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6CANNLaa La40 WAWA FOOD MARKETS SP&m [FLGR�-DA PRODUCT APPROVAL DOCUMENTS CUHACI & PETERSON ARCHITECTS, LLC 1925 Prospect Ave. Orlando, FL 32814 (407) 661-9100 (407) 661-9101 (fax) July 6, 2015 F85, F85FB, F110 WAWA FOOD MARKETS IFLGRODA PRODUCT APPROWAL DOCUMENTS qua CUHACI & PETERSON ARCHITECTS, LLC 1925 Prospect Ave. Orlando, FL 32814 (407) 661-9100 (407) 661-9101 (fax) July 6, 2015 F85, F85FB, F110 May 1, 2009 Mr. James Bush ATAS International, Inc. 6612 Snowdrift Road Allentown, PA 18106 RE: MRD/Dutch Seam Florida Product Approval Report No: MRD-042009 Dear Jim: At your request I have evaluated the wind resistance performance of the ATAS MRD/Dutch Seam roof panels in conjunction with the Florida Building Code and Florida product approval system. The substantiating calculations and design assumptions are attached to this letter. A summary of the results is given below: Product: MRD Material: aluminum and steel Structural Substrate: %" thick (minimum) plywood %2" thick (minimum) plywood for reroofing Fastener: see table Allowable Pressure sf Clip Spacing inper #10-13 Screws Clip 64 30 2 68 24 2 71 18 2 75 12 2 113 8 2 131 6 2 Per Florida Building Code 2007, the steel panel has a fire classification of Class A (Section 1505.2) and the aluminum panel has a fire classification of Class B (Section 1505.3). 3276 Sequoia Drive Macungie, FA 18062 Phone: 610-704-4248 Fax: 484-214-0034 LockFidgeEng®verizon.net Mr. James Bush May 1, 2009 Page 2 of 2 It has been a pleasure to assist you with this project. Please feel free to contact me to discuss any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Christopher S. Blechschmidt PE61272 attachment Report No: MRD-042009 Wind Resistance Evaluation Calculations for MRD/Dutch Seam Metal Roofing Panels Florida Building Code Product Approval Report No: MRD-042009 for ATAS International, Inc. Qi Christopher S. Blechschmidt, P.E. 3276 Sequoia Drive Macungie, PA 18062 Christopher S. Blechschmidt P.E. # 61272 C141I 15TOPPER_5. BLEC145C14MIIDT, P.L. Project No: �� 1 Page: 1! 11 3276 Sequoia Drive Project: MRD 150 Product Approval Macungie, PA 18062 Client: ATAS International, Inc. 610-704-6676 Cal. By: CSB { Date: 5/1/09r Design Assumptions and Testing 0.032" MRD 150 aluminum panel (0.030" actual thickness) Sloped roof from 2.33:12 to 12:12 slope 5/8" plywood roof sheathing for new construction, 1/2" sheathing for reroofing (2) #10-13 GP stainless steel screws per clip into wood 8" clip spacing at perimeter, 12" fastener spacing in field for HVHZ 6"-30" clip spacings in non-HVHZ Allowable fastener loads from manuf. testing, and N. Amer. Spec. for the Design of CF StI. Str. Members, 2001 No stress increase for wind applied ASTM B209 alloy 3003-H14 or 3105-H14 aluminum sheet (Fy = 17 ksi, F„ = 20 ksi) 22-gauge ASTM A240 stainless steel type 304 clips (Fy = 30 ksi, Fu = 70 ksi) Tested in accordance with: TAS 100-1995 (AT[ report 66446.02-109-18) TAS 110-2000 (ASTM G23 -- Accelerated Weathering, ASTM B117 -- Salt Spray) TAS 125-2003 (ATI report 66446.01-109-18) Installation in accordance with RAS 111 (TAS 111 testing not required) and RAS 133. Panels tested to failure according to UL 580 and TAS 125 protocols F. S. = 2.0 on panel test pressures F. S. = 3.0 on screw withdrawl test values Report No: MRD-042009 C14R15TO14PEIZ5. 3276 Sequoia Drive Macungie, PA 18062 610-704-6676 BLEC145C14MIDT, P.E. Project No: 7 Page: ! r Project: MRD 150 Product Approval Client: ATAS International, Inc. d Cal. By: CSB Date: 5/1/09i HVHZ Allowable Pressure Evaluation TAS 125/UL580 Test Summary Specimen Clip Spacing (ft) Failure Pressure (psf) Clip Load (Ibs) Screw Load (Ibs) 1 1 1 150 187.5 93.75 2 0.667 225 187.5 93.75 3 1 2 1 135 1 337.5 1 168.75 Failure in all specimens occurred when panels pulled apart at the seam. HVHZ Allowable Field Pressure Use Specimens 1 and 3 to determine allowable field pressure. Use Specimen 1 as basis of design. Pint, avg = 142.5 psf Pam = 71.25 psf Clip Spacing = 12 in HVHZ Allowable Perimeter (Corner) Pressure Use Specimen 2 to determine allowable field pressure Pit = 225 psf Pallow = 112.5 psf Clip Spacing = 8 in Report No: MRD-042009 CLII15T01IPER_5. BLEC145CLIMIDT, P.It 3276 Sequoia Drive Macungie, PA 18062 610-704-6676 Project No: " Page:1 Project: MRD 150 Product Approval f Client: ATAS International, Inc. Cal. By: CSB Date: 5/1/09' Non-HVHZ Allowable Pressure Evaluation TAS 125/UL580 Test Summary Specimen 1 Clip Spacing (ft) Failure Pressure (psf) Clip Load (Ibs) Screw Load (Ibs) 1 1 150 187.5 93.75 2 0.667 225 187.5 93.75 3 1 2 1 135 1 337.5 1 168.75 Failure in all specimens occurred when panels pulled apart at the seam. Allowable Panel Uplift Pressures Clip Spacing (ft) Ultimate Pressure (psf) Ultimate Clip Load (Ibs) Allowable Pressure (psf) Required Screw Strength (Ibs) 0.5 262.5 164.1 131 82.0 0.667 225 187.6 113 93.8 1 150 187.5 75 93.8 1.5 142.5 267.2 71 133.6 2 135 337.5 68 168.8 2.5 127.5 398.4 64 199.2 Italic tont indicates interpolated/extrapolated pressure Screw Design Pull -Out (per manufacturer test data) Ultimate Pull -Out = 390 Ibs Factor of Safety = 3.0 W plywood Allowable Pull -Out = 130 Ibs Ultimate Pull -Out = 350 Ibs Factor of Safety = 3.0 Y2" plywood Allowable Pull -Out = 117 Ibs Pull -Over (per 2001 AISI Cold -Formed Design Specification) t, = 0.0299 inches dW = 0.5 inches F„ l = 70,000 psi O = 3.0 Pr'.JQ = 523 Ibs Controlling Allowable Screw Load Pull -Out controls. Allowable Load for 2 screws = 260 Ibs for W plywood 233 lbs for'/" plywood 2 screws are adequate for clip spacings from 6" to 30" using pressures determined from UL580 test. Report No: MRD-042009 C14R15TO14PE1_5. BLEC145C14MIDT, P.E. Project No: E Page:��j 3276 Sequoia Drive Project: MRD 150 Product Approval Macungie, PA 18062 Client: ATAS International, Inc. i 610-704-6676 Cal. By: CSB Date: 5/1/09 Clip Spacing and Allowable Pressure Summary HVHZ Zones Zone Allowable Pressure (psf) Clip#10-13 Spacing (in) Screws per Clip Field 71 12 2 Perimeter 113 1 8 1 2 Non-HVHZ Zones Allowable Pressure (psf) Clip#10-13 Spacing (in) Screws per Clip 64 30 2 68 24 2 71 18 2 75 12 2 113 8 2 131 6 2 Report No: MRD-042009 AA , bqT H JEAMReview and understand complete guide before beginning installation. n sta I I ati o n Guide This guide has been prepared as suggested details to particular design conditions. Each condition has certain limitations to performance, The Dutch Seam roof panel, with integral seam, is available in aethetics or economics. Professionals qualified to assess three widths with seam spacing of 11", 15", and 19-1/4" o.c. this information for a specific project, should determine The panels are roll -formed from 16 oz. copper, .032 and .040 that the selection and installation are made to their aluminum and 24 ga. Metallic Coated steel, smooth or stucco requirements. ATAS cannot assume any responsibility for embossed, with or without stiffening ribs. 22 ga. Metallic the actual selection and/or installation of materials. The Coatedsteel is available, subject to minimum quantity. The panels, flashings and trim shown in this guide are material has a KYNAR 50011or HYLAR 50000quality finish, illustrated over solid and plumb substrate. It is assumed in 30 standard colors. The minimum panel length is 2'-0", the that the structure has been designed and prepared in maximum is determined by shipping considerations. Minimum accordance with local building codes. recommended pitch is 2:12 depending upon geographical location and/or roof geometry.. MRD194 Clip Spacing & Allowable Uplift Summary Non-HVHZ Zones Allowable Pressure (psf) Clip Spacing (in) #10-13 Screws per Clip 64 30 2 68 24 2 71 18 2 75 12 2 113 8 2 131 6 2 Substrate: 5/8 thick plywood on 1/2 plywood for reroofing MRD1 Sn i- 3" -� 13/16" V MRD110 J "RAISED" ANCHOR CLIPS MRS901 - 24 ga. galvanized steel "FLAT" ANCHOR CLIPS MRS991 - 22 ga. stainless steel MRS903 - 22 ga. stainless steel NOTE: When utilizing the raised clip, all roof edge areas (ridges, val- MRS904 - 24 ga. galvanized steel leys, eaves, gables, etc.) must be shimmed 1/4" so trim pieces are on Clips designed for use with wafer (pancake) headed screws. the same plane as the panels. The raised clips allows for use of hex head type fastners. Eave Detail 1. In re -roofing applications: cut back and remove existing shingles and drip edge to be flush with the eave and gable lines, or as required � istall underlayment. II applications: apply ATA-Shield"" along eave d] 1." up the roof to a point at least 24" beyond outside face of exterior wall. 3. Install drip edge against fascia trim. Lay ATA-Guard* over eave trim. 4. Trim (cut) seam and water leg back to allow for turn down. Install panel by sliding lower flanged edge over drip edge. 5. Optional end closure is to pop -rivet cap in place as shown in sketch. General Note: Before any installation be sure to lay ATA-Shield in all areas where ice & water can occur. ATA-Guard or appropriate underlayment should be installed over the entire roof. When asphalt based felt underlayment is used install a slip sheet, such as rosin paper, to minimize friction. Gable Detail M°cement p1\ow {OC�hecma\ 6" Mom. End Cl MDA11X - Drip Edge 1. At gable start detail, install gable trim starter cleat with appropriate fasteners at 2'-0" into fascia board. Painted 2. At end gable, cut panel to appropriate width to 11— room for clips at gable end. If panel cut off is wider install cut off portion of panel ,-rneath last panel w/ butyl tape applied in -------- ------- between the two panels and install clips before installing gable assembly. �\ 3. Apply double-faced butyl sealant as circled in sketch. Fasten "Z" closure to panel with pop -rivets. 4. Install starter cleat at end detail same as start detail. 5. At both ends snap gable/rake trim over starter cleat and "Z" closure to lock into place. Pop -rivet these two pieces together with one pop -rivet per trim length. Start Gable Detail Valley Detail 1. Install ATA-Shield** approximately 18" up both sides of the valley line. 2. Lay valley pan in valley center. Locate joggle cleat at 4" to 6" from valley center. 3. Install joggle cleat. Fasten 6" o.c. through butyl tape and pan into substrate. 4. Turn under edge of panel to slide into joggle cleat. Fasten with clips at 2'-0" o.c. Dutch Seam Panel ' MDA910'T' Closure Dutch eam Panel Dutch Seam Panel Anchor Clips ATA-Guard* #12 xi" Wafer Head Screws Anchor Clips #12 x1" Wafer Head Screws MDA800 Vallej Pan MDA210 Gable/Rake Trim Panel Overlap w/ double sealant & pop -rivet MDA975 Joggle Cleat MDA211 Gable/Rake Starter Cleat End Gable Detail Anchor Clips Wafer Head Underlayments: ATA-Guard*is a polyolefin based, 100% Underlayments: ATA-Shield** is the recommended self adhesive underlay - asphalt free, high strength reinforced roofing ment for eaves, sidewall and any critical areas exposed to ice damming underlayment for use beneath metal roofing on steep and extensive water run off. slope applications. 1000 sq. ft. per roll at 48" wide. Available in 65'-8" x 39-3/8" rolls (2000 sq. ft. per roll). Hip & Ridge Detail Hip and ridge applications are handled in the same manner. 1. Cut "Z" closure to fit between seams and install in butyl tape.(Use 3 fasteners on 11" panel, 4 on 15", 5 on 19 1/4") 2. Seal neoprene strips into "Z" closures (formed neoprene for ridge; straight neoprene for hip). 3. Snap hip/ridge cap over "Z" closures for it to lock into place. Pop -rivet one side only to allow for expansion and contraction. Notes: * Trim must be pop -riveted to Z in at least one location to control thermal movement. * Unless otherwise specified, all fasteners for trim components should be spaced at 2'-0" o.c. Install splice plates at ridge cap joints. Pop rivet splice to one end of ridge cap to allow for expansion and contraction. Headwall Detail Install appropriate underlayment to the edge. 1. In standard headwall situation (without venting), run underlayment from roof plane up headwall. Install panels up to headwall. 2. Fasten "Z" closure in bed of sealant at top of panel. Seal formed neoprene closure into place in "Z" closure. 