HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF SYSTEMFlorida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 PAN 9 4 8 r � WS Home I Log In 1 War Registration Hot TOPE I: 5ubmit5urcharge BY. 6. Pacts dbF Hot, WA 9"Rofti "1,4' Product Approval p USEW PubllcrUser10 atm- ? Sn �+;,�,g<;��gJnval menu 2 �1'OYaI t or A snlhlion u+vr h > A . I -. tlgn Lisk > App1iC0Non-Detail ,k FL # FL1654-R22 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved RECEIVED JUN 0 8 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting Comments Archived { Product Manufacturer POLYGLASS. USA Address/Phone/Email 150 Lyon Drive THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK Fernley; NV,89408 ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS (570) 384-1230 Ext 247REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT jakins@polyglass.com MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. Authorized Signature -lames Akins jakins@polyglass.com. Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Maury Alpert-' 1111'W.,Newport,Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (912)429-8610 MAlpert@polyglass, com Ariel Lender Sill W,Newport-Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (954) 233-,1230, ALender@polyglass.com Roofing Modified Bitumen Roof System CONCEALED FASTENERS OR A 1 r ACHMIENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OR RECORD Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer 1.1 Evaluation Report- Haedcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Robert Nieminen the.'Evaluation Report FILE COPY Quality Assurance Entity L1L LLC66 QuaHty'Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/06/2018 Validated By John, W. Knezevich, ,PE: Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FLi6 4 02 cUI 2057, 01 COt Nie jj� Referenced. Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D6162 200& ASTM D6163 2008 ASTM D6164 2011 ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION ASTM D6222 2011' REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE ASTM D6509 2009: REVIEWED BY FM4470 2012 DATE FM 4474. 2011 PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB UL 1897 2012 SITE OR NO INSPECTION(S) WILL BE MADE http://`xN,ww.tloridabuilding.org/Prlpr—al)p_dtt.-aspx?pararriNvGEVXQw-tDgvgqu2w`/o2bn... 12/18/2017 Florida Building Code Online , Page 2 of 2 Ei:iulvalence of'Product Standards Certified by Sections from the Code ,Product Apprdval Method Method, I .0pjlQn'b Date Submitted Date Validated 09115/2017 Date Pending FBC.Approval 09/22/2QI7_ Date Approved 12 YU/2017 Summary of!Products , :FL,# Modeil, Number, or Name ... . ...... Oescilription, 1654.1 Polygiass;SSS and'APP S5S and APP modified biturri6ni roof systems Modified Bitumen Roof Systems Limits, of Use Approved4or,use in HVHZ: No Installation Instructions ("61654JRV72L�IULJMIZ 09I rINAL ALj__RP_O_ujQLASS MODBIT-ELLU-4- Approved for use outside HVHZ.'Yes Impact.Reei . sta,nt* N/A yerified By: Robert Nleminen PE-59166 Design Pressure. +N/A/-622.'5• created by Independent Third Party: Yes' Other: 1.) The,design pressure In this Evaluation Reports application relates to one particular�assernibly EZ2 E_ZQ_1Z U�16��4 R22—A E22-J&I over concrete,deck, Refe? to the ER,Appericlix for. other systems and deck types. 