplished, rotate the male side of the upper panel down to rest DOWN SLOPR 'iAPE3 ALp'NT on the Vise-Grip®locking pliers. Make sure the panel notches are aligned. PANES CLIP l2 REQ ER10 ED1 3" Remove awl and insert in the middle hole nearest the male leg.Install Fastener#1 E in the hole by the female leg. ` 4 • CAUTION The roof should be swept clean of any drill shavings at the end of each day to prevent rust. DL-00 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,20112 Phoen • s Jackson,MS BaD-758-0138 Richmond, A 800-72 224 Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Richmond,VA 8-533-8-2224 Adel,GA 88877-51 26 MemphisLubbock,TX 800.-708-8 24 Rome,NY 600-559-6224 Atlanta,GA 877.512.822A Memphis City, y,OK OD-59 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma dty,OK 800-597.6224 Sell Lake Cily,UT 800.874-2404 Oallas,TX 800.653-6224 Omaha,NE 80OA58.6224 San Anion TX 000-598-6224 I Indianapolis,IN 800-735.8224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems double-10W ENDLAP I I p ZTSnr�,. 2 NOTE Step 8 applies only where more than one panel is used in a single slope. All holes in the upper and lower panels ALL LOCATIONS FASTENER and the back-up plate should now be aligned with each other. 71 3 2 5 s B Install Fastener#1 E in sequence 2,3 and the hole left by the awl after it is removed (4). Next, remove the Vise-Grip®locking pliers and install Fastener#1E in positions 5,6,7 and 8. To ensure that the male legs do not FASTENER SEQUENCE separate at the panel endlap,,clamp the FIRST RUN-ENDLAP horizontal ledge with a"C clamp until the endlap is fastened together. Apply Tri- Bead tape sealer over the notched FASTENER#1E portion of these male legs. Repeat the endlap procedures as required for each panel untill the ridge or high eave Is reached. TRI-BEAD l TAPE SEALER � I - • EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL41 s Houston,TX B77-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800.622A136 Phoenix,AZ 888.533-6224 Adel,GA 88BA46.6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729.6224 Atlanta,GA B77-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-7..08-6224 Rome,NY B00.559.8224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 000-597-6224 Salt Lek.City,UT 800.874-2404 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 80DA58-6224 San Antonio,TX 80D-598.6224 r Indianapolis.IN 80D•735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems I ERECTION SEQUENCE I I I I ° I i STEP 7511 t t i I f RIDGE PANEL J ,x. o NOTE All back-up plates on first panel run will require field modification to avoid fouling rake support. rx At the ridge, install a back-up plate as in Step 5. The back-up plate is necessary 1 -+- to maintain panel module. Install Fastener ME upslope from the ,a holes at each side of the panel. s ` Fasteners should be at the edge of the' panel. This will help maintain panel modularity at the ridge. MOO ; s FASTENERME Install Tri-Bead tape sealer across the ey �� profile of the male leg at the ridge. This tape sealer will be centered 1/z from the end of the panel, which is also in alignment with the prepunched holes. 9 , F DO NOT INSTALL TAPE SEALER ACROSS PANEL AT RIDGE AT THIS TIME. FASTENER#1E � Install clips on ridge panel as in Step 6. CAUTION Installing the tape sealer to the male leg at the ridge is important, Without it,water COLIld be driven behind the outside closure by a strong wind. DLA2 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 C � • ' Jackson,MS B00-022.4136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533,6224 Houston,TX-446-63-6224 Richmond,VA 800.729-6224 Adel,GA 888-0-512-64 MemphisLubbock.TX 800-2 0-6 24 Rome,NY 800.559-6224 Atlanta,GA 077-512-0224 Memphis,City, y,OK 00-59 Lake City,UT Atwater,CA 890-829-9324 Omaha,N 800OI(-6224 7-6224 Sant Antonio,TX 800-0698 2244 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800-058-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems double-loW f STE s� I ■ I 3 2 10 SUBSEQUENT RUBS m �g a E g�,��9 E Apply tape sealer to the male leg of the first panel run directly over the METAL INSIDE CLOSURE Inside closure. This will prevent water infiltration through the end of the seam. Install the next run of insulation and another inside closure using Fastener#1. TRI-BEAD The second run of roof is now ready k= TAPE SEALER to install. 1 Holding the male side of the next panel up, lay the female lip on top of the male leg of the adjacent panel and align it flush at the eave. Rotate the panel down, visually checking that the female lip is engaged onto the male leg of the adjacent panel along its entire length. IF THE PANEL MUST BE RAISED FOR FURTHER ALIGNMENT, CARE . SHOULD BE TAKEN TO AVOID „ •' PULLING THE FACTORY APPLIED MASTIC FROM THE FEMALE LIP, Install Fastener #1 E at eave in the FASTENER#1 E recommended sequence. Eight fasteners ALL LOCATIONS are required at this location. CAUTION ION II I I Do not Walk oil the minor ribs. FASTENER SEQUENCE CAUTION SUBSEQUENT RUNS-EAVE The roof should be swept clean of any _ drill shavings at the end of each day to prevent rust. • EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 16.2012 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE OL43 224 • Houston,TX 877-713-8224 Jackson,MS 800-6224138 Phoenix,AZ 888-533.6 Adel,GA 888446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758.6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800.206-6224 Rome,NY 800-559.6224 Atwater,CA 800-629-9324 Oklahoma City,ON 800-597.6224 Salt Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 ® Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 80DAS 8224 San Antonio,TX 800.598-6224 p F Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems ERECTION SEQUENCE . I I I I ° i COMPLETE ENGAGEMENT OF BACK-UP PLATESi SUBSEQUENT RUNS ENDLAP Install back-up plate and tape sealer as in Step 5. However, on this and all subsequent runs, care must be taken to engage the tab on the side Into the slot of the adjacent back-up plate. This procedure will assist in maintaining a 24" • panel module. o Install clips as described in Step 6. w Install upper panel as described in Step 7&8. FASTENER#1E—� 4 ALL LOCATIONS 17 1 3 2 5 6 8\ Repeat the endlap procedures as required for each panel until the ridge is reached. FASTENER SEQUENCE SUBSEQUENT RUNS-ENDLAP • DL-44 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 .. Houston,TX 877=/13-0224 Jackson,MS 800-622A 136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533-6224 Adel,GA 886A46.6224 Lubbock,TX 800-768.6224 Richmond,VA 800-720-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800.206-6224 Rome,NY 600.559-8224 Ahvalar,CA 600-029-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800•597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 � Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,HE 800-458-6224 Son Antonio,TX 800.598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 600-735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems double-10W ERECTION SEQUENCE 3-Ti - 6 4 • f i SUBSEQUENT RUNS RUI RIDGEIOUTSIDE C. CLOSURE 0 u Install back-up plate, taking care to engage the tab on the side with the slot on r � f the adjacent back-up plate. i" I. FASTENER#1 E p� Install Fastener #1 E and Tri-Bead tape sealer as described in Step 9. 1 . Install clips as described in Step 6. CAUTION Installing tape seater to the male leg is important. without it,water could be driven beind the outside closure by a strong wind • EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DLAS a — Houston,TX B77-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533-6224 Adel,GA 86"8-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758.6224 Richmond,VA BOO.729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-208.5224 Rome,NY.800.559.6224 Atwater,CA 800-829.9324 Oklahoma Clty,OK BOD-597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT 800.874-2404 Dallas,TX 800.653-6224 Omaha,NE 80OA56-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-59B-6224 J Metal Roof and Wall Systems Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 ERECTION SEQUENCE double-loh@ i i SEAMING PA14EL r I SIDELAPS t The seamer comes in a specially designed box accompanied by a field manual and a hand seaming tool. READ THE SEAMER MANUAL THOROUGHLY BEFORE STARTING THE SEAMING OPERATION. FAILURE TO ADHERE TO THESE D® INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY AND DAMAGE TO THE SEAMIER AND/OR PANELS. THE ERECTOR WILL BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED FOR REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR. PRE-SEAMING INFORMATION 1.1-ocate seamer box. Assemble hand seaming tool. DIRECTION DIRECTION 2.Locate power source and check against OF ROOF OF ROOF power requirements in field manual. INSTALLATION INSTALLATION 3,Check seams for proper engagement. 4.Clean dirt, debris and excess sealant from seams and panel surfaces to avoid " interfering with the seaming operation. 5.Panels do not have to be seamed as j they are installed. However, to prevent x UZ11z panel separation by a strong wind, panels should be seamed as soon as possible. ALL PANELS SHOULD BE SEAMED AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEAMING OPERATION To determine the direction of the seaming 5�1Eu VI6„ process, stand at the eave and look I I upslope. If the roof is being installed from left to right,the seamer will run from ridge to eave. If the roof is being installed from right to left, the seamer will run from eave to ridge. INSPECTION OF SEAM A visual inspection of the seam should be made to determine if the seam is forming properly. Check seam against the cross section provided. IF THE SEAMER IS NOT PRODUCING A FINISHED SEAM Cross Section of Finished Seam IDENTICAL TO THE CROSS SECTION • (Actual Size) PICTURED, STOP AT ONCE AND CALL ` MBCI AT 1-877-713-6224 EXT.28069. OL46 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 s • + Houston,TX 077-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800-8224136 PhoenRichmond, AZ 888-533-6224 Adel,GA 888-046-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-5224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800.206.6224 Rome,NY 800-55M224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK B00-597-6224 Sail Lake City,LIT 800-874-2404 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800458-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-8224 Indlenapolls,IN 800.735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems double-101W ERECTION SEQUENCE t t LH nn ��AAOPERATION HANDLE CAUTION It is critical that the panel seams are r;rimped and folded as shown before FORMING FORMING using the electric seamer. Failure to ARM GREASEARM follow these guidelines will result In FITTINGS damaged seams. To begin seaming with hand tool, set the BEGINNING FINISHED hand tool on the seam making sure seam PHASE 1 ACTION PHASE 1 ACTION is in the PHASE 1 ACTION slot.Align the edge of the hand tool with the end of the panel. Rotate the forming arm under the handle to produce 6"of