3. Install headwall transition over "Z" closure. 4. Apply counterflashing over the headwall trim, as required. Shed Ridge Detail 1. Install metal panel up to the roof peak. 2. Fasten "Z" closure in bed of sealant at top of panel. Seal formed neoprene closure into place in "Z" closure. MDA30X / MDA31 X Ridge/Hip Cap Closure / MDA910 #12 x1" 7z' Closure Wafer Head Screws MDA980 Counterflashing� Appropriate Anchor Fastener MDA500 Headwall Trim „ Mai• \� . �z / MDA910 ' T' Closure Dutch Seam Panel ATA-Guard' #12 x1" Wafer Head Screws Anchor Clips 3. Fasten starter cleat to face of trim boards at MDA910 — 2" below ridge line. ' ' Closure 4. Install shed ridge cap trim over "Z" closure Dutch Seam Panel and starter cleat. I-- Dutch Seam Panel Shaped MDA34X Shed Ridge Cap Neoprene 7 #12 xi" Wafer Clips Head Screws MDA348 Shed Ridge Starter Cleat Sidewall Detail 1111 MDA980 Counterflashing i Clips Dutch Seam Panel #12 x1 " Wafer Head Screws 1. Install metal panel up to within Appropriate Anchor Fastener 1" of the sidewall. ' 2. Fasten "Z" closure in bed of butyl sealant at top of panel MDA410 Sidewall Trim ' as shown. MDA910 "z" Closure\ 3. Fasten sidewall trim over I \� ..: "Z" closure to face of sidewall. i ... .. 4. Apply counterflashing over the sidewall trim, and seal — — — into reglet. Butyl Tape Sealant NOTE: Trims should be fastened to substrate and sidewall using a Ending Sidewall Detail #12 x 1" wafer head screw. Note Regarding Trim Details The applicaiton of flashing and trim requires a detailed approach. Consideration should be given to the roof's geometry and course it creates for water run-off. Location of gutters and the use of snow retention systems should also be considered. Proper planning regarding the sequence of material overlap is critical. Sealants, such as butyl tapes and tripolymers, should be used at overlapping trim edges, in conjunction with exposed fasteners, and to seal flashings. All fasteners should be properly tightened and not overdriven at an angle. Fasteners that are too loose can "back out" over time. An overdriven fastener may cause a depression in the material, which becomes a collection point for standing water. Piro no+nu I I'✓V 1../VLUII Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 (' the proper pipe diameter Position over pipe and slide Apply polyurethane sealant Mold the flexible base to Fasten with 1/4" x 1-1/8" drillin rked on the flashing. down the pipe. to the bottom of the base. the panel contours. fastener every 1-1/2" around tha haca 110�1� ,� _ � ems- Y'a,- � ��_ { j f j' �' — ✓"�"'� � h . - Pipe drawings provided by Triangle Fasteners Basic Equipment Required: Tie -off ropes, safety harness, long level, ladders, scaffolding with approved planking, extension cords with approved ground plugs and services. tional Tools: l folding, tool, hammer, chalk line, measuring tape, metal cutting - nibblers, drills, hacksaw, utility knife, pop -rivet gun, caulking layout and combination square, C clamps, sheet metal shears iding RH, LH, straight and overhand). Power driven screw gun proper bits, depth -setting nosepiece, variable speed. ;e the correct equipment and tools to do the job in a safe m Wear safety, gear and follow OHSA requirements. 1. Never cut the panels with an abrasive cut-off wheel or torch, as this will damage the finish. 2. Do not weld the trim or panels. 3. Remove any small burrs left by cutting, screwing or drilling. 4. Remove protective masking immediately after trim is installed. 5. Caution should be taken when unloading the panels to prevent damage. 6. Use appropriate screws for the type of underlayment and long enough to fully penetrate and secure the panel. 7. The stored materials should be kept dry. 8. Do not cut on finished roof. Remove all drill spirals, chips and dust immediately. 9. Seal neoprene closures and soft cell foam by applying appropriate sealant to both surfaces. 10. Put appropriate sealant/butyl tape between overlapping trims. 11. Overlap trims in a manner not to impede the flow of water. For further information or assistance, contact our Residential Product Support at 800-468-1441 ©2007ATASIntemational, Inc. All ATAS International Inc. Corporate Office rights reserved. Dutch Seam is a _CC`7 tradenamAllentown, PA 18106 Inter e owned by ATAS i www.atas.com - info@atas.com (610) 395-8445 International, Inc. Roofing -Products LAC280 AN OI ATA4In.droCorat 41C .2 TECHQ TILE TM —.Approval FL-3162-RI Exposures: A, B &C Request Fastener Pattern Layouts as required Requirements far 518" Minimum Thickness Plvwnnd Material FBC Fire Class Fastening Pattern. Maximum Allowable Wind Speed (mph) at Stated Slopes 3:12 thru 6 %:12 7:12 thru 12:12 24 GA Steel A Pattern A .140 140 Pattern B .130 130 0.032" Al B Pattern C 110 120 Requirements for '/211Unimum Thickness Plvwnnd (Rprnnflnnl Material FBC Fire Class Fastening Pattern MaximumAllowable Wind S*cod (mph) at Stated Slopes 3:12 thru 6 %:12 7:12 thru 12:12 24 GA Steel A Pattern A 140 140 Pattern B 120 120 0.032" Al B Pattern C 110 120 DUTCH SEAMTM MRD110, NIRDI60 AND MRD194 -- Approval FL-3666-111 Roof Slopes: 2.33:12 through •12:12 Reaulrements for 518" Minimum Thickness Plvwnnd Material FBC Fire Classification. Allowable Wind :Speed (mph), Exposures B & C Fastening #10-13 Screws For CII s Panel Clip Spacing 24 GA Steel A S 130 1 per clip T-0" in field; V-0" at perimeter 140 2 per clip 0.032" Al B 5130 1 per clip 140 2 per clip Reaulrements for'/z" Minimum Thickness Plvwnnd (Rprnnfina) Material FBC Fire Classification Allowable Wind . Speed (mph), Exposures B & C Fastenin #10.13 Screws For -Clips Panel Clip Spacing, 24 GA Steel A :9 120 1 per clip T-0" in field; V-0" at perimeter 130 thru 140 2 per clip 0.032" AI B <_ 120 1 per clip 130 thru 140 2 per cii C:\DOCUME-1\NANCYL-1\LOCALS--1\Temp\Summary of FBC Coverage 3 17_06.doc March 17, 2006 MiAM[-DARE 1 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA James Hardie Building Product, Inc. 10901 Elin Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 mywaiiiamldade.eoy/economy SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. ' DESCRIPTION: Artisan Lap Siding APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 2008-8-7.vsd, titled " Artisan Lap Siding ", sheets I through 4 of 4, prepared by Ronald I.Ogawa, P.E., dated August 07, 2008, last revision #1 dated August 27, 2008, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and the expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Sinall Missile hupact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and the following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA # 12-0517.05 and consists of this page 1, evidence submitted pages E-1 & E-2 as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by ,Helmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. MIAM DADECOUNTY ,(/ NOA No. 15-0122.03 ., a , 'I�r`/� Expiration Date: 10/02/2018 j Approval Date: 04/16/2015 old/ %6/20l� Pagel James Hardie Building Product, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL # 08-0514.11 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawirng Aro. 2008-8-7.1,sd, titled " Artisan Lap Siding ", sheets I through 4 of 4, prepared by Ronald I. Ogriwa, P.E., dated August 07, 2008, last revision #1 elated August 27, 2008, signed and sealed by Ronald I Ogaiva, P.E. B. TESTS 1. Test Report #MID3137643-01, by Intertek ETL Semko, dated January 30, 2008, per TAS 202 and TAS 203, signed and sealed by Rick Curkeet, P.E. 2. Test Report #MID3137643-03, by Intertek ETL Semko, dated April 16, 2008, per TAS 202 and TAS203, signed and sealed by Rick. Curkeet, P.E. 3. Test Reporl #3 09 7158-009B, by Intertek ETL Seniko, dated May 04, 2 00 7, per Acceptance Criteria for Fiber Cement Siding used as Exterior Pvall Siding, signed and sealed by Kal. Kooner, EIT. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Alliami-Dade County Building Code Compliance Office. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Test Report #3099611 SAT-001, by Intertek ETL Sernko, dated ,lune.28, 2006, per ASTME84-05, Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, signed by C. Anthony Penaloza, Flammability Testing Team Leader. 2. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL # 12-0517.05 A. DRAWINGS 1. None. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Adiami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. iy A. Malcar, P.E., M.S. Product Control Unit Supervisor L _ i NOA No. 15-0122.03 )aspiration Date: 10/02/2018 Approval Date: 04/16/2015 11-1 James Hardie Building Product, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 3. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. None, B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miami -Dade County Department of Regulatof y and Economic Resources. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. OTHERS 1. Florida Building Code, 2014 edition, compliance letter issued by R. I. Ogawa & Associates, Inc., dated March 17, 2015, signed and sealed by R. I. Ogawa, P.E. " g. /�� H y A. Malcar, P.E., M.S. Product Control Unit Supervisor NOA No. 15-0122.03 Expiration Date: 10/02/2018 Approval Date: 04/16/2015 E-2 " a ■ a a In r a• r �5SmoV;�mm� b�roo � 0 Dr0 Ou� iy�m �0 ENO ,m.IZNXCt,t ;vat QXm CZ — ra�6"m�r u ,, OAR N Jz �.z�mm�sZZ� oczi nbN �-11rSS00 �o;< Fn x to 19 PTO p xar w m �z C m6) v x 13roVo 9�Om 5-imK 0 -n p g�3� ��zo 9 ' mP0to 2�� ro 0 5 a. m LI � N n ;u O ju w tj%111Ill l 1111///l \ ,• 43 g O A o •'• o $, N •r, /Wllllrljlr1101 N � V o ro A -oft 'pal 4 • • - t o O cn VI A�prov><dmtesoply�t�1►ah4�t 1�LMdltBotd Goo vo Ddt NOAf� Miami UAAaPmalmCDnwo • • yc O Ms o 0 N a I 1RI 9V 5 45 k�.111111 x 0 CL co Eat ° Y d 06 U 8'GN�tn V- 06 p ��'rroly CL g�E 0-E . . ■ . . . . ■ . . d' u roe$ ro� v��v��ua�sl c##c}���•an.F7� 2 co R I u am P. A s 0 a 0 01) • a ■ ■ L t • m mcummilze lt-00 v.mTmmaT z Z09 In z yx� �• m w co 2Z�'oZ.�r1 X L b mzzn v o o7° .00 x ° n� 3CzolNza;uG) q M O m9 o`x 3 c -I } co��� to I rl � o a . Z OM a �oDzDo ' mDpfa r °S°s n a x° O � $ o o o ° - 0� rr I # 6 • i c ]a N i7 q ' • N �9 .i C"i -� REPORTTM 1 ESR-2429 Issued June 1, 2008 This report is subject to re-examination in one year. ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. I Business/Regional Office ■ 5360 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California 90601 ■ (562) 699-0543 Regional Office a 900 Montclair Road, Suite A, Birmingham, Alabama 35213 ■ (205) 599-9800 WWW.ICC-eS.Ora Regional Office ■4051West FlossmoorRoad, Country Club Hills, Illinois 60478■(708)799-2305 DIVISION: 09-FINISHES Section: 09205-Furring and Lathing REPORT HOLDER: BASF CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS LLC 3550 ST. JOHNS BLUFF ROAD SOUTH JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32224 (904)996-6000 www.wallsystems.basf.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: PERMALATH®1000 GLASS FIBER LATH 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: ■ 2006 International Building Code® (IBC) ■ 2006 International Residential Code® (IRC) Properties evaluated: ■ Structural ■ Durability ■ Fire resistance ■ Noncombustibility 2.0 USES Permal-atho 1000 is used as reinforcement for exterior cement plaster conforming to ASTM C 926 or StuccoBase cementitious wall covering conforming to ESR-1064. 3.0 DESCRIPTION PermaLath®1000 is an open -weave, three-dimensional lath, formed from glass fibers. PermaLath® 1000 has a nominal thickness of /4 inch (6.4 mm), weighs 8.8 oz/yard2 (294 g/m2) and is supplied in 39-inch-wide-by-150-foot (990.6 mm by 45.72 m) rolls. 