HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT PERMIT# I ISSUE DATE _ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division • - • BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CO RACTORAGREEMENT SCANNED BY U.S. Avt have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Sub-contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) p For the project located at Y • U � (Project Street Address or Property T D#) i It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. i i ��• Igo, ( ua i . CONTRACT I fier) SUB-CONTRACTOR (Qualifier) 77 ro-r+ Ae,-Z_;! moftve_���z PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 30`-)3 3 0___1 LA-7 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of State of Fl a 12W of Fpr �1 The foregoing instrument was signed before me this S day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of(� 20 b by .�� W�tt �_ Vyt\ lC� .ZO�$,by O �h •��►1Q1�� u who is personally known Lf�or has produced a who is personally known or has produced a as identifica on. as identific on. STAMP 1 STAMP Si n eof to Signature of ota ublic �M`CH Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary \ \SpiA.iDlUl11 q,4���/i�i •• OTA19Y cn 'c `�� �SSION ems% �iO ,p, Revised 11/16/201A* m o s �/� �'A ••••••••••• G(G �% # F 98M 9•p ?pualrc usa�:�. 111110-`\\\\�� i PERM IT* ISSUE DATE i I ' M PLANNING &.DEVELOPMENT SERVICES" Building 8�Code Compliance Division BIUILDING PERMIT _ SUB=CONTR+,CTOR AGREEMENT �Qls have agreed to be (Company NamcJlndividual Name) f the or 8 v��- .77777-7. Al l•v°� (Typeof7rade -• (Pnmary.ContracWr) For the project located at` (� �-'ems/"_ o Gt.t,� p t� .fit r5 , �v (Pr ojecx St-ad Address or Prop Tax IDn [ x 7 It is understood that,If them is any ohange of stabs regardng our partictpa#ton with the above mentioged project the Building:and Code Regulattop Division of St,Lut;Ie County will be advised pursuant to the — project,ofa Change of Sub-contractflc n+ottce£� :_ i t v Alt 4,,,x�.'`a a' t �«5,k"`Yr t ?��� i.�.k s F mf•at.Y�¢{�+ ,.. 1 i, r k�` x �5�'a�".!� 'y�,�„' �:�:,nn'� t S• s K�sv d �`F i �Y�.+� �r a , a+'4"ro �3��,,. f r�P �`Yr�%`��z'''^rla�e'ea e.�1��,� Jf ��� S ♦ ' CDNIRA ( 4er) �s rx ��, SUB-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(lZoatific�) �' 'A C �iirlvn ,r � iaA t _J :Y PRW1 Np t�tlt�'I�AME �4 � py'<— F ODLC'rIYCERMCATH3iV NUMBER M r ".COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER x 810�eefpfei'�.�,� e� �GE% �_ � �`� , � StatiolFlorlda;Connty'at lJt4�rC�L. � x� 71ic torryiK t r� bdorame tLl�,� d>ty of ` The'foreQeloQ bntrameat w nlQeed befere.me this day of Q ,,.20�hy1�\ a x : wit ���s Y paaoaattj trams or Lai prodaced a wbo h personally ltaowa✓or 4ae`prodaced a < ,j 'V Idlat♦flCY g .ti o r s�: � r r x t STAMP � I y STA11� �. 7 fthu. Stanatureof Nodry Public Prlrt Naax of Notary PotiUe Print Name of Notary Pubtle \��11NII I I IIIIT A•��jf/�//// . �G RY4a i•.0 i } V � q • iwv;y. �� N I ! Notary Public Stale of Elwide * ­ lp ,• Donekl Y;seianar3.:{75177 Taylor tJgr ltevba0ll/1tV1016 $ ' �� * t ` cormn ••Z #rF j4f��� ort Expires 01/1&2b22= t /9, c 't o tie: OQ•` �f' 41� !rc In u�•,�� .,t _ * � �xs r �;� -r, x, . " . ... . .. .. .. . ... ._,,. F,..�..•+.,,..._..i.....Ss.z�.,.•::,i.z_..a:.t�:..;.a+..t.rs..:wv,,.,,<_<�r<...2...•,...a:dri.:iSJ'av f...a5»,lEauo�J:°w'a4 �.�m��'' i x k WI V-5 aia. r 3 3s �FRygta `�'. ; i a � a ` o ,��. yY� iwo"ll �,✓�. Fa.a t r �s x3rt^ a .;• .'r � �ce:�,"�t"a s.,.kY l �{ �'" sue&.-k £ 1"� ��� ? � Y n � Ar o $ a : MW 17 'may p n' a a i fie. € yIu r f its t z nn ,"+��99yy i .. s t ty t a ,iv fey �aii$$c y fp ' a r••'i 'z .i x., ag r r.4r° e* s''�, :r s, r r,. s x $, 'x5 „'`; a ," .a :• :n a a.,, t a�+..,,rs ,� t r wa+. Toole, 'w'elstA,1 � .i qr a <rt i P rt m �. Y t z . 5'.a e �; i 'j✓t s n s 'id PU Sri ' �.� T��� �t➢������� 4 h. � f n�, y i h � '4' � t R " ytk s "'� srr :8 sxk a**., xn' r.,�.. �' ,,j ��^^ii yu -,�rt,^ aann PP,' R'yX'" °77'� ^�'.g �et,` n k €" g•-.c Y�h a,X .. i rai 5•t 'A F§k° $ i � �V � .6L'),L •i'fA �/a� '°t dad' f A L ST' IIt -;a- §. k yra-�t �r ��M6aa� aa� lav $ n~I Ulp I