PHASE 1 seam. This should be done four times along the seam for a total of 24" �1 HANDLE HANDLE Return to the end of the panel to begin PHASE 2 ACTION. Set hand tool onto seam making sure seam is in the PHASE FORMING FORMING 2 ACTION slot.Align the edge of the hand ARM GREASE tool with the end of the panel. Rotate the FITTINGS o o forming arm under the handle to produce 6"of finished PHASE 2 seam.This should be done once per rib.The relationship of this 6" of finished seam to the 24" of BEGINNING FINISHED crimped seam Is critical to the proper PHASE 2 ACTION PHASE.2 ACTION alignment of the rolls In the electric seamer. PHASE 1 ACTION (FEMALE LIP CRIMPED) PHASE 2 ACTION (FINISHED SEAM) 6" 24" The seam is now ready to accept the electric seamer. • EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DLA7 • ' Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-0136 Phoenix,AZ 888-633• 6224 Adel,GA 888446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-750-6224 Richmond,VA 000.12"224 Atlanta,GA 877-512.6224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY Boo-559-6224 Atwater,CA B00-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 000-597-6224 Salt Lake CRY,UT 000-874-2404 Dallas,TX B00-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800-05B-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-59&6224 Indianapolis,IN 600.735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems I double-loW ERECTION SEQUENCE � f I t STAGE 1 ONLY 13 (FEMALE LIP CRIMPED) i 1e° 4 SrEAMING OPERATION STAGES 1 AND 2 (FINISHED SEAM) Set seamer on seam with the locking arm 6„ up and to open side of the seam.The rear wheels should be at the edge of the panel. Check to see that the last roll of the seamer is on the finished portion of the seam and the other rolls are on the crimped portion of the seam. Push the SO locking arm down to engage the rolls and turn the seamer on. CAUTION Seamer motor is equipped with 15 amp circuit breaker. Extension cord wire size LOCKING ARM must be 10 gauge and no longer than 200'from power Source. The manufacturer will not be responsible for motor damage if above instructions are not adhered to. o 0 CAUTION ..., Seamer operation should be closely • .+ s supervised at all times. A safety cable °--T— should be attached to the seamer. Stop seamer about one foot from ridge. Disengage locking arm and remove the electric seamer. Finish seam with hand tool by first crimping the remaining portion of female lip. Then, using the second stage of the hand tool,fold and finish the seam,Repeat o G this procedure for all panels. IF 'DIFFICULTY ARISES USING THE SEAMING MACHINE, PLEASE CALL • 877-713-6224 EXT.28069 DL48 SEE www.mhcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEDRUARY 15,2012 Houston,TX 877-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800.6224136 Phoenlz,A2 888-533-6224 Adel,GA 888446.6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758.6224 Richmond,VA 800-729.6224 's a f`10 03�ft%'h�' Atlanta,GA B77-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-206.8224 Rome,W 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK BOD-597-6224 Sall Leke City,UT 800-874-2404 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800458.6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems I I I I ° ERECTION SEQUENCE 6 SEAMER 6 0 DIRECTION 6 DO NOT 1 CRIMP THIS i AREA 14 RAKE SUPPORT i LAST PAN L RUN � This roof system is designed to finish in the PREPARING PANEL FOR SEAMER high on even footage buildings by using WITH HAND TOOL STEEL LINE 24", 18",or 12"panels on the last run. With insulation in place,install rake support along steel line. FINISHING ON MODULE If your roof is finishing on module,the male ° ° leg of the last panel run will need to be a flattened before installation, with the exception of the first and the last 6"of each ° 6" START SEAMER ° panel. This will allow for proper panel 6"FROM END engagement at endlaps once panels are OF PANEL STOP SEAMER installed. Use the hand tool to flatten the 6"FROM END 6 male leg 6"from the starting end.(Refer to OF PANEL legend plate on seamer to determine the FLATTENING MALE LEG BEFORE end that the seamer will start from.) With PANEL INSTALLATION locking bar up, place seamer on male leg so that the last two rolls of the seamer are '>r-6„ FLATTEN WITH on the flattened portion of the seam. The HAND TOOL first two rolls will be under the unflattened portion of the seam.Lower locking bar and 9" run seamer to within 6" of the end of the panel. Raise locking bar and remove 6„ seamer. Repeat this procedure for all panels. Install panels as usual. Use hand tool to finish the unflattened portion of the FINISHING WITH HAND male leg at the eave,ridge and endlaps. TOOLAFTER PANEL INSTALLATION 4"MIN FINISHING OFF MODULE 8"MAX If the panel ends 4"-8"away from the rake VARIABLE MINIMUM 1" support due to an out-of-square condition TERMINATION RAKE TRIM or other factors, simply install the panel TRIM -------,------/- clips and run seamer over male leg. This will lock the clips in place and flatten the male leg.This system allows for the roof to FOLD BACK be trimmed in the high. VINYL CAUTION The seamer will not support itself while flattening the male leg on the last full. It must be supported during this operation. EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15.2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL49 •' Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jaekson,MS 800.6224136 Phoenix,AZ 888-633.6224 Adel,GA 888.446.6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800.208.6224 Rome,NY 800-559-8224 Atwater,CA 800-029.9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 Dallas,TX BOM53-6224 Omaha,NE 800458-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-59B-8224 x � ®Metal Roof and Wall Systems indlsnepolls,IN 800.735-8224 ERECTION SEQU'ENCE I I I I ° FIELD FORM PANEL TO FIT FINAL RAf<E SUPPORT DIMENSION — STEP 3 6 6 4 - FOLD BACK VINYL s LAST PANEL RUB! � OPTIONAL FASTENER#5 FASTENER#12 The roof is designed to finish in the high on even footage buildings. Odd length FULLPANEL 8"TO18- buildings and variations in erection practices may dictate that an alternate detail be used. --'' When terminating in an odd dimension, ` field cut and bend a 3"vertical leg on the al, PARTIAL PANEL(6"TO 16"SPACE t` panel. PANEL MUST BE FIELD FORMED) FIELD FORM PANEL After laying the last Insulation run, l'O FIT FINAL DIMENSION install the field formed panel. RAKE SUPPORT Temporarily fasten the formed leg of 4FOLD BACK the panel to the rake support with VINYL vice grips. The combination of field formed panel and Variable Termination Trim may be /FASTENER#5 used to accommodate large dimensions as shown. Refer to page DL-78 for VARIABLE alterate termination details. TERMINATION TRIM 18"TO 23" 18"MAX. 5" i I ' PARTIAL PANEL (16"TO 23"SPACE PANEL MUST BE FIELD FORMED) CAUTION The roof should be swept clean of any drill shavings at the end of each day to prevent rust. DL-50 SEE vmw.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 • Houston,TX 87T-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-4136 Phoenix,AZ BBB-533-6224 Adel,GA 888-046-6262 Lubbock,Memphis TX 000-206-224 Richmond,00 800-729-6224 � Atlanta,GA 877-51'L-6224 Memphis,TN 800-2y6-6224 Rome,NY City,UT B 24 O-8 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800.597-6224 belt Lake City,UT 800-874-2404QD Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 80OA68-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800.735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems deable-kok ERECTION SEQUENCE All i. - >S� OUTSIDE CLOSURE After all panel runs are installed and seamed, return to first panel run at the FASTENER WE ridge. Install Tri-Bead tape sealer across full width of each panel, covering the prepunched holes. Rotate outside closure into position contacting the female side of the panel first. Using an awl,align the first hole on • y � '� ` 5 e L the female side of the outside closure with the corresponding hole in z- the panel and back-up plate. Remove ✓- 3 �. the awl and install Fastener 41 E URETHANE SEALANT In this hole. t. BETWEEN OUTSIDE CLOSURE TABS Push the other end of the outside closure into position and align the holes FASTENER#1E with the awl. Remove the awl and install Fastener #1 E in all remaining holes except for the hole at the panel seam. Do not install the panel seam fastener at this time. h Myra* � s Install all outside closures on both i sides of the ridge. i � If the last panel run was field modified, URETHANE SEALANTAS FASTENER#1E the final outside closure on the last panel REQUIRED will require field modification as well. A tab should be formed on the end FIELD CUT AND BEND of the outside closure for attachment to FASTENER#1E(2 REQUIRED) the upturned leg of the roof panel (field FIELD FORMED TAB formed).This tab should be attached to UPTURNED PANEL LEG the panel with Fastener #1 E, two required. Install Fastener #1E in remaining hole at the panel seam of all outside l�•. ����� ���,�,�,�+�� �� „6,,, ' closures. The fastener installed in the RAKE _ f top hole must go through the panel seam SUPPORT ' + and the corresponding hole of the r TAPE SEALANT adjacent outside closure. FASTENER#1 E Use urethane sealant to fill any voids BACK-UP PLATE d panel seam on upslope side of (FIELD MODIFIED) TAPE SEALANT around outside cosure. , • EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mhcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL51 s Jackson,MS 800-6224136 Phoenix,AZ 688-6336224 Houston,TX 446-63-6224 Richmond,VA 600-729-6224 Allan GA 808-0-512-64 MemphisLubbock,TX 800-7506224 Rome,NY 800.659-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512--93 4 Memphis,City, y,OK 6 0-59 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma Clty,OK 800.597-6224 Saln Antonio TX 800.590 62244 • Dallas,TX 800.653.6224 Omaha,NE 800-35"224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems -ERECTION , SEQUENCE double-10hg) STEP I i URETHANE SEALANT 16 AS REQUIRED TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER RIDGE-OUTSIDE y ` Apply Tri-Bead tape sealer to the top Of the outside closure. TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER i OUTSIDE CLOSURE FASTENER#4 6"MINIMUM � � ��fi� RIDGE FLASH ° Install the ridge flashing starting and ending 11/4" plus wall thickness outside the steel line. Fasten the ridge flashing to the outside closures with Fastener #4. Install a fastener 11/2" from panel seam on both sides of panel. Install additional fasteners directly above minor ribs of 1'/a'PLUS WALL panel. Four fasteners are required at THICKNESS each panel. Leave 6" unfastened on each end to allow for the rake trim to be installed later. DO NOT FASTEN THROUGH THE LOCK OF THE RIDGE FLASH STANDING SEAM. 111V 7" 7" 7" 1'/z' 11/z YFa� sF For floating peak box installation see page DL-79. FASTENER#4 OUTSIDE CLOSURE Tape Sealer 24" • EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 DL-52 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE . o Houston,TX 877-713.8224 Jackson;MS 800-622-0136 Phoenix,d, A 8-533-6224 000.729-6224 Adel,GA 888-048-6224 Lubbock,T%800-758-622A Richmond,VA 800.729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-208-8224. Rome,NY 800-559.6224 Atwater,CA B00.829-9324 Oklahoma Clty,OK 800-597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT BOD-874-2404 Dallas,TX BOM53-6224 Omaha,NE B00-05B-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systents double-101ko SPECIAL ERECTION TECHNIQUES RECOMMENDED ERECTION PRACTICES CORRECTING OUT-OF-PLANE SUBSTRUCTURE A Occasionally a purlin may be encountered za�� a �, that is lower (out-of-plane) than those adjacent to it. When a clip is attached to this purlin, it will go down further than those STEEL SHIM adjacent to it,distorting the seam. This can cause the next panel sidelap to be difficult to lap together in this area. To compensate for this lower purlin, a steel shim may be placed under the clip to bring it up to the proper height(in plane).This shim should be no thicker than 1/4". If 1/4"is not enough, then structural modification will be necessary. Avoid "stair-stepping" of the panels at the eave. This will cause problems engaging X back-up plates at the endlap and ridge. Any"stripped out"fasteners at the endlaps or outside closures should be immediately replaced with Fastener#2A. Place a 1"long piece of tri-bead tape sealer over the "stripped out"hole before installing Fastener #2A.This will allow the fastener threads to be coated with tape sealer and provide a good seal. NEVER ALLOW PANELS TO COME FIRST PANEL LAST COMPLETED INTO CONTACT WITH LEAD, COPPER, PANEL RUN GRAPHITE, GASOLINE OR OTHER HARSH CHEMICALS AS THIS WILL VOID THE GALVALUME@ WARRANTY. I X CHECK ROOF FOR PANEL ALIGNMENT x Check the roof every three or four runs for panel alignment as it is being.erected. This can be accomplished by two different means. PEAK 1. Measure from the rake support to the PURLIN seam of the last completed panel run. Take measurements at the ridge, eave, EAVE STRUT and all endlaps. 2. Attach a stringline to the eave plate and ridge purlin, running parallel to the rake support. The stringline should stay ahead of the work and can be moved across the roof as construction progresses. Measure from the stringline back to the last completed panel run. Take measurements at the ridge, eave, and all endlaps. • EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-53 - ' Jackson,MS BOO-6224136 Phoenix,AZ 808.633-6224 Houston,TX-446-6 3-6224 Richmond,VA 600-729.6224 1'4010�8=wft`--� Adel,GA SBB-448-8224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-8224 Rome,NY B00.559-6224 Atlanta,GA 8 00-8 2-93 4 Oklahoma Memphis,City, y,OKO 00-59 Atwater,CA 77-52-6224 Oklahoma N 8 ON 806224 6224 Salt Lake City,BOD 5 000-874-2404 Dallas,TX 800.653-8224 Omaha,NE 80OA5B-8224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 ' + ® Indianapolis,IN BOD-735-6224 - Metal Roof and Wall Systems E I 3 � RECOMMENDED ERECTION �y t SLIDING CLIP PRACTICES (CONTINUED) t, �1 ADJUSTING PANEL WIDTH y STRETCHING NOTE PANEL COVERAGE @ Do not adjust panel width more 6 than 1/2"on any panel area. SLIDING CLIP To stretch panel coverage,Install the clip at the panel endlap or ridge with the =' t SLIDING CLIP base angled away from the panel. As the fastener is installed through the base of the clip and into the purlin, the clip base will rotate down to the purlin causing the top of the clip to move ` SHRINKING outward, stretching the panel coverage. PANEL COVERAGE Install the remainder of the clips as usual. • To shrink panel coverage, install the clip at the panel endlap or ridge with the base angled toward the panel. As the fastener is installed through the base of the clip and into the purlin, the clip base will rotate down to the purlin causing the top of the clip to move inward, shrinking panel coverage. Install the remainder of 1/4,MAX 1/4"MAX. / the clips as usual. BACK-UP PLATES To stretch panel coverage, bend the sides of the back-up plate out and install at endlap or ridge. Do not bend either STRETCHING PANEL COVERAGE side more than 1/4". Install clips as usual. " 1/4"MAX. 1/4"MAX. / To shrink panel coverage,bend the sides of the back-up plate in and install at endlap or ridge. Do not bend either side more than 1/4". Install clips as usual. SHRINKING PANEL COVERAGE DL-54 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 16,2012 • 4 I HanelaA BB D77-7113-6224 Jackson,MS 800-758.6224 Phoenix,AZA800-729.6224 Adal,GA BBB-04B-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-T68.622A Richmond,VA 800-729.8224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-20"224 Rome,NY 000-559.6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City OK 800-597-6224 Salll LakeAnto it TX 0800-87424 4 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800-458-6224 • Indianapolis,IN800.735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems double-lok, SPECIAL.ERECTION TECHNIQUES RECOMMENDED ERECTION PRACTICES (CONTINUED) 24.E ALIGNMENT Using Panel Alignment Strap \ STRAP PPEAK URLIN Panel alignment straps can be used to hold - PURLIN panel module. Install alignment straps at each end lap purlin and the peak purlin for ALIGNMENTSTRAP the full length of the building.The alignment ENDLAP straps have two lances at 24"on center that PURLIN allow the base of the panel clip to nest In PURLIN between them.The vertical leg of the panel clip should fit snugly against the flat side of EAVE STRUT the tall lance in the alignment strap. • �PANELCLIP �If+P - BACK-UP PLATE ALIGNMENT STRAP Start the alignment strap at the rake support TRI-BEAD P�,K angle.The alignment strap has two tabs on TAPE SEALER PURLIN one end and one tab on the other end. The BACK-UP PLATE end with two tabs should be oriented to ALIGNMENT STRAP leading end of the roof panel installation.The first alignment strap should be installed with ENDLAP the flat side of the tall lance exactly 24"from PURLIN SAVE TRIM PURLIN the vertical leg of the rake support angle. • Fasten the alignment strap to the purlin with METAL INSIDE EAVESTRUT Fastener #1 at each prepunched hole CLOSURE location. Subsequent alignment straps will be engaged to the previous strap and fastened to the purlins as outlined above. TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER During panel installation, panel clips at the end lap and ridge purlins are to be Installed first. When installing these clips, ensure the clip bases fit in between the void created by FIELD CUT VARIES the two vertically formed lances in the Q OF STARTING SIOELAP DIRECTION OF INSTALLATION -- alignment strap. This will hold the clips at these locations on 24" module. After these clips are installed,the remaining clips can be installed in any order convenient to the OPTIONAL PANEL CLIP ALIGNMENT STRAP erector. (6--0-LONG) LOCATED AT ENDLAP PURLIN AND THE PEAK PURLIN EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-55 • Houston,TX 877-713.8224 Jackson,MS 800.622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 088-53346224 Adel,GA 808-446-6224. Lubbock,TX 800.758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877.512.6224 Memphis,TN 800-2004i224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 8OD-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800.591-6224 Salt Lake Clty,UT 600.874-2404 • ® Dallas,TX 800.653.8224 Omaha,NE 800-458-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598.6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems SPECIAL ERECTION TECHNIQUES I I I I ° RIDGE VENTILATOR I I NOTE MBCI does not recommend the use ! PREFORMED of a ridge ventilator on standing seam FORA 1:12 P roof systems. Sidewall or endwall exhaust fans or other ventilating 2:12 methods should be considered. These s:1 details are for your convenience only. 4:1 Only a 9" ridge ventilator can be used 5:1 with this SSR system. Do not use 6:1 MENDCOAP ' o ridge ventilators on any roof over 200' In width or with a slope less than 1:12 or greater than 6:12. INSTALLATION Turn ventilator over and place gently SIDE SKIRT on its top. Note that the end cap is pre-formed for a 1:12 roof pitch. The five �. bench mark dots represent 2:12, 3:12, 4:12,5:12 and 6:12 roof pitches. Draw a line between indicated corners and the appropriate dot for the roof pitch. Cut • and remove that portion of the end cap. On 5:12 and 6:12 roof pitches see vent manufacturer's special instructions for the installation of the vent skirt. The end cap is now ready to receive the end skirt. CAUTION The end skirts shipped with ridge ventilators will not work on a standing seam roof. You must order a"Ridge DAMPER Vent SS KIP'for each ridge CONTROLARM ventilator to be installed on Double- END SKIRT LokO roofs. This kit contains two end skirts which must be installed to support the ventilator. -. N.-I , n �2 s F y Position end skirt onto and cap. Be sure END CAP �� the down-turned angle of the end skirt is r inside of and up against the end cap. FASTENER#4 Attach end skirt to ventilator end cap with END CAP Fastener#4 in four places. DL-62 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 16,2012 Phoen Houston,TX-446-6 3-6224 Jackson,MS 800.6224136 Richmond, A 800-729-24 Adel,GA 008-046-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA B00-729-8224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-200-6224 Rome,NY B00-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829.9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Sell Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 8004BB-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598.6224 I Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal ROOF an,l Wall al Systems double-Johe SPECIAL ERECTION TECHNIQUES RIDGE VENTILATOR FASTENER#4 INSTALLATION (CONTINUED) t After Tri-Bead tape sealer has been applied to top of outside closures, install URETHANE ventilator in proper location. Be sure to SEALANT center in opening. Attach ventilator to j fe outside closures with Fastener#4 on 6" {I centers. Use tube sealant to seal between the outside of the ventilator and the end skirt. TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER Install the ridge flashing as in Step 16, ® except for those pieces on either side of ventilator. These will lay on top of, and seal to, the ventilator end skirt with a FASTENER#4 ridge end cap. Use Tri-Bead tape sealer + to seal the ridge end cap to the ridge flashing and the end skirt. Use Fastener .. #4 to install the end cap. Six fasteners are required to tie the end cap to the END SKIRT ventilator end skirt. Eight fasteners are END SKIRT required to tie the end cap to the ridge ` flashing. t-FASTENER#4 RIDGE FLASHING RIDGE END CAP For Continuous ventilators, Install end skirts on both ends of the first ventilator and one end of all following ventilators. VENTILATOR Attach ventilator to outside closures as END CAP outlined above. Install an additional URETHANE Fastener #4 through the corner of the SEALANT TUBE SEALANT side skirt and into the and skirt. Do not connect more than 4 