4.0 INSTALLATION 4.1 General: This report recognizes use of the lath installed over '/,s inch - thick (11.1 mm), Exposure 1, oriented strand board (OSB) complying with U.S. DOC PS2-92, or'/,s inch -thick (11.1 mm), Exterior or Exposure 1 plywood complying with U.S. DOC PS- 1 or PS-2 forwood-framed assemblies; and'/2 inch -thick (12.7 mm) water-resistant core gypsum sheathing board complying with ASTM C 79 or ASTM C 1396 or ASTM C 1177 for metal - framed assemblies. The lath must be installed with a minimum 3-inch (76 mm) overlap at vertical and horizontal edges and must overlap over the flange of trim accessories. The lath must be applied flat and must be free of ripples, wrinkles, etc. The lath is attached through the sheathing to either minimum No. 20 gage [base -metal thickness 0.033 inch (0.84 mm)] steel studs spaced a maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) on center using minimum No. 6 by 11/4 inch -long (32 mm), Type S, self -drilling, 0.32-inch-diameter (8.1 mm), corrosion - resistant coated, bugle -head tapping screws with 1'/a inch - diameter (32 mm) Wind -Lock Lath Plates (legless) spaced 6 inches (152 mm) on center along studs and track; or to wood studs having a minimum specific gravity of 0.42 and at a maximum spacing of 16 inches (406 mm) on center with minimum 3/4-inch-crown-by-1114 inch -long (19.1 by32mm), No. 16 gage, galvanized metal staples placed every 6 inches (152 mm) along studs and plates. Exterior cement plaster must be proportioned, mixed and installed in accordance with ASTM C 926 and must have a minimum thickness of 3/4 inch (19.1 mm). StuccoBase cementitious wall covering must be installed in accordance with ESR-1064, except as follows: ■ The coating must have a minimum thickness of '/2 inch (12.7 mm). ■ Installation is limited to the assemblies described in this report. 4.2 Transverse -load Resistance: 4.2.1 Exterior Cement Plaster: The maximum allowable positive and negative wind loads on the system incorporating Permal-athe 1000 glass fiber lath and exterior cement plaster with No. 20 gage [base -metal thickness of 33 mils (0.84 mm)] steel studs spaced a maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) on center, are 51 psf (2.44 kPa) and 21 psf (1.00 kPa), respectively. The maximum allowable positive and negative wind loads on the system incorporating PermaLath® 1000 glass fiber lath and exterior cement plaster with wood studs spaced at a maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) on center, are 54 psf (2.58 kPa) and 41 psf (1.96 kPa), respectively. Installation of assemblies must comply with Section 4.1 of this report. 4.2.2 StuccoBase Cementitious Wall Coating: The maximum allowable positive and negative wind loads on the system incorporating PermaLath® 1000 glass fiber lath and StuccoBase with No. 20 gage [base -metal thickness of 33 mils (0.84 mm)] steel studs spaced a maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) on center, are 23 psf (1.10 kPa) and 21 psf (1.00 kPa), respectively. The maximum allowable positive and negative wind loads on the system incorporating PermaLath® 1000 glass fiber lath and StuccoBase with wood studs spaced at a maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) on center, are 23 psf (1.10 kPa) and 30 psf (1.44 kPa), respectively. Installation of assemblies must comply with Section 4.1 of this report. REPORTS" are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement ofthesubject oflhe report or a recommendationfor its use. There is no warranty by ICCEvaluation Service, Inc., express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright© 2008 FROM cenctuu Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 . ESR-2429 � F 4.3 One -hour Fire -resistance -rated Wall Assembly: 4.3.1 First Assembly (Nonload-bearing): Interior Face: One layer of 5/,-inch-thick (15.9 mm), Type X gypsum wallboard complying with ASTM C 36 or ASTM C 1396 is applied vertically to minimum 20 gage steel studs spaced a maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) on center. The gypsum wallboard shall be attached with No. 6, 1-inch- long (25.4 mm), bugle head, corrosion -resistant, self -tapping screws spaced 12 inches (305 mm) on center at intermediate framing and 8 inches (203 mm) on center at the perimeter. All wallboard joints must be backed by framing. All wallboard joints are taped with joint tape and compound, and screw heads are covered with joint compound in accordance with ASTM C 840 or GA216. Exterior Face: One layer of %-inch-thick (15.9 mm), Type X, water-resistant core treated gypsum sheathing, complying with ASTM C 79 or ASTM C 1396, is applied horizontally to the studs with No. 6, V/4 inch -long (31.8 mm), self -tapping, corrosion -resistant, bugle head screws spaced a maximum of 8 inches (203 mm) on center at intermediate framing and at the perimeter. One layer of water -resistive barrier is required over the sheathing. PermaLath 1000 is fastened over the water -resistive barrier to the framing with No. 6, 1'/4 inch -long (31.8 mm), self -tapping, corrosion - resistant, bugle head screws with 1'/4 inch -diameter (31.8 mm) Lath Plates by Wind -Lock, spaced 6 inches (152 mm) on center at intermediate framing and at the perimeter. Minimum 1/2-inch-thick (12.7 mm).StuccoBase is applied as described in Section 4.1.1 of ESR-1064 over the PermaLath 1000. 4.3.2 Second Assembly (Nonload-bearing): Interior Face: One layer of 5/,-inch-thick (15.9 mm), Type X gypsum wallboard complying with ASTM C 36 or ASTM C 1396 is applied vertically to minimum 20 gage steel studs spaced a maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) on center. The gypsum wallboard shall be attached with No. 6, 1-inch- long (25.4 mm), bugle head, corrosion -resistant, self -tapping screws spaced 12 inches (305 mm) on center at the intermediate framing and 8 inches (203 mm) on center at the perimeter. All wallboard joints must be backed by framing. All wallboard joints are taped with joint tape and compound, and screw heads are covered with joint compound in accordance with ASTM C 840 or GA216. Exterior Face: One layer of minimum 5/,-inch-thick (15.9 mm), Type X, water-resistant core treated gypsum sheathing, complying with ASTM C 79 or ASTM C 1396, is applied horizontally to the studs with No. 6, 11/4 inch -long (31.8 mm), self -tapping, corrosion -resistant, bugle head screws spaced a maximum of 8 inches (203 mm) on center at intermediate framing and at the perimeter. One layer of water - resistive barrier is applied over the sheathing. PermaLath 1000 is fastened over the water -resistive barrier to the framing with No. 6, 11/4 inch -long (31.8 mm), self -tapping, corrosion - resistant, bugle head screws with 1'/,, inch -diameter (31.8 mm) Lath Plates by Wind -Lock, spaced 6 inches (152 mm) on center at intermediate framing and at the perimeter. Minimum 3/4-inch-thick (19 mm) exterior cement plaster complying with ASTM C 926 is applied in accordance with ASTM C 926 (Section 2510.3 of the IBC and Section R703.6 of the IRC) using the PermaLath 1000 in lieu of the metal lath. 4.3.3 Third Assembly (Limited Load -bearing): Interior Face: One layer of 5/8 inch -thick (15.9 mm), Type X.gypsum wallboard, complying with ASTM C 36 or ASTM C 1396, is applied vertically to 2-by-4 wood studs spaced a maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) on center. The gypsum wallboard is attached with 17/8 inch -long (47.6 mm), 0.0975-inch-diameter (2.47 mm), galvanized steel, cup head drywall nails spaced 8 inches (203 mm) on center at intermediate and perimeter framing. All wallboard joints must be backed by framing. All wallboard joints are taped with joint tape and compound, and screw heads are covered with joint compound in accordance with ASTM C 840 or GA216. Kraft paper -faced fiberglass insulation batts are placed in the cavities between the studs, with the kraft paper surface on the interior side of the wall and fastened to the studs. The insulation batts must have an R-11 thermal resistance value and measure 3'/2 inches (89mm) thick. Exterior Face: One layer of 7/167inch-thick(11.1 mm) OSB complying with U.S. DOC PS-2 is applied horizontally to the studs with 6d sinker nails spaced a maximum of 8 inches (203 mm) on center at intermediate framing and at the perimeter. Two layers of water -resistive barrier are applied over the sheathing in accordance with IBC Section 2510.6 and IRC Section R703.6. PermaLath 1000 is installed over the water -resistive barrier into framing with 16 gage, 1-inch-thick (25.4 mm), 11/; inch -long (31.8 mm), corrosion -resistant staples, spaced 6 inches (152 mm) on center at the intermediate framing and at the perimeter. Minimum 3/4 inch - thick (19 mm) exterior cement plaster complying with ASTM C 926 is applied in accordance with ASTM C 926 (Section 2510.3 of the IBC and Section R703.6 of the IRC), using the PermaLath 1000 in lieu of the metal lath. Axial Design: Axial loads applied to the wall assembly shall be limited to the lesser of the following: 1. 1,100 pounds (4893 N) per stud. 2. A maximum of 47.5 percent of the load calculated in accordance with Sections 3.6 and 3.7 of the ANSI/AF&PA NDS. 3. Design stress of 0.78 F , calculated in accordance with Sections 3.6 and 3.7 of the ANSI/AF&PA NDS. 4. Design stress of 0.78 F' at a maximum lVd of 33 calculated in accordance with Sections 3.6 and 3.7 of the ANSI/AF&PA NDS. Fire Separation Distance: When installed in accordance with Section 4.3.3, exterior walls shall have a minimum fire separation distance of 5 feet (1524 mm) in accordance with IBC Section 704.5. 4.4 Noncombustible Construction: PermaLath 1000 embedded into exterior cement plaster complying with the code or StuccoBase cementitious exterior wall coating (ESR-1064) is considered noncombustible in accordance with Section 703.4 of the IBC. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The PermaLath®1000 glass fiber lath described in this report complies with, or is a suitable alternative to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 The materials and methods of installation must comply with this report, the manufacturer's published installation instructions and the applicable code. In the event of a conflict between the manufacturer's published installation instructions and the requirements of this report, this report governs. 5.2. The use of this system is limited to Type V-B construction under the IBC and to buildings constructed under the IRC, except as described in Section 4.3 for one -hour fire -resistance -rated wall assemblies and Section 4.4 for noncombustible construction. t Page 3 of 3 ESR-2429 5.3 Design loads resisted by the exterior wall covering systems described in this report must be determined in accordance with the applicable code and must not exceed the allowable transverse loads described in Section 4.2 of this report. The framing and sheathing must be designed and installed in accordance with the applicable code. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Glass Fiber Lath Used in Cementitious Exterior Wall Coatings or Exterior Cement Plaster (Stucco) (AC275), dated June 2007. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION Each roll of Permal-ate 1000 must be identified by a label bearing the company name (BASF Wall Systems), roll dimensions, and the ICC-ES evaluation report number (ESR- 2429). QOTRRINITYIERD EVALUATION REPORT Boral Stone Products, LLC 2256 Centennial Road Toledo, OH 43617 EXTERIOR RESEARCH & DESIGN, I.I.C. Certificate of Authorization #9503 353 Christian Street, Unit #13 Oxford, CT 06478 PHONE: (203) 262-9245 FAX: (203) 262-9243 Evaluation Report 100378.07.05-R6 FL15047-R3 Date of Issuance: 07/18/2005 Revision 6: 04/28/2015 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The product described herein has been evaluated for compliance with the 5th Edition (2014) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Boral Adhered Masonry Veneer LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. TrinityJERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "TrinitylERD Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 4. Prepared by: "�� '••= C R�,`•e�� ^: The facsimile seal appearing was authorized b Robert Nieminen, Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. '•.;�s�: y, pp g y �Q P.E. on 04/28/2015. This does not serve as an electronically signed Florida Registration No. 59166, Florida DCA ANE1983 s document. Signed, sealed hardcopies have been transmitted to the Product Approval Administrator and to the named client CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. Exterior Research & Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity[ERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. Exterior Research & Design, LLC, d/b/a Trinity[ERD is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity[ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. QOTRINITYJERD PANEL WALLS -SIDING EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE: Product Category: Panel Walls Sub -Category: Siding —Adhered Masonry Veneer Compliance Statement: Adhered Masonry Veneer, as produced by Boral Stone Products, LLC, has demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the Florida Building Code through testing and analysis in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein. 2. STANDARDS: Section Property Standard Year 1405.10, 2122.1 Various ACI 530 2011 1405.10 Various ASCE 5 2011 1405.10 Various TMS 402 2011 1609.1 / 1710.3 Wind Resistance ASTM E330 2002 3. REFERENCES: Entity Examination Reference Date CTL (TST3847) ACI 530 / ASCE 5 / TMS 402 187531 04/11/2005 ERD (TST6049) Wind Resistance 100379.01.06-111 09/17/2012 IMES (EVL2396) 2012 IBC Compliance ESR-1364 10/01/2014 UL LLC (QUA9625) Quality Control Inspection Report, R7704 02/03/2015 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Cultured Stone®, ProStonel and Modulom Stone are manufactured, precast, artificial stone veneers that are used as a non -bearing exterior veneer or an interior finish and trim on concrete or masonry walls, stud walls and metal buildings. 