HomeMy WebLinkAboutNFRC PRODUCT CERTIFICATION AUTHORIZATION REPORTNFRC Product Certification Authorization Report Manufacturer: Lawson Industries Street: 8501 NW 90th Street City/State/Zip: Medley, FL 33166 Print Date: 09/29/2016 Product Series: 9200 Sliding Glass Door Product Type: DDSG Air Leakage: Simulation Lab: SFTL Sim. Report #: 9062-REV01 Sim. Report Date: 07/15/2016 Test Date: 07/27/2016 Initial Cert. Date: 0612012007 Re -Certification Date: 08/29/2016 Revised Date: 09/19/2016 Expiration Date: 07/27/2021 00005-00001 3/16 Bronze-090 PVB -3/16 Clear AL/AS 1 N N BR 1.01 0.50 0.47 15 00005-00002 3/16 Clear-090 PVB-3/16 Clear ALIAS 1 N N CL 1.01 0.62 0.71 15 00005-00003 3/16 Gray-090 PVB-3/16 Clear AL/AS 1 N N GY 1.01 0.48 0.40 15 00005-00004 3/16 Clear-090 Gray PVB-3/16 Clear ALIAS 1 N N GY 1.01 0.39 0.09 15 00005-00005 3/16 Clear-090 Bronze PVB-3/16 Clear ALIAS 1 N N BZ i.01 0.36 0.12 15 00006-00001 3/16 Clear-090 PVB-3/16 Clear i89 ALIAS 1 0.149(2) N N CL 0.73 0.55 0.70 10 00006-00002 3/16 Bronze-090 PVB-3/16 Clear i89 ALIAS 1 0.149(2) N N BZ 0.73 0.42 0.46 10 00006-00003 3/16 Gray-090 PVB-3/16 Clear i89 ALIAS 1 0.149(2) N N GY 0.73 0.40 0.39 10 00007-0 3116-LoE--366-090-SGP - 3/16 Clear ALIAS 1 N N CL 1.02 0.30 0.49 15 pow Page 1 Baseline Information Test Lab Test Date Test Size Tested U-Value Standard U-Value Test Report Number TFfL 07/27/2016 2000 mm x 2000 mm 0.898 0.795 9019 Comments: I hereby certify that all requirements for NFRC Certification Authorization have been met and that the above information is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge. Authorized IA Signature: Page 2 w�drr Head Pr *�44- I/4'!M I Unit Height * 3/4' Finished Fioor 1 Depression FIGURE I - -Elevation------ View ----unit Width 4 1/2' FIGURE 2 Pion View Slu Track J' cvt back for perimeter caulk r 'a.d '•a 41et non -Shrink Cen2rli. Back-^i0. by Others. FRAN x 3/8' SMS screws FIGURE 3 Elevation View FPAME E07TOM CORNER / \",#6 x 3/8' SMS screws FIGURE 4 r�w 'N Safi! n,W. •.;I � LA W veyrr: Cam taoD nnoa NDUSTRZE S, INC. FEi hn, i7Cyi :56-2:ti1.0 �® tram ANlr rjffVj= W WdjJTf AMEDW 171YDD1S i?► RAW LOOIGS yaw prw _ a ID•ar [Wrrt PW Cbw hwt rus..n �t..s•vYoLE 't•r:*: s�.r+ FAAV_W INSTALLA7701V SIJDINL CLASS DOORS wmro. 4 MAMIE INSTALLATION -SLIDING GLASS DOORS Preliminary to installatinn A• ()I- fame package. and inspect all ""'porno againw pan, list for eaanf and accuracy. 3- M aura the length of tack :rod faders- they slnuld be tic same length, anJ equal u, unit width. C. <:hwk Furk opening width, and height in at least threcplams. Suck wiJ;lo should equal uni: width ' 'S-. 3uck height should equal unit height 'r,", Sec ligurca a I and 2. D- basset w,x,d hueks to ens,ne they are haek-bedde,l to nlasunn•. p- jamb bucks must teaninaw ' above :I,- level. No pan urth, iamb buck e:m extend down into thou depression. Sew figs "I. F. 3u<iv must be securely anchored to ntasnln•, uod Ltnchment must coMPly with haiidiai coda. G. Fl— depranviun )rare+) anon be an 1a 1 1 S:- deep, and free of ahs;mctions. H. If sound Ilan installation• and or wood fame installation un ground It.,. -ill Pa., +oust be Pmvidett. Sec pangmP1,r,12. INSTALLATION PROCEDURES I- AS. ruble bush