vents to the ! same linkage. FASTENER#4 END SKIRT ' EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE OL-63 • Houston,86 3.6224 84.446-646-6 Jackson,MS 800-6224136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533.6224 Adel,GA 224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-8224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800.206.6224 Rome,NY 800-559.6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Solt San LakeAnto City X UT BOM7 82244 0 Dallas,TX 600.653-6224 Omaha,NE 800-058-6224 Indlanapolla,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and,Wall Systems RIDGE VENTILATOR f RIDGE VENTILATOR P i I FASTENER#4 (6"O.C.) TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER CLIP 00 0 00 Q BACK-UP PLATE OUTSIDE CLOSURE FASTENER#1 E INSULATION FASTENER#1 (9 PER PANEL) CAUTION FVent ped with ridge ventilators will not work on a standing seam roof. You must order a it'for each ridge ventilator to be installed on Double-Lek°roofs. This kit contains two ust be installed to support the ventilator. NOTES: ONLY 9" RIDGE VENTILATORS CAN BE USED WITH THIS SSR SYSTEM. DO NOT USE RIDGE VENTILATORS ON ANY ROOF OVER 200' IN WIDTH OR WITH A SLOPE LESS THAN 1:12 OR GREATER THAN 6:12. SEE PAGES DL-25 AND DL-28 FOR FASTENER SELECTION. ' DL•64 SEE www.mbci.cam FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 16,2012 c ' Houston,TX 077-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 888533-6224 Adel,GA 6884-512-64 Lubbock,TX 800--20"24 Richmond,VA 55M29-fi224 � Atlanta,GA 077-512-fi224 Memphis,TN 800.208-8224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK B00-597-6224 Sall Lake City,UT 800.874-2404 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800458-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 " Indianapolis,IN 800-735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall Syste►rls double-10W VENTED RIDGE I FASTENER(3 PER PANEL) 9„ RIDGE FASTENER 14 2 4" FLASHING 6"O.C. 2 FASTENER#4 24 O.C. p METALVENT 1 1 HW-525 VENT AL Double-LokO ~` (INCLUDAED TERI WITH PANEL METAL VENT) CD FASTENER#1E� (6 PER PANEL) (3 PER PANEL FOR ® LOW 12"WIDE PANELS) FASTENER Al PANEL CLIP 7" � (2 REQUIRED)TRI-BEAD BACK-UP PLATE PURLIN TAPE SEALER • L OUTSIDE CLOSURE �- FASTENER (3 PER PANEL) • 9" 1 RIDGE FASTENER#4 2 1'4" FLASHING 6"D.C. FASTENER 94 24"O.C. PERFORATED VENT DRIP FL-264 Double-Lok PANEL OOPo D Q FASTENER#1E� (6 PER PANEL) (3 PER PANEL FOR 12"WIDE PANELS) LOW FASTENER 0 PANEL CLIP 7„ � (2 REQUIRED)TRI-BEAD BACK-UP PLATE PURLIN TAPE SEALER LOUTSIDE CLOSURE • EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-65 ► ► Phoenix,AZ 888-533.6224 88 Houston, 3-8224 Jackson,MS 800-622-0138 Adel,GA 8446-646.6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758.6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-8224 Memphis,TN 800-20B-6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK B00.597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT 1300.874-2404 • ® Dallas,TX B00-853-6224 Omaha,NE 800-458.6224 Son Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 • Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems 1 a -4 4� 1 MID SLOPE FIXED CONDITION f 3' UPPER Double-Lok° A" 3 UPPER Double-Loka A' PANEL PANEL i FASTENER#1 E I FASTENER M E (11 PER ENDLAP) (11 PER ENDLAP) INSIDE INSIDE TRI-BEAD TRI-BEAD CLOSURE „TAPE SEALER CLOSURE SEALER FASTENER#1 FASTENER 91 LOWER Double-Lok° LOWER Double-Loki (2)PER CLOSURE PANEL (2)PER CLOSURE PANEL FIXED FIXED ENDLAP ENDLAP LOW MID FIXED 1'�e HIGH MID FIXED 'ta PLATE(HW-7632) PLATE(HW-7636) FASTENER#1 FASTENER#1 LOW SYSTEM (6"O.C.) HIGH SYSTEM (6"D.C.) Double-Loke ADDITIONAL FASTENER#1E UPPER PANEL BETWEEN PRE-PUNCHED HOLES FASTENERME FASTENER91E m m IN PRE-PUNCHED o a e a o INSIDE CLOSURE HOLES GUTTER STRAP WALL PANEL THICKNESS Guble-Lo e FASTENER#14 WERP EL FLOATING LOW EAVE PLATE(HW-7617) FASTENER#4 i Double-Lok'PANEL FASTENER LOCATION INSULATION FASTENER#1E INSIDE CLOSURE TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER FASTENER#14 FASTENER#4 AT 12"O.C. DOUBLE FACED TAPE FASTENER#5 FASTENER 95 OFFSET PANEL TRI-BEAD CAP TRIM TAPE SEALER FASTENER#1 "GUTTER WALL FLOATING HIGH, PANEL EAVE PLATE DOUBLE (HW-7618) FACED TAPE LOW SYSTEM 111„ BOX PANEL INSULATION Min. CAP TRIM EAVE HIGH SYSTEM NOTES 1. This special detail is for use when a panel run exceeds the thermal movement capabilities of the panel clip. Please refer to page DL-6. 2. A positive panel attachment is made at the mid-point in the panel run allowing for thermal movement to the eave and ridge. • 3. The standard floating ridge condition must be used In conjunction with this special eave detail. 4. The floating eave plate must be used to allow for panel movement at the eave. 5. Refer to page DL-5 for maximum clip movement in each direction.Thermal calculations must be performed for each project to ensure that the thermal movement of the roof will not exceed the design of the clips and slot in the special eave plate. ' DL-66 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 Phoen 224 Houston,TX-44M 3-6224 Lubbock,Jackson,MS 800-750-6224 Richmond, 888-533-6.6224 Adel,GA 888-048.8224 Luoo TX'800-76Q4i224 Richmond,VA 800.729.6224 Atlanta,GA 877.512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-206.6224 Rome,NY 000-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK'800-597-6224 Sail Lake City,UT 800-874.2404 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800458-6224 San Antonio,TX 800.598.6224 • Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems double-181W SPECIAL ERECTIOR TECHNIQUES ROOF CURB UPPER PANELS AT CURB INSTALLATION The manufacturer recommends that only one- piece aluminum curbs be used on it's standing seam roof systems. The curb flange Is constructed to match the configuration of the panel. The side flange extends to the next natural seam in the roof panel and conforms to the seam configuration. Cap strips, furnished by the curb manufacturer, secure the curb to the roof panels. The roof curb is o installed under the roof panels on the upslope "SOF end and on top of the roof panels on the t downslope end. Support framing should be i Installed before curb installation. Back-up plates* (for the roof panels at the down slope end of the curb),a floating eave plate (for the upslope end of the curb), long-life fasteners and Triple Bead tape sealer must be ordered for each curb. I ! LOWER PANELS AT CURB `{ I ROOF CURB CROSS SECTION 12e MIN. r0 i ATTENTION O All curbs must be installed over support framing, supplied by the metal building manufacturer or the curb supplier. 3„ Support framing must be properly located to provide "endlap" conditions at the upslope and downslope ends of the Curb. Refer to Roof Curb Cross 16. Section for critical dimensions. N, CAUTION It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the r„ installation and use of all light transmitting panels comply with Stale, Federal and OSHA regulations and laws,Including,but not limited to, guarding all light transmitting panels with screens, ffxed standard railings, or other acceptable safety controls that prevent fall- through. EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-67 Houston,T%877-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800.622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 808•633-6224 Adel,GA 888-048.6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-72M224 Atlanta,GA 877.512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-206.6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma CRA OK 800-597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 ® Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE BCOA58.6224 Son Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 ' . Indianapolis,IN 800.73"2.24 Metal Roof and Wall Systems 1 SPECIAL ERECTION TECHNIQUES I I I I o I i ROOF CURB INSTALLATION UPPER PANELS AT CURB (continued) '. After all upper panels have been installed, f FASTENER#4 install full length panel at side of curb. This �6"O.C. panel will engage the male leg of the adjacent CAP STRIP upper and lower panels.The female leg of this full length panel will overlap the leg of the roof Y curb. 9 I Cap strips will be installed, full length, along { both sides of the curb to seal the curb to the roof panels.Turn the cap strips upside down and install Tri Bead tape sealer to both sides t and along the full length of the cap strip. ! Lower edge of tape sealer should be flush with SOE the lower edge of the cap strip. Apply a generous bead of urethane sealant at both ends of the seam portion of the cap strip. Install each cap strip over the curb/roof panel sidelap with.the lower end of the cap strip even with the lower end of the curb.Force the A cap strip down tightly to the curb/roof panel sidelap and fasten both sides with Fastener LOWER PANELS AT CURB ##4 at 6"on center. • TRI BEAD TAPE INSTALLING CURB AFTER h _. SEALER ROOF INSTALLATION When curbs must be installed in an exact location, the curb support framing can be installed before beginning the roof. When a CAP STRIP curb is to be added after the roof is installed, URETHANE SEALANT the curb framing must be installed from below the roof after the roof panels have been cut for RIB TO RIB DIMENSION installation of the curb. CENTER OF OPENING CENTER OF OPENING TO PANEL RIB TO PANEL RIB After roof IS installed, identify the exact location for the curb.Measure from the center of the required opening to the nearest panel rib in each direction. Also, determine how many panels will be affected by the curb (minimum clearance between vertical wall of curb opening and panel rib is 6")and measure from center of rib of first panel affected to center of rib of last panel affected(if 24"panel module was not held during roof installation, J this dimension will be critical). This information will be required to fabricate the curb so that it will fit the location exactly. ' ROOF PENETRATION OPENING CAUTION It is ilia user's responsibility to ensure that the installation and use of all light transmitting panels comply with Slate, Federal and OSHA' reyulatlons and laws,inrludinccT�,but not limited io, gLiardinq all light transmitting panels with screens, fixed standard railings, or other acceptable safety controls that prevent fall- through. • DL-70 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 -8224 Houston,88 445-634i224 Jackson,MS 800-76"226 Phoenix,AZ A 8-53329-6224 Adel,GA BBB-046-6224 Lubbock,TX BOD-758-8224 Richmond,VA 800-729-8224 Atlanta,GA B77-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800.206-6224 Rome,NY 800.559-6224 jW Atwater,CA 800-829.9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT BOM74-2404 Dallas,TX 800.653-6224 Omaha,NE BOO458-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-59"224 10 • Indianapolis,IN 800-735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems doublia-101k 1 INSTALLING CURB AFTER ROOF INSTALLATION (continued) Once curb is ready to be installed,lay curb on roof and align opening in the curb with the exact location the opening Is