4.1.1 The veneer units are compliant with ACI 530 / ASCE 5 / TMS 402, have a maximum area of 5 ftZ with a maximum dimension of 36 inches, a maximum thickness of 2-5/8 in. and maximum weight of 15 Ibs/ftZ. S. LIMITATIONS: 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity] ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 Unless otherwise noted below, this Evaluation Report is limited to maximum 30 ft height of installation above the noncombustible foundation. Designs in excess of 30 ft shall be established by the Designer of Record and approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 5.2.1 A direct -bond application of "Coral Stone" in a Type S mortar setting bed atop concrete or masonry substrate has a maximum design pressure / allowable wind load of -102.2 psf, which includes a 2.5 to 1 margin of safety. 5.2.2 Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads. 5.3 Direct -application substrates are limited to unsealed, unpainted, clean masonry and concrete. Other substrates, including wood sheathing, exterior wallboard, metal or wood framing, shall include water -resistive barrier per FBC 1404.2 (or equivalent) and metal lath in accordance with FBC 2510. 5.4 Wall substrates shall comply with the applicable FBC Sections. Wall substrates within HVHZ jurisdictions shall be impact resistant to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 6. INSTALLATION: 6_1 General 6.1.1 Adhered masonry veneer shall be installed in accordance with Boral Stone Products' published installation instructions, subject to the Limitations noted in Section 5 and the detailed information noted herein. 6.1.2 The veneer is adhered to the supporting substrate with a %-inch to %-inch thick Type N or S mortar setting bed per FBC 2103.9. 6.1.3 The ambient temperature and that of the veneer must be 407 or higher at the time of application. Yam. Exterior Research and Design, U.C. Evaluation Report 100378.07.05-116 Certificate of Authorization #9503 FL15047-113 Revision 6: 04/28/2015 Page 2 of 4 QOTRINITYIERD 6.2 Stud Construction Substrate: 6.2.1 Non-HVHZ: Substrates include open studs spaced maximum 16" o.c., wood sheathing backed by studs spaced maximum 16" o.c. or existing exterior wall surfaces of plaster scratch coat, stucco or wood siding backed by wood sheathing with studs spaced maximum 16" o.c. Wood studs shall have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. Steel studs shall be minimum 20 gauge [0.033-inch (0.84 mm)]. Studs and/or wood sheathing shall be covered with a water -resistive barrier per FBC 1404.2 (or equivalent). Weep screeds (per FBC 2512.1.2) and code -compliant flashing shall be installed at the bottom of the wall and at all horizontal terminations of the veneer. A 2.5 Ib/ydZ (1.4 kg/m2) galvanized, diamond mesh metal lath, or a 3.4 Ib/ydZ (1.8 kg/M2), 3/8-inch-thick rib, paper - backed, galvanized expanded metal lath (ASTM C847), or a 18 gauge [0.051-inch (1.3 mm)] galvanized woven wire mesh (ASTM C1032) shall be installed in accordance with Boral Stone published requirements atop the water - resistive barrier. The lath or mesh shall be fastened to each of the wall studs maximum 6" o.c. vertically. Fasteners for wood studs shall be minimum 0.120-inch diameter with a minimum 3/8" diameter head galvanized nails or galvanized staples of sufficient length for minimum 1-3/8" embedment into the studs. Fasteners for steel studs shall be corrosion -resistant, self -drilling, self -tapping with a minimum 7/16-inch diameter pancake head of sufficient length for minimum 3/8" penetration through the studs. A Y.-inch to %-inch scratch coat of Type N or S mortar shall be applied over the lath or mesh and allowed to cure for not less than 48-hours prior to veneer application. The scratch coat shall be moistened prior to application of the mortar setting bed. Apply the mortar setting bed to area not exceeding 10 ftz. The veneer is then lightly but firmly tapped into the mortar setting bed to ensure bond while the mortar remains soft and pliable. Alternatively, the veneer may be 'back -buttered' with each unit pressed into place. The mortar setting bed, whether applied to the scratch coat or in a 'back -butter' fashion, shall be of a thickness and consistency to allow mortar to be squeezed out around all edges of each veneer unit to assure a full bond. All joints shall be tooled. 6.2.2 HVHZ: Substrates include wood sheathing backed by studs spaced to create an impact resistant substrate to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction, but not less than that set forth in Boral Stone published installation requirements or Section 6.2.1 herein. Wood sheathing shall be covered with a water -resistive barrier per FBC 1404.2 / FBC HVHZ 2121.6.2 (or equivalent). Metal lath shall be in accordance with FBC HVHZ 2510, but not less than that set forth in Boral Stone published installation requirements or Section herein. A Y.-inch to Y.-inch scratch coat of Type N or S mortar shall be applied over the lath or mesh and allowed to cure for not less than 48-hours prior to veneer application. The scratch coat shall be moistened prior to application of the mortar setting bed. Apply the mortar setting bed to area not exceeding 10 ftZ. The veneer is then lightly but firmly tapped into the mortar setting bed to ensure bond while the mortar remains soft and pliable. Alternatively, the veneer may be 'back -buttered' with each unit pressed into place. The mortar setting bed, whether applied to the scratch coat or in a 'back -butter' fashion, shall be of a thickness and consistency to allow mortar to be squeezed out around all edges of each veneer unit to assure a full bond. All joints shall be tooled. 6_3 Concrete and Masonry Substrate: 6.3.1 For direct -bond applications, the substrate shall be unsealed and unpainted, free of dirt, debris or other bond - breaking material. Painted, sealed or dirty concrete or masonry substrates shall be cleaned by sandblasting Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. Evaluation Report 100378.07.05-R6 Certificate of Authorization #9503 FL15047-R3 Revision 6: 04/28/2015 Page 3 of 4 TTRINITYIERD 6.3.2 A %-inch to %-inch scratch coat of Type N or S mortar shall be applied and allowed to cure for not less than 48- hours prior to veneer application. The scratch coat shall be moistened prior to application of the mortar setting bed. 6.3.3 Apply the mortar setting bed to area not exceeding 10 ftz. The veneer is then lightly but firmly tapped into the mortar setting bed to ensure bond while the mortar remains soft and pliable. Alternatively, the veneer may be 'back -buttered' with each unit pressed into place. The mortar setting bed, whether applied to the scratch coat or in a 'back -butter' fashion, shall be of a thickness and consistency to allow mortar to be squeezed out around all edges of each veneer unit to assure a full bond. 6.3.4 All joints shall be tooled. 7. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. 8. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: Contact the manufacturer or the named QA entity for information on plants covered under Rule 61G20-3 QA requirements 9. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: UL LLC—QUA9625; (847) 664-3281 - END OF EVALUATION REPORT - Exterior Research and Design, U.C. Certificate of Authorization #9503 Evaluation Report 100378.07.05-R6 FL15047-R3 Revision 6: 04/28/2015 Page 4 of 4 M IAM I•DADE DZIAMI-DARE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Strect, Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) Miami, Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ARIMINISTRATION DIVISION T (786) 315 2590 F (786) 315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) wimmiamidade.eov/economy Kawneer Company, Inc. 555 Guthridge Court Norcross, GA 30092 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER- Product Control Section to be used in Miami -Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/ or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami -Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: Series 1IR--501 Flush, Dry and Wet Glazed" Aluminum Storefront System - L.M.I. APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 1461, titled "IR501 Aluminum Store Front System - Large Missile linpact" Sheets 01 thru 09 of 09, dated 07/14/06, with revision "Cl" dated 09/02/11, prepared by W. W. Schaefer Engineering & Consulting, P. A., signed and sealed by Warren W. Schaeffer, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and Expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, series, and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/ or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miatni---Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature, If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA No. 11-0915.06 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentations was reviewed by Jaime D. Gascon, P. E. MIAMt•DADS C)UNTYU NOA N0.14-0430.18 E�Ypiration-Datc:7February IS, 2017 �• � + " Approval -Date: Augusf 28, 2014 r G `` Page 1 Kawneer ComRany, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. (Submitted under previous NOA No. 09-0218.07) 2. Drawing No. 1461, titled "IR501 Aluminum Store Front System -Large Missile Impact" Sheets 01 thru 09 of 09, dated 07/14/06 with revision "Cl" dated 09/02/11, prepared by W. W. Schaeffer Engineering & Consulting, P. A., signed and sealed by Warren W. Schaeffer, P. E. (Submitted under previous NOA No.11-0915.06) B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Air infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201 94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test, per FBC 2411 3.2.1, TAS 202 94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of a series IR-501 aluminum Rush glazed storefront system, prepared by Hurricane Test Laboratory LLC, Test Reports No.'s HT1-G049-0201.08, dated 03/07/07, HTL-G049-0303.07, dated 03/07/07, HTL-G049-1201.05 and HT1,0049-0111.06, dated 04/18/06, all, signed and sealed by Vinu Abraham, P. E. (Submitted under previous NOA No. 09---0218.07) C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor Calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC-2007 and FBC- 2010, prepared by W. W. Schaefer Engineering & Consulting, P. A, dated 02/10/09 and revised on 09/01/11, signed and sealed by Warren W. Schaefer, P. E. (Submitted under previous NOA No.11-0915.06) 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-04/ 09. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER).- E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS I. Notice of Acceptance No.13-0129.27 issued to E.I. DuPont DeNemours & Co., Inc. for their "DuPont Butacite® PVB Interlayer" dated 04/11/13, expiring on 12/11/16. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0423.16 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (MA) for their "Saflex HP Clear or Color Glass Interlayers" dated 06119/14, expiring on 04/14/18. Jaime D. Gascon, P ' Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 14-0430.18 Expiration Date: February 15, 2017 Approval Date: August 28, 2014 E--1 Kawneer Company, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS (coNmmm) 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 11-0624.02 issued to E.I. DuPont DeNemours & Co., Inc. for their "DuPont SentryGlas© Interlayer" dated 08/25/11, expiring on 01/14/17. 4. Exterior Gasket: TREMCO Part No. TR-14815E (Kawneer Part No. 127-126), EPDM Dense Rubber Extrusion with 70 durometer ext, glazing gasket complying with ASTM C864 Option II specs., ASTM D412, 1500 PSI, ASTM D395B, 22 HRS 158°F. 5. Interior Gasket: TREMCO Part No. TR-14270E (Kawneer Part No. 127-121), Closed Cell ("sponge") EPDM rubber compound, interior glazing gasket complying with ASTM C509 Option II specification compression deflection limit 20-24psi. 6. Exterior Gasket: TREMCO Part No. TR-14271E (Kawneer Part No. 027-074), EPDM Dense Rubber Extrusion with 70 durometer glazing gasket complying with ASTM C864 Option II specs., ASTM D4121600 PSI, ASTM D395B, 22 HRS 158°F. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to and complying with FBC 5"' Edition (2014), issued by W. W. Schaefer Engineering & Consulting, P. A., dated 04/14/14, signed and sealed by Warren W. Schaefer, P. E. 2. Statement letter of conformance to FBC-2007 and FBC 2010, issued by W. W. Schaefer Engineering & Consulting, P. A., dated 09/01/11, signed and sealed by Warren W. Schaefer, P. E. (Submitte(I underprevious NOA No.11-0915.06) 3. Statement letter of no financial interest, issued by W. W. Schaefer Engineering & Consulting, P. A., dated 09/02/11, signed and sealed by Warren W. Schaefer, P. E. (Submitted under previous NOA No.11-0915.06) 4. Laboratory amendment letter for Test Reports No.'s HTIrG049-1201.05 and HTL- 0049-0111.06, dated 09/07/07, all, signed and sealed by Vinu Abraham, P. E. (Submitted underprevious NOA No. 09-0218.07) . 5. Laboratory compliance letter for Test Reports No.'s HTL-G049-0201.08, dated 03/07/07, HTL---G049-0303.07, dated 03/07/07, HTL-G0494201.05 and HT1-0049- 0111.06, dated 04/18/06, issued by Hurricane Test Laboratory, Inc., signed Jose E. Colon, E. I. (Submitted under previous NOA No. 09-0218.07) 6. Test Proposal No. 07-3288, 10/11/07, issued through Product Control, signed by Ishaq I. Chanda, P. E. (Submitted under previous NOA No. 09-0218.07) G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 11-0915.06, issued to Kawneer Company, Inc. for their Series "IR-501 Flush, Dry and Wet Glazed Aluminum Storefront System - L.M.I.", approved on 11/27/11 and expiring'on 02/15/17. Jainte D. Gaseon, P. E. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No.14-0430.18 Expiration Date: February 15, 2017 Approval Date: August 28, 2014 E-2 mzoPm---+map '�l TT1 Q C7 op 9 �0 � 2 m 6 rn Trl p n r rn o >N'�' 0v C00 ocro*t"� zzn rat In M ^ �Q TI b �So (A O � Z ('t p r. Z � 1 O CA -c G Cn'�"' Z_ � O '0� NZ �� OQ�O r CO z II r-ate - i= ao �� �vm W O `q 04 3a�r9' C7 C a �? z CJ> D C7 rn �m rrl z n CA s O b f1r h cc•)z0 Xl (x - ."� 4 m (A m �C rn rnar`--m rn rrl D 53 A 0- c: � ---I r X � I CA •�• ..+ v v .^'.• Q • m cn Z O :0 C rn r� Z f M. rnC7 m Q rn S b O >r 4 co T•R s cn r T v c� O o �' --+ 1 C� 0 -i i N z o 20 �Q i-c') n �a n �o W N rn = o nomcn m r" gm 0M �z rn" M z m ri rn �rn m �rn n Ui OCn I n n wr�rnr' z n rn ��`' `C rn cn� W t7 s h X O� 0 (`n T o `3y"' N ... r a N % CD :O M N_ 4c r• r pa O N C7 N N "-i GI rn O\ N W Z o V)7 ,�fiee CAS 3 C6 Q O c h Z��a IIM ��r � >0 92 a 0 --1 RO IN60 � , coo ace 14 ` m n,x C) m c Z Z. o al rya >z 4 � X m rn x' L7 oa�'a C �r• Co � G7 zmR: z�� � m �_ Am o Or-0 e O �p zoo rnO �•� Sn C� ^:4 O .sc f 140.441S5ul + � i 0' ..�� of:_ "tom* _ o �� S�� co � Q �•Ll_ FEE 2 r o cgoI=fin a o AN o-�r�roasa>m.�o,oa+m^3.ncu�;.y� 90 C mN �n�'. x�y ao• AA m• -n• c_a c�Tz o• G> A m C'� nt S E: m m ram+ iNjy' .m0 A A w m O Ri C m iTl zx80 o',s61WEy zmptvm'c�m sy`� 2-���p�rix2pa�yzv,�rb"- Z M O Za -0 N-••x �OOz p� �-rom,,,�' ON Am zp iN nmr< ,-*X pm me mp m� 3*.nvtog� Dy+RN yva• im.rryrn0 �A��p�v �r ayMM Zr. C., NQ�q p0 N s N mn r.,Ayx0N oy 35 �u1� m amoox`vornE;?! CN�cn c � 2 •S W r- S y` Z rn _ o T 70 ir• a •T] � M M � 0" C> = �� cnM N 0 W�ApN1:"O �j"anbm� m bh z9�A Cmm 6-4 • y 5C z Aye rr••A �1 �S.�ay m wwmNN Q'nO:t1``�'q M'. T m .wiNxr:~r m Apx A O A Si NyQ.. m -.�{{ C r N N N C •••1 } 2 x ^p y m y r• ^� •~ (A iyyL` T L7 %r' �T �•(..• T y N�� 2C'l i+lO�C Q� CnOXiACQS WI m PO m X l7 2 2N i0 CS J CW• 4—ZON y�� �� �pa-O��C'7AZn"�yAn�Om"'�D72N X m`e.zr�� ms mmSllr y2��Mm�i��hmamM'+m _ •y NQ m0 '<NMC z to m `y001m fDZ2g; �,.ti y N ZZ OCN• �m N> `�,' �` '� �bTmm-iCywo �.�s(-t cp�`�mom o�N zy cz? o �vC�N�••N Oy�A N i/)a 7ZTtCjYn COp--�x�C�{ O� �_ _n ��w +f 'tom °"�my �--tCy C'imAm �iQ�d AP m 7 Oz N ��m� am � �0c0 W COC ooM--'*S'CmR'�S Cn cm m�m m z .' m0•nm m LO Pgomnm -c a�*fiZ c1l.,� m�r+7mp S s2 f3*`tU��m a02„mCmz9MW !,^�f' �C>'� ymN N ,gyp tin fn Si {�TZ�7 m S Vf '+'I ''9 12 A C y w er- ---t��Yswo-riO}�N 0"' z oNgm mygm'dm•,,, m%G MM ya ca •t�S m-1 a Sln �yO D�0mytpTSZC�ry .fin mM�2 .'••SyS R° Np��'I �m mCy OV`r mZ rC<<A a m CO') a mfST+Z� Mm SON"rC ZNv�y�y� Nv sm0cy'� -A Mm Aw M JCS{mrmy+Op n pT mmG v`2o ? si �,LAA, �t�*'I m•���TI�^.Osm�b Sm �> R' mtA OW m OQN5 wO z mf�/1A PA E-0 �rn N�'O NmwN.� N.-. yS x 4 G AazO ''�daAco inN�zSwn rn O O .m rri*iC IM 'A•`W'Q A,m gw0 O,y OQ�z dW�SN O yp--+ Qx w r'_e y XZ r w0 mA O �QE m 0apm r^Nmm o+-rn se NW 3:y S 4p '� U zzrJcizt A Nox y ON :n PM40 ma �• S Z `� SO 50 '� Cr..., in �c 5^z m-n�a p� y m m ,i go N p0�x0 �Om� My �� ya yam v ����� c a vm Nxxx �Z rn c c ��pm-n artn ia az O s W m MC,O CA m .iOmv - S�� DNr 2CJ wm o n Pncc�'mm Ln w N p1{ ,;tN� y=M p m y ra`r+r.3� p� i^^g?' m m d y�+ C � <A m p m 0 v s'. w !q f m 2 mY3 � 0 y 2 m0 3 0 T I Q2i9Ri w tq Np C p Z O P' O rn O R° z ti n -K m 120" MAX. FRAME HEIGHT (F.H.) 92 3/4" MAX. D.L.O. 17" MAX. N 2:zrrn zx D� O IJC�OOT1 • C •-1,•C S � � N �� Qz -n mcnrn �• o� S M rrT rn rri Mz �n cn�W -Mrnz \ ;0C" ran N N a 17" MAX. IR501 ALUMINUM STORE FRONT SYSTEM - LARGE MISSILE IMPACT W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWN£ER COMPW INC. & CONSULTING, PA 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT 7480 150T}i COURT NORTH NORCROSS, GA 30092 p E PALM BEACH GARDENS• FL 33419 770-•449- 5555 PHONE 561-74�4-•3424 \\ LADED DRY GLAZED REVISED ANCHOR 00 ADDED RAOM FRAW k NEW TRNASOM 8A UPDATE TO PRESENT DATE cs y D O rri f� l 0 U1 (13 c z •rlamg � S � •� i7 � C O �. o m o o ra- � ; F ra r z "' *. Im z o � C p � o n m a z r p Q � gK rS o a a s .~- U) m m .� mm cn 44135 ��;i1S8tllt�! 0 Au Z mom um CViC�_ z rri m M rrr ar1'1T. z�z�=m ooz ol:u f n - i rn X f f i w r iJzk� n0 �� mmm�• m� z,z rn �rn s rn m m X t w M�ml 1R501 ALUMINUM STORE FRONT SYSTEM LARGE MISSILE IMPACT m 'P S EP' 0 CONSULTANTS MANUFACTURER W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. z & CONSULTING, P.A. CA 6808 ( ) 555 GUTHRiDGE COURT co 745O 150TH COURT NORTH NORCROSS' GA 30092 0Qj WARREN HAEFER. P.E. PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 s_ �s ?HONE. 561-744-3424 770-449-5555 DATE o o� m D + m I" 0 m rn z rn N cn c rn o'3�b C ° o Rr A } �5 o 1,40 �1 wz o? a © cn cn rrl °rm° m r- o>a zcn m �r vzC70 Fri � � OCU� -�,SA''Zpz -4 N�ocn�cn -{ > -�rr�,cmnrorrn � c � F; Cn�G) ON o v o ►� Ica z�- n zz z Q �o z m z r A N "=' o 0 II ma � � r oorn N a r m x m Z2 m r-- c©w m -ICI o m (n N2� Dom aom m M b u r` a rn zm m co rn C �c co z m z v 1/3 POINT 1/3 POINT i/3 POINT C �x jl I m amr, mo-n II cz mz x� II MLn cFio zom I - MZ II — \\ II Il mrn � rn ron .—.._--_—= I I I N cl oz� N-F�t- XO� N m TI -� a to > oaz= a x no0, m loz ;01 Gz mMO MWismrnm m:= C -tea m m 5 rn n rn ^� zrri X z N Z9 pa.A p x °? MAX. 120 3/8" MAX. FRAME HEIGHT (F.H.) a x � N W P •A• a � X W �, �� CERTIFICATION UNAWING 11ILt IR501 ALUMINUM STORE FRONT SYSTEM - LARGE MISSILE IMPACT NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION SY DATE 9x x W2011 CONSULTANTS MANUFACTURER o —� W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. o° c c >P/ENO... ac CONSULTING, PA (CA 5809) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT 7a80 t5oTH couRT NORni NORCROSS, GA 30092 �.. xm n WA W. 441ER, P.E. C 44135 PALM BEACH GAQD£NS. FL 33418 PHON& 561-744-3424 770-449'-'5555 S In 1. o �_"� �, V � _� >C �; 10 4 y O IN! A + \ m 1 p 0') m Ln cn Cn Z N c rn v C co ci 0 0 0 z O z 3p z >c� . 3 •c_ C b Qo6�C� �c i 'o111111111/1 \ ��:.SC�F ff �gea441 a�''Q 1 t �° STAGE of �t� ti c CERTIFICATION cn A 0 pma SE 2fl 0 0 NO �441139 P.E. 123 1/4" MAX. FRAME HEIGHT (F.H.) 96" MAX. DOOR OPENING .--- 1 /3 POINT 1 / C� cn :sI 3 POINT 1 /3 POINT c >�ocw 1 Cn 1V OBI-�� N 00 rn mcn; w 123 1 /4" MAX. FRAME HEIGHT (F.H.) 96" MAX. DOOR OPENING •--1 /3 POINT 1 /3 POINT 1 /3 POINT r c 1 cn> 0�:0 1 i0�T �0� 0 II II 1 -mmzm I] hV1�00-{( c�nz II z m�m Ijmz ©m,�. •cam I { /rnrn�X h m op �� l rn ii 11 II � 1 �� 11 � 11 ♦ b II D :z = vi f V -00N -ISO ro m -- I r F;.6 N rrono�o� p a-carm rnu)� V7 IR501 ALUMINUM STORE FRONT SYSTEM — LARGE MISSILE IMPACT W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. do CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6809) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT 7450 15M COURT NORTH NORCROSS, GA 30092 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FP_ 33418 7%fl-449-5555 PHONE; 561-74F-3424 .� r � m r�z z � z> 0 z 0 0 x V) M T i� 1 OX-0W mmma n cna-< T O 63 o cl cn 'a tw'�? C a �c��irl n � V N rm rn inmn.� FRAME HEIGHT (F.H.) co O E z z —FRAME HEIGHT (F.H.) ----- O 2 Z may _5' m::o zmzmm z 0 L�J sEqm m qgn CD x� �D_ W !n 92 S "O -ri 23: ate\ 1'. �= 0o a, z z m z '>+ p P;> �nx >C, x 00 m m � _ O n � C7 Q N f _n z 1 t C \ r r E cnvv� rn cmT[ r GZ CON —i 70 ' O to Wm rCo zmzr,-,m sc�i�T;:o-WC m m � FRAME HEIGHT (F.H.) -{ Ci b ' m m N �� az c-) x o0 z� N m o � W 0 0 x rn � Nar -n Z f w C r \ cn m cn 2: rm�1 �NO CDzz fNG%x w M� z m z m rn --�0W O f C3� y j -- ---- --- ----- - SER 2011 IR501 ALUMINUM STORE FRONT SYSTEM - LARGE MISSILE IMPACT CONSULTANTS MANUFACTURER z W. W. SCHA5ER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6809) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT cfl 7480 150TH COURT NOM NORCROSS, GA 30092 0 WARR . SCHAEF£R P.E. ivn_ 461�1i PALM BEACH GARDENS. FL 33418 PHONE 561--744-3424 770-449-5555 M n a R sm z N m m o` E R6V ON cn—,m -ocn rn a) rri -iT�W N S X z tn Z 2 rn O S N cn o cn Ip :::: 41- I- �-,I II I� II n rr+1 M ►�0f � Z \ rrl rri r r•- x V O ���\,EN�jSOH �cc/ffi fir �o.44135 �; ?am X1111 ktj CERTIFICATION 0 4 o Q SEP• ��9f Cfl C;T WARREN aIAEFER. P.E. CoN� N cn v co) morn CD zz c� Cnc�ti =-qm 21�0 0 N z� rn x —i O Ln No Z ( N 14,77 oO cn Ir" a rn V > D C -0 Ln rrn a ;;0 29�: X A �vi r r- m m rn 7illji 1 �_ N M 0 cc n -0OroO M. urn I ;;0 N 11 z� c GS Cn .-. m M �D rnM mm nc O p z GI�p m M �Arri`'Z--rG r�W�azco r -�mmm ;o t L? rn rJi F --< g ® { S II II N w II �� IR501 ALUMINUM STORE FRONT SYSTEM - LARGE MISSILE IMPACT W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6809) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT 7480 ISOTH COURT NORTH NORCROSS, GA 30092 PALM BEACH GARDENS. FL 3347E 770-449-5555 PHONE: 661-744-3424 DESCRIPTION DATE IN C to marn cccc u zz 0 rri 0 s G 0 F 0 o r .� � '' 3 z � 'W CA z 0r C z zD z 0 � z z �rC7 o> I z �D T- cn� C7(1)z DDiZ mz v= �- m p II ° m= S z z o r= p rm- II 0 N m 0 �� `s II o I �z I{ 0 I rr- 0p �a o 0 co 0 II II 1 -gym a z o -� Il f i o� z b ;0I{ co � �4 II II I z I a) o m I! II 0 p c� co N r z N I!_ J Tn lL J —i .. T' .mayo N a �� `00 Ocn Z i�rl > z \ t cr Q n -+ 0 p rl 0 47 U' N o z a m cn cn N ? m b C 'c�c v fTi as o -moo (( l� oN rn NFp Om G? c (7 � � �rnColil=n T- 'U Gn z S = C/i Gy z N �,Q N m� nn Z-0 ,� co MFis m c� = G) o 0 :z Ili G7IV �N �a G?N cc ON m � z --r -+ ov �a z 0 u' � OG O? b 7 � . c N C O o ac ;1cXo a C!