janhs In header, and tack using 2 dbxi. S" PH. S.M.S.per comer. Nanaw scrcrn jambs muss f ee euerh:r. N—ow,pace between Leader fin. and facia tin . —I bee interine Fig-- >-Seal imm and backside wl' jamb to track, and upstanding track ri er urine scam seater or A.,\.Yt.A. uppmvcd caulk. If aoaptahle to customer. it is highly r ...... ended m ,at )tout side of janth to tack as well. Lay a Fed of prcmiacJ ever non -shrink vcmcm in Jcprresiun. Mncc content sidr•to-sidq :rod bock to front. Push ccmcm a__ainaf vcnie:d hawk uldepr ion. Leave spar • nt both ends of lack which will later he filled with A.A.M.A.appnn'ed eaalk. Fill all fanIq nob hrackow,. and ...el from lowest Point until bed is level. and appmxinotely %" deep. A quick sc, Con'— aeeelentnr is suggested to P.—ne a sPre,ly set up. If. t used. allow a, least i-Y: )onus tine lapse Ixliue anen,pnng fu aneLnr Inek. 4 Stand (nano up in opening, and love. franc down until trek is laying in wet cement Move Ihunc latterly to erea,e equal space benreer. bush jamb; and hocks. Center li:ine oo back;. Any space between tmek riser and wall of Ihnr depression is to he filled by others. Fi@43 Notc: lop ofdoar tmek riser n-1 not estcnd mow than ': above rough [Ion's ufacc. +• Plaer Level on track, and using mallet, op,nck down evenly until Inek sinks appro6nniely 5," into wet cement. Tmwel oll'esccss. A '.- spare will now rxia bawccn the header and header buck. A epaec in excess to v,- will not comply with code. Sec Fig. ga fi- Recheck sill Ihr level condition. Plumh jmnbs. Check width and height in a, I.,, tIn— plaea. Use "+ton• pole" t 1 "x2" aluminum tube na mjumh height) m gauge proper unit bright along cube• width of unit. 7- Place shims I-w— hark. jannh and headenn all anebarmg Puinu. Anelnr mid, Ilan hc.W concrete screws. passing through coimnl holes in inane. through ho,k and I V.." deep into masomy. M. C'u, "" groove a, ,one of Inek. Groove will be tilled (by others) a, the Prrimrrer evuiking slage. Refer to Lawson "General Door walerprooliug pmeiice 't -ti„ suggcsnrd sealing of opening. 9. Scatxll titllener heads. and any spoil i nnufacmring holes in j.,nh,. in- Inoall header and Inek pressure sensirire wemhrr pals a, ernterline of intenoeks, and at center ol'openiug ran (DIXO mars. I I- Prigno stucro applinninn. it is strongly recununended 1. spray a low -Nasiun loan, into all emhios existing baw'ren the dour flame. hocks and masonry. A pnlyanahnnr or approved equal a,merial is suggested. This procedure will pmvidr long lasting benefit i.e.: (this appli-W i.e. not by da,r in,failer) A - Red um noise mn,"161 al 11. provide additlunul solid support of Irene C - Rcd.ees Possibility of wa;. or na.ismc f—tntion D - Reduces air nmvanent Ple:+se refer to U....on worn Pntoling detail li,r additional scaling suggvstincs. 12 - Sill Paas (flashing) must be provided for all wood Inme installation. and -,-ad ii na,,nry anm raclinn when a conventional floor depression does not e, W. Ret:r n Lawn sill panel detail lily proper Ibhricufion details. Depth to be r"urnishe FIGI SM i V welded over Dimension= Track Length + 1/4' C@ LA Wit ON N 17USTRIE H- INC. NMO/ICIVIIN of evlmiALUYlm :)b(n.