required in the roof.At the up slope end of the roof curb, the MARK LINE AT 1 roof panels will be cut on a line even with the NOTCH IN CURB beginning of the notch at the vertical leg on each side of the roof curb. Secondly, trace a REQUIRED line along the down slope edge of the roof OPENING IN ROOF curb.The roof panels will be cut on a line 4" _ up slope from this line. Cut roof panels from rib of first panel affected by curb,to rib of last panel affected,along the top and bottom cut lines previously marked. At the down slope end of the roof opening, install back-up plates onto the ends of the cut roof panels and Triple Bead tape sealer across the full width of these roof panels.The down slope edge of the tape sealer should be AT on the line previously traced along the MARI<LINE CURB EDGE PANEL CUT LINE downslope edge of the roof curb.The up slope (FOR TRIPLE BEAD TAPE edge of the tape sealer will be approximately SEALER PLACEMENT) 11/2"from the end of the cut panel. Apply Triple Bead tape sealer across the full UPPER PANELS width of the up slope end of the roof curb.The AT CURB down slope edge of the tape sealer will align with the down slope edge of the inside cap cells welded to the roof curb. Install the roof curb under the roof panels at the up slope end and on top of the panels at the down slope end.This will require that you lift the roof panels up slightly at the up slope ope end to allow the upper flange of the roof curb to slide under the panels. Spray some soapy water on the tape sealer to prevent it from sticking to the roof panels until you have the curb completely in place. LOWER PANELS AT CURB CAUTION It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the installation and use of all light transmitting panels comply with Stale, Federal and OSHA regulations and laws,including,but not limited to, q'ardinq all light transmitting panels with screens, fixed standard railings, or other acceptable safety controls that prevent fall- through. • EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 16,2012 SEEwww.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-71 • '* Houston,TX 877-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800.6224136 Phoenix,AZ 868-533-6224 Adel,GA 888-446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 000-729.6224 Atlanta,GA 877.512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-208-6224 Rome,NY 800.559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800.597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 Delta..TX B00.653.8224 Omaha,NE 800-458-6224 San AnIonlo,TX 800-598-6224 ' • Indianapolis,IN 800-736-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems SPECIAL ERECTION. TECHNIQUES Aouhle-lokl @ INSTALLING CURB AFTER ROOF INSTALLATION (continued) UPPER PANELS AT CURB Cap strips will be installed, full length, along both sides of the curb to seal the curb to the roof panels.Turn the cap strips upside down FASTENER#4 and install TO Bead tape sealer to both sides 6"O.C. and along the full length of the cap strip. t CAP STRIP Lower edge of tape sealer should be flush with t the lower edge of the cap strip. Apply a generous bead of urethane sealant at both • ends of the seam portion of the cap strip. Install each cap strip over the curb/roof panel t sidelap with the lower end of the cap strip ' even with the lower end of the curb.Force the cap strip down tightly to the curb/roof panel sidelap and fasten both sides with Fastener 44 at 6"on center. Ak pF LOWER PANELS AT CURB I TRI BEAD TAPE SEALER CAP STRIP URETHANE SEALANT CAUTION It Is the riser's responsibility to ensure that the installation and use of all light transinittincX panels comply with Stale, Federal and OSHA regulations and laws,including,but not limited to, gwirdin all light transmitting panels with screens, fixed standard railings, or other acceptable safely controls that prevent fail- through. ' OL-72 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 r f Adel,GA Tx A46-63-8224 MS 800.6224136 Phoenix,AZ B88533.6224 � Adel,GA fiBB-048-6224 Lubbock,Lubhock TX 800.758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-8224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY B00-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800.697-6224 Sall Lake City,UT 809-874.2404 Deltas,Tx 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800-058.6224 San Antonio,Tx 800.59"224 Ind polls,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systents double-101W SPECIAL ERECTION TECHNIQUES ROOF CURB f CROSS SECTION 1. Double-Lok®Panel ROOF CURB CROSS SECTION 2. Urethane Sealant 3.Outside Cap Cell 1y2„ 4.Back-up Plate 2 12„MIN. 5.Fastener#1E 5 9 e 6.Triple Bead Tape Sealer 7.Roof Curb Made From Structural / 11 Aluminum(Mln..080 Thickness) 6 g 3 8.Water Dlverter 9.Inside Cap Cell 10 12 O 10.Floating Eave Plate i 11.Fastener#5 3" 7 4 12.Purlin Framing Member or Secondary 5 Curb Support Framing �^ 12 15^MIN. CAUTION The above curb type and Installation Instructions must be used for curbs to be included in a weathertightness warranty. ROOF CURB ISOMETRIC ATTENTION 5 All curbs must be installed over support 7 framing, supplied by the metal building manufacturer or the curb supplier. 1 Support framing must be properly 3 located to provide "endlap" conditions at the upslope and downslope ends of the curl). Refer to (roof Curb Cross e Section for critical dimensions. i CAUTION It Is the user's responsibility to ensure:that the Installation and use of all light transmitting panels comply with State, Federal and OSHA regulations and laws,including,but not limited to, guarding all light transmitting panels with screens, fixed standard railings, or other acceptable safety controls that prevent fall- through. EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-73 • Houston,TX 877-71M224 Jackson,MS 800.6224136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533.6224 Adel,GA 88"6-6224 Lubbock.TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729.6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 600-206-6224 Ramo,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800.829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-622.1 Sall Lake City,LIT 800.874-2404 ® ' Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800-458.6224 Son Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 SPECIAL ERECTION TECHNIQUES double-101W l I 1 PIPE PENETRATION INSTALLATION RECOMME NDED SMALL AND LARGE PIPE PENETRATION INSTALLATION I RIGHT WAY WRONG WAY RECOMMENDED SMALL PIPE PENETRATION INSTALLATION INSTALL PIPE IN CENTER OF PANEL TO ALLOW BASE OF RUBBER ROOF JACK TO LAY FLAT la ON PANEL. r.0,. �Ty MAN � J STAINLESS STEEL CLAMP &TRI-BEAD TAPE (NOT BY BUILDING Double-Lok° MANUFACTURER) ROOF TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER (BOTH SIDES OF RIB) PIP RB OOp • ••{;i•• s�Opt • / PURLIN CAP STRIP Double-Lok" ROOF RECOMMENDED LARGE PIPE PENETRATION INSTALLATION THIS METHOD TO BE USED IN ALL CASES WHERE A PIPE PENETRATION INTERSECTS A PANEL RIB OR WHEN THE PIPE IS TOO LARGE AND WILL NOT ALLOW ADEQUATE WAGER FLOW DOWN THE PANEL. DL-74 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 f • Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 000-822-4136 Phoenix,AZ 808-533.6224 Adel,GA 888-0-512-64 Lubbock,Tx 800.20"&224 Richmond,00 800.72946229 � Atlanta,GA 877-512-8224 Memphis,TN 000.206.6224 Rome,NY 800.55943224 Atwater,CA 800-629-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597.6224 Salt Lako City,UT 800-874-2404 Dallas,TX 800-653.8224 Omaha,NE 800468-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 indlanepolia,IN 000-736-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems double-101W PIPE PENETRATION INSTALLATION DECK-TIGHT INSTALLATION DECK-TIGHT(NOT BY BUILDING STAINLESS STEEL CLAMP MANUFACTURER)ROLL TOP (NOT BY BUILDING �F\k�K-TIGHT DOWN MANUFACTURER) \\\\\\ /4-14 x'A"LONG LIFE LAP TEK S.D.wfWASHER(FASTENER 94) @ V, STEP 1 ®®®®®®m®®® TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER (HW-504) L " APPLY TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER ONTINUOUSLY AROUND PIPE (HW-504) STAINLESS STEEL CLAMP '�\ (NOT BY BUILDING DECK-TIGHT(NOT BY MANUFACTURER) MANUFACTURER) t/4-14 x 7/s"LONG LIFE LAP TEK S.D.W WASHER(FASTENER#4) @ 1„O.C. e STEP 2 TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER (HW-504) TRI-BEAD T P€SEALER STAINLESS STEEL CLAMP (EIW-50\)`\�\\\\ (NOT BY BUILDING DECK TIGHT(NOT BY MANUFACTURER) MANUFACTURER) Y4-14 x Ma"LONG LIFE LAP TEK S.D.w1WASHER(FASTENER#4) ® @ 1"O.C. STEP 3 TRI-BEAD NOTE:ROLL DECK-TIGHT UP TAPE SEALER OVER TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER (HW-504) ' AND SECURE CLAMP AROUND ' TOP OF DECK-TIGHT EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-75 • , Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800.622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533-6224 Adel,GA 888-446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758.6224 Richmond,VA 000-729-6224 Allnnla,GA 877-512-6224 Memphls,TN 800.206-6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 8OM29.9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597�6224 Solt Lake City,UT Boo-B74-2404 Gallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800-45B-6224 San Antonlo,TX 800.59B.6224 ' Indladepolls,IN 000.735-8224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems I I Double-Lok® REPAIR CAP INSTALLATION F f Oq� i cFO s� M 7'0� PRE-DRILL HOLE THROUGH M/ CLIP AND BOTH SIDES OF PANELSEAM Ro�a/ie"X"/in"CLOSED - END RIVET(FASTENER F 4227)(2)PER CLIP I FLOATING CLIP Double-Lok° ROOF 1. FLOATING CLIP STEP 1 1. Repair cap must extend 1'-0"above and below the damaged area. 2. 3/ie"X 13/1B"closed end rivet fastened through each clip and both sides of panel rib in damaged area.(2 required per clip) CAP STRIP Y4-14x%"LONG LIFE LAP TEK SDS WITH WASHER(13"O.C.)(FAST#4) (FASTENERS MUST GO THROUGH I TAPE SEALANT) I I '0 �cROSFgM CAP STRIP I I ROOFS<op ,, URETHANE SEALANT F TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER Double-Lake (BOTH SIDES OF RIB) ROOF STEP 2 1. Install a continuous run of TO-Bead tape sealer to both sides of damaged panel rib. 2. Apply a bead of urethane sealant up and over both panel ribs at each end of damaged panel seam. 3. Fill seam portion of repair cap with urethane sealant. 4. Push repair cap down onto panel rib and fasten with 1/4-14x7/8"Long Life Lap Tek(Fastener#4) @ 6"O.C.on both sides.Fasteners must go through tape sealer. 5. Check repair cap at each end to verify that urethane sealant has sealed across the entire cross section of repair cap. • EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY IS,2012 DL-76 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT70 CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • F Houston,TX 877-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533-6224 Adel,GA 888-4484i224 Lubbock,TX 800.206-224 Richmond,VA 800-72946224 Adel,G,GA 877-512-fi224 Memphis,TN 800.206-6224 Rome,NY 800-559.5224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Sell Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 Dallas,TX 800-653.8224 Omaha,HE 800458.6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems double-10W SPECIAL ERECTION TECHNIQUES S-5!