2.) Refer to ER, Created. byIndependent Third,Party: Yes Section 5 for other Limits of Use. The State ofFlorida ;, Privacy 5ta,9M9 :-.Acrossiblytysstate ihe sotement Under, Florida law,emaif addresses are public re4ords, If y6b do notWant,your e-mail address released In response to a Public -records request do n6t's6d elartroffic mail.to this entity. Instead,contact the offite by phone or by tr6ditl6nai'majI. it ybu have any questions, please 6ntad.856:487.1395: *Pursuant to edion 455.275(l), Florida Statutes, effective October 1,201 2i,liceniees lioansed,under. Chapter 455,,F,S. must provideAhe Department with an email address if they Kaye one. The emalls, provided may be used for official communication with thailivinse,e, However email addresses 'are'public record.- if you do, not wish to :_I- - --- I ­._­, �:­­ ­­ ­" — h1rh —n h.. �da a�allafile to tfi4 public. To detetminelf you are a licensee under http://ww J16ridabuilding.org/ rh) app, dfl.,a�px9 draiii=wG.FVXQWtDqvqqu2w�/o2bn:.. 12/18/2011 J16ridabuilding.org/ r�� P ,The following; notes aopht to the systems outlined herein: 2 The roof system evaluation herein pertains to above -deck roof ccimponents.. Roof,decks.and structural members shall be iri:accordance-with. FBC,requirements to the sat➢sfactiort'of the Authority Having lurisd➢ction: Load resistance of the roof deck shall be.documented through proper codified. and/or FBC Approval docurnentati0ii" 2: insulat➢on (base sheet fasteners shall be of sufficient'length.for, the following deck engagement; y Wood: Minimum 0.7SAnch penetration. r. Steel: Minimum 0.75-inch penetration and engage the top flute of the steel deck. v Structurai:concrete; Minimum 1:-inch embedment into pilot hole in accordance with fastener manufacturer's published installation instructions. 3: Unless otherwise noted, Insulation may be any one layer or combination of polyisocyanu rate, polystyrene;, wood fiberboard, periite, gypsum -based roof board or mineral -wool roof board that meets the.QA requirements of F.A.C. Rule 61620-3 and is documented as meeting FBC -1505.1 and; for foam plastic, FBC Chapter 26, when instal➢ed with the roof cover. Exterior Research and Design, LtB. djbja Trinity (EitD Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R20for Ft1.6544UZ Certificate of Authorization #9503 6T" EDITION (2017.) FBC NON-HVHZ EVACUATION Revision 20: 09/12/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nieninen, PE-59166 Polyeass Modified, Bitumen Ro6f Systems; (570) 3944230 AppendixA, Page 1 of 58 TRINITY, ERD 4. Minimum 200 psi, minimum 2-"inch thick lightweight insulating concrete may be substituted: for rigid insulation board for System Type 0 (mechanically -attached base sheet, bonded, roof cover), whereby the base sheet.fasteners are installed through the.LWiC to engage the structural steer or concrete deck. The structural deck shall be of equal or greater configuration to the steel and concrete:deck listings. Roof decks and structural members shall be in'accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Load-resistanceof the roof deck: shall be documented through proper codified and/drrFBC Approval documentation. S:• Preliminary insulation attachmeriffor System Type D: Unless otherwise noted, refer tgsectiion FM" Cass Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 (January 2016}. 