�_ 5F PH het. 43M%- !S6-'PGfiO FRZA l INSNLLATION SLIDING GLASS Boas namro. FIELD DIAGNOSIS OF A SLIDING GLASS DOOR INSTALLATION Before evaluating any sliding glass door installation, you must first examine the corner connection of each jamb to the header and track. Failure to properly pre -assemble the door frame almost guarantees angular, or dimensional faults that are not easily corrected, if detected after stucco and finish plaster. SIZES Consult Lawson's web site (www.lawsonwindows.com), finished opening chart, or price book to determine the width and height of the door in question. Measure the unit height, i.e. from top, of header to bottom of track. Take measurements at both jambs and at center. All must be the same. Fig. A. Measure width of unit at track, header and at keeper height. All must be the same. Fig.B If the finished frame has been stuccoed, you can determine the track length by measuring the length of the screen track from weep hole to weep hole. Add 3.0" to that dimension to arrive at track length. ANGULARITY The dimension of the assembled frame taken from upper left corner to lower right corner, must be the same as the distance taken from lower left comer to upper right corner. ( Measuring from identical starting, and ending points. .) This measurement is the most telling of installation failures, and should be accomplished with the assistance of another person to properly position measuring points. Fig. C/D/F Visually examine both jambs. They must face each other squarely. If either jamb, or both jambs do not hold 180 degrees to the opposite wall, the distance between jambs will be either too great or too little to properly accommodate panels. Fig. E PLUMB: Place a 6' level against both jambs. If any dimensions taken in Fig. A to Fig. E are not true, they will be further revealed by jamb "Bow -in" or "Bow -out". The placement of a 6' level in addition to proving the straightness of the jamb, also measures its degree of plumb. Fig. F PANELS: Consult web site for overall panel widths for the unit In question. Measure width and height of panels in a fashion similar to taking of frame measurements In Fig. A to Fig. D. Check the latching of all panels. Move the nite-lok lever to the off position. Push the thumb -latch down to the unlock position. Move the lock panel out and slightly away from its place in the jamb pocket until it begins to expose its lead edge. Compare the space between the lock stile lead edge and the jamb. View from top to bottom while comparing the reveal between stile edge and jamb. Close and lock all panels. Do they align at interlock, and female stile properly? Are they fully seated into jamb pocket? WEATHERING Visually inspect both fixed and moving jamb pockets for presence of weatherstrip. Place 6' level on door track. is track level, and solidly resting on flat surface? Is the space between the bottom Coor rail and track consistent from right to left? Is the bottom rail weather-stripping visible, and is it under slight compression against door track? Do panels glide smoothly over door track? NOTE: .F DOOR YOU ARE EVALUATING CONSISTS OF CONFIGURATIONS CONTAINING ONE OR MORE FIXED PANELS i.e., OX -XO, OXO, OXXO, OR OXXXXO, BE CERTAIN THAT THE