- Double-Lok® Windclamp Installation Location k i i S-517"DL WINDCLAMP (HW-569) e Double-Lok@ ROOF PANEL P � r P ROOF PANEL CLIP Vl. Double-Lok PURLIN S-51"'DL WINDCLAMP ROOF PANEL (HW-569) o S.51""LID WINDCLAMP �o (HW-568)(CLAMP MUST ram___• t BE TORQUED TO140 in.lbs.) 1 ROOF PANEL ROOF PANEL Double-Lok° CLIP CLIP ROOF PANEL PURLIN PURLIN SECTION A-A SECTION B-B Notes: 1. Only for use with HW-214,216,2122,2124,2126,and 2128 clips. 2. Torque set screw to 140 in-lbs. 3. Application zone and feasibility of wind clamps must be determined by a Registered Professional Engineer. 4. For load tables please inquire. EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 16,2012 SEE www.mbel.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE OL-77 f + * Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533-6224 Adel,GA 888-446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-5224 Richmond,VA 000-729.6224 'C"N'9081 P Mft' Atlanta,GA 877.512-6224 Memphis,TN 800.206-6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT 800.874-2404 Dallas,TX 800-653.6224 Omaha,NE 800-458.6224 San Antonio,TX 800.598.6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems DESIGN I I I 1 ° f TRIM DETAILS C EAVE TO ENDLAP FASTENER#1 E HIGH SYSTEM PANELTO EAVE GUTTER STRAP t (8 PER PANEL) FASTENER#4 1{ EAVE TRI-BEAD I TAPE SEALER ) FASTENER#4 FASTENER#14 FASTENER#1 (3 PER 10'-0") (12"O.C.) GUTTER - GUTTER STRAP END VIEW INSULATION FASTENER GUTTER STRAP (48"O.C.) • METAL FASTENER#4 INSIDE FASTENER O.C.) CLOSURE DOUBLE FACED (12" FASTENER#1 TAPE FLAT EAVE (2 PER INSIDE TRIM CLOSURE) ENDLAP END VIEW HIGH EAVE PLATE ENDLAP WALL COVERING 4" 3 THICKNESS FASTENER WE FASTENER#tE (8 PER ENDLAP) PANEL TO SAVE (8 PER PANEL) 31N' . T PE SE TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER TAPE SEALER FASTENER#4 FASTENER#14 (3 PER 10'-0") p oo D GUTTER r •• CLIP GUTTER STRAP (48"O.C.) METAL FASTENER#1 BACK-UP FASTENER#4 INSIDE FASTENER#1 (2 PER CLIP) PLATE (12"O.C.) CLOSURE (2 PER INSIDE INSULATION CLOSURE) OFFSET PANEL LOW SYSTEM CAP TRIM EAVE L DL-78 SEE www.mbel.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 • Houston,TX 877-713.6224 Jackson,MS B00-6224136 Phoenix,AZ 808-533.6224 Adel,GA 688.445-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758.6224 Richmond,VA 800.729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-205.6224 Rome,NY 800-559.6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Salt Lako City,UT 800-874.2404 Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 80046M224 San Antonio,TX 800.598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 600.735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems I I I I I © DESIGN TRIM DETAILS j RIDGE I i 7" 12" RIDGE FLASHING FASTENER#4 (6"O.C.) 4 PER PANEL FASTENER#1 E (9 PER PANEL) TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER OUTSIDE CLOSURE CLIP q oo I BACK-UP INSULATION PLATE FASTENER#1 (2 PER CLIP) Install the ridge flashing starting and ending 11/4"plus endwall thickness outside the steel line.Fasten the ridge flashing to the outside closures with Fastener#4. Install a fastener 11/2"from panel seam on both sides of panel. Install additional fasteners directly above minor ribs of panel. Four fasteners are required at each panel. Leave 6"unfastened on each end to allow forthe Take trim to be Installed later. DO NOT FASTEN THROUGH THE LOCK OF THE STANDING SEAM. TRE SEALER I-BEAD TAP FLASH OUTSIDE 1'/a." 7" 7" 7" 1 Vx" 1'/2' FASTENER tW `-=' ''-`'% CLOSURE 6"MINIMUM yy u* ,ss1'f'•'� x} r�,�'.�'�,� .�*�.?� _'� �i1" �.� ,; ,:t `per �,. FASTENER#4 OUTSIDE CLOSURE 24" 1'/4"PLUS ENDWALL THICKNESS CAUTION • Double-Loki systems must utilize a Floating Peak Box. See page DL-76. - SEE PAGES DL-25 AND DL-28 FOR FASTENER SELECTION. EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15.2012 SEE www.mbcLcom FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-79 Houston,TX 877-713.6224 Jackson,MS 800-622.4136 Phoenix,AZ 068-533-6224 01 Adel,GA 888446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800.75B-6224 Richmond,VA 800-720-6224 Atlanta,GA B77-512.6224 Memphis,TN 800-20"224 Rome,NY 600-55M224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Solt lake City,UT B00.874-2404 1 ' Dallas,TX 800.653-6224 Omaha,NE 800-458.6224 Sun Antonio,TX 800-598.6224 Metal Roof and Wall.Systems Indlanapolls,IN 800-735.6224 DESIGN I I I 1 ° TRIM DETAILS FLOATING PEAK BOX TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER i RIDGE FLASHING CINCH ANGLE Z FASTENER#4 CENTERLINE 24 PER BOX)LESS NOTED OF BUILDING RIDGE FLASHING t 7 77— FLEXIBLE PERIMETER ;'t RAKE TRIM CINCH ' MEMBRANE OF PEAK BOX ANGLE (MARK IN) t 1 ; TRI-BEAD CINCH ANGLE TAPE SEALER FASTENER#1E RAKE SLIDE (24"O.C.) 1 TRI-BEAD i RIDGE FASTENER#4 TAPE SEALER FLASHING i CINCH t ANGLES, {� U' a FASTENER#5 M � (24"O.C.) 2v� v +spa s FLOATING fv �' PEAK BOX CINCHANGLE � RAKE TRIM CLOSURE RAKE TRIMS ¢ RAKE SLIDEi FLEXIBLE r MEMBRANE RIDGE FLASHING FLOATING PEAK BOX INSTALLATION RAKE TRIM 1. Install rake trim on each side of ridge to within 2"of centerline of building. 2. Install ridge flash so that it is on top leg of rake trim, 1"back from outside edge. 3. Temporarily set peak box In place and mark perimeter of box on FLOATING rake trim and ridge flash. Remove peak box. PEAK BOX 4. Just inside mark,install tape sealer continuously across ridge flash,then down the face of rake leim on both sides of ridge. 5. Place flexible membrane over tape sealer and hold in place with cinch angles. Cinch angles should be attached with Fastener#4. To prevent leaks,flexible membrane should be tight against ridge • flash and rake trim with no wrinkles at the sealed edges. 6. Hook top of peak box over cinch angles installed on top of ridge flash and attach bottom of peak box to endwall with Fastener#4. DL-80 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 16,2012 Houston,TX 877-713i224 Jackson,MS 800-822-0136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533-8224 .21'�,Afawf�03ftftl M I Adel,GA 88BA46-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-768-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Atlanta,GA 877.512-6224 Memphis,TN 800.206-8224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597.6224 Salt Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 w Dallas,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE 800458.8224 San Antonio,TX 800.598.6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems doublejok DESIGN TRIM DETAILS RAKE TRI-BEAD TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER TAPE SEALER RAKE SUPPORT RAKE FASTENER#1E FASTENER#1E SUPPORT (24"O.C.) (24'O.C.) FASTENER#5 FASTENER#5 RAKE (24-O.C.) (24.O,C.) RAKE ANGLE - - ANGLE INSULATION INSULATION p RAKE TRIM FASTENER 912 FASTENER#12 RAKE TRIM WALL PANEL WALL PANEL / CLOSURE CLOSURE \ FASTENER#4 7 FASTENER O.C) 1l4 (12"O.C.) ROOF PURLIN ROOF PURLIN BEGINNING RAKE TRIM TERMINATION RAKE TRIM ON MODULE RAKE SLIDE (FOR FLOATING SYSTEMS ONLY) FASTENER 91E(24"O.C.) TERMINATION TRltv1 TRI-BEAD FASTENER#4 TAPE SEALER RAKE (6"O.C.) SUPPORT TRI-BEAD FASTENER#1E------- TAPE SEALER (24'O.C.) FASTENER#1E FIELD FORMED t (24'O.C.) PANEL EDGE RAKE RAKE ANGLE SUPPORT ! FASTENER#5 INSULATION (24"O.C.) FASTENER#12 CLIP RAKE TRIM FASTENER#12 FASTENER#5 (24"O.C.) INSULATION WALL PANEL FASTENER#1 RAKE TRIM (2 PER CLIP) CLOSURE \ ANGLE FASTENERiM WALL PANEL \ / (12'O.C.) CLOSURE— FASTENER#4 i / (12"O.C.) ROOF PURLIN TERMINATION RAKE TRIM TERMINATION RAKE TRIM OFF MODULE OFF MODULE(OPTIONAL) SEE PAGES DL-25 AND DL-26 FOR FASTENER SELECTION. EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 16.2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-81 t Houston,TX 3-6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 868.533-6224 86 Adel,GA DBD-44"-046-6224 Lubbock,TX D00.758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-720.6224 Atlanta,GA 877.512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-206.6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800.829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800.597.6224 Belt Lake City,UT BOD-874-2404 ® Dallas,TX 800-85M224 Omaha,NE 800-458-8224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems DESIGN I I I I ° I TRIM DETAILS RAKE TO RAKE I i FEMALE LIP STEEL LINE 24"or 18" —�� 24"or 18" �, MALE LEG C, f2Af<E SUPPORT i t F[FBEGINNING-ALL BUILDINGS STEEL' __________F LINE 24"or 18" 24"or 18" RAKE RAKESUPPORT RAKE SLIDE TRIM TERMINATION-EVEN FOOTAGE BUILDINGS SRAKCE LIDE(FOR FLOATING 24"or 18" �� 12° SYSTEMS ONLY) RAKE SUPPORT TERMINATION-ODD FOOTAGE BUILDINGS A 12"panel is provided for this condition TERMINATION Li 24",18"or 12" � TRIM FI J TERMINATION BUILDINGS OFF MOD ULE ATERMINATION TRIM IS PROVIDED FOR THIS CONDITION NOTE: For an adequate understanding of how to design the Double-Lok®roof system, it is important to read the section of this manual which Includes all trim details. DL-82 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 16,2012 • Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800.622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 868-533-6224 Adel,GA 688-446.6224 Lubbock,TX 800-75B-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-8224 Atlanta,GA B77-512-6224 Memphis,TN Boo-206-6224 Rome,NY BOD-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma CItA OK 800-597-6224 Sell Lake City,UT 800-874.2404 Dallas,TX OOD-653.6224 Omaha,NE 600450-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598.6224 =98mi 0 ` - Indianapolis,IN 800.736-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems 1 i I I f Q DESIGN TRIM DETAILS RAKE PARAPET BEGINNING FINISHING ON MODULE OFF MODULE URETHANE SEALANT URETHANE SEALANT COUNTERFLASH FASTENER PARAPET RAKE FLASH ALTERNATE COUNTERFLASH TRI-BEAD FASTENER TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER TAPE SEALER RAKE SUPPORT ANGLE FASTENER#11 PARAPET I' 2"MINIMUM 2"MINIMUM RAKE CLEAT FASTENER#1E PARAPET FASTENER#1E Double-Lok® WALL (12"O.C.) PANEL FASTENER#12 FASTENER#12 RAKEANGLE FASTENER#5 (24"O.C.) • BEGINNING PURLIN TERMINATION PARAPET RAKE PARAPET RAKE FINISHING URETHANE SEALANT OFF MODULE i COUNTERFLASH PARAPET RAKE FLASH TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER PARAPET FASTENER RAKE CLEAT FASTENER#1E (12"O.C.) FDouble-Lok° 9 2"MINIMUM PANEL RAKE SUPPORT FASTENER#5 ANGLE {24"O.C.) FASTENER#12 RAKEANGLE PURLIN TERMINATION PARAPET RAKE (Optional) EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-83 Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 888.533-6224 Adel,GA 8BBA46.6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-8224 Richmond,VA 800-729.8224 Atlanta,GA 877.512.6224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800.5598224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 000-597-6224 Sall Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 ® Dallas,TX 800-653.6224 Omaha,NE 800-45M224 