6:. Unless otherwise noted,: insulation adhesive application rates areas follows. Ribbon or bead width is at the time of application the ribbons/beads shalt expand as'noted in the manufacturer's published "instructions. r Hot asphalt (HA):. Full coverage at 25-30:ibs/square.. Dow INSTA.STIK'Quik Set Insulation Adhesive (D-IS): Contihuous0.75 to Irinch wide ribbons', 12-inch o.c.. Y Millenniurri OneStep Foamabie Adhesive'(NI-OSFA): Continuous 0.25 to 0q5-inch wide ribbons, I2 inch o.c.: w Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive (M-170i): Continuous 0.25 to'0:5-4ch aside Hiabons;12-Inch o.c. r OMG OlyBoiid 500 (06500),- Continuous 0:75 to 1=inch wide ribbons,12-inch o;c; (PaceGart or SpotShot), Note: OlyBond Green nick be used where OlyBond 500 is:refereneed. Olygond Classic (CiB classic): Full' coverage at' l gal/square, * ICP Adhesive & Sealants CR=20: Continuous 2.5 3.5-inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. r Note: when multiple layers(s) of insulation and/at�coverboard are installed in ribbon -applied adhesive, board jabits shall be staggered. Y Note:, The:maximum edge distance from.the'adhesive ribbon to the edge of the insulation board shalt be not less than one-half the specified ribbons spacing. 7. Unless otherwise rioted, all insulations are flat -stock or taper board ofthe minimum thickness noted. Tapered polyisocyanurate at,the following thickness limitations roar be substituted with the following Maximum Design,Pressure (MOP) limitations., in: no case shall these values be used to 'increase'. the MDP listings in the,tabies; rather if MDP IiSting,below meets,i1eexceeds,thatlisted for a particular, system -in the tables, then. 'the thinner board listed below may be used as a drop-)n.for the equivalent thicker•materiailisted in the table: ram, Milleriniurn One Step Foamabfe Adhesive (M-OSFA) MOP -157.5 psf (Min. 0.5-inch thlck) Millennium PG-l;i ump Grade Adhesive (M=PGi) MDR 4575 psf .(Min. 0.5-(iich thick) -➢ OMG Oly9and 500:(OB500) MDP 45:0 psf (Min 0 5-inch thick Multi -Max FA-3) ONI[ Ofy'ond 500 (06500):= NSgP -187.5 psf ,(Min 0.54righ thick ISO 95+;3L)-" r^.OMGOlyBond560"(08500)_ MDP 315.0psf (Mint 0.5-inch thickENRGY3) " ➢.OMG,OiyMnd500`(OBS00):; 'MDP :487:S,psf (Min. 0.5-inch thick ACFoam 11) Y ICP Adhesives & Sealants CR-20: MDP 417;5:psf (Min. 1,0-inch thick) 8. Bonded'polyisocyanurate insulation boards'shall be maximum 4 x 4 ft. 9. For mechanically attached components or partially bonded insulation, the:maximum'design pressure.for the -selected assernbljr shall meet or exceed the"Zone" i design: pressure determined in accordance With. FBG' Chapter°16, and Zones 2 and .3, shall employ an attachment density designed by a,quaiified design professional to resist the; elevated pressure criteria. Commonly` used methods are: ANSI/SFRI WDI, FM Coss Prevention Data Sheet 1 29; Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 and Roofing,Apptication Standard -RAS. 137- Assemblies markedwith an asterisk* carry the limitations set forth in Section 2.2,20:i of FM Coss `Prevention Data Sheet 1-29(January2016)for Zone '2/3enhancements. i6.: for fully bonded assemblies, the: maximum design pressure for.the selected assembly shall .meet or exceed critical design pressure determined in Iaccordance with FBC Chapter 16,iand no"rational analysis is permitted: 11. for mechanically attached components over existing, decks, fasteners shall be. tested in the existing deck ,for withdrawal sesistance. A qualified design professional -shall review the: data for comparison to the minimu€n requirements forthe system. Testing and analysisshatl 6e•inaccordancewith ANS!