} o C a i m o a': o 5 Z �� p` OK N 0 can r" a z O 70 N N N cl CA ai c1i C o \ ti C.K { a \ 00 w c� m n z c o �\ N ITI ao a o rmn - z .y .O e v N m m. En m Q s b ^C p to ,Ln.,rff ° z iy �j 0 oo�OC�J a < tD O O O �! of a al r \� © O 00 rn V� Ln o r �,� coo NG) oc " a z© r T\ O CD Cc)r. o �1� `�{x 0 om� �NSC'q�� a G' ! p -�, W �° F5 O co N cC°n c" } m 1+t Q.ti ..-- .., o goo p�� r. < O �1 O So. 441S � � z e f IFICATION 11110. KAWIN TITLE NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION 9Y DATE J aD 1R501 ALUMINUM STORE FRONT SYSTEM - LARGE MISSILE IMPACT n N CONSULTANTS MANUFACTURER 'INC. o W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, o g 0 0 & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6809) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT to WARR W. SCHAEFER P.E. 7480 150TH COURT NORTH PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 334I8 NORCROSS, GA 30092 770--449-5555 z s E. NO. 44739 PHONE: 561_744.3424 Iw NI f0lrn co CA r-z a Lo 00 -10lcn INl-lol�lGl�l�I�I�IWINI�IoI�I�la lAl�l�la N N N N N 00 C� co Ci0 L4 cc W O v CWC OO Cn-+0) z z z z O O x N IV xx--xx C.n 1—i W rn C cn z cn in s 0 h ;u 0 N >-•w w�N 4 a 0 0 0 0 'omrnmmm z z z z z C7 C7 (7 p p Cn Cn fn Cn 0 0 "S ; 0 co rr' 00 = C)0 rn 0 n z O o N o � N � N rnN cn 7N- [ �m o 0 O rn Cif CD w 0 o r j N �rn p N N � � O Qrn o T rn •a w N '-` m O N N N N N N N N CA -a 14 V V -4 -4 V V CA V V• j ...I -J -4 V V V -4 -•! 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FL 33418 PHONE: 561-744-3424 KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT NORCROSS, GA 30092 770-449•-5555 :Cl i z C "T1 c z O, En p -E Inz (T ymo-O np 0 2 n eNZ N x zI mI m gy m y�v maim �o czi o�p -Z p m T,omn� O lA�L mN O A m O`C M m N �r1 m --t N4Z.] O� o�v vo q yo �n 0to D o 0 o0 tom (+1 -i to c R� k. m c m m a o 0 e 00 { A z v �c m �pr3i z n B o O coi c~oinN" Zp �N m N A A A \ m pm x0 O AD m ~� zx A' i ram+ Z CJ Z C a �iN� mnoom�m c O x Z Z u) fn = O i m now 6z w v m n m .y.. m r�n* r�*0 19 -DO \ A a7 ra m m Don o n F:3 Z E5 Vl to In `L (YA C l t�1 �mr1 O X Z O 1t'o9 2 N p I93 53Z g z_ w m o� N N mo 47 = m? _ �a��Z zoPv���i 1'r'om�nc Sys .,Aofn ulC�+2�h. 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A -F• ? --I O C .Z7 Vq•� °•.1°jG,+�f.ci�::R���, ai cn j m p Z Z z (n N -1} OR'Vp M�to z(na va C7N 44i:) '}' �"9 a N m p''v J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J �l �I J J J V J m Z m C �o�c R^ mm o000000000000000000000 �p '"' � x •y �, ���Tm*1v-gym} 00000000 a oo 0 o 000 o o o 0 oo moW trail ta-Dm pm�mo\ z2. tnr� STA7E 41F 'e'� a ran' A z to z A v N m a W D ""•,,�����,OFIJY;r°,a�`e, co z a �oA J m J m m J m to J m w cn J m m cn J m cn 4+ m� m . 6a •... O m .� T• O tD O t0 W O W OO O V1 tD W O CO O? to O . m m '� = N m m �,�� N F mA o: ov+ o o�ob�omom 000mo io in mo T o uu)i CERTIFICATION c ' IR501 UT ALUMINUM LARGE MISSLE IMPACT N0. REVISION DESCRIPTION BY DATE c '6 E = V JAN 0 6 20 STORE FRONT SYSTEM WET GLAZED ., uvoaE PC NEW TS NC W.R.M. 09/13/12 . ' o On CONSULTANTS MANUFACTURER sf uvonTc Ta cuawr sraNwnos W.W.S. 12/15/1a o W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6809) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT s o 7480 150TH COURT NORTH NORCROSS, GA 30092 '6 f Ml WARRi CHAEFER P.E PAL11 BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 D. 4413$ PHONE: 561-744-J424 770-449-5555 Hot ,7-5>DT8TOL1 O� ZZ 2p 2.Z7p �yZ m-GOpm�]p m mp. �mmm�m �Dt=D .Z1C m Zm mm�Zm-,���-=o o „ co � z�N�m�Env�i Dz ul yyZD�Z mInm Zy R, `zm -U� m`+� O� �m� p.-. ND n mfn av1 �mEnm �rr0wMmoE�1 a» 1nza= cn mT 1pZm �z O N v ; O Z z I 1a am"a I\ �a �Z N z ['7 OCpp r x r m = rz M. En w v��w oo�mX m ONy1y c7 z z ma Z�v o a � o V) ��,393898Bpol;d,� A STATE OF ®A���� "' • � ,'�,.:)V"�: `��"'° Wig,. G : > z O En m =1moON N Z �mN�r col w � 1 ���m� �zmvz 0vvaC, toilmvmmR- a10 ojoa r m m rNc v m � \ ZMR Z Z N cziQzo� <uzimc�o Aormx z �ccOZ p C O - 1 0z1�m O R'mxa-u �mrA O N Cal Z �= cCI C.)v Z ;u 0 ;u m r D 0 Z a cm� Z�mr cvmi=cT*1 NA O �tnp� M>� m In v;o mzwm�mam a vmvTm azv M h o D D z O CZ7 = m � N = m { O aw rra����c 12 m zozmrmi10 >' 0-� � O M m mM m N L-" 4 mm m vw �o Pz" mx Tnm rod o11�z'iU)r A00,0 zC"=M c� �mz20 oIn Sp co z 0 Z E,1 p O L IR501 UT P.E.IW, W. SCHAEFER ENGINEER & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA f 7480 MYTH COURT NORTH PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 PHONE: 561-744-3424 MISSLE KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT NORCROSS, GA 30092 770-449-5555 Ln m;u va xp X- ?xnzmo A momz- nozzWmM M;o N� TJ C M O c� C)r00 O CZ701'*l o O N < A Z N 7,0MvomxlK 0=0 mD z -< -d�5QK KM m�v1< jmM N N o m�<� �o a -�a -0D D m 'n En Ir*i Q m zvxMN M ZcZz InD�Z00 .ZD7AN fn��m O j p Z N <r< v-zoa� mMN� O p m C D� c M AM 0A zv�g v cn Mz v o z �A�yN}6G6343(, yyS �11 �. SC,y9p�,✓. ' STATF OF •C�`nX. rn p M Dmm m ��In >*rCA Or C �zoIn D ...o 0 NW C mNO �r �0 Tam zA-o {u vmmm fI N mD�v �O m m Z to rzm C N O j G Fri OV1=O IiN =fCo oU) v mar o-� zs� gm I.nJDs z 0-40 O (n v y i r*1 Im, O X m G Z D CC3 O (7 Z Z W -u mm _ N N D m 'v co _mzv L � N m Mtn ? m 0 z 0 m R N Z N cn - xmmo M 1 �00c Fi o' zEn M _ O 0 m ' x n Mo- =Ama �m+lm my D � � arc m1- z to M RZao c:- Fr� 0 vp zzDO �mr =m LnD mN 'o �mAo I 0 N x W�c,1 F,�m 'm SEE MULLION PRESSURE TABLES FOR MAX. FRAME HEIGHT (NOT TO EXCEED 90") zSmJ'1 Z x >' 55 mu k com�z=S J>zii=m v Lnm0z O ram. f$A Z1� a 0 � 01>D mmo cmz3=ImoD Z 4FNgm=v 0CTnx�;' Dzx vtn mE 0 mvZlna=m oco Fnzz 0 �1r'1I M0 zMU) 0= In m0 m� m r In Elm -I D V) m (n En D Z Q p W p 0 0 2 M -=: -0 O m N tnr- =mxm ={oU)i;mu z M m my a M > M co Ln �1O OC Ra. p m A Z m -0 m p . n pv ZmZ VI O D• v'I'mm �x � "' Z; o Ka��� mCZ� mIn O C = 0 a - zA�� 0 � M m = -0 0�TnKzz N p MTn2 z R A m, 2 M 0O mX Tn � MM Mz pv� z r rn O m0 Imo Jai mo m= CERTIFICATION "^""'"� ""� IR501 UT ALUMINUM LARGE MISSILE IMPACT REVISION OESCRIPRON er DATE W -'� STORE FRONT SYSTEM WET GLAZED V f JAN 0 6 CONSULTANTS MANUFACNRFR •Z000 W.W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. o & CONSULTING, PA (CA 6809) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT 4 p CO 7480 15DTH URT NORTH NORCROSS, GA 30092 ma WAR SCHAEFER P.E. PAIN BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 {n8 _ .E. NO. 44139 PHONE 551-744-3424 770-449-5555 0 a o a ! r 2 � I -1 m r m > r axv Cn y xo o Z I Z r �o G7 es D Z N 1 O 2 O O m z I T r I t S o v T Z � 0 N En > f z m In a 00 O . Z N = `r mo v!nZ II' t Z I T. -1MMc 00 r A O m0 v O (n M 2 > C C —�— m m N r D > o O a z v C " v m O a Z 0 O _ a Z Cn 0 O o z C m� g= C x � a Ov.... m Z O O N D r [7 R'minr2 m J m .-.mm DO �CE)X In MDm �v�� O � p zmm, vZ�� mm m �Cl r o = ~ j cc ma9N W� O Cn a_a 0 Cr C = y O mmm3EL. W N JOW�2 W W N N N G G Ww j N >�low N W W O Zo E7 r O O Cz_n Z Ln Cn Ln M M Cn N (n M Ln Cn M M Cn M v 4 Z;0 m-m _� c) + a Om n n m\ C r m I M 0 \ J J O O O) OI M 0 J (n CD Ln (JI (n 00 N A J J O Of (n O N ?? J N A r W fmn O O (n A C m m m Z� mZ (n 1 2 C 2 0 p O fTl N Z mmtnm o m O zONO ;0D1n� 1 m rn a I m m ]rr1-7 �AOmo 7 G cDmzNm C O m�mZE z . Z m -aim �n TAm. r ^ O ' N 0 � � m � I �_� /J O I A l/ yz<9§ybBSGgg�i ° STATEOr tir .;, e,�;��;•;.aa'��;° .ram ,'' ct"NCATION DRAW10 IR501 UT ALUMINUM f 6 2 STORE FRONT SYS1 CONSULTANTS '00. :�CONPZI W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING 0 0 & CONSULTING, PA (CA 6809: O �^� WASCHET P.E. 3.ri 7460 15DTH COURT NORTH PALH BEACH 5CAR51DENS, F1. 53418 PHONE: 561-744-3424 SEE MULLION PRESSURE TABLES FOR MAX. FRAME HEIGHT (NOT TO EXCEED 121 1/4" WITH STANDARD STORE FRONT ASSEMBLIES, OR 90" WITH PROJECT -OUT STORE FRONT ASSEMBLIES) III \II \II m En V7 N Cn \ Ln \ - c� En - (yeO;0>K4> mm CnN�m1rn —I �m9mnAv�m mO = C cn%OOK KAZ0 a—O Zw�N r�N mZap AZ00 Vs(7i al (�n Om AZ I O iD ONE+ O � " (2° m r o J o m .N.. O D .-� m m zzx� --1 0 cnMD� � o�'n a vZci� ODOR M.ZrnJ r 0 O m � C= D O — aTxT11NT1 0 C C ClC7 r m Z Z W N CJt W W W N Ln N N W CA N W L4 W N Cn N O N N W Cn N W t0 N W 0 L. Z A o� m (] iiZ .D z :m[1 1x ITl (7 O nOm\ Ar crm mo \ JJCnrn oowNorn�wmoowDowo JOI CJI to JrnCnaaa vNo CnEn* ZN MN Mc- 0 0 -P 0 0 0 N 0 LA Cn � Ld o 'D m u co 0 � C. v m _^ m F IMPAf.T TJ 0. REVISION DESCRIPTION BY GATE r i KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT NORCROSS, GA 30092 770-449-5555 vW=0 o mol D TN m* 0 m mm 2 u N z O N N U, O m m n --I N O Z C F p m m C �y7 m� D Ca9 m m = =\w m � ND{D -DI CZiO o� m=Ox z N m m m S� N 0 0 O Z A C 1n F o lz�No 0 o _ a r x n 9-0 F, m m r Z 2 N Z SW 9m L N ;u x m �m Ln o EN N z z v � � Pdo. J AJI�l ^° STATE OF 1=2 I z / N I m I 1 FZ� u, Wn m E m m �o �o v;u 04 m m z mm h< N cn xvIn In a6 0 mp ^gym �m fr1C mN :mmV) r-0 m z m m z �=�W N� 1 FRAME HEIGHT 5>9 Eli az3Z xx D vm m moo ��o ^ N F, O mn Z m N Z 1rL NOm vx x mom jll o � m O -n =_ z zRi z o c� A A o a zmz A 0 \ I (n CZ7 -1 T �v \ N O 2 m zN rn R x� w� __ 0� N .0 v a r O A(=D z� -FRAME HEIGHT Z ta O r m N v z 0 N n x?, c N N v Ull ��2CsfiRTiFjCATIDN IR501 UT ALUMINUM LARGE MISSLE IMPACT NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION BY BATE 6 z m v f JAN 0 6 2 STORE FRONT SYSTEM (WET GLAZED o ra (P CONSULTANTS MANUFACTURER .. T zoo W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. p & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6609) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT Wg WAR W. SCHAEFER P.E. 7480 15M COURT NORTH PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 3341E NORCROSS, GA 30092 � �g N� P.E. N0. 4413� PHONE: 581-744-3424 770-449-5555 -a;o'fov1 WA3.35!m m m A !n m n m m �S;0O7 � n c p m Ell D-n50 oo C N O z C r o� � m rn Cc O9� 0 zc r ,�S^,5isE36tSf3{,� V cA s a IO. 44135 'd " C Y i ;10, : cn m F. m N � O N O 2 rm z F Enm O m rn� c �C x C7 m 'CERTIFICATION IR501 UT ALUMINUM LAI JAN 0 6 STORE FRONT SYSTEM CONSULTANTS MAN W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, PA (CA 6809) 7480 15OTH COURT NORTH WARR SCHAEFER4M P,E PALIA BEACH GARDENS. R. 33418 P N0. PHONE 561-744-3424 O D m �mN x> o9 D m N N Z.. n ? z -n c m�F m C r r4m) 0 O z Z m rn rW p�1=CO CO m ;Omm m z cz7 , �1Am KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT NORCROSS, GA 30092 770-449-5555 11 aW 0�0 zG7m C/) zo �S CO J 1 En 0 miom 00 mr-�i Co 0470 z�m Z 0 w z� _> O :O fo �7 to DO m m ;u o ;uM o � y O N n Cn T� mw� �jN zrmz n =m am n 2 '-'� 2 m to mo m o .P m m m °\° _ = nz z-= z o c> � m N vm =? �p �a m L-Ni p �rt mm o On Z W 2 En me o �1;u 0 rn ' 10 Z ps m m n 0 � N Q N u C Z N pL"i v � cn 0 D M m C �1 �?� I iAo D W p nC mod c' z-� .m mom; V7 FRAME HEIGHT 1n CJ L 1r c N r r V � PUO. 441,35 vN �� CERWICATION Lnnm � STOREFRALUM ONT o TIC JAN 06 CO CONSULTANTS W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEEF & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 1 7480 1501H COURT NORTH P.E. PALM BEACH GARDENS. FL 33418 PHONE 561-744-3424 G) T 1n O to mm F ~Z� 03Oz vm 91 rp Z 0 m cn C7 N Q e rT— e .r���51'11�11 �,�;rrilin► MISSILE IMPACT r GLAZED) JRER KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT NORCROSS, GA 30092 770-449-5555 N yamy.-' X CCi C 0 m 0 q�334S87 7 \N S 5 ''•, 0 00 N 0 T o N 0 O O Z N O N O y >D �_ —NI pr^omz y� m G7 O =� N O A A r G) A y m z m J -` � 0 N c N A �mpm \= N � rn rnDi O o N N m A ZOAZ N G I \2\= O n O n �p-,mr. N O D m G7 O G7 cNZom v �L7pO IV A p Z L A y o o j m D r N �m r=j\D\ N 02G7 m O O •-=.I-I A.-=i O � O 1T""N zoN >.-Ni\� r \ N o r Z Dr y=-� W (;D '-D C m = � y m Ox D m = ti z m -ZI mv q zC. m F N \1 m m En ;d m N N vp0 O TK0O z N Grp N m A m r _ mwm C= G7 \ Nam vmy �Oz 03 m m Poo O CO"mp .Z,1 rrn L') v o v D 7c 0 O C7 D r A m T O oa� z � j N m N 0 9 A N O m Ln • \_ �_ m p O>>'. N O mom f/�r/J7 O) O --IT'- CNm W N' N O O �O'O FOryO N o Oo-0 v D� zD y mUJoOz cn r v =r o m A� O yr m m n m ZN. "--- "'- IR501UT ALUMINUM LARGE MISSLE IMPACT NO. REVISION DESCRIPRON ar DATE SJAN STORE FRONT SYSTEM WET GLAZED -"CONSULTANTS MANUFACNRERo00oW W SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. & CONSULTING, PA (CA 6809) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT 7460 1sGTH couRr NGRTHNORCROSS, GA 30092WA PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33416 PPHONE: 561-744-3424 770-449-5555 _ 9 0 0 0 CD D r �E� SAP . °'• ,r '?�� Pao. 44 i ;iE e SrA TT-,- CERWICAMON �� JAN�O.