FIXED PANELS HAVE BEEN FULLY SEATED INTO THE IAMB'S FIXED PANEL POCKET. TOO LITTLE PENETRATION INTO THE POCKET WILL RESULT IN FAILURE OF INTERLOCKS TO PROPERLY ENGAGE. SEE FIG. G AND FIG. H. CAN PANELS BE MOVED LATERALY? ANY SIDE TO SIDE MOVEMENT OF MORE THAN 'A" ON A 3 PANEL OR 3/8" ON A 4 PANEL UNIT MAY REQUIRE ADIUSTMENTS. SEALANT AND CAULKING Refer to Lawson's web site (www.lawsonwindows.com) for detailed information on proper back bedding, face caulking and perimeter caulk of doors, and area of responsibility for various trades. CAUTION Industry dimensional tolerance of + or - 1/16" is often compromised due to overlapping conditions. For an extreme example: if the width of the unit is off by + 1/16", and jamb has a + 1/16" deflection and the panels diagonal is off by + 1/16", the compounding of tolerances could create the maximum disadvantage to finding a textbook installation. It should be emphasized that providing a sound structurally secure product is our goal. Reasonable deviation from the ideal is often acceptable as long as the unit measures up to the N.O.A. When you have completed your Sliding Glass Door Installation evaluation, you may find that you are able to take corrective action by movement of the keeper or adjustment of door roller up or down. If however, you have detected flaws in the installation that could possibly require extensive alteration or complete unit removal, it is suggested that you report your findings directly to your branch manager only. Dealer sales personnel should report their findings directly to the dealer sales manager. PRAME'iRLTAMN nuw k1wroa A B Tape f' p Fixed 7 LA TES 0 ccaa ar.. acae mama v_mu1 . F10ftTJA ­SSt6G tsds) ass-n;caC -- c� BUNUrACTPRGf 7r RMLLITT AtptVlRrN 1AP001/S elf) iNSB DPCIGS � '. y.-.: "— xr. ..� a . ,.., a:n. cso.. Ir.,r cb. �ma a+v.r �nmr✓iee.c r� JA..c I M— FRAN3 r WArGX C%D; F SLIDLYG GLASS DOOR FIELD DLIGNGSIS Header Heavier Header �-Mavinq Panel in �-m /—Fixed Panel Enter(ock Inside Moving Panel/ F Fixed Panel Inside / Panel Roller Inside \ •\ \ -� Hole Port Interlock L FIGURE I FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 Fixed Panel Clla r,.,d P.—I Clip II ..... . .... Lalcn Ox X0 FIGURE 5 A Will 13 4 PANEL INSMALLATMN CI —I j-I rock, uralI dim and dcM,. in-II.I.- hale., fill Indv. ai.h calk:'fake q—i.l I, null, —h ILI ar I—L. r). cb.k j rja,nJ,. In rase. r pm—0- N.I P.'mi'nku: oninn u. npu:n.din, I k n.Ir xhi,h nm.t K- in ,ah i.,I4k kgn!'p h. M,, lcgn— I,- —k-J m i-id, Iq nfj,nmh. PANEL CONFIGURATION CODE 'XII ',, ON On, —ling panel IN. u I one li-d pn-I 10,. CAO Fi.,,d. --p- ft-d . urn. ARC Or T2A\Jn OS I, r N 0 -S'I'l 1-k'.F .ill he 'I's, pa",, —11 ,m III, Inside InrA. ImerlrcA h.* mull fi,, Inn— Innd up \*B- gui,b, in lap fl—Id nn., hc,&f� inl,n- fi.n. S. lip. fl P—hi'p IX-1 III, i".' uv.'rh.•ad- —im, Ani.,m .11 pa.11 --I inside. Ina 1-11.11y I— pond s.I III.. .Il,r in bu-m nit a4, —d—k S- fig.- 2 Ii—I j—la. I. -P, - I and 12. U-1 r,,,,d V.,-1 N.., in banal nil airs nn nuuide I.& R.i, —h id, of manng p—1 up In li,, , 1-1'. —igh. an —k ashler. m..... —'YJ I"'k plug in '41' cup J-111 11-d -- - - -L d1i", I .,I h1d, -.1 und . ..... ,O-k. i, III In-- - -Am.uplinn.'