/SPRI FX-1 or Testing ApplicatianStandard TAS.105. 12 "For, existing -substrates in a bonded recover or re -roof installation, the existing roof surface ocexisting.roof"deck shall be examined for compatibility and bond,performance with the selected.adhesiVeand the existing roof system (for recover), shall be capable of resisting project: design pressures on its own merit to the satisfaction ofthe Authority'Having Jurisdiction; as documented through field uplift testing in accordance;with ANSI/SPRI IA-1; ASTM E907, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-52 or TestingAppiication Standard TAS'124. 13. For Recover Applications using System Type D, the insui3fbon is;optionai;.however,the existing "roof: system shall be suitable fora,recoverapplication. 14. lightweight insulating Concrete (LVIC) shall be cast in accordance with FBC.Section 1917-to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction'. For systems where specific MCIs referenced, refer to current CWC Product Approval for specific deck construction and limitations. For systems cohere specific LWC is not referenced; the minimurn design mix shall be 300, psi. in all cases, the minimum top -coat thickness is,24riches. For LWC over structural concrete, reference is made to FBC Section 1911.4.1, Point 1. Exterior Regearcii and Design, LLC d/b/aTrinity#ERD Evaluation Report-P9290.02.08-R20 for FL1654-1122. Certificate.of Authorization-49503 6" EDlTEQN:(2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Reksion 20: 09/12/2017 Prepared by:. Robert Nieminen; PE-59166 Polygiass Modified Bitumen hoof Systems; (570) 384-1230 Appendix 1, Page-2 of 58 15. Untes S LFLrietwiSe !lVECE3,'i C.FNCE tV P < h EItC i U S •�. nu+',e'..11y�y GJ i Yy�,v,�y�£^\ y! �w� s Y � ? E..f `fSx�"ct'- �. 322 N'•' i•4 TAfx,P�i3ty'YatA �T'�J.:' .f i .. ::.'.a.,. £ °�.. �._' ... ..✓.. srE^ :..:�,777 .. "& :: ' . :. .4,....'.. .,' .:, m .. . . -Material. A prilleatfi>n 'Reference idler 6P-AA. Base "Ply One or more pliesyPolyglass G2 Rase,"FBC Approved AUKD4601, Type Il Hot Asphalt at 20-4€ ' (ease and Ply sheets; Asphatt- Ply One or more plies Polyglass PI .lv, Polyglass plyA FSC Approved ASTKI"D2178, Type IV or V# Ibs/square App€iedj Mote: Asphalt. applied sheets or inWation•shoti nat be applied ,to"po ` fllm surfaced membranes. Base Ply. CSne ply Elastobase (sand/sand}, Elastofiex V,.Elastof 6x S6, Elastoflex 56 Type €i, Paiyglws HT Base 650 E PG3 5€1 at 1.5-2 0 S6S-CA1_ EEastoftex V,G, Etastoflex VG.FR,:Elastasf€ex:S6,.E€astaf€ex S6 Type €1; Elastvflex S6 G, Elastoflex"SE G Fib; E€astoshieid TS-.G; Elastoshield ga€Js,e_ Gap PIy i'S-G`.FR-,Polyfine kO G'SBS (sand=backed), Potyfresko GSBS;FR'(sand-backed) Base PIy :Otte ply,dastobase (sand/sand)Elastafleit V, Elastofiez %, Etastoflex S6 Type Ii 2 at 1:5 0 Elastoflex Ve; Elastaf€ex VG FR, :Elastoilex;56,; E€astaf€ex 56 iype €€, Etastafiex. 