Son Antonio,TX 8OD-598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800.735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems DESIGN double-loW TRIM DETAILS HIGH EAVE PARAPET i I i URETHANE SEALANT COUNTER FLASH TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER PARAPET HIGH SIDE FLASHING FASTENER#11 FASTENER#4(6"O.C.) (24"O.C.) 4 PER PANEL TRI-BEAD FASTENER#1 E Double-Lok@ TAPE SEALER (3 PER PANEL) ,r PANEL 7 BACK-UP PLATE U Ono I FASTENER#1E CLIP (6 PER PANEL) FASTENER#1 (2 REQUIRED) 2" 7" PURLIN NOTE: HIGH SIDE PURLIN IS 9" DOWN SLOPE • DL-64 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 3-6224 ' Adel,GA TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-6224 Phoenix,AZ A 8-53729-6224 Adel,GA BBB-04643224 Lubbock,TX 800-750-6224 Richmond,VA B00-729-8224 Atlanta,GA 877.512-6224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800.559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT 800-874-2404 Dallas,TX B00-653.6224 Omaha,NE 80 04 5 8-8 224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 600-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems DESIGN TRIM DETAILS EAVE 2"PLUS WALL PANEL THICKNESS FASTENER 114(6"O.C.) 4 PER PANEL TRI-BEAD OUTSIDE TAPE SEALER CLOSURE FASTENER#1 E CLIP (9 PER PANEL) Q oo 1"MIN HIGH SIDE INSULATION EAVE TRIM FASTENER#I FASTENER#1 PANEL TO EAVE BOX PANEL (2 REQUIRED) (8 PER PANEL) CAPTRIM EAVE STRUT (�---FASTENER#4 (12"O.C.) CLOSURE WALLPANEL (HOLD WALL PANEL A MINIMUM OF 1"BELOW m THE EAVE MEMBER) n ® HIGH EAVE NOTE Top log dimension of high side save trim may have to be Increased to accommodate wall thickness. FASTENER 91 E PANEL TO EAVE (B PER PANEL) METAL INSIDE FASTEN ER94 f CLOSURE (6 PER PANEL) FASTENER#4 SCULPTURED TRI-BEAD TAPE (6 PER PANEL) EAVE TRIM SEALER TRI-BEAD LOW EAVE WITH TAPE SEALER SCULPTURED EAVE TRIM i BOX PANEL FASTENER#1 CAP TRIM (2 PER INSIDE CLOSURE) SCULPTURED EAVE TRIM INSULATION FASTENER#4 (12"O.C.) • CLOSURE WALL PANEL NOTE: THIS OPTIONAL SCULPTURED EAVE TRIM IS AVAILABLE. HOWEVER, UNDER • CERTAIN CONDITIONS IT MAY INDUCE STAINING OF WALL PANELS. EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-85 C 6� Houslon,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-622-4136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533-6224 ' Adel,GA 888-446-6224 Lubbock,TX 800-758.6224 Richmond,VA 600-729-6224 Allnnto,GA 877-512-6224 Memphis,TN 800.206-6224 Rome,NY 600-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829.9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Salt Lake City,UT 600-874-2404 ® Dallas,TX 8OD-663.6224 Omaha,NE 800-068-6224 San Antonio,TX 800-598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 000-735.6224 • Metal Roof and Wall Systems - DESIGN I I I I ° TRIM DETAILS SNOW GUTTER = FASTENER 91 FASTENER#1 E (2 PER INSIDE PANEL TO EAVE STRUT CLOSURE) AND INSIDE CLOSURE (8 PER PANEL) i TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALERETAL ` I HIGH SYSTEM ''° CLOSURE INSIDE GTTER Double-Loki (3'-0"O C)TRAP PANEL p FASTENER#14 I INSULATION DOUBLE FACED TAPE HIGH EAVE PLATE FASTENER#1 (12"O.C.) • FASTENER#14A SNOW (3 PER 10'-0") GUTTER EAVE STRUT Double-Lok PANEL WALL PANEL FASTENER 0FASTENER#1E PANEL TO V STRUT (2 PER INSIDE AND INSIDE CLOSURE CLOSURE) (8 PER PANEL) TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALER 1/2" `u-. METAL LOW SYSTEM CLOSURE INSIDE GUTTER STRAP O.C.) INSULATION DOUBLE FASTENER#14 FACED TAPE FASTENER#14A (3 PER 10'41 SNOW EAVE STRUTI _U GUTTER WALL PANEL NOTES: 1. Attach gutter tc eave plate with Fastener#14A(3 fasteners per 10'piece). 2. Install gutter straps 3'-0"o.c. 3. Apply Tri-Bead tape sealer to slope leg of gutter. 4. Use minor rib tape sealer to fill voids in panel at minor ribs as shown on page DL-36. 5. Install panel with Fastener#1 Eat prepunched holes. Panel must not overhang into gutter. 6. Front top edge of gutter must not project above the plane of the panel pan. I DL-85 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 800-62241136 Phoenix,AZ 888-533.6224 Adel,GA 880-04646224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA 800-729-6224 Allanto,GA 877-512.6224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800-559-6224 Atwater,CA 800.829-9324 Oklahoma City,OK 800-597-6224 Sell Lako City,UT 800-874-2404 Dallas,TX 000.653-6224 Omaha,NE 80045M224 Son Antonio,TX 800-508-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735-6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems double-lolk ' DESIGN° TRIM DETAILS k FLOATING HIP I URETHANE SEALANT %5 FLOATING RIDGEIHIP FASTENER#4 2 FLASHING I (6"O.C.) "Z"CLOSURE TRI-BEAD 1 (FIELD CUT TO TAPE SEALER LENGTH AND BEVEL ;r LOW FLOATING CLIP i' I CUT TO FIT PANEL) p GP ep 0 Double-Lok@ PANEL FASTENER#14A PURLIN FASTENER#1 (4"O.C.MAX.) FASTENER#12 MIN.16GA. HIP TWO PER PURLIN HIP SUPPORT PLATE 3"x3"x16 GA. a BACK-UP ANGLE FASTENER 94 0 0 FLOATING (6"O.C.) RIDGE/HIF FLASH 0 0 Double-Lok@ PANEL o , 0 0 0 0 URETHANE SEALANT PURLIN r: "Z"CLOSURE (FIELD CUT TO LENGTH AND BEVEL CUT TO g' FASTENER#14A FIT PANEL) TRI-BEAD FASTENER#12 TAPE SEALER TWO PER PURLIN MIN.16 GA. HIP SUPPORT 3"x3"x16 GA.ANGLE PLATE CAUTION All trapezoidal panels are extremely difficult to install at hips and valleys in a weathertight manner. The use of these details should only be attempted by installation crews that are highly experienced. In order to assure weathertightness,MBCI recommends one of it's vertical leg standing seam systems for use on roofs that require hips and valleys. " EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 SEE www.mbci.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT To CI IANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DL-87 • Houston,TX 877-713-6224 Jackson,MS 8OD-6224136 Phoenix,AZ 888-633.6224 Adel,GA BBB-44"224 Lubbock,TX 800-758-6224 Richmond,VA BOO.729.6224 -C�bd Atlanta,GA 877-512.6224 Memphis,TN 800-206-6224 Rome,NY 800.559-6224 Atwater,CA 800-829-9324 Oklahoma City.OK 800-597.6224 Salt Lake Clty,UT BUU-874.2404 ® Delta.,TX 800-653-6224 Omaha,NE BOOABB-6224 San Antonio,TX 800.598-6224 Indianapolis,IN 800-735.6224 Metal Roof and Wall Systems DESIGN double-loll ° TRIM DETAILS 4 VALLEY I i I . i Double-Loke TRIPLE BEAD f PANEL INSIDE TAPE SEALER DETAIL A CLOSURE I I 1" I FASTENER#1 (2 PER CLOSURE) PURLIN FASTENER#12 PLATE (2 AT EACH PURLIN) SUPPORT VALLEYTRIM (MIN. GA) LOW SYSTEM HIGH SYSTEM I H i NOTE 12"Valley dimension must be FASTENER#1E Used in low slope conditions and (3"D.C.) in valleys longer than 30'-0". VALLEY TR M B'LONG PIECE OF I TRIPLE BEAD TAPE SEALER UNDER ° INSIDE CLOSURE ° FIELD CUT PANEL TRIPLE BEAD ° TO VALLEY TRIM 0 - - TAPE SEALER 0 BEVELED EDGE OF NSIDE CLOSURE o ROOF PANEL TRIPLE BEAD INSIDE METAL TAPE SEALER CLOSURE FASTENER 41E O.C.) PANEL RIB DETAIL A - (ISOME I RIC) DETAIL A (PLAN VIEW) For valleys over 30'-0"long,use extended valley trim. • CAUTION • All trapezoidal panels are extremely difficult to install at hips and valleys in a weathertight manner. The use of these details should only be attempted by installation crews that are highly experienced. In order to assure weathertightness,MBCI recommends one of It's vertical leg standing seam systems for use on roofs that require hips and valleys. •DL-88 SEE www.mbcl.com FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15,2012 Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 3 6-1 a- , • Professional R6941'atlon` EPA _ BCIS Home I Log In I User Registration ! Hot Topics , Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts I Publications FBC Staff f BCIS Site Map i Links search Florida Prod 141�F Ir � A uct Approval /a D p USER:Public User Product Approval Menu>Product or Aoolication Search>Application List>Application Detail �`g17. 3 • i FL# FL11917-R2 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer MBCI, L.P. Address/Phone/Email 14031 West Hardy Houston,TX 77060 (281)445-8555 Ext28612 jallen@ncilp.com Authorized Signature Jason Allen jallen@ncilp.com Technical Representative Jason Allen Address/Phone/Email 14031 West Hardy Houston,TX 77060 (281)445-8555 Ext28612 jallen@ncilp.com Quality Assurance Representative Carl Hoffart Address/Phone/Email 14031 West Hardy COPY houston,TX 77060. FILt (281)445-8555 choffart@ncilp.com Category Panel Walls Subcategory Siding Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer ❑ Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Terrence E.Wolfe the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-44923 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/15/2017 Validated By Joseph A Reed,PE © Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL11917 R2 COI Letter of Certification.odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM E 1592 2005 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsxYIeb4opOD... 2/22/2017 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 3 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 04/02/2015 Date Validated 04/28/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 05/06/2015 Date Approved 06/22/2015 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 11917.1 12"Flat Designer Series 12"Fiat Designer Series over open framing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL11917 R2 II Designer Series Manual.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Force Engineering&Testing,Inc. Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +45.00/-110.00 Evaluation Reports Other:-110.00 psf @ 2'-0"o.c.,-30.00 psf/+45.00 psf @ FL11917 R2 AE 12 Flat Designer Series Panel.odf 8'-0"o.c.The panel is a concealed fastener wall system Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installed over open framing in accordance with the specified test pressuress. Limitations Non-HVHZ.Wall panels must be installed per manufacturer erection details. 11917.2 16"Fluted Designer Series 16"Fluted Designer Series over open framing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL11917 R2 II Designer Series Manual.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Force Engineering&Testing, Inc. Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +30.00/-85.00 Evaluation Reports Other:-85.00 psf @ 2'-0"o.c.,-17.50 psf/+30.00 psf @ FL11917 R2 AE 16 Fluted Designer Series Panel.odf 8'-0"o.c.The panel is a concealed fastener wall system Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installed over open framing in accordance with the specified test pressuress. Limitations Non-HVHZ.Wall panels must be installed per manufacturer erection details. P'Panel over opun-frWrni-111 • Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11917 R2 II 6-3-14 Standard AVP Wall Details.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Force Engineering&Testing,Inc. Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure: +23.42/-161.29 Evaluation Reports Other:-161.29 psf @ 2'-0"o.c.,-22.11 psf/+23.42 psf @ FL11917 R2 AE AVP Wall Panel.odf 8'-0"o.c.The panel is a thru fastened fastener wall system Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installed over open framing in accordance with the specified test pressuress. Limitations Non-HVHZ.Wall panels must be installed per manufacturer erection details. 