. .6.1 lliFF"illf wlioin 'w 'In n.y I— ad'—Z —',, ,, I, rip, h.ud, in .11-, h 1inF. I';—J .11L.11 1; nn—ffily. and k plunk ,-iih j—b. Fig. - 7. 6 - AIJin. j:u.,h 1,e,r h, all.— lbr — —y K IN, -n he ni.cd I" U—A by 1--ling tn,lb Wl— -66—rily alli-I.I. ..kc 11.0 0—k G. ph h Aign I ,. jmnh. SIu,u1j,J,I,. nn latch by adi—iny 001— g A - In. 1,,,l,d I—d — , in r.— I,rnl,nmi, 1-1, •0,id, nbrt. ,I,, Ilm.- of tun• 1,,,dI N.It. S- lip.., 6 13 - If Lad, ,anon,. -,Me r,— d height. C - A,li,;,., Ilnin.b lum, to lock panel. S. 7 - I'l— a jan,h fiA.; 0"', (".. .2l, int., fi—Ij,nd, 1,,k,l,. Lngas clip. wit.. j—h J—ka K.'Iat' clip., .,,III that' i"k i't" place. S" lig. a5. 9 - Pn,,h fl—d in:,, pIwko until It —i,:, furbrr nu,rrnunl. Sa nn clip, 1. f—1 -ik using z1f-I5,I; -I". -) -()I " and 'I"', nu.yin, ".."I I 1.1- Rdin, 111 -121-1 —, Oil, in,mallud., p—i— OXOand OXXO The ml,, li,, installing SO kill apply I,. ONO .0 OXNO. Addiliunal pnn1j.' i.,:. fon.k align ah I -king panel with k; —.I n,—d. ri, ul, pun,l Jj—.bI, nnla nay b, ­.ny :,, Il- .,Cj- panel to 111 111, x ilb I-kiny '—L S'• lip. -17. pym Mintmul 'I.— .— 1-- .rile at top and bmt— and -ck n.rr. h&k rv— fi,, a, y indication thl it has. lwo, I —I I, &I;I—d dnn.p —wuoi.a. 11 M6 -- ,rill cause;.-oirence xh- Inuring tune.. Ifd., I-W .... . . ....... I, it "y K. '"e—Y 1u t6n. the im<i& I'l; "f f I'I' site 1, all— p"'I III nu.ve il-ly. OYOI i I - H,Imr I. N.O.A. and fi—I r—h Ifil, in.ullu.iun Cw 1-1— pl""n'm, ,I' clip, and f..Aml— MORTISE LOCK HARDWARE V/ HANa.ES & KEEPER FIGURE 6 1LE 9" - - -- - - - I - - - - 8301 N.W. 'Rt• Si'. McoLf.- ' ILEA!" satrc F4 NO. �31.5! w6—M." CLAS,13 DOOR PAWL% INSTALLATION Page 7 30 31 i _ — O O O _—.—__.—_20 FAG D PANEL ANGLE AY—P SS NGi.F. ASTRAGAL. (SILT.) R •T IN ,R �t v it X=> 9 C1ias .420 N30 k.S1 N o-0'{ 2 + 0 OX0 4 2 1 OXX0 4 4 1 IMPACT SLIDING GLASS DOOR CLIP INSTALLTION arro..r LA WSN rioir ilia'+aim rwn.nmu� er �avr.rm�m1 wowwr.n mJm nm. ten.. r na+o�N a.WYM w.� 1QDS1! 6GG YAO 1 0l 1 SGD-9200 WPACf SLIDING GLOSS DOOR CLIP INSTALLATION DETAILS (A) Back bedding of jamb buck to block is d installer, <B) Wood Buck must be anchored to structure in accordance with trade practice, and comply with governing building code. Botton end of wood 'buck MUST BE �' ABOVE TOP of Interior concrete floor. Buck NEVER extends down into depression, (C) Any VERTICAL space between door and jamb and jamb and buck is to be filled with a tow expansion foam. (not by door Installer). The cavity between the block wall and BOTTOM of door Jamb must be filled with a polyurethane or equal material. (D) Face caulk using a urethane or equal material must extend from jamb to block. (not by window installer) (E) Perimeter caulk protects seam where stucco r,eets Jamb or door. (not by window installer) t J t,uLLU— (A) Back Bedding /— CB) Wood Buck 'him (as needed) (C) Low Expansion Foam Door Jamb — (E) Perimeter Calk ,L, Face Calk CC a..,a, vmppccoa 4D17 ur.Mas mud MherMw. F1a.... ,o.il i37dm.0 aocz J.... oih�xvl� ere as nintp oetscn O.C76 Clem Hates othrri.e. Jt�l 1-1 jT A,,...JY i ~ Wt ?:.w, sa sa_ ., mz 'tf "';`.. Pit ito. Ir3n5I t3asi;-56: pax am AIAW1JC1=n OF 4«� AAD MUM FDVDdWS AND CLASS AdMir 1 ' Tom Sao 1 } °`"`"`