56 G, Eiast€rfiex 55 G FR; E[astoshietd,TS G, Etastosh€elcl SB5 cA2 ga€/ q€uaie5 Cap Ply TS-G FR,`Ptilyfresko G56S (sand=backed), Po€yfresko,G,5B5 FR("sand backedJN . "ex S6;,ESastof€e l One or"more"pees E,tastobase°(sand/sand or, poly/sand};,Ei 'Oobase P•(sand/sand`drpo€y/sandl, E€astvffe1.x V„ Etastofl1. Base Ply or Ply 56 Type 11, Polyglass HT Base 650 Hot Asphalt at 20 40 El stoflek V E€alto#tex VG, Etastioflex VG ! }2> ElastgfleiS6, Eh stoflex"S6,Type it, Elastbftex S6 ;G, Ei6 flex S6 G"FR, Elastoshteld i 5-G; SBS-AA Ibs/square (S1 S; l Sphalt=Applied} Cap Ply Elastoshlsli TS=Cs,FR,Palyfresko GSBS (sand -backed), Polyfrska G SBS fR (sand -backed) - = Note. " Asphalt sheets arinsufaflan shall beapplled to poly film surfaced membranes. - One or more plies Elastobase-(sand/poly},,Elastobase (polyjpcify}, E€astaf(ex-tf, Eiastoflex 56,Elastoftex5f Type;ll, Poiyglass HT Base ` S85-TA , Base'Ply.or Pry � Torch=Rpplied. ' ElaAditex,V, Flastail x VG; dastpftex"VGTR Sastoflex Sti,`Elastoflex"56 Type Il;Efastoflex'S6 G, Elastofiex $6 G,FR;,Elastoshie€d TS=G.,^ fS&5 eorch-AppiiedJ,. 'Cap,ply 'Elastosiiield'TS-G.PR; Poly#teskoGSBS{pcsly=filar backed} Polyfresko G SBS Fit.( 6l -fliim backed} ` cirse or � OR Base,, Elastoflex'SA u PIti, Etastoflex SA V. Pius FR re plies Elastofiex SA V Base, basto#fex S'¢ Gap Ply Elastoflex,SA P;11ast6f(ek SA P FR; Po€ reflect" = . SSS-SA : , Stiff -Adhering (SBS,;Seif Adheringl "' '•Unless atherwise noted, permissible membranesubstrates far.SBS SR ore fiinited to'the S65 SA,Base pty options herein r > E'lastoba* P. )• ., P6350 at1.5-2.0 fiPP-CA1-, Cap Ply e'ctlyflexG,FR.� al/square APP TA Bass Plyor PIy one or more p€lei Poiyg€ass APP Base, Polyflex, Polybond . - -torch-Applied (APP; TbrchwApplied) Cap PI". _ _ Po€yfiex, Polyflex"G, Polyfle*G FR, Potybond, Pcdybond G„P.olyfresko G, Polyfresko G FR"" Cap P€y: ,Polyfleic SA P, Po€yfiez,$A P FR,-PolyfreskarG SA, Potykool APP-SA, Ctitles3 otherikise Hated, permissible membrane substrates for APP Skare limited to the SHS-S4 Base Ply aptioifs:hereln, Self=fidhefing (AOP, Self Adhering) Alote: Elastuita4e:(PaIF+/sandl or Elastobose(polY%poly). �16, Any. of the following F8C Approved coatings,may'be applied to the top, roof, mere bran without adve rse:,effect•omthe system wind load Performance. Refer,tp; current Roofing ,Fltaterials Directory for fire ratings as oci'ated.w th Coating :usage- PdiMon tibeied RoofGoating;: r P630Q Fibered.Roof Coating;.- ;> P6600;Non-Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating; PG65b Filler@d Aluminum,Roof CoatingN' PG700 High Quality Etastomeric Roof Coating or KM`Acry125;.. r PG70Mt (Quick Sei)High Civality Elastomenc Roof Coating or KM Acry€ 25-QS (for gfanute•surfaced APP or5B5 ontyJ; PGWO Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coating: , Polyplus60Premium Non.FiberedAluminum RoofCoating; Polyplus65 Premium Fibered Aluminum RoofCaating; i Polyb€ite 70 Premium Grade:Elastomeric Roof Coating or KM Acryl•1S; Patytitite,70%(0.0ick Set) Premium Grade Elistorneric Roof Coating or K'M Airyl 1S-% (for granule=surfaced. APP or SSS only) i Polybrite go High Solids S€licone Roof-Coating'or Polybrite 95Sdicorie Roof Coating Exterior'Researit and Design, LLC. d/b/a T0riity.}ERD Evaluation Report P9290 02'.0$-HZO for FL2 " ,22 Certificate of Authdrization #9503 6"' EDITION); b17} FR(NbN-.!4VH2 EVALUATiCSN Revision 20: 0311Zj2d17 Prepired by: Robert Nierninen, PE-S9166 PolWass ModiiVed Bitumen Roof Systems; (570)'894-2J30 Appendix 2,^Page 3,of 58 ITJERD T. Dens Deck shall be field -primed with'PG100 prior to self -adhering membrane application. Refer to tabtes,herein for other priming..requirements. 