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',' -' . -. --=__.~....:__:_.._.___;,-~.-.n~d..+.--.-'-'........--.:..~.-<...t":--:......~..;,_..._-j_:.,;...~~-:..:---:,-:-.----..-~-...#.---.h-.~.~_:_~..-~:.-..:--...;.~~~...-..:---:-~-~--~- TOG ETll i,'R '"illl, all. ~h~ lenemenla, he'rf,lit.m.nia",:\d' appurlinanru, .~ilheYC'7 pTI~ilrgt. rigbt,titl(, .nlernt and It,llale: dowtr ,tn!l right pf dowc~" rnerl,oll"nDla',lider and,eUe~1ltallb~,eu, belo/l&:,ng o.r ID a,ny.,.-,seal>pcrU,ltlwg: TO. HAV,I:: AND TO U.Ol.l)lb~ same'ID.,lee Ilmple Joru,tr.. : An" the ,aid par~8 .of ~h~6rat part do-:-.-....-:~ cOYCQIDi. with tbt.nld,part-'--- of the ICcondp.,t diaL tJ:t~l &-1' fl .....idpr~rni~u,tbat they .rd~l!e f'QmaUinc\lI~b~/Icu.Dd thatth., he,..". rlabt aad la..r~la~~orr\)' to leU t~~ ~met:aDeI the aaidparLiU 'of' lh~ firsl par: do""':"':":' hereb1 hdl, warraoi the 'Iille I~ .aid 4nd~ ,aad wiu. d~ r~D~ the lI,IIle apl!l'it the lawful .cW~ or aU P~nODI wh9nisonc~::: . '.. '. , (-0 :.. '. .-. ' .-' -- - ". , . '. . IN Wl1'NES~WHERI:OF,~e,aaidP~rt~'of the linl par, ba".~ bcrtu~IO.lCt," ~1t'.lr'>la4,8anc1lC;alJl ~e da1.~htar..~"(e~rilleD. " t ,~ \ f~ .t. .. .. . ----- ,~i~.~~, ~~e~;~::~i~e~~~~,:.:~.:~~.~~~:~:.~_~~:..'.... -' .-:-:,-,~, -- 'I:' =:..: . ," . ..~~~~ _~, ,1h1t~ ..." .,,~.., '".= .::~~_~:' ~~.~ ,.." --.. .. . ':- . .., _. "." " :" ~.:. ,'~'''-'~o~O(j'~r;'' ,'If;~-'S"ta,uW- 'can;' :~. .3 :.~..--:~.~l.I:...__..ta.t.ta.....,,,,:,,,-'~,,"';,..__~~,:-.;~(SEAL) . . : :-:.....:.._..y.1:g1n1a.,.~.:~.UL:.::.:,....~..-,...:.,-(SE...'L) " :.&-:0 CO~NT~>,OF,~_~,..i~~-~-.~~-.~ I UEREDX C:ERTIFV..That OD thiL-~t1~:t1t'~ ~~soDa\l1 app.ea;ed_-1l....:K.: . t.et's, ar:la ,i.1rs1nta lI. "', clay pl. July' ~ D. 19z.l..:.hdore me I.tUa( Ai.. its) . '. '.-'. .' '"'. ; , t~ me l<Bo;.nto be th.e personA:._ desc,ibedin .;'li who c.xecu!e,d Ihe- foreaoiag l:Qaycy.anc:cto' IJId 'eTera\l7_acuowled~d the ueculioD,thereof 10, bc'1:ht,i ~. .;...f,eeac:t '.n!i.deed for the ~j~' an'~ p~rp.o~; thr'r~i~ 'It\tntioaed;. .:na tb~' u'id~~81>>1.. '11.. ~.,,~.., .. ;4;, ~ . .' ,. . .... . ,Ihewife of Ih. u\d_~,_":_...:~.JI....1l....Le.t:ta--,-~.._:_---,--~--~",~",,-' ,. '. .," " " ~n .I.pu:ite and privaie uam.in3lioo hkrn 'a'HI.ril.,!e t'1 al}il bdoft me, a"oJ. ..p....hl)' -and aput hom hu 51i" husbanll, did ar,kno",l.d~e thaI .he made heuelf a, p3r1Y ,o,lhe uld lI"d of '(on\'eya"re. lor. the ~,urp,,'e (\1 ftnouoc'inl{,.,.Ion'lu,\hr!l1l anil COmf);;:': .11:1>". ,i~"', liile arid iOluul, ..hultu olllowe,r <\1':01 ..paule prpperly, >Ulu,ory Or"'lllllal,le; in and 10' Ihe Ian,'Jo Ihtre;n ducllbed, aad Ihal she utculed said'd.e.s 1,<e1, lUld volun~ri.l, aael Wilboul an" coa~laial, feu, apprebinl\OD c,r compulsion 01 or from bil uiJ husband. . ' . , 'n th~' Couat7 of S'1!. VrCU--:-' and 51ale oL , . ~~the da7 and )'eu last .foruaid. . " ',~.~ ,,' .' , " , ___,-.:,..-li1.Q" LJi, ..-......., !,~,_". ',_",_":'~_~(,$,E"'"L,) llo.wv l'u.bl.~'\~-------------_.' , U1-0omm1.8jl~n~pHe.:"Jun.' 6~)929~. ,.....~ .,,:' > . . u , I; On thit 3l day of 1,,-11 .... J>,I92-fi..I~.O'tlOCIt .p '" .th,ltblltrU~ent...ati i, filed rQr rtc;',d, and being dU1Jacknowlcdged and I?rovi-n, I baye recotdeel the same~: pa~ c.;v\i'IIY.. .' ," ' .' . . 536 of BOOIt 6f. _hi the public recordl of .aM ' IS \VITSESS \' for said County_ hue hereunlo Ht DIY hnd and aITaeeS the leal of the CirC1lit C9url 01 the Fifleenth Judicial Circuit or nidSlale,1a ail,d ,) I ) '~~Co ' . 2! .'./'q ., ~. '(i' , '?Yh:.. ~(f P.. .c.......n 418 d (1JvlA1.JlfA..tf ~. , I . Oerk. - D, C. I' ,