*"' _ o 0 o P.E. cn O X m 0 Z D (n Of �Do o T io m U O 0 0 N U O O D O 00 0 T a r t0 U O tD cn O N O O 00 � 00 00 D r w = om zwz O = N O pm� c u' ma W {v m M _c Z m O O mN� a �Qm _a -Am w O m D N O 7u �o Na c')Z M-< �D w W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. 68 & CONSULTING, PA. (CA 09) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT 7480 150TH COURT NORTH NORCROSS, GA 30092 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 PHONE 561-744-3424 1 770-449-5555 W O N3 �� W I N O W D Z A fn �I 'n m W N 0 oa Z m"mm a o ;0o m 00 0 0 �m�? �mlz �mc� �� E1- N< � room zvzi �=m zzcn mm rm22 m 14 m S om x w O =4 O X O O p Z O 01 4 A m z .D m m a� 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 v m o o m m o f o 0 0 0 0 o rT� m o 0 O Z< C, m 9I 0I -- A w O T z�amwwww clL V1llI W w mp� �� �I� m Eccc N Iil N r cn I Z 2 CO O n m F A O OD J T U1 N O CC pJ N O N + 000jz0 A AA N O O O O N N N 0 00 N m x X X x x x rn rn _ o �—iT ; N O N J N N Oo -0 O O 2 p m m o n 2 D rn N v m M -Ini m p N P rn m m S 0 0 0.ox 4 m p rn 1m O .Z1 k. Cj 0 T o� 'IT _ a D 1= D a o m mP:o'to-nm rnQ �r.z Z N F 0 0 0 O O r 0 0 N 'D ,... m X C O m Z m Z Z Z Z O O r O Zo Z oz E o 0 o O o O c7 m z z O O O N 31 A m m m m m m m m m m m m m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m Cn m m m m CD m m m m m W W CA W C. W W W W Ld W W I I I I I I I I I I I I rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn w m a a a a a a a a a a a a r r r r r r r r r r r r C C C C C C C C C C C C z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z C C C C C C C C C C C C A O fW0 m yr m x N EC 0 M p O 0 z P--- o a -V 7] 1 DO-0O zT'rT m A �I C 71 i m �r Z C Z AWNN ZoO Lna 41m -00 -owm �Z -T- _0:000 -om p r vvv mmmm= D SO .'0 ;d z =azll z r C7 O O O o Z y O D C�1 �{ = m m� E O�� m O 022-r1 m!n TI --I ZO � O4 O m DO Z1C D �yza� iO O TnK �C, nN iw 5 z7 ZO I m�-mm O Z Z tea) c �Sc .Zl�0 �v��z � m o F = �� 1 N II w 0 11 m r-. o II x'xI co R' D v cn m�m uCO +vm +�A+< m O CR -rC 17 17 Iln r n z m D ;a z ..< O 'OO m a -rC A nZ M r O m ��_ z z� o X z + A"+°?83349ay3�� =.1 K O N 0 0 0 z _ GENTIFICATION IR501 UT ALUMINUM LARGE MISSILE IMPACT NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION rn DATE o JAN 06 20 STORE FRONT SYSTEM WET GLAZED ; T C.11 CONSULTANM MANUFACTURER " F 5 o �o W.W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6809) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT Q p 74BO 150TH COURT NORTH NORCROSS, GA 30092 G s WQ WAR SCHAIFEEA R P.E. PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 NB E. N0. 4413$ PHONE 561-744-3424 770-449-5555 T r, } rim MIAMI-FDAQE� 10 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY ONE [4rY�T.� PRODUCT CONTROL SECTIO\ 11805 SW 26 Street, itoom 209 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOPNIIC RESOURCES (RER) Miami, Florida 33175-2474 WARD AND CODE ADi1IINISTRATIO` DIVISION T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 .v0TICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) Nti•ww.miami(Iade.gov/econonnv Kawneer Company, Inc. 555 Guthridge Court Norcross, GA 30092 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. Tile documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade Cot:nty PERA -Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade Count), and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade Count),) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. PERA reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: Series "350 IR" Aluminum OutsNiing Storefront Door-L.M.I. APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 1569 Rev C, titled "350 IR 9' Outswing Aluminum Storefront Doors - LMI", sheets 1 through 9 of 9, prepared by W.W. Schaefer Engineering & Consulting, P.A., dated 04/02/08 and last revised on Jan 06, 2015, signed and sealed by Warren W. Schaefer, P. E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section, MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large Missile Impact Resistant Limitations: 1. See sheet 1 for door size & 3-point lock option an([ sheet 2 for door size & Panic lock options 2 & 3. 2. Doors are not rated approved, where water infiltration is required unless overhang complying w/FBC requirements 3. When doors are installed into Kawneer's Storefronts or Curtain Wall System (under separate approvals), such system must provide reinforced mullions per detail G1/6 & G2/6, proper Door openings sizes limitations and door mullion end anchors and to be reviewed by Building official. Lower Design Pressure of the Door or the System shall control the entire assembly. LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the inanufactttrer's name or logo, city, state and series and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as all endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA #14-0128.10 and consists of this page i and evidence pages E-1, as well as approval 'document mentioned above. The submitted documentation Nvas reviewed by Ishaq I, Chanda, P.E. - — '� NOA No.14-0602.01 ht1AMl �jDArt?li COUNTY Expiration Date: Ap! it 22, 2019 -'' 40 Approval Date: January 15, 2015 its Page 1 Kawneer Company, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. (Submitted wider files #11-1027.15 /#08.0219.07) 2. Drawing No. 1569 Rev C, titled "350 IR 9' Outswing Aluminum Storefront Doors - LMV, sheets 1 through 9 of 9, prepared by W.W. Schaefer Engineering & Consulting, P.A,, dated 04/02/08 and last revised on Jan 06, 2015, signed and sealed by Warren W. Schaefer, P. E. Note: This revision consists of addition of new panic devices, IG glazing & updating FBC 2014(5`h edition). B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94(Not performed) 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 Along with inarked-up drawings and installation diagrams of aluminum outswing storefront doors, prepared by Architectural Testing, Test Reports No. D3741.01-550-18, dated 04/23/14, signed and sealed by Vinu J. Abraham, P. E., (test report revised by addendum letter dated Nov 07, 2014, issued by Architectural Testing). Along with inarked-up drawings and installation diagrams of aluminum outswing storefront doors, prepared by Hurricane Test Laboratory, Inc., Test Reports No. HTL-0049-0611-04 dated 06-07-04, HTL- 0049-1106-04 date([ 11/03/04 and G049-1005-06 dated 10/03/06, all signed and sealed by Vinu J. Abraham, P. E. (Submitted under file #11-1027.15 /#08-0219.07) Note: These test reports have been revised by addendum letters, issued by Hurricane Testing lab, dated FEB 10, 2009, signed & sealed by Vinu J. Abraham, P.E.) CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations, complying with FBC 2014(5"1 edition), prepared by W. W. Schaefer Engineering & Consulting, P.A., dated 02/04/14 and last revised on 10/07/14, signed and sealed by Warren W. Schaefer, P.E. 2. Glazing complies w/ ASTME-1300-02 & -04 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Depailment of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 12-1231.10 issued to Eastman Chemical Company, (Former Solutia Inc.) for "Saflex: Clear & color glass interlayer", expiring on 05/21/16. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC 2014(5"1 edition) & "No financial interest", prepared by W. W. Schaefer Engineering & Consulting, P.A., dated May 19"' , 2014, signed and sealed by Warren W. Schaefer, P.E. 2. Statement of Lab compliance, as part of above referenced test reports. G. OTHER 1. This NOA revises NOA # 14-0128.10, expiring on 04/22/2019. 2. Kawneer 1600 System 1 Curtain wall, IR 500 & IR 501 Storefront System, under separate approval. 3. Test proposals dated 07/22/13 & 07/26/13 approved by RER. 4 ` Ishaq I. Chanda, P.E. Product Control E an finer NOA No. 14-0602.01 Expiration Date: April 22, 2019 Approval Date: January 15, 2015 E-1 LA .� m 0 n ao n _ 0 0 -rn 0 0 rn p� O� czn '''� M z Z z co CD r- u) M cn C n C \ o N °' z rn Ln Cn > rnN=\ c nl- O r p �m `0fD' Mr �jOr W iLl Z Z CJ1 O Wp C Z (tent CDM M m mr z � cx-n � �' W rn N �rl cn I w jj m Mm ;-1 O 0 rD- r rn D p D m �0 C r M v M vi n Cn r c n Z O C7 :OO z0 rl O 7C D n = mo r-� m v 0 m �r� m �s N v N v Z p Cn �Q7 d cn O=� 0 = \ z = m 70 Z z m `� -' N O y M C z y 0 cn m Ll) rn cn N� rn n m O o rn m r- O� Z �0 •i rn0 C o 0 vain cn X rn r P `ao 0 0 0 M cu NIr ;0 Z Z r" -0—, m _ M v 2 0 O c 0 mo o � 0 G) _ 4 M cn C7 rn Irn \ rn rn m 9 �z vm \ r- rc- rr: co � q p r r r mom � x 0 0� � c� - �Cz�D c: 0O�tn M �b �1-wl g��m m OCr0 0 rn r 1ymm m9 � 0 ' r- rn C n m a 0 nx voz�o 3Y O a + m s IS do � cis C+ UPI to e 61 u) � Q � p M mmzxxzfo �mo�*sm=�-I �mm�rz�s -� 0 rn > p rn xooFzA mzrMoMo rn azzV5 < 4M .�X j;r00C TO-4zoZ cziD_-+D=—c" i-. p o W N z0M�mrn -I CO JO �:O:*mc0 O�m�O� cnrn��co-0 r1oz O iu 000rn10� - � Crn�C z0aM 0 �00"1r2 -IOC rn X -mz m D --zvim 00 � 000C'j> o I�-'m ::t = z r-oCO =rZTTM-0 =C7rn;0= (n O p r D Xa rn W ' 2 2 Oz=*-mWm3r�m0m rn� rr\ z,cn�"cn co'—'Eq �g:o r - C7> "� ca).Wi0 j �OE�z-i� zMrznmzzM z L4 11 -.; m-i\ D M71� O CC X =� M r r�a�z N> OD-Z-1�-DjN�f-oN�> (n ..., Z oo cnk'°0mX-o(nW :cntn `n ❑7 D c) < O rn cn �a-�-INOrrr-\aC�cn� m M rrl 0 -4 cni� m n -o a ��I� Xx� O D tl7 C N h -n _O Z C r• r- -0 cn C \-I jZ0rriD�r-> Co 'I -C.I-N r�ilNmrn\A T`fi -I�-Irnm W Q_Cn W-I` ZMCnpNCzn �-I r=C�"nm--I�C�i�p mr=T•Irn�z��nMo� I� 0 C)Z rn�omrner-rnM�N grn�nmf� roo0o rrl �a m 0n mrn 0Lf) �oTOU) .ran C Z �NiOOrCrrl n D o\ m o oZ� 0 NO Q M U)-{ ;0M �Do-qrn D O ^�X N r 0 f.... r II rA--,i> :U — M cn rnQ54O A p_Z •rZi' M Z NG) % : D O� K �r rr1 Z z oa �z �A oz -o v Og NN a ozatOooS5���_ vaomcn 0. ;a rtl m T czgxCay ` mo0�b -40cn AOT-102^MRm-9?—MM--Emm.-4s� �.'il fmJl � V1rny� irnUS•pppoO .�,I yM wr"Rs501 tiz v agn Mr-N oz� D ?,tip�os�i� 0 o bbzcln; �V, rr*n=�o�. ro :u•v -I m 0z m o m, c z AA rncn I'+l -ti v xx IA Z T V12 D mzOm T �S ��5 moo v � � orr**�7 c-a m� aYzr�y�x�r�i*v COo rn �m cm ncnm mzmm CA i s-4mn M 0 C lmmnm� -nx �m vo voimo 0 m zC�o� o m 0 OW I^.I 00 W0;0Wi zp vz porn 0mmfAzo �O II r*m11r^m�z C� mp rOr�cmf"CA T� m �z AO mN nZ Ozm00 NmA pti �ii'N"vmm� my z$ o-;0 morn v rno r� m=AOpo� z cj�Noxvm rn. v -iz10m "'��,' z -icy ADrrrlro ti omr2.laom �� z� z m o ry1A �rA,I�zz cA 2 ��o m ozo OM 60-4zKz min r`r+iAz ouic vv OMM oxm y>y0 58o ov r,,cA m zmxi r0 �1v>18z o c wzo N-I c� z m $ in m rn o� NCO 110 1/2" MAX. FRAME HEIGHT 95 5/16" MAX. D.L.O. QD cC O a 41- Cal \ O y z r = v. I Orn Orn Q Ll rn Cn O ff\ /N �C.4 � Q c x rn rnrn�;0S �Fo Zn rn�rn sMz"n mm rn X m X N vw z rrn+I y ,-p40 rri Q-n+m �zo;0 \ 110 1/2" MAX. FRAME HEIGHT 95 5/16" MAX. D.L.O. • N O O �L �at CA )COcpM fn z X\ I.) m z b r�Tt 0IMco0�6s X :LT =:OM Lv '.r�n�zmzm�� z Zo rnm N •. ? rn q rn LI) ;0 rn 00 X n rn �' o co j � zz1 o CERTIFICATION , Y ' `,Q (!�S z�15 }; ,�':' WARI{1V W. SCHAEFER P.E. P_F. NO 44134 UKAWINU III" 3501R 9' OUTSWING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DOORS — LMI NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION BY DATE n" Al UPDATE TO CURENr STANDARDS W.W.& 10/06/11 CONSULTANTS W W SCHAEFER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6809) 7480 150TH COURT NORTH PALM BEACH GARDENS. FL 33418 PHONE. 561-744-3424 •. MANUFACTURER KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. 555 tUTHRIDGE COURT ,. NORCROSS, GA 30092 770-449--5555 e1 UPDATE CLASS DESCRIPTION W.R.M4 09/04/13 Cl ADD NEW LOCK OPTIONS W.R.A. 01/23/14 { s S N () ^� 0 0 CA O cn �7 it cn m � OO�OOo W d ZZ7cn -cn C�v- rr1 m m r orl s rpz�� � U) -- cn a r N nrma C Oc�� im*1 a r Tyr=-�mzp�m m a 4 �rri Ncn�mm=x'V) �sq. mQmr�� m CO p �v��mcnzocoDin s� r O cCCrn X'o --� o m ,max Z m a z 1mt'I0 m .cCA c nooc Z. m r1.. Z :z w Q, NOO= c�i1W S N-.>m m� m ANV) mrn X N� m o m co -�14Xc uw �o �v w z CERTIFICATION O a CD r— m 0 Lf) U5 Z -v V) C rn A m i +— — O � � m cn >zR�; Z N cn x x tr my �cn 011 m -x� m m r- D Z N r O O z 0 O z x z x 0 c7 0 z v z a m om0 m z � ; � Lo m m c� v s ro;o;u _m K -n ,-. Z > m 4. Zama 109 3/4" MAX. FRAME HEIGHT K r*1 m m X 95 5/16" MAX. D.L.O. a� c� I I I ___ W m r-J m ran N Z�� --III ;o Qm m 7-7 4�- \ Q X� \/ o ci m m \ rQ cn / O`nGO�p 00. �m �5m z0�-n m z mz m�� can � vi= Zo mim m � -� cq* m 109 3/4" MAX. FRAME HEIGHT 95 5/16" MAX. D.L.O. rn m a rnrn ZZ� p m C� 00s� m =%Drn ZO-n rZ m rri 0 B;z cn mom =max x � m m _ 350IR 9' OUTSWING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DOORS — LMI CONSULTANTS 'N.'