18. Vapor barrier options for use tiverstructural concrete deck, followed by adhered insulation carry the following Maximum Design Pressure (MDPJ limitations. The lesser of the MDP listings beldw Vs. those in .Table 3A applies: V R a 'tt f)I+i 7Ai5 Sittiier A?a. ..if . ,:_,._. ., kt gtaCttEtc DEC TAete A`.•'' T s � - 0, .'�, �..,, ,,.,,, �rtEttlttslFtFir!!J4[it3� ...,.�..,: ,. >.i�,. ..,y., ,. �.,x�.,•. -, -..�,:� _,;'l , �_,:' Option#: Primer Vapor Barrier insulationAdhesive MDP.(psf) Type Attach V.B-1. PG100 Elastoflex,SA V Plus Self -Adhering rota -Stile or CR-20, 12-inch o.c. -60.0 VB-2.. PG100 Pbiyglass APP Base Torch -applied inta-Stikor CR-20, 12-inch o.c, -75.0, V64, PG100 Elastofle�SA P Self -Adhering insta-Stik,.124n& a<c. 75.0 VB-4: PG10C EfasfoflexSA P Self -Adhering Millennium One Step F.oamable Adhesive, 12-inch o.c. -157.5 V13-5. PG700 Elastoflex SA P Self -Adhering CR-20,12-inks o.c. -270.0 , VB-6. PG100 Etastofiex 5A V Base„ Elastofiek. SA V FR Base, Elastoflex'SA V Plus, Elastoflex SA V Ptus FR Self-Adhering Millennium'One:Step Foamabie Adhesive, Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive, Oiyaond S00 or CR=20;12=inch oc: -296.0' 19.. " MDP" .=,Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind foad:resistance based on allowable wind.foads: Refer to, FOC 1609 for determination df design.w nd loads. ExterioultEsearch and Design, €LLC d/b/A trid4l ERD Evaluation Report:P9290.02.08. R20 for F11654-R22 Certificate of Authorization #9503 6Y" EDITION (2017)'FBC NON-HVHZ EVACUATION Revision 20: 09/12/2017 Prepared by Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 PoWlass Modified Situnien Roof Systems; f570) 384-123o Appendix 1, Page 4 of.58 . .v,: '� ;-� `; � . "r•: ^': �. f x S*,ait:S,, r. ..: r... ,ti: ;'., .. nn yy.v as _'.T':;., ...<' .,'^...,.,a. . .,.. -., o.nv.s .^. .va- :.ea..R '±ii,A^v3 r ^�, ^' � -'"e F `� � x �>„a � t.•`a fi *� i;i I16� ��^ ' EA -�kF DR �EG+�fI '� ,�' x"r^ a '3 �i2 ss'•.. �R �::�,. ?;- {, 'r3,'ar -�:�� "fie S '� �` kK - '4' .%•. ri '' .:.t` `�?.rn r , �' 4., �+;'• -��' �':.:. p'E +J � a� , � s, av, .. f'^,. 2}, S' �u... 3 #^ .... .,,, a*i.:: .+�a::e. '� .. .,: ',..., ��'-�'"' "`>$`° � �`. a... .. � si .:,. .x� -,. ,r� ,'.:;'i< -�-. „,.�. ..r3,. ,. }... `e ,sw ... a:+,.. .z. r"�.r....-.....,.kn ° E a ..:�� w-•..,:'.. ,. .rss ,.�a ��x .,�';.,9' a„a,. ti' :;ru;�'"• .#n }. p� ��``p �q,.� ...s$v„ �k �.g ��T] ypp y. �+�, .a� .��'°"� p lF"i 3 SF`,F'•+ ,�a.. � �. at ,..'r.. �'�t �a ` �' `v�"?�'�w •.< '� °k�� �� a �a .as.a. r�, System a ease Sheer Roaf Cover (Note IS}, Mop, No Deck'(Mote i} (� •' Type fasten Attach Base Ply Gap <,. .:� .a. =o .:.: - a.. .::,� ,v._�ze q.. ,.; _, <'m.: c sei C ^.;••. J nh. .;£ ,. a.pY ryw-.err .r.m,. Y„L'. „.�' <.•w ': z :>;. . ••. _. Y,T,;;; ,r Ko'. - ,x-;iaJ q ..,.:., f?v v.•.,,. 'lip::;. �'zro 1 t"7• rfx.:. '}.W53.. .' «,.... rx ..n4.', •ti.. r,v, -,�a H az t. 7 Y.•: c:b:k a`%SRR� n s ;> y xul'.'. .,fwv.a�.r Min 19/32- Etastobase,Elastotrase P petcfast Nez{atca Dekfast PIS H=2-�/B}with Dekfast i�l_4 22-inch o c in 4=mch"!apand- 12-inch o.a.in two SBS-SA SBS SA; APP SA �SBSr W4-136a mctt:piytsbbd _(p6ty fii[m top1., or Trufazt 3"Nleta! insutatxon Pate tivRh Trufast'`ti0 E3}, egaa!!y spaCed,;staggered center rows „ TA 4Pp=TA, " tN�37' Min:,19[32 --. , Eiastobase„€IastobaseP ` Dekfazt Hex (aka Dekfast PET-ti-T,-7/Sj•with Dekfast#14 1 12=inch a c: in 4-inch tap and i2 ,ncfi o c en two` P-.olyflex SA Base APF TA: -' S2:5`--' ,nth oaii - (poly-fiiltl '- or;Trufast3" MetaE tnsulation Plate w¢h Trufasf Fit): , (2j; equa!ly,spaced,tstaggered c®nYerroars - = Min.