11917.4 FW-120 FW-120 over open framing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL11917 R2 II FW Manual.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Force Engineering&Testing,Inc. Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure:+80.00/-151.00 Evaluation Reports Other:-151.00 psf @ V-0"O.C.,-43.75 psf/+80.00 psf @ FL11917 R2 AE FW-120 Panel.odf 4'-0"o.c.The panel is a concealed fastener wall system Created by Independent Third Party:Yes installed over open framing in accordance with the specified test pressuress. Limitations Non-HVHZ.Wall panels must be installed per manufacturer erection details. 11917.5 PER Wall Panel PBR Wall Panel over open framing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL11917 R2 II PER Wall Manual.gdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Force Engineering&Testing,Inc. Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure:+150.00/-142.50 Evaluation Reports Other:29 ga. -55 psf/+60 psf @ 4'-0"o.c.,26 ga. -80 FL11917 R2 AE PBR Wall Panel.odf psf/+90 psf @ 4'-0"ox,24 ga.-90 psf/+100 psf @ 4'-0" Created by Independent Third Party: Yes o.c.,22 ga. -142.5 psf/+150 psf @ 4'-0"o.c.The panel is a thru fastened fastener wall system installed over open framing in accordance with the specified section properties and allowable load tables. Limitations Non-HVHZ.Wall panels must be installed per manufacturer erection details. 11917.6 ShadowRib ShadowRib Wall Panel over open framing http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsxYIeb4opOD... 2/22/2017 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 3 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL11917 R2 II ShadowRib Manual.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Force Engineering&Testing,Inc. Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +45.00/-95.00 Evaluation Reports Other:-95.00 psf @ 2'-0"D.C.,-17.50 psf/+45.00 psf @ FL11917 R2 AE ShadowRib Panel.odf 8'-0"D.C.The panel is a concealed fastener wall system Created by Independent Third Party:Yes installed over open framing in accordance with the specified test pressuress. Limitations Non-HVHZ.Wall panels must be installed per manufacturer erection details. Back Next Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: rdiiiiD © hec y�Credit Card Safe http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/D _app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsxYIeb4opOD... 2/22/2017 0/0 Dimension (See Plan) I I I I I I I Fastener #11 AVP Wall Panel I x 1j" Masonry Anchor I O 3'-0" O.C. (Pre—Drill j Angle) Fastener #17A I 2 x 4 x 16 Ga. Base Angle 12-14 x 1j" SD W/Washer At 1'-0" O.C. j Concrete Floor • Inside Closure [HW-464] (Optional) I d .d Base Trim [FL-72] 4 0/0 Dimension (See Plan) I I I I AVP Wall Panel I I Fastener #14A I " x J" Pop Rivet SS I Fastener #11 AT 5'-0" O.C. 4 x 1j" Masonry Anchor Fastener #17A I @ 3'—O" O.C. (Pre—Drill 12-14 x A" SD W/Washer j Angle) At 1'-0" O.C. I 2 x 4 x 16 Go. Base Angle Inside Closure [HW-464] I Concrete Floor (Optional) Base Trim [FL-530] a . a d 0/0 Dimension (See Plan) I I I I I I AVP Wall Panel I I Fastener #14A A" x J" Pop Rivet SS I Concrete Anchor AT 5'-0" O.C. j (Not By MBCI) Fastener 17A # I Base Cee (16 ga. Min.) 12-14 x 1 j" SD W/Washer At 1'—0" O.C. I Inside Closure [HW-464] - (Optional) a• Drip Trim [FL-870] Masonry Wall (Not By MBCI) a . a . 1 —0' Fastener #17A 12-14 x 1 j" SD W/Washer Lower Panel 2" 2" At 1'-0" O.C. Upper Panel Fastener #14 J"O x J" Pop Rivet SS As Req'd. I I I I I I I AVP Wall Panel I I I • I I I Fastener #17A 12-14 x 14" SD W/Washer j I Zee Girt At 1'-0" O.C. I I I I I I I I I I I 3'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" Fastener #17A 12-14 x 14" SD W/Washer AVP Panel Profile And Fastener Spacing Fastener #4A Fastener #17A 4-14 x J" SD W/Washer 12-14 x 14" SD W/Washer At 1'-8" O.C. (Lap Fastener (Structural Fastener) Between Supports) Tape Sealant i" x " [HW-507] (Optional) AVP Panel Side Lap AVP Wall Panel Fastener #14A x , Pop Rivet SS At 5'-0" O.C. Fastener #17A Cold Form Header 12-14 x 11" SD W/Washer At 1'-0" O.C. • �� Fastener #14A x • Pop Rivet SS At _ 1'-8" O.C. Each Side (When Cap Trim Is Used) Head Trim [FL-852] Head Cap Trim (FL-37) (8" Header Only) i AVP Wall Panel Fastener #14A " xJ" Pop Rivet SS At 5'-0" O.C. Fastener #17A Zee Girt • /Washer Fastener #17A 12-14 x 11" SD W At 1'-0" O.C. 12-14 x I' SD W/Washer =# ki At 1'-0" O.C. Walk Door Angle Head Trim [FL-852] Walk Door Header ' 6j" Cut 5j" First Panel Cut Detail When Wall Length Falls On 3'-0" Modules, The Piece Of Panel Cut From The First Panel To Be Used At The Finish Corner 0/0 Dimension (See Plan) ,� Fastener #17A 2 6" Start Dim. 12-14 x 11" SD W/Washer Jamb Trim At Each Girt [FL-23] c � N L '- � � � c E �l o a Inside Corner Trim AVP Wall Panel v Fastener #14 J"O x J" Pop Rivet SS At 1'-8" O.C. Field Cut Panel As Required AVP Wall Panel Fastener #17A 12-14 x 1j" SD W/Washer At Each Girt s " at 5 '° First Panel Cut Detail When Wall Length Falls On 3'-0" Modules, The Piece Of Panel Cut From The First Panel To Be Used At The Finish Corner 0/0 Dimension (See Plan) Field Cut Panel As Required Finish Dim. Fastener #17A Varies 12-14 x 14" SD W/Washer „ 2 At Each Girt Jamb Trim rFL-23] N .2 rn = ' c o E AVP Wall Panel Inside Corner Tri o N • Fastener #14 0 00 J"O x J" Pop Rivet SS At 1'-8" O.C. co Fastener #17A 12-14 x 11" SD W/Washer At Each Girt Zee Girt AVP Wall Panel Zee Girt Cold Form Jamb Fastener #14A x " Pop Rivet SS At 1'-8" O.C. Each Side (When Cap Trim Is Used) Jamb Cap Trim (FL-37) (8" Jamb Only) Fastener #17A 12-14x1j" SDW/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Washer At 1'-8" O.C. Jamb Trim [FL-23] AVP Wall Panel Fastener #17A Field Cut Panel As Req'd. 12-14 x 1 J" SD W/ Washer At Each Girt Fastener #17A Zee Girt 12-14 x 1j" SD W/Washer At Each Girt Walk Door Jamb Fastener #17A 12-14 x 1 j" SD W/ " - - - - - - - - - — Washer At1'-8" O.C. . Jamb Trim [FL-23] AVP Wall Panel Fastener #17A Field Cut Panel As Req'd. 12-14 x 1 J" SD W/ Washer At Each Girt 6 " cut 5�" First Panel Cut Detail When Wall Length Falls On 3'-0" Modules, The Piece Of Panel Cut From The First Panel To Be Used At The Finish Corner Fastener #17A 12-14x1J" SDW/ Washer At Each Girt AVP Wall Panel o Field Cut Panel Fastener #17A As Required 12-14 x 1j" SD W/Washer E At Each Girt 0 C o Jamb Trim [FL-23] Outside Corner Trim AVP Wall Panel Zee Girt Fastener #14 6" J"O x J" Pop Rivet SS Start Dimension Rib At 1'-8" O.C. 0/0 Dimension (See Plan) sj" Cut 51" First Panel Cut Detail When Wall Length Falls On 3'-0" Modules, The Piece Of Panel Cut From The First Panel To Be Used At The Finish Corner Zee Girt AVP Wall Panel Fastener #17A 12-14x1j" SDW/ Washer At Each Girt emu Rib 0 C c c � Jamb Trim _ o [FL-23] to o E ` o 0 Fastener #17A Field Cut Panel As Required Outside Corner Trim 12-14 x 11" SD W/ Fastener #14 Washer At Each Girt Finish J"O x J" Pop Rivet SS Dim. At 1'-8" O.C. Varies 0/0 Dimension (See Plan) Sill Trim [FL-848] Fastener #14A A" x 6" Pop Rivet At 2'-0" O.C. /�Sill Cap Trim (FL-37) Fastener #4A f (8" Sill Only) 4-14 x SD W/Washer / At 1'-0" O.C. Fastener #14A " x " mum Pop Rivet SS At 1'-8" O.C. Each Side Fastener #17A (When Cap Trim Is Used) 12-14 x 14" SD W/Washer At 1 —0 O.C. . " Cold Form Sill AVP Wall Panel 0/0 Dimension (See Plan) Zee Girt Fastener #17A 12-14x1 ill SDW/ Washer At Each Girt Jamb Trim [FL-23] AVP Wall Panel Field Cut Panel As Req'd. Perimeter Sealant (Not By MBCI) Metal Roof and Wall Systems PRODUCT EVALUATION REPORT AVP Wall Panel •zerm r E. �,�G E N Sc�` �'��: State of Florida Professional Engineer: �; 0. N0.44923 '� Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. #44923 19530 Ramblewood Drive "J-0- ST F r Humble, TX 77338 �� •. w; P '•OR!V*' •••SS;4NAI. 0 APR 27 2015 Manufacturer: MBCI, L.P. a division of NCI, L.P. Houston 14031 West Hardy Houston,TX 77064 Lubbock 5711 FM-40 Lubbock,TX 79401 Oklahoma City 7000 S.Eastern Ave. Oklahoma City,OK 73149 San Antonio 86771-10 East Converse,TX 78109 Atlanta 2280 Monier Ave. Lithia Springs,GA 30122 Richmond 801 South Ave. Colonial Heights,VA 23834 Indianapolis 1780 McCall Drive Shelbyville,IN 46176 Omaha 1011 Ellison Ave. Omaha,NE 68110 Memphis 300 Highway 51 North Hernando,MS 38632 Rome 6168 State Route 233 Rome,NY 13440 Adel 1600 Rogers Road Adel,GA 31620 Phoenix 660 South 911 street Tolleson,AZ 85353 Salt Lake City 1155 West 2300 North Salt Lake City,LIT 84116 Oskaloosa 515 131h Ave E. saw 0. Oskaloosa,IA 52577Atwater yg� 50 IndustryWay _`'GE,E•••�••• Atwater,CA 95301 �`:..•••.;wQ�s� Ennis Q�••\�., N S+ ••.�.(�'� 1804 Jack McKay Blvd. ��; �' •.� Ennis,TX 75120 N0,44923 Nicholasviile 6975 Danville Rd. STATE Nicholasville,KY 40340 • G '•.•�1ONA1.all APR 2 7 2015 SUBJECT: Panel walls, siding . DESCRIPTION: AVP Panel — a 36", wide, through fastened, structural, metal wall panel, available in 26- ga. (.019). AVP Panel is typically applied over open framing. CODE CRITERIA: PER RULE 61G20-3, CHAPTER 14, FLORIDA BUILDING CODE — BUILDING, 5TH EDITION (2014), EXTERIOR WALLS SECTION 1403 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 1403.3 Structural. Exterior walls, and the associated openings, shall be designed and constructed to resist safely the superimposed loads required by Chapter 16. sub of Raft coA a►�en� • O • /.�Q-••��GEN, F•.X •� No.44923 STA1� F P. OR �0.• •. 410819110646 APR 2 7 2015 LIMITATIONS OF USE FOR NON-HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONES Substrate: Steel _ Substrate Description: Girts or FL P.E. designed equal. Substrate Attachment: Designed by FL P.E. per FBC 5t" Edition (2014). Insulation: (Optional) Vinyl or reflective foil faced fiberglass batten insulations that have a flame spread rating of no more than 25 and a smoke development rating of ,not more than 450. Minimum Substrate Thickness: 16-ga purlins or FL P.E. designed equal per FBC 5" Edition (2014). Documentation Supporting the Compliance Statement: The product has been tested in accordance with: • ASTM E 1592-01/1592-05: Test Report 07-020OT-14 A-C dated 9-29-14 by Force Engineering & Testing, Inc, located in Humble, Texas. The ASTM E 1592-01 test standard is equivalent to the ASTM E 1592-05 test standard. Maximum Uplift Pressure: See Attached Section Properties & Load Tables Application: Install AVP Panel per the manufacturers approved details. Test Pressures: -22.11 psf at 8'-0" 161.29 psf at 2'-0" +23.42 psf at 8'-0" smretPlaft cow #WM ,•�{.ffffflll CE E. :•,Q�,.��cENSF•01�r: .h : .�: No.44923 10 OR •� S+jONAL��J••. ,ff ff•f•ff�` APR 2 7 2015 V—D" Fastener #17A 12-14 x 1 " SD w/washer noo AVP Panel Profile And Fastener Spacing • Fastener #4A Fastener #17A J-14 x SD W/Washer 12-14 x 1 j" SD W/Washer At V-8" O.C. (Lap Fastener (Structural Fastener) Between Supports) Tape Sealant I" x (HW-507] (Optional AVP Panel Side Lap — i Z877b 01 �Q''•��CENS�••�.�', i No.44923 ; • • • • s '0 STAT OF too NALE APR 2 7 2015