®s 2Oi5 W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6504, 7460 150T}1 COURT NORTH tEN"W. SCHAEFER P.E. PALM BEACH GARDENS. FL 33418 ,•f'.E NO. 44139 PHONE. 561-744-3424 KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT NORCROSS, GA 30092 770-449-5555 REVISION DESCRIPTION I 13Y I DATE h i _ o -0 m n r zC)rrn- ;rn Z -MMQo� Cn oz-D-+Asp D z zrmr> r- �7zcn��r;1 D O >} Z S p z O.cnmDO crnz�m�-=Z s z N p o Z v Z Z G� O m .� m r n to o W -� m z m mzr�o oU)2-4 du.F; - -nzcn��rn O Z x is -0 N r> z p I z -� X~ 0 a o o co 4� -I m Cn�j Oo � O m� m i m m O m r a --i Z m -x-1 m ;v m r- a Z 0 m XL/) —I X -00> m m > mm-n-Iz JDmcuo�z m cram cK miC X Mm m� mm- 0m m -ri z m z V) ;u :z -zaz m o0rn t� rnp �Zcn ro*1 m — \ h h �z zrri ,\;p rn 01 rn X X msa�-Rrc�orn•n•Iz� �m°r°� m omrn �_ =gym �z0m z �„ cn m -n z m z cn c/) z �z zz m ohm N �o m rn*•I�c mac DO mhzco Ei mm� mm� m� rri mr"� rn ca ^' 0 co 0 CERTIFICATION ZOfS` . ! �;:' f WARR%,-'e. SCHAEFER P.E. :•B:E. N0. 4413� L)KAWINU iiiLt 350IR 9' OUTSWING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DOORS - LMI N0. REVISION DESCRIPTION BY DATE p �x CONSULTANTS W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING. P.A. (CA 6809) 7480 15M COURT NORTH PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 PHONE: 561-744-3424 MANUFACTURER KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT NORCROSS, GA 30092 770--449-5555 o s 9 m 108" MAX DOOR OPENING cn •�► ;u O —+• m r�mr�nOpO rn*'I�c7�c� cn Zco:z Lo r- 0 �Ic,-Ipmr Ln�Y4m0 =cc o� a*m;@ ;bz r>.mo a W ��� or"��0 q30� oinacnz �cro��cn r JD m m� zoo 00 r�-AII < mho �a �s� Q vm �0z z m0 C5aLn o -+r-m �� �ov�i 0 z c: cntmnc, M. D r O D co + m I � Ln G7 � Z "rl m cn C m m N -'�R1wNi O %nLn m-oQO o m m I*1 m o ; -non (� rTl —+a zpv_ TOOm0 sw m m ��, zz-� s + m :n o cn �a AA x �-i�. o ,...�,, -c n> z� 'Q izz C;rm) o�rrpmmm 067 K�� < mno -zlz 00 U) s czi� a r''o -Irm �m >N r CERTIFICATION a m N 9 m m X X rn r z -I z Qom c N m z r b �a Vo rz c� o0Z z � r� OR AS LIMITED IN STOREFRONT APPROVAL (LESSER SHALL CONTROL) II 1 11 ;;o rri �� I! �I II I� I rn-� I rflzo 0 moo <zp 0 rrl 109 3/4" MAX. FRAME HEIGHT OR AS LIMITED IN CURTAIN WALL APPROVAL (LESSER SHALL CONTROL) W a x 0 0 O m z z 0 II a �I► a�1-ncn pjomrn o�Qroco rTl nmm- �m-Ho 0 y0 3?1I W r"n to 00 -0rp Q O C J 0 m Tm w ;D N m i m rrI r- Z \ � 0 TITLE 1 NO. 1 REVISION DESCRIPTION I BY DATE 350IR 9' OUTSWING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DOORS - LMI CONSULTANTS W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING 1' & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6809) 7480 150TH COURT NORTH J ,YV '"SCHAEFER P.E. PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 TF Wn AAI-'; PHONE: 551-744-3424 KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT NORCROSS, GA 30092 770-449-5555 I IN .y � m � z�rn =p-WG p r��00 m O u) m� z O r n z rr- C O m r -� C O N C zc • r CA r m m rn cn n 0 z li� 1-1 Ln rFRAME HEIGHT x . :m; zzm -o n m cnym ;1 m O -C rri _.mm 0 Mrn ^z-I T, -n 2 i z> rrI \Pm C) n rn 0 ZX ��m S S_ fk m a-{ .j FRAME HEIGHT rT! K: =a 0z -u -0 -m rq ;7a 70 0 w am -Ic mjo m� x -ice ,.i o w am -+c con co D r��o rm j=M rT1�m�� mXmU) -� Z 2S ern �;D a� r'' zM�mfZ ��': imm an 0r-a � Zzmzmm (�'I P O :U a m p� Z; s cf1--I2'�CD U)0 .� rn J =� D• --- PTO z� 0, cn--I2m� mN0 .� X _ y D. m ;0 Z cn 0 Lo =C =: No ! l ; .:;r; .. 35DIR 9 OUTSWING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DOORS -- LMI m m z c� c ++ JQ - ®'6,-Z )5 CONSULTANTS MANUFACTURER z W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. o 'F & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6809) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT C� 7480 150TH COURT NORTH NORCROSS, GA 30092 0.2 WARREN W. SCHAEFER P.E. P.E. No. 4413� PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 PHONE: 561-744-3424 770-449-5555 4' cn o cn m5rmrl V T✓ REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE c Cg S H —Im =oIA m-0am --1; =ocn m-0 am--Ia r-mzam 'I-4a rm �J p �� m� �xh -4 x e cn m— OmxI -m m-_{ �< 8f;n hz r o O��-0.z R=z�z mm vizn�m nZZ�;0 azoaD�i cn —d 0 W '{ :0 rncno o a z -0Ln < m U rn -< ran. Ul o 0 Ln m m n Z cn x z -p co c_n rr -n z41" cn v cn m O m r morn Z Z O O O V b rnm {' r a m ��2 0 ocl z vh-a �' ,mm —~ 2 Z E w < cn o cn o m rrri- ; zvm m �c� m om m z G / m % m / m ,iocn mmrn ; DOOR OPENING m e: m D i m omLn 0o rn zmAz,mm cn� zz x1 hrri 'C "-ziomm o a zv� <cnoN N O II JI c"az a J J --- -- I w o z -` -C?I off' r � _ r- to cn -3((EL z Z m I � �mz r L/) r`' in M O�O� Oo � w o -0oo t I II I -mm rnc� cnvcn o �mzcncn 11 v�l ;no L4 co =gym z o�-i�o II C� ocnx' �' ma x o ,a- cn -"'c cn o I -z-i cn 00 m '-' c� JJ II -npczi Vp m vz� m --I ;7 " O 0 co A Co FRAME HEIGHT ` m c m cncn \ / _mm�� m z �m;;o r� cnZh�ao� A -gym r- r31--� ��� aNrn,____X a/ Co 1 ��m zmh to — pp rrl z I -1 _Lrl m c Nzi rzn m �I J Z r- n ;0 � l i 11 I I � I Ln �o �� !I II �I a II m O 0o I II 00 fI II oo � m � m �` I II II I mo _ N p X v m� � h0 , m mcn o vD cn m0 m �rG7 E - pt q< o<zG) CERTIFICATION DWIN I LE NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION By DATE o 0)Lo 3501R 9' OUTSWING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DOORS - LMI cng N. m Z CONSULTANTS MANUFACTURER coo" JAN.,fl 6' 2015 W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. p p ' ,f` & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6809) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT Co .'l 7480 150TH COURT NORTH NORCRO'SS, GA 30092 s Fol WARREN' Y� SCHAEFER P.E. PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 Y' P,c£. NO. 44139 PHONE: 661-744-3424 770-449-5555 $ r > F a c�� CF,z C& m � Sy tor"= Z0009 ` Z a W — — rti-u 00lllI o z w rn I ass II z oZ a o zo m =1 mCno r moz � oz NO zao �'ZLn I m pz � 00 o m a m C V Q0 a ro _ r m 'V z m rn �z� c� -hI o o �m� o J z � c� m m � r m 0 o m o o z z aN r w 0 z� ozy rr�(n .. m =co c_- -O-i o�r�v0 m Z C � -0 r rI fO n z V N �z 0 0 z m z o 0 z a O a W 0mz>Wcac-crn p rn m r m o` < zm \ z I-m .. Lk z' Jsz I O hG70h00 rn �J N �O��O J D.-. Z O Z CO�Con�� o a 0' - loi r�cny�rncn� m m -i X h O p m O 00 zc sV)--A 07 -�-+ m • -r-i m rN �rOLIFO 0 W Z `_ z r-rn O M tD Co L4Ln O v y xo n CD pHo�;o ��F CD CERTIFICATION - .iAN-� 04 20?5 '" ,ram WARR�N;W. SCtiAEFER P.E. r P.E. NO. 44139 urwWiNU 111L k 350IR 9 OUTSWING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DOORS - LMI NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION BY DATE c o � N � 'x �? CONSULTANTS W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6809) 7480 150TH COURT NORTH PALM BEACH GARDENS. FL 33418 PHONE 561-744-3424 MANUFACTURER KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT NORCROSS, GA 30092 770�--449-5555 s � : W O cn o o O 0 co �m0°cl)O c_L2 o OD c� c� m W —' OCn C � 9 Z tin o© c�)X o m0 _ z m -�-� 0 m X 0 0 �� oc:" a z z N 0 �: m can O 0 cn� co r z O o O Cn -P a L _ C� = y o 0 Op f -- Ln "� r c� c" m N > I m 0 0 w X O d �� Q o mN U' m N U1 O z Cn ch 1 'TI! rn_rn 0 \\� Fml D = D 0 Q � O r• C" O m cup O W � m !!D m 0 _L O O U) X� O rn � N -P M >W v_ 00 � s a m -0 YT Q o o U -TI O Fm -mv �o I c.n O O co /UST 1 �'I 0) z Q •%f ' rf -^ C7 W0§9N W. SCHAEFER P.E. / ,� P.E. NO. 44135' cn 0 41 m Ln rn 0 Z c: mr� D� r omm 0AWA Lmim= T � V ICI f �J1 O 0r� 0 O rI' O 0 o o 0 O f �J1 O 0r� 0 O rI' O 0 o o 0 O Ln N 0 o N to a,Ln o Ul 0 o LTI w I 0 D O N T ro0� Ln O Cll rD Ln 00 c ToW 0 N �, � ro0� cn N 3501R 9' OUTSWING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DOORS -- LMI CONSULTANTS MANUFACTURER W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6809) 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT 7480 150TH COURT NOM NORCROSS, GA 30092 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 PHONE: 561-7"-3424 770-449-5555 REVISION DATE A W CA W W W W W W 1'�� N N N N N N N N -• -� -� O rn m 0o V Cn -Is L4 N O CO Co V � W N O tD V 0)Cri � O CO 00 V coD [n w N -+ 0 0 p 0 0 0 N o O N N O O O 01 O cn Cn tP (n Cr t Cn cn N N N N N N N (n P cn Cn C.n Cn Cn W Cn O N N O O N N N N V O V V Cn V V Cn V V O O O O O O O O V Cn V V -� O O O O V O O V V O O V V V V Cn cD C31 Cn O cn Cn O Cn cn O O O O O O O CW Cn O Cn L 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I i l l l l I I I I I I 11 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 1! I 1 I I I x L4 L4 C. cDo Ln +�-IWO CnC o-+O ocn-•o-�-•000 a 0 0 0 0 C cn -•o --I N N W N L4 N -p cn Ln Cfl CO -P. 4A m V -P W .P. .A, N W W 0 0 0 0 0 — O W N N W cr O N N V M -. N N 00 CD V V Cn N - W Co O co Cn W O cn Ln W +* -iu O V N cn N -P W O N N N r 0z-IwC-) c>cn 0aoW0 00--MCDmW00WzZA20oRp0C70oCnLnTz=C Z 2 O C: O D O O G? G7 X 0 O p m m 2 C� p 0 O O O O p p ri-0�z �5 2c: �i0 mcmzmmmm �'g2a 000 wcC� -� c;0 m 00mmmoxmMM <-ni-z-ImZm;o;0;a mc7oo 00�0 2z Z0 ZZ 2 m--� _n_n -nZz o c�—' coo 0CC) ��o�o'=oar-0 -,,-�, <z o m o aw mZi mc--I� oo�cnzo wo c cncn�z =ACC 0 O_-I '�°Do�a � mramN �o cAilmOopv aw cncnorn�000Xxo 0CDLoM r*1Q��mmw�� O O G7 m X X N 0 m �� -0 Q O O Omm;ooT. rOr1 D D a _ m m 'n-n n< -I q� >0 Cnr O rrm Z =1 -no C I m C7 N��rr rrm�O �pN��rr-cow ��rrl f�T m N- t (n C ^ c to ^ S Cn Cn N r r m m -_t m m C C O �s = om cCi�armC Nm�� o 0 0--- X -2�N� ar Oo o� o 0 mr •0 m mn m '0 'C)O OZ w w �rn r 'D Cn Oom IOn= o���z O�� .. .� �� I�tnO m rmn O 'D.o z -=I _ -i m A c C I I to cn cn C ^p m5� o 0 0 o0 a0m� o,-I-p -moo 22=�� m �D o m s z cn cn rrlM "'c�' zm o �' g W ��00 m N� ooMr- 0 z z50 V)(n cn N S c� o Ln U) mmm (Azwx.<<z oO-iD (A m0)m 0) CDmmrnrnrn 0) mmmmmmmm0) -< ^C I t1 D m D D m m c m r O coo O O O O O O 0 0 0 O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o2:-C22a?0Kxmo a 0)rnrn 0)rnrnrnrnrnrn0)cn m 0)mm0)mmmmm mmm o�< Ln wWw W Wc,aWwwW Ww w Wc.,wWCAL4cwwW ;;0 00;7 I �n G I I I I I l l l l l l l I I I I I I I I! I G7 O m m -0 N m -i z m m z��l zc�I�' � O)C�rn rnrnmmmmmmm m rnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrn m�� 1�1ZL, '`'�mX w aDD DaaaAaDaa A aDaaDDDaa � m� w I rrr rrrrrrrr-r r rrr-rrrrrr c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c m 0 C7 V O O w Ln K K K K�: K -K D O c:-0 .rC Ln Z 22 Z 2 2 22 2 Z Z Z Z 2 2 Z Z Z Z 2 Z Z n Z ;O C'+ L4 r cCc CCCcccCcc c cGCcccCc(=rn C m z � rn O a '° c rn m O cn z n Lf) + m a I � � �I ol���l�1��1 WINI�I �I tI .pI WI N1 .� of WI I9: O 0000�10� 46 XO O O X C) N I� w X X X x N 4- OD 03 _ N cD O 0) m CD \ Cn � N w _ c/) Co z=tn M o rn mcno �rzn � 0 a o �cWn.Wi "J ooa la -0 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 0 j cVn to-4 orn O 2 o000 000LTI o o O D O A o 0 p o ?' p 0 0 o a z A Z D O -OC O O 00 -0 o ro �D n p C CO O C D -D D C C � -0 r 0 NNN c�a ciao Ac->no Ac~�<c7�A °�°w3;ooc�c�a I I A (n A to r a to A to R. cn A m A m m C 0 r C= D� N N x r 0 r U) --i -0 cn r w -i cn r r' C :0 C X -I r N mm mm -Cmmm -0mmomo zz o omrn xxN aim a��h�Am-or�mAOAo ; aW En M u) CO r D r-. cn r r a r cn � v); \ cn r- � cD < 2 r -< -< 2 r -< -< W o in > ro\o rn\�\0 m\� a? m n m \ �na-q Amm c�� rom C�AODo gi zoo on �DocDDo0o� c oDcn o z mcn � �0 lr <-000z ocr-4 ro o o c0 o 00 O cnao om X m X M -n o X m -9 CD X= X o X 0 z a0-n o-s1 r�o r�owo-rI oom cnmo -00 oc,-vo oc,m m p a x o X o -1 0 0 m z z z z O o z 2 o o z z z X N> N n T] �7 N n q �0 �a Q �a r<T1 rn z 0 m z 0 0 CD 0 0 N m 0 N m ;v ;:0 O OwOw -PN- _0 -0 O wNN Cn"MLq CD .D V w �cn �0-ai0,-mo��mzz tvo V) c:=r-.0.-{ 0 -007 O z O r- z '0 2 -i 0 o m z nzV)Enf?c0i� �mc �0 � oNz f� 04 mom rrlb -a \ N 2 x O m C7 m T1 < N "n < to < C m m W z o z o c p a m m z ai cI cI m v, 2 0 2 0 2 o z CA w o S z m m m L4 o to to to � v V 71 0 c W m z 0 ^'CX1 c[> CERTIFICATION ry Nqo1 .� ,. ;j I�N WARW. SCHAEFER P.E. / P.E. NO. 44139 LIMM , IIi6C 350IR 9 OUTSWING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DOORS -, LMI NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION BY DATE o N A CONSULTANTS W. W. SCHAEFER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, P.A. (CA 6809) 7480 150TH COURT NORTH PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 PHONE: 561-744-3424 MANUFACTURER KAWNEER COMPANY, INC. 555 GUTHRIDGE COURT NORCROSS GA 30092Xx ' 770-449-5555 s � ''� do�-2