•19/32- EEdstobase Elastbbase P :. . ' ' .- - OM6 f}at Bottom Ffates (square} wrth.Roofgrlp #13 12=inch o c: iri 4-mch tap'and I2 ,ricF a c in two .^ ° SBS-SA y5B5 5A APP SA .585 6t)'0 VJ 13$' mch piyutpod . .(p4h+ i,tns to"pj .. m ' (2},:e4uaiiy spaced,,stageered center rows °„ : P , 7A, APp-TA ^ r %'Mtn.°1g/32, Etastabase, Eiastobase P - ' OMG Ffat 8ottorn Plates (square) with Roofgnp i#12 12 inch o c m 4=mch lap and 12 lnch;o c m twa Polypex SA Base APP TA . �•0 mch plywood (poly-flim topl : (2),:equally spaced; staggerer! center rows �3 14, n.N r { lS.,....... /iUa r1-.u,-..W. {sF. 3 t - .,';'3.' 7• 'a. F,v,:..•?..a4..a. .m...... .._ # :':Hay'. ':'Yn f'sw� ,s.�:.. x-:� . Rz ':f'w. �i,.-; „�{, �„�Y. r:.i k �tY �i:: ��i4'-�14���`MY.� }l5n�['t.. Pam. 4 s.��'S ',", .$$� o .f.. #. ',�H.'z.�f,�..`�,". �r,•`^�'� _ ,. ?5:,. §' :,vt "s- ° r., � £<°,_:_ ..,. yk�R''S,� i^,. 1Sr v'�',\:U`�`a`14.. �iY y..,. .,. °. x. �w ... ��yp{'., .FAV Ai'.k� KA,4%akM�.+A . �."lk�\-a,� �S&a.. _ d i'4n......F v�r,. N�.:°a. 66CA(Note1) Pno r RootCover��NoteiSj -:- d _ MDPJOSO lafnt Weaifiwfif _ Base Ply Ply Cap Ply ° µ (doionat} SBS-SA SBS'- 565-5A APP-5A 585 s 90A W 90. =gone`_None y5B55A; TA A :.-.4.4 . ' . ' w �Opt+12- ortal3 P8jaO " None-.. ° �: Polyflex SA Base'' (Optlonai): APP TA, ,' APP=TA �.. .... M,n 15%32- m SBS SA, (Opttorrai}SBS�SA,,S85- SiJ =5 APP`SA SBS: 75 r W -142; mch pigvrood PGit)Q None TA AFF-tk,' _. TA, APP 3A�°. , Mm 15/32: PI aad= oin are;tovered cu,th'4 trteh:wirfe stri' of Elasusiiex`.SA V, Plus; ol'led,intg Vw3, is ... EtastaHex 54 V,Base or, ;(OPL�ona1j SBS-SA'SBS SBS SA APP SA `SBS 975: - , W 143 . ,;.,. c atch plywood ' (OptionaE}"PG1t10 : w � - pldce�ta ciedte coi+t r)u0ef tiorid-: ° _ , ." : ; `- ' EiastoRex SA V, Ptt;Base.' . T.A APP TA'' . TX;:�ttPPAX kU 144 . WS 3000 _ None_ SBS -S ianat SBS SA APPM1n.15(32= =SA SBS 0" inch pfyvrood _ Mm:-15i32- .. P cbd'olnts are covered,with 4-inehvnde str,pspf Elastoflex:SA Y P,fus; roifed'into 3 Elastoitex SA V Plus or (Optlanalj56S SA, SBS= :58S SA APF,-SA SBS W 145;- chptywoad (Qpt,onai}FGit)0:.: - . �: o place to create; continupus band:, -.; _ ^. Elastofle>c5A,4f-Plus fR . ,TA APP T, ', TA APF TA`- W 146 n,-15/32 _. '> .. {Opt�onai) PG1Q0 _ P,iyaraad joints are caveredwith 4-inch pride strips;of Elastaf(gx,SA V Plus„:roiled into " Poiyitex SA Base - {Opt,onal)' TA. - P Ti 135.0 ' _ h plywood_ ".. P Iad6 Wcreate contlnuous: bond �_ Exterior Researdi 4nd besign, LEG. dJb%a. Tnnity(ERO P9290:OZ.06-RZQ far FL165 4= Evalu atwn' Report R22 `:Certificate of Authorization #950 .6,HLtj) TION,�2017j FS NON4iVHZEVALUATION Tievtston 2tF:,09(IZ%2017 .. Prepaied.by. RoWt Nieminen,PE 54165. Pblyglass Mothtied'Flttumeri:Raaf Systertss; (57t -1230 Appendix 1; Page-21 of 58 MEASUREMENTS RECEIVED -] JUN 0 R mA 'mitting 92.8it i Cia SQUARES LINE MEASUREMENTS Actual Squares: 28.07 Sqs. Eaves: 115 Ft. Total Squares Rakes: 129 Ft. (Inc. Waste at 13 %): 31.75 Sqs. Ridges: 117 Ft. Hips: 0 Ft. Valleys: 85 Ft. Step: 0 Ft. Wall: 0 Ft. Pitch Change: 0 Ft. PITCH MEASUREMENTS CATEGORY MEASUREMENTS Pitch 2/12: 28.07 